Launch the command line in Windows 10. Open a command window in Windows Explorer. Command Prompt in Administrator Mode Using Task Manager - The Secret Method

Use new software always risky, while the presence of glitches does not always burden the user’s life, but also the absence of free access those functions to which he gets used. Not last place Among them is a tool such as the command line (console). Not everyone can call it the first time in Windows 10, but it has a lot of benefits, so you shouldn’t ignore it and complicate your life, but it’s better to simply follow the instructions and find it.

Knows how to open the command line in Windows 10 limited number person, and if reading this text did not end with the last paragraph, it is worth reading the following information. The peculiarity of the console is that not everyone can use it. This is predominantly experienced users who know a little more, use a PC or other device not out of idle curiosity, but do purposeful work, try to do everything accessible ways make your tasks easier. It is worth noting that some functions are simply impossible without access to the console, and are hidden from the user for security reasons. Therefore, before executing any commands in line mode, it is worth considering whether this is necessary at all, and also consider possible more safe ways performing a particular procedure.

Sequence of actions (basic)

In order to protect the user from unintentional actions in some cases, Windows 10 provides a couple of modes for working with the console. The first is the main one, which has limited set available functions, and more advanced with access rights only for the administrator workstation(PC, etc.).

In order to launch the first mode, you can use the available built-in functions. The first one is available if you call the context menu for Start menu(Start). These actions will be replaced by the hotkey combination +[X].
Next, you need to click on the menu right click touchpad/mouse (by custom, the menu is located in the lower left corner unless changes are made manually by the user). Then select the parameter [ Command line].

The next method involves calling the command line using the built-in search tool. It can be launched from quick launch(icon with a magnifying glass), the search field in the Start menu or in the Explorer window using the search field located in the upper right under the window title and menu. In the field you need to type keyword“command”, and as a result of the search an icon with a black rectangle should appear, which can be launched by clicking the mouse or tapping (depending on the device).

Also, from the Explorer window, you can immediately select the [File] command in it [Open Command Prompt].
The Main Menu (Start) command in it [All applications] then [Utilities] and [Command Prompt] will replace the same operation as the Cmd or cmd.exe command in the Quick Launch window.

Probably the most in a complicated way is a manual search. To do this, you need to find the same cmd.exe file in system directory.../windows/win32 on the disk with the installed OS.

To start with initial value V specific folder you need to select [Open command window] from the directory context menu.

Sequence of actions (with advanced capabilities)

For getting full set functions, you should use administrator mode, and instead of the items described above, you need to select Command Prompt (administrator) in the context menu. IN custom menu Explorer - [File] in it [Open Command Prompt] then [Open Command Prompt as Administrator]. And in the Main menu, launch (Start) in it [All applications] then [Service] and [Command line (Run as administrator). And in each case, you need to confirm your actions by clicking YES in the pop-up window and, if necessary, enter a password.
It is worth noting that some functions in the console are not available, for example, copying. To obtain them, you need to go to the console window settings software menu and make the appropriate adjustments.

New operating system Windows 10 Microsoft has received many innovations in the interface and software, including updated command line. Users who frequently use the command line finally have new functionality who have been waiting since Windows times N.T.

In this article we will take a detailed look at all the new features that the command line has received, and also consider running it with administrator rights.

Command line selection

Selecting text on the command line required time-consuming manipulation of the selection box, which was very annoying and time-consuming. Now in the command line of 10, text can be selected and copied, as in a regular editor.

This innovation will greatly simplify the use of the command line and help process information much faster.

Content filter

Sometimes when you copy a command with extra tabs and incorrect quotes to the clipboard and then paste it into old version CMD, an error message appears. You won't see an error message on the new command line because data filtering will remove unnecessary tabs and put the correct quotes. For example, copy the run command from notepad Google browser Chrome with extra tabs and incorrect quotes.

As a result, we will get the correct command.

Window scaling and word wrapping

In older versions of CMD, when scaling a window, text does not wrap around words. IN new version CMD with word wrap enabled text behaves as you expect when scaled. The picture below shows the command line with long lines text.

On next image the same text is shown, only in a modified window.

As you can see in the image, When scaling, text in the command line is word wrapped.

Copy, paste and other combinations with the Ctrl key

Thanks to normal text selection, users of the new CMD have possibility of the usual way of copying text to the clipboard using Ctrl + C. You can also paste text from the clipboard using Ctrl + V. In addition to copy and paste, CMD has received seven more combinations that perform the following actions:

  • Ctrl + A - selects all text in the window;
  • Ctrl + F - allows you to open a console search window;
  • Ctrl + M - enable “Mark Mode”;
  • Ctrl + / ↓ - scrolling lines;
  • Ctrl + PgUp / PgDn - scroll pages.

You can find all combinations on the page

Here is an example of using the keyboard shortcut to search for text Ctrl + F :

CMD Settings

To open the command line settings, you need to click on system icon and go to the tab " Properties».

By going to properties on the first tab you will see that all new features that were implemented can be disabled. In addition, you can check the box " Use previous version consoles" and all new features will be disabled. On the fourth tab appeared new feature « Transparency».

This function allows you to set the transparency of the console window. For example, let's set the transparency slider to 70 percent.

As you can see, the console has become 30 percent transparent.

Running the console in Windows 10 as an administrator

Let's look at two ways to launch the console as an administrator. To open the console in the first way, use the key combination Win + X. A window will appear near the start in which you can select running the console as administrator. After selecting this tab, the CMD call will be made.

To open the console in the second way, you should use the search. To do this, run a search and type CMD. The search shortcut is located near the menu “ Start" It can also be run Win combination+Q.

Now right-click on the found console and run it as administrator and it will be called.

From the examples you can see that calling the console as an administrator in Windows 10 is quite simple.


This time, the programmers from Redmond did their best.

Thanks to new features, the console has become much more convenient to work with. By making such improvements, Microsoft company will be able to lure even more users to Windows 10.

In this material, we looked at all the main innovations in the command line and showed how easy it is to launch the console with administrator rights. As Microsoft promises, these new features are just the beginning and it promises to open up even more in the future. And we hope that our material will help you quickly master the new functions of the console.

Video on the topic

To open the command line in Windows 10, you need to know where it is. In the top ten it is located in the same place as the eight and seven.

Although it is possible even closer - you can open it a little faster (than in the seven) - no more than a second, including on behalf of the administrator.

Windows 10 has done a little better when it comes to calling Command Prompt, Device Manager, Control Panel or Task Manager.

Although the visibility is different, those who switched to it, for example, from seven, will not be able to find it instantly.

The interface of the dozens, although minimal, still received some changes. Enough theory - let's move on to action.

The fastest way to make a command line call in windows 10

The fastest way to open the command line, including as an administrator, (of course in Windows 10) is to right-click on the well-known “Start” button (the first one at the bottom left).

As in the figure below, there are two calling methods - normal and as administrator.

As already mentioned, this procedure is also integrated in the eight, but this was not the case in the seven

The second option is to launch the command line in Windows 10

The second option is a little longer. It was most often used in the seven.

To use it, you first need to be in personal Windows 10.

Next, enter a command consisting of three English letters: CMD and confirm by clicking the “OK” option.

Immediately after this you will see a black window - this will be the command line. You can also access the "black window" through "all programs", but this is longer. Good luck.

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Many problems and work situations in Windows 10 require system commands via the command line. Most of the instructions on the Internet dedicated to the “ten” are impossible to complete without running this system tool, and their authors do not always go into detail on how to open the command line in Windows 10, especially when it must function with administrator privileges.

What’s so difficult about launching the command line, which in XP and “seven” was carried out by executing one command or clicking on the corresponding shortcut in the Start section called “Standards”. The fact is that in Start there is no longer this shortcut in its usual place, and the “Run” button is in a new operating system disappeared, so the topic needs detailed coverage.

Next, we will learn how to open the command prompt in Windows 10 by everyone possible methods both with administrator privileges and standard mode. From the methods of calling it given in the article, even experienced users will make many discoveries for themselves, such as calling the console from any Explorer directory.

The fastest and easiest way to launch a system tool is by using the functionality of a new menu called WinX, the name of which is derived from the key combination that calls it.

  • We hold down the buttons with the window icon (Win) and X on the keyboard, or press right key on Start or taskbar.
  • In the drop-down list of system tools, select “Command Line (Administrator)” or simply “Command Prompt”, depending on what you will do in Windows environment 10.

Using the Windows 10 search bar functionality

Most system, all third party applications and some system commands are launched via search bar. To do this, you need to enter the appropriate command and click “Enter” or start typing the name of the application and select the appropriate one from the list of results. The search button does not appear on the taskbar to make this task easier.

If it is not there, use the Win+S combination to open the search window. Then we enter “command”, and after the first 5-6 letters in the search results you will see a link to launch the tool, and through the context menu of the icon you can launch it with administrator privileges.

Launching the command line through Explorer

Probably the majority Windows users 10 doesn’t even realize that the OS allows you to call the command line from any directory opened in Explorer. This is done in the following way: hold down Shift, right-click on free space window and select the “Open command window” option.

This will open a window with a black background, in which the path to the current directory will be indicated.

Unfortunately, it is not possible to call the tool with administrator rights this way.

Let's use the command "cmd"

The command line is an application that is launched by running the cmd.exe file located in the system directory. For a 32-bit OS this is the Windows\System32 directory, and for a 64-bit OS it is Windows\SysWOW64.

If necessary, the tool can be launched directly from the directory in which it is stored, or you can create a shortcut in any convenient place, be it the desktop or the taskbar.

For reference: when you launch the command line in Windows 10 using the described methods, in addition to calling it from the SysWOW64 directory, the cmd.exe file located in System32 opens. For regular user it makes no difference which file will be launched, there will be no difference in functionality, despite different sizes executable files.

Quick download system console can be done by executing cmd.exe command at the line command interpreter or search. If everything is clear with the second one, then to call the “Run” window there is a combination of Win + R. After entering cmd.exe, click “OK” or “Enter”.

And finally. Not everyone knows about the introduction of work support keyboard shortcuts Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V for working with text in the command line Windows line 10. But by default this option is disabled. Its activation is carried out as follows:

  • Right-click on the window header;
  • select “Properties”;

  • On the first settings tab, uncheck the box next to the option “Use the previous edition of the console.”

  • Click "OK".
  • Restart the console.

Hi all! It would seem, why a separate note with instructions on how to open the command line in Windows 10? - In fact, many users (especially after switching to Windows 10) Many questions arise: where did this damn command line go from its usual place?! Since I had to tune in to the story, I decided to reveal in as much detail as possible this question and show you as many as 10 in various ways run command line V latest Windows 10.

You are probably already familiar with some of the methods, but I think even an advanced user will find several interesting and useful points for themselves. This note was written for Windows 10, but most of what is described in the article works fine on earlier ones. Windows versions- I just don’t see the point in writing for outdated systems...

I was prompted to write this note about all the ways to open the command line by your questions in the note about the missing, where in the last paragraph we looked at a way to fix the problem through the command line.

Certainly, modern systems quite simply controlled with a mouse and we rarely use input various teams, but sometimes you need to do something specific and often this is done by simply entering a command into the terminal, and today we’ll look at how to run it (all options known to me). We will call the line on behalf of the Administrator and with a limited account.

Open a command prompt window from the Win + X menu

This is probably the easiest way to open the command line on Windows 10 - press the “Win ​​+ X” combination on the keyboard and select the desired item in the menu that appears.

Convenience this method the fact that you can select several command line operating modes at once - these are:

  1. Command line - normal, with limited rights;
  2. Command Prompt (Administrator) - with unlimited rights (be careful)

There are a lot of interesting things in this menu and I recommend that you familiarize yourself with it in detail; sometimes it helps a lot and saves time.

Open a command prompt window from the Task Manager

Open Task Manager and go to verbose mode (Click for more details). Click "File" on the left top corner and then go to "Run new task" Type CMD or cmd.exe and click OK to open a command prompt. In addition, you can check the box that will launch the command line with Administrator rights.

Command Prompt in Administrator Mode Using Task Manager - The Secret Method

Here almost everything is the same as in previous paragraph to run command prompt as administrator - just hold CTRL key holding down the keyboard when clicking File > Create New Task, this will open a command prompt with admin rights (no commands needed)

Open Command Prompt from Search Results

You can easily open a command prompt window by simply typing "CMD" in the search field (Keyboards Win + S on keyboard). Perhaps when Cortana is brought to Russia, we will be able to command the computer with our voice, but for now we will do without it...

To launch the terminal this way with administrator rights, enter CMD in the search field and right-click and select “Run as administrator.” Alternatively, to avoid touching the mouse at all, use the arrows to select the command line and click CTRL + SHIFT + ENTER to open a command prompt window in administrator mode.

Launch Command Prompt from all applications in the Start menu

Open the Start menu by clicking on Windows image in the lower left corner. Go to all applications and find “System - Windows” there, and then click on “Command Prompt”

Open the command line from Explorer

You can also open the Command Prompt through Windows Explorer - just go to C:\Windows\System32 and find the cmd.exe file there. You can either double-click, or by right-clicking, select “Run as administrator” - it all depends on you and what rights you want to run the terminal with.

Command line from the Run menu

Click the buttons Win + R» on the keyboard to open the Run dialog box. Dial CMD command and click OK (or Enter on the keyboard).

Open Command Prompt from Explorer's address bar

Open Windows Explorer and click on the address bar (or press the keyboard shortcut ALT + D on keyboard). Just enter cmd in address bar and thus you will launch the command line indicating the path current folder (where you were at the time the terminal was called)

Command line from the File menu in Explorer

Open standard Windows Explorer, go to the folder or drive that will be selected as the starting one in the command line. Click "File" on the ribbon and select "Open Command Prompt." Here you have two launch options:

  1. Open command line - opens a command line in the folder of our choice with standard permissions;
  2. Open Command Prompt as Administrator - opens a command prompt window in the folder of our choice with administrator rights.

Open a command window in Windows Explorer

To open a command prompt window in any folder or drive you need, just go there via standard conductor. Right click on a folder or any empty space on the right side of Windows Explorer while holding down SHIFT key on the keyboard, and from the context menu select “Open command window”. The terminal will launch indicating the path to the folder in which we were located.

Create a command prompt shortcut on your desktop

Well, we figured out how to open the command line in Windows 10 and similar systems, I hope you don’t have any questions - as a bonus, I decided to tell you how to create a shortcut on your desktop or in any other place convenient for you to launch.

Right-click on an empty space on the desktop and select “New > Shortcut” from the context menu.

In the "Specify the location of the object" field, enter "cmd.exe" and click "Next"

Enter any name the shortcut being created and click "Done" (for example, I named Command Prompt Administrator, since I plan to run it with extended rights and I’ll tell you how to do the same)

If you, like me, want to run the command line from a shortcut as an administrator, then go to the shortcut properties (right-click on the shortcut and select Properties from the context menu). Click the "Advanced" button at the bottom and check the "Run as administrator" option.

So you have created a shortcut that will open a command prompt window using double click on it. I hope that you no longer have a pressing question - how to open a command prompt window in Windows 10, but just in case - I'm waiting for your comments...