How to clean your laptop from dust. Removing temporary files from the Temp folder. How to determine if your mobile computer needs cleaning

Dust consists of small particles that enter through the cooling grille of a laptop. After six months or a year, a laptop that is perfectly clean inside becomes dirty. The fans cannot blow out all the dust, which tightly clogs the radiator of the cooling system, and then the motherboard and components. Gradually, dust increases in size and interferes with the operation of the device; overheating especially affects the battery life of a laptop.

If you do not clean it in a timely manner, the laptop will simply overheat and stop working. Unpleasant fan noise and noticeable heating of the case are obvious signs clogging of the cooling system, followed by a decrease in performance. Many people shell out a pretty penny for the service to keep their laptop tidy. However, in most cases, you can save your budget and do this simple task yourself.

What to do if your laptop overheats

If your laptop has overheated, then before starting cleaning work, we recommend that you conduct a test and measure the temperature of the processor and video card. A repeat test after cleaning will help determine how effective this procedure was. To warm up the processor, you can use the built-in stress test in CPU-Z utility, and take the temperature using HWiNFO until the values ​​stabilize. One is enough for a video card FurMark test within 10 minutes.

How to clean your laptop from dust without disassembling it

This method of cleaning a laptop from dust is not always effective, but does not require special skills or tools, and is often enough to remove the bulk of the dust in the ventilation shaft of the cooling system and the keyboard.

First, make sure the laptop is turned off and not in sleep mode. If possible, disconnect battery, after which you can begin cleaning.

The bulk of the dust can be blown out through the ventilation holes. Use available tools: a vacuum cleaner, a powerful hair dryer, a small brush. More effective dust do not suck in, but blow out. If your vacuum cleaner cannot do this, then you can buy a special can of compressed air(sold in computer stores and radio markets).

A car compressor or electric pump is also suitable for this purpose. The main thing is not to overdo it; a powerful jet of air can damage laptop parts.

You can clean the keyboard with a vacuum cleaner using a soft-bristle attachment. You can wipe the screen and then the body with a soft terry microfiber lightly moistened with water.

How to clean a laptop from dust with disassembly

If cleaning the laptop without disassembling it did not give the desired result, the laptop still gets hot or makes noise, then there is no way to do without disassembling it. First of all, search the Internet or YouTube for instructions on how to clean your laptop model. If the process seems complicated to you (you need to disassemble almost the entire laptop), then do not take risks - contact a reliable service center or a trusted computer store that provides such a service.

If you see that for your model everything is simple, just remove the back cover and cooling system, then you can safely proceed to self-disassembly and cleaning, but in any case, take your time and remember to be careful.

What you need to disassemble and clean your laptop

The tools you will most likely need are:

  • small Phillips screwdriver
  • unnecessary plastic card
  • tweezers (not always necessary)
  • soft paint brush

If the design of your laptop cooling system does not allow you to clean the fan and radiator separately, but requires complete withdrawal cooling system from the processor and video card, then you will additionally need the following:

  • thermal paste (we recommend Artic Cooling MX-4)
  • cotton wool and cotton swabs (or matches)
  • alcohol or solvent (such as acetone)

Prepare all this in advance, since when removing the entire cooling system, you must remove the old one and apply new thermal paste.

The main stages of disassembling and cleaning a laptop

The main steps in disassembling and cleaning any laptop include the following:

  • turning off the laptop and disconnecting the battery
  • withdrawal back cover laptop
  • disconnecting and cleaning the cooling system
  • cleaning the inside of a laptop
  • removing old thermal paste from the cooling system and chips
  • applying new thermal paste
  • reinstalling the cooling system
  • closing laptop lid
  • battery installation
  • Cleaning the keyboard with a vacuum cleaner with a soft attachment
  • wiping the screen and body with a slightly damp microfiber

All this is quite simple to do and will only take about an hour of time, of course, if your model does not require removing the keyboard and completely disassembling the case for cleaning. In this case, it is better to contact qualified specialists, as there is a high risk of breaking something.

Beware of static electricity; do not use woolen clothing when disassembling and cleaning your laptop; static can also accumulate when walking on the carpet. Touch the battery before starting work to remove the charge. If you notice static discharge when using a vacuum cleaner, then using it to clean your laptop is dangerous.

As with in-person cleaning, the first step is to disconnect the battery. Then you can remove the back cover of the laptop (sometimes the screws are under the rubber feet/plugs or under the battery). If the battery is non-removable, then it will have to be disconnected after removing the cover.

It is advisable to put all the screws in separate boxes or jars, with a mark where they come from, so as not to confuse them during assembly. In order to remember how the parts you will be removing were attached, it is a good idea to take a photo of the insides under the cover. If necessary, take additional photographs of how certain parts are secured.

Carefully disconnect the cables and smoothly unfasten the latches (if you have to do this during disassembly, which is not always required). Do not disconnect anything that can be cleaned without removal. If the fan and radiator can be cleaned without removing the entire cooling system, then do not remove it entirely. It is recommended to do this only on initially hot laptops to replace the thermal paste with a more efficient one.

Unscrew the cooling system mounting screws according to the numbers indicated next to them, starting with 1,2,3, etc. First, loosen all the screws evenly, then unscrew them completely. Assembly is carried out in the reverse order - first all screws are tightened evenly, starting with 6,5,4, etc. Then the screws are evenly pressed to the end in the same reverse order. This is necessary to avoid distortion of the cooling system during installation, otherwise heat from the processor and video card will be poorly dissipated.

To prevent old thermal paste from smearing, remove it first with dry cotton wool, and then lightly moistened with solvent. Apply new thermal paste in as thin a layer as possible, since a thick layer impairs heat dissipation.

When cleaning an already removed cooling system, you can use a vacuum cleaner, but be careful so that the fan does not spin and break the blades. To clean the interior, it is better to use a soft paint brush. It is not advisable to blow on anything with your mouth, as dust can get into your eyes, and saliva can get into sensitive areas. electronic components or screen (stains will remain).

If after cleaning and assembling the laptop the fan makes noise, you will have to remove it again, disassemble it, thoroughly clean it with alcohol and lubricate it with lubricant (preferably thick silicone, but lithol or machine oil will also work), you only need a little bit of it.

You can also time the disassembly and cleaning of the laptop to increase the memory capacity or replace the disk, if you were planning on it anyway, so as not to disassemble it again later. But, if the laptop was malfunctioning, it is better not to rush into an upgrade; you may have to change it altogether.

Frequency of laptop cleaning

If you use your laptop in a very dusty environment, then it should be cleaned as often as possible - at least once every 3 months. In other cases, the optimal cleaning frequency is 6-12 months. In the future, you can easily determine how often you need to clean your laptop. But don’t wait until it starts to get warm or make noise; carry out preventive maintenance according to a set schedule, for example, set an annual reminder in your smartphone calendar.

Now you know how to clean your laptop from dust yourself. Many companies inflate the cost of this service and you cannot control how conscientiously they perform their work. Therefore, if possible, it is better to do it yourself, saving your budget and time for trips to the service. IN next video you can see simplest example Clean your laptop from dust and see for yourself how easy it can be.

Many users advise cleaning the laptop cooling system using a can of compressed air. Of course, cleaning is cheap, but there is a high probability that after such a procedure the laptop will stop working altogether due to the cooler being blocked.

Compressed air cylinders for cleaning office equipment have a volume of 300 ml and a pressure of 2-3 atmospheres. The air release time is several seconds. If the dust content is low, no dust lumps are formed and can be cleaned 1-2 times. If the laptop has not been cleaned for a long time, dense thick layers of dust form on the radiator, which cannot be broken with such a cylinder. These pieces of dust can get stuck in the cooler and block its rotation.

Using compressed air can only be justified if the contamination of the radiator is minor. If, however, a large layer of dust has formed, then it is better to clean it by disassembling the laptop - otherwise you can completely damage the fan.

The photo shows a laptop fan that was cleaned with a compressed air cylinder. As a result of cleaning, dust particles blocked the fan blades and it stopped spinning. If earlier system The cooling system was clogged with dust, but at least somehow cooled the laptop, but now after purging it stopped working altogether - the laptop turned off a few minutes after turning it on. Such dust lumps can only be removed mechanically.

If the compressed air power had been greater, the cooler would have turned several times, and some of the dust might have come out of it. However, some of the dust lumps remained and would slow down the rotation of the cooler. Thus, the experiment showed that cleaning with compressed air is not always beneficial for laptops, and can even lead to damage. Main disadvantage The problem with this method is that you don't see the result. Unfortunately, we were not able to take a photo of the cooling system of an HP laptop, which was cleaned with compressed air using a cylinder - in this laptop, all the dust collected in the pockets of the fan box and the cooler, when rotating, touched these dust balls with its blades.

Some people believe that in order to prevent the blades from jamming when blowing through a laptop fan, you need to use a powerful compressor. We tried on a prototype to test the effect of a powerful compressor with a pressure of 8 atmospheres on the fan blades of an HP laptop, directing a stream of air through the blowing hole. As a result, after a split second there was not a single blade left on the fan rotor.

Conclusion: cleaning the laptop cooling system with compressed air must be done very carefully, control the rotation of the fan and the absence of dust residues in it.

The laptop must be promptly cleaned of dirt. Many experts say that this operation should be performed at a service center, but following simple tips and instructions, you can easily and safely clean even the most complex computer with your own hands.

How often to clean

There are 2 main approaches to cleaning. Superficial and deep. In the first case, you will need a little patience, a set of special tools (brush, microfiber and a special solution). In the second case, to all of the above, accuracy, precision of movements and extreme attentiveness are added.

You shouldn't clean your laptop from dust too often. How often you clean your device depends on your environment and configuration.

If the device is located in a dusty area or you take it on various trips, it is better to clean it approximately once every 6 months. But even if the laptop is located in a clean room, the cooling system will draw air into the case. The air always contains particles of debris that settle on the fan blades. It is recommended to remove it once every 3 months. Conduct complete cleaning

Under such conditions, a laptop needs to be repaired once every 3 years.

Determine if cleaning is required Understanding that your computer needs cleaning is quite simple. You need to check the stability of the device and pay attention to its appearance

. If the laptop often freezes, works slowly, and you have not installed any “heavy programs” on it, this is a common cause of the harmful effects of dust. On the need to carry out " spring cleaning

" may be indicated by the appearance of the device and an increase in the noise level during its operation. If clumps of dirt are sticking out of the vents and the hum of the fan is making it difficult to listen to your favorite music, immediate cleaning is required.

Tools and materials

To effectively clean your laptop, you will need a number of tools that can be found in every self-respecting owner.

  1. They are:
  2. Screwdriver Set;
  3. a set of ear sticks;
  4. thermal paste;
  5. small pliers;
  6. machine oil;

plastic flat object.

A simple way to clean your laptop from dust without disassembling it Very often for effective cleaning digital technology

Simply wipe their surface with special wipes. It is enough to know the places where dust accumulates the most and have access to them. In this case, you can easily clean the laptop without disassembling it. Dust forms mainly between the ventilation openings.

In these places, it is better to use cotton swabs or toothpicks with cotton wool wrapped around them. We remove the dust with smooth movements, and then use a blowing vacuum cleaner to blow through the entire laptop.

Video: cleaning a laptop

Option for professionals

The above method for cleaning a laptop is just superficial. To carry out this procedure more effectively, it is necessary to disassemble it and clean every part of the device. Before you begin professional cleaning, you need to master certain information.

  • You will need to clean the following components from dust:
  • laptop case;
  • motherboard;
  • radiator;

Disassembling and cleaning the laptop

A set of high-quality screwdrivers, which can be easily purchased at any hardware store, will help you during the disassembly process. They have different diameters and fit all the bolts holding the cover.

To disassemble the device, you first need to remove the keyboard. You will need a little accuracy and patience. IN different models The keyboard is built in differently, so you will have to understand the configuration of your specific model.

On older laptops, the keyboard may be held in place by special fasteners at the back of the laptop behind the screen. To remove it correctly, the first step is to detach the screen. Also, do not forget to remove the wires connecting the display and the laptop body. Sometimes it is enough to pry off the keyboard with a sharp object (a stationery knife).

Removing the Back Cover

Many laptop models can be disassembled by removing the back cover. It is usually secured with several screws. You should equip yourself with a small Phillips screwdriver and a little patience. You need to remove the cover after you have removed the laptop battery.

When you get to the motherboard inside the laptop, be very careful! Try not to touch its elements and contacts. It is better to carry out disassembly wearing special antistatic clothing and gloves. This will reduce the chance of failure by exposing the device to static electricity.

It is most convenient to remove dust in hard-to-reach places using ear sticks. They effectively penetrate the space between elements motherboards, ventilation holes. They are very convenient for cleaning corners and various joints. For greater effectiveness, it is better to lightly dip the ear sticks in alcohol.

Cleaning the fan

The bulk of dirt accumulates on the fan blades inside the laptop. Unpinning them is quite simple. Firstly, you need to disconnect it from the motherboard, and secondly, use a screwdriver to unscrew the screws that hold the fan housing. Now it is ready for cleaning.

This simple operation can be performed with a regular napkin or rag moistened with alcohol. Gently wipe the body first, then proceed to the blades. For convenience, it is better to squeeze the fan in your hands and not let the blades spin.

It is recommended to lubricate the rotor with oil. For this purpose, many cooler models have a special hole. Usually it is closed with a flap, and a branded sticker is glued to the top. It's quite easy to extract from. One drop inside the hole and spin the fan for a while is enough.


The purpose of a radiator is to provide maximum cooling processor. This part should be cleaned most thoroughly, as the performance of your laptop depends on it.

Remove and clean from dust and thermal paste

The radiator can be removed by opening the locking mechanism on motherboard. Please note that the thermal paste is for a long time use may stick to the processor and the back of the heatsink.

For this reason, removing it is not as easy as it seems. Care and attention are required during the removal process.

Thermal paste is quite easy to clean. To do this, you need to use a soft cloth. We remove the paste first from the radiator and then from the processor. Before reapplying this substance, make sure the radiator and processor are completely clean.

When the radiator is removed and the cooler is disconnected from it, you can start cleaning it. In this case, a rag or napkin does not show proper effectiveness.

It will be much more productive to simply blow out the radiator with a vacuum cleaner or hairdryer with a powerful air flow. It is recommended to do this outside the apartment or crowded places.

Apply thermal paste

When you have managed to disassemble the laptop, it is better to immediately begin removing the radiator, cleaning it from dust and applying new thermal paste. Tubes of this paste are sold in every computer store.

It must be applied in small quantities and ensure that it does not get outside the radiator housing. To do this, squeeze a little thermal paste onto its surface (about half the size of a pea). When you put it on the processor, it will be evenly distributed over its entire area, participating in effective cooling. Processor and video card These items should be removed with great care. In the case of a processor, it is very important to leave intact its legs connecting

element base

and motherboard. They are very thin and easily damaged by sudden movements.

Before removing the processor, you must loosen the retaining mechanism. All modern brands have a similar structure.

In modern laptops there are 2 versions of the video card: external and built-in. If there is no problem with the built-in video card. It looks like a small chip on the motherboard, but the external one needs to be worked on.

It comes out simple removal from the corresponding connector. Clean it better than hard brush for painting. Removing the radiator (if there is one) is not recommended in any case. The video adapter works great even in cases where you simply remove excess dust and clean the radiator.

Cleaning the keyboard

One of the dirtiest items in the house is computer keyboard. This fully applies to laptops as well. There are 2 approaches to cleaning it, depending on the degree of contamination and configuration.

When the keyboard is not too dirty, just wipe it with a special napkin moistened in alcohol. The above-mentioned cotton-tipped ear swabs will also work. They are most effective when paired with an island-type keyboard.

If the contamination is too heavy, you need to clean one button at a time. The operation will take more time, but the result justifies it.

Assembling a clean laptop and keyboard

Once you have ensured that all components are free of dust, the laptop needs to be assembled.

The processor is installed as follows:

  1. on the corresponding socket the handle of the fastening mechanism is retracted. She pulls the mounting panel behind her;
  2. Take a closer look at how the triangle is located in the corner of the socket. It indicates in which position the processor should be installed. Carefully insert the processor back;
  3. We snap the handle of the fastening mechanism and make sure that the fastening is secure.

The video card must be inserted with the same care as the processor. It is important to remember that these are the hottest elements of the system. For this reason, they must be installed as correctly as possible.

After cleaning is completed, the keyboard must be inserted back into the laptop in the reverse order of removing it. Even a person with little knowledge of technology can do this on his own.

By caring for your equipment at work and at home, you ensure comfort when using it and extend its life. useful operation. Behind Lately The computer market has become filled with powerful machines that require careful cooling. This made the cleaning process and proper care even more important.

Even a beginner can carry out the cleaning process, but with the appropriate knowledge and accuracy. This is the most important thing that a person who decides to take on the task of removing dirt and dust deposits from his or someone else’s laptop should take into account.

The absence of contamination also ensures quiet work fans, which has a beneficial effect on human health.

Your computer or immediately after startup? Removing it should help you unnecessary programs, files and garbage from your laptop and computer, speed up your work operating system Windows.

Users who are experiencing low free space or slow work operating system, they come to the conclusion that they need unnecessary programs and components. This procedure is required if there is too little free space on the computer.

As a result, the system starts to work slower, and it is also impossible to install new software. Your computer requires 10% free hard drive space to function optimally.

Let's imagine how to effectively and quickly clean a computer or laptop of debris. While cleaning your computer unnecessary files and programs take a set of actions:

1. Cleaning on disk D. Delete old information, which takes up a lot of space and is no longer relevant).

2. Cleaning files on your hard drive:

  • tidy up the Desktop (there should be only shortcuts and no folders with information);
  • deletes all files from the Recycle Bin;
  • clear the system of temporary files;
  • eliminate outdated programs and games that have not been used by either the OS or the user for a long time;
  • clean the OS using various utilities.

Removing temporary files from the Temp folder.

In progress software The OS creates temporary files. They are always recorded by the system, and even if the user is simply on the Internet. Over time, the folder with temporary files becomes full and requires a lot of space on your hard drive, which results in errors. To delete these files, you need to go to the following address: My Computer/Local Disk C/Windows/Temp. There is no system files that affect the operation of the OS.

Removing old programs and games from a laptop, PC.

To clean your computer or laptop of junk, you also need to go to the program control panel and see if there are any programs there that have not been used for a long time. The user must know for sure that they do not affect the operation of the system. You need to select the program and click on the “Delete/Change” button. As a result, on the local drive C will appear free place a certain volume.

Built-in Windows system cleaning.

OS developers have included the ability to simplify cleaning in the system local disks. It should be noted that this method does not always give desired result, but takes a minimum of time. You just need to click on local disk and select “Properties”, in the window click on “Clean up disk”. After a while, a program will open in which you need to check the boxes to clean up individual disk partitions.

Using CCleaner to clean your computer and laptop.

Program for automatic cleaning CCleaner can be downloaded for free on the Internet. You need to install and run it, select the cleaning section, then the Windows section and click on the “Analysis” button. The utility will analyze and display all files that can be deleted without harming the OS, and will also determine the amount of memory that will be freed up after cleaning the system. Then click “Clear” and confirm deletion. Using this utility you can clean the registry, etc.

For professional cleaning of a computer or laptop, it is recommended to use multifunctional program Total Commander.

One of common reasons laptop breakdowns.

Their cooling systems, unlike their stationary counterparts, are characterized by low power, which is just enough to ensure heat removal during normal operation.

When dust accumulates inside the case, the cooling system can no longer cope with the load. Let's talk about why this is dangerous and how to clean your laptop from dust yourself.

What can overheating lead to?

The heat sources themselves - the central and graphics processor, the chipset (northern and south bridge) And HDD.

Design feature BGA chips - video chip, bridges and some mobile processors, is such that with constant temperature changes (heating during operation and cooling when turned off), the solder contact between the chip and the board and between the crystal and the chip substrate is broken.

And the higher the heating, the faster the defect appears.

When current passes through the soldering fault, an electric arc occurs, which heats the chip even more, increasing the area of ​​the defect and damaging the internal structure of the chip.

Created vicious circle, which causes the progression of the malfunction. Once the process has begun, cleaning the problem will no longer be possible.

Long overheating of hard drive may cause failure of the bearing that supports and moves the read heads.

As a result, the heads fall onto the surface of the “pancakes” and file away the magnetic layer on which the information is stored. It is impossible to recover data after this.

How do you know when it's time to clean your laptop?

The following are signs that dust has accumulated on your laptop:

  • The device turns off spontaneously (thermal protection is triggered). First this happens under intense load (games, movies), then under moderate load ( office programs) and in the end - almost immediately after switching on.
  • The cooler turbine rotates at high speed and makes a loud noise.
  • The case around the keyboard and touchpad gets hotter than usual.
  • Hot air comes out of the ventilation grille. The flow intensity, despite the high turbine speeds, is low, since the grille is clogged with dust.
  • The higher the load, the more performance drops. The laptop may freeze for a long time while working.

Objectively, the following temperature indicators indicate overheating:

  • CPU- 65-70 o C at idle and 80-90 o C under load.
  • GPU- 85-90 o C at idle and 100-120 o C under load.

To monitor the temperatures of laptop devices, a lot of utilities have been invented, for example:

  • SensorsView, etc.

Preventative cleaning of ventilation without disassembly

Cleaning (purging) vent- this is the prevention of laptop contamination, since it is in this place (on the radiator and grille) that the maximum amount of dust accumulates.

Carrying out the procedure once every 1-3 months will prevent the dust from being compressed into a lump.

For purging, compressed air cylinders (sold in computer stores) and paper napkins are used.

The method allows you to clean dust from any laptops, such as HP, Lenovo , Toshiba, MSI, etc.

Operating procedure:

  • Turn off your laptop.
  • Place the nozzle of the cylinder against the edge of the ventilation grille, cover the rest of the part with a napkin and hold it with your hand.
  • Quickly press and release the balloon button - release air from it for no longer than 1 second, so as not to tear off the turbine bearing. At this time, dust will collect on the napkin.
  • Repeat the operation until the napkin is no longer dirty.

Do not be afraid that dust will scatter inside the housing - the turbine compartment is limited on all sides by walls, so dirt will only be blown out.

Cleaning the cooling system by opening the case

Important! If you made a decision on your own, without resorting to services service centers and specialists, we recommend that you do this very carefully and in accordance with the documents that came with the purchase of the laptop. Remember that any unqualified intervention in the operation of the computer system can lead to undesirable consequences! If you do not feel confident that you can assemble the hardware correctly after cleaning, it is better to entrust this to professionals.

If the dust has managed to form a dense conglomerate before ventilation grille, blowing is no longer enough. You will have to open the case and remove any accumulated dirt manually.

Note! To clean dust from a laptop such as Acer TravelMate2480\4220, Aspire 5600\4720\4720Z\4720G\4320, Lenovo G570 and the like, just remove the battery and unscrew the cooling system compartment cover.

Cleaning dust from laptops like Samsung or Asus K series is a little more difficult.

To access the cooling system you will have to remove the entire bottom panel, and on some models - the keyboard.

The most difficult thing to clean from dust is a laptop such as, for example, Asus Eee PC - it needs to be disassembled almost completely.

Before you start cleaning, prepare:

  • Phillips screwdriver, spatula, pick or hard plastic card to open the latches.
  • Compressed air cylinder.
  • Hard brush.
  • Paper or cloth napkins.
  • Tube of thermal paste, silicone thermal pads.
  • Industrial alcohol.
  • Machine oil.

The laptop must be de-energized during cleaning!