How to write text on a new line on Instagram

Owners of accounts on the social network Instagram (especially for beginners) may encounter a situation where, when creating text and breaking it into paragraphs, the latter eventually disappear, and the final text turns into a chaotic mess, unsuitable for reading. In this material I will tell you how to learn to write on a new line on Instagram, and what is necessary to correctly display paragraphs in the text we write.

Let's look at ways to correctly create a paragraph on Instagram.

Method 1: Use an Alternative Program to Create a Paragraph on Instagram

Of the available options, this method is quite simple, and at the same time quite effective for writing on a new line.

At the same time, remember that this text should not exceed a certain length (previously it was 2200 characters), otherwise your paragraphs may disappear. Also, instead of two consecutive hyphens, there is usually only one left.

Method 2: Insert a period to separate paragraphs

Some users use a period to create separation between paragraphs on Instagram.

  1. This is done in the following way: we write the sentence we need, put a period.
  2. Then click on “Enter” (Return), on the next line click on the dot again, and then again on “Enter” (Return).
  3. Next, write the text of the next paragraph.

When paragraphs are displayed, they will be separated by a line with a period.

Method 3: Use the special space character to break a new line

The third method is to use a special space character, which is placed after each paragraph. Open your text on Instagram, delete the space at the end of the previous paragraph, and instead insert the space in the text below before the dash:

⠀- Here, before the dash, is the indicated space.

Then press the "Enter" button on your keyboard to move to the next line, again insert the specified space character. Then go to a new line, save the entry and view the result.

For iOS users, the "Enter" button is available when you go to the keyboard page with the number pad and symbols (the "123" button in the lower left corner).

Method 4: Stop using a space after a period

When writing a sentence, try not to put a space after the period at the end of the sentence, but go straight to the next line (i.e. there should be no space at the end of the line).


To separate paragraphs on Instagram, I recommend using the methods described above. The simplest of these is to use a period separating user-created paragraphs; it will allow you to easily format your text, presenting it in an easy-to-read form.

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Which helps bloggers and online stores attract new customers and fans. Therefore, it is no longer enough to simply publish beautiful photos. The reader wants to see the text, know what the blogger is thinking about, what he can offer him.

Many Internet innovations are directly related to account promotion. However, without a competent combination of text and pictures, this will not be possible. How to write a new line on Instagram, and most importantly, why you should do it at all, can be found out below.

Why do you need text on Instagram?

If Instagram is a visual social network, then why does it need text at all? The fact is that it is becoming increasingly difficult to attract attention to oneself. Every second account can offer good photos. Every fifth belongs to photographers who take pictures that will take your breath away. You can find bloggers who make sketches of village life, some post photos of dishes. In any case, this is not enough now.

Therefore, you also have to write. Today there are even vacancies for copywriters for posts on Instagram. The texts come to the fore. Some Internet users have already admitted that they prefer to read texts rather than watch photos or videos. Therefore, you need to write beautifully. Not only emoticons, but also new paragraphs help in designing a post. However, it is not clear to everyone

Why are paragraphs needed?

Why do you need a new line in the text? This helps highlight a new thought and separate it from the rest of the text. If what is written is structured, it is much easier to read.

The text is difficult to read. If a blogger doesn’t know how to wrap text on Instagram to a new line, then his page will look chaotic. Or he will have to be content with short quotes and inscriptions. And they, as you know, do not bring the desired response from subscribers.

Comments on the text are one of the central elements that influence account statistics. What to write if there is nothing to read? Only standard compliments to photos. But not everyone wants to respond to such a comment. Therefore, it is important to know how to write on a new line on Instagram. This will help increase your reach, which is so important to monetize your page.

There are several options for writing on a new line on Instagram. One of the simplest is to copy text from notes. That is, first the text is typed in notes and edited. All the emoticons and so on are placed. Then it is transferred to Instagram.

As for the profile header, it is more convenient to work here from a computer, since this part of the account can be easily edited from a laptop. This is much more convenient than tormenting your phone and thinking about how to write a new line on Instagram.

Step-by-step description: new lines

The easiest way to make paragraphs is to remove the space at the end of the previous block of text. That is:

  • After the final word in the last sentence of a paragraph is written, there is no need to put a space.
  • Now you need to switch to the numeric keypad. Then a new line will appear at the bottom right. You should click on this button. Now you can write text.

If after publication the text is confused, you need to edit the post. To do this, go to three dots, on the right, at the top of the screen, find the “change” button. Now you need to place the cursor before the last word of the paragraph. Most likely, there is a gap left there; it needs to be removed. Next, move the paragraph to a new line using the numeric keypad. Now you can save your changes.

Moving a paragraph to a new line on Instagram is easy. As a result, you can increase the number of your subscribers and attract new customers or fans. Therefore, you should not neglect texts on this social network.

In the section on the question how to move to the next line in Microsoft Word with a small indent? given by the author tractor manufacturing the best answer is Spacing between lines.
Office 2007. Select these places in the text and in the “Paragraph” tab, click on the “Line Spacing” icon. In the menu that appears, click in turn on the two bottom lines “Remove space before paragraph” and “Delete space after paragraph”.
Spacing between paragraphs.
Office 2007. Select text. In the Quick Access Toolbar, in the “Paragraph” tab, click on the “Line Spacing” icon. Select the desired option from the menu that appears.
Changing line spacing.
Office 2007. Home. In the “Paragraph” tab, click on the “Line Spacing” icon. In the menu that appears, click on “Other line spacing options...”. In the “Paragraph” window, click on “Indents and Spacing”. In the "Spacing" section, change the values ​​to "line spacing:" and "value:".
To set the line spacing to "Default" in all documents.
Office 2007. On the menu bar, click “Home”. Then, in the “Paragraph” tab, click on the “Line Spacing” icon. In the menu that appears, the bottom two lines should be “Add space before paragraph” and “Add space after paragraph”. Then in the “Paragraph” tab at the bottom right side, click on the square with the arrow. In the Paragraph window, on the menu bar, click Indents and Spacing. In the “Spacing” section there should be “Before: ” 0pt, “After: ” 0pt, “Line Spacing: ” Single and “Value: ” the box is empty. Then click on “Default” and then agree and click Yes and OK.

It's no secret that most Instagram users, one way or another, promote their own account. As practice has shown, any promotion is doomed to failure without a competent combination of beautiful pictures and text content of your posts. In this publication, we will teach you how to write on a new line on Instagram, and what you need to do to create paragraphs in the text you write.

Making paragraphs

Many will say why paragraphs are needed if the “main message” in the text fits in a couple of lines. Instagram is geared towards visualizing content, so text is given secondary importance.

As a rule, after publishing content, all division into blocks magically disappears, the content turns into a solid canvas, which looks ugly and is perceived poorly. A paragraph helps a blogger highlight the main idea, make the content structured, correct and readable.

There are many ways to create paragraphs, the most common of which is to use “invisible white space.”

  • write the first part of the description;
  • after the period at the end of the last word before the paragraph, press “Enter”;
  • According to the rules, there should be one blank line between paragraphs, so insert an invisible character and press “Enter”.

Now you can write the second part of the description.

Where can I get “invisibility”? This symbol can be copied from a user profile whose text is divided into paragraphs. On the smartphone screen, this symbol is truly invisible, which cannot be said about the WEB version of Insta. There, “invisible” objects are displayed as empty squares. We go to Instagram from a PC, find a user whose profile has empty squares in front of the text, copy it into the “notes” of the smartphone and use it to create paragraphs.

The invisible space can be used to write a sentence from the red line. For this:

  • after the period of the last word in the sentence (without a space), press “Enter”;
  • insert “invisible” and start writing a new sentence without a space.

Thus, it turns out that invisible characters will simply shift the main text to the center.

Division in the form of dots and dashes instead of paragraphs

This method is often used by bloggers to divide continuous text into paragraphs. The essence of the method is reminiscent of using “invisible” symbols, only a dot is placed instead of them. How it works:

You can use dashes and other symbols in the same way.

What do they write on Instagram on a new line?

You can attract attention to your posts by simply signing the photo beautifully, using different fonts, making the text on the photo in blue letters or even a gradient. However, information that should attract attention is mainly written on a new line. As a rule, this is:

  • caption for posts;
  • terms of competitions;
  • drawing schedule;
  • profile description.

To edit the text in your BIO and make sure your profile gets noticed, you need to:

  • go to your account;
  • select “Edit profile”;

  • in the place where you need to make a paragraph, press “Enter”;
  • put an “invisible space” and press “Enter” again.

The text will now be separated by a blank line. The main thing is not to forget about Instaram limits on the number of characters.

Proper division of text into paragraphs will certainly benefit the style of your Instagram profile. Read about the impact in our material at the link.

As a conclusion

From this publication you learned how to write on a new line on Instagram in several simple ways. A well-written and structured text will definitely attract the attention of subscribers to your publications, if, of course, you have them. If you are having difficulty attracting new followers, we recommend using the services of proven comprehensive promotion services on Instagram: , .

Users accompany photo and video publications with a text comment. For some, one or two sentences are enough, while for others, all 2200 characters are not enough. Simply creating text is not enough. To make it easier to read, the comment needs to be structured: add lists, paragraphs. How to write text on a new line on Instagram, read this article.

Let's look at options for how to write via a computer and applications for popular platforms: iOS, Android. The application interface is the same for all gadgets, but the preinstalled keyboard is different. Therefore, choose the instructions for your device.

How to write on Android

How to write a new line on Instagram from your phone in the description of a photo:

There are clients developed for PCs on Windows and Mac, but we will not consider them: not all users have them installed, and the web version is available for free and its interface is the same for computers from different manufacturers.

How to write a new line on Instagram in the profile header:

When you go to your profile, you will see that the information is still written on one line - this is normal. In the mobile application, the text will have the structure that you specified.

Important: how to strikethrough text in an application.

How to make description text on Instagram on a new line:

You can move text to a new Instagram line via a computer only in a comment to a photo - the description itself cannot be changed. This functionality is not available in the web version.

We have looked at the options for two platforms and PC. Now you know how to start on a new line on Instagram and you can create readable posts.