There is sound on the computer, but it is noisy. Hissing, noise, crackling and other extraneous sound in speakers and headphones - how to find and eliminate the cause

Does anyone know how to remove noise from speakers? For example, when there are quiet scenes in a film or there is no sound at all, you can hear a quiet hiss from the speakers. What it is? It’s a little annoying to be honest, I want everything to be quiet, but it hisses. If there are any ways to remove this hissing, then post it. I look forward to your answers.

Alexander | 22 February 2016, 04:08
inductor and capacitor are the right solution as stated above

Alexey | 31 July 2014, 14:27
I can hear it well if I turn the speaker volume up to max. background noise(crackling, squeaking, etc.) and if you do something at the same time, for example, open a new window or drag a window, then the nature of the noise changes accordingly. I got rid of it this way: in WIN XP, right-click on the volume settings icon -> "adjust audio parameters" -> "advanced" -> here in the volume control window you need to add another control (PC Beep) it is located in the "options" menu - > properties. After turning it off, the noise disappeared, I suspect that in Windows it is not particularly needed, because... it looks like a system squeaker.

56756 | 23 September 2012, 18:48
Hang a 15,000 uF capacitor on the power supply and a smoothing choke on the mains and you will be happy. The hum is the background 50 hertz from the socket

Yuri | 17 September 2012, 20:31
I had this. I bought new Microlab speakers and at a volume of more than 1/3 noise and background appeared, I suffered for two days while I was looking for the cause, I wanted to take it to the store, before that I decided to replace the standard cables with my own 3-core cables and with good screen. I powered 3 wires without touching the screen, the noise and background disappeared completely, so in my case, all interference came from low-quality cords.

fil | September 2, 2012, 11:41 pm
It all depends mainly on your wealth, you need:
1. Buy a better sound card (can be very expensive)
2. Again, purchase better quality sound reinforcement equipment (here the prices are very, very high).
3. Again, purchase better copies of what you are viewing.
4. From freebies; download movies in more high quality, fortunately now there is freedom here.

AuXiN | September 2, 2012, 03:40
Noise in the speakers is normal, or new speakers, mat. fee, or earplugs :-)

G.Balakhchi | 1 September 2012, 06:54
1. Remove all radiating devices from the computer (cellular phones, radio phones, etc. - however, all electrical devices can radiate).
2. Ground the computer using a 3-pin electrical plug.
3. Use shielded cables.
4. More expensive audio cards are less noisy.

Dmitriy | 28 August 2012, 17:08
Integrated audio cards are usually noisy. Buy a quality card and install it.

Eugene | 24 August 2012, 18:33
It is unclear what we are talking about: a computer or a DVD player + amplifier. There could be a hundred or so many more reasons. Does the noise occur on all files (or disks) or on just one? Often the soundtrack in video files has a noticeable increased level noise, therefore, when there is sound, the noise does not seem to be noticeable, but during a pause, the noise clearly appears. Also, codecs may not work “incorrectly” for one reason or another (both software and hardware, i.e. hardware). In a word, we need to clarify the question. If we are talking about a DVD player, then the conversation is completely different.

Where | 24 August 2012, 18:29
Open the volume control and adjust the first 2 controls


First you need to determine the cause of extraneous noise in the speakers. Most often, this may be due to poor shielding of the amplifier and/or cable. To check this, hold the cable in your hand. If the noise becomes louder after this, simply wrap the cable with foil or replace it with a new shielded one. As for the latter, this is the most optimal option, since no magnetic fields will not interfere with the sound from the speakers, and the sound itself will be cleaner.

Noise in speakers may occur due to a lack of grounding. Cheap enclosures often allow electrical signals to pass through, causing interference throughout the entire system. To solve this problem, it is recommended to ground the computer. The most simple option is connecting the housing, for example, to a battery. Thus, the tension from the case will be removed and the noise will disappear.

Try setting up your speaker mixing system. To do this, go to the Start menu - Control Panel - Sound. In the “Playback” tab, find your speakers, click right click mouse and in the menu that appears, select the line “Properties. Then in the window that opens, find the “Levels” tab and disable the “Line In” function in it.

If all of the above methods do not help fix the problem, there is only one thing left to do - purchase new speakers.

Most speakers that are specifically designed for central channel, are shielded from magnetic influences in advance, but if used for the center floor acoustics full range or unshielded speakers, you will inevitably encounter the unpleasant phenomenon of “color spots” on the TV screen. This effect is possible if the distance between the front speakers and the TV is too small.


Use any magnetically conductive material for shielding, for example steel, in the shape of a cylinder or glass. This can be either a piece of pipe with a suitable diameter and wall thickness (by the way, it should be within 1-3 mm), or a steel flask or glass, which can be found at a factory where there is the appropriate material or

Good day, dear pikabushniki!

My dear pick-up guy @HalfEye brought me the speakers to the repair shop and said they were buzzing. The hum increased as the volume increased.

For the ardent waste-haters, I will leave comments for the minuses, as many as 5 of them, so that they can drain their anger.

These are the columns.

Model microlab solo 3.

I noticed that if you touch the radiator, the hum intensifies.

It is immediately clear that the ground has become detached from the amplifier chip.

Let's expand the column.

Hehe... The board is one-sided...

There are 3 common reasons.

1. twisted wire.

2. swollen capacitors

3. Somewhere the earth fell off.

The capacitors are not swollen.

The board layout shows that the ground is in contact with the radiator, only in one place.

It can be seen that the board is covered with an unknown substance... Let's go over it with alcohol and a brush.

Unscrew the screw, scrape the screw with a screwdriver and screw the screw back in.

We check for snot... The hum has passed...

Hehe... It's funny how they soldered the diode bridge.

We collect and check. They are working.

Then I decided that they sounded so-so... I need to add softness to the sound... *

Let's finalize them...

We rub them down to the ground.

Let's put everything back together. Turn it on and enjoy the new and “delicious” sound of the speakers.

He piled all sorts of rubbish on me until I stop accepting repairs (phones and tablets), I’ll take laptops. There are really many of you, and I am alone. Some people have been waiting for a long time. As soon as I finish it, I’ll start accepting applications again...

I'll write an email ONLY(you can bring your laptops to repair shops) for questions and consultations...

I don’t take laptops, tablets or Lenovo phones. Because while you fix one thing, the other breaks. *Everything below an asterisk in this post, it’s just a joke. While you’re fixing something else, something else will break. Well, their forest...

I only take laptops from St. Petersburg, or you can give them to me through someone else. There's a lot of fuss with them at the post office... They won't read it here anyway.

Courier services won't work either, because they deliver when it's convenient for them, not for me...

Let me remind you, dear pick-up people, that I do not work at the Service Center (SC). to amuse the farts on the sofas. This is my hobby, repairing various electronic things...

How to find out why the speakers are humming?

Master's answer:

If you encounter any problems with sound playback on your computer, this does not mean that you immediately need to call a technician who will determine and eliminate the cause of the problem.

If, over time, our equipment for sound reproduction, usually speakers, began to hum when playing music, then it is worth checking whether the connection of the speaker wires is working properly. To do this, make sure that the wires are tightly seated on the speaker terminals, they are not damaged, they are located in their usual places (here Special attention It is worth paying attention to the wire that comes from the main speaker power supply).

It's also worth remembering if we've recently done anything with the audio playback settings that relate to equalizer settings. We did not add various audio effects or make changes to the settings player program, as well as the speakers themselves. Let's open the equalizer, which is located in the control panel, and then reset the settings, or set its positions in the usual way. Let's also move on to the next tab, where we'll check if any additional settings are applied to playback.

If the speakers hum already when they are first connected to the PC, you need to check whether the devices are compatible in terms of power, and then adjust the settings depending on the parameters. If there are some inconsistencies, we will have to put up with listening to music at a limited volume. Another option would be to replace sound card for more suitable model. This can often be found when connecting good acoustics to a standard sound card. In this case, you need to adjust the settings on both devices to achieve good sound at maximum volume.

Unpleasant issues regarding sound playback may vary. Typically, speaker hum is a minor problem that can be easily fixed. But if everything possible actions have already been produced, but this did not produce results - it is worth trying to seek help from the service center specialists, or repair the equipment yourself, if, of course, you have the appropriate skills in working with radio equipment.

It often happens that they are inexpensive active speakers begin to buzz irritatingly when there is no input signal. In 95% of cases the problem is that they dry out electrolytic capacitors in the amplifier.

I will demonstrate the disassembly and replacement of capacitors in one of these speakers. In my case it is a 10 W F&D speaker.

Such appearance our patient has. So, let's start opening it :)

Before you start preparing a column, I advise you to make sure that you have chosen a speaker with an amplifier. It’s easy to check, just make sure you meet the following criteria:

  • This speaker is heavier than the other one in this set
  • The power cable comes out of this speaker
  • All controls (volume, treble and low frequencies, switch) are located on this column
  • This is where the audio cable connects.
Well, if you are not a complete idiot, you have already figured out which column needs to be disassembled :) To be sure, such a column should look like this from the back:

To disassemble, we need a Phillips screwdriver, with its help we need to unscrew 6 screws - they can be seen in the photo. If you don't have a Phillips screwdriver, you can use a slotted one. suitable size, a nail file, scissors, and indeed any available means - we want to take it apart, a thousand devils?!

Very important point! Remember where you hid the screws - otherwise you can easily lose them: D

So, the screws are unscrewed. We take out the amplifier board itself - it is inserted into the case on a wooden slide. Here.

These cylindrical things with an "X" on the end are the heroes of the occasion - electrolytic capacitors. It was they who were probably lost in the capacity, which is why the column began to make noise. The rating of these capacitors is 3300 uF 25 V. I had nothing to check how much the capacitance had dropped (or whether it had dropped at all). Therefore, we will trust our intuition and consider them to be the culprits of all troubles.

Since we have already reached the amplifier, it would be a shame not to take advantage of this opportunity and not inspect its board with special care. Alas, the picture before us is not particularly rosy. On next photo you can see that after the skillful Chinese sealed the amplifier microcircuits themselves, the flux was not even washed off - such a violation of installation technology.

In addition, the inspection revealed the absence of high-frequency non-polar capacitors, which had to be sealed in parallel to our dried-out electrolytes. There were holes for them on the board, but the Chinese are very economical people and did not install them. We'll have to fix this bug of theirs. own efforts, what really.

So, sir, we take out the flux, solder, capacitors, turn on the soldering iron and wait until it heats up. It just so happened that for the required voltage of 25 V I only had capacitors with a capacity of 1000 μF. But we studied physics and we know that when parallel connection capacitors, their capacities are added up :) So we will add up these capacities, yes.

It is almost impossible to imagine a computer working without sound. This is especially true for entertainment, video games without soundtrack are not interesting, there is no point in watching films with subtitles, and listening to music becomes impossible. Sound is necessary, so each user has a speaker or several, or headphones. These devices are necessary, but no one wants to shell out for expensive options; people buy cheap audio systems that eventually break down or start to act up. What can I say, crackling sounds in computer speakers and other extraneous sounds can appear even in expensive devices.

Noise can appear due to the operation of the computer, the operating system is loaded, information is processed, all this is accompanied by unpleasant crackling and squeaking. Fortunately, the problem can be solved, but first you need to find out what is causing the extra sounds.

Throwing away your old device and buying a new one is an extreme method of solving the problem. In fact, noise in headphones or speakers may appear due to damage or incorrect connection wires, drivers and even Windows settings.


Often a hissing sound appears when bad connection PC sound card and sound playback device. There are three options:

  • The connection wire is damaged. This not only causes interference in the computer speakers, but also a problem when only one of the speakers works. It is not always possible to determine the location of the cord fault by eye, so it is better to connect the device to another computer and check.
  • Contact between wires sound device And network card Bad quality.

  • The wire is not secured. When a draft wags the cord, or children play with the wires, noise is generated in the speakers. In such a situation, you need to attach the wire to a solid base; tape is suitable for this purpose.

It also happens that the problem appears due to the use of a long cord; the crackling is not strong, but still causes inconvenience. Using a shorter wire will solve the problem.


The operation of the computer, including sound reproduction, depends on the drivers. When they are not installed, the user will not hear anything at all, and if a person has downloaded the wrong driver, then the operation of the device will be disrupted.

Such malfunctions appear after updating the drivers or installing a new package. This problem is reported by Windows OS.

To check whether these sounds in the headphones really appeared due to the drivers, we do the following manipulations:

  • We go to the “Control Panel”, there we already click on the “Hardware and Sound” icon and click on the line “Task Manager”;

  • If there is no yellow or red warning icon, then there are no problems with the sound drivers. When such signs are present, we correct the problems.

In any case, when available updates should do this. Maybe, extraneous noise will disappear.


Two or three randomly placed checkboxes next to unknown options can degrade the sound quality. Hissing in headphones appears when PCBeep is running line input. Other functions, depending on the computer settings, can also affect the volume and quality.

Fig.1. Go to the “Control Panel” menu, select the “Hardware and Sound” icon and then click on the “Volume Adjustment” function

Fig.2. At the second stage of work, click LMB on the “Speakers and headphones” icon

Fig.3. The Levels menu has settings for PcBeep, CD, etc.

  • We set all these functions to the value 0, save the configurations and check whether this solves the problem.

In some situations such simple manipulations really improve the quality of reproduction.



Extraneous noise appears in the speakers when the volume is increased. When this figure exceeds 50%, noise, crackling and other unpleasant effects appear instead of music.

This problem plagues all owners of inexpensive devices; it is also called the “jitter” effect. Also, noise appears when the volume level of the speakers is set to maximum, and in the operating system, on the contrary, at minimum configurations.

In such a situation, we find a “golden mean”

Solving the problem with “jitter” when the volume is increased is almost impossible. The only solution is to buy new speakers.


In most computers, this part is installed directly into the motherboard and is purchased all together. Purchasing a separate card costs money and is not a popular solution.

Increased frequencies of all kinds of boards create electromagnetic effects that do not interfere with the operation of the digital part of the device, but strongly affect the analog components, which is why the quality of reproduction decreases.

Low-cost PCI options are slightly better at this issue, but they also have the same problem.


When the board is installed near the video card, the computer speakers begin to make noise. The fact is that the video card outputs special signals, which come into the sound card and create noise.

If this is not possible, then we create a special reflective screen from cardboard and foil.


Therefore, a computer connected to a regular outlet will produce sound with noise and crackling. In laptops, this problem cannot be solved, because in such a situation the board will not be grounded.

Extraneous sound and noise in headphones and speakers must be eliminated.

Work and entertainment on a computer cannot be considered complete if there is no sound on it. It is necessary to watch movies, listen to music, receive notifications of new messages, and so on. You can name hundreds of programs, sites, games and applications that lose their relevance without sound.

The sound must be clear and loud, and its distortion is a big problem that anyone can encounter Windows user 10. If the sound on the computer begins to crackle, wheeze, sound muffled, hiss, or there are other problems with it, you need to fix the problem as soon as possible. In this article, we will look at the main reasons why similar problems with sound in Windows 10, as well as ways to fix them.

Important: Before you start trying to fix software malfunction, make sure that the problem is not hardware. If the sound hisses from speakers connected to a computer or laptop, try checking them by connecting speaker system to the player or phone. In a situation where the built-in laptop speakers wheeze, on the contrary, connect to laptop computer external speaker system and see how it sounds. You can also try disconnecting the laptop or computer connector from the sound card and connecting it again.

The sound on the computer wheezes due to effects

The most common problem that most often results in sound distortion is the effects being turned on. In the Windows operating system, you can apply various effects to the output sound, which many users forget about, and they think that there are problems with the audio.

Sound effects on your computer may turn on due to changes in system settings various applications with administrator rights. Check whether wheezing, hissing or muffled sound is associated with Windows effects, you can in the audio settings. This is done as follows:

Saving changes made, make sure that the sound on the computer has returned to normal and become “clean”. If it continues to crack, wheeze, hiss, or have other defects, proceed to the next step in the instructions.

Sound hisses and crackles in exclusive mode

Some versions of Windows 10 may conflict with sound card drivers, causing the user to experience defects when listening to audio in exclusive mode. Also, problems with exclusive sound mode may occur on weak computer. To exclude the possibility of crackling, hissing and wheezing when playing sound due to the exclusive mode, we recommend trying to disable it.

To prevent applications from using monopoly mode sound, again in the notification area, right-click on the speaker icon and select “Playback Devices”. Go to the properties of the device you are using and on the “Advanced” tab, uncheck both items located in the “Exclusive Mode” section.

Check if the sound improves after turning off exclusive mode.

Sound problems due to incorrect drivers

The Windows 10 operating system automatically installs the optimal (according to its version) drivers when the system first starts. However, in some cases, problems may arise with such drivers. To exclude this, it is recommended to download and install it on your computer latest version drivers for the sound card from the official website of its developers.

Please note: If the problem with hissing, wheezing and other sound defects occurs on your laptop, you can also try reinstalling the audio drivers from the official website of the laptop manufacturer.

Important: If Device Manager does not indicate that there are problems with the sound card drivers, this does not mean anything at all. Even in this case, it is recommended to try updating the drivers, since the system may not see the presence of defects in the sound, assuming that if the sound is output, then there are no problems with it, but in reality this may be different.

Quiet sound in Windows 10 due to communication settings

Another innovation modern versions Windows automatically mutes the sound output various programs, when making a call, for example, in Skype. There may be situations when this option does not work correctly and, due to some errors, constantly keeps the sound muted, believing that the computer is in call mode.

To exclude the possibility of problems with quiet sound because of this Windows features, you can try turning it off and check if the problem persists. Disable the option in the sound settings:

Note that this method helps solve the problem only if the sound is quiet, but in a situation where it wheezes or crackles, the problem cannot be eliminated.

Sound problems in Windows 10 due to incorrect playback format

Modern sound card models support almost any audio playback format that can be offered by the operating system. Windows system. However, if your computer has old map, this may cause problems.

To go to the playback format settings, you need to go to the “Control Panel” and select among available options"Sound". Next, click on playback device properties. A window will open where you need to go to the “Advanced” tab. Set the “Default Format” to “16 bit, 44100 Hz (CD)” and save your changes.

It is worth noting that the 16-bit format at 44100 Hz is supported by almost all sound cards, and it has been used since the early times Windows versions.

If none of the above tips helped to correct the situation with wheezing, crackling and hissing sound, we recommend that you try checking your computer for viruses. It often turns out that the computer is infected with a Trojan or Malware virus, which causes it to freeze. operating system, which is accompanied by a temporary loss, wheezing or crackling sound.