Recover deleted windows 7 restore points. How to delete system restore points in Windows

Restore points disappear Windows 7, I can’t do anything, after rebooting the computer there is nothing, why do you think this happens? I use a laptop. Victor

Restore points disappear

Happening this problem for so many reasons, let's look at most of them. The information in our article is, to one degree or another, suitable for both operating systems Windows 7 and Windows XP. Sometimes the user accidentally turns off System Protection for a Local Disk, of course all restore points disappear and are not created again. From the very beginning, check whether System Protection is enabled for that Local disk where points are NOT created or lost. Start->Control Panel->System and Security->System->System Protection. You can also read the article.


  • By default, Windows 7 has System Protection enabled for the drive (C:). It is important that at least 15% is allocated for recovery points disk space.
  • Many times in my practice it happened that the user installed a non-original Windows assembly and it already had System Restore disabled by default for all disks.
  • It often happens that two operating systems are installed on a computer, the older Windows XP and the younger Windows 7. When creating a restore point in Windows 7, you should know that it will exist until the first Windows startup XP. When you later boot into Windows 7, all restore points will disappear, as will previous versions files. To solve this problem, read our article:.
  • Also restore points disappear due to the fault of utilities that clean your computer from various debris. For example, the FreeSpacer program or a cleaning utility CCleaner registry they can easily delete restore points. Such programs must be configured manually. You must make exceptions in settings similar programs System folder Volume Information, responsible for storing recovery points.
  • You cannot create a restore point on disks with file systems. These file systems do not support creation shadow copies, which contain information about changes in system and user files. Windows 7 uses shadow copies to create restore points.
  • Look in Computer management->Services, is the service enabled? Windows Backup, as well as service Shadow copy, responsible for creating restore points.
  • If you use a laptop or netbook, recovery points will not be created for you when you turn off charger. When enough powerful battery, you can disable this parameter V Task Scheduler. Start->Run->taskschd.msc.

Open the Task Scheduler Library\Microsoft\Windows\SystemRestore branch on the left, then go to the properties of the SR item.

The Triggers tab is responsible for scheduling the creation of recovery points; you can customize it for yourself.
In the Conditions tab, cancel the option Run only on mains power and your laptop will create restore points regardless of whether it is connected to power or not. Uncheck the box there Run a task when the computer is idle and the laptop will create a restore point without waiting 10 minutes by default.

Just in case, make sure there is a checkmark in the Parameters tab Run a task immediately if a scheduled run is missed..

In the Windows operating system, if necessary, the user can delete system restore points. Windows restore checkpoints allow the user to revert operational state computer at the time a specific restore point was created.

In general, it is not recommended to delete system restore points from your computer. If there is no restore point on your computer, then in the event of serious problems with the system or programs, you will not be able to return your computer to normal, working condition.

Basically, they delete restore points to increase disk space. The operating system reserves a certain portion of disk space for system protection functions. You can independently adjust the amount of data that is occupied by the system restore function.

It will only be necessary to take into account that with a minimum volume it will be created a small amount of recovery points. Therefore, with a small number of recovery points, the chances of successfully resolving the problem are reduced, since the problem could have occurred earlier than the first saved recovery point.

In other cases, deleting restore points is necessary for several reasons: the computer has very big number recovery points, or are there unnecessary points recovery, there are also non-working recovery points.

For example, unnecessary restore points are often created when programs are uninstalled. If a user actively installs and uninstalls programs, new system restore points are created and appear in place of the old restore points. It turns out that unnecessary Windows restore points replace those checkpoints that should have been saved on the computer.

In Windows, using operating system tools, you can only delete all restore points, or all restore points except the most recent one. However, individual recovery points cannot be deleted.

This issue can be resolved using third party programs. In this article I will talk about how to delete individual system restore points using free program CCleaner.

Deleting all system restore points

Go to the Start menu, and then right-click on Computer, or right-click on the Computer icon on the Desktop. On the left side of the “System” window that opens, click on the “System Protection” item.

Next, the “System Properties” window will open, in the “System Protection” tab. In this tab, opposite the entry “Configure recovery options, manage disk space and delete recovery points,” click on the “Customize” button.

In the next window “System protection for Local disk(C:)”, opposite the entry “Deleting all recovery points, including system settings and previous versions of files”, you will need to click on the “Delete” button.

After this, all restore points will be deleted from your computer.

Deleting recovery points except the most recent one

In the Explorer window, right-click on the drive (usually drive “C”). In the “Properties: Local Disk (C:)” window, click on the “Disk Cleanup” button.

In the “Disk Cleanup (C:)” window, click on the “Clean up system files” button.

The operating system will again estimate the amount of space that can be freed on this drive.

In the “Disk Cleanup (C:)” window, in the “System Restore and shadow copying» Click on the “Clear...” button.

In the “Disk Cleanup” window, you will need to agree to delete all system restore points except the most recent one by clicking on the “Delete” button.

All operating room restore points Windows systems, except the most recent one, will be deleted from your computer.

In many cases, the user may need to delete only a single, specific restore point. By regular means operating system cannot resolve this issue.

Why is there a need to delete restore points?

Basically, they delete restore points from the computer to save disk space. I am not a supporter of such savings, because I very often use the system restore function myself.

There are other reasons for removing control points. Now, I will tell you about some of them, which served as the motivation for writing this article.

On my daughter's laptop, one of the browsers that my wife used stopped working. I was not informed about this immediately. After contacting me for help, I decided to simply reinstall this browser.

At new installation browser on your computer, the installation process of the program suddenly stopped. When I tried to access the Control Panel from the Start button in Windows 8.1, I found that all the functions that were performed from the Start button were not working on the computer.

It became clear to me that there were serious problems with Windows. In order not to waste a lot of time, I decided to do a system restore because it was the most easy option solutions to this problem.

As a result, I did a system restore, the computer returned to a fully working state, and all problems with the browser disappeared.

During the system restore process, I chose the very first restore point (the most distant in time), since I did not know exactly when the problems with the computer arose. Total, on this computer there were five restore points available. The system restore process from the selected checkpoint failed. Unfortunately, this happens sometimes.

Then I selected another restore point that was created by the system. In this case, Windows recovery was successful.

There are unnecessary recovery points left on the computer: as it turned out, this is a non-working recovery point, as well as several recovery points created Revo program Uninstaller, when removing the browser from the computer.

The fact is that they previously tried to remove the browser from the computer without my help, and in the process of removing the browser, system restore points were created.

It turns out that these restore points were useless, since problems with this browser, and possibly with the system, already existed at that time. Restoring Windows from these checkpoints would not lead to a positive result.

Four of the restore points were broken, so there was no point in me keeping them on the computer. Moreover, new recovery points replace previously created ones, depending on the fullness of the disk space allocated for these purposes.

Therefore, I needed to remove only individual restore points from the computer, leaving workable checkpoints on the computer. This issue can be resolved using third-party programs, in particular.

Deleting individual restore points in CCleaner

Using the free CCleaner program, you can remove individual restore points from your computer, leaving only the necessary checkpoints in the operating system.

After launching the program, in the main CCleaner window, go to the “Tools” section. Here you will need to click on the “System Restore” button. After this, a tab will open in which all system restore points available in this moment, on the computer.

In this list, only the most recent restore point will be inactive. This is done intentionally so that at least one restore point remains on the user's computer. For example, if you are working in Windows and experience problems with operating system, the user will always have the opportunity to perform a system restore.

In the warning window that opens, agree to delete the restore point. To do this, click on the “OK” button in this window.

After this, the individual system restore point will be deleted from your computer.

If you need to delete exactly the last restore point, you can first create a Windows new restore point and then delete the unnecessary checkpoint from using CCleaner.

Conclusions of the article

If necessary, the user can delete unnecessary system restore points from his computer.

Deleting restore points using CCleaner (video)

System restore checkpoints are very good from the point of view of the safety of working with this system. But over time, there are a certain number of recovery points. And from the point of view of computer optimization, this is not good. They take up precious disk space.

Therefore, in this article we will get rid of unnecessary and unnecessary recovery checkpoints. Removal can be done in three ways. Each of them has its own characteristics.

Deleting all restore points except the last one

Full-time using Windows You cannot delete a specifically selected control point. You can either do everything at once, or everything except the last one.

Go to the Start menu and type “Disk Cleanup” in the search bar.

In the list of results, select the same item. In the window that opens, you are prompted to select the disk on which to perform the cleanup.

The default drive is “C”. This is what we need, click “OK”. You will have to wait a short period of time while the system evaluates the disk space and in the new window that appears, select the “Advanced” tab.

Then we will be asked if you really want to delete all recovery checkpoints except the most recent one. Click the “Delete”, “OK” and “Delete files” button. The first method is completed.

Delete all restore points

Go to the “Start” menu and type “Creation” in the search bar. From the values ​​that appear, select “Create a restore point.”

In the “System Protection” section and the “Protection Settings” subsection, click the “Configure” button.

In the new window, click “Delete”.

Then we will be warned about the irreversibility of the consequences, select “Continue”.

Removal using CCleaner utility

Free CCleaner program is one of the most popular Windows system optimization utilities.

In the main CCleaner window, go to the “Tools” tab, then the “System Restore” section.

Here you can select a specific restore point based on date or name, then delete it. By the way, here, as in the first method, you cannot delete the last created point.

Read articles on this topic:

Look short video on how to delete Windows 7 restore points:

Greetings to all readers of the Public PC blog. In this article, you will learn in detail how to delete restore points in Windows 7. Using a restore point, you can go back in time and the state of your computer will also return. Before we learn how to delete all system restore points in Windows 7, let's remember why this is needed and what it is all about.

So, due to " Checkpoint recovery" you can rewind time and . However, each such return point clogs the memory hard drive. You can delete such restore points and thereby free up computer memory.

How to delete restore points in windows 7? Easily!

If you want to know how to delete restore points in Windows 7, then you need to do the following:

Method 1: Deleting restore points (except the last one).

Thus, you have started preparing the system for disk cleanup.

  • In the new “Disk Cleanup (C)” window, do the following:
  • Advanced Tab –
  • “System Restore and Shadow Copies” –
  • "Clear."

When the system asks about deleting restore points, click “Delete”.

Here’s another way to delete absolutely all (including the last one) system restore points in Windows 7.

Method 2: Delete all restore points.

  • “Start” – “Control Panel”.
  • Set View: Small Icons.
  • Click on "System".

4) In the window that appears on the left side, select “System Protection”.

5) Tab “System Protection” – “Configure”.

In the window that appears, we check the correctness of our actions. The following should be written: "Removing all restore points, including system settings and previous versions of files".

6) Click “Delete”.

Now you know how to remove . I hope the information was useful to you and you will leave your feedback in the comments, and also subscribe to blog updates at the end of the article. I will be very grateful to you for this. I wish everyone peace and health in your families.

With UV. Evgeny Kryzhanovsky