Sound control. Volume2 is a stylish volume control. Installing the Realtek driver

I often work on my PC while other family members are sleeping. Usually, before starting or finishing work, I turn off the sound, but if I forget to do this or there is an emergency failure, the sounds spread throughout the house. Is there any way to shut down Windows automatically?

Andrew Hobbs, North Carolina

The Windows operating system doesn't offer silent boot as a specific option, but there are some workarounds and some utilities that can help overcome this limitation. Here are a few of my favorite tricks and tools to keep your PC from talking and generally control its audio functions.

Hardware method. The easiest way to silence your computer before it even starts making sounds is to turn the volume down to zero by turning the volume control on the speakers, or simply turn off the power if there is a power switch.

Unfortunately, such methods are not suitable not only for laptops, but also for many desktop systems. However, for individual PCs, you can turn off the sound through the settings screen if you enter there during boot, before Windows starts. Of course, to get the sound back, you will have to reboot and change the settings again.

Mute sound on startup. A better solution is to use a free utility to mute the sound. Reader Christian Klukas from Magdeburg created the Mute and SetVol programs. These free utilities available at find.pcworld. com/12280. Place them in a folder of your choice. To make Windows startup silent, click right click mouse on the Start button, select Open, double-click the Programs icon, and then double-click the Startup icon. Using Explorer or through “Start? Find”, find the file mute.exe. Right-click and drag it into the Startup folder and select the Create Shortcut option. Then, while holding down the key, double-click the shortcut (or right-click it and choose Properties) to open a list of its properties. On the “Shortcut” tab, click on the “Object” field. Place the cursor at the end of the existing command line and enter a space with the next switch you want; V in this case on-delay is required. When finished, the command line should look something like this: “C:Program Filesmute.exe” on -delay (Figure 1).

Now click OK. This command will keep Mute active so that every time you log out or log out of Windows, the sound will be muted.

Although Mute only takes up 1.5KB of RAM, you may not want it to be there all the time. Therefore, remove the -delay sequence from the “Object” column in the shortcut properties window, and then the sound will be turned off during Windows startup, and the Mute program will close. However, Windows will still play sound when you launch applications from the Startup folder (including Mute), so you won't get a completely silent startup. This problem can be resolved by selecting Start?Settings?Control Panel?Sound (Sound and Media in Windows 2000 and Me). In the “Events” list (in Windows 2000 and Me, first select the “Sounds” tab), check “ Starting Windows", then in the "File" window specify "(None)". If there are other applications that start when the PC starts, you may have to repeat this step for the “Open a program” and “Close a program” events. Once you're done, click OK.

If you want to mute the startup sound only occasionally, use Mute with the -delay switch, but launch the program from the shortcut manually instead of placing it in the Startup folder.

Mute the sound when finished. The Mute program can also be activated from any application created specifically for launching programs when closing Windows. A couple of such programs are described in the Windows Tools sidebar.

Icon on the taskbar. Once the sound is muted, you can turn it back on by clicking on the speaker icon located in the System Tray (near the clock). When the volume control panel appears on the screen, turn off the function in the box to the left of “Off.” To turn the sound off again, repeat the same steps and click to turn the feature back on. If you don't see the speaker icon, open Control Panel and double-click Media (Windows 9x) or Sound and Media (Windows Me or 2000). Enable the option in the “Taskbar volume control” position and click OK. On the Panel Windows tasks XP, click on the “Sound, speech and audio devices” icon, then on “Sounds and audio devices”. Turn on Show icon on taskbar and click OK.

Quick start. When you click the speaker icon on the taskbar, it sometimes takes a few seconds for the volume control to appear on the screen. To avoid this delay, you can use the Mute utility to turn the sound on and off, or prefer the SetVol utility to set the volume level with a single click on the icon located in the Quick Launch panel on the left side of the Windows Taskbar.

To create a permanent mute button, select the Start?Find options to find the mute.exe file, and then right-click and drag it to the Quick Launch panel. Then select the “Create Shortcut” option. Using the Mute icon that appears as a result of this operation, you can mute or unmute the sound. To get the volume control icon, do the same with the setvol.exe file. Then right-click the SetVol icon in the Quick Launch panel and select Properties. At the end of the command line, in the “Object” field on the “Shortcut” tab, enter a space, followed by the sequence -10. Now create another shortcut for SetVol with a +10 switch at the end of the command line. When you want to reduce the volume by 10%, click on the first of these shortcuts, and if you want to increase the volume by 10%, click on the second. You can use any numbers in increments of 10. If you omit the “+” or “-” signs, the volume percentage that you specify will be set.

To give new icons a tooltip that pops up when you hover over them, right-click the icon and select Rename. Enter the hint text and click OK (Windows 98 SE). In earlier Windows versions To do the same, right-click on the free field of the “Quick Launch” panel and select the “Open” option, then use the help text that suits you as the icon name (Fig. 2).

Keyboard control. To turn the sound on and off using the keyboard, create a shortcut for the Mute utility and place it on the Desktop or in some folder in the Main Menu hierarchy. To do this, I recommend organizing a folder called “Shortcuts” (or Keyboard Shortcuts, if you prefer) in “Main Menu/Programs”. This makes it easy to find information about your keyboard shortcuts if you ever need to remove or replace them.

Right-click on the shortcut you need and select "Properties". On the “Shortcut” tab, click on the “ Quick call", then press the keys that you want to assign to turn the sound on and off. If you just choose any of function keys(- keys in top row keyboard) or key on numeric keypad, then you will not be able to use it in the future for other purposes, so it is better to specify combinations, +, +, + or ++ with some other key. Also try to choose a combination that you will not have in other programs (Fig. 3).

Click OK. If you later delete this shortcut key, you will have to restart Windows for the corresponding combination to become free again.

Compact volume control panel. If you double-click the speaker icon in the taskbar, a volume control dialog box will appear on the screen, including a balance control and separate volume controls for Wav sounds, laser player, etc. (the exact set depends on the set of audio drivers installed on your system ). To make this dialog box more compact, press +S (Fig. 4). It will maintain this new, sleeker appearance until you open it again and press +S.

Instantly call Task Manager

Windows 2000. Windows Task Manager makes it easy to disable hidden or problematic applications, check which programs are eating RAM, and analyze the performance of the CPU. You may be an avid fan of Task Manager - and not know the shortest way get to this utility.

In Windows 2000, you can launch Task Manager by pressing the ++ key combination to display the " Windows Security" and then clicking on the "Task Manager" button.

In Windows XP, you just need to right-click on the free space of the Taskbar and select the “Task Manager” option from the menu that opens.

Here's a way to make accessing the Task Manager even more convenient. Reader Timothy J. Luoma from PC. Florida points out that when Task Manager is running, it places a tiny animated icon in the System Tray (bottom right corner of the screen) that shows how the CPU is running. By hovering your mouse over it and holding it there for a few moments, you can also see a message about what percentage of the CPU is being used - this is displayed as part of the tooltip for this icon. If you like this feature, why not make Task Manager always running by placing a shortcut to it in your Startup folder?

Right-click the Start button and select Open. Double-click on the "Programs" icon, then "Startup". Clicking the “Start” button again, select “Find? Files and folders”, enter the command taskmgr.exe in the top column, in the “Where to look” column indicate the drive from which the system starts (for most users this will be c:), and Click on the "Find" button. When you see program file Task Manager in the search results window, right-click drag it to opened folder"Startup". Release the mouse button and select the “Create Shortcuts” option. Now right-click on the new shortcut and select Properties. Then select the “Shortcut” tab, and in the drop-down list in the “Window” column - “Collapsed to icon”. Click OK. To keep Task Manager out of your sight when you don't need it, double-click on the shortcut to launch the utility and in the menu at the top of its window, select "Options? Hide minimized."

Now the Task Manager will launch invisibly, but you can always open its window by double-clicking the CPU icon in the System tray.

Scott Dunn. Sound Off: Take Charge of Windows Audio Controls. PC World, January 2002, p. 148.

Running Tasks when shutting down

Available in Windows folder"Main Menu/Programs/Startup" and "Task Scheduler" can be used to automatic start applications or perform other tasks at certain times, except when you need to shut down the PC. If you want to clear the files created during the day when you turn off your computer temporary files or, say, turn off the sound after work, the following utilities will help you.

As a possible free solution Try ActiveSaver, a skinny 45KB screen saver data file (.scr) that, like a standard screen saver, will help you launch another file, exit Windows, or both after a predetermined amount of time. To configure ActiveSaver, the standard “Settings” button on the screen saver is suitable. (Open access to it by right-clicking on a free surface of the Desktop, select “Properties” and click on the “Screensaver” tab). But for ActiveSaver to work, it doesn't even have to be specifically designated as the active screen saver. Simply drag the ActiveSaver.scr file onto the Start button or Quick Launch panel, and then, if you decide you've had enough for today, use the resulting position/icon instead of the usual Start/Shut down commands.

ActiveSaver allows you to run only one program at shutdown, and on my Windows 2000 machine it conflicts with the computer's power-off feature. If this concerns you or you want a more feature-rich utility, consider ShutdownPlus. This shareware program allows you to run multiple tasks when you shut down, and in Windows 98 or more later versions This OS replaces the Windows shutdown dialog with its own. This means that you won’t have to run any special application. ShutdownPlus comes in personal ($30) and professional ($40) versions. Both specified programs available at

There are two procedures for working with sound in the Crt module:

turning on a signal of a given frequency:


signal off:


The Sound procedure generates sound signals with a frequency N varying within the range of 37-32767 Hz. The sound volume is not adjustable; the signal will sound until it is turned off by the NoSound procedure.

To organize a pause in the program, a procedure is defined that performs a delay by given number milliseconds:


When withdrawing sound signals All of these procedures are usually used together.


Sound(220); (sound on at 220)

Delay(300); (pause 0.3 sec)


(sound cancel) Using the Sound, Nosound, Delay procedures, format the output on the screen" C O L O B O K " . The output of each letter is accompanied by a sound signal with a frequency corresponding to the serial number of the character in the code table (ORD function), increased by 100 times. The sound time of each letter is 1 second.

Text windows.


This procedure defines a text window on the screen with the coordinates of the upper left corner of the screen x1,y1, lower right x2,y2. The maximum window size is determined by the selected mode. The mode with 80 columns corresponds to the window (1,1,80,25), the mode with 40 columns corresponds to the window (1,1,40,25). The Window procedure places the cursor at point (1,1) of the installed window.

Many CRT procedures and functions operate relative to the coordinates of the current window, including Window, ClrEol, ClrScr,DelLine, GotoXY, InsLine, WhereX, WhereY and all input/output procedures. The coordinates of the current window are stored in the WindMin and WindMax variables, respectively. word type, and are measured relative to the point with coordinates (0,0), and not (1,1). The low byte contains the X coordinate value, and the high byte Y, so the coordinates of the upper left corner are determined by the expressions:



coordinates of the lower right:

x2:=Lo(WindMax) ,


(* display windows of arbitrary size *)

(*different background colors*)


Var x,y:integer;




Window(x,y,x+random(10),y+random(8)); (definition }

TextbackGround(random(16));( size }


Delay(100);ClrScr; ( }



until KeyPressed;

Display an image of the Russian tricolor flag in the center of the screen, size 30*15. Each color bar is specified by a text box (width 30 positions, height 5) and filled with the corresponding color. Using the keyboard. The keyboard is the main means of entering information into a PC, therefore

flexible processing

Keyboard input is an important element in creating effective programs.

While working with the keyboard, the code of the pressed key is analyzed, called the scanning code. Each of the keyboard keys has its own unique code.

A standard keyboard has three types of keys:<другие клавиши>symbolic (letters, numbers, arithmetic symbols, punctuation marks and special ENTER, ESC, BACKSPACE, TAB);<другие клавиши>control (functional F1-F10, cursor keys, Alt+<другие влавиши>).;

, Ctrl+

, Shift+

Control keys generate an extended scan code consisting of two values. The first is a sign of a control key, the second contains a scanning code.

The shift keys have codes that are not recognized by Pascal tools. Codes are processed at the system level.

The Crt module defines two additional keyboard control functions: ReadKey and KeyPressed.

KeyPressed:boolean returns true if a key was pressed on the keyboard, false otherwise. In this case, the entered characters are not deleted from the keyboard buffer. This function can be used to complete a cycle by pressing any key.

Example 1.

(*using the ReyPressed function*)


(* fills the screen before pressing any of the keys *)





Until KeyPressed;


This function is designed to control the operation of the keyboard and returns the code of the pressed key. The symbol for the corresponding key pressed is not shown on the display. When using control keys, the ReadKey function first receives the value of the null character (#0), and the next call to ReadKey returns the extended key code.

The ReadKey function reads a character from the keyboard buffer and simultaneously removes it from the buffer or waits for a key to be pressed.

(analysis of user-entered keys)


var ch:char;

write("Press key:");


if ch=#0

then (extended scan code)


write("Key ");

case ch of

#59..#68: writeln("functional: F1-F10");

#82: writeln("insert:Ins");

write(" cursor moves");

writeln(" extended code = ",ord(ch))

end ; (case)

else writeln("code symbol= ",ord(ch))

until ch=#27 ; (keyEsc)

ch:=ReadKey (wait for a key press

to exit the program)

Appendix 1 contains the PC code table and all extended scanning codes.

Using the procedures discussed above, develop a program that, by pressing a key:

“right and left arrow” changes the background color (in a circle from 0 to 7)

"up and down arrow" changes the color of the symbols (from 0 to 15)

Alphanumeric keyboard reproduces this symbol to the display screen.

Ecs exits the program and restores the original color settings.

If you are an ardent music lover who sits a lot at the computer, then you probably often listen to music on it; you have a cool multimedia player installed that allows you to work with your music collection as conveniently as possible. But can your record player give you the ability to conveniently and clearly adjust the volume? Many laptop users have this option. For users desktop computers it’s worse, since the volume can be adjusted either from the multimedia keyboard or by clicking on the “Volume Control” with the mouse. But there is another very good and visual way to adjust the volume using the mouse wheel by hovering the cursor over the taskbar. In this case, a large and stylish regulator, which will show the current volume status. All this can be done using the Volume2 utility.

The program allows you to quite flexibly configure the volume control, including appearance on the taskbar and desktop. In the settings, you can select several options for displaying the regulator on the desktop of your computer. It is worth noting that they look very stylish!

Don’t think that this is where the program’s capabilities end! In addition to the beautiful regulator, you can change the values huge amount a wide variety of settings. On the “Basic” tab you will find a list of devices for which you can change the volume, and there you can also set separate application, where the volume should be adjusted.

On the “System Tray” tab in Volume2, you can set the appearance and settings of the indicator located in the notification area (tray). Here you will find a wide variety of indicator display options, which change beautifully when you change the volume. The main thing when using this indicator is to turn off the standard one so that there is one, not two, indicators in the clock area.

In the “Mouse Events” section, you can configure the behavior of the mouse on the application tray icon, the method of changing the volume using the mouse wheel, and change a number of other settings. For example, you can set the volume to be adjusted with the mouse wheel when you hover over the window title or when you hover the cursor over the desktop. By default, this setting is set to “Taskbar”, that is, when standard settings The volume is adjusted with the mouse wheel when hovering the cursor over the taskbar.

In addition to volume control, the Volume2 program allows you to set various additional features, which have nothing to do with volume. For example, you can assign hotkeys not only to control volume, but also to control screen brightness, eject discs from a CD/DVD drive, and safely remove USB devices. One more interesting feature program is the ability to set an execution schedule various tasks. You can automate the process of turning off or lowering the volume level in certain time days, automatically launch applications on specified time, and also display messages on the screen according to a schedule.

In general, Volume2 is quite packed with a wide variety of settings that may seem useful to some music lovers. Naturally, the program is completely Russified (the author is our compatriot) and understanding the settings will not be difficult if you have the time and desire to customize your system, making it as convenient as possible for working and listening to music. The utility runs under operating systems Windows systems 7/Vista/XP.

Some sites created using Flash technology have the ability to control sound. For example, you can turn off the sound while playing a cartoon, change the volume, and on some sites you can even adjust the sound balance. Let's first consider general information, and then let's move on to an example.
Sound object

To work with sound, just use the Sound class object and its methods. First, an object is defined using the following construct:
Mysound =new Sound О;
Here Mysound is the name assigned to the Sound class object. Now you can control the sound by appending method names to the object name with a dot and specifying
necessary parameters. The following are the main methods of the Sound object:

  • attachSound ("sound_name") - attaches a sound file from the library to the cartoon;
  • getPan() - returns last value balance in the range from -100 to 100. The left speaker corresponds to a negative value, the right one to a positive value. A value of 0 represents an even distribution of sound intensity between speakers;
  • getVolume() - returns the volume level in the range from 0 to 100;
  • setPan() - Sets the balance between the left and right speakers. Values ​​from -100 to -1 correspond to greater volume for the left speaker, and from 1 to 100 for the right speaker;
  • setVolume() - sets the volume in the range from 0 to 100. The default value is 100;
  • start (delay, number_of_repetitions) - starts playback sound file.Optional parameters allow you to set the delay time in seconds and the number of playback repetitions;
  • stop() - Pauses the audio file. There are no parameters;

In addition to those listed above, there is one more method of the Sound object - setTransform. The syntax for using it is different. To call the setTransform method, you must specify an Object class object associated with the speaker control parameters. After this, an object of the Sound class is created that will process the values ​​of these parameters using the setTransform method. Parameters about which we're talking about, determine the level input signal as a percentage (in the range from -100 to 100):

  • l l-reproduction level in the left speaker of the signal coming from the left input;
  • 1 r - playback level in the left speaker of the signal coming from
    right entrance;
  • r r - playback level in the right speaker of the incoming signal
    from the right entrance;
  • r l - playback level in the right speaker of the signal coming from the left input.

By default, the ll and rr parameters are set to 100, and the 1r and rl parameters are set to 0. The procedure for setting audio parameters using the setTransform method is as follows:
Mytransform = ne Object(); = 100;
Mytransform.Ir = 0;
Mytransform.rr = 100;
Mytransform.rl = 0;
MySound = new Sound();

By setting other combinations of sound parameters, you can get interesting effects.

Audio Control Example

Now let's look at an example of creating a sound control. In the new cartoon we will define three layers. Let's call the first one, the top one, action, the second one - volume and the third one - pan . We should get it as shown in the figure:

Rice. 630. Creating action, volume and pan layers in a cartoon
Let's place the following action in the action layer:

zvuk = new Sound();
zvuk.start(0, 999999);

This creates a new sound object. We attach it from the library with the name zvuk and start from position 0, setting the number of repetitions to 99,999 times (i.e. almost infinitely). If we start a cartoon now, we won’t see or hear anything. To hear something, you need to give the sound a name. To do this, open the library and find our sound symbol in it. It doesn't matter what it's called now. To name a sound, right-click on its name and select the Linkage () command from the context menu. In the window that opens, select the Export this symbol switch and set the name zvuk. In other words, let's do it as shown in the figure:

Rice. 632. Setting the coordinates and dimensions of the sound volume scale

Now let's create in this symbol new layer and put polzunok_MC_volume there. The layer with the slider should be higher than the layer with the scale. Let's place the slider in the center of the scale and assign the following action to it:
root.zvuk.setVolume(this. x) ;

This will ensure that the sound has a value corresponding to the x coordinate of the slider. Now go to the main scene and insert the shkala_volume symbol there. So we have created a sound volume control.
Now let's organize sound balancing between the left and right speakers. To do this, create a button symbol called polzunok_pan and draw a slider there, then create a Movie Clip type symbol called polzunok_MC_pan and place our polzunok_pan there. Let's give it an action:
on (press) (
startDrag (this, false, on (release) ( stopDrag ();
-100, 0, 100, 0) ;

Now let's create another Movie Clip symbol called shkala_pan. Let's draw our scale there in the form of a rectangle with parameters, as shown in the figure:

Rice. 633. Setting the coordinates and dimensions of the sound balancing scale

In the same symbol, create another layer and place it above the current one. In this layer, place the slider polzunok_MC_pan and set the following action for it:

(root.zvuk.setPan(this. x) ;

Now go to the main scene and insert the sound balancing scale shkala_pan into it. Watch the cartoon and try changing the position of the sliders. If there are no errors, then everything will work.

However, we do not have a digital display of volume and audio balance. Let's develop such a service. On the main stage we will insert two dynamic text fields. One is for displaying volume, the other is for balance. Let's call them vol and pan respectively. First, let's deal with the vol field.
Select the shkala_volume symbol and open the Action palette for our slider. Let's add the following code to the existing one:
s = new Sound(zvuk);
_root.vol = s.getVolume();
Thus, we should get the following:
in Flash
root. zvuk. set Volume (this. _x) ; ^ = new Sound(zvuk); root.vol = s . getVolume();

Now the user can see the digital sound volume value. Let's organize a digital display of the balance. To do this, let's go to the shkala_pan symbol and add the following code to its actions:
s = new Sound (zvuk) ;
root. pan = s. getPan(); The result should be: onClipEvent(enterFrame) (
root. zvuk. set Pan (this -_x) ; s = new Sound(zvuk);
root. pan = s.getPan(); )

The user now receives information regarding the sound balance. However, when the slider moves to left side scale, we see negative numbers. Usually in similar programs positive numbers and the letter "L" or "R" are displayed. Let's try to do the same. To do this, in the shkala_pan symbol in the Actions palette for the slider, let's slightly change the existing code. After replacing it should look like this:
onClipEvent (enterFrame) (_root . zvuk . setPan (this . _x) ; s = new Sound (zvuk) ;
if (this._x<0) (
_root.pan = - (s .getPan ()) +"Left" ; ) else if (this._x>0) ( _root.pan = s . getPan () +"Right" ; ) else if (this._x = = 0) (_root.pan = s. getPan ();

Here we have set the condition that if the value of the x coordinate of the slider is less than zero (i.e. the balance is shifted to the left), then the pan field returns a value with a minus ( a negative number with a minus there is a positive number). In addition, the string Left is assigned to the Numeric value. And if the balance shifts to the right, then everything remains as it is and is also assigned to Right . If the value of the x coordinate is zero, then nothing is assigned at all. Now we have a more familiar form of displaying the balance. In the same way, you can make it display, for example, “OFF” or “Off” at the minimum volume, and “MAX” at the maximum value. To do this, you just need to replace the code for the slider in the shkala_volume symbol with the following:
_root . zvuk. set Volume (this. _x) ;
s = new Sound (zvuk) ;
if (this._x == 0) (
root.vol = "Off"; T
else if (this._x == 100) ( _root.vol = "MAX"; T
else(_root.vol = s.getVolume());

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Sound control

Sound control0 out of 5 0 based on 0 voters.

After you have protected the premises as best you can from outside world, you need to understand how sound travels inside the room itself.

Sound travels through the air in the form of waves. These waves bounce off the walls of the room and cause effects such as reverberation and echo. One of the curses of home studios is that they tend to be very small in size. Since sound travels quite quickly (at a speed of about 330 m/s), when you sit near speaker systems and listen to music, you hear the sound coming from the speakers and the sound reflected from the walls equally. In large rooms, you hear the original and reflected sound separately, which reduces problems. In a good studio you need to “tame” these reflections so that they do not interfere with hearing clear sound emanating from the speakers.

It is quite difficult to describe all the reflections occurring in the room. Read books on acoustics (the science of sound propagation) and you will learn that there are different modes of resonance: axial (one dimension), tangential (two dimensions) and oblique (three dimensions). Each mode is associated with a specific method of distribution and interaction sound waves in room. Knowing the modes of your room can help you choose an acoustics strategy. However, the formulas used to calculate modes are indeed very complex, especially for tangential and oblique modes.

You can learn more about room resonance modes and even find mode calculators on the Internet by searching in your favorite search engine the phrase “resonance modes”. You will be offered just a few links from which you can start studying. this issue. Study it yourself, as a detailed examination of it is worthy of an entire book.

So, at the risk of being anathematized by professional acoustic engineers around the world, I will still share with you some tricks that I have used in my studios. my main goal It was about creating a room that had the sound I personally liked and had enough control over reflections. I, like many, recorded and mixed in the same room, which gave me the opportunity to make small adjustments along the way to make the sound more like what I was going for.

There are two moments in which sound plays a very important role - the actual recording and mixing. Each of these processes requires a different approach to ensure that the recording has the best sound possible. We will consider both of these processes in this section.