The song in contact does not switch. Why doesn’t music work in VK on a computer and phone: reasons and what to do? Internet connection speed has dropped

On the VKontakte social network, the “Music” section is one of the most visited. Therefore, let's figure out what to do if all or individual tracks stop playing. First of all, let's check the sound and the compositions themselves. The volume is turned up to maximum, the music was not removed at the request of the copyright holder, but there is no result? The reasons why music does not play on VKontakte on Android may be the following:

Problems from VK

VKontakte is the largest Russian social network with an extensive infrastructure. Its servers, located in different countries of the world, like any other devices, need repair, maintenance, and configuration from time to time. And it happens that developers make mistakes when introducing new updates to their product, and then the music also becomes unavailable.

Solution to the problem:

Play audio recordings on another page. For example, compositions from any community or a friend’s playlist. If sound appears there, it means there are problems on the part of the social network, and you can only wait for them to be fixed. If your music isn't playing anywhere, try the other solutions below.

Internet problems

If your music suddenly stops playing, check the speed of your incoming Internet connection. To play multimedia content, it must be fast and stable. If this is not the case, the sound will be interrupted, jerky, or absent altogether.

Solution to the problem:

Measure the speed of your incoming Internet connection using the appropriate service, for example, “Yandex Internet Meter”. If it is less than 1-2 Mbit/s, it’s time to contact your provider or try connecting to another network. If you want to listen to music right now, but other wi-fi points are not available, try turning on the song and immediately pausing it. Wait until loading finishes (for a track 2-5 minutes long, a couple of minutes is usually enough), and you can turn it on.

Flash Player conflict

Over the past few years, major players in the Internet market have been gradually abandoning Flash Player in favor of advanced HTML5, WebGL and WebAssembly standards. By 2020, it is planned to completely abandon support for this technology, incl. and the development company. Therefore, on many sites, Flash-based files do not work correctly or do not work at all. This mainly applies to videos and applications. However, cases of similar problems are also known with music content.

Solution to the problem:

If you are unable to launch certain tracks in VK due to problems with Flash Player, the best solution to the problem is to delete these tracks, replacing them with similar ones from the social network’s search results. To do this:

  • Open the VK website or application and go to the “My Music” section.
  • In the list of songs, find the problematic track and click on the icon in the form of a vertical row of 3 dots located opposite it.
  • In the menu that appears, select “Remove from my music.”

  • Enter the full or partial name of the composition into the search bar.
  • We find a suitable one in the proposed list, check it for functionality, click on the “three dots”.
  • In the menu that appears, select “Add to my music.”

Another option is to update Flash Player. To do this, open the “Security” section in “Settings” and check the box next to the item that allows installation of applications from unknown sources.

The next step is downloading the program. Go to the Adobe website and look for the player version for your version of Android. When the apk file is downloaded, open it and install it like any other application. However, please note that even after updating there is no guarantee that Flash player will work as it should. Every day more and more sites and online market participants are abandoning this technology. And the lack of support from the developer makes it vulnerable to crackers and other attackers. Therefore, you use this method at your own peril and risk.

Browser/application crash

The problem may also be caused by the browser (or application) through which you access the social network. Perhaps the installed version of the program has become corrupted (say, due to viruses) or is outdated, and therefore cannot execute user-specified commands (in this case, playing music).


  • Open the phone’s system settings (usually the icon is shown as a gear) and look for the “Applications” section there.

  • In the list of installed programs, click on the browser or “VKontakte”.
  • In the window that opens, click “Clear cache”, “Erase data” and “Delete” in sequence.

  • Go to the Play Market and reinstall the application. Let's start the music.

If you can't find the download page, open the "My apps and games" section in the Play Market and go to the "Library" tab. The application you are looking for can be installed from there.

Low memory

If the device's physical or RAM memory is full, it will begin to noticeably slow down. This is also a fairly common reason why music on VKontakte does not play on Android. Therefore, if you encounter similar symptoms, it’s time to unload the RAM and clear the cache.


First of all, let's free up the RAM. Let's use the default cleaning program (usually the label shows a broom, a basket or something similar) or any one offered by the Play Market for the queries: “Memory optimization”, “Memory cleaner”, etc.

If there are no such pre-installed applications, and you don’t want to install something from the outside, you can stop applications running in the background manually. For this:

1. Go to “Settings” and open the “Applications” section.

2. Switch to the “Running” tab.

3. Click on the application that you want to disable, and in the window that opens, click “Stop”.

To delete temporary files loaded by the program, we do everything the same, only in step 3 we click on “Clear cache”.

Or, if you need to clear the entire system cache at once, open the “Settings” and “Memory” sections one by one.

In the list that appears, look for the “Cache” item and agree to delete it. Ready!

Virus infection of the system

Miners, worms and similar malicious programs try to make their activity as inconspicuous as possible for the user. However, there are also viruses that demonstratively disable one or more frequently used systems, forcing the user to pay, install third-party software, or perform another action required by the cracker.

Solution to the problem:

We scan the system with an antivirus, find malicious elements and remove them. If viruses are indeed detected, but this did not help in restoring sound, try rolling back the system to its original state (“Settings” - “Restore and reset” - “Return to factory settings”) or reinstalling the application itself through which you access VK.

Antivirus software blocking downloads

Sometimes antivirus software is to blame for limiting audio listening over the Internet. Some antiviruses (including NOD32 and Kaspersky) are equipped with a network traffic scanning function. If a song or music seems suspicious to them for some reason, they simply block playback.


If this is the reason for the lack of sound, there are 2 solutions:

  • Temporary: Disable the traffic scanner while you listen to songs.
  • Permanent: add the site to the exclusion list (only if you are 100% sure that it is safe).

How to do it? The answer depends on which antivirus you use. In Kaspersky, for this you need to go to the “Protection” and “Advanced” sections. For other antivirus programs, instructions can be found on the Internet.

Although the social network initially limits the ability to download music from its pages, there are dozens of applications on the network that allow you to do this in one click. However, even after the download there is no guarantee that you will be able to enjoy your favorite tunes. The reasons for this may be different:

  • Song titles are too long

Some audio players (including the one used by default on Android) do not play songs whose length exceeds 10-12 characters (for your case, this value may be even less). To rename a track, open it through Explorer. Then press and hold until the action menu appears. Select the “Rename” item (can be hidden in an additional submenu, shown as 3 dots).

  • Broken file

If the speed of your Internet connection leaves much to be desired, the file may become damaged during the download or may not load completely. In this case, it is enough to repeat the download of the track, and the problem will be solved.

  • Unsupported format

By default, most downloaders download music files in mp3 format. However, some of them (or viruses) can change the extension of songs without your knowledge to those that are not supported by the player. To make sure of this, open the player’s page in the Play Market (or a detailed description of the program) and check whether your file format is in the list of acceptable ones. If not, change the bootloader and try downloading the song again.

Check your internet connection status. Sometimes it can be interrupted in the most unexpected way, which goes unnoticed by the user. You can check the network status by clicking on the corresponding icon in the system tray, and also try to perform other actions without leaving the social network. As soon as the connection is re-established, refresh the page and try playing the selected track again.

Problems with the site

Users of the VKontakte social network often complain about various problems that arise when using the site, and problems with the music player are no exception. Try waiting a while, refreshing the page, or logging out of your profile and logging in again. If the problem is truly internal, the administration must correct it quickly. You can speed this up by contacting support using the link at the bottom of the home page.

Outdated browser

Try updating your browser to also install the latest version of the Flash service. This is what can cause problems with playing music. If all else fails, change your browser and try to perform the necessary actions in a new one.

Problems with the sound card

Your computer's sound card, like other devices, may occasionally fail. Try other audio-related actions on your computer, such as launching one of the games or system player. If there is no sound there either, the problem really lies with the hardware or software. Install the latest drivers for the card and specify the appropriate sound settings. Pay attention to the volume settings and make sure the slider is set high enough.

Problems with audio equipment

Check that audio playback devices are properly connected to your computer. Sometimes users mistakenly connect the plug from their headphones or speakers to the wrong jack, causing the sound to . Also, check the audio device wires for frays, cracks, or tears. If the device refuses to work, it needs to be replaced.

Other problems

Clear the cache in your browser and check your system for viruses. All sorts of malicious programs and system codes can mute the sound in various applications. After cleaning is complete, restart your computer.

VKontakte from time to time there are problems related to music playback. Let's look at several of these options and consider a solution for each of them.

Eliminating any existing error will not be difficult and will not take much time.

Music does not play in Opera or Mozilla Firefox

If you cannot play audio in the Opera or Mozilla Firefox browser, then you need to do the following:

  1. Update the flash player that is installed on your computer: - select which Windows is installed (Windows 8 / Windows Server, Windows 7 / Vista / 2008 / 2003 or MAC OS, Linux).
  2. Select the browser version from the proposed list: Opera and Chromium, Internet Explorer or Firefox.

Using the "Download" button, download it to your computer and start the installation.

If your installed antivirus program does not allow you to install Flash Player, add this action to the exception or temporarily disable it.

After completely installing the flash player for listening to music on, do this and restart the browser.

If all the steps described above have been completed, but everything remains the same, go to the section with extensions. You can find them in the menu, add-ons and select “Extensions”. Disable each of them in turn, restart the browser and try to turn on the music. Perform such actions until the entire list has been iterated in this way.

Music does not play in Yandex.Browser or Google Chrome

If audio recordings do not want to be played in a browser from Yandex or Google Chrome, in this case it is unlikely that the problem lies in the flash player. These browsers are developed on the Chromium platform and have it built in by default.

Problems may be the following:

Low internet connection speed

In this case, browser caching of pages will help. Click on the "Play" button and pause. After waiting until the download is complete (you can see this using the indicator bar), play the track and enjoy.
You can easily get rid of the problem - increase the speed of your Internet connection from your provider.

Automatic browser updates disabled

If automatic updates are disabled, the browser cannot install the components necessary for full functionality. Enable the update or download the browser from the official website, they always offer a new, updated version for download.

The antivirus program is enabled and incorrectly configured

Often, Kaspersky Anti-Virus prevents you from fully using social networking sites.

Music does not play on tablet, Android or iPhone

This was a great question from our users who cannot listen to audio from their iPhones. The song loads a little, and then stops at the 30th second and asks you to pay to listen to the song.

The fact is that Apple once removed the VKontakte client from the App Store. Now developers had to set such limits so that the App Store would again accept the software they developed for iPhone owners.


You just need to “roll back” the new firmware version to 2.0 and you will again be able to listen to audio recordings on the website.

This applies to both iPhone and iPad. On both devices you will not have access to the section with your audio:

But, you can go to this section through the address bar. You just need to type there:

Why won't audio play on my phone?

The most common reason when music does not play in contact via the phone is the lack of Flash Player installed.

It is not possible to install it on phones that do not run Android, Windows Mobile or iOS. Previously, there was an installation option on Symbian OS, but after the next FP update it was removed. Older versions do not allow you to listen to audio recordings.

Solving problems for those suitable for installing a Flash player are described above.

If you still have questions about the problem of playing songs on the website, ask them here in the comments or within 1-2 hours!

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Quite often there is a problem with playing music from Contact. In this guide, I will show you several methods that should help solve this problem. There is nothing complicated.

Let's figure it out Why doesn't music play on VK?.

Now the https protocol is required

Make sure that when you go to the “Audio Recordings” section, you are using the https protocol.

Where can I watch it? Pay attention to your browser's address bar. The correct link looks like this:

Where instead of “XXXX” there will be the id of your page (see).

Internet connection speed has dropped

Sometimes there are interruptions in the Internet. Then video clips and music stop loading normally.

You need to check if your network connection is active. You just need to open any other website. If it fails, there is a problem with the network. If everything worked out, then there may be temporary problems with VKontakte (see why VKontakte won’t log in).

Blocking by antivirus or browser

This problem is quite rare. But you still need to check.

Some antiviruses block the normal operation of websites. This may also apply to the VKontakte website. To prevent this from happening, you need to add it to the exceptions. If you are working in the Mozilla Firefox browser, then you need to add the corresponding process to the antivirus exceptions.

And don’t forget to add the VKontakte site to the exceptions. Let's look at Mozilla Firefox as an example. Go to the menu and open the “Settings” section.

Add the site “” to the form and save the settings.

Music does not play on VK due to viruses

The most common problem. I believe that 90% of problems and oddities in the operation of your computer are associated with virus infection (see).

What should be done? Download anti-virus programs and utilities and conduct a full scan of your computer. Found threats must be cured or removed.

Are there situations when VKontakte (VK) suddenly does not play music? Sometimes it may be problems with a specific track, for example, the one who uploaded it deleted the material, or denied access, then it may turn out that in your VKontakte playlist some music is playing, but some does not turn on. What to do if the entire playlist, all the music does not work?

Let's try to figure out one by one why there may be problems with music playback on such a popular network as Vkontakte.

Why doesn't music turn on in VK? What if the problem is with the VKontakte site itself?

Then the music will stop working for many VKontakte users, for you, your friend, your neighbor. If you are at work, you can ask your colleagues if everything is working for them. Also on the Internet you can find fresh complaints from other users who will write en masse that the music does not turn on.

VKontakte music does not work. If the problems are on your side, what should you do and how to check?

1. Interruptions at the provider

For example, suddenly the provider has reduced the speed, so not all tracks can be played because of this, since they will not have time to load into the clipboard. In this case, “caching” helps, turn on the track and stop it and wait for it to load. The same situation will happen with watching any video. In order to more or less comfortably use the benefits of the Internet - watch videos and listen to music, the connection speed must be at least 200 Kbps. For the rest, you will have to wait for the provider to fix its problems.

2. There is not enough space on your computer.

This is also quite easy to solve - you need to free up 1-2 GB of memory and the problem with playing music on VK is solved!

3. Problems with the browser or flash player.

If the problem is in a specific browser, then you just need to go to the page with music from another browser. If everything is reproduced in the new browser, then the previous browser is not working correctly. This usually happens if your browser is outdated or has not been updated for a long time.

Solution: update your browser to the latest version and that’s it.

Sometimes the browser has plugins installed that can interfere with the correct playback of music, for example, when there is some kind of ad blocking plugin. For example, in Mozilla Firefox these are Flashblock, Adblock or some other plugins. If such plugins are installed, then you can simply disable them and then the music on VK will be played again.

In Mozilla Firefox, go to the “menu” and find “add-ons”.

In the “Add-ons” section, go to the “Extensions” section and disable the plugin that can block ads, in our case it is Adblock Plus.

If the Adobe Flash Player stops working - the same thing - go to the website and download the latest update.

After reinstalling or updating Adobe Flash Player, you must restart your browser.

You also need to make sure that this plugin is enabled. Yes, sometimes Adobe Flash Player may be disabled.

4. Antivirus.

If this is the reason, then when you disable the antivirus for a while, VKontakte music should work again. This situation is possible if at some point, anti-virus programs included the VKontakte site in their secret “black list” and this prevents the site from working correctly, and accordingly, music through VK does not turn on.

Solution: you need to add the site to the allowed ones in your antivirus settings. If this does not help, then you will also need to update your antivirus to the latest version.

5. The most difficult reason is the computer’s operating system not working correctly.

Difficult because it requires very global actions - this is reinstalling the operating system. The fact is that sometimes, when we use unknown programs, or frantically install everything, or some program with errors was installed, this can lead to the fact that some operating system systems stop working correctly. If this is the case, then you will experience other problems with the operation of the computer, for example, some files or programs stop being read/opened. The solution in this case is a complete reinstallation of the operating system; for this you need to take care in advance of the safety of important files and information.

Today we looked at the most common reasons why VKontakte music does not work. There are probably more exotic reasons for such problems, but this is a topic for a future article.