Updated Beeline tariff - “Zero doubts”

When charging services, the obtained values ​​are rounded to 2 decimal places, the error is no more than 0.02% of the total write-off amount. The subscriber can pay for communication services by purchasing and activating Beeline subscriber telephone cards, or using the Beeline Universal Payment System (cash payments and payments using bank cards). If the funds in the “electronic” account are exhausted, telephone service is suspended, including the interruption of an unfinished conversation. If the card, the starting amount is not activated, or payment is not made in another form within 180 days from the date of conclusion of the Agreement/purchase of the SIM card/USIM card and if the new payment card is not activated (or funds are not deposited through other channels) before the expiration of 180 days from the moment the Notional Amount is reached on the Electronic Account (an amount insufficient to pay for the service tariff unit), the Agreement is considered terminated at the request of the Subscriber, and the obligations of the Parties are terminated.

Debited from your electronic account daily. At the moment of connecting the tariff plan/service, the fee for the current day is debited from the subscriber’s electronic account. When blocking a number, there is no subscription fee.

The long-distance communication service is provided automatically if there is any positive amount in the subscriber’s “electronic” account.

The communication service when traveling around Russia in the Beeline network is provided automatically if there is any positive amount in the subscriber’s “electronic” account. Communication services when traveling around Russia in the networks of other operators and when traveling around the world are also activated automatically if there is an amount of more than 600 rubles on the subscriber’s “electronic” account; they are turned off when the amount on the account drops to 300 rubles. For online roaming countries, to activate international roaming, it is enough to have a positive account balance.

Conference call participants pay for airtime call time independently of each other in accordance with their chosen tariff plans and tariff rules. The number to activate the service is *110*021#.

Local forwarded calls are considered to be calls forwarded to mobile and fixed line numbers in the connection area. When calculating the cost of local airtime for forwarded calls, their duration is rounded up to the nearest 60 seconds. Tariffing of long-distance and international forwarded calls is carried out according to the operator's tariffs.

The volume of data transmitted/received during the billing period is rounded up to the nearest 150 KB.

The subscription fee is 5.35 rubles. per day (including VAT) - starting from the 91st day from the date of the last activity of the subscriber, which resulted in the debiting of funds from the Electronic account (paid calls, SMS, MMS, GPRS sessions, etc.) and ceases to be charged in case of resumption of activity subscriber or balance exhaustion. In cases where funds were debited from the Subscriber's Electronic Account during the billing period, the subscription fee is included in the cost of communication services and is not charged as a separate amount.

Prices and tariffs are indicated in rubles including VAT. Connections less than 3 seconds are not charged. Telephone calls are charged per minute.

The terms and definitions used to refer to the services are for the purposes of this tariff plan only. Customer support center (24 hours a day): 0611 (number in the Beeline network)

“Zero Doubt 17” was a highly specialized tariff that was in demand among Russians who rarely called Beeline numbers or rarely used mobile communications at all. But since the spring of 2017, this plan has been archived by the operator, that is, it is no longer valid. At the same time, the interests of the listed categories of the operator’s clients are not affected, and even more: the users benefit. Since the place of the old tariff was taken by a new one, the conditions of which allow additional savings.

"Zero Doubt XVII"

The no longer current package made it possible to make the following calls:

  1. To the numbers of Beeline clients living in the same region as the owner of “Zero Doubt 17”. At the same time, the fee was moderate, so a minute of conversation cost only 2 rubles;
  2. To landline numbers in your region, a minute of communication cost 4 rubles.

The user was provided with access to the Internet, but they used this opportunity in extreme cases due to the extremely expensive traffic. So a megabyte cost almost 10 rubles. In addition, the service was provided at slow speeds. SMS could be sent for reasonable money.

The updated package is called “Zero Doubt”, that is, without any digital designations. The most important innovation was the reduction in call costs. So a minute of communication with clients of any other operators in the user’s region of residence will cost 1.2-2 rubles. The price varies due to the fact that tariffs could differ in each city. For example, 1.2 rub. pay in Krasnodar, Irkutsk, and 2 rubles. in a more expensive capital.

Interestingly, you can call your operator’s numbers for free, and the service is unlimited, but there is one important feature: Beeline provides this opportunity after depositing 100-200 rubles. Moreover, after paying the specified amount, unlimited access is provided for only 2 weeks, that is, you will need to pay 200-400 rubles monthly.

Although the operator gives you the opportunity to spend the money paid on the purchase of other options, for example, traffic, such a package cannot be called economical. Reason: for the specified money you can purchase one of the lower packages of the “Everything” line and get from 300 min. for communication with clients of third-party operators, intranet unlimited, sufficient amount of traffic (1-12 GB). Moreover, 1 GB can only be in the capital region, in others it is an order of magnitude larger.

The attached table with the characteristics of the old package will help you understand the difference and features of the new tariff:

Basic characteristics
Monthly payment for communication servicesabsent
Charges for incoming messages and callsabsent
Outgoing calls to Beeline
To other Beeline subscribers in their home region2 rub./min.
To other Beeline subscribers throughout Russia4.95 rub./min.
Outgoing calls to numbers of other mobile and fixed-line operators
Calls to subscribers of other operators in your home region6 rub./min.
Calls to subscribers of other operators throughout the country11.95 rub./min.
International outgoing calls (charged per minute)
To numbers in the CIS countries30 rub./min.
To numbers in the USA, Canada and European countries50 rub./min.
to other countries80 rub./min.
Outgoing MMS and SMS
To phones in your home region2 rub.
To phones all over the country2.95 rub.
To other countries5.5 rub.
Outgoing MMS9.95 rub.

Internet on a tariff plan

If earlier everything was simple with traffic - it was expensive, therefore unclaimed, now the operator has specified rules that allow you to use the Internet on more favorable terms. So the first megabyte spent will cost, as before - 9.95 rubles. After which the “Highway” option is automatically turned on and Moscow residents will be provided with an additional 1 GB of traffic, for which the operator will charge 200 rubles if the option is purchased for a month and 7 rubles when a person orders the service for a day.

In a number of other regions, instead of one gigabyte, 2 are provided, and their cost will be lower (140 rubles / month); this tariff is valid in Krasnodar and a number of other cities.

How to connect and disconnect the “Zero doubts 17” tariff?

The old tariff can no longer be activated, and to perform such an operation, to switch to a new one, you need to dial 0674000999, this is a unique number assigned to this particular offer.

You can also perform the connection/disconnection procedure using your personal account, a Beeline-owned mobile application. If you don’t want to understand the specifics of these methods, you can simply go to the nearest representative office of the operator. You can also disable the package by blocking the SIM card itself.

In most regions, switching to this tariff is free, but provided that the client has used another operator’s offer for more than a month. If the requirement is not met, then you will have to deposit 100 rubles. In the capital, the passage always costs 150 rubles.

Such a tariff from Beeline as “Zero Doubts” has been at the peak of popularity for several seasons now. And this explains why it went through various stages of updating, and its conditions changed somewhat, adapting to the requirements of subscribers.

Beeline tariff “Zero doubts”


This package exists as of 2018, and below I will consider its conditions in more detail, as well as its positive and negative aspects.

Beeline tariff “Zero doubts” 2019: detailed description

There is no subscription fee for the “Zero Doubts” tariff.

Current version. Tariff information updated October 4, 2018 (see table).

In the absence of a subscription fee, it is natural that the tariff does not include any packages of calls, messages, traffic or any other services, except for free incoming calls.

Cost of calls on the “Zero doubts” tariff (summary table) from October 4, 2018

Region/Cost of outgoing Local calls within the Beeline network Local calls to numbers of other operators and landlines
Moscow, Novosibirsk, Saratov 1.80 ₽/min. 2.50 ₽/min.
St. Petersburg, Krasnoyarsk, Yaroslavl, Ekaterinburg, Vladivostok, Kazan, Perm, Arkhangelsk 1.30 ₽/min. 2.00 ₽/min.
Omsk, Chelyabinsk, Nizhny Novgorod, Krasnodar, Rostov-on-Don, Sochi, Samara, Vladikavkaz, Volgograd, Vologda 1.00 ₽/min. 1.60 ₽/min.
Murmansk, Voronezh 1.60 ₽/min. 2.30 ₽/min.
Please check the cost of calls in other regions on the operator’s website. Well, or you can ask in the comments to the material - we will answer promptly.

Other prices on the “Zero doubts” tariff

  • Incoming calls - free, unlimited;
  • Outgoing calls to Beeline numbers in Russia - 5.00 ₽/minute;
  • Outgoing calls to mobile phones of other operators and landline calls within the Russian Federation - 12.00 ₽/minute;
  • SMS to local numbers 1.50 RUR/message;
  • SMS within Russia - 5.00 ₽/message;
  • MMS - 9.95 ₽/piece;
  • 1 MB. Internet traffic within the Russian Federation - 9.95 ₽.
When using 1 MB. Internet per calendar month, the “4 GB Internet Package” option is automatically activated, which costs 9.00 ₽ per day. If the traffic volume does not exceed 1 MB. - the option will not connect. You can disable the automatic activation of the “4 GB Internet Package” option using the command.

You can compare the Beeline “Zero Doubts” tariff with tariffs without a monthly fee from MTS, MegaFon and Tele2 on this page;

Video: Comparison of tariffs without a monthly fee with unexpected conclusions

Pros and cons of the Beeline tariff “Zero doubts”


  • No subscription fee. There are very few such tariffs now.
  • When replenishing the balance by 100 or 200 ₽ (depending on the region), the subscriber is given a 100% discount on outgoing calls within the Beeline network for 2 weeks in their home region. Roughly speaking, for 200/400 ₽ you can get unlimited access within the local Beeline network.
  • Inexpensive price for calls and SMS in your home region. “Zero Doubt” takes an honorable third place in the summary table of tariffs without a subscription fee.


  • Insane prices for Internet access and automatic activation of the 4 GB package, counting, after the first access to the Internet in a month. I forgot to turn it off and lost 270 ₽ in a month.
  • When you switch to a tariff, the following services are automatically activated: “Have a contact”, “Stay informed+”, “4 GB Internet package”, “Auto-renewal of speed” and “Unlimited Internet in roaming”. I very much doubt that everyone needs them, and money will be charged for them - disable them in your personal account or application.
  • Expensive calls to other regions (although this tariff is not positioned for calls to somewhere far away).
  • With 90 days of inactivity - no outgoing calls, SMS or any other paid actions, the subscriber begins to be charged a subscription fee of 5.00 ₽ per day until the account status is updated. Money will stop being withdrawn after any paid action.


As a result, if your whole family is a Beeline subscriber, then buy this tariff for your relatives and communicate with them practically for free. Just turn off their Internet access on their phone, all additional services and call them yourself, but do not forget about 90 days of inactivity.

The new tariff of the Beeline operator “Zero doubts 2018”, just like its previous variations, does not have a subscription fee, hidden connected options and makes it possible to minimize your costs for mobile communications and use it only when it is really necessary. In this review, we’ll look at the “Zero Doubts” tariff plan.

What is included in the Zero Doubts tariff plan? It's easier to say what's not included. The tariff does not have a subscription fee, there are no service packages and there are no already connected options.

The tariff has prices for all types of services - well, just like before, when there was practically no such thing as a “package” on mobile TPs.

How much does it cost to use

Here is a list of prices for services and additional conditions to minimize subscriber costs.

Name of service Prices
Calls to Beeline numbers in your home region
SMS to mobile numbers in your region 1.5 rubles per minute
SMS to operator numbers in Russia 5 rubles for 1 message
Calls to numbers of other operators in your region From 1.2 to 2 rubles (depending on the region)
Calls to numbers of other operators in other regions of Russia 12 rubles per minute
SMS to numbers of foreign operators 5.5 rubles per 1 message
Calls on trains around the country 5 rubles per minute
MMS 9.95 per 1 message

Additionally, the operator offers to pay for communications in payments of 100 rubles or more per top-up and for this gives the opportunity to make free voice calls to Beeline numbers in your region for 14 days.

Internet access is offered by the operator at a fixed price when you are in your region, costing 9 rubles 95 kopecks per 1 Megabyte of traffic. The volume of consumed traffic is calculated, rounded to 150 Kilobytes per network access.

A wide range of connected options and services are available on the Zero Doubts tariff plan. Only the service can be activated automatically if the traffic consumed per day exceeds 1 Megabyte. The connected service will charge 7 rubles per day, regardless of Internet use. If you wish, you can simply turn it off with the command *115*030# sent from your device.

Connect and disconnect tariff

How to switch to the “Zero Doubts” tariff from Beeline? This can be done in different ways:

  • Buy a new SIM card in the store or order it on the operator’s website with home delivery.
  • Switch from the current tariff by calling the service number 0674000999.
  • Log in and in the “All tariffs” section, select the one you are interested in and activate it.
  • Personally visit the company's salon or office and ask for a consultant.
  • Call the customer support service 0611 from your number and change the telephone number following the system prompts or connecting to an operator.

The tariff plan is turned off in his office, by changing the operator while maintaining the number (MNP) or by switching to a new tariff.

Important! Switching from tariff to tariff is free if you do it no more than once a month, otherwise the switch will cost 150 rubles.

Mobile tariffs

Let's consider the “Zero Doubts” tariff plan offered by one of the leading Russian mobile operators.

"Zero doubts"

State: Active
Batch: No
Subscription fee: No
Form of payment for services: Prepaid
Included in the subscription fee: No
Above the subscription fee:


  • To any Beeline numbers in your home region - 1.93 RUR/min
  • To any Beeline numbers in your home region within 2 weeks when replenishing amounts over 200 rubles - 0 rub/min
  • To numbers of other home region operators and fixed-line operators - 2.68 rub/min
  • To long-distance Beeline numbers - 5.35 rub/min
  • To long-distance numbers of other operators and fixed-line operators - 12.84 rub/min
  • To the CIS countries, Georgia, Ukraine – 30 rub/min
  • To EU countries, USA, Canada, Vietnam, China, Turkey – 50 rub/min
  • To other countries - 80 rub/min


  • 10.89 RUR for 1 MB of transmitted or received traffic. When using the service, the option is automatically activated “Internet package 1.5 GB”, providing 1.5 GB of traffic per month for 8.13 RUR/day. If traffic consumption does not exceed 1 MB per month, the option is not activated


  • To any numbers in your home region – 1.61 RUR
  • To any numbers in Russia - 5.35 RUR
  • To numbers of international mobile operators – 5.5 rub
  • 100 SMS per day when connecting to the “Package 100 SMS per day” option, subscription fee 3.05 rub/day


  • To all numbers in Russia - 10.65 RUR
Other conditions:

The tariff plan includes a number of services:

  • "There is contact"
  • Call waiting
  • Call forwarding
  • Local, long-distance, international communications
  • Receive/transmit SMS
Unlimited on social networks and instant messengers:
Sharing: No

Switching to a tariff plan is possible at any of the Beeline offices, in your personal account or through a mobile application.

A switching fee of 200 rubles is charged only if the subscriber has already changed the tariff no more than 30 days ago.

If within 90 days the subscriber has not performed actions that entail debiting funds from the balance (paid calls, sending messages or using GPRS Internet), the debiting of the subscription fee begins on the 91st day, which stops after such actions are completed or after the funds on the balance are exhausted.

Calls are charged per minute. If the duration of the call does not exceed 3 seconds, then it is not charged.

A description of the main USSD commands of the Beeline operator can be found.

Pros of the tariff plan

  1. There is no monthly fee.
  2. Unlimited calls within the Beeline network to numbers in your home region with a large one-time top-up.

Disadvantages of the tariff plan

  • High cost per minute for calls to numbers in your home region.
  • Very high cost of long-distance calls.
  • Expensive SMS to numbers outside your home region.
  • High cost of mobile Internet.