File system types - what is the difference between FAT32, NTFS and exFAT. Step-by-step instructions for formatting a flash drive. ExFat file system - what it is, why it was created

The file system is the basis on which manipulations with any data performed on the computer take place, from loading the OS to reading text documents in a notepad. The era of the first Windows problems I didn’t select the file system, since it was presented in one single option - FAT16.

With the advent of Windows 95, an alternative to the existing file system in the form of fat32 appeared, but the choice did not become problematic, since the improved version was obviously better than the previous one.

And now emergence of Windows XP caused confusion among users regarding the issue of choosing between existing file systems. The question has become relevant: which is better fat32 or ntfs? Now let's try to figure this out.

What is a file system

The file system manages the processes of storing and accessing files on a computer. The main concept in this system is called a cluster - definition minimum size data on disk.

So, if the “weight” of a file is 1 byte, and the cluster size on the hard drive is 8 KB, then the file on the hard drive will occupy one cluster. If the “weight” of the file is 8.1 KB, its size on the disk will already occupy two clusters, that is, 16 KB. Now imagine how many files can be contained on a hard drive, and you will understand how important the cluster and the entire file system are in the process of storing information. Especially in in this case I would like to note that the cluster size depends on the type of file system.

In addition, it is important how the system fills the free area on the disk. A poor-quality algorithm can lead to data fragmentation, that is, the distance between parts of one file stored on disk will be quite large.

FAT32 and its features

So, what is fat32 and what are its main characteristics? In theory, the disk size of this system is limited to 8 TB. But practice shows that those administration tools that are built into the most common operating systems - Windows 2000 and Windows XP - do not have the ability to create a partition larger than 32 GB. However, in most cases this is more than enough. The maximum file size in fat32 is no more than 4 GB.

Now let's turn to the facts that are not entirely pleasant. Among others, important characteristic file system is its stability, parameters of resistance to all kinds of errors. fat32 has nothing special to brag about here. The most common mistake in this area is incorrectly recording data that indicates volume free space. In fat16 this parameter was calculated, but in fat32 it is simply written in the boot area. In this situation, when we copy, delete or move a file, our operating system fails to update the data record that contains information about the amount of free disk space. Corrected this error only by using a special program that carries out complete hard check disk.

NTFS and its features

If you choose between fat32 or ntfs based on the parameters of hard drive size restrictions, then the latter obviously wins at this point, since it does not have these restrictions. The stability of this file system is also somewhat higher; it can even survive significant damage to the surface of the hard drive.

The directory organization in this system is represented by a specific file, which has a number of links to other files and directory systems. Similar system significantly reduces the time spent on searching required file. Based on this parameter, the choice between ntfs or fat32 is obvious.

NTFS compresses data at the file system level, which makes it possible to organize all work processes with it faster. Compression mechanisms are flexible, allowing you to compress half of the file and not compress the remaining component at all.

The advantages of this system compared to fat32 are significant, but in most cases the capabilities of the latter are more than sufficient for users.

How to format a flash drive to ntfs or fat32

To illustrate the possibilities more clearly file systems Let's look at them using the example of formatting a flash drive. It’s a question of choosing which is better in this case - formatting a flash drive in ntfs or fat32 does not make any difference significant problem, since the answer to it is simple and obvious. So, if you plan to write files larger than 4 GB to this medium, then formatting the flash drive in ntfs would be more reasonable. If the volume of recorded files is smaller specified parameter, feel free to choose fat32, we remember that for fat32 maximum size file (max file size) = 4Gb.

The process of formatting a flash drive involves creating a file system on it, which organizes the ability to access information, methods of storing and organizing data. After you format the media, everything stored on it will be deleted. If necessary, a certain amount of data using special programs can be restored, but this opportunity is not always realized.

It is a common belief that formatting a flash drive is simply a way to clear it of the data it contains. But such a comparison is not entirely legitimate, since deleting information during the formatting process is only a consequence of the main process, which is the creation basic structure access to information.

Step-by-step instructions for formatting a flash drive

There are a number of reasons why formatting a flash drive becomes necessary:

  • cleaning unnecessary files;
  • neutralization of errors in work processes;
  • neutralization of the presence of harmful components;
  • changing the file system.

How to format a flash drive to ntfs or fat32? The event is not particularly difficult, which is why this method is very common. Here are step-by-step instructions for completing the process:

  • insert the media into the computer;
  • find it in the “Computer” folder;
  • click on the designation right click mice;
  • in the list that appears, select “format”;

  • in the window that appears, select the type of file system with which you would like to format the media (we talked about the selection parameters above);

  • We do not change the “cluster size” item;
  • in the “volume label” item we enter the name of the carrier;
  • To activate the process, click “start”;

  • After the process is completed, click “ok”.

Now you know how to format a flash drive in ntfs and fat32, and the fact that this process does not present any particular difficulties is obvious.

WITH different types file systems we encounter mainly when formatting drives - today almost exclusively hard drives and USB flash drives. As a rule, NTFS is almost automatically selected for the former, and FAT32 or exFAT for the latter. Sometimes in the properties of the connected disk the file system is indicated as FAT. In fact, such a file system does not exist, and FAT is the name general type, which includes FAT8, FAT12, FAT16 and FAT32. Today, the first ones are a thing of the past, and FAT in disk properties means file FAT system 16.


FAT(in the context of FAT16) is a 16-bit file system architecture used for hard drives and other small storage devices.

FAT32— 32-bit file system architecture, used for drives and hard drives with capacities from 512 MB to 2 TB, used in operating systems Windows systems 98, Windows 95 OSR2 and Windows 2000.


The FAT file system has lost its relevance with the increase in storage capacity. Today it is used only in 3.5-inch floppy disks. Flash drives, memory cards and hard disks for older operating systems. FAT is supported and recognized by all popular OS, FAT32 is OS only Windows family up to version 2000 and latest versions DOS.

FAT32 does not support logical drives (not to be confused with physical drives) that are smaller than 512 MB, FAT is not effective with logical drives larger than 256 MB. Accordingly, the maximum volume size for FAT32 is 2 TB, for FAT - 2 GB. FAT32 uses disk space more efficiently due to smaller size clusters.

The FAT32 file system does not support disk compression, while in FAT you can compress the disk using special utilities. But FAT limits the number of folders and files in root directory up to 512 records. The FAT32 file system is considered more reliable and stable due to the ability to move the root directory and use a backup copy of the file table. Boot sector FAT32 is larger than FAT and stores backups of the data structure.

Conclusions website

  1. The FAT file system is designed for small drives (up to 2 GB), FAT32 - up to 2 TB.
  2. In FAT32 the cluster size is smaller.
  3. FAT is supported by all operating systems, FAT32 is supported only by Windows from 95 to 2000 versions and the latest versions of DOS.
  4. FAT32 does not support logical drives smaller than 512 MB.
  5. FAT32 uses disk space more efficiently.
  6. FAT32 does not support disk compression.
  7. FAT limits the number of entries in the root directory to 512.
  8. FAT32 is more stable and reliable.

Let's look at the types of file systems for a flash drive, which one is better. One user sent me a photo with the error “The file is too large for the target file system” and decided to write an article in which cases it is necessary to use the FAT32, NTFS and exFAT systems. It was moving a file over 4 GB in size to an 8 GB flash drive. The fact is that the FAT32 system cannot process information larger than 4 GB; if you have a flash drive with a capacity of 32 GB and its file system is FAT32, then you will not be able to write a file larger than 4 GB to it. Let's look at all three file systems in Windows, and look at their pros and cons.


The old file system mode, which is usually used when buying a flash drive from a store and the reason for this is compatibility. Compatibility means that FAT32 can be used on any computer running MAC control, Windows, Linux, old PCs. The biggest limitation is that it has a 4GB file size limit, which has problems with formats like 4K video and Blu-ray these days. In a word, if you are going to work with files whose size is less than 4 GB and the flash drive is used on different computers, with different operating systems, then the FAT32 file system is very suitable.


An updated file system created by Microsoft to replace FAT32. Began to be used in Windows Vista SP1 and has a maximum file size of 16 exabytes (EB), which is 1 EB = 10 18 bytes. Compatible with Mac OS and Windows, it is a very good system for sharing large files.


  • It does not have any logging functionality, in which all changes to files on disk are logged before they are actually made.
  • Not supported Time Machine at Apple. In a word, you can't do backup copy from Apple using software Time Machine.
  • A very complex structure that requires more computing power.


  • Rewrites the same sector fewer times, which is important for flash drives, extending the life of memory cells. As you know, flash drives have N-numbers of rewrites, then they fail.
  • Large file size limit of 16 exabytes.
  • The cluster size is 32 megabytes.
  • Improved free space distribution, which reduces disk defragmentation.


The latest file system created by Microsoft is modern structure today for almost any modern interior hard drive, flash drive or ssd drive. NTFS is a new file system technology. The windows system can only be installed on NTFS. It is the default for disks with the operating system, due to its versatility. It has all Microsoft technologies: logging, no file size restrictions, support for file compression, long names, access control file for server administrators and much more. At home this is the most the best option using this system on disks and flash drives. There is one catch, when you insert a flash drive into Mac OS, you can copy information from the flash drive, but you cannot change it.


For USB flash drives you should use exFAT if you are constantly in Mac environment OS, Windows, moving a flash drive from one operating system to another. If you only use Windows, then NTSF is a great solution.

FAT - File Allocation Table - this term refers to one of the ways to organize a file system on a disk. This table stores information about files on your hard drive as a sequence of numbers that determine where each part of each file is located. With its help, the operating system finds out which clusters the required file occupies. FAT is the most common file system and is supported by the vast majority of operating systems. At first, FAT was 12-bit and allowed working with floppy disks and logical disks with a capacity of no more than 16 MB. IN MS-DOS versions 3.0 made the FAT table 16-bit to support larger capacity drives, and drives up to 2,047 GB use a 32-bit FAT table.

The FAT32 system is a newer file system based on the FAT format and is supported by Windows 95 OSR2, Windows 98 and Windows Millennium Edition. FAT32 uses 32-bit cluster IDs but reserves the most significant 4 bits, so the effective cluster ID size is 28 bits. Since the maximum size of FAT32 clusters is 32 KB, FAT32 can theoretically handle 8 terabyte volumes. Windows 2000 limits the size of new FAT32 volumes to 32 GB, although it supports existing larger EAT32 volumes (created on other operating systems). Larger number The clusters supported by FAT32 allow it to manage disks more efficiently than FAT 16. FAT32 can use 512-byte clusters for volumes up to 128 MB in size.

The FAT 32 file system is used as the default file system in Windows 98. This operating system comes with a special program to convert a disk from FAT 16 to FAT 32. Windows NT and Windows 2000 can also use the FAT file system, and therefore you can boot your computer from a DOS disk and have full access to all files. However, some of the most progressive Windows features NT and Windows 2000 are provided with its own file system ntfs (NT File System). ntfs allows you to create disk partitions up to 2 TB in size (like FAT 32), but, in addition, it has built-in file compression, security and auditing functions necessary when working in network environment. And in Windows 2000, support for the FAT 32 file system is implemented. Installation of the Windows NT operating system begins at FAT disk, but at the user’s request, at the end of installation, the data on the disk can be converted to ntfs format.

You can do this later by using the Convert.exe utility supplied with the operating system. A disk partition converted to the ntfs system becomes inaccessible to other operating systems. To return to DOS, Windows 3.1 or Windows 9x, you need to remove ntfs partition, and create a FAT partition instead. Windows 2000 can be installed on a disk with the FAT 32 and ntfs file system.

The capabilities of EAT32 file systems are much wider than those of FAT16. Its most important feature is that it supports disks up to 2,047 GB and works with smaller clusters, thereby significantly reducing unused storage space. disk space. For example, HDD 2 GB in FAT16 uses clusters of 32 KB in size, and in FAT32 - clusters of 4 KB in size. To maintain compatibility with existing programs, networks, and device drivers whenever possible, FAT32 is implemented with minimal changes to the architecture, APIs, internal data structures, and disk format. But since FAT32 table elements are now four bytes in size, many internal and on-disk data structures and APIs have had to be revised or extended. Some APIs on EAT32 disks are blocked so that legacy disk utilities did not damage the contents of FAT32 disks. Most programs will not be affected by these changes. Existing tools and drivers will work on FAT32 drives. However, MS-DOS block device drivers (such as Aspidisk.sys) and disk utilities need to be modified to support FAT32. All disk utilities supplied by Microsoft (Format, Fdisk, Defrag, and ScanDisk for real and protected mode) have been redesigned to fully support FAT32. In addition, Microsoft is assisting leading disk utility and device driver vendors in modifying their products to support FAT32. FAT32 is more efficient than FAT16 when working with larger disks and does not require them to be partitioned into 2 GB partitions. Windows 98 necessarily supports FAT16, since it is this file system that is compatible with other operating systems, including third party companies. In real mode MS-DOS and in Windows 98 safe mode, the FAT32 file system is significantly slower than FAT16. Therefore, when running programs in MS DOS mode, it is advisable to include a command in the Autoexec.bat or PIF file to load Smartdrv.exe, which will speed up disk operations. Some legacy programs designed for the FAT16 specification may report incorrect information about the amount of free or total disk space if it is more than 2 GB. Windows 98 provides new APIs for MS-DOS and Win32 that allow you to correctly determine these metrics. In table 1 shows the comparative characteristics of FAT16 and FAT32.

Table 1. Comparison of FAT16 and FAT32 file systems

Implemented and used by most operating systems (MS-DOS, Windows 98, Windows NT, OS/2, UNIX).

On this moment Only supported on Windows 95 OSR2 and Windows 98.

Very effective for logical drives smaller than 256 MB.

Does not work with disks smaller than 512 MB.

Supports disk compression, for example using the DriveSpace algorithm.

Does not support disk compression.

Processes a maximum of 65,525 clusters, the size of which depends on the size of the logical disk.

Since the maximum cluster size is 32 KB, FAT16 can work with logical drives no larger than 2 GB.

Capable of working with logical disks up to 2,047 GB with a maximum cluster size of 32 KB. How logical disk, the lower the efficiency of storing files in a FAT"16 system, since the size of the clusters also increases. Space for files is allocated in clusters, and therefore, with the maximum size of a logical disk, a file of 10 KB in size will require 32 KB, and 22 KB of disk space will be wasted .

On logical drives with a volume of less than 8 GB, the cluster size is 4 KB.

The maximum possible file length in FAT32 is 4 GB minus 2 bytes. Win32 applications can open files of this length without special processing. Other applications should use the Int 21h interrupt, function 716C (FAT32) with the open flag set to EXTEND-SIZE (1000h).

In the FAT32 file system, 4 bytes are allocated for each cluster in the file allocation table, while in FAT16 - 2, and in FAT12 - 1.5.

The most significant 4 bits of a 32-bit FAT32 table element are reserved and do not participate in the formation of the cluster number. Programs that directly read the PAT32 table must mask these bits and protect them from changing when new values ​​are written.

So, FAT32 has the following advantages over previous implementations of the FAT file system:

programs load 50% faster.

Table 2. Comparison of cluster sizes

Disk capacity

Cluster size in FAT16, KB

Cluster size in FAT32, KB

256 MB-511 MB

Not supported

512 MB -1023 MB

1024 MB - 2 GB

256 MB-511 MB

2 GB - 8 GB

256 MB-511 MB

8 GB-16 GB

256 MB-511 MB

16 GB-32 GB

256 MB-511 MB

An improved disk defragmentation utility optimizes the placement of application files that are loaded when the application is launched. It is possible to convert the disk to EAT32 using the Drive Converter (FAT32) utility, but after this it is recommended to run the Disk Defragmenter utility - otherwise the computer will work with the disk slower than before. When using FAT32, the alternative boot configuration of Windows 98 and Windows NT 4.0 becomes impossible, since the latter does not support FAT32. FAT32 allocates disk space much more efficiently than previous versions of the FAT file system. This frees up tens or even hundreds of megabytes on large drives, and when combined with the advanced FAT32 disk defragmentation utility, significantly reduces application loading times. The procedure for converting the file system on your hard drive to FAT32 using Drive Converter (FAT32) is quite simple. To do this, you must sequentially open Start menu(Start), submenu programs (Programs), Accessories (Standard), System Tools (Utilities) and select the Drive Converter (FAT32) command. The conversion may affect the hibernate features (saving the computer's state to disk) found on many computers. Systems in which sleep mode is implemented through the AWS BIOS or ACPI (Advanced Configuration and Power Interface) S4/BIOS must support FAT32 - only then will they work correctly in Windows 98.

Most BIOS manufacturers include antivirus protection that monitors for changes to the MBR (Master Boot Record). Additionally, legacy antivirus utilities installed as resident programs or real-mode drivers may detect MBR changes when booting MS-DOS. Since conversion to FAT32 inevitably modifies the MBR, some virus checking tools may mistakenly interpret this as a sign that the system is infected. Therefore, if an antivirus utility detects a change in the MBR, it offers to “cure” it. It is best to remove your antivirus software and disable the built-in BIOS tools virus protection before converting the disk to FAT32. Then you can reinstall the anti-virus utility and activate the anti-virus protection built into the BIOS.

This article will discuss the use of various file systems on external media data: flash drives, memory cards, external hard drives etc. So, today the following file systems are used for drives: ...

* FAT32

Let's go through each of them in detail and consider the advantages, disadvantages and features of use on various devices.

A file system created by Microsoft to replace the dying FAT16. Currently the most common system. Most memory cards and flash drives are supplied in FAT32. In addition, when formatting the media in a household device, such as a camera, it will work in this file system. This is its main advantage - compatibility. By inserting such a drive into a household DVD player, media player or photo printer, you will be sure that all files are accessible and can be read normally. This is where the advantages end.

The most important disadvantage of this system is the file size limit of 4 GB. Therefore write down big file(for example, a backup system disk or a video copied from the camera) will not work. In addition, Windows has a partition size limit of 32 GB. Bypass last limitation you can download the HP USB utility Disk Storage Format Tool, which will allow you to format it in FAT32 at least external hard disk.

However, if you do not need to record and transfer such large files, and also if you have a small media size: 4, 8 or even 16 GB, you can format it to FAT32 without hesitation.
By the way, Transcend, a company that produces mobile storage media, formats its external hard drives in FAT32.

A modern, reliable file system dating back to Windows NT.
IN desktop computers and laptops replaced FAT32. Check if you still have FAT32 installed (right click on the drive in My Computer and select Properties), I highly recommend replacing it with NTFS.

How to convert FAT32 to NTFS without data loss

You can do this as follows. IN command line(Start-Run) type

convert e: /fs:ntfs

Instead of e: you can substitute required disk. This will allow you to change the file system to NTFS no data loss.

However, on flash drives and external hard NTFS drives It works a little differently. When copying to such Windows drive enables a caching mechanism where files are copied first to special memory(the so-called cache), and then to the final media. In stationary hard drives, this allows you to gain copy speed and smooth out delays. On mobile devices it will look like this. At first, the copying speed will be very high and can reach 100 MB/s (theoretically equal to the speed reading hard drive you are copying from), then when the cache memory runs out, speed will drop to a critically small value. Moreover, before moving on to copying the next file, the system must append the current one from the cache. Therefore, copying may appear to be stuck at 99 percent, although the hard drive indicator will still show activity. If you compare the copying speed with and without cache, it turns out that it is almost identical. That is, when using NTFS we lose almost nothing except the incorrect copying speed and information about its end time. Although for some, such “information content” may fray the nerves.

This is the copying speed \"develops\"
hard USB disk 2.0 on NTFS system

NTFS “works wonders”, copying to a 512 MB flash drive,
the real writing speed of which is several MB/s

On the other hand, NTFS is an extremely reliable file system that can withstand more than one sudden reset. This reliability is ensured by logging. This will cause the system to access certain areas of the drive more often. For flash drives and memory cards, this approach is critical. They will wear out faster.

New file system from Microsoft. Designed primarily for flash drives. Exaggerating, we can say that this is FAT32 with lifted restrictions. The sizes of files and partitions can reach astronomical sizes, and the number of files in one folder is now unlimited. In my opinion, ideal for flash drives and memory cards.

But this system also has a drawback. Not many people support her household devices, and computers with Windows XP will not see such media either. However Microsoft company released patch KB955704, which allows exFAT to be used in Windows XP. Windows Vista and Windows 7 work with this system without any additional manipulations.

But if you often use a flash drive on different computers running Windows XP, you will have to carry additional flash drive with drivers. This is just ridiculous.

But if you only have computers with Windows 7 or you carry a flash drive/disk in only 2-3 places where it is possible to install the above update, then exFAT is ideal.

Article taken from open sources:
exFAT file system

Along with the release of Vista SP1, Microsoft introduced a new file system. ExFAT (Extended File Allocation Table) is the successor to the old FAT32 file system. So what are the main advantages and disadvantages of the exFAT file system. What are the differences between exFAT and FAT32? And when is it better to use exFAT rather than NTFS?

The FAT32 file system is a fairly old and familiar file system, but it has a number of significant disadvantages: it does not support partitions larger than 2 TB, and files larger than 4 GB. To solve the problems described in FAT32, the exFAT file system was created. ExFAT is a Microsoft development designed primarily for mobile media (flash drives, SSD drives, smart cards). It’s worth noting right away that ExFAT is not used for hard formatting disks. All the latest Windows versions, as well as Mac OS X support this file system. ExFAT is also often called FAT64, which means it can handle larger drives and files.

The main advantages of the exFAT file system:

* Maximum cluster size increased to 32 MB
* Increased the maximum file size in exFAT from 4GB to 264 bytes (16 EB).
* There is no limit on the number of files in a directory
* Supports file/directory permissions
* Support for write transactions (if supported physical device)
* Effective use free space, which helps to significantly reduce disk fragmentation.

It is worth noting that when formatting in exFAT, the amount of available space on storage devices is greater than when using FAT32. For example, if a 4 GB USB flash drive (nominal capacity 4023 MB) is formatted in various file systems, you will get the following:

* FAT32 - 4014 MB
* HFS+ - 3997 MB
* NTFS - 3974 MB
* exFAT - 4022 MB

ExFAT is optimized to work with flash drives such as USB flash drives, memory cards and SSD drives, the 32 KB cluster size is well suited for large-capacity cards and devices with increased wear and tear when performing read-write operations. The exFAT system also has the ability to manage access rights to files/directories, and the time to access data has decreased. One of the main disadvantages of the exFAT system is that this technology applies licensing policy Microsoft, and in no way open source it cannot be applied to decisions. To use it on any operating system, you will need to pay licensing fees to Microsoft ( this rule not a simple one mobile devices such as cameras, players, etc.).

exFAT in modern operating systems Windows 7

New OS version Microsoft Windows 7 fully supports the exFAT file system and all its features in both 32- and 64-bit versions. Besides, external flash drives formatted in exFAT can be used to work with ReadyBoost technology(and there will no longer be a 4 GB limit).

Windows Vista

Windows Vista supports exFAT only starting from Service Pack 1. In addition, some features, such as access control, are also not supported. Unlike Windows 7, Vista's exFAT devices are not supported for ReadyBoost.

Windows XP

ExFAT is not supported in Windows XP, however, you can download a driver from the Microsoft website (description in KB 9555704 -, but it requires Service Pack 2 installed.

For older versions of Windows official support exFAT is missing.

Windows Server

ExFAT is fully supported in Windows Server 2008, and when installing the above driver, also in Windows Server 2003.

Snow Leopard

Mac OS X supports exFAT since version 10.6.4 (June 15, 2010), but only on Macs with an SDXC card reader. Mac mini and iMac are exFAT compatible.

On systems Linux family There is no support for exFAT, although there are several solutions, but most of them are paid or inconvenient, in addition, Microsoft with its proprietary license puts a spoke in the wheels of independent developers.

ExFAT and FAT32

When tested on Windows 7, it showed the same performance as FAT32, but NTFS is still a little faster. Will exFAT replace FAT32? This will probably only happen after a massive migration to Windows 7 or newer versions of Windows. For consumers, the main advantage of exFAT will be to overcome file restrictions FAT32 (increasing file size in exFat).

We must also remember that the exFAT file system requires more new version OS (hardware upgrade may be required), as well as the fact that exFAT may simply not be supported on older devices (cameras, mp3 players).

exFat or NTFS

ExFAT can be considered a competitor to NTFS on systems with limited computing power and memory. In addition, file NTFS system It is very inconvenient and inefficient to use on flash cards (operation speed drops and the service life of flash memory decreases), and ExFAT will be the ideal file system for such devices.

In conclusion, I will give a few general recommendations to select the most suitable file system. If you have a small flash drive, format it to FAT32. Format large-capacity flash drives with exFAT, since “speed jumps” on them will be especially noticeable. External hard disks are usually large and high performance(especially those that have USB connectors 3.0), so it is better to format them in NTFS.

Article taken from open sources: