Zyxel keenetic giga firmware recovery. How to return a Zyxel Keenetic router if the firmware has failed

How to restore the firmware in the 2nd generation Keenetic series Internet centers?

How to restore the firmware in the 2nd generation Keenetic series Internet centers (Keenetic II, Keenetic Giga II, Keenetic Ultra, Keenetic Lite II, Keenetic Omni, Keenetic 4G II and Keenetic Start)?

To restore the firmware in the Keenetic 2nd generation Internet centers, you can use special utility Keenetic Recovery. This utility supports work with the following models:

  • Keenetic II
  • Keenetic 4G II
  • Keenetic DSL
  • Keenetic Giga II
  • Keenetic Lite II
  • Keenetic Omni
  • Keenetic Start
  • Keenetic Ultra

You can download the Keenetic Recovery utility from: following link: http://zyxel.ru/sites/default/download/Keenetic_Recovery/software/Keenetic-recovery.zip

You can also perform the procedure for restoring the Internet center firmware yourself using the steps below.

1. Download from our website the firmware below, designed specifically for your Internet center model:

  • To restore Keenetic II functionality, download the archive with the firmware:
  • To restore the functionality of Keenetic Giga II, download the archive with the firmware:
  • To restore Keenetic Ultra functionality, download the archive with the firmware:
  • To restore the functionality of Keenetic Lite II, download the archive with the firmware:
  • To restore the functionality of Keenetic Omni, download the archive with the firmware:
  • To restore the functionality of Keenetic 4G II, download the archive with the firmware:
  • To restore Keenetic Start functionality, download the archive with the firmware:
  • To restore Keenetic DSL functionality, download the archive with the firmware:

2. Download and install a tftp server on your computer, for example tftpd32.

Then unpack the archive with the firmware and the file with bin extension and put it in the folder of the installed tftp server (by default this is the folder C:\Program Files\Tftpd32).

Start the tftp server.

3. Rename the firmware file (bin file) as follows:

  • For Keenetic II to a file named k2_recovery.bin
  • For Keenetic Giga II to a file named kgiga2_recovery.bin
  • For Keenetic Ultra to a file named kultra_recovery.bin
  • For Keenetic Lite II to a file named klite2_recovery.bin
  • For Keenetic Omni to a file named komni_recovery.bin
  • For Keenetic 4G II to a file named k4g2_recovery.bin
  • For Keenetic Start to a file named kstart_recovery.bin
  • For Keenetic DSL to a file named kdsl_recovery.bin

4. Connect your computer Ethernet cable to one of the Keenetic LAN ports (the Internet center should not be connected to the Internet!).
On your computer's network adapter, manually set the IP address to with a subnet mask of

For more information on how to manually set the IP address on your computer, depending on your version of Windows operating system, see the Note section at the end of this article.

Please also note that by default in operating system Windows Vista/7/8 component not installed TFTP client(TFTP Client). Information on how to install and run this service in Windows Vista/7/8, you will find in the article: http://zyxel.ru/kb/1645

5. While holding the RESET button pressed, turn on the power of the Internet center.

6. 5 seconds after turning on, release the RESET button. Keenetic must receive a file with firmware for the device being restored from the tftp server and write it to non-volatile memory.

Attention! If the Keenetic Giga II or Keenetic Ultra Internet Center does not receive a bin file from the tftp server, try using an Ethernet cable consisting of 2 twisted pairs(4 cores) which supports data transfer rates up to 100 Mbps FD. The box with Keenetic Giga II and Keenetic Ultra comes with an Ethernet cable, which consists of 4 twisted pairs (8 cores) and supports speeds of up to 1 Gbit/s.

7. After about 5-7 minutes, the device will reboot and be ready to work with the new firmware.

8. Configure the network adapter to automatically obtain an IP address from the router. Information about how to Windows system change settings network adapter to automatically obtain an IP address from the Internet center, can be found in the article: http://zyxel.ru/kb/2721


Windows XP: Control Panel > Network Connections > Software Connection local network(Properties) >
Windows Vista: Control Panel > Network Settings > Network and Sharing Center shared access> Manage network connections > Local Area Connection (Properties) >
Windows 7/8: Control Panel > Network and Internet > Network and Sharing Center > Change adapter settings > Local Area Connection (Properties) >

How to restore the firmware in Keenetic series Internet centers?

How to restore the firmware in Keenetic series Internet centers?

1. Download and install any tftp server on your computer, for example tftpd32.

Start the tftp server.

Attention! During the firmware recovery procedure, you must disable the Anti-Virus or Firewall on your computer, which may interfere with the operation of the tftp server.

2. Place the first generation firmware V1.00(XXX.X)D0 for your Internet center in the folder of the installed tftp server (in the folder of the server program) and rename the firmware file to rt305x_firmware.bin:

  • To restore Keenetic functionality, download the archive with the firmware: http://zyxel.ru/sites/default/download/Keenetic/firmware/KEENETIC-V1.00%5BBFW.4.4%5DD0.zip

  • To restore the functionality of Keenetic Giga, download the archive with the firmware: http://zyxel.ru/sites/default/download/Keenetic_Giga/firmware/KEENETIC_GIGA-V1.00%5BUSD.1.4%5DD0.zip
    Unzip it and rename the bin file from the archive to a file named rt305x_firmware.bin.
    Connect your computer with an Ethernet cable to one of the Keenetic LAN ports. On your computer's network adapter, manually set the IP address to with a subnet mask of
  • To restore the functionality of Keenetic Lite revision A (Rev.A), download the archive with the firmware: http://zyxel.ru/sites/default/download/Keenetic_Lite/firmware/KEENETIC_LITE-V1.00%5BBWN.4.4%5DD0.zip
    To restore the functionality of Keenetic Lite revision B (Rev.B), download the archive with the firmware: http://zyxel.ru/sites/default/download/Keenetic_Lite/firmware/KEENETIC_LITE-V1.00%5BAABL.1.4%5DD0.zip
    Differences Keenetic internet centers Lite revision A (Rev.A) and Keenetic Lite revision B (Rev.B) are presented in the article: http://zyxel.ru/kb/2243
    Unzip it and rename the bin file from the archive to a file named rt305x_firmware.bin.
  • To restore the functionality of Keenetic 4G revision A (Rev.A), download the archive with the firmware: http://zyxel.ru/sites/default/download/Keenetic_4G/firmware/KEENETIC_4G-V1.00%5BBWO.4.4%5DD0.zip
    To restore the functionality of Keenetic 4G revision B (Rev.B), download the archive with the firmware: http://zyxel.ru/sites/default/download/Keenetic_4G/firmware/KEENETIC_4G-V1.00%5BAABV.1.2%5DD0.zip
    The differences between the Internet centers Keenetic 4G revision A (Rev.A) and Keenetic 4G revision B (Rev.B) are presented in the article: http://zyxel.ru/kb/2243
    Unzip it and rename the bin file from the archive to a file named rt305x_firmware.bin.
    Connect your computer with an Ethernet cable to one of the Keenetic LAN ports. On your computer's network adapter, manually set the IP address to with a subnet mask of

To set the IP address on your computer, go to the menu:
Windows XP: Control Panel > Network Connections > Local Area Connection (Properties) > TCP\IP Internet Protocol (Properties);
Windows Vista: Control Panel > Network Settings > Network and Sharing Center > Manage Network Connections > Local Area Connection (Properties) > Internet Protocol TCP\IPv4 (Properties);
Windows 7/8: Control Panel > Network and Internet > Network and Sharing Center > Change adapter settings > Local Area Connection (Properties) > Internet Protocol TCP\IPv4 (Properties).
By default, the TFTP Client component is not installed in the Windows Vista/7/8 operating system. You will find information on how to install and run this service in Windows Vista/7 in the article: http://zyxel.ru/kb/1645

3. While holding the RESET button pressed, turn on the power of the Internet center.
4. 5 seconds after turning on, release the RESET button. Keenetic must receive a file named rt305x_firmware.bin from the tftp server and write it to non-volatile memory.

Attention! If the Keenetic Giga Internet center does not receive a bin file from the tftp server, in this case, try using an Ethernet cable consisting of 2 twisted pairs (4 cores) and which supports data transfer rates of up to 100 Mbit/s FD. The box with Keenetic Giga comes with an Ethernet cable, which consists of 4 twisted pairs (8 cores) and supports speeds of up to 1 Gbit/s.

5. After about 3-5 minutes, the device will reboot and be ready to work with the new firmware.

6. Configure the network adapter to automatically obtain an IP address from the router. Information on how to change the network adapter settings in the Windows operating system to automatically obtain an IP address from the Internet center can be found in the article: http://zyxel.ru/kb/2721

This completes the firmware recovery.

Instructions for restoring the firmware in the 2nd generation Keenetic series Internet centers (Keenetic II, Keenetic Giga II, Keenetic Ultra, Keenetic Lite II, Keenetic Omni, Keenetic 4G II and Keenetic Start) are presented in the article: http://zyxel.ru /kb/3410

Hard reset in ZyXEL devices

How to reset all device settings to factory settings?

To reset your device to factory settings, follow these steps:

    1. Wait for the device to boot.
    1. Press and hold the RESET button on the device until the power indicator (PWR, PWR/SYS, POWER or Status) begins to blink rapidly. Typically, the button must be held down for about 10 seconds.
  1. Release the RESET button.

After this, the device's power indicator will start blinking and then the device's settings will be reset to factory settings (default settings).


The Keenetic series Internet centers use a Status indicator that displays the status of the device:

Instructions for updating the firmware in the Keenetic II, Keenetic Ultra, Keenetic Giga II, Keenetic 4G II, Keenetic Omni, Keenetic Start and Keenetic Lite II Internet centers

How to update the firmware in the Keenetic II, Keenetic Ultra, Keenetic Giga II, Keenetic 4G II, Keenetic Omni, Keenetic Start and Keenetic Lite II Internet centers?

Attention! Micro update software It is recommended to connect Internet centers of the Keenetic series by connecting to the device using an Ethernet cable.

It is recommended to update the firmware of the Keenetic II, Keenetic Ultra, Keenetic Giga II, Keenetic 4G II, Keenetic Omni, Keenetic Start and Keenetic Lite II Internet centers using the firmware component update function. After updating the components, your device will have the latest firmware installed, which means installing the basic system components and others that you indicated.
Attention! To update components, you must have an Internet connection established by the router.
The detailed procedure for updating NDMS V2 firmware components is presented in the article: http://zyxel.ru/kb/2681

In this manual we will give an example self-updating firmware of the Internet center via a firmware file. The latest firmware versions can be downloaded from our website from the Download Center section. Pay attention to the device model name!

To update the firmware, connect to the Internet center's web configurator and go to the System > Configuration menu. Click on the firmware file name.

The File Management window will appear, in which click the Select File button to specify the firmware file.

In the window that opens, specify the location of the file with the firmware for your device (file with the extension bin). First you need to extract the files from the zip archive with the firmware.

After specifying the bin file with the firmware, click the Replace button to start the firmware update procedure.

Do not turn off the power of the Internet center while the firmware is being written!

Wait until the firmware update screen disappears and the information message appears: The device is rebooting. The web interface will be unavailable for a minute.

Then on the screen System Monitor make sure the firmware version has changed. The firmware version will be listed in the System Information section in the NDMS Version field.

Please note that when updating the firmware via a firmware file, the components of the Internet center will also be updated.

Unfortunately, software problems happen to devices from all manufacturers without exception. It just happens to some people more often, to others less often. The winner, of course, can be called D-Link, less common are the glitched TP-Link and ASUS. Moreover, it should be noted that almost always the culprits are device owners who, through carelessness or inexperience, killed the modem or router by installing the wrong firmware version.
But in my memory, I can count the cases when the firmware on the Zyxel router crashed on my fingers. Interestingly; With the first version of the famous Kinetics family, which came in a white case, this never happened at all. It all started with the transition to NDMS v2 and the release of the 2nd version and cheaper hardware. That’s why in this article I want to tell you how to return Zyxel router Keenetic II and III after unsuccessful firmware or its failure. The article will be relevant for all other models of the family (Lite, DSL, Extra, Giga, etc.)

Today there are two ways; simple for beginners and more complex for more advanced users. We will look at both options in turn.

Method 1. Ordinary

We will use a special tool as a tool service utility Zyxel Keenetic recovery utility;. You can download it on the company’s official website or here; link. By the way, the archive is not small and weighs about 90 MB. This is due to the fact that it contains current versions Software for all supported models. After unpacking, run the file zkrutil.exe. The following window will appear:

In order to start restoring the router firmware, you must do the following exactly:
1. turn off the device;
2. disconnect all cables from it, except the one that is connected to the computer or laptop with the utility running;
3. pinch Reset button(Reset;) and turn on the power;
4. as soon as the Status indicator on the front side flashes; ; release the button.

After this, data transfer to and recording of the firmware to the device’s flash memory should start.

If everything went well; You will receive a message that the router restoration has been successfully completed!

Click the Exit button. The process is complete.
We launch the web browser, enter the IP address and try to log into the Kinetics web interface.

Method 2. Advanced

With all this option, we will do the same thing that the utility above does, only manually. The sequence of actions is as follows:

1. First, download the archive with firmware from here, or go to the official Zixel website, in the Support section; We find the files for our Kinetics model and download the archive from there.

2. You need to download the tftpd32 utility from the Internet, install it and put the firmware in the folder where it is installed (usually C:\Program Files\Tftpd32). On this moment attention! Fundamental point. If you took the firmware from the site, then you need to change it correctly:
For Keenetic II; file k2_recovery.bin
For Keenetic III; file k3_recovery.bin
For Keenetic Giga II; file kgiga2_recovery.bin
For Keenetic Giga III; file kgiga3_recovery.bin
For Keenetic Ultra; kultra_recovery.bin file

For Keenetic Lite II; klite2_recovery.bin file
For Keenetic Omni; komni_recovery.bin file
For Keenetic Omni II-file komni2_recovery.bin
For Keenetic 4G II; file k4g2_recovery.bin
For Keenetic 4G III; k4g3_recovery.bin file
For Keenetic Start; file kstart_recovery.bin
For Keenetic DSL; kdsl_recovery.bin file
For Keenetic Viva; kviva_recovery.bin file
For Keenetic Ultra II; file kultra2_recovery.bin
For Keenetic Vox; file kvox_recovery.bin

3. Configure a static IP address to network card computer or laptop. To do this, press the Win+R button combination to open the folder with network connections. Click right click via local network connection and select the Properties menu item;. In the window that opens, double-click on the line IP version 4 (TCP/IPv4);:

Here you need to check the Use the following IP address flag; and specify the following properties:

IP address: Subnet mask: Default gateway:

You don’t have to specify DNS servers, or you can register ones like those in the screenshot. There will be no difference from this, since they are not used in the process of restoring the router.

4. Launch the Tftpd32 utility. At this point, turn off the power to the router and press the Reset button; and turn it on again! 5 seconds after turning on the button must be released.

5. Look at the TFTP server logs; The process of downloading the firmware to the device should begin:

How the recording ends; We wait about 10 minutes, after which we return automatic receipt IP addresses on network card. Restoring the router after unsuccessful firmware is completed, let's try to log into the web configurator.

Note: If on Gigabit, Ultra and Viva models when using complete cable the process of downloading software into the memory of the Zixel Internet Center does not begin; you need to try connecting it to a computer or laptop using a four-wire (two-pair) patch cord that supports speeds of up to 100 Mb/s.

Updating and flashing the software of a router, modem or optical terminal GPON is a common and normal thing for anyone network equipment. Bug fixes, bugs removed, new features added. But what to do if during this process there was a failure or the power was turned off and you now have an almost useless piece of plastic on your hands. But don’t despair - in some cases you can try to restore the router’s firmware after unsuccessful firmware. We will now tell and show you how this is done.

Advice: regardless of brand and model WiFi router, it is worth keeping in mind that in order to restore the device’s firmware, you need to connect it to the computer via wired Ethernet connection. Through wireless network The operation will not work! Only via cable!

How to restore a D-Link router

On most modems and WiFi D-Link routers there is a special emergency interface Emergency Web Server. On some models it was called Failsafe UI. This is a special firmware that allows you to restore the router’s firmware in the event of a failure. She's on these popular models like DIR-300, DIR-320, DIR-615, DIR-620. By the way, D-Link Emergency Web Server is very often used to return to the device factory firmware instead of the installed alternative (for example, Open-WRT, DD-WRT, Tomato, etc.).

So, in order to restore a Wi-Fi router after unsuccessful firmware, you must first download the firmware file from official server- ftp.dlink.ru. We find there the folder of our modem or router model, and in it - the folder Firmware.

Download latest version We put the software on our computer and put it in the root directory of some disk or on the desktop to make it easier to find.

Next step need to open Windows settings, go to the “Network and Internet” section and find the section Ethernet.

Note: Open list network connections it is possible in another way. Press the Win+R keys and enter the command in the “Run” window ncpa.cpl.

Select the local network connection and right-click on it. A menu will appear in which you need to select “Properties”. A window will open where you need to double-click on the component IP version 4 (TCP/IPv4).

Another protocol properties window will appear, in which you need to check the “Use the following IP address” checkbox. The following must be entered below:

IP address: Subnet mask:

Click on the OK button sequentially in each window to apply the changes. The network card has been prepared. After this, you need to turn off the router, hold down the Reset button with a paper clip and turn on the device again without releasing the button. You need to keep it pressed for about 30-40 seconds (sometimes a little longer). After that, release the reset, open the web browser and address bar enter the IP address: . Press the “Enter” key. If everything worked out, the “Emergency Web Server” page will open.

Here you must first click on the “Browse” button, select the downloaded file with the firmware and click on the “Upload” button. This will start restoring the D-Link router firmware:

It is very important not to turn off or restart the router during the process. After the software is installed, you will see a standard web interface authorization window in your browser.

Attention! Don't forget to go back to the IP protocol settings and set automatic retrieval of addresses and DNS servers.

Restoring Zyxel keenetic firmware

In order to restore the functionality of Zyxel Keenetic routers, the developers made special utilityKeenetic Recovery. You can download it from the download center (). After you have downloaded and unpacked the archive, run the program. A window like this should appear:

We carry out everything step by step exactly as written in the program. Namely, with the Kinetic router turned on, press Reset and hold it pressed until the “Status” indicator starts blinking. After this, release the Reset button. Utility Keenetic Recovery should automatically recognize the hardware version and start restoring the router firmware.

After this, you will need to perform the basic configuration of the device again, otherwise, with factory settings, as a rule, there will be no Internet access.
Currently, the Keenetic Recovery application works with the following router models:

Keenetic Ultra II
Keenetic Giga III
Keenetic Extra II
Keenetic Air
Keenetic Extra
Keenetic Viva
Keenetic LTE
Keenetic VOX
Keenetic DSL
Keenetic Giga II
Keenetic III
Keenetic Omni II
Keenetic Lite III
Keenetic 4G III
Keenetic Start II
Keenetic Ultra
Keenetic Omni
Keenetic Start
Keenetic II
Keenetic 4G II
Keenetic Lite II
Keenetic Giga
Keenetic 4G
Keenetic Lite

Emergency recovery of Sagemcom router firmware (Rostelecom, Tatelecom, Dom.ru)

Universal routers Sagemcom F@ST 2804, 1744, 3804 are provided to subscribers of the largest providers in Russia - Rostelecom, Dom.ru, etc. Unfortunately, sometimes they also have troubles in the form of crashed firmware after a power surge, or after unsuccessful flashing. Fortunately, many sadzhemcoms also have an interface disaster recovery. To use it, you must first search the Internet and download the firmware for your router model.
Then statically write the IP address on the network card - like this:

After that, turn off the router, press the “Reset” button with a pencil or fountain pen and turn it on again. We hold the button for 40-50 seconds, then release it. After that, launch the web browser and enter the IP of the router in the address bar. The following page should open:

Click the “Choose” button and select the firmware file. Then click on the button “ Update Software"and wait a few minutes while the router is being restored after unsuccessful firmware. After the process is completed, you will again have access to the device's regular web configurator. Don't forget to set the TCP/IP settings to automatically receive addresses.

How to restore QTech QBR-1040W and QBR-1041WU v2S

Another one popular brand Rostelecom routers and a number of other telecom operators - this is QTech. In particular, the QBR-1040W and QBR-1041WU v2S models. In order to perform emergency recovery of the router, you must first download the current firmware version from the manufacturer’s official website. We also need the TFTP32 program.
We start by registering the IP address on the network card of a computer or laptop, as I already described above. Next, we connect the computer and the second LAN port of the router, labeled LAN2.
The next step is to use a pencil to hold down the Reset button and while holding it, turn on the power of the device. We hold it for 10-15 seconds, then release it.
Next, launch TFTP32.

In the Server Interface list, select the previously registered IP - . Open the Tftp Client tab and enter in the “Host” field - , and in the “Port” field - 69 . In the “Local File” field, use the “…” button to select the router firmware file. All that remains is to click on the “Put” button and wait until the software file is downloaded. To be sure, we wait another 10 minutes, after which we restart the device. We return automatic receipt of addresses in the network adapter settings and check access to QTech.

Note: If you can’t upload the firmware to, try doing it to The fact is that for disaster recovery of a router on different version devices may use different IP addresses.

Sometimes problems arise with routers. For example, the Zyxel Keenetic router does not work, and what to do in this case? Now we will look at how to deal with this problem.

Solving the problem

Let's look at what to do if the zyxel keenetic lite router does not work.

Router is turned off

The most trivial thing that can happen is that you simply did not connect the router to the network. Yes, this happens rarely, but it does happen. Because of this, the Internet does not work, or rather there is no distribution.

Wi-Fi not turned on

If WiFi does not work using the Zyxel Keenetic router, it is probably simply turned off this function router. Now, that's it modern devices have special button turning on/off Wi-Fi.

Click on it and look at the indicator where it is drawn wifi icon, it should glow green.

Firmware glitches

Because of this, the router may not work. In this case, you need to restore the router firmware. To do this you need the Zyxel Keenetic recovery utility.

It contains the most current firmware. Then you should unpack it to a convenient place and run the file zkrutil.exe. Next, you turn off the router, disconnect all wires from it except the one connecting the device and the computer. The next step is to press the button Reset and turn on the device. Then a flashing will occur, and you will have to configure the device again.