Sorting programs in the Android application menu. How to Organize Hundreds of Android Apps

The simplest sorting method, in which popular applications are located on the main screen or closer to it, and launched ones rarely take their place on last pages.

Advantages: The apps you need are always at your fingertips.

Flaws: if there are a lot of applications, the time it takes to find and launch the one you need increases.

2. Folders by category

Since the appearance of folders in iOS, God himself ordered them to be used for sorting. The most logical way is to group them by topic. “Internet”, “Sports”, “Office”, “Games” - the system itself suggests names for combining the two similar applications. Usually everything is placed in folders on the second screen, and space is freed up on the first for more popular programs.

Advantages: can be placed compactly a large number of applications.

Flaws: search difficulty and one additional action for start.

3. Action folders

Unlike the previous one, this method uses the purpose of applications - the actions that they help to perform - as a sorting criterion. For example, the “Read” folder contains iBooks, Reeder and Pocket, the “Listen” folder contains Spotify, “Podcasts” and “Music”, and the “Play” folder contains games.

You don’t have to bother with names and use . This way, not just one, but several actions can easily fit into a signature.

Advantages: ease of perception and minimum time to search.

Flaws: There may be too many folders, and some applications may be suitable for several of them at once.

4. Folders on one screen

The essence of this method is a conscious refusal to use several desktops in order to place everything on the main screen. You will have to try and group the applications so as to fit into the available space. But then you won’t have to scroll through it - just open one of the folders and launch the desired application.

Advantages: maximum compactness.

Flaws: It is quite difficult to group all applications into several folders.

5. By topic without folders

Despite all the advantages of folders, sometimes it’s easier to just swipe a couple of times and find what you’re looking for, seeing all the applications in front of your eyes. To do this, they must all be grouped into rows or columns.

Advantages: clearer visual perception and quick search.

Flaws: it is almost impossible to fit the necessary applications on 2-3 desktops; they stretch across 5–7 screens.

6. Minimalism

Good way, making it easier to find apps and making your desktop look attractive. However, it is suitable only for those who have so little installed applications that they can be placed on 1–2 screens.

Advantages: beautiful and clear.

Flaws: Useless if there are more than twenty applications.

7. Alphabetically

The most severe method for those who are too lazy to sort applications in any way. It is used by default in iOS. If you know the name of the application, finding it will not be difficult. To enable this type of sorting, open “Settings” → “General” → “Reset”, select “Reset Home settings” and confirm the action.

Advantages: strict order.

Flaws: The need to scroll through desktops and remember application names.

8. By color

The most exotic sorting method, the essence of which is to select adjacent icons by color. It will appeal to aesthetes and those with a good visual memory, since after such sorting you will have to search for applications exclusively by color.

Advantages: Very beautiful.

Flaws: almost useless. Finding the right application becomes quite difficult.

9. Combined method

Finally we got to the most common and most convenient way sorting. All of the above options for grouping applications are good, but very radical.

Why go to such extremes when you can take the best from each of them and place the most used ones on the main screen, place a folder with programs of the same topic in the Dock, and within one folder arrange applications according to icon colors or purpose.

Advantages: opportunity fine tuning for yourself.

Flaws: Takes longer to find apps compared to more concise sorting methods.

How to keep your desktop tidy

Whichever method you choose, don't forget to keep things organized. This is very easy to do. Enough to stick simple rules:

  1. Create no more three workers tables, otherwise scrolling through screens will take a lot of time.
  2. Once a month, delete apps you don't use. There will be fewer icons and more order. Also .
  3. Don't forget to search. Swiping down on any screen will open Spotlight, where you can easily find the application you need by typing just a couple of characters.

There is an entire field of research devoted to measuring how much time we spend using our fingers to search for desired application. Try to observe exactly how you hold the phone and which areas of the screen are most accessible to your fingers. This is where you should group the icons of the most frequently used applications. For example, if you are right-handed and use your phone with one hand, place them in a column along the right edge of the screen.

To prevent icons from spreading across 5 screens, it’s worth creating folders. The most obvious way to catalog applications is to collect separate folders eps similar to each other. For many, the default category folders (such as Productivity, Reference, Entertainment) seem too vague. Instead, try creating folders with names that will be clear to you. Think about what you use your phone for. Watch videos, play games, listen to music, read books or news? Label folders with the verbs “watch”, “listen”, “read”, “study” and arrange applications in them accordingly. This will help you navigate faster a huge number applications.

If you don't like using folders, try grouping shortcuts into rows by topic, for example, all Facebook, VKontakte, Twitter and Tinder applications - in a row social networks, all planning applications, such as calendar, task list and alarm clock, are in a different thematic series, etc.

If you're used to navigating in an alphabetical order, then the A to Z way of arranging icons will work for you. Instead of manually arranging all the app icons on your iPhone, launch Settings, select General, then Reset and reset Home Screen Layout. After that all icons pre-installed applications Apple will be located by default, and other applications will be sorted alphabetically.

One of the most popular ways to organize application shortcuts involves placing them by frequency of use (in descending order). It is important to consider: in order not to clutter your phone and have all the applications at hand, you should not have more than one three screens. Place your most frequently used tools on your home screen, such as the camera; on the second page of the main screen - useful applications, organized into folders by topic and category. On the third screen, put the apps you use least often. You can also put games there that constantly distract you from your work.

Another original way organizing icons for visual learners was suggested by Mashable columnist Kylie Singh. Since folders can be labeled not only with text, but also with emoji, it makes sense that a folder with a symbol, for example, sheet music, could contain music and applications associated with it. The folder with the palm tree can hold your vacation photos, and behind the running man can be the sports apps Runstatic and Nike+.

If after your “cleaning”, when all the icons are arranged in folders and scattered around different screens, you still can’t find anything, use the search. Let us remind you that fast access this function is accessed by swiping down.

How to organize apps on Samsung Galaxy devices -

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Once you've removed everything you don't need from your device, it's time to organize what's left. A few tips will allow you to get a new, unclogged one. user experience.

Sometimes "cleaning" Android devices is more than deleting files to free up space. Hide apps you don't plan to use, provide quick access to the ones you need, change the availability of shortcuts - all this can make using your smartphone more rational. Below you will find several ways to “refresh” your relationship with your smartphone without much effort.

1. Hide unnecessary things

The application information page allows you to disable those you don't use.

Before you start organizing the apps you need, it's worth hiding the ones you don't use. Click “Menu”, go to settings, and then to the last item, “General”. There you will see the Application Manager which will allow you to see the list of applications installed on your device. Please note that not all unnecessary applications you can turn it off. For each application that you want to disable (this means that it will not run in the background or appear among your applications), you need to select it and click on the “Disable” button. Now there will be less fuss with things you will never use.

2. Change your apps' display settings

Change the order in which apps appear to make them easier to find

Please note: this item is only relevant for users who have not yet received Android 5.0.

As you add or remove apps, and especially if you do it frequently, your apps can become difficult to navigate. This can be further complicated by the fact that they are not displayed in alphabetical order. So let's solve the problem. Go to the menu and find the “View” item. In the menu that appears, choose what suits you best.

3. Create application folders

Instead of a clutter of application icons on the home screen - neat folders

If you feel like finding apps has become difficult and inconvenient, then you've got a lot of clutter on your home screen(s). In the case of a screen, this is even less convenient than with general list applications. So why not try using folders, grouping apps by task type or frequency of use? Let's create the first folder. Long press on a free space on the home screen - select “Folder” and give it a name. You can now pinch and drag apps to new folder. You can achieve the same effect by placing one application icon on top of another. So it all depends on your version of Android; for the “five” the first method is not suitable.

4. Select icons for quick access

You should have quick access to the application icons you need most

When organizing apps, it's worth choosing which ones are worthy of being included in the shortcut bar at the bottom of the screen. These are supposed to be the most necessary applications, but the default set of these applications may differ from what is convenient for you personally, and this does not correspond to the original idea of ​​this line. So just simply click on an icon, hold and drag - and the desired application is already in your quick access. Very simple.

5. Use widgets for the most necessary application functions.

The circular battery widget displays charge in this elegant way

You may find it inconvenient to open an application every time to use one of its functions. This is where widgets come to the rescue. Quickly write down a thought? Need to inquire about the weather? No problem. See what widgets you already have installed: click on home screen and select Widgets. To use any of them, do the usual action - hold and drag to where you want the widget to appear. Remember that different widgets take up different amounts of space, so the numbers below their names indicate the vertical and horizontal size.

6. Sort notification bar icons.

Wi-Fi icons and GPS should always be at hand

Without being tied directly to apps, the ability to quickly access Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, GPS, and volume from the notification shade is important. Here's another space for customization. Go to “Settings” - “Device” - “Notification Panel”. For older ones Android versions it will be “Settings” - “My Device” - “Display” - “Notification Panel”.

Even if you use a couple of the tips offered, you will see how much the convenience of working with the device will improve.

How did you start customizing your smartphone for yourself? Share in the comments.

9 Most Convenient Ways to Arrange App Icons on iPhone

The simplest sorting method, in which popular applications are located on the main screen or closer to it, and launched ones rarely take their place on the last pages.

Advantages: The applications you need are always at hand.

Disadvantages: if there are many applications, the time required to find and launch the one you need increases.

2. Folders by category

Since the appearance of folders in iOS, God himself ordered them to be used for sorting. The most logical way is to group them by topic. “Internet”, “Sports”, “Office”, “Games” - the system itself suggests names for combining two similar applications. Usually everything is placed in folders on the second screen, and space is freed up on the first for more popular programs.

Advantages: You can compactly accommodate a large number of applications.

Disadvantages: difficulty in searching and one additional action to start.

3. Action folders

Unlike the previous one, this method uses the purpose of applications - the actions that they help to perform - as a sorting criterion. For example, the “Read” folder contains iBooks, Reeder and Pocket, the “Listen” folder contains Spotify, “Podcasts” and “Music”, and the “Play” folder contains games.

You don’t have to bother with names and use emojis instead of words. This way, not just one, but several actions can easily fit into a signature.

Advantages: ease of perception and minimal search time.

Disadvantages: There may be too many folders, and some applications may be suitable for several of them at once.

4. Folders on one screen

The essence of this method is a conscious refusal to use several desktops in order to place everything on the main screen. You will have to try and group the applications so as to fit into the available space. But then you won’t have to scroll through it - just open one of the folders and launch the desired application.

Advantages: maximum compactness.

Disadvantages: It is quite difficult to group all applications into several folders.

5. By topic without folders

Despite all the advantages of folders, sometimes it’s easier to just swipe a couple of times and find what you’re looking for, seeing all the applications in front of your eyes. To do this, they must all be grouped into rows or columns.

Advantages: clearer visual perception and faster search.

Disadvantages: it is almost impossible to fit the necessary applications on 2-3 desktops; they stretch across 5–7 screens.

6. Minimalism

A good way to make it easier to find applications and make your desktop look attractive. However, it is suitable only for those who have so few installed applications that they can be placed on 1-2 screens.

Advantages: beautiful and clear.

Disadvantages: useless if there are more than twenty applications.

7. Alphabetically

The most severe method for those who are too lazy to sort applications in any way. It is used by default in iOS. If you know the name of the application, finding it will not be difficult. To enable this type of sorting, open “Settings” → “General” → “Reset”, select “Reset Home settings” and confirm the action.

Advantages: strict order.

Disadvantages: Requires scrolling through desktops and remembering application names.

8. By color

The most exotic sorting method, the essence of which is to select adjacent icons by color. It will appeal to aesthetes and those with a good visual memory, since after such sorting you will have to search for applications exclusively by color.

Advantages: very beautiful.

Disadvantages: almost useless. Finding the right application becomes quite difficult.

9. Combined method

Finally we get to the most common and most convenient sorting method. All of the above options for grouping applications are good, but very radical.

Why go to such extremes when you can take the best from each of them and place the most used ones on the main screen, place a folder with programs of the same topic in the Dock, and within one folder arrange applications according to icon colors or purpose.

Advantages: ability to fine-tune for yourself.

Disadvantages: longer time spent searching for applications compared to more concise sorting methods.

How to keep your desktop tidy

Whichever method you choose, don't forget to keep things organized. This is very easy to do. It is enough to follow simple rules:

  1. Create no more than three desktops, otherwise scrolling through screens will take a lot of time.
  2. Once a month, delete apps you don't use. There will be fewer icons and more order. You will also save space.
  3. Don't forget to search. Swiping down on any screen will open Spotlight, where you can easily find the application you need by typing just a couple of characters.

Complete order: How to organize icons on your smartphone

Text: Rodion Danilov

How many apps are installed on your iPhone - fifty or even a hundred? Behind Last year the number of applications, without which (as it turns out) we all cannot live a day, has at least doubled. The moment has come when it is simply necessary to organize these shortcuts so that they are all at hand. There are many ways you can arrange icons to make them more effective. We have collected some of the most rational and original methods.

Are you a visual person? Then the method of arranging objects by color will work not only for your closet, but also for your phone or tablet. Application icons are specially designed to be easy to remember and identify. If it is much easier for you to remember the color of the icon of a particular program than its name, then it is logical to place them according to the shades of the rainbow - from red to purple. IN end result such an arrangement will certainly please the eye.

Another original way to organize icons for visual learners was suggested by Mashable columnist Kylie Singh. Since folders can be labeled not only with text, but also with emoji, it makes sense that a folder with a symbol, for example, sheet music, could contain music and applications associated with it. The folder with the palm tree can hold your vacation photos, and behind the running man can be the sports apps Runstatic and Nike+.

There's an entire field of research devoted to how much time we spend fumbling around trying to find the app we're looking for. Try to observe exactly how you hold the phone and which areas of the screen are most accessible to your fingers. This is where you should group the icons of the most frequently used applications. For example, if you are right-handed and use your phone with one hand, place them in a column along the right edge of the screen.

The Android Market is practically overflowing with applications, and few can resist downloading yet another one.

If too many applications accumulate, this leads to information overload of the device: it works as before, but it’s already difficult to find something specific in this chaos, reports Android Authority.

A program has been developed specifically for such cases. App Man is a multi-faceted application management tool that allows you to compactly place and use up to 1000 various applications in custom tables and subtables. Within each table you can sort, install or uninstall applications.

At the very beginning, five main tables are automatically created: App Man, Tools, Games, News, Entertainment. With the exception of App Man, all other tables can be renamed and personalized with new images.

App Man has a search function that helps you find Android apps by description or title. App Man also helps you see the most or least used applications. The display of the latter can be configured either as a list or as a grid.

App Man allows you to see information about the application, including version number and date latest update. Delete from using App Man, you can only have applications, user installed; all system ones will remain in place.

You can create up to 10 subtables in each main table. This is especially convenient if you like to download a lot different applications, not limited to a dozen or two.


Rodion Danilov

How many apps are installed on your iPhone - 50 or even 100? Over the past year, the number of applications, without which (as it turns out) we all cannot live a day, has at least doubled. And the moment has come when it is simply necessary to organize these shortcuts so that they are all at hand. There are many ways you can arrange shortcuts to make them more effective. We have collected some of the most rational and original methods.

There is a whole area of ​​research dedicated to measuring how much time we spend fumbling around in search of the app we need. Try to observe exactly how you hold the phone and which areas of the screen are most accessible to your fingers. This is where you should group the icons of the most frequently used applications. For example, if you are right-handed and use your phone with one hand, place them in a column along the right edge of the screen.

To ensure that the icons do not “spread” across 5 screens, It's worth keeping folders. The most obvious way to catalog applications is to collect apps that are similar to each other into separate folders. For many, folders with category names , that are offered by default in the system (such as Productivity, Directory, Entertainment) seem too vague. Instead, try creating folders with names that will be clear to you. Think about what you use your phone for. Watch videos, play games, listen to music, read books or news? Label folders with the verbs “watch”, “listen”, “read”, “study” and arrange applications in them accordingly. This will help you navigate a huge number of applications faster.

If you don't like using folders, try grouping shortcuts into rows by topic, for example, all Facebook, VKontakte, Twitter and Tinder applications - into a row of social networks, all planning applications, such as a calendar, task list and alarm clock, into another thematic series, etc.

If you are used to navigating the alphabetical order, Then the A to Z way of arranging icons will suit you. Instead of manually arranging all the application icons on your iPhone, launch Settings, select General, then Reset and reset Home Screen Layout. After that, all icons are preinstalled Apple applications will be located by default, and other applications will be sorted alphabetically.

One of the most popular ways to organize shortcuts applications involves placing them by frequency of use (in descending order). It is important to consider: in order not to clutter your phone and to have all the applications at hand, you should not have more than three screens. Place your most frequently used tools on your home screen, such as the camera; on the second page of the main screen are useful applications organized into folders by topic and category. On the third screen, put the apps you use least often. You can also put games there that constantly distract you from your work.

for visual learners, Mashable columnist Kylie Singh suggested. Since folders can be labeled not only with text, but also with emoji, it makes sense that a folder with a symbol, for example, sheet music, could contain music and applications associated with it. The folder with the palm tree can hold your vacation photos, and behind the running man can be the sports apps Runstatic and Nike+.

If after your “cleaning”, when all the icons are arranged in folders and scattered on different screens, you still cannot find anything, use the search. Let us remind you that quick access to this function is carried out by swiping down.

Text: Rodion Danilov

How many apps are installed on your iPhone?- fifty or even a hundred? Over the past year, the number of applications, without which (as it turns out) we all cannot live a day, has at least doubled. The moment has come when it is simply necessary to organize these shortcuts so that they are all at hand. There are many ways you can arrange icons to make them more effective. We have collected some of the most rational and original methods.

Are you a visual person? Then the method of arranging objects by color will work not only for your closet, but also for your phone or tablet. Application icons are specially designed to be easy to remember and identify. If it is much easier for you to remember the color of the icon of a particular program than its name, then it is logical to place them according to the shades of the rainbow - from red to purple. The end result will definitely be pleasing to the eye.

Another original way to organize icons for visual learners was suggested by Mashable columnist Kylie Singh. Since folders can be labeled not only with text, but also with emoji, it makes sense that a folder with a symbol, for example, sheet music, could contain music and applications associated with it. The folder with the palm tree can hold your vacation photos, and behind the running man can be the sports apps Runstatic and Nike+.

There's an entire field of research devoted to how much time we spend fumbling around trying to find the app we're looking for. Try to observe exactly how you hold the phone and which areas of the screen are most accessible to your fingers. This is where you should group the icons of the most frequently used applications. For example, if you are right-handed and use your phone with one hand, place them in a column along the right edge of the screen.

To prevent icons from spreading across five screens, it’s worth creating folders. The most obvious way to catalog applications is to collect things that are similar to each other into separate folders. For many, folders with category names , that are offered in the system by default (such as Productivity, Directory, Entertainment) seem too vague. Instead, try creating folders with names that will be clear to you. Think about what you use your phone for. Watch videos, play games, listen to music, read books or news? Label folders with the verbs “Watch”, “Listen”, “Read”, “Learn” and arrange applications in them accordingly. This will help you navigate faster.

If you don't like using folders, try grouping shortcuts into rows by topic, for example, all Facebook, VKontakte, Twitter and Tinder apps into a row of social networks, all scheduling apps, such as calendar, list tasks and alarm clock, - to another thematic line, and so on.

If you are used to navigating in alphabetical order, then the method of arranging icons from A to Z will suit you. On an iPhone, this can be done automatically instead of arranging all the icons manually. Launch Settings, select General, then Reset and Reset Home Settings. After this, all the icons of pre-installed Apple applications will be located by default, and other applications will be sorted alphabetically.

One of the most popular ways to organize app shortcuts is to arrange them by frequency of use in descending order. It is important to consider: in order not to clutter your phone and to have all the applications at hand, you should not have more than three screens. Place your most frequently used tools on your home screen, such as the camera; the second page contains useful applications organized into folders by topic and category. On the third screen, put the apps you use least often. You can also put games there that constantly distract you from your work.