Role-playing game for children of the senior group “Mail. Lesson outline (senior group) on the topic: Role-playing game "Mail"

  1. Continue to introduce children to the work of adults and new professions.
  2. Teach children to create a play environment and perform play actions.
  3. Develop communication culture skills. Continue work on developing coherent and dialogic speech.

II. Preparing for the game: (table No. 3 and No. 1)

III. Progress of the game: (Table No. 2)

Problem situation:

Educator: Guys, this morning I found a very interesting bag in our group, and there’s a letter in it? Whose bag is this? (Children's answers). And the letter, guys, is addressed to us, let's read it!

Dear Guys! The New Year holiday is coming soon, have you forgotten to congratulate your parents and grandparents? After all, they are also waiting for gifts. Santa Claus.

Oh, what should we do, we have so many gifts prepared for our loved ones, but how can we send them? (Children's answers)

Guys, please tell us which of you was at the post office? What interesting things did you see there? And what professions do people work there? Why do we need mail? Or maybe we should organize our own Postal office? And then we will be able to send our drawings by letters, and our crafts by parcels and parcels!

Conspiracy to play:

Educator: How can we best place our operators: for receiving parcels, for working with visitors; postmaster, place for the postman, etc. (organization of play areas)

We still need to build a car that will bring us parcels, letters, parcels, newspapers and magazines.

With the help of a counter, operators, postmen, the postmaster, the driver, and visitors are selected. (game starts)

Showcasing new game actions to expand the story (Table No. 2)

Educator: Guys, if you need a person to receive congratulations very quickly, then you can send a telegram or call. We need to choose a telegraph operator (selection, organization of location)

Educator: Guys, where else can you buy an envelope, postcard, newspaper, magazine? (children's answers). With the help of a counting rhyme, a kiosk is selected, the children help organize the “Kiosk” play area

IV. Game over.

Educator: Guys, do you remember when we watched the cartoon “The Snowman – Postman”? Let us send our letters of congratulations to parents in an unusual way. During our walk, we’ll build a snowman and hang a postman’s bag with our letters on his shoulder. It’s the days before New Year’s, and miracles happen, and maybe we’ll be lucky too.

Plot- role-playing game"Mail".
Preparatory group for school.
Goal: To continue to form in children realistic ideas about the work of people in different professions. Expand children's understanding of the work of postal workers.
Develop imagination, thinking, speech; the ability to jointly develop the game, negotiate and discuss the actions of all players.
Cultivate goodwill and willingness to help.
Strengthen the ability to correctly use the attributes of the game.
Equipment: Mailbox, postman's bag, envelopes with paper, parcel boxes, telegram forms, telephones, car.

Progress of the game.
Postman: I brought you a letter. Read it!
Educator: Who could this letter be from? How to find out?
Children: You need to read the return address.
Educator: Guys, this is a letter from grandparents, from whom the bun ran away.
Child: We baked a bun,
Kolobok is a ruddy side.
Lying on the window
And he ran away from us.
Guys, help us,
Find the bun quickly.
Educator: Guys, let's help grandparents.
Children: Let's go.
Educator: How can we help? Do your grandparents live in a village, far from here?
Children: Mail will help!
Child: People live everywhere on earth:
In villages and villages, cities.
But so that you don’t forget your family and friends,
So that letters and telegrams are sent,
There is a mail service for this,
All employees are greatly honored:
Postman, telegraph operator,
Sorter and signalman.
We have no mail, no matter how you play around,
There's no way around it at all.
All over the land, all over the country
Thank you, mail, and glory to you!
Educator: Who works at the post office?
Children: The postman - he delivers letters. Receivers - they accept letters and parcels. Telegraph operators - they transmit telegrams. Delivery workers - they deliver letters and parcels by postal machines to trains, planes, and ships.
Educator: Guys, let's write a comforting letter to grandparents, send a telegram about an ambulance and go to their aid ourselves. Guys, how can we get to another village?
Children: By bus, car, train, plane.
Educator: Okay, what type of transport will we choose?
The children choose the type of transport on which we will go to the village to visit their grandparents.
Educator: Okay, we have chosen the transport, and now let’s all go to the post office.
Children independently distribute responsibilities as to who will work for whom at the post office.
1. Receiver of letters;
2. Telegram receiver;
3. Parcel receiver.
4. Postman.
Children write letters, glue stamps, put stamps. Then the letters are put in the mailbox, people talk on the phone, send telegrams, collect parcels, load everything onto cars and take it for sending.

Children build the chosen type of transport and load mail onto it.

Educator: Well then! The mail has been loaded! And who will go to help grandparents?
Children: Me! I! I!
Everyone gets into the chosen transport.
We won't get lost anywhere
We'll go to grandma and grandpa's.

Svetlana Gabysheva
Role-playing game for children of the senior group “Mail”

MBDOO"Kindergarten" № 43 "Smile"

Role-playing game« Post office»

With kids senior group

Compiled by: Gabysheva S. S.

Yakutsk, 2018

Target: Continue to develop role-playing interactions, the ability to build role-playing dialogues, unfold the game, discuss actions playing and negotiate with each other. Strengthen the ability to prepare attributes and use them for their intended purpose during the game. Cultivate a friendly attitude towards each other in the game.


1. Continue to form children realistic ideas about the work of people of different professions.

2. Develop imagination, thinking, speech; the ability to jointly develop a game, negotiate and discuss the actions of everyone playing.

3. Cultivate goodwill and willingness to help.

4. Strengthen the ability to correctly use the attributes of the game.

Vocabulary work - Electronic queue, parcel post, operator, hall administrator,

Roles: Boss mail, operator, hall administrator, clients, cafe worker, security guard


Tablet « post office» , laptop, screen, slide with pictures, letter with riddles, bag of chips;

For the letter operator – letters with pictures of clients’ passports, badge, table, chair;

For the parcel operator – a parcel with pictures of the client’s passport, badge, table, chair;

For the operator of newspapers and magazines - newspapers, magazines, badge, table, chair, headbands mail;

For the transfer and payment operator - cash register, money, badge, table, chair;

For the hall administrator - a badge, an electronic queue terminal;

For security - security vest, computer, table, chair;

For a cafe worker - table, chair, coffee, coffee machine, ice cream, cake;

For clients - passport, money, letters if desired, benches for the waiting room;

For the children's area - a board, table, chair, coloring book, colored pencils, toys;

Preliminary work - looking at photographs, magazines. Conversation about employees mail, viewing a presentation about work mail. Didactic games "I know the professions", “Name the professions”, word games "Who needs what". Solving fairy tales, Composing stories from personal experience: "How I went to mail» .

Stages Program content Motivation Goal setting Means Activities of the teacher Activities children Result

Introductory part Arouse interest in the upcoming activity Educator: Guys, I received a letter today.

It is unusual, there are mysteries in it. Listen and guess. Letter

Projector, screen, laptop.

Slides with pictures

It flies without wings, but flies without a tongue, but speaks (letter)

Collects all the letters, then sends them to all ends


Asks to look at the screen

Do you know what it is mail?

Services mail?

What do you think is useful? mail?

For example, let’s remember our friends and relatives who live far from us, but mail they can send us a parcel, a letter.

And in these mail people of different professions work.

Postman, operator, chief mail, sorters, security.

Answers children

children look at the screen with interest and listen to the teacher

Answers children In children there was interest in upcoming activities

Main part

Physical education minute

A game« Mail» Independent activity children

Relieve physical tension

Learn to establish role interaction in the game and master role relationships

Strengthen the ability to complicate the game by expanding the number of participants, coordinate role actions and behavior in accordance with the plot of the game, increase the number of merged storylines in the game;

Let's go with you today let's play a game« Mail» You want play?

Children, take your jobs, ours the game begins.

Let's stand in a circle and repeat after me

Attention children! In our opens to the group« Post office»

Everyone who wants to work in come to the mail,

We will assign roles by drawing lots.

Required Attributes

For Game.

Reads the text of the physical minute, shows movement:

Let's enjoy the sun and the birds (hands up,

And so let’s rejoice at smiling faces (we smile at each other,

To everyone who lives on our planet (spread their arms to the sides,

(turn to each other) Good morning

Offers to children play. Explain how to start the game.

Asks you to come to the table and choose a chip

Acts as a boss mail, prompts children, helps, guides.

Perform movements according to the text, repeat after the teacher

Listen carefully to the teacher.

Children are happy play.

Children come to the table and choose chips with professions. Children begin the game.

Relieves tension and fatigue. The children are ready to start playing.

Children got acquainted with the game « Mail»

Children play a game« Mail»

Final part Call emotional response; develop imagination and the ability to convey an image.

Summarize, give an assessment Well done guys, very good let's play. Questions Summarizes, evaluates the work children, sets questions: Tell me guys, did you like it? a game?

Who liked it the most? What were the difficulties in the game? We really learned some very interesting professions, didn’t we? Children answer questions and come to an answer; I liked the game, we will play again. U children knowledge has been formed children about the work of people of different professions during role and plot game actions, skill play a role-playing game« Mail»

Department of Education of the Administration of the Municipal District of Tuymazinsky District

Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution-

kindergarten No. 24 Tuymazy municipal district

Tuymazinsky district of the Republic of Bashkortostan

Summary of the role-playing game

Educational area: "Social and communicative development"

Chapter: "A game"

Subject: "Opening of a post office"

Age group: senior group No. 9

Conducted by: teacher Bakirova L.R.

Summary of the management of the role-playing game "Mail" in senior group No. 9


Introduce students to the organization« Mail » , profession« Postman » , employeespostal service . Develop ideas about how work happenspostal service how letters and parcels get to other cities. Give an idea of ​​the services providedpostal service . Foster a respectful attitude towards people in this profession, explain the importance and usefulness of the workers’ activitiesmail . Create conditions for cooperative game, develop children's ability to unfoldplot . Activate your vocabulary using nouns (mail , postman , parcel, telegram, parcel) and verbs(send, convey, send, send, write).

Preparing for the game:

Making attributes

Decorpost office

Manufacturingpostalcardboard box.

Bag designpostman.

Making envelopes.

Making postcards from colored cardboard.

Invite parents to take an excursion toPostal office, to the newsstand.

Looking at illustrations about the profession« Postman» .

Considerpostal envelopes and stamps, a collection of postcards collected with children.

Educationgaming techniques

Distribute correspondence to addresses, put inMailbox.

Politely contact the operator to purchase newspapers and magazines.

Sell ​​envelopes, postcards

Sort letters.

Long-term plan preparation for the game « Mail »

Scene 1 . The postman comes to work , takesmail , goes to deliver to the addresses. Bosschecks mail , are all the workers present?

Roles : postman , bossmail .

Attributes : bagpostman , postcards, magazines, newspapers.

Game actions : takes onmail letters , newspapers, magazines, postcards; carries them home; puts correspondence inMailbox .

Speech figures : "Good morning! A letter for you(notice on parcel) »

Plot 2 . The operator accepts from visitors to sendparcels, parcels, telegrams. Sells magazines, postcards, newspapers.

Roles : operator, visitors.

Attributes : letters, parcels, parcels for sending. Magazines, newspapers, postcards for sale.

Game actions : the operator prepares parcels, parcels, letters. Sells newspapers and magazines. Visitors send parcels; buy envelopes, newspapers and postcards. Follow the rules of behavior in a public place.

Speech figures : « Hello! What would you like to send?", "Which magazine( newspaper)do you want to buy?”, “We have an interesting magazine(newspaper) », « We received many greeting cards» , "On your letter needs a stamp» , "I would like to send to another city letter» , “I want to wish my friend a happy birthday. What kind of postcard can you offer me?

Plot 3 . The operator addresses the bossmail with a request to order the latest press, Greeting Cards. Bossmail makes an order by phone. Gives a task sheet to the driver and sends it tomain post office .

Roles : operator, chiefmail , driver,postman .

Attributes : telephone, forms for travel vouchers or assignment sheets, truck, letters, newspapers.

Game actions : bossmail calls and orders fresh newspapers, magazines, new postcards. Issues a ticket or task sheet to the driver. The driver brings you tomail new newspapers , magazines, postcards; delivers parcels and parcels; picks up parcels and parcels, takes them to the mainpost office .

Speech figures : “Maria Ivanovna, we have run out of greeting cards. Need to order more""Hello! I'd like to order. I need to order postcards" , “Vladimir Ivanovich, here is your ticket to receive the cargo. Need to get the cargo at the station(in an Aeroport) »

Plot 4 . The car goes to the station(to the airport) behindpostal products . Drives up withpostal products to the post office , unloads it.

Roles : driver, sorter, chiefmail .

Attributes : truck, boxes (parcels, parcels, magazines, newspapers, letters, postcards.

Game actions : the driver bringspostal cargo , is unloading. Bosspost office accepts the goods . The sorter sorts letters, newspapers, magazines, etc.

Speech figures : "Hello! I need to get the cargo", “We received new products. We need to sort it out.", “Well done, thanks for the work”

Progress of the game:

The teacher invites the students to create in their owngroup post office . He asks them what attributes they will need for this.

Distribute roles and prepare their workplace.

Q. Guys, look what I discovered in mymailbox . Do you know what this is?

D. Letter.

V. That's right - this is a letter. It is from my friend who lives in another city. Let's look at it.

They examine the envelope, what is written on it, the stamp.

Q. Please tell me who could have put this envelope in my box?

D. Postman.

V. That's right, guys, this ispostman .

Where does he work? What you need to know and be able to do to work formail ? Who else works formail ?

Let's imagine that we are working onmail . Then for the game we need to choosepostman , operator, driver, bossmail, sorter . The rest will be visitors.

Q. Guys, where do people put their finished letters?

D.People drop letters inMailbox .

There is a blue box hanging prominently on the wall. People drop letters into the crack of the box. Every day the letters are taken out. Then bags of letters,

parcels and parcels are sent on airplanes, tomail cars , on ships to other cities and villages. All sortedmail cargo is sent by truck tocity ​​post offices . Newspapers, magazines, letters are brought tomail by car , on which in capital letters written« Mail » . Who will be the driver of such a car? Let's do the math and choose a driver.

One two three four five,

Come out and play soon.(Choose a driver)

What does a driver need to driveby postal cargo ? (The car with the inscription« Mail » , cap with inscription« Mail » )

Afterpostal cargo arrives at the post office , they begin to sort it - they put letters, newspapers, etc. into piles. They put the letters in special cells in areas forpostmen . For this we need sorters. Now we will find out who will be the sorter(Choose a sorter)

What will our sorters work in? (Badges with the inscription« Post office » )

Now we needpostman . Guys, what is he doing?postman ? Packs of letters, magazines and newspapers are placed in a specialmail bag . Early in the morningpostman goes out to his area and lays outmail to mailboxes .

To the postman we will give you a big bag and a cap with the inscription« Mail » .

Q. Guys, what do we need to do if we want to congratulate a person living in another city and want to send him a gift? We need to send a parcel. To do this we must contactmail to the operator . What does the operator do?

D. The operator prepares parcels, parcels, letters. It also sells newspapers, magazines, postcards, and stamps.

We need to choose an operator.(Select an operator) . We will tie a tie around the operator's neck.

B. Work formail very responsible and employees must be very attentive.

Q. Guys, who monitors the work of all workers atmail ? Of course it's the bossmail . He checks that everything is in order, that everyone has gone to work. Bossmail calls and orders fresh newspapers, magazines, new postcards. Issues a ticket or assignment sheet to the driver.

And the rest will be visitors. Visitors send parcels, letters, buy postcards, magazines.

A child postman sorts letters, magazines, newspapers; registers some letters in a journal, puts a stamp on letters, Postcards. After that, he puts everything in a mail bag and goes to deliver it to the addresses (to the children who are “at home” at that time).

Another postal worker sells envelopes and stamps. In the parcel department, the operator issues and packs parcels and parcels, and also issues parcels and parcels to visitors upon notification.

Postal visitors buy envelopes, put stamps on them and place letters in the envelopes. Then they drop the letters into the mailbox; send and receive parcels. The game continues until the last visitor.

Summing up the game:
1. Did you like the game?
2. Did you like our postmen? Were the operators polite? Did you like receiving letters and parcels? (yes or no, why).
3. Did the child himself like being in the role of a postman?

Agree, it’s nice to receive letters from friends, parcels, interesting magazines. Mail is very necessary and important.

Anna Satarova
Role-playing game “Mail” for older children

Target: Continue to build knowledge children about the postal service.

Expand children ideas about work postman.

Develop imagination and thinking.

Progress of the game:

Educator: Guys, look! They gave us a letter! Who could it be from? How to find out?

Educator: Guys, this is a letter from Santa Claus. Remember how many letters we sent to him under New Year. Everyone asked to fulfill their cherished dream. So he asks if all the guys are ours groups received gifts?Is someone lost?

Children: No, we got everything.

Educator: This is very good, Santa Claus needs to be informed about this. Otherwise he will worry. What service will help us out? How will we answer him? After all, the North Pole is so far away.

Children: Mail!


So that family and friends are not forgotten,

So that letters and parcels can be sent,

Postal there is a service for this

All employees are greatly honored!

Orders will be delivered worldwide

For everyone and at the right time!

Educator: And who works for mail?

Maksim: Receivers - they accept letters, parcels, parcels. Delivery workers - they deliver letters, parcels to postal cars to trains, airplanes, ships. Postman - he delivers letters.

Educator: Let's write a letter in response to Santa Claus! And send him a postcard of gratitude from our groups. I invite you to the tables, we are preparing letters, envelopes and a postcard (blank templates).

Children: We're all ready!

Educator: Okay, I invite you to mail!

Children independently distribute responsibilities, who will perform what role.

Accept the letter, put a stamp, affix a stamp, register on the computer (toy).

Accept the parcel, put a stamp, affix a stamp, register on the computer (toy).

Collect all letters and parcels in mail bag.

Educator: The letter has been written! The mail was received!Everything was done as expected! Well done guys! I’ll take our bag and give it to the delivery guy for our mail!

Did you like it? Who else wants to write and will send a letter? Let's let's play some more!

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