Protecting comments from spam. WordPress protection plugins against comment spam

WordPress is an amazing solution for webmasters that allows you to get rid of many of the problems associated with developing a full-fledged website. One of these problems is spam protection, which is often extremely difficult to deal with.

1. Akismet

This is a standard anti-spam plugin for WordPress, which is installed along with the CMS. It was one of the first developed for WP, with almost the same team that worked on creating WordPress. It's about about Automattic, as many of you have already guessed.

Akismet checks every comment you add for spam links, which you can later manually disavow or approve. It is worth noting that the functionality of this plugin is limited solely to checking and labeling comments.

2. Antispam Bee

Antispam Bee is another WP plugin that allows you to evaluate the various components of each comment and stop any spam. The plugin provides the ability to confirm which commentators you can trust.

The plugin also checks IP addresses, Gravatar, etc. This allows you to stop almost any attempt to post spam comments.

3. Anti-spam

This anti-spam method is offered in two versions: free and one that costs $15. Free version focused on automatic operation, and you won't be able to make changes to the settings: just install the plugin and it starts working.

The paid version allows you to set up your own filters, that is, use lists of words, and also specify the maximum number of words for each comment.

In fact, it is one of the most effective anti-spam plugins for WordPress.

4. WP-SpamShield Anti-Spam

An all-in-one anti-spam solution for WordPress that not only fights spam comments, but also filters out trackbacks from suspicious sources, spam in feedback and even suspicious accounts during the registration process. This plugin does not implement CAPTCHA at all, and therefore does not affect the user experience in any way.

WP-SpamShield works great with plugins like Contact Form 7, Gravity Forms, Ninja Forms, JetPack Contact Forms & Comments, BuddyPress, bbPress, WooCommerce and will help you get rid of spam forever.

5.Advanced Invisible Anti-spam

Almost the most effective protection from WordPress spam, which can easily cope with spammers without using captcha. Despite its simplicity, it works great with advanced caching systems. This plugin offers filters that any webmaster can easily handle.

6. WP Anti Spam

This spam filter for WordPress checks comments, IP addresses, nicknames, email and specified sites for spam. You will be able to specify a minimum and maximum word count per comment, which will help you avoid annoying comments with just a link. The plugin also provides the ability to use a list of words that are prohibited from being used in comments.


This is one of many paid plugins that will cost you $12. Not only will it save you from spam, but it is also capable of fighting malicious bots and brute force attacks. With this plugin you can limit the number of requests to the server that originate from a specific IP address. If a bot tries to bypass this restriction, it will either be redirected to another page or encounter a CAPTCHA that verifies that the requests are made by a real person. In addition, you can block individual IP addresses that have been detected as spam.

8. AlphaOmega Captcha & Anti-Spam Filter

Another plugin whose purpose is to protect against spam in WordPress comments. It shows a captcha, which allows you to confirm that the comment is written by a real person, and here it is important to note that not every webmaster agrees to use spam filters without using a captcha.

The comment counting feature will help determine the effectiveness of the plugin, as you will see the number of blocked ones.

9. Anti-Spam by CleanTalk

This plugin does not use captcha or other security methods that require mechanical intervention from users. Such solutions are gaining popularity very quickly, since users are already quite tired of captchas.

The plugin counts blocked comments, attempts to send spam through the feedback form, as well as through the registration form on the site. It is compatible with the WooCommerce plugin, which means your online store is on WordPress based will also be protected from spam.

10. ZWS WordPress Anti Spam & URL Filter

This plugin for protecting your site from spam works in two ways: different ways. One is to eliminate the “website” field during registration, where spammers often enter spam links. The second way is that you will be able to use lists of banned words, which then serve as beacons for the plugin.

11. WPBruiser (no-Captcha anti-Spam)

Last but not least effective plugin also does not use captcha, but successfully protects comments, feedback forms, registration forms, etc. from spam.

It automatically blocks IP addresses found to be sending spam. In addition, your site will be protected from brute force attacks.

Translation of the article “ 13 Free WordPress Anti Spam Plugins to Prevent Comment Spam” was prepared by the friendly project team

Hi all. If you have a WordPress site, then you must be familiar with the problem of your site being flooded with spam comments. Of course, the Akismet plugin, which is installed there by default, does an excellent job of dealing with spam in WordPress, but the problem with this plugin is that it often marks completely human comments from real people as spam.

Until recently, I constantly checked my spam folder for comments that had been mistakenly placed there. Usually a day on my blog, about 50-70 comments. Eventually I got tired of it and started looking for a way to get rid of it. automatic spam Once and for all. And I found such a way :)

The idea of ​​a captcha, which could improve the situation a little, did not suit me at all. I think that today you rarely see captcha on blogs; it is becoming a thing of the past, and rightly so. I once wrote that using a captcha on a blog scares off most commentators, and using a creepy digital captcha completely kills the desire to comment.

After some searching, I found an interesting and simple way to protect against spam, which is in replacing text fields, that’s what I want to talk about.

The essence of this method is that we create a new comment field with a new name, and hide the old field from the eyes of visitors. The spam bot, out of habit, will enter a comment in the standard field, since it is configured for this, but it will not be able to send this comment :) At the same time, regular visitors will enter comments into the form with a new name, and they will not even notice any changes.

So, let's move on to implementing this method. There are two ways for events to develop: either you old version engine, and your comments are displayed through html code, or you latest version, and comments are output via the function comment_form().

First option

Let's consider the option when comments are displayed through html code.

The first thing we need to do is find in the file comments.php, in the folder with the theme, a line responsible for displaying the field for entering a comment. Usually it looks like this:

This line should be replaced with the following construction:

The next step is to change the styles for these shapes. In order to hide the old form from the eyes of visitors, add to the file style.css:

Spamform (display: none;)

If your old comment form had styles attached, then you need to replace it in style.css All id="comment" on id="newcomment", then yours new form comments will look the same as before.

Well last step paste at the end of the file functions.php(before the sign ?> ) the following function:

//spam_detect add_filter("pre_comment_on_post", "verify_spam"); function verify_spam($commentdata) ( $spam_test_field = trim($_POST["comment"]); if( ! empty($spam_test_field)) wp_die("no-spam"); $comment_content = trim($_POST["newcomment"]); $_POST["comment"] = $comment_content; return $commentdata; ) //end

Second option

Now let's look at the second option, when comments are displayed using the function comment_form() .

Here the algorithm is almost the same as in previous paragraph. All we need to do is add two functions to the function.php file:

//Add a comment field add_filter("comment_form_defaults", "change_comment_form_defaults"); function change_comment_form_defaults($default) ( $commenter = wp_get_current_commenter(); $default["comment_notes_after"] .= "

"; return $default; ) //end //spam_detect add_filter("pre_comment_on_post", "verify_spam"); ​​function verify_spam($commentdata) ( $spam_test_field = trim($_POST["comment"]); if( ! empty($spam_test_field)) wp_die("no-spam"); $comment_content = trim($_POST["newcomment"]); $_POST["comment"] = $comment_content; return $commentdata; ) //end

The first function adds a new comment field (similar to

"; return $default; ) //END adding your own comment field

Now we hide our standard field comment, via file "style.css":

Comment-form-comment (display: none;)

So, we've completed the first part of the hack. Now we have a real-comment field that the visitor can see and fill in, and a standard comment field that is hidden! IN next step we need to determine which of these fields to skip and which to disable. If the visible field is filled, then we pass, and if the invisible field is filled, then we disable it. To do this, open the file functions.php and add the code there:

2. Comments not via the “comment_form()” function

If your comments are not displayed through the comment_form() function, like mine! In this case, open the file comments.php and find there the code that displays the field for entering a comment. Something similar to:

This code must be replaced with:

Now we need to hide the standard comment field. To do this, open your template's style file “style.css” and add the code there:

No-spam (position: absolute; left: -1000px;)

No-spam (display: none;)

Also in this method don't forget to add the code in the file functions.php, to determine which of these fields to skip and which to disable.

//Check for spam add_filter("pre_comment_on_post", "verify_spam"); function verify_spam($commentdata) ( $spam_test_field = trim($_POST["comment"]); if(!empty($spam_test_field)) wp_die("No spam!"); $comment_content = trim($_POST["real- comment"]); $_POST["comment"] = $comment_content; return $commentdata; ) //END spam check

That's basically it! Now spam comments will no longer disturb you and your blog. If you doubt whether you did everything correctly, you can check how this hack works to protect WordPress from spam. To do this, you need to remove from the file style.css changes made, refresh the blog page, fill out each comment field and try to post a comment!

All questions, wishes and comments, write in the comments to the article.

WordPress sites and blogs have always been a target for internet spammers. In this article I want to introduce 5 Powerful Antispam Plugins for WordPress to fight spam.

It's actually easy to set up a bot that will automatically filter comment spam and links in your posts and pages. But for beginner bloggers this can be very difficult to do, and sometimes even professionals are not able to cope with all this work.

You should also consider checking the comment sections of your site if you are truly concerned. Having thousands of unnecessary comments will simply overload your database. MySQL data, and your site will simply load slowly.

So, how to get rid of all those nasty comment spams and keep your control panel clean and transparent.

The best antispam plugins for WordPress

In this article I tried to compose. They all perform the same task, but with at different speeds accuracy and other detection system functions.

Several significant advantages of using them:

  • They are free to use.
  • You can easily and simply put human and bot spammers under your control.
  • Your comments section will be cleared of garbage.
  • You will notice an increase in the speed of your blog/site.
  • And finally, you will save your time, which can be spent on writing or articles/content.

So let's start with our first anti-spam plugin.

This is the only one WordPress anti-spam plugin, which comes with the installation in the WordPress folder via zip file or with installation directly from your blog panel. This proves his authority. By this time it has been downloaded more than 17,840,202 times and almost every WP user uses it on their blog.

Akismet is not like any other plugin that performs crawling and analysis using your server resources. Instead, it will ask you to register first free account and use your personal API key for cloud detection systems.

Every time someone tries to post any comment on your post, he will be the first to analyze and publish or spam the comment on your site. The plugin, in turn, allows you to automatically filter out unnecessary trash and make the job simpler and easier.

This will certainly save two to three hours of your time, which can be spent on improving your content, promotion, etc.

NIX Anti-Spam Light

It's very simple, but still very powerful plugin. It does not create any load on servers when dealing with spam. In fact, it uses the power of a Java script to check and identify all comments not submitted through the browser.

And the best thing about it is that you don't have to produce any custom settings in the toolbar. Your readers or visitors should not indulge in entering all sorts of captchas from pictures or mathematical calculations to leave a comment on your blog.

Powerful plugin that uses cloud system detection, keeps comments clean. Whenever a visitor or user tries to leave a message on your blog, the data will first be sent to cloud storage, and from there the command will come to approve or reject the comment.

There is no external load on the server, you will receive high-quality dashboard to combat spam. The detection system of this plugin is completely hidden, there is nothing to disturb your website visitors. In addition, it allows readers to comment on your posts without entering any security captcha.

Remember, this plugin is free to use for 14 days only. And after that you must purchase an API key, which costs $4.99 for one year.

En Spam

The detection system works absolutely from JavaScript script and browser cookies. We all know that bots don't use the comment field for input. This is where they are caught.

En Spam plugin creates a JavaScript layer and uses browser cookies to determine whether the submitted comment is from real person. For all those visitors who have disabled cookies, it redirects to another page.

AVH First Defense Against Spam

This plugin is very popular in this category and is generally considered as the first anti-spam plugin. This is absolutely free tool for all those bloggers, webmasters, internet marketers and companies who use (content management system).

This plugin uses its detection systems and determines whether the person submitting the comment is a spammer or not. First, I check the IP address and address in all databases Email, and then check their blacklist and local IP cache.

Moreover, this plugin offers many features and customization options. The plugin is completely free.

All these five antispam plugins for WordPress Perfect for both professional and newbie bloggers. With them, it simply doesn't matter how many visitors or comments your site receives in a day, they don't use server resources, and therefore won't affect the loading time of your pages.