Tariff plan 3. Long-distance communication services. International communication services

A new version tariff "Go!" ambiguous, but clearly more interesting than the previous one. Step billing with the expensive first unit was extended to SMS and the monthly fee was reduced; cheap minutes (starting from the second) were halved in price. In his current form"Go!" already looks like an acceptable option for a universal tariff.


A quote from the official press release gives an idea of ​​what audience marketers would like to see as consumers of the new tariff:

« New tariff"Go!" from Beeline: communication for pennies!

Beeline is updating its popular youth tariff “Go!” for subscribers of the prepaid payment system. Updated tariff offers subscribers favorable price calls to local numbers of all operators - 50 kopecks. in a minute outgoing call. Tariff offer parameters vary depending on the region. Also in a number of regions, the “SMS, Internet non-stop” option is available on the tariff, which makes it possible to use unlimited Internet traffic and SMS package for a month.”

Slogan: “Communication for pennies!” reminded me of the once famous advertisement for vacuum cleaners in Eldorado. By the way, the beginning of communication takes place for full rubles, but let’s not find fault. In general, the tariff is not bad and quite viable.


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Sergey Potresov ()

The “Go” tariff plan from the Beeline operator is a representative of those tariffs that are designed for consumers who want to use mobile communications without any subscription fee. It will be an ideal option for those who are used to using regular mobile phones that cannot access the worldwide network Internet.

It is also suitable for owners modern smartphones, subject to the inclusion of additional options that reduce the overall costs of cellular communication. If required, to tariff plan"Go" can also connect those options that reduce fees for long-distance and international calls. Also this tariff It is also recommended for use by older people who are most scrupulous about the cost of communication and do not have the desire to pay the inevitable subscription fee for it every month.

Terms and conditions of the “Go” tariff plan

First of all, this tariff from Beeline does not provide for the collection of mandatory subscription fees, which is its undoubted advantage. If a consumer does not use mobile communications, then he does not pay for it at all.

When combined with unpaid incoming calls, while staying in the “home” area, the “Go” tariff plan will be perfect for inactive subscribers who rarely make calls and practically do not access the World Wide Web.

The cost of all outgoing calls is as follows:

  • local voice calls– 1.70 rubles per minute of conversation;
  • long-distance voice calls – 2.90 rubles per minute of communication.

It is worth noting the fact that this tariff applies to all outgoing calls, both cellular and landlines, which are located in the appropriate region.

The cost of outgoing SMS messages in the “home” zone is as follows:

  • first SMS per day – 9.95 rubles;
  • starting from the 2nd and up to the 100th SMS, no fee is charged;
  • after 100 messages – 2 rubles for each subsequent SMS.

It turns out that the Beeline “Go” tariff plan can be safely recommended to those users who actively use the SMS sending service. Such subscribers could be, for example, energetic young people or people with limited physical abilities. If you connect the “My SMS” option to this tariff plan, the cost of sending messages in your “home” region will be 0 rubles.

The price for sending SMS messages to long-distance and international numbers, as well as to numbers from CIS countries, is 3.95 rubles. The cost of sending one MMS messages is only 7.95 rubles. Beeline also provides its subscribers with the opportunity free shipping SMS, more details about which you can listen to automatic service telecom operator.

Tariffing of international outgoing calls:

  • calls to Beeline operator numbers in the CIS countries and Georgia - 12 rubles per minute of conversation;
  • calls to numbers of other telecom operators in the CIS countries, Georgia and Ossetia - 14 rubles for every minute of conversation;
  • calls to European countries and America - 35 rubles per minute of communication;
  • calls to the Central and North America– 40 rubles per minute.

All calls to other countries are charged according to standard prices for services international communications. You can find out the exact cost of a call to a specific country on the official website of the Beeline company.

Internet access

Access to the World Wide Web at this tariff is very expensive, according to modern criteria. The price for one megabyte of information, both received and transmitted, is 10 rubles.

There are also some nuances here - as soon as the user uses more than one megabyte of traffic in one month, the “Highway 1 GB” option is automatically added to his tariff. If there is no excess traffic, the option will not be enabled.

To disable this automatic option You should dial the combination * 115 * 030 # from the phone keypad. If you want to activate this option, you need to dial the combination * 115 * 03 #.

Connecting to the Beeline “Go” tariff plan

To switch to the specified tariff plan, you can either contact the user service center, use the “Personal Account” service or make a call to the number 0674100200.

The cost of switching from the All Inclusive tariff plan is 200 rubles, and from all other tariff plans – 150 rubles.

The operator also offers to purchase new SIM card with the “Go” tariff at any cellular communication center.

Disabling Beeline "Go"

To disable the Go tariff plan and switch to another tariff, use the appropriate command to connect a new tariff plan. Such commands must be indicated in the description of the tariff selected by the user. After a successful transition, the tariff plan will be disabled automatically.

You can also disable “Go” in the user service center or in the “Personal Account” service menu.

We continue to study tariffs mobile communications, which are offered by the Beeline operator. This time, the Go Beeline tariff, which is aimed at the category of older users, came into our field of vision. These are the people who are accustomed to paying for what they have already received. So here, too, this tariff package does not provide for a subscription fee. Payment is made for the actual time used in calls. Let's take a closer look at all the nuances.

What is Go's tariff plan?

Beeline tries to develop tariffs that are easy to use, without pitfalls. The same principle was followed when creating the Go tariff package. His description will speak for itself.

The target audience for using the tariff package is very wide:

  • Aged people, accustomed to counting their expenses and not accustomed to spending money on functions such as the Internet, SMS or mms.
  • Children, whose parents clearly control who their child communicates with and how much money they spend on this communication.
  • The youth, the most communicative part of users mobile operator, for whom mobile communications are an integral part of their daily life.

In addition to the proposed conditions, the tariff plan provides for the possibility of connecting additional services that will significantly reduce the cost of cellular communications, which makes the tariff package even more attractive.

Go terms

First of all, it’s worth repeating that the tariff does not use a monthly fee. In addition, the package is of interest to users who rarely use the Internet and messages as a means of communication. The main focus of the package is on calls, the prices for which you can find below.

Attention! The tariff plan price list shows prices for mobile communication services in Moscow and the Moscow region. They may differ from the prices that apply in the regions. In order to get acquainted with the latest, you should contact the company’s official website for information.

The service presented in the tariff packageCost, rubles
Incoming within your regionFor free
inside Beeline with the CIS countries and Georgia12
Outgoing to other operators in the CIS countries and Georgia14
Europe, USA and Canada35
Rest of North and Central America40
SMS messages
First message per day9.95
From the second SMS to the 100thFor free
Every next SMS2
Intercity and international sms, incl. to CIS countries3.95

Reference! To find out what the cost of a call to a particular country is, contact the service customer support 0611.

The line of tariff packages is represented by a whole family, which includes Go1, Go3, and Go9 tariffs.

Internet compatible

Since the advantage of the package is favorable conditions for calls, access to the Internet on it may disappoint the owners, because it is not very cheap here. The cost of one transmitted or received megabyte is 10 rubles.

Additional services

In addition, according to the terms of the contract, after using one megabyte for a month, tariff package The additional service “Highway 1GB” is automatically activated.

Highway service cost

Visitor survey

Tariff package management

In order to go to current tariff, You just need to log in to your Personal Account or call 0674100200. It will cost this procedure for new subscribers - 200 rubles, and for those who switch from other tariffs - 150 rubles.

As such, the company does not have a disconnection from the tariff - there is a transition to another more exclusive package. After the transition procedure, Gou will automatically cease to be registered with your number. You can also use the services service centers Beeline, where they will help you choose required package and replace the old one with the new one.

Attention! The operator reserves the right to change the terms of the tariff at any time. Beeline notifies its subscribers about all changes on the pages of its website.

Let's summarize what has been said

All Beeline tariffs are thought out to the smallest detail. Tariff family Go allows subscribers to communicate via calls on very favorable terms for them. Along with this, if one of them needs megabytes of traffic, then you can choose a more suitable tariff or connect additional options.

Take care of your subscribers, trying to satisfy everyone's needs. That is why, for users who very often call the numbers of other communication companies, and also do not have a particular need to access the Internet from their phone, it was released Beeline GO tariff.

The main advantage of this tariff plan from Beeline is the absence of a mandatory subscription fee. Money is withdrawn from your phone account only for calls made, which is very convenient and economical. Talk on favorable conditions You can communicate not only with subscribers of your mobile operator, but also with users of other networks, as well as with residents of other cities and even countries. Go to favorable tariff go beeline Anyone can. For getting additional information regarding the transition conditions and connecting the necessary options, you can visit the company’s official website.

Description of the Beeline “Go!” tariff

This tariff plan is designed mainly for young people, since there is no need to have a certain amount of Money for adoption incoming call. This service is provided free of charge. Charges for outgoing calls are calculated per minute and are charged automatically at the end of the call. The go Beeline tariff can be used as usual mobile device, which does not support Internet access, and from a smartphone.

Subscribers who want to reduce their mobile communications costs as much as possible should use additional services offered by this tariff. To do this, you need to enable all the options available in the starter package. After which you can safely call to other cities. According to subscriber reviews, the go Beeline tariff is increasingly used by older people, as well as children. It's connected with high quality mobile communications and its availability.

Internet on the Beeline “GOU!” tariff

For subscribers who still need Mobile Internet, but they do not use it often, the Beeline company offers the following conditions for connecting to the network based on the go tariff:

  • Payment 7 r. per day;
  • Payment 9.95 rub. for using 1 MB.

This kind of traffic will be quite enough for users who simply log into social media or aimed at searching for any information. If a subscriber starts using the Internet from the first day of activation of the tariff and during the first month uses more than 1 MB of traffic, he will connect automatically additional option"Highway". According to this service, a Beeline go tariff user will receive 1 GB of traffic for 200 rubles.

The cost of the service on the Beeline “Go!” tariff plan

The GOU Beeline tariff, the description of which speaks of saving money on outgoing calls, is exclusively advantageous offer. According to his prices, one minute of conversation will have the following cost:

  • Calls within the region - 1.7 rubles;
  • Calls to other destinations within the Russian Federation - 2.9 rubles;
  • To Beeline numbers in Georgia, CIS - 12 rubles;
  • For other operators in Georgia, CIS - 14 rubles;
  • To the USA, Canada and Europe - 35 rubles;
  • Central America - 40 rub.

In addition to profitable calls, starter pack Go Beeline includes more than loyal pricing for sending messages, namely:

  • When activating the “My SMS” service, sending messages to local subscriber numbers costs 0 rubles;
  • Sending messages locally without activating the “My SMS” service - 2.5 rubles;
  • To the countries of Georgia and the CIS to Beeline numbers, as well as other operators - 3.95 rubles;

How to connect and disconnect the Beeline “Go!” tariff plan

Activating the GO tariff is very simple. To do this, you must be a Beeline subscriber and have on your account mobile phone 150 rubles. Next you should call the number 0674100200 . Over the next 24 hours, the tariff plan will change, and the subscriber will be notified about this via SMS. If in set time the tariff has not changed, you need to contact customer support.

In order for this tariff to cease to be valid, you should simply change it to one that suits the subscriber more. This will happen as soon as activation will take place any other tariff plan. To do this, dial the number corresponding to the selected package and change the tariff yourself on the website in “ personal account»or visit any specialized office of the company.

The cost of services, according to the GO tariff plan, will be different for each region. On this moment this tariff is archived and is no longer available for connection. Subscribers who are served within of this package, pay for communication services according to the prices stated at the time of connection.