The best anti-spam plugin for WordPress. WordPress Spam Protection. Alternative Plugins to Stop Spam Logging in WordPress

Spam in WordPress is an all-time sore subject. This is the price to pay for the popularity and open source of the engine. It remains to either put up with or fight this problem. Moreover, popularity and attendance do not affect the amount of spam. Sites with zero traffic can successfully spam many times more than top-rated sites with decent traffic. WordPress Spam Protection in our case, it will be carried out by proven plugins, which can be found in the Wordpress “store”. This material can be called “how I got rid of spam.” We present to your attention a “gentlemanly” set of plugins that allowed us to completely get rid of spam in Wordpress (with a brief description of the plugins). I’d like to note right away that I don’t use the popular antispam plugin Aksimet (I don’t want to play with registrations).

WordPress spam – a set of WordPress spam protection plugins

1. The first plugin that will protect our Wordpress website from spam - Antispam Bee. The plugin is perfectly localized, so there is no point in describing the settings, and the default settings are optimal. The only thing you can add is to check the “Use general antispam database” option in order to expand the spam filter. The plugin does an excellent job of fighting spam without registration (unlike Aksimet), has flexible settings and statistics.

2. Our old one will go under number two BotBlocker. At the time of writing, the plugin has not been updated for 5 years, but nevertheless it works and copes with its task. Again, there is no need to change the default settings, just install and activate the plugin.

3. – additional captcha protection. After installing the previous plugins, captcha, as such, in principle, is not particularly needed. But, as they say, “it’s better to be safe than sorry.” I use a plugin for this Captcha Code easy to install and configure - without unnecessary movements, we get a simple captcha. I note that simply installing a captcha on comments practically does not block spam (and we have tested almost all the plugins in this area that are available in the engine’s plugin collection).

With this set of plugins wordpress spam protection no longer seems like an impossible task. It was this combination of plugins that made it possible to completely get rid of spam on several maintained Wordpress sites that had been actively “bombed” with spam for a long time.

There remains one more weak point in terms of spam in Wordpress - manual spamming - but nothing can be done about it. The good news is that this type of spam is a drop in the bucket compared to automated spam, and is extremely rare.

But there are many people who like to ruin other people's work or demonstrate their superiority. Today we will talk about spammers, they can cause you real trouble when you start your blogging journey.

To protect yourself from spam, you can use anti-spam plugins that will protect your blog. Here is a list of the best free WordPress anti-spam plugins that will help you save time and effort that you can spend on something more important.

1 – Anti Spam Bee

Anti Spam Bee- is the best solution for protecting against spam on your WordPress blog. It has about 20 hand-picked features that you can customize the way you like. This plugin does not store your personal data, so you don't have to worry about any information leaks.

No registration is required to use this plugin and it will also show static data for the last 30 days.

  • No registration required.
  • Does not store personal data.
  • Free for commercial use.
  • Has statistics for 30 days.
2 – Spam Free WordPress

The Spam Free WordPress plugin will protect you from comment spam. This plugin will certainly reduce spam to zero and completely protect you from spam bots that will automatically leave spam comments on your blog. This is a very small plugin that uses very little memory, providing reliable protection.

Key points and features:

  • Uses little memory.
  • Protects against spam bots.
  • Has a pro version.
  • Supports multiple languages.
3 – Grow Map Anti Spambot Plugin

Grow Map Anti Spambot Plugin- will protect you from automated spam bots leaving spam comments, the new improved spam bots are also limited in their actions, since a verification field is generated in your comments. This field will ask users to ensure they are not spammers.

You will be able to set the maximum number of comments from a user in the queue if you previously did not have approved comments from him.

Key points and features:

  • Protection from automated spam bots.
  • Generating a verification field.
  • Limit the maximum number of comments.
  • Protection against new and improved spam bots.
4 – WP Spam Shield Anti-Spam

WP Spam Shield Anti-Spam– in one plugin the solution to all your problems with spam, this plugin will save you from comment spam, registration spam, trackback and pingback spam. The special thing about this anti-spam plugin is that it uses a spam-blocking contact form, so you don't have to worry about spam in your email.

To place a spam-blocking contact form anywhere on your blog, you can use a shortcode.

Key points and features:

  • Doesn't have a captcha.
  • Protects against various types of spam.
  • Has a spam blocking contact form.
  • Shortcode functions.
5 – WordPress Zero Spam

You can protect your blog from spam very easily using the Zero Spam WordPress plugin. This plugin does not use captcha or user moderation to save valuable time for them and the administrator. You will be free from registration spam, as well as comment spam.

There is full support for cache plugins, so there will be no problem if you use a caching plugin. There is IP spam blocking, when an IP blocks something that a user of a given IP cannot see on your site.

Key points and features:

  • Doesn't have a captcha.
  • There is no moderation.
  • IP blocking function.
  • Cache compatible.
This is a list of the best free WordPress plugins to protect your blog from spammers. Not included in this list Akismet, it is not free for commercial blogs. Many blogs are trying to make money, for this reason, this list includes only those plugins that are completely free. In addition, it filters too much. Often a lot of good comments end up in spam, and on some blogs, these could be potential customers who, without waiting for a response, will leave and never return.

I personally use a long-proven method To view the link you must:

But there are many people who like to ruin other people's work or demonstrate their superiority. Today we will talk about spammers, they can cause you real trouble when you start your blogging journey.

To protect yourself from spam, you can use anti-spam plugins that will protect your blog. Here is a list of the best free WordPress anti-spam plugins that will help you save time and effort that you can spend on something more important.

1 – Anti Spam Bee

Anti Spam Bee- is the best solution for protecting against spam on your WordPress blog. It has about 20 hand-picked features that you can customize the way you like. This plugin does not store your personal data, so you don't have to worry about any information leaks.

No registration is required to use this plugin and it will also show static data for the last 30 days.

  • No registration required.
  • Does not store personal data.
  • Free for commercial use.
  • Has statistics for 30 days.
2 – Spam Free WordPress

The Spam Free WordPress plugin will protect you from comment spam. This plugin will certainly reduce spam to zero and completely protect you from spam bots that will automatically leave spam comments on your blog. This is a very small plugin that uses very little memory, providing reliable protection.

Key points and features:

  • Uses little memory.
  • Protects against spam bots.
  • Has a pro version.
  • Supports multiple languages.
3 – Grow Map Anti Spambot Plugin

Grow Map Anti Spambot Plugin- will protect you from automated spam bots leaving spam comments, the new improved spam bots are also limited in their actions, since a verification field is generated in your comments. This field will ask users to ensure they are not spammers.

You will be able to set the maximum number of comments from a user in the queue if you previously did not have approved comments from him.

Key points and features:

  • Protection from automated spam bots.
  • Generating a verification field.
  • Limit the maximum number of comments.
  • Protection against new and improved spam bots.
4 – WP Spam Shield Anti-Spam

WP Spam Shield Anti-Spam– in one plugin the solution to all your problems with spam, this plugin will save you from comment spam, registration spam, trackback and pingback spam. The special thing about this anti-spam plugin is that it uses a spam-blocking contact form, so you don't have to worry about spam in your email.

To place a spam-blocking contact form anywhere on your blog, you can use a shortcode.

Key points and features:

  • Doesn't have a captcha.
  • Protects against various types of spam.
  • Has a spam blocking contact form.
  • Shortcode functions.
5 – WordPress Zero Spam

You can protect your blog from spam very easily using the Zero Spam WordPress plugin. This plugin does not use captcha or user moderation to save valuable time for them and the administrator. You will be free from registration spam, as well as comment spam.

There is full support for cache plugins, so there will be no problem if you use a caching plugin. There is IP spam blocking, when an IP blocks something that a user of a given IP cannot see on your site.

Key points and features:

  • Doesn't have a captcha.
  • There is no moderation.
  • IP blocking function.
  • Cache compatible.
This is a list of the best free WordPress plugins to protect your blog from spammers. Not included in this list Akismet, it is not free for commercial blogs. Many blogs are trying to make money, for this reason, this list includes only those plugins that are completely free. In addition, it filters too much. Often a lot of good comments end up in spam, and on some blogs, these could be potential customers who, without waiting for a response, will leave and never return.

I personally use a long-proven method To view the link you must:

WordPress is one of the best blogging CMS designed for webmasters. And most importantly, the content management system is distributed absolutely free of charge. One of the most pressing problems for website owners is annoying WordPress spam, which very often causes a lot of difficulties.

I want to introduce you to 11 plugins that effectively combat the problem of spam and are distributed absolutely free. WordPress Spam Protection using plugins is most effective.

All these methods for solving the spam problem are good, but there is another way that we managed to find. The solution turned out to be even more interesting and universal. No plugins are used to protect WordPress; all you need to do is tweak the program code. Testing took 48 hours and no spam managed to escape.

In standard assembly WordPress spam protection uses the “Akisment” extension. Honestly, I don’t understand why users love this plugin. It's better to remove it immediately. Spam on WordPress not uncommon, but the plugin doesn’t work properly. The plugin has a lot of shortcomings; very often normal comments are filtered out as “Spam”. Let's look at the most popular anti-spam plugins.

As noted earlier, this option is not the best. This is the default solution for all WordPress blogs. It is included in the standard installation package of the content management system. The developers of the plugin were the same people who initially worked on the WordPress CMS itself.

The Akismet extension interacts with all added messages and filters out junk containing active links. In fact, it turned out that the solution is not the most attractive; the plugin works crookedly.

Among the worthy anti WordPress spam extensions include the Antispam Bee plugin. It easily evaluates and recognizes all comments that contain spam and stops any attempts to publish it. There is an option to approve new comments. There is a Gravatar check, IP and other goodies. All attempts at spam will be in vain.

Subscription to the plugin is available in 2 options: paid and free. For the first subscription option you will have to pay 15 US dollars. For some, the amount is significant. The difference between the free and paid versions is the presence of settings; in the free version, everything happens automatically. The paid version gives you freedom of imagination: filters, safe words.

In fact, the plugin turned out to be one of the best in its segment on WordPress.

We invite you to pay attention to this universal solution for website spam protection. Here, the fight against spam comes down not only to comments, the program monitors the registration of all suspicious users, monitors spam messages in feedback and other things. There is no CAPTCHA here, the user does not feel discomfort when using the extension. Tracked spam via wordpress feedback form.

WP-SpamShield integrates perfectly with BuddyPress, Contact Form 7, bbPress, Gravity Forms, WooCommerce and other extensions.

Perhaps one of the best WordPress protection systems against annoying spam. Spammers will not pass by, even if there is no captcha. The plugin includes filters with simple settings, and the plugin itself is outrageously simple.

WP Anti Spam Plugin

This filter works with email, IP addresses and usernames. You can adjust the number of characters in a comment. You can easily filter out comments with active links. The extension has the ability to configure stop words.

The cost of this pleasure is 12 US dollars. This plugin has additional functionality. In addition to protection against spam, here you will find protection from attacks and malicious bots. You can set a limit on the number of requests for a specific IP address. If you try to bypass the protection, the bot will immediately be automatically redirected to the page with the captcha. You can block a suspicious IP address.

The principle of operation of the stop filter comes down to using Captcha. A real person must confirm that they are not a bot. And I would like to say that in the modern age, it has become fashionable to protect the most with the help of captcha. Not all webmasters are ready to give up such an effective and reliable solution.

There is no captcha protection here. Such solutions are now the most promising and innovative. Developers are trying to implement hidden protection that is invisible to the eyes of the site user.

The extension is able to control the number of blocked correspondence and monitors spam using feedback. The plugin monitors the registration of WordPress user accounts. Compatible with the WooCommerce online store extension.

To protect against annoying spam, 2 methods are used. It is possible to deactivate the “URL” field in the user registration form. Spam addresses are often entered here. In the second case, stop words are used, acting as markers for the system.

This plugin also lacks the usual Captcha. But this does not in any way prevent it from successfully dealing with spam in the registration form, comments, feedback and other places. There is a built-in function to automatically block IP addresses detected in spam.

Spam protection in WordPress is most often represented by the Akismet plugin, which is de facto considered the main method of protecting against auto-spam in WordPress. But a number of inconveniences associated with using this plugin (Obtaining an Akismet API key, Settings in the Admin Panel, The need to register on, The need to constantly clean out the spam folder) often discourages the average user from including Akismet in their setup by default. Moreover, there are a number of equally effective, but much simpler solutions.

The simplest, and very reliable way is to use the Plugin from KAMA to protect against spam in WordPress comments. It has no settings, download, install, activate, if comments are left after activation, then the plugin is working. Otherwise, when you post a comment, you will see the message “Comment is blocked! Press the botton to send your comment one more time:".

The plugin's anti-spam protection can be checked at: Special page imitating a spam program, follow the link and try leaving a comment on your blog. Try turning off the plugin and leaving a comment again and you will see that the plugin works.

Spam protection. Advantages of the KAMA plugin:

  1. No captchas, checkboxes (checkboxes), pictures or other anti-humanity. The presence of the plugin is not visually manifested in any way;
  2. No auto-spam!
  3. Doesn’t litter the admin area with notifications and additional settings.
  4. And finally, it just WORKS :)

If you, like me, are not a supporter of using plugins, then you can use this very simple method. The essence of the method is very simple. In the comment submission form, we add a field that is hidden for the user and marked as required. Auto-spam robots will fill out this field, and we will have a criterion by which we can filter out spam comments. To be even more reliable, you can add one more verification criterion based on the fact that spam bots don't know how to run programs JavaScript. And if a person clicks on the “Send” button, then when they click on the button, the JavaScript code, as a result of which a value will be written to the hidden one "StopSPAM". But in the case of a robot, the variable will remain empty.

And all that remains to be done is to check in the script what the resulting variable is equal to, if it is equal to the check word "StopSPAM", then the message was sent by a person. Otherwise, it's a robot.

So, we do 2 checks:

In the form for adding a comment, add a hidden field with the name name="check" and an empty value value="",

// Hidden field filled with JS when the Submit button is clicked // Visually hidden field not filled in by the user

Add JavaScript code to the submit form button:

// JavaScript code in the form submit button

In general, you need to add the following code to a PHP script that validates the form data:

// Checking whether the field is filled in, yes - bot, no - user if(!empty($_POST["check2"])) exit("This field does not need to be filled in"); // If the field contains StopSPAM, then the JS was executed if ($_POST["check"] != "StopSPAM") exit("Spam protection. Enable JavaScript!");

Specifically for WordPress, you need to make changes to the PHP script that checks the data from the comment form. We find the following code in /wp-comments-post.php:

If ("" == $comment_content) wp_die(__(" ERROR: please type a comment."));

And enter immediately after it:

If ($_POST["check"] != "StopSPAM") wp_die(" Error: Spam protection. Please enable JavaScript."); if (!empty($_POST["check2"])) wp_die(" Error: This field does not need to be filled in");

We also add a check to the feedback form (if you have one).