“Killer” landing pages: three examples of effective landing pages. Use the magic of visualization. Why landing page

Teacher-expert in applied socio-economic programs at the Specialist Educational Center at MSTU. N.E. Bauman

Progressive event organizers are especially popular with sponsors because they are able to effectively position themselves and attract the attention of funds mass media, government officials, celebrities.

Why you should create an event website

All these advantages are automatically transferred to the sponsor’s image and become its advantages. That, in fact, is what sponsors give money for. Progressivity can be judged by various factors, one of which is the corporate website.

“If you are not on the Internet, then you are not at all.”

This quote is attributed to Microsoft founder Bill Gates. It is known from other sources that it still sounds like this: “In the future, there will be two types of companies on the market: those who are on the Internet and those who have gone out of business.”

In our case, it doesn’t matter what B. Gates said verbatim, the meaning is clear. If your company does not operate on the Internet, it therefore has no future.

But today our conversation is not about a corporate website or your community in in social networks. Let's talk about the event website.

If a corporate website is the organizer’s business card, then an event website is special status of both the organizer and the event itself. The ideal format for an event website is Landing Page, other names: landing page, one-page website, landing page.

Why landing page


  1. The design of the Landing Page allows you to highlight the specifics (theme) of the event and harmoniously combine it with the corporate style of the organizer.
  2. There are no distracting blocks, like on a regular website: navigation menu, news blocks, advertising banners, questionnaires, clouds of tags, comments, voting, authorizations and much more that distracts the visitor’s attention.
  3. Landing Page is located on one web page, is easy to load and does not take much time to view.
  4. Masterfully alternating text and graphic elements one-page pages hold the eye and enhance the perception of information.

The main goal, of course, of the landing page is promotion, popularization of your event, brand promotion, formation of the image of an organizer who keeps pace with fashion and information and technological progress.

But status, image, reputation are not the only reasons. You should create an event website for more pragmatic tasks.

The landing page should convert visitors into customers. Having completed the actions you have planned, customers become your listeners, participants, competitors, visitors, excursionists, spectators, fans, as well as speakers, artists, experts.

Why the landing page copes well with this task

Let's add the following to those listed above:

  1. Blocks of information alternate with calls to action, keeping the visitor’s attention on specific task: order, register, call, leave contacts.
  2. Convenient navigation and, again, alternation of text, photographs, pictures, videos give the site dynamics and rhythm that motivate action.

Our partner LPTrend offers several dozen ready-made templates in the following categories: Portfolio. Education. Real estate. Activity. Medicine. Finance and law. Construction. Beauty and health. Infobusiness. Tourism. Universal. Thank you pages (reviews). Technical pages.

Landing Page works wonders! By creating a one-page event website once, you can easily attract potential audiences, partners and sponsors.

A convenient designer allows anyone, without special knowledge and experience, to create an event website on their own in 30–60 minutes.

There is practically no need to change anything, just add your program, information about speakers, contacts, photos, check the location of the event on the map, and reviews of participants in previous events. Intuitively clear interface website builder Landing Page contains everything required blocks, which will tell you what to fill them with. There is no need to think about the technical side of the issue at all.

How much does it cost to create this wonderful event website?

LPTrend subscription fee is 500 rubles per month to create one website. If you pay annually, there is a 40% discount. We don’t even know what you can buy for that kind of money today. Maybe just go to a morning movie session.

And two more advantages

  1. The first 15 days are free. This time will be enough to understand whether you like the site, whether you need it, whether it works the way you wanted. You risk nothing by testing the constructor for two weeks.
  2. Free 24/7 technical support who will accompany you like a baby.

And in conclusion, let's remember Bill Gates again:

“If you try, you have two options: either it will work or it won’t. And if you don’t do anything, then there’s only one option.”

You've probably encountered the creation and optimization of landing pages while promoting online projects. Developing a quality landing page is a critical component of marketing campaigns. This material will introduce you to three examples of cool landing pages, and will also show you the components of their success. But first things first.

Landing pages: definition, performance criteria

Effective landing pages meet the following criteria:

There are no perfect landing pages, since static is one of the enemies good landing. However, the examples below are very close to the ideal option. Let's take a closer look at them.

Content Rules landing page

American content developer Content Rules created an effective landing page to distribute your e-book.

What Content Rules did right:

  • Design

The landing page looks nice and simple. The headline attracts the visitor's attention to the conversion action (Download the book for free right now - this is an approximate translation of the headline).

  • Photo

The only photo on the landing page is a preview of the e-book cover. This photo attracts the visitor’s attention and clearly demonstrates the product to him, but does not distract him from performing the necessary action.

  • Brand strength

The Content Rules logo increases the visitor's confidence in the quality of the product.

What can be improved:

It significantly increases the effectiveness of the landing page, as users can sign up for your newsletter within seconds.

What can be improved:

  • Content

This landing page contains too much text that distracts visitors from the registration form.

  • Design

ALM specialists should test versions of the same landing page with a simplified design. Reducing the number of information blocks and eliminating a large number of colors are ways to quickly improve appearance pages.

Windows Intune landing page

Microsoft uses a landing page to distribute a 30-day trial version cloud service Windows Intune.

What Microsoft company did it right:

  • Review

Landing page is great way make an announcement about a future event, cover it key points and gather an audience in a short time. We offer a selection of the 10 most beautiful and interesting foreign landing pages for various events in the world of design, IT and more.


“In December, world leaders will gather in Paris to determine the future of our planet - don’t remain indifferent!”

A stunning landing page that captivates the user with witty arguments and sparkling humor, with a beautiful flat design and animation. Its creators deftly and intelligibly cover possible objections of visitors with the help of a chain of ironic and at the same time serious short surveys.

"IN this moment do you live on planet earth?

“Do the people you like live on planet Earth?”

Each mini-survey contains 2 action options, which are funny animated and voiced. With their help, the visitor is motivated to sign a petition to reduce greenhouse gas emissions with the goal of, no less than, saving the Earth! This is facilitated by a large number of high-quality, “catchy” videos shot specifically for the landing page.

The site has an original, convenient, well-thought-out navigation, and CTA elements attract attention. Target buttons lead to a closed petition signature form, but the user’s actions on the landing page do not end there. The page has an excellent viral profile that makes the most of the traffic.

Simply wonderful landing example page for a charity event with great visual content.


“Submit your Behance portfolio to Washington DC for professional critique.”

A landing page with amazing parallax scrolling about an event for computer geeks, where they can show off their portfolio, drink beer and make contacts. Cool animation and API integration with meetup.com.

Simple and intuitive navigation is equipped with unobtrusive anchor buttons for greater convenience. It perfectly conveys the upbeat atmosphere of the future event and cheerfully, in a friendly way, attracts users to it.

The pink target button is large, bright, highly visible, and duplicated at the very end of the page. Scrolling through the landing page is not boring, and it’s pleasant to be on it.


Landing page, which is a great example of how to turn the scrolling process into a captivating animated story.

Interesting in honor of the 10th anniversary of the digital studio inTacto. It features an original parallax scrolling from bottom to top, which can be launched in automatic mode. On the first screen, at the bottom, there is a simple and clear instructions by manual navigation.

As you move along the page, you can see how the studio has developed over the years, expanding its horizons and mastering new technologies. Using the anchor buttons on the left side of the screen, you can switch to the desired year at any time. The last screen contains social media buttons.

The landing page has received many awards and is available in two languages: Spanish and English.


Landing page announcing the fifth annual conference for designers and developers in San Diego.

Nice professional landing page for an event with high-quality photos, video and elegant parallax scrolling. Most of the landing page is occupied by stylish multi-colored cards with a photo, name and short biography speakers, as well as links to the website and Twitter.

These cards are rhythmically “diluted” with blocks with a target button and . The target button itself is presented on the first spread under the video presentation, at the end of the site, and accompanies the user in the corner of the floating header.

At the end of the page there is separate button for sponsors. The footer, located there, contains links to old landing pages of previous conferences with saved videos of speakers - a very useful feature. The clean layout is pleasing to the eye, good job with font and indents. This is great modern landing page page, adaptive and optimized.


A bright and colorful landing page for a festive musical event.

Cheerful original design immediately highlights this one landing page against the backdrop of many boring official sites. The designers did not hesitate to use the richest shades of colors and created beautiful animation.

Best of all, each member of the 12 performing bands was lovingly depicted as a two-dimensional character. In addition, the landing page boasts wonderful fonts and high-quality adaptive layout. Great job!


Refreshing artistic landing page for the Arkansas web developer conference.

A cool first spread, simple and visually rich at the same time. Only the logo is placed here, short description and a target button under which the time and place of the event were mentioned. The rest of the screen is occupied by “paper”, hand-drawn figures of people. They are arranged in three layers, which move with different amplitudes, reacting to the position of the mouse cursor. It looks very beautiful and original.

This landing page boasts parallax effects, a video background, good font, original forms of fields and buttons. But its most striking feature is the stylish colorful drawings of professional artists. Even photographs of famous guests and speakers are depicted as hand-drawn portraits.

Great designer landing page.


Battles graphic designers.

A laconic landing page, originally animated and with magnificent screen transitions. The page is promoting the “Battle of Graphic Designers” at the Projekcje conference. Responsive responsive layout perfectly fills screens of any size.

All page elements are pleasantly, unobtrusively animated. A beautiful blend of typography pairs perfectly with clean, flat design elements. The target button allows you to quickly, without unnecessary preamble, download a design for participation in the competition.

Excellent landing page interesting events that motivate and inspire! Available in Polish and English.


A unique minimalist landing page for the upcoming Norwegian art exhibition in Milan.

Quite simple with mind landing page, if not for one interesting feature— almost any element can be grabbed with the mouse and freely dragged around the screen.

Very unusual, and fits perfectly into the concept of the event called “Structure”. Movable blocks alternate with two galleries that contain links to Additional information about the participants, with very simple navigation.


At the end of the page there is a nice bonus in the form free content- art that can be downloaded and installed as a screensaver on your phone.


Hilarious landing page in honor of National Corn Dog Day.

A unique one-screen landing page joke that has received many awards and works great on mobile devices. Using ASCII code, 26 short GIFs can be switched by pressing keys A through Z, combining them with a rap about corn dogs. Have fun ;-)


That's how he was short review ten of the most creative foreign landing pages for events. A landing page designed for a future event will become great tool to increase its virality, quick collection participants and attracting sponsors. You will be able to familiarize yourself target audience with the program and speakers in advance, and also receive feedback. An original, high-quality design will help users form the necessary associations with the upcoming event, and a competent structure and choice of elements will increase loyalty and motivate participation.

Know the needs of your target audience, be bright and unusual on our platform and create your own unique landing pages for any event. And if you don’t know where to start, you’ll find interesting ready-made solutions in the template gallery.