Language c tutorial. Which language, technology and direction to choose. Low and high level languages. Difference and Applications

22.12.14 156348

Every time, with difficulty overcoming life’s obstacles, I want to take and reshape this world for myself. Unfortunately, we were not born the creators of this universe. For those who want to satisfy their creator's ambitions, only the virtual world remains.

Although to create here you will need not so much magic and knowledge of runes as knowledge of the basics of programming. Therefore, for all aspiring creators virtual reality we will tell you how to learn to program.

What a teapot needs to know

As much as I would like to admit it, in reality programming is not such a magical thing. Creating code can sometimes be compared to walking barefoot on a seabed covered with sharp rock fragments.

To become a programmer, you need to be not only smart, but also patient and persistent. Learning to program is always accompanied by headaches, red eyes from lack of sleep, and a distant look. This is how you can easily recognize a programmer.

Many beginners consider writing code to be almost the most romantic profession. The number of people wanting to learn programming has especially increased after watching the movie “The Matrix”. It was the main character of this picture, Neo, who pushed many to take the path of comprehending software sciences:

But most of those who start studying give up after a few weeks. And the main reason for this is the wrong direction of study, methodology, or even a programming textbook.

After the collapse of the USSR, all domestic universities for a long time they didn’t even try to reshape their education system to suit the needs modern market. Technical universities were no exception to this rule.

Programming as a separate branch and specialization did not exist as such. Its fundamentals were taught only as a link to other engineering disciplines. And even those crumbs of knowledge that were given to students in this area did not correspond modern standards and lost their relevance 20-30 years ago.

In countries former USSR The main programming language taught in technical universities was BASIC.

The situation has not changed radically even 10 years later. Only a few educational institutions, sensing the trends of the new time, began to reshape their education to world standards at the beginning of the 2000s. And only from that moment on, programming began to be perceived as a separate profession and specialization of training:

At the same time, various specialized commercial courses and educational institutions began to appear. But the quality of teaching and the knowledge provided was at an extremely low level. There was a shortage of competent professionals capable of teaching newcomers not only theoretical knowledge, but also practical programming skills.

And this is the most important thing in the programmer profession important aspect. Therefore, most of today's gurus of the Russian IT industry began their programming training from scratch on their own.

To some extent, this trend continues to this day. Although in our time the number of professionals involved in teaching has increased significantly.

Which language should I start learning programming from?

Comprehension of software sciences is characterized not only by hard training, but also by its beginning. It is sometimes difficult for a beginner not only to begin self-learning, but also to determine the coordinates of the starting point of the process. Therefore, we will try to help you get around all these difficulties:

Before you break your teeth on the granite of science, you should decide where to start learning programming. At the first stages it is very difficult to decide on a specialization. Therefore, let's start with selecting the first language.

Most often the choice falls on the C programming language. This is where most beginners around the world begin their training. The main part was created based on C program languages, and in many ways they inherit its structure and syntax.

By learning C, you learn the basics of not just one programming language, but several.

Let's look at the features of this language that make it optimal for learning:

  • An easy-to-understand basis - some of the built-in capabilities of the language are included in separately plug-in libraries for simplicity. These elements include most mathematical functions and methods for working with the file system;
  • Optimally tailored type system - thanks to a simple set of data types and strict typing, the risk of making errors in the process of writing program code is reduced;
  • The focus of C on the procedural type of programming, in which a clear hierarchy of all code elements is observed;
  • Access to machine memory using pointers;
  • Minimum number of supported keywords;
  • Name scope support;
  • Support custom types data ( associations and structures).

Simply put, C is where a beginner should start before learning to program in other languages.

Programs (compilers) for programming

To learn programming, it is not enough just to have a desire and a computer with Internet access. To write programs in C you will need specialized software– compiler.

Compiler - special program, which translates program code into a form understandable by a computer.

Here are some specialized compilers that support the C language:

  • Microsoft Visual Studio is a professional tool that supports many languages, including several server languages. Suitable for beginners, if you take it “for growth”:

  • Borland C++ is a free compiler ideal for beginners. Unlike the previous tool, it is clear and clear interface. Therefore, mastering it will not cause any particular difficulties even if you independently master the basics of programming:

  • Code::Blocks – free environment development that supports writing code in multiple languages. Medium difficulty option:

As for specialized literature, we will not recommend books by certain authors. Here, as they say, choose what you want. Because in most cases, choosing a programming tutorial is an individual process. Use the source that is most suitable for you.

Today, many people are interested in whether it is possible to learn to program from scratch.

We have all heard stories that people who are engaged in this business have huge incomes, go to Bali every weekend and in the first months of their work were able to buy apartments for all their relatives.

In principle, this is not far from the truth, but Such results require experience and reputation. And you need to start with the simplest. We will look at what steps a person who knows nothing about writing programs needs to follow in order to travel to Bali and buy real estate in the future.


Step one. Preparation

Often, beginning programmers cannot achieve success for the simple reason that they initially failed to set priorities correctly.

They present this craft as something romantic, dynamic - just some kind of constant action.

In films, this process is shown completely different from what it really is.

Moreover, there is generally The writing of codes is not displayed, we are only shown events that revolve around it.

The films also show that anyone can become a programmer without knowledge, experience, or even gray matter in the brain. IN in this case You can remember the film “Frames”.

So if you are simply saturated with the spirit of all kinds of films and want to start “coding” yourself, programming is clearly not for you.

Here's the truth about the craft in question - programming is:

  • hours and sometimes days of monotonous work, during which you cannot relax, you must always be focused;
  • endless learning in pursuit of latest trends in this area;
  • similar projects with customers who don’t know what they want and what it should look like.

As for the latter, you must It’s worth watching a video about seven red lines of different colors, one of which is in the form of a kitten. In principle, this is close to the truth, since customers often demand the impossible. It also happens that they order something, but they are always not satisfied with the result.

If you understand all this and are ready to plunge into the wonderful world of programming, then proceed to the next step.

Step two. Selecting your first language

Exists great amount programming languages. According to some estimates, their number has already reached several thousand.

In general, C is one of the most simple languages, which provides the basis for everything else. Moreover, its elements are used in many other systems and programs.

But I wonder what's in the good ones educational institutions, and During the courses, students study languages ​​in the following order:

1 Pascal.

2 C++.

3 PHP and everything related to web programming, as well as SQL(this is a system designed to work with databases through queries).

  1. Web(website development, online systems and everything connected with it) - html(although it cannot be called a full-fledged programming language), PHP, Perl, Python, Ruby, Java, Groovy, as well as ASP.NET technology.
  2. Custom software(all kinds of programs like reference books, browsers, instant messengers, etc.) – Delphi, C, C++, C#.
  3. Custom software for mobile devices – Java, Objective-C.
  4. Machine developments(working with microprocessors and other devices, robotics design) – Assembler, modifications C.

Someone can also add so-called 1C programming to this list. Don't believe the laymen and don't do anything knowledgeable people! This is not programming at all.

Once you become familiar with the basics of the work in question, you will understand why this can be said.

Choose what you like best.

Advice: Make your choice right away! You must know exactly in which direction you will develop and what to study in the future.

Most specialists also It is recommended to start your learning with Pascal. This option will allow

You need to write the simplest programs and have a general idea of ​​the craft in question as a whole.

We can say that Pascal is a kind of bridge. A person who simply knows mathematics well can move through it into the world of programming.

Attention! Whatever company you choose to work for after training, you will be retrained for yourself. Therefore, you just have to understand the very principle of writing programs. And for this there's nothing better than Pascal.

Step three. Studying Compilers

For reference: Compiler- This technical solution, designed to translate input commands into machine instructions, roughly speaking, into zeros and ones, that is, into an interpretation in which the machine will understand what to do.

Actually, you will write and execute all your programs in compilers.

If you decide to follow our advice and start with Pascal, then you should download Free Pascal. This compiler is absolutely free and is distributed on the official website.

As you can see, it looks quite “old-fashioned”, but programming begins exactly with this. By the way, the C++ compiler looks almost the same.

It's called Turbo C++ (you can download it).

As for Pascal, there is also GNU Pascal, Turbo/Borland Pascal, TMT Pascal and Virtual Pascal. And for C++ you can use Borland C++, Visual C++, Dev C++, GCC and Eclipse.

But this, as we said above, is just the beginning. You can't stop there. Once you've made a choice about your direction, you can move on to more complex compilers.

Here is a list of the most popular compilers today depending on the areas of activity:

    ConcerningDelphi, then that’s what the compiler is called there. There is also Embarcadero Delphi and some other modifications. Delphi 7 can be downloaded from many sites, for example. If you chose C, C++ or C#, then you need Microsoft Visual Studio. You can download it directly from the manufacturer's official website.

    If we talk aboutAssembler and other languages ​​used in robotics, then you need to immediately download MASM if you are working on Windows. In general, depending on the field of activity you choose and the company for which you get a job, compilers can be very different. Some companies write own solutions for code processing. Therefore, if you have chosen robotics, it is better to study the relevant books and do everything as they say. We'll talk about this later.

There are also many online compilers. They are useful because they support many programming languages ​​and do not require installation - very convenient!

Here are the most popular ones:

This unique service, which allows you to create several virtual computers and do whatever you want on them, including compiling ciphers.

Virtual machines will work under the control of . You can at least delete them system folder, install absolutely any program, and so on.

Now let's start writing your first cipher (code). This can be done even without books and long instructions.

Step four. First code

For the first code, we will use the first language and the first compiler, which we advised to choose above. These are Pascal and Free Pascal.

One of the most simple programs is written as follows:

1 Download Free Pascal follow the link above and run it on your computer.

2 Enter the following: “program [name];”. That is, if you want the program to be called “hello”, you must enter “program hello;”.

3 Enter the "begin" statement. This means that the code that will need to be executed later has begun.

4 We use one of the most common constructions in Pascal “writeln(‘[some text]’);”. It simply displays text on the screen. Which is contained in parentheses and quotation marks. We will introduce the combination "Hello, world!". Usually your way to Big world Software development starts with this. So the next line would look like “writeln(‘Hello, world!’);”.

5 To complete the cipher being executed, enter "end."(necessarily with a period at the end).

6 Now press the button "F9" to run what you wrote. You will see the words appear on the screen "Hello, world!". This is what was required!

To get you started with other languages, books usually also provide instructions on how to write “Hello, world!” , that is, instructions that simply display such simple text on the screen.

So, you have mastered your first cipher! A start. Now move on to intensive training.

Step five. Take online training

Advantage online lessons the fact that you see everything clearly, from beginning to end.

Therefore, it is better for beginners to start their journey with online trainings. Here best courses in Russian:

  • Course “Programming Fundamentals” from the Educational IT portal GeekBrains. Everything is told here from the very beginning, from the very basics. You will be able to study the history, development of this industry, and then gradually become part of it. The same series of trainings can be downloaded from a torrent (here is the link).
  • Lessons from the School of Programmers. This course is suitable for those who don’t even know anything about mathematics, don’t know the nature of numbers, how information is represented in a computer, and other similar points. That is, if you consider yourself a complete layman, watch these video lessons.
  • "Programming Foundation" from EG Lab. Here they will talk about this craft in general, about the development complex tasks and data types (three lessons in total). Watching these lessons will be a great help to start learning a specific language in the future.

After viewing these courses, you need to move on to lessons dedicated to a specific language or industry of your choice.

If you know English, it's a huge advantage, but only if you already know something.

Courses for those who have absolute zero in this issue, for some reason they are not provided there (or they are impossible to find).

But there are courses for specific languages. For example, there is Learn Java Simply, C++ Programming Tutorial for Beginners, How to program in C# - BASICS and much more.

Choose training depending on the direction of your activity.

If you have watched at least a few lessons, you can move on to something more meaningful, studying books.

The course covers basic programming concepts and the basics of C++ in a detailed and accessible manner. An excellent choice for beginner developers.

C++ is one of the most popular and multifunctional programming languages. At the same time, it is one of the most difficult to study. If you're lucky enough to have C++ as your first language, learn responsibly.

It is extremely important to immediately build a strong foundation of basic knowledge, otherwise your entire building will collapse sooner or later.

This course will help you smoothly integrate into programming and in simple words will explain the difficult basics of C++.

A little about the language

The course begins with a short introductory video, from which you will learn that C++ has been around for a long time and can do a lot. In addition, choose the one that suits you further work tool and create a project template.

Framework of the first program

Traditionally, the basics of C++ begin with the classic HelloWorld application, which demonstrates how a programmer can instruct the language compiler. You will learn about header files and namespaces, and learn how to use two useful standard library methods for working with input and output streams.

Data types

The next few lessons cover the basic data types of the language.

You will create your first variable, master arithmetic operations in full and concise form, write a simple calculator and learn generate random numbers using the rand function.

You will find an expanded set of mathematical operations in this video.

Another way to collect data into a single set is through enumerations. They are discussed in the course using the example of an elevator in a shopping center.

Structures in C++ are like simplified classes. Once you understand them, you will have taken the first step towards object-oriented programming.


The rest of the course covers the basics of C++ functions. You will learn why function prototypes are needed and what they are overload and how it helps organize work with different types data and number of parameters.


Lesson 18 begins an introduction to object-oriented programming. Unlike the C language, C++ supports this paradigm. You'll create your first class, become familiar with access modifiers, and learn how to make variables private.

Help make it easier to create and destroy class instances constructors and destructors, which are discussed in a separate lesson.

Then you will know what it is friendly functions and how they allow interaction between classes. And after that you will meet friendly classes using the example of the completely unfriendly Volodya object.

The book is an introduction to the C++ programming language. The main difference between this book and previous editions of C++ for Dummies is that this edition does not require any additional knowledge from the reader, while previous editions relied on the reader’s knowledge of the C programming language. Despite the simplicity of the presentation of the material, it is presented in the book quite strictly, so that, having studied the basics of programming in C++ with the help of this book, the reader will no longer encounter difficulties
during further language learning.
This book doesn't teach you how to program for Windows or how to create a beautiful interface with two mouse clicks; the material presented in it is not tied to any particular compiler or operating system. It is unlikely to be useful to a professional programmer, but if your goal is deep knowledge of a programming language and you don’t know where to start, this book is for you.

What is C++.
C++ is an object-oriented low-level programming language that meets ANSI and International Standards Organization (ISO) standards. Object oriented C++ means that it supports a programming style that makes large-scale programs easy to code and extensible. Being a low-level language, C++ can generate very efficient, high-speed programs.

As an object-oriented programming language, C++ is highly flexible and extensible, making it suitable for large-scale projects. Currently, C++ is one of the most popular programming languages ​​for developing applications of any type. Majority modern programs working for personal computers, written specifically in C++.

Introduction 17
Part 1. First acquaintance with C++ 23
Chapter 1: Writing Your First Program 25
Chapter 2. The wisdom of declaring variables 41
Chapter 3: Performing Math 50
Chapter 4: Performing Logical Operations 55
Chapter 5. Program control statements 66
Part 2. Becoming functional programmers 79
Chapter 6: Creating Functions 81
Chapter 7. Storing Sequences in Arrays 92
Chapter 8. Getting Started with Pointers in C++ 105
Chapter 9. Second acquaintance with pointers 117
Chapter 10. Debugging C++ programs 128
Part 3: Introduction to Classes 143
Chapter 11: Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming 145
Chapter 12. Classes in C++ 149
Chapter 13. Working with classes 154
Chapter 14. Pointers to objects 167
Chapter 15. Protected Class Members: Do Not Disturb! 181
Chapter 16. Creating and Deleting Objects 188
Chapter 17. Argumentation of design 198
Chapter 18. Copy Constructor 213
Chapter 19. Static Members 224
Part 4. Inheritance 231
Chapter 20. Class Inheritance 233
Chapter 21: Introducing Virtual Member Functions: Are They Real 240
Chapter 22. Class decomposition 249
Part 5. Useful features 269
Chapter 23. Assignment Operator 271
Chapter 24: Using I/O Streams 277
Chapter 25: Handling Errors and Exceptions 290
Chapter 26. Multiple inheritance 298
Chapter 27. C++ Templates 308
Chapter 28. Standard Library templates 317
Part 6. Magnificent Ten 329
Chapter 29. Ten ways to avoid mistakes 331
Chapter 30. Top Ten Features of Dev-C++ 336
Chapter 31. BUDGET 343 Program
Application. Contents of the supplied CD 379
Subject index 380.

Free download e-book V convenient format, watch and read:
Download the book C++ for Dummies, Stefan Randy Davis -, fast and free download.

Okay, let's get started - you want to learn how to program in C/C++, and you want to know exactly what you have to do. Don't put off until tomorrow what you can do right now. If you are hesitant and don't know what to do next, then this is the place for you.

  • Installing a C/C++ compiler so that you can run your program.
  • Start reading C++ articles on our website.
  • Solving problems in programming.

You can also start learning C/C++ from a book. Recommended books for beginners, you can. If you are having problems, take a look at the following articles:

  • 5 most common problems of novice programmers, and ways to solve them

Receive latest information, to do this, subscribe to the site's newsletter by email.

What is C (C)? What is C++ (C++)? What is the difference?

CI is a programming language originally developed for developing operating systems Unix systems. It's a powerful language low level, but it lacks many modern and useful designs. C++ is new language, based on C, which in turn complements most modern languages programming.

In principle, C++ supports all aspects of the C language, providing new features for programmers that make programming easier, allowing them to write useful and complex programs.

For example, C++ allows for easier memory management and adds several features thanks to object-oriented programming. OOP basically makes the work of programmers easier, since there is no need to think about the smallest details, the programmer is focused on solving the main problem.

So what is C++ used for?

C++ is a powerful universal language programming. It can be used to create small programs or large applications. C++ is used to write CGI scripts, also easily created in C++ DOS programs. C++ allows you to create almost any program you might need. Read more about the C++ programming language.

How to learn to program in C++?

You don't need any special knowledge to learn C++. If you want to learn how to program on your own, the following will help you with this: electronic textbooks or books. There are many free online learning resources, including a website, some of which do not require previous programming experience. You can also choose books on programming on our website.

When reading a textbook or book, it is often useful to type the program code into the compiler manually, without copying. Entering code manually will help you remember the language syntax, familiarize you with general structure programs and using general commands. After running the sample program and making sure you understand how the code works, you should experiment with it: play with the program and test your own ideas. By seeing what changes each piece of code causes, you'll learn about programming step by step.

In order to run program code in C or C++, you need a compiler. The compiler converts source V executable file. You can learn more about the compilation process.

Can you help me choose a compiler?

Definitely for beginners, Code::Blocks is our recommended, free and easy-to-use compiler for Windows. For Linux - g++, gcc or Qt. All of these links will help you get started with programming.