Improving the activities of the enterprise based on the introduction of new information technologies. Choosing an approach to automating enterprise management. If the enterprise does not keep actual records of waste, the fact of waste release may be beyond

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  • Introduction
  • Chapter1. Information technologies and systems. Their role in the activities of modern enterprises
    • 1.1 Concept of enterprise management information systems
    • 1.2 The role of information systems in the activities of modern enterprises
    • 1.3 Choosing an approach to automating enterprise management
    • Chapter 2.Analysis of the use of information systems in the activities of an organization (using the example of JSC TALAS-SUT)
    • 2.1 Brief description of the organization’s activities
    • 2.2 Analysis of the use of information systems
    • Chapter 3. Proposal for increasing the use of Information Systems

3.1 Project development prospects


  • List of sources used


Relevance of the topic- “Improving the activities of an enterprise based on the introduction of new information technologies” is obvious, since today, in the harsh conditions of a market economy, increasing the efficiency of an enterprise, be it a commercial, government, industrial or other organizational structure, is an indispensable condition for survival. Almost any enterprise, in order to stay afloat, requires certain measures to improve its activities, for example, implementation within the framework of well-known methods of global quality management, business process reengineering, technological design or management based on the implementation of new information technologies or what or others.

The term “informatization” first appeared during the creation of local multi-terminal information and computing systems and queuing networks “in accordance with”.

Informatization in the field of management of economic processes involves, first of all, increasing the productivity of workers by reducing the cost/production ratio, as well as improving the qualifications and professional literacy of specialists engaged in management activities. In developed countries, two mutually related revolutions are taking place simultaneously: in information technology and in business.

The main reason hindering the development, in particular, of the Russian timber industry complex is the low competitiveness of many types of products, due to the lack of modern technologies and high-tech equipment at most forestry enterprises.

In addition to modern equipment, many timber industry enterprises also need automated systems that allow them to quickly solve management problems and meet a number of requirements. information management automation enterprise

The automated system of a forest industry enterprise must ensure the work of its specialists from various departments in a single information space, transparency of accounting, as well as the opportunity for proper control and analysis of activities. The system should take into account industry-specific features of calculation and costing, implement effective methods for estimating the volume of raw materials, unfinished and finished products, as well as the ability to obtain reliable and timely data on the real cost of production processes, the cost of each type of product and the profitability of each area of ​​activity. In addition, the system must satisfy the enterprise's need to optimize the movement of wood raw materials and the results of its processing. It is also necessary to be able to integrate the system with an automated process control system.

Information technologies have the following properties that are useful for an economist-manager:

help bridge the gap between economics and mathematics;

are the most effective carriers of modern methods for solving economic problems;

contribute to the harmonization of economic procedures with international requirements;

connect to a single information space - economic and educational.

Object of study- processing enterprise JSC TALAS-SUT.

Subject of study- mechanisms of relationship between the production process and structural divisions in the system of the timber industry complex of JSC TALAS-SUT.

Purpose of the study - improving the activities of the research object based on the introduction of new information technologies.

The set goal required the solution of a number of interrelated tasks:

study and analyze the role of information technologies and information systems in the activities of enterprises;

explore the most important tasks and problems when implementing a new enterprise management information system;

consider methods for constructing enterprise management information systems;

analyze the production and economic activities of the enterprise;

evaluate the use of existing IT in the enterprise;

identify reserves for improving the activities of the enterprise;

develop measures to improve the research object;

assess the economic effect of the proposed activities.


1.1 Concept of enterprise management information systems

Any economic object (enterprise, organization, firm) is a complex, dynamic and manageable system.

Purposeful influence on the system, leading to a change or preservation of its state, is ensured by control. An economic object, as a managed system, includes an object and a subject of management. The object of management of an economic object is a production team that performs a set of works aimed at achieving certain goals and has material, financial and other types of resources for this. The subject or management system of an economic entity forms the goals of its functioning and monitors their implementation “in accordance with”.

The main functions of managing an economic entity are planning, accounting, analysis, control and regulation. The performance of management functions is entrusted to the management apparatus, which includes services and departments that perform individual functions: planning department, financial department, accounting, sales department, supply department, and so on. The set of interconnected bodies performing private management functions determines the organizational structure of the management system.

The management system of an economic entity distinguishes strategic, tactical (functional) and operational levels. At the strategic level, decisions are developed aimed at achieving long-term goals. Here goals are determined and long-term (forecast) planning is carried out. At the tactical (functional) level, medium-term, current and operational calendar plans are developed and the progress of their implementation is monitored. At the operational level, primary information is collected about all changes occurring in the management object, its analysis and the development of solutions aimed at achieving the goals and objectives established by the plans “in accordance with”.

Management is based on information. In the management process, information flows arise between the object and the subject of management of the economic object, as well as between it and the external environment. The direction of internal information flows characterizes direct and feedback in the control system.

The management system, based on information about the state of the economic object and information coming from the external environment, determines the goals of the functioning of the economic object and develops directives that affect the control object (direct communication).

In the process of functioning of an economic object, changes occur in the management object. Information about these changes, together with external influences (directive information, information from counterparties, etc.) is perceived by the control system, which, based on it, develops new control decisions and again affects the control object (feedback).

During the management process, the necessary information is recorded, transmitted, stored, accumulated and processed. The complex of these procedures is information management process.

Information in this process is considered both as an object (initial information) and as a product of labor (resulting information) of the management system. Initial, primary information is transformed into resultant information suitable for forming management decisions. Therefore, the information process is part of management activities.

The information management process is implemented by performing a strictly regulated set of procedures aimed at converting source information into result information. The established sequence of procedures for converting information and the set of methods and methods for their implementation determine information technology.

According to the definition adopted by UNESCO, information Technology(IT), from English. information technology, (IT) is a complex of interrelated scientific, technological, and engineering disciplines that study methods for effectively organizing the work of people involved in processing and storing information; computer technology and methods of organizing and interacting with people and production equipment, their practical applications, as well as social, economic and cultural problems associated with all this.

The phrase “IT” expresses the decisive role that in modern society is played not by information itself, but by specific methods and mechanisms for operating it. In general, the importance of various social technologies, including information technologies, is increasing as society develops. This is due to the technologization of human activity, and technology, being included in the system of social relations, becomes a factor in various social modifications and transformations, influencing various structures and subsystems of society.

IT can be divided into two large groups - traditional and modern IT. This division is due to the fact that all previous changes in the production of information concerned only the methods of its recording, replication and distribution, without affecting the very process of creation and semantic processing of information.

Recently, information technology is most often understood as computer technology. Specifically, IT deals with the use of computers and software to store, transform, protect, process, transmit, and receive information. Computer hardware and programming specialists are often called IT specialists.

The main features of modern IT include:

computer processing of information according to specified algorithms;

storing large amounts of information on computer media;

transmission of information over long distances in a limited time.

Automated information technology is a process consisting of clearly regulated rules for performing operations of varying degrees of complexity on data stored in computers.

To organize and implement the information process, personnel are required who are capable of performing its procedures, as well as appropriate means and methods of information processing. All this together constitutes an information system (IS).

Information system - it is an interconnected set of information, means and methods of processing it, as well as personnel implementing the information process.

Economic information system(EIS) deals primarily with economic information. The main purpose of the EIS is to transform initial information into results suitable for making management decisions. Any economic object has an economic information system. In what follows, the term “information system” will be understood as an “economic information system.”

Information process procedures can be performed in the IS manually and using various technical means: a variety of office equipment, computers and telecommunications. Computers and related software are radically changing the methods and technology of information processing. Therefore, a distinction is made between manual and automated information systems.

In non-automated information systems, all information processing operations are performed by management employees themselves without the use or with minimal use of technical means of information processing. In automated information systems (AIS), a significant part of the routine operations of the information process is carried out using special methods using technical means, without or with minimal human intervention.

Automated information system - This is a system in which the information management process is automated through the use of special data processing methods that use a set of computing, communication and other technical means in order to obtain and deliver the resultant information to a specialist user to perform the management functions assigned to him.

In the modern understanding, the term “information systems” implies the automation of information processes. Therefore, the terms “information system” and “automated information system” are often used interchangeably. But it should be remembered that information systems can also use non-automated information processing technology.

Decisions in the enterprise management system are made by people on the basis of information that is a product of the information system. At its input is the original, primary information about all changes occurring in the control object. It is recorded as a result of performing operational accounting functions. In IS, primary information is converted into results suitable for decision-making. In PMIS, part of the procedures for formally converting primary information into resultant information is automatically performed by technical means according to predetermined algorithms, without direct human intervention.

This does not mean that the PMIS can function fully automatically. The management system personnel determines the composition and structure of primary and result information, the procedure for collecting and registering primary information, controls its completeness and reliability, determines the procedure for converting primary information into result information, and monitors the progress of the transformation process. In addition, the procedure for collecting primary information is still poorly automated. Therefore, its entry into the technical means is also carried out by ISMS personnel.

Organizationally, the Management System is implemented through the creation of automated workstations (AWS) for management system employees.

EMIS is characterized by developed internal and external information links. Internal information connections exist between tasks within individual complexes, as well as between the complexes themselves. So, for example, the tasks of cost accounting and consolidated accounting are based on information that is the result of solving problems of accounting complexes for fixed assets, material assets, labor and wages, etc. And the tasks of these complexes, in turn, use the primary information of operational accounting. External information connections of AIS are manifested in the use of data coming from external organizations.

The complexes and the composition of the tasks included in them, the external and internal information connections of the tasks make up the functional model of the PMIS.

1.2 The role of information systems in the activities of modern enterprises

Currently, automated information systems should be considered as an integral part of the business infrastructure. In countries with developed economies, they are used as a tool for solving the entire range of enterprise management problems, including:

planning of production activities;

purchasing, inventory and sales management;

financial management;

personnel Management;

cost management;

project management;

design of products and technological processes.

When planning production activities, PMIS provide support for solving the problems of drawing up production plans at various levels - from strategic (calculated for several years) to operational (covering several days) and checking the possibility of executing plans with existing production capacities.

PMIS allows you to more effectively manage enterprise costs. This is achieved through maximum detail in accounting for all enterprise costs and a significant increase in the efficiency of calculating the cost of finished products and services. Thanks to this, conditions are provided for improving the system of norms and regulations, optimizing the price system and assortment policy of the enterprise.

Modern enterprise activities are increasingly viewed through the prism of the implementation of production projects or programs, for which separate planning and accounting can be carried out.

Thanks to the use of PMIS, the functions of product and process design can be linked with the solution of other enterprise management problems. IMSMs allow you to maintain information about the composition of products, technological routes for their production, specifications of customer requirements for the products being developed, and accurately estimate the costs required for their production.

The listed capabilities are available only if all subsystems of the management system are integrated, and the corresponding software supports modern computer-oriented management technologies that link into one solution the entire set of planning, accounting and analysis problems.

The creation of an information management system that allows you to realize all the advantages of modern management technologies requires significant investment. The cost of creating one workstation in countries with developed economies can reach up to 10-40 thousand US dollars, and operating costs vary between 2.5-20 thousand US dollars per year per workplace.

As a rule, the most general quantitative indicator of investment efficiency is the ROI (Return of Investments) coefficient.

However, attracting additional investments may be ineffective if the organizational and economic management of the enterprise is not established. The consequence of this is inefficient use of resources: excessive accounts receivable, excess inventories, losses from theft, high costs of servicing loans, paying fines, etc. All this forms a vicious circle. The experience of implementing integrated management automation systems at enterprises shows that their use very quickly produces returns only by reducing unproductive costs and accelerating asset turnover.

Creating an effective management system allows you to quickly prepare and process various types of supporting documentation. This means that more customers can be served within the same period of time without making them wait. According to many practitioners working in trade, one should think about introducing complex automation even when the number of items of goods exceeds 50-100, and there are more than 50 wholesale buyers. In such conditions, manual or weakly automated accounting can lead to a sharp decrease in the efficiency of service buyers and, as a result, to a significant shortfall in profits and even losses. Computer systems can overcome this problem. The effect of speeding up service is especially pronounced when trading goods with a limited shelf life.

The computer system makes information about all business operations of the enterprise centralized and quickly accessible to all persons interested in it within the framework of delimiting their access rights.

The effect of introducing computer systems only in terms of minimizing losses can be very significant. And the larger the company, the more significant it is, not only in absolute but also in relative terms. For example, in one company, due to the reorganization of management when creating an information management system based on the implementation of the Galaktika system, it was possible to prevent losses close to its annual turnover.

The experience of implementing automation systems shows that only the use of this kind of reports allows you to quickly solve the problem of excess stocks and implement an effective purchasing policy. For example, as a result of the implementation of the Galaktika system at OJSC Torzhok Printing Inks Plant, it was possible to reduce warehouse stocks several times. Currently, the company carries out production planning on a ten-day basis, and warehouse stocks are oriented for a maximum of 20 days. This is a typical result of the implementation of a comprehensive management automation system, with which you can quickly monitor the status of inventories, which allows you to purchase raw materials in strictly required quantities.

Modern computer-based management technologies make it possible to draw up a purchasing plan based on existing customer orders, production plans and projected sales, taking into account the level of inventory on hand and orders already placed with suppliers. The corresponding software is based on long-term scheduling and provides recommendations for changing the timing and volume of purchases. One of the major management pain points in most manufacturing plants is the problem of accounts receivable caused by non-payments from customers. Therefore, the creation of an information management system often begins with the automation of solving problems of analytical accounting and analysis of the state of mutual settlements with buyers and customers. As a result, already at the initial stage of implementing a computer system, normal conditions are created for analyzing the structure and dynamics of changes in the enterprise's receivables. This is manifested in the possibility of classifying debtors according to various criteria: amount of debt, degree of solvency, geographic and industry characteristics, types of goods sold, services provided, etc.

Reducing costs and accelerating asset turnover, achieved through the deployment of an information management system, often makes it possible to recoup investments in information technology already in the first months of their industrial operation. This allows us to consider integrated control automation systems as one of the most effective areas of investment.

1.3 Choosing an approach to automating enterprise management

Currently, there are various approaches to constructing an IMS, differing in the characteristics that form the basis of the classification. From a practical point of view, it seems advisable for us to take the criterion of using replicated software as a basis for classifying these approaches. The classification scheme for approaches to constructing an ISMS obtained in this way is shown in Figure 1.

In accordance with this scheme, when choosing an approach to building an ISMS, the question of the possibility of using replicable systems existing on the market or the need to create a unique system, completely focused only on the tasks of a particular enterprise, is decided.

Of course, this scheme, like any other classification, is to a certain extent arbitrary, since real life, as a rule, does not fit into formal schemes. Nevertheless, the above diagram allows, in our opinion, to highlight the main features of the approaches to building an PMIS that exist today. Let's look at the options highlighted in the diagram in more detail.

Figure 1 - Approaches to building an PMIS


This approach involves the development of an automated management system in-house, without the involvement of third parties and the purchase of replicated application software. Historically, this is the first established approach to building accounting and management automation systems. However, using this approach for most businesses in the future can lead to a waste of time and money. Let us give you the following example.

The state enterprise has gone through the stage of corporatization and, to one degree or another, has reprofiled its area of ​​activity. High-tech technologies have been replaced by the production of technically simple products that are in demand on the market (for example, instead of coordinate input devices for digitizing cartographic information, cash register windows and trays for currency exchange offices are being produced).

Custom systems

With this approach, you order the development of an IMS, just as, for example, you order non-standard furniture. This is the second historically established approach to building a CIS. In its “pure form” it involves the development of a system that fully corresponds to the characteristics of a particular enterprise, which is its main advantage. Potentially, this approach is characterized by a comparatively lower cost and shorter implementation time than independent development.

In modern conditions, when choosing this approach, we recommend that you take into account the following technological and organizational features.

From a technological point of view, it is naive to believe that developers will create the system you ordered truly “from scratch” (and if they do, then this is a clear path to project failure). They probably have pre-developed solutions that will adapt to your requirements. Thus, in many cases today, “custom” development actually comes down to the implicit use of replicable systems that are at the disposal of the contractor. The development result in this case will largely be determined by the quality of these systems.

From an organizational point of view, this approach can be implemented in two ways: creating a temporary team of developers at your enterprise by attracting outside specialists and concluding an agreement with a specialized company.

Adaptable Integrated Systems

The approach to building an PMIS using adaptable integrated systems, which, as we have already said, appeared on the market in the second half of the 90s, successfully combines a number of advantages of the approaches we have already considered and is free from their main disadvantages. This, at first glance, not entirely obvious circumstance is explained by the peculiarities of building adaptable integrated systems, which, without going into technical details, are as follows.

Firstly, as we already noted in the review of the development of automation systems, the basis of an adaptable integrated system is a carefully developed software core intended for replication. This core is initially functionally focused on the ability to provide comprehensive automation of management and other types of accounting, the data of which is required in the ISMS. Thus, the presence of this core, on the one hand, potentially provides integrated systems with such advantages of replicated systems as the use of proven solutions.

Secondly, adaptable integrated systems contain flexible means of customizing the characteristics and capabilities of the created PMIS to the business characteristics of a particular organization. Therefore, with this approach to the development of an ISMS, it becomes possible to satisfy customer requirements, as is typical for independently developed or custom-made systems, but the time and risk of unsuccessful completion of work here can be significantly reduced through the use of a proven, replicable kernel.

As a result, PMIS built using this approach are characterized by a relatively short development time, the effectiveness of solving management automation problems and the relative ease of modification when changing the organizational structure of an enterprise or existing business processes.

The noted advantages of the approach to constructing an automated management system using adaptable integrated systems allow us to recommend its use to most enterprises.

As can be seen from the above diagram, adaptation of an integrated system, in principle, can be carried out both by the customer and by a third-party company. Not all enterprises have specialists whose qualifications allow them to independently carry out adaptation, since this is a rather intensive process in which a number of factors must be taken into account. As part of this approach, for large enterprises it is possible to recommend the use of adaptable integrated systems with configuration by the developer or a third (but necessarily specialized) company.

Thus, finishing the section devoted to the features and tasks of complex enterprise automation, we can draw the following conclusions:

Before implementing an implementation project, it is necessary to formalize its goals as much as possible;

The pre-design analysis stage should never be sacrificed. Involving professional consultants to survey the enterprise and set management objectives will help prevent possible mistakes;

It is necessary to carefully approach the choice of software for enterprise automation, since errors are costly. It is better to look at as many systems as possible, and see them “live”, and not from the developers’ marketing materials. You should not try to develop the system using your own programmers. Ready-made systems have been developed by specialized teams for many years and have a real cost much higher than the sales price - a well-known paradox characteristic of software and intellectual products;

The system implementation process should be given high priority among other organizational and commercial processes. Give high powers to the project manager;

Create an atmosphere of inevitability of implementation among all employees of the enterprise and try to increase the rate of development of new technologies through organizational measures;

Remember that the implementation of an enterprise management information system must constantly be improved in the process of its industrial operation along with the progress of information technologies and methodologies for managing enterprise activities.

And we emphasize once again that the most important task of the manager here is to ensure the choice of an effective strategy for integrated automation and the implementation of its main provisions. One of the main elements of the automation strategy is the analysis of the economic, economic and production activities of the enterprise. We will consider these questions in the second section.


2.1 Brief description of the activities of the organization CJSC TALAS-SUT

The company has a friendly and close-knit team; they are united by common goals and objectives, to produce more products of good quality.

We will determine the leaders of the enterprise and their purpose in the organization of development strategy and values, demonstrating, through personal examples, commitment to culture.

Director of JSC "Talas-Sut" Davletaliev M.T., has been working at this enterprise since 1977, and since 1987 as a manager. Together with specialists from the management staff, he determines the role and purpose of the enterprise, its development strategy and values.

According to the demands of the time, in a market economy, based on consumers and the need for dairy products for the population, there was not only a question of maintaining production, but also of its further development.

The strategic development plan determines the main development prospects of the enterprise to create conditions for the production of competitive, high-quality products.

The development strategy is aimed at solving the following tasks:

· Production of basic types of production and satisfaction of the population with necessary and high-quality products;

· Improving the quality of products;

· Competent and efficient use of financial resources;

· Introduction of new equipment and technology into production

Improvement of sanitary and hygienic working conditions

· Improving the level of employee well-being

· Partnership expansion

Company values:

Effective operation of the enterprise, mutual respect, an atmosphere of creativity and goodwill, development of the enterprise as an innovative production, constant improvement of technological processes and increased professional level.

As a production leader, Davletaliev M.T. determines the objectives of production development and moves towards the intended goal. Responsibility for production work is the main feature of his character.

In his work, he is distinguished by his determination, sociability, and ability to overcome difficulties.

The right combination of three elements:

· Purposeful activity;

· Labor tools;

· Objects of labor.

All these elements ensure the continuity and rhythm of the work of all workshops, the production of products of a given volume, range and good quality.

Type of products sold at Talas-Sut CJSC:

Peasant butter 72.5% fat, packaging: box - 20 kg, polyester - 0.5 kg and 0.250 kg Fruit and berry juices: apple, tomato, orange, apricot in a 0.5 liter plastic bottle.

Enterprise mission:

Production of competitive, high-quality products that meet the requirements of society and consumers.

The management of the enterprise considers product quality as a decisive factor for the success of functioning in market conditions and as the most important conditions for improving the standard of living of society and the team.

The quality of products as a whole is ensured by elements of the quality management system, which is implemented at the initiative of the director.

One of the priority tasks of production development is the creation and implementation of elements of a quality management system, therefore issues of quality assessment will be carried out and discussed at team meetings. The improvement of the product quality management system is carried out and complies with the State standards of the Kyrgyz Republic. The wage fund is increasing from year to year and in 2012 amounted to 7.4 million soms, the average wage per 1 worker increased to 8,270 soms. In 2012, funds in the amount of 94.4 million soms were paid for milk procurement, electricity consumption and the purchase of fuels and lubricants. In 2012, fixed assets were purchased in the amount of 9056.4 thousand soms.

The costs of current repairs amounted to 1395.1 thousand soms, incl. buildings, structures and structures amounted to 348.6 thousand soms. 103.2 thousand soms were spent on repairs of power plants, electric motors and technological equipment. For the repair of trucks, passenger vehicles and computer equipment 943.3 thousand soms.

During 2012, sponsorship assistance was provided to enterprises and organizations in the amount of 118.6 thousand soms. For holding cultural events, employees of the enterprise were allocated funds in the amount of 101.0 thousand soms. Payments of funds to the budget for the enterprise for 2012 are:

1. Income tax - 665.4 thousand soms

2. VAT - 30.1 thousand soms

3. Sales tax 2.5% and 1% - 1134.8 thousand soms

4. Income tax - 761.5 thousand soms

5. MSK - 7.5 thousand soms

6. Land tax -59.6 thousand soms

7. Property tax - 89.2 thousand soms

In total, taxes were paid to the budget for 2012 in the amount of 2748.1 thousand soms. In 2012, 1383.8 thousand soms were transferred to the main fund, compared to 2011, 164.1 thousand soms more; 794.8 thousand soms were transferred to the social insurance fund, which is 87.7 thousand soms more. compared to 2011. In 2012, the cost of manufactured products amounted to 108.5 million soms or 92.2% compared to 2011, with marketable output indicators of 100.4%. The cost of processing 1 ton of milk remained almost at the level of 2011 and amounted to 100.1% despite an increase in prices for fuels and lubricants. After all transfers of funds to the budget and financial expenses, CJSC “Talas-sut” at the end of 2012 has a balance sheet profit in the amount of 4578.0 thousand soms, deductions from profit amounted to 470.0 thousand soms. A net profit was received in the amount of 4108.0 thousand soms.

The main competition for milk procurement in the Talas region was and is the joint-stock company "Arashag", a private enterprise of Tutambaev. B, private enterprise Kudaibergenova S. Mini cheese factory Torokulov K., private enterprise “Ezhigei”, Georgian private entrepreneurs engaged in cheese production, as well as processors of the Zhambul Region.

Fig.2. Tax deductions for Talas-Sut CJSC (thousand soms)

CJSC Talas-Sut is one of the medium-sized enterprises in the Talas region. Provides permanent employment to 75 people, and during the season the number of employees increases to 84 people. Producing high-quality products, the enterprise has its own trademark, according to which Kyrgyzpatent issued a certificate No. 7102.

All manufactured products of JSC Talas-Sut are certified. The Talas Center for Testing, Standardization and Metrology TsSM at the ME and AP of the KR issued a certificate of conformity for skimmed milk powder KG No. 106192, serial production KMS 805-2005 HS 0402 10 110 0-0402 21 990 0, the product meets the requirements of San PiN 01. Peasant oil has a certificate of conformity KG No. 081136, serial production KMS 740:2001 HS 0406 10 200 1-0406 90 900 0, the product meets the requirements: Sanitary Regulations

Skimmed milk powder is exported to the Republic of Kazakhstan.

One of the main activities of the enterprise is planning the production and sale of products. The system of planned indicators reflects the volume, quality and range of products produced in physical and monetary terms. The enterprise has a current planning system, i.e. development of an annual plan broken down by quarter.

Table 1

Fulfillment of the production plan of JSC "Talas-sut" for 2012

Name of product

Product manufacturing

% completed

Plan for 2012.

Fact of execution

Peasant oil

Pasteurized milk.

Sour cream 20%

Skimmed milk powder

Ice cream

Fig.3. The share of each type of product in the total production volume in 2012

Fig.4. Dynamics of production of peasant butter and milk powder. (tons)

When planning the quantity and range of products produced, the demand and supply of the population are taken into account. The production of whole milk products is planned mainly for local sales. The short shelf life of products makes it difficult to reserve them and requires production in a wide range.

Planning the financial activities of an enterprise is necessary to compare the costs of carrying out these activities with financial resources, which makes it possible to determine the overall level of efficiency of the enterprise.

For his significant contribution to entrepreneurial activity in the production and provision of the region's population with necessary and high-quality whole milk products, the head of the enterprise was repeatedly awarded certificates of honor from Ministries, local authorities and public organizations.

One of the important structural divisions of the management apparatus is the information technology department, whose functions include information support and regulation of the production process. This department includes 4 specialists, including 3 programmer specialists, who service the software of the control process and the technical maintenance of computer equipment.

Currently, the enterprise has implemented the “1:C Enterprise” software product, which is used by the accounting department, so the process of operational management of information collection is carried out with the help of centralized accounting.

Organizational structure

2.2 Analysis of the implementation and use of IS in the organization’s activities

The main goal of the project is to provide the management and shareholders of TALAS-SUT CJSC with prompt and reliable information about the state of the corporation's enterprises in real time to reduce risks and make informed management decisions. The implementation of the project should make it possible to achieve increased manageability of both individual production and service enterprises and the corporation as a whole.

As part of the automation project, it is planned to introduce an integrated, adapted program “1C: Plant 8” as the basis of a unified corporate management system. At the same time, part of the existing software product that automates individual business processes of the company and meets its business goals and objectives will be preserved.

To determine the automation plan and analyze the feasibility of integrating existing software with this system, in the second section we analyzed the current state of the use of information technology in the enterprise.

As a result of the analysis, we developed proposals for automating the activities of the entire enterprise by introducing the automated management system “1C Enterprise 8. Plant 8”. The project is designed for 1.5 years.

Within the framework of this project, until 2013, it is planned to automate the central objects of business lines and enterprises included in the main business processes of the enterprise. To do this, it is necessary to install the software product in a number of departments and services of manufacturing enterprises, including:

Directorate (CEO, CFO, Commercial Director, Production Director, HR Director, IT Director);

Planning and Economic Department;

Production workshops;

Production dispatch department;

Chief Technologist Department;

Sales department;

Quality service;

Department of material and technical support (supply);

Marketing department;

Warehouses of materials and finished products;


Human Resources Department;

IT service;

Information and analytical department;

There are about 100 users in total.

To work with the application solution "Neosystems: Plant 8", you must have the "1C: Enterprise" configuration.

The program “Neosystems: Plant 8” received a certificate “Compatible!” from 1C. Program system 1C: Enterprise".

The software product easily integrates with the process control systems existing in the enterprise; in our case, it is compatible with the 1C: Enterprise 8 program. Data from the process control system can be downloaded and processed in an automated system.

At the enterprise, after the implementation of the product, technological information from the process control system is accumulated in the Interbase database, which is part of the implemented software product. The transfer of this data to the operational accounting subsystem on the 1C: Enterprise 8 platform is performed automatically according to a configured exchange schedule around the clock.

At the enterprise, data from automated lines is loaded into the system. In addition, it is possible to download data from an automated system for accounting for the shipment of finished products and cars using barcodes on packages, which are also planned to be implemented at the enterprise.

Manufacturing control

One of the most effective ways to reduce costs in production is to build and optimize a production plan. This allows the enterprise to reduce the level of downtime of equipment and highly qualified specialists, reduce the lead time of orders, avoid disruptions to the sales plan due to overload of production resources, optimize the movement of materials and warehouse balances, and make the production process transparent and manageable.

The production management subsystem is designed to plan production processes and material flows in production, reflect the processes of the enterprise's production activities and build a normative production management system.

The functionality of the subsystem can be used by employees of the planning and economic department, production shops, production dispatch department and other production departments.

The production planning mechanisms implemented in the Production Management subsystem provide:

Scenario planning to develop various options for production strategy or take into account possible changes in the operating conditions of the enterprise;

Rolling planning, expanding the planning horizon as the next planning periods approach;

Project planning of production;

Fixation of planned data from changes (according to scenarios and periods);

Integration with the budgeting subsystem.

Workshop workplace

A workstation in which the basic information accompanying the work of the shift is indicated, allowing you to speed up the entry of information on the plan and actual consumption of raw materials, the release of goods, and the composition of the shift.

The combined use of the foreman’s workplace and daily shift planning allows for a versatile plan-actual analysis of the supply of raw materials and production.

The manager of the production preparation department creates in the system a production order for a shift for the department, which indicates the department's need for raw materials, the method of processing it (specification, composition) and the planned production.

The specification determines the quantity and characteristics of the item produced from raw materials according to the technological features of the equipment and the selected raw materials. Each type of raw material and composition must have its own specification.

The printed form “Order for supply of raw materials to the workshop” of the document “Production Assignment” is transferred to the warehouse. Upon receipt of raw materials submitted for production, a “Demand-invoice” document is drawn up.

The fact of released products is reflected in the “Products released” tab, where the characteristics of the product, the actual volume and quantity of products produced, the standard quantity of products according to the specification given in the tabular part are indicated.

When a fact is indicated, the quantity of products produced is divided into the corresponding varieties.

When maintaining batch accounting, it is possible to package manufactured products. In this case, the “Bagged Products” tab will appear in the document, and the tabular part will be filled with the characteristics of the products that form the package.

The fact of waste release is reflected on the “Waste” tab, and the types and actual volume of waste are indicated. The planned waste output from a technological operation is calculated automatically.

If the enterprise does not keep actual records of waste, the waste release fact can be filled in according to automatically calculated planned values.

The “Production Plan” information panel displays the dispatcher’s planned data for product output (data from the “Production Assignment” document).

Information about the composition of the shift is reflected in the “Shift composition” tab. Information about employees is indicated (personnel number, full name, labor participation rate).

The data is filled in similarly to the “Piecework Order” document. In this case, various types of calculations can be taken into account (earnings, tariff, time worked) depending on the procedure established at the enterprise.

To calculate the wages of shift workers and correctly reflect charges in the cost of manufactured products, the “Technological Operations” tab is intended.

On the “Technological operations” tab, the type of operation, the price per unit of output, the actual quantity produced, and the total cost of production per shift are indicated.

A “Production Assignment” document is automatically created with the “Normative” scenario type - this is a normative production assignment indicating the standards for product yield from actually supplied raw materials. If the characteristics of the planned and actually consumed raw materials differ, the production rate differs from the planned production target. If the planned raw materials coincide with those actually consumed, then the tasks will coincide.

The accounting policy of the enterprise may determine the option of accounting for production results per shift.

If the enterprise conducts operational production management, then it is possible to upload shift data to the “Foreman’s Report for the Shift”.

If the enterprise maintains non-operational production records, then the data is uploaded to the document “Production Report for the Shift”.

The system generates the “Shift Foreman Report” document.

The document “Shift Foreman Report” records information on actually produced products, incl. waste, its volume and characteristics, specifications according to which it was released.

The shift foreman’s report also records information on the actual raw materials consumed, their volume and characteristics.

Cost management and costing

One of the most important factors in competition is reducing production costs and cost management. The presence of a management accounting system that reflects real production costs allows the enterprise to develop effective measures to reduce production costs and product costs, and increase business profitability.

The cost management subsystem is designed to account for the actual costs of the enterprise and calculate the cost of production based on management accounting data.

Main functions of the subsystem:

Accounting for actual costs of the reporting period in the required sections in value and physical terms;

Operational quantitative accounting of materials in work in progress (WIP);

Accounting for actual balances of work in progress at the end of the reporting period in the required sections;

Accounting for defects in production and warehouses;

Calculation of the actual cost of production for the period of main and by-products (semi-finished products, defects) - incomplete and full production costs and the actual full cost of sales of products, incl. calculation of the cost of production from processors;

Calculation of the cost of production during the month according to release documents - according to direct costs or according to the planned cost;

Accounting for processing of customer-supplied raw materials;

Calculation of the actual value of work in progress balances at the end of the reporting period;

Providing data (reports) on the procedure for generating cost;

Generating a shift report on production output and services in production;

Providing data on the production cost structure to assess deviations from specified standards.

Product data management

An important tool for production management is the management of data on the composition of products and semi-finished products, routes for the passage of products through production departments and warehouses.

Standardization of product composition allows you to control the write-off of materials into production (limit cards), plan production costs, analyze discrepancies between planned and actual costs and identify their causes.

Setting a route (technological) map allows you to plan the production chain of multi-product products, at each stage assessing its feasibility, taking into account the load of equipment and the availability of resources necessary for production.


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Information technology and enterprise management Baronov Vladimir Vladimirovich

Strategy for the development of information technology at the enterprise

In modern conditions, many business problems can be solved with the help of information technology. At the same time, an enterprise, as a rule, has a number of problems associated mainly with the lack of a unified corporate policy in the field of information technology (IT) and a strategy for creating a corporate information management system (CIMS) for the enterprise as a whole.

An IT strategy should be understood as a formalized system of approaches, principles and methods on the basis of which all components of the CIUS will be developed. The goal of the IT strategy development project is to organize an integrated corporate process for the development of information technologies to ensure their compliance with the main goals and directions of business development of the enterprise. Achieving this goal will ensure:

Improvement of the management system;

Targeted planning and implementation of information technologies;

Orientation of information technologies to solve business problems;

Creation of a unified information space of the enterprise;

Reducing the total cost of ownership of information technologies (purchase, development, implementation, training, support, etc.);

Reducing the time required to implement new information technologies, obtaining quick and replicable results;

Increasing the efficiency of information technologies used and the return on investment in informatization;

The ability to quickly and economically expand the information infrastructure in the future;

Increasing competitiveness and shareholder value.

The strategy development process, in which senior management and specialists need to be involved, should aim to find clear answers to the following questions:

How is the business strategy determined?

What is the current state of information technology?

What should their future look like?

What methodologies and products should be used?

What technology architecture should be built?

What requirements must personnel qualifications meet?

How correct are the existing initiatives?

The corresponding document is intended for the management of the enterprise and reflects the following factors:

The role of information technology in solving business development problems;

The composition of the main directions of information technology development and the formed portfolio of investment projects, grouped by implementation priorities;

A step-by-step plan for the implementation, use and development of information technologies for 3–5 years;

Assessment of the cost of information technology development in relation to the portfolio of investment projects and stages of the plan;

Proposals for organizing centralized management of the implementation, use and development of information technologies.

Here is an outline of a document containing a strategy for the development of information technology and including its main components.

The purpose and purpose of the strategy. The section identifies the main purpose of creating the document, its role in organizing work on the development and use of information technologies, qualifies the main categories of users and their tasks for the development of information technology.

The role of information technology in the activities of an enterprise. The section defines the role of information technology in business development and management organization, and formulates the tasks of information technology that support the solution of business problems.

Brief description of the state of informatization. The section analyzes the results of an audit of existing information systems, diagnoses them for compliance with business processes, and identifies functional gaps and shortcomings. A brief description of the technological architecture and the software and hardware used is given, users are qualified and the degree of their satisfaction is assessed. The level of qualifications of personnel (IT service employees and users) in the field of information technology is assessed. The economic parameters of the current state of informatization are given.

Analysis of existing initiatives and problem areas. The section analyzes existing development plans and proposed projects in terms of their compliance with information needs, business development strategy and management organization. Based on the gaps in information systems coverage of the most significant business processes, the degree of compliance of the existing management system for the development and use of information technologies with the basic requirements of business development is assessed.

Assessing readiness for change. The section provides an analysis of the readiness of the enterprise management and structural divisions to implement new or modify existing information systems and related organizational changes, assesses the need to reorganize the management system and business processes, and the resources available to carry out the above work.

Main directions of development of informatization. The section defines the general picture of the future state of the enterprise’s information technologies, identifies and details the main directions of development of informatization, taking into account the need to coordinate them with the corporate strategy, and indicates the priority of directions from the point of view of the overall business development strategy and management organization.

Portfolio of investment projects for the development of informatization. A list of specific projects in the main areas of informatization development is compiled, and the main system solutions for their implementation are selected. A step-by-step plan for the development of informatization for the required period is being formed.

Expected results. A list of expected results from the implementation of a portfolio of selected projects is compiled, and an assessment of their impact on the main performance indicators of the enterprise is predicted.

Estimation of required resources. The section provides an assessment of the timing and cost of implementing selected projects depending on the organization of their development and implementation (internally, with the involvement of external contractors, by choosing a general system integrator as a strategic partner, etc.).

Requirements for organizing work on the development of information technology. An organizational model for the development of information technology is proposed, which includes the roles and functions of the management of the enterprise, its structural divisions involved in the process of development of information technology. The basic principles of managing the development process and monitoring the compliance of the results obtained with the expected ones are determined.

Transition strategy. The section provides an analysis of the risks associated with the implementation of projects. The main methods for making management decisions, as well as the main milestones of the transition period, are determined.

From the standpoint of corporate philosophy, creating a strategy allows you to ensure:

Understanding that information technologies should help improve the management process, and not preserve the ineffective management schemes existing at the enterprise;

Awareness of the fact that the development of information technology requires constant attention from senior management;

Creating a management culture using information technology;

Overcoming psychological barriers of personnel, developing new motivation for work, the necessary attitude towards change, understanding and support of what is happening;

Developing our own group of specialists capable of competently solving organizational, technical and other issues of enterprise reform and automation.

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Federal Education Agency

State educational institution

Higher professional education

State University of Management

Institute of Innovation and Logistics


by discipline

"Management Information Technologies"

on the topic of:

"Improving information technologies"

(using the example of the financial department of Vnukovo Airport OJSC)


3rd year student

Polshkova E. N.


Senior Lecturer

Filippov E.E.

Moscow 2006


Currently, the main place in the economy of organizations is occupied by the development of information technology. The success of almost any enterprise is that the organization works like a coherent mechanism.

With the advent of information technology, an increasing number of processes have been automated. With the advent of information technology, an increasing number of processes have been automated. Every year the need for them becomes stronger - without good, well-functioning equipment, software, and personnel trained to work with it, it is impossible to compete in the market. One of the most important characteristics of the effectiveness of an organization is the presence of good information technology, which allows all departments of the enterprise to work quickly, correctly and without failures.

This course project examines the possibilities of improving existing information technology using the example of the financial department of Vnukovo Airport OJSC, the oldest air transport enterprise in Moscow.

1. Organizational and economic essence of the financial department of Vnukovo Airport OJSC

JSC Vnukovo Airport is the oldest air transport enterprise in Moscow. This is an organization with a complex structure, which includes many services, each of which performs certain functions for the most efficient operation of the entire airport complex. Such services include: the airport complex itself (air terminal complex), airfield services, communications services, medical unit, administration, which in turn includes airport management, and the economic planning department. HR department, accounting department, as well as financial department, etc.

1.1 Characteristics of the main elements of the financial department of Vnukovo Airport OJSC

1.1.1 Goals and objectives of the financial department of Vnukovo Airport OJSC

The financial department is created and liquidated by order of the General Director of Vnukovo Airport OJSC. The department reports directly to the Deputy General Director - Financial Director of Vnukovo Airport OJSC.

Financial tasks include:

1. Implementation of a unified enterprise policy in the field of finance.

2. Organization of the financial activities of the enterprise with the aim of the most efficient use of all types of resources in the process of production and sale of products (works, services) and obtaining maximum profit.

3. Control over the use of the enterprise’s working capital and loans.

4. Development of accounting and tax policies.

5. Development of the enterprise's credit policy.

6. Ensuring timely tax payments, settlements with creditors and suppliers.

1.1.2 Organizational structure of the financial department of Vnukovo Airport OJSC

Department head




1.1.3 Main functions of the financial department of Vnukovo Airport OJSC

In accordance with the main tasks, the financial department is assigned the following functions:

1. Management of the movement of financial resources of an enterprise and regulation of financial relations arising between business entities in order to make the most efficient use of all types of resources.

2. Development of a financial strategy for the enterprise and the basis for its financial stability.

3. Preparation of materials for drawing up a business plan for the enterprise.

4. Work to attract borrowed funds.

5. Interaction with credit institutions regarding the provision of credit resources.

6. Drawing up and submitting loan applications and quarterly cash plans to banks and credit institutions.

7. Organization of work on concluding agreements on the provision of loans.

8. Financial registration of received loans.

9. Work on timely repayment of loans and return of received loan funds within the established time frame.

10. Ensuring the implementation of credit plans, including payment of interest on the loan.

11. Working with securities (purchase of shares, bonds, etc.)

12. Registration of financial, settlement and banking transactions within the established time limits, including submission of payment requests, orders and other settlement documents to banks.

13. Maintaining operational records of financial, settlement and credit operations performed by the enterprise on accounts in banks and credit institutions.

14. Ensuring timely payment of invoices to suppliers and contractors for shipped material assets (work performed, services rendered) in accordance with concluded contracts.

15. Organization of work on the transfer of payments and contributions for taxes and fees to the federal budget, budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local budgets, and state extra-budgetary social funds.

16. Drawing up and submitting to the tax authorities the established documentation on the financial and economic activities of the enterprise.

17. Implementation of measures to strengthen financial discipline at the enterprise.

18. Monitoring the correctness of the preparation and execution of reporting documentation.

19. Ensuring the reliability of financial information.

20. Monitoring the implementation of financial plans by structural divisions.

21. Compilation and provision to the management of the enterprise:

Information about receipt of funds;

Reports on the progress of financial, credit and cash plans;

Information about the financial condition of the enterprise;

22. Ensuring the implementation of financial, credit and cash plans.

23. Control over:

Implementation of financial plans and budgets, credit and cash plans, plans for profit and other financial indicators;

Proper and efficient use of funds;

Compliance with cash discipline;

24. Participation in determining financial terms in concluded business agreements, examination of draft agreements submitted by counterparties.

1.1.4 The main business processes of the financial department of Vnukovo Airport OJSC

The main business processes are:

    Development of financial strategy;

    Concluding agreements on the provision of loans and implementing credit plans;

    Carrying out financial settlement and banking operations;

    Providing management with data on the financial activities of the organization.

1.2 Characteristics of the supporting elements of the financial department of Vnukovo Airport OJSC

1.2.1 Information support for the financial department of Vnukovo Airport OJSC

The information support of the department in question includes:

    administrative documents;




    office notes

and other information coming from other departments, such as: accounting and finance department, economic planning department and legal department.

1.2.2 Documentation and methodological support for the financial department of Vnukovo Airport OJSC

Documentation support of the department includes:

    current legislature;

    orders of the Ministry of Finance;

    orders and instructions of the Ministry of Taxes and Duties;

    Charter of JSC Vnukovo Airport;

    orders of the general director;

    rules and regulations of labor protection and industrial safety;

    requirements of state and interstate regulatory documents;

    internal labor regulations;

    orders of the Central Bank;

    accounting provisions.

Also, the department in question uses the “Bank-Client” system in its work.

The Bank-Client system is a program that allows you to carry out transactions with funds on your own bank account using a modem connection or a dedicated Internet line, without leaving the office. Almost all banks provide such programs.

1.2.3 Technical support for the financial department of Vnukovo Airport OJSC

Technical support is a set of technical means (means of collection, transmission, storage, presentation, transportation, use of information, office equipment, communications equipment, etc.) necessary for the operation of the facility. The central place among all technical means is occupied by the personal computer.

The department in question has:

    4 pcs:

Specifications :

- microprocessor intel ( R ) Celeron ( R ) CPU 1,8 GHz ;

- motherboard ;

- memory - RAM - 256 MB, disk - ;

- information input device – keyboard Logitechand mouse Genius ;

- video system – type of video card, monitor parameters: SIS650, BenQ TFT 15" monitor (LCD, TFT, 1280*1024-75Hz);

- network map – SIS 900 – Based PCI Fast Ethernet Adapter;

    1 facsimileapparatus– Panasonic KX-FL 543;

    1 scanner Hewlett Packard 5500;

    1 Printer– Hewlett-Packard Laser Jet 1320;

    1 air conditioner- Toshiba;

    4 phone- Siemens Euroset 2910.

1.2.4 Software for the financial department of Vnukovo Airport OJSC

The software includes a set of programs that implement the functions and tasks of information technology and ensure the stable operation of a complex of technical means. The structural elements of the software are system and application software, instructional and methodological materials on the use of the software.

Finance department software includes:

System software:

    operating system Microsoft Windows 2000

    archivers WinZip, WinRar

Application software:

    Consultant Plus

1.2.5 Staffing of the financial department of Vnukovo Airport OJSC

The financial department employs 4 people: the head of the department and 3 managers.

The composition of employees is relatively stable. The structure and staffing levels of the department are approved by the General Director of Vnukovo Airport OJSC, based on the conditions and characteristics of the enterprise’s activities, upon the proposal of the head of the financial department and in agreement with the Deputy General Director - Financial Director of Vnukovo Airport OJSC.

It is worth noting that all new employees undergo mandatory two-week training at the company’s personnel training service and an internship lasting two months. A computer training course is already included in the training program.

1.3 Direction for improving the management process

So, based on the volume of information received about technical, documentation, software, information and personnel support, we can propose the following areas for improving IT. In this case, it is advisable to change the hardware to more modern models: install new hardware (there is no copy machine in the department) and software, introduce an electronic document management system (for example, Directum), install professionally oriented software (for example, the Garant System) and install antivirus program. And also taking into account the fact that the SAP system was introduced quite recently and taking into account the above points, staff should be sent to advanced training courses. This will improve the quality of work of department employees.

2. Design assignment

2.1 Purpose of project development

The goal of the project development is to improve the existing information technology of the financial department of Vnukovo Airport OJSC and to introduce modern hardware and software.

In this case, it is proposed to introduce the Directum electronic document management system, update the hardware and software, and also send department employees to advanced training courses to master the introduced programs.

2.2. Basis for the development of the project

The basis for the development of the project is the shortcomings of the information technology of the design object identified during the analysis from the point of view of existing information technologies.

Disadvantages of the current IT finance department:

    lack of electronic document management;

    lack of necessary software;

    lack of necessary technical support.

2.3 Brief description of the design object

The design object of the course project is the financial department of Vnukovo Airport OJSC, which is its structural division. The number of staff is 4 people.

The main functions of the department in question are: managing the movement of financial resources, regulating financial relations, developing a financial strategy, attracting borrowed funds and credit resources, ensuring the implementation of credit plans, working with securities, maintaining operational records of financial, settlement and credit transactions; compiling and providing management with data on the financial condition of the enterprise, etc.

The department has 4 computers, which in terms of their technical capabilities are somewhat inferior to the requirements of modern software, and therefore need to be upgraded.

Also in the financial department there is the possibility of access to the global Internet, and there is a local area network (LAN).

2.4 List of project activities

The necessary list of project activities that are necessary to solve all the shortcomings identified during the study is presented in the table:

Table 2.1.

Disadvantages of current IT

2.5 Brief economic justification for project activities

The estimated costs for the implementation of project activities will be

Of them:

    for technical equipment: RUB 55,700

    for software: RUB 23,800

    for advanced training courses: 6,000 rubles per person

We will also remember the funds received from the sale of old equipment: 5,000 rubles.

The main source of cost recovery is the increase in enterprise profits from more efficient functioning of the financial department.

3. Design part

3.1. Development of a functional model of an object

3.1.1 Formation of a list of functions of the designed object with decomposition by operations and performers

Designing the composition and content of management functions begins with the formation of a list of them in accordance with the normative and methodological documents governing them (department regulations, job descriptions, organization charter, etc.). Each function consists of separate procedures, which in turn are divided into operations.

Table 3.1.

Composition of object functions by operations and performers

Types of functions

3.1.2 Construction of operograms of rationalized business processes of the designed object

An operogram is a matrix that allows you to link documents in terms of the sequence of their formation and determines the degree and form of participation of each functional unit of the organization or individual performer in their formation.

The operogram establishes the sequence of operations according to a given procedure, indicating specific performers, labor intensity and technical means used.

The result of the analysis of management processes using operograms is the development of measures to rationalize management processes using modern technical means.

Table 3.2. Operagram of the process of performing the procedure "Applying for a loan"

List of operations

The operogram of the “Loan Application” procedure revealed that there is no duplication of operations, the routes are quite simple. The process in question has already been sufficiently optimized.

3.1.3 Determination of labor intensity and frequency of certain types of work

Table 3.3

3.2 Development of an information model of an object

3.2.1 Development of the composition of information of the designed object

The purpose of this subsection is to rationalize the information support of the purchasing department of the Nestlé company based on determining the minimum amount of information sufficient to carry out effective management processes.

The working documentation for this subsection is:

    logical information diagram of the object;

    table of repeatability of indicators in documents;

Logical information diagram (LIS) of an object allows you to present a list of all information circulating in the department in question (input, output, normative and reference) with its grouping by the main types of work performed in the designed object.

Table 3.4.

Logical information diagram of the financial department

List of basic procedures

The form of the document often determines the amount of labor spent not only by those workers who create these documents, but also by those who read, analyze, and use them for reference purposes. In this regard, designing the composition of information arrays is the most important task of rationalizing the information support of an object. The main task of the researcher is to determine the minimum amount of information that is sufficient for the management process. This task can be implemented using a table of repeatability of indicators in documents.

This table should reveal :

    duplication of individual details;

    compliance of the information contained in the document with the objectives of the object under study;

    compliance of each document with its intended purpose;

    nature of the document's use at its destination

Table 3.5.

Table of repeatability of indicators in documents

Name of individual details

From the table of repeatability of individual details, it can be seen that in most cases the data is repeated. But the document forms are standard, so changing their content is impractical.

3.2.2 Development of information flow in the designed object

The purpose of this subsection is to rationalize traffic routes and exchange of information in the object under study.

The working documentation for this section is:

    route diagram of document movement;

    information flow diagram.

In each rectangle denoting a document, the operations performed with the document in a given structural unit by a given executor are indicated using symbols.

Table 3.6.

Route diagram of document movement

General Manager

Financial Director

Head of Financial Department

Finance department manager






Legend :

P – receipt of the document

AND – studying the document

WITH – document endorsement

R – imposition of resolution

The document moves according to a rational scheme, so further improvement is inappropriate.

The study of information flows establishes rational connections between sources and receivers of information and the paths of its circulation. Sources of information can be located both directly within the organization and outside it. The information flow diagram establishes rational connections between the source and receiver of information and the ways of its circulation.

Financial department


Legal department


Financial Director

Legal department

Financial Director

Planning and Economic Department


Planning and Economic Department


Figure 3.1. Information flow diagram

The developed project does not cover the activities of the entire organization, and the interaction pattern between employees of the procurement department does not change, therefore, it is not advisable to carry out organizational changes.

3.3 Development of organizational changes in the facility

3.3.1 Design of the management structure

The organizational structure of the financial department is:

Department head




Rice. 3.2. Organizational structure of the financial department

The department in question employs 4 people, each employee has his own specific range of responsibilities. Therefore, there is no need to change anything in the organizational structure after improving the hardware and software, since this structure fully meets all the requirements.

3.3.2 Design of control functions

Here the composition of management functions is developed, their labor intensity is determined, and the functional division of labor is designed. The design results can be presented in various tabular forms (including in the form of a matrix of functional division of labor).

Table 3.7.

Matrix of functional division of labor in the financial department


Legend :

U- claims IN– performs, WITH – collects information.

3.3.3 Staffing design

There is no need to introduce any new requirements, as all new employees undergo mandatory two-week training at the company's personnel training service and a two-month internship. A computer training course is already included in the training program. The only thing is that all department employees should take advanced training courses to master the new software.

3.4 Development of methods for generating, processing and transmitting information in an object

3.4.1 Designing the technical capabilities of the facility and creating a list of additional technical means

Technical support is a set of technical means (means of collection, transmission, storage, presentation, transportation, use of information, office equipment, communications equipment, etc.) necessary for the operation of the facility using new technology. The central place among all technical means is occupied by the personal computer.

The technical support includes:

1) electronic computer technology

2) means of communication (communications)

3) organizational technology.

Based on the analysis done in section 1 of the course project, we can say that the current characteristics of the PCs available in the finance department correspond to the tasks they solve and do not need to be replaced.

Organizational equipment needs to be replaced: the printer should be replaced with a more powerful one and a copy machine should be installed in the department.

Table 3.8.

A set of technical tools offered for the work of the financial department


3.4.2 Design of software for management processes

The Windows 2000 Professional operating system combines the inherent ease of use of Windows 98 on the Internet, at work, and on the go, with the inherent ease of use of Windows NT controllability, reliability and safety. The capabilities of the Windows 2000 Professional operating system allow it to be used as the main operating system. Therefore, we leave the existing operating system unchanged.

You need to install an antivirus program, for example NOD 32.

An anti-virus program designed for full-scale protection of workstations from various intrusions of viruses, hackers and various malicious codes, extended by the ability to update all programs Nod32 from one dedicated machine using the “mirror” module, which allows you to save enterprise traffic.

As for specialized programs, the following software should be installed:


GARANT system includes all regulatory documents that are required in the work of a specialist of any qualification:

    judicial and arbitration practice;

Maria Kamennova, CEO,
Andrey Koptelov, Director of IT Consulting,
"IDS Scheer/Business Logic"

It has been proven many times that business success largely depends on the “correct” use of IT to effectively support the organization’s key business processes. Today, the IT department is becoming a business partner, creating added value, like the main production divisions of the organization, whereas previously it only provided elements of the IT infrastructure for use.

On the other hand, there is no longer the same faith in the omnipotence of IT as there was 10 years ago - there are no such investments. Now it is necessary to clearly justify to the business the directions of IT development, the advantages of the selected IT solutions and the return on investment in them. Business requires information technology to focus on specific results, support business goals and increase operational efficiency. The activities of the entire company depend on the IT used and the quality of their support, and this seriously increases the requirements for the efficiency of the IT department.

Strategic management of the IT department

As a rule, all targets for the IT department should follow from the business strategy as a whole and be reflected in the IT strategy - the fundamental document on strategic management in the IT field, which defines and regulates the main directions of IT development and prioritizes projects. This document should answer the following questions:

  • What goals should the IT department achieve?
  • How to balance business goals and IT goals?
  • How to evaluate the degree of achievement of goals and determine how effectively specialists work?
  • By what parameters do you monitor the activities of the IT department?
  • Which processes are most critical from the point of view of their automation?
  • What IT projects are the highest priority?

At the moment, in most companies, an IT strategy has been formed, but often it is a rather formal document that does not make the IT strategy actually work and does not connect the strategic objectives and operational activities of the IT department. To transform an IT strategy from a formal document into an effective strategic management tool, it is proposed to use the Balanced Scorecard - BSC technology (balanced scorecard system, BSC), which allows you to communicate the strategy to all employees of the IT department and make its implementation a daily task for everyone .

Balanced Scorecard is a strategic management tool aimed at achieving the organization’s goals through the implementation of the organization’s business processes and projects, allowing you to set clear, balanced quantitative measures of goals, and flexibly and quickly make adjustments to the strategy implementation process.

The advantage of implementing BSC/BSC is that the IT department receives a certain coordinate system for organizing actions in accordance with the strategy and the ability to subsequently monitor it using key performance indicators (KPIs).

When building a unified integrated system for strategic management of an IT department, one should take into account the accumulated experience in the field of IT management, creatively applying it to each specific situation. This experience is concentrated in the IT Infrastructure Library (ITIL).

Formation of goals of the IT department

At the first stage of restructuring, it is necessary to develop goals for the IT department in the form of a tree (graph), reflecting the detail of the main goals, breaking them down into subgoals according to the “what does it mean” principle. Achieving all subgoals means unconditionally achieving the goal itself.

If the organization has already developed an IT strategy, it becomes the basis for building a tree of goals for the IT department (Fig. 1). For example, if the main goal is formulated as “Provide a sufficient number of efficient and secure IT services,” then further, when constructing a tree of goals, the subgoals of this goal are identified according to the principle “what does this mean?”:

  • guarantee an optimal level of reliability and availability of IT services;
  • ensure the necessary and sufficient information security regime;
  • ensure the economic feasibility of IT operation;
  • achieve loyalty of the business environment, etc.

The goal tree provides a clear and coherent understanding of the directions and logic of development of the IT department.

Based on our project experience, we estimate the total (taking into account decomposition) number of goals in the goal tree of an IT department in the range from 20 to 50, but this value strongly depends on the number of employees in the department and the functions assigned to it. Developing a tree of goals is an iterative process, within which the formulations are refined and an understanding of the directions of IT development in the organization comes.

For more objective and high-quality strategic planning of IT development in an organization, it is necessary to take into account the goals of the entire organization when forming the goals of IT departments. This approach involves “balancing” IT goals and business goals.

After the tree of goals has been developed and approved, it is necessary to identify and assign those responsible for achieving each goal. Without this procedure, the goal tree will remain a set of slogans that will be difficult to implement.

CIO Strategy Map

Once those responsible for each goal have been identified, you can proceed to the development of strategic maps. Strategic maps are a way of representing a set of goals and the cause-and-effect relationships between them.

On a strategic map, goals are distributed across four perspectives (Fig. 2) - points of view of the organization that are important for assessing business performance.

The Finance perspective shows the business expectations from the IT department (how the activities of the IT department will affect the financial condition of the entire organization).

The Customers perspective reflects the expectations of the IT department's customers (how the IT department's activities should appear to its customers).

The “Processes” perspective forms the requirements for the internal processes of the IT department and the processes of interaction with other departments; it determines the strategic importance of processes.

The Learning and Development perspective shows how it is necessary to develop people and support the IT department's ability to improve in order to implement the IT strategy.

Rice. 3. CIO strategic map.

The presented set of perspectives is generally accepted, but in some cases it is possible to introduce an additional perspective - “Technology”, which reflects the requirements for information technology.

For small IT departments with up to 50 employees, it is enough to create a strategy map just for the head of the department. If the department has more than 50 employees, then, in addition to the manager’s card, it is recommended to develop cards for its leading specialists.

However, you need to understand that a strategic map is a tool for top-level managers and there is no need to build strategic maps for all employees of the IT department. Ordinary employees should be focused on achieving the planned values ​​of key performance indicators in their processes and projects, which are “derived” from the key indicators associated with strategic goals.

Relationship between goals and key performance indicators

Defining targets and distributing responsibility for achieving goals is not enough to build a workable system of strategic management of an IT department, therefore it is necessary to develop a mechanism for monitoring the achievement of goals and clearly understand what indicators evaluate the level of achievement of each goal.

As a rule, the IT department has a set of its own quantifiable parameters - key performance indicators; In addition, a large number of key performance indicators are defined in ITIL. Examples of key performance indicators for an IT department include the following:

  • percentage of incidents resolved at the first level of technical support;
  • average time to restore a service after an incident;
  • number of calls per Service Desk operator;
  • number of successful changes, etc.

However, with all the abundance of KPIs that can be used to measure goals, it is necessary to choose a limited number (two or three), namely those that most fully reflect the achievement of a given goal (Fig. 4). Too many KPIs will lead to unjustified complexity of the control system and increased labor costs for calculating KPIs without a noticeable improvement in the quality of the strategic management system.

In addition to the CPR, it is necessary to highlight those areas of activity of the IT department on which the achievement of goals depends. For each KPI, it is necessary to determine current and target values, as well as sources of information collection and calculation procedures. Then we can talk about building a full-fledged mechanism for monitoring the achievement of goals through the assessment of the relevant KPIs.

For example, achievement of the goal “Ensure an optimal level of reliability and availability of IT services” (Fig. 5) can be monitored using the following KPIs, the source of which is the information system:

  • percentage of time during which the service was unavailable;
  • average time to resolve a problem;
  • frequency of occurrence of similar incidents.

Achieving this goal depends on the completion of the Availability Plan project and the effectiveness of the following processes: Incident Management and Problem Management.

The next stage in building a strategic management system in the IT department is adjusting the motivation system, i.e., identifying motivation mechanisms for IT department managers that will be related to the achievement of specific goals and KPIs. With an effective motivation system, the activities of the IT department will be aimed at achieving the goals defined by the IT strategy, which will link strategic objectives and operational activities.

As a result of implementing a strategic management system using BSC, the IT department receives the following benefits:

  • a clear understanding of your goals;
  • distribution of responsibility for achieving each specific goal;
  • determining the KPI to assess the degree of achievement of each goal;
  • prioritizing projects and activities aimed at achieving goals;
  • reasonable budget allocation for IT projects;
  • obtaining a list of processes and projects ranked by criticality;
  • identifying mechanisms for motivating IT department managers to more effectively achieve goals.

Improving business processes of the IT department

As you know, the activities of any organization are implemented through business processes and individual projects (programs). A business process is a connected set of repeatable actions (functions) that transform input material and information into a final product (result) in accordance with pre-established rules. A project (program) is a set of works aimed at achieving certain results. The IT department in this case is no exception, and if the area of ​​IT project management is already quite well known and described, then effective process management is of great interest.

Today, an increasing number of Russian managers support the idea of ​​process management and understand the need for its integration into traditional functional structures. Of course, this is facilitated by both the desire to increase the efficiency of operations (for example, reduce the time to resolve incidents), and the need to respond to user requirements, as well as the desire to improve key performance indicators of their activities.

The relevance of the issue led to the fact that many organizations realized the need to describe and optimize business processes and began to use this approach to build internal “production” relations in the company, which ensured a clear structuring of procedures in a format convenient for creating a regulatory framework and optimization. The IT department in this case is no exception, therefore, in order to increase the efficiency of its activities, it is necessary to optimize internal processes, and sometimes carry out their restructuring and even reengineering.

The description of the IT department's processes occurs "from top to bottom": first, the top-level processes are determined, i.e., the department's activities are described in "large strokes", and then they are detailed down to the level of jobs. An example of top-level IT department processes is shown in Fig. 6. To highlight the top-level processes of the IT department, so-called reference models can be used, namely ITSM HP Reference Model (Hewlett-Packard), Microsoft Operations Framework (Microsoft), IT Process Model (IBM), ARIS ITIL Reference Model (IDS Scheer ).

Based on the experience of projects, the following processes of the IT department can be distinguished:

  • IT strategy management;
  • planning and budgeting;
  • controlling;
  • provision of services;
  • service support;
  • project management (design and implementation);
  • ensuring information security;
  • infrastructure management;
  • personnel Management.

When identifying processes, it is necessary to verify goals and processes to ensure their consistency. Each goal requires processes to achieve it, and each process must be aimed at achieving specific goals in the goal tree.

At further stages, it is necessary to identify the most significant and key processes for improvement, which can be done using the BSC methodology.

The experience of our projects related to the analysis and improvement of the activities of IT departments shows that the largest number of problems are concentrated in the following processes:

  • business forecast and service planning;
  • IT strategy management;
  • provision of services (service level management; financial management);
  • service support (user interaction; incident management; problem management).

Improving these processes first of all gives a qualitative leap in the efficiency of the IT department, which allows you to receive management support for further improvement.

It is not enough to just highlight processes, that is, to define control objects in a process management system; It is necessary to assign responsibility for each process - “process owners”. A process owner is a person (business role) who has full responsibility for a process and has authority over that process. It does not concern the functions performed within the process by individual departments; what is important to it is the successful implementation of the entire process, especially its productivity, efficiency and adaptability. The process owner is responsible for all process parameters and must actively participate in its improvement.

As part of the improvement, the following parameters are determined for each of the processes under consideration:

  • the purpose of the process;
  • process owner;
  • key process performance indicators;
  • consumers of process results;
  • process suppliers;
  • time and resource limitations;
  • process options;
  • process logic.

Process development must involve the active participation of its owner. As a rule, the description of the process is created in graphical form, which ensures the clarity and formalization of all components (Fig. 7). A detailed process can be considered developed if all the conditions for its implementation, participants (business roles), functions, documents, information systems, etc. are defined. With a detailed description of processes, it is possible to analyze and optimize their cost using the Activity-based method costing (ABC) at the improvement stage.

Process improvement requires the necessary support of management and the active participation of the improvement team, which usually includes process management experts from the IT department. Particular attention should be paid to training participants in the processes being created, which will simplify the procedure for introducing the changed processes into regular activities.

After improving the processes, it is necessary to make adjustments, sometimes very significant, to the organizational structure of the IT department, using the principle of linking certain business roles to positions, which often entails a change in the “Regulations on the IT department.” An approximate organizational structure and list of roles are shown in Fig. 8.

At the same time, in addition to improving processes, it is necessary to regulate the relationship between business and IT, which is achieved by developing a Service Level Agreement (SLA), which regulates the services provided in the field of IT and formalizes the requirements for processes at the stage of their creation .

To implement the developed processes, it is necessary to “force” the department to work according to these processes, which can be done in two ways: develop and approve regulations for processes and job descriptions, or automate the processes, while incorporating the regulations (essentially, the logic of execution) into the workflow class information system.

The most effective is the use of tools with which you can automate the receipt of regulations based on a graphical description (Fig. 9), which reduces the costs of regulation and allows you to effectively manage changes. Initially, all information is entered into graphical models, after which the entire regulatory environment of the process (regulations, job descriptions, regulations on departments, etc.) is generated automatically, which ensures the relevance and interconnection of the regulations.

When automatically generating regulations, the instrumental environment analyzes the connections between models of processes, organizational structure, documents, and information systems, which makes it possible, in addition to regulations, to obtain requirements for process automation and draft technical specifications for the implementation of information systems.

Both methods are acceptable for the IT department. It is known that investment in a process is always more profitable than investment in an information system, so it is necessary to perceive IT solutions as a means of automating established processes, and not a ready-made solution, the deployment of which will solve all problems.

The term workflow refers to the management of the flow of work and, through it, the business process. According to the glossary of the international organization Workflow Management Coalition (WfMC), workflow is the automation, full or partial, of a business process in which documents, information or tasks are transferred to perform the necessary actions from one participant to another in accordance with a set of procedural rules. Automation presupposes the presence of a set of rules that are much more difficult to break (intentionally or accidentally) than regulations or job descriptions.

Some processes only need to be regulated, since they are rarely performed and their automation will not lead to the expected effect. In our experience, the greatest effect comes from automating the following processes: incident, problem and change management. The remaining processes can be regulated at the first stages, and the decision to automate them can be made later.

One of the benefits that process automation should provide is the collection and analysis of key performance indicators of the IT department, which allows you to fill the BSC system with real data, allowing you to evaluate the achievement of strategic goals, with minimal effort.

Instead of a conclusion

Summarizing the above and taking into account our own experience, it can be noted that improving the activities of the IT department using ITIL, BSC and a process-oriented approach to management allows us to solve strategic issues of IT development and increase the efficiency of the company’s regular activities. This has an impact on the development of the business as a whole and ensures a quick return on investment in information technology.


Course work


1.1 Concept of project

1.2 Type and stages of the project

1.3 Project management


List of sources and literature used


Relevance of the topic. Improving the use of information technology in an enterprise is the main task of the existence of modern organizations, because information for the purpose of effective functioning and development of the enterprise, has information that accelerates the process of making management decisions. The development of information technology leads to improved management decision-making processes. Improving the use of information technology is of great importance for achieving specific goals in any industry.

In the most developed countries, transitioning from an industrial to an information society, the rapid development of information technology is manifested in the strengthening of information support in economics and management.

Among the many factors that can reduce risks and increase the efficiency of an organization, the information factor stands out especially. It is no coincidence that it is singled out as a new factor of production along with the factors of labor, land and capital. In the 21st century, “information,” along with “time,” becomes a fundamental characteristic of the description of any phenomenon in the actually observed world. Knowledge, data, expert assessments - all these are close concepts that reflect different aspects of information. Management in modern conditions is also closely related to information.

Thus, the relevance of this topic is due to the fact that:

- modernization of information technology in the Ural Customs Department is required in order to quickly and efficiently make informed management decisions;

- maintaining constant and reliable information and technical interaction between the customs authorities of both the Ural region and the regional customs departments of the Federal Customs Service of Russia.

Object of study. The object of the study is the implementation of a video conferencing system and improving the use of information technologies of the Ural Customs Administration of the Federal Customs Service of Russia.

Subject of study. The subject of the study is

Goal of the work. Management of the creation and implementation of a video conferencing system for the Ural Customs Administration of the Federal Customs Service of Russia;

To achieve this goal, it was necessary to solve the following tasks:

1. Study the concept of “project”, types and stages of projects, project management;

2. Give a description and structure of the Ural Customs Administration and the videoconferencing system;

3. Formulate problematic issues when implementing and operating a video conferencing system;

4. Develop solutions to problematic issues that arose during the implementation and management of the implementation project.

The projected “Videoconferencing System of the Ural Customs Administration of the Federal Customs Service of Russia” is designed to ensure two-way and multiway video and audio communication sessions between the customs authorities of the Ural Federal District.

3. “Videoconferencing system of the Ural Customs Administration of the Federal Customs Service of Russia” must be able to integrate, i.e. connection to the “Videoconferencing System of the Federal Customs Service of Russia”.

improving the use of information technology at the enterprise in the organization in the Ural Customs Department of the Federal Customs Service of Russia.

Objectives of the course work.

- creation and implementation of the “Videoconferencing System of the Ural Customs Administration of the Federal Customs Service of Russia” - reduction of the range of installed technical means of the videoconferencing system;

- development of information technologies through video conferencing systems;

- ensuring the required level of training for customs officers and specialists operating complex videoconferencing systems.

Item -

Sources and literature

The problem chosen for research is

The video conferencing system is one of the important sources of information technology for transmitting information, visual and auditory perception of information over long distances. In this regard, the use of video conferencing systems in management and in all other areas of human activity brings enormous benefits. Video conferencing systems dramatically reduce the time and financial costs of any institution, organization, company for meetings, meetings, seminars, employee business trips and consultations.

Video conferencing allows you to achieve a new level of interaction between people separated by long distances, while it becomes possible to monitor the gestures and facial expressions of the interlocutor, his attitude to the issue under consideration, so the perception of information and positive results in resolving any issues are almost completely achieved.

Video conferencing is a huge technological opportunity that allows people to communicate with each other, hear and see each other at the same time, while exchanging information and jointly processing this data interactively, using the capabilities of a workstation, bringing communication at a distance as close as possible to real live communication. Video conferencing can be two-way or multi-way communication for the transmission of sound and video and can be carried out between two or more studios, either within a country or between different countries.

Due to the need to process an ever-increasing amount of information, both local, located on one computer, and network and internetwork, the role of hardware and software has increased. Distance learning and management, virtual learning tools, remote access and management, as well as video conferencing tools are experiencing a period of rapid development and are designed to facilitate and increase the efficiency of interaction of both a person with a computer and data, and groups of people with networked computers.

Video conferencing interaction is also called a video conferencing session.

Providing a video conferencing system with enormous opportunities for real-time communication for the interactive exchange of information and providing a significant advantage over traditional solutions is currently considered as a partial solution to the problem of automating the organization's activities. And such a problem in the activities of any organization or enterprise is usually resolved quickly and efficiently with the help of video conferencing.

In addition, the video conferencing system is used wherever there is a need for rapid analysis of the situation and decision-making, where there is a need for specialist consultation or joint work in remote access mode on projects and decisions, etc.

In order to ensure the efficient operation of the country’s customs authorities, incl. customs authorities of the Ural District, a videoconferencing system has been developed and operates at the level of modern technical data in the Ural Customs Administration.

The relevance of the project management topic “Implementation of a video conferencing system for the Ural Customs Administration of the Federal Customs Service of Russia” lies in the fact that the topic is a solution to the problem of automating the organization’s activities and in the customs service in general for the implementation of automated organization management systems. This system makes it possible to ensure the flow of information from outside, to maintain constant and reliable information interaction between all parts of the Ural Customs Administration with all external regional customs departments of the Federal Customs Service of Russia.

The purpose of this project is to ensure the successful management of work on the development and improvement of the video conferencing system in the system of customs authorities of the Ural District, modernization and determination of directions for the development of the video conferencing system for the future, management of the provision of two-way and multilateral audio and video communication sessions between the customs authorities of the Ural Federal District and connection to the videoconferencing system of the Federal Customs Service of Russia.

The objectives of this project are: equipping the customs services of the Ural Customs Administration with complex video conferencing systems that are rational in composition and main characteristics, reducing the range of installed technical means of the video conferencing system, developing a system for maintenance and repair of technical means that are part of the integrated video conferencing system, ensuring the necessary level of training for employees customs service and specialists who operate complex videoconferencing systems.

The object of study of the project “Implementation of a videoconferencing system of the Ural Customs Administration of the Federal Customs Service” is the management of a videoconferencing system and the implementation of a conference system, as well as a complex of production premises of the Ural Customs Administration of the Federal Customs Service of Russia and customs offices of the Ural region, which are to be equipped with subscriber terminals.

The subject of the project research is approaches and methods of project management.

The essence of the project management research methodology is that responsibility for the implementation and achievement of project results rests with the Contractor - the Closed Joint Stock Company “Corus AKS”.

The structural structure of the project consists of 3 chapters, with each chapter devoted to a specific issue that reveals the topic of the project. This structure is the most complete and clear for the disclosure of this topic.

Sources and literature were used to write the project. Theoretical issues of project management are reflected in the scientific works of scientists I.I. Mazura, N.G. Olderogge, W.D. Shapiro, A.V. Lysakov, D.A. Novikov.

The works of these authors are of great theoretical and practical importance. The accumulated experience on this topic serves as the basis for analyzing the formation and management of effective design solutions for planning and managing a video conferencing system.

Chapter 1. Theoretical essence of the project

information technology project videoconferencing

1.1 The concept of “project”

The project “Implementation of the videoconferencing system of the UTU FCS of Russia” is a set of actions aimed at achieving a positive result in the implementation of the videoconferencing system in the Ural Customs Administration of the Federal Customs Service of Russia for the purpose of its further operation for conducting sessions of two-way and multiway video and audio communications (videoconferencing ) between the customs authorities of the Federal Customs Service of Russia and the customs authorities of the Ural Customs Administration of the Federal Customs Service of Russia.

Control over the project is carried out by the head of the information and technical service of the Administration of the Federal Customs Service of Russia, Colonel of the Customs Service V.N. Marchenko. upon approval of the complex of all actions by the head of the Ural Customs Department of the Federal Customs Service of Russia, Lieutenant General of the Customs Service Gennady Nikolaevich Drozdetsky.

The customer of the project is the Federal Customs Service of Russia.

The general contractor for the project is Closed Joint Stock Company "Corus AKS".

The videoconferencing system UTU FCS of Russia is being created as a fragment of the videoconferencing system of the Federal Customs Service of Russia.

The idea of ​​​​creating the project is associated with the conclusion of agreement No. 751-0108 dated December 1, 2005. between the parties.

The beginning of a project is associated with the beginning of investing money in its implementation and with the beginning of the project. The beginning of project stages is also associated with payment for work on the present stage and full payment for work on the previous stage of the project.

The end of the project is the commissioning of facilities and the beginning of their operation.

The life cycle of the project “Implementation of a video conferencing system of the Ural Customs Administration is determined by the time frame:

Office of the Federal Customs Service of Russia (Ekaterinburg, Sheinkmana str., 31, 2nd floor),

Office of the Federal Customs Service of Russia (Ekaterinburg, Sheinkmana str., 31, 6th floor),

Ekaterinburg Customs (Ekaterinburg, Gogol St., 27),

Koltsovskaya customs (Ekaterinburg, Vecherniy lane, 4, Koltsovo airport),

Nizhny Tagil customs (Nizhny Tagil, Pobedy St., 43-a),

Magnitogorsk customs (Magnitogorsk, Chelyabinsk region, Sovetskaya str., 106),

Kurgan Customs (Kurgan, Burova-Petrova St., 113),

Tyumen Customs (Tyumen, Kholodilnaya St., 58-a),

Chelyabinsk customs (Chelyabinsk, Pobedy Avenue, 368-v),

Khanty-Mansiysk customs (Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug, Ugra,

Nizhnevartovsk, st. Khanty-Mansiyskaya, 25-b),

Yamalo-Nenets Customs (Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, Tyumen Region, Salekhard, Z. Kosmodemyanskaya St., 49).

The object of application of the videoconferencing system is a complex of production premises of the Federal Customs Service of Russia and customs offices of the Ural region, which must be equipped with subscriber terminals.

1.2 Type and stages of the project

The type of project “Implementation of a video conferencing system of the Ural Customs Administration of the Federal Customs Service of Russia” is a megaproject (targeted state regional program) related to the main project and is part of the SVKS project of the Federal Customs Service of Russia, because they are united by a common goal, allocated resources, time allotted for their implementation, and are formed, supported and coordinated at the top levels of management.

The project has distinctive features, such as high cost, capital intensity (its need for financial resources), labor intensity, duration of project implementation and management, and remoteness of areas.

The project “Implementation of a video conferencing system for the Ural Customs Administration of the Federal Customs Service of Russia” consists of 3 stages and each of them is divided into phases reflected in Table 1.

Table 1.

Project stages

Equipment supply:

Delivery to customs

Equipment setup:

Equipment startup:

Ekaterinburg customs

Ural operational customs

Koltsovskaya customs

Kurgan customs

Magnitogorsk customs

Nizhny Tagil customs

Tyumen customs

Khanty-Mansiysk customs

Chelyabinsk customs

Yamalo-Nenets customs

Acceptance tests:

Ural Customs Administration

Ekaterinburg customs

Ural operational customs

Koltsovskaya customs

Kurgan customs

Magnitogorsk customs

Nizhny Tagil customs

Tyumen customs

Khanty-Mansiysk customs

Chelyabinsk customs

Yamalo-Nenets customs

Equipment supply:

Delivery to customs

Equipment setup:

SKS works:

Ural Customs Administration

Ekaterinburg customs

Ural operational customs

Koltsovskaya customs

Nizhny Tagil customs

Tyumen customs

Khanty-Mansiysk customs

Chelyabinsk customs

Yamalo-Nenets customs

Equipment startup:

Ural Customs Administration

Ekaterinburg customs

Kurgan customs

Magnitogorsk customs

Tyumen customs

Khanty-Mansiysk customs

Chelyabinsk customs

Yamalo-Nenets customs

Acceptance tests:

Ural Customs Administration

Ekaterinburg customs

Kurgan customs

Magnitogorsk customs

Tyumen customs

Khanty-Mansiysk customs

Chelyabinsk customs

Yamalo-Nenets customs

Equipment supply:

Delivery to customs

Equipment setup:

SKS works:

Ural Customs Administration

Ekaterinburg customs

Ural operational customs

Koltsovskaya customs

Nizhny Tagil customs

Equipment startup:

Ural Customs Administration

Ekaterinburg customs

Ural operational customs

Koltsovskaya customs

Nizhny Tagil customs

Acceptance tests:

Ural Customs Administration

Ekaterinburg customs

Ural operational customs

Koltsovskaya customs

Nizhny Tagil customs

1.3 Project management

Project management is carried out in stages:

Stage 1. Project preparation, procurement and supply of equipment.

This is the stage of preparation of the project “Implementation of the videoconferencing system of the UTU FCS of Russia” and the stage of procurement and supply of equipment. Consists of a number of activities, the purpose of which is to create the conditions necessary for the implementation of the project:

Formation of project teams;

Creation of a project management structure;

Organization of a project office;

Formation of requirements for technical equipment;

Development and approval of regulations for conducting design work;

Estimation of project timing and cost;

Determination and coordination of the organizational and functional framework of the project;

Development of a general project plan;

Supply of equipment;

Equipment setup.

At this stage, the purchase of appropriate equipment and delivery of equipment is planned.

At this phase, an analysis of the main current processes is carried out, their features are developed and a detailed plan for the next phase is developed. At this phase, a detailed examination of the infrastructure support at the sites where the SCVS system is being implemented is also carried out.

The results of the stage phase are formalized in the form of working materials, which are the basis for the development of design solutions, with a description of the processes, containing: a general description of the process, a description of the functions of the process, a list of organizational units participating in the implementation of each process.

The main task of the phase is to create a conceptual model - a description of the implementation of processes in the SVCS system. Process changes are documented by design decisions.

Main results of the phase:

Register of design solutions subject to change to bring into compliance with the SKVS standard;

Register of developments in the SVKS environment;

Design solutions.

Stage 2. Structured cabling system work.

The objectives of stage 2 are the creation and installation of a structured cabling system that meets the approved design solutions. The end of the stage is to check the functionality of the network for data transmission and communication.

Stage 3. Preparation for commissioning of the SVCS.

The purpose of this phase is to prepare and test the active equipment to be launched before operation. As part of this stage, a plan is developed for the transition of the system to the test process before operation, initial data and reference books are loaded, and additional data is entered. In addition, end users are trained in the appropriate skills to work with the new system. The end of the stage is the drawing up of an acceptance certificate for commercial operation of the SVCS, the minutes of the technical meeting on the completion of the SVCS project and an action plan to eliminate comments based on the results of acceptance tests. In accordance with the operation design, tests of the Control SVCS were carried out. Test location: Department conference room (2nd and 6th floors) at the address: Ekaterinburg, st. Sheinkmana, 31. The results of the tests are presented in Table 2.

table 2

Results of tests of SVKS in the Department

Work program

Test methods

Test result

Checking the point-to-point connection between group terminals of the 2nd and 6th floors of the Office building

From the terminal on the 2nd (6th) floor a call is sent to the number of the terminal on the 6th (2nd) floor. The local and remote camera control mode is used.

Displaying pictures and broadcasting sound from the called terminal. Rotates and zooms in/out images from local and remote cameras according to operator commands.

Checking the point-to-point connection between personal terminals in the UTU building

A call is sent from one personal terminal to the number of another personal terminal.

Displaying pictures and broadcasting sound from a remote terminal.

Checking multipoint conference, changing screen layouts

The operator, through the MSU web interface, collects a video conference at 10 points: regional group and personal terminals, a terminal on the 2nd (6) floor.

Displaying a combined picture on the terminals of participants, transmitting sound from active participants, promptly changing the layout on the screens, in accordance with the actions of the operator and the activity of the participants.

Testing a multipoint conference with the maximum number of participants

The operator, through the MSU web interface, collects a video conference at 18 points: regional group and personal terminals, a terminal on the 2nd and 6th floors, personal terminals in the Administration building.

Displaying a combined picture of 16 terminals on the participants’ terminals, changing the layout in accordance with the operator’s actions.

Testing concurrent multipoint conferences

The operator, through the MSU web interface, collects two video conferences at 4 points each: in the first conference, regional group and group terminal 2 (6) floors, in the second regional group and personal terminal in the UTU building.

Display of images on participants’ terminals and transmission of sound of the corresponding conference, mutual independence of two video conferences.

Checking the broadcast mode of presentation materials

The operator, through the MSU web interface, collects a video conference at 4 points, regional group and group terminals in the Administration building.

Displaying images from a document camera on participant terminals, changing screen layouts in accordance with the operator’s actions.

Checking the mode of online connection of audio participants to the current video conference

The operator, through the video conferencing server interface, collects a video conference at 4 points: regional group or personal terminals, a terminal on the 2nd (6) floor. Then the operator calls the IP phone and includes it in the conference.

Displaying a combined picture on the terminals of participants, transmitting sound from active participants, including from a participant with an IP phone, transmitting conference audio to an IP phone.

Chapter 2. Project characteristics

2.1 Characteristics and structure of the Ural Customs Administration

In order to increase the efficiency of state customs control, its role in managing the national economy and combating offenses in the field of foreign economic activity in the Ural region of Russia, improving customs management, strengthening the material and technical base of the customs system, developing its social sphere by order of the State Customs Committee of Russia No. 116 of April 1, 1993, the Ural Customs Directorate of the Federal Customs Service of Russia (hereinafter referred to as the Directorate) was formed, which is currently a powerful, modern, well-functioning structure and is a Regional Customs Directorate, uniting 10 customs offices and part of the Federal Customs Service of Russia ( hereinafter referred to as the Federal Customs Service of Russia).

Table 3

Structure of the Regulations of the Federal Customs Service of Russia

The department includes 10 customs offices indicated in Table 1, which includes 59 customs posts and 21 checkpoints across the state border. It carries out customs clearance and control at 6 airports with international status, 7 Arctic ports and on the borders with neighboring Republics, the length of which is more than 1.5 thousand kilometers.

The department consists of 17 departments and services: customs control organization service, federal customs revenue service, customs inspection service, information technology service, organizational and inspection service, personnel service, legal service, logistics service, financial and accounting service, internal security service, law enforcement service, documentation support department, state secret protection and special documentary communications department, control and audit department, mobilization department, public relations department, forensic service.

Based on the principles of unity of customs policy, customs territory and customs legislation, the Department in its activities is guided by the legislative acts of Russia, regulatory documents of the State Customs Committee of Russia and the regulations on the Department.

Main tasks of the Department:

Ensuring compliance with customs legislation and Russian legislation,

Improving the organization of customs control,

Organization of effective and uniform application of the customs tariff mechanism in order to protect the foreign economic interests of Russia,

Organization and implementation of the fight against smuggling and other crimes, the investigation of which falls within the competence of customs authorities, coordination of customs activities, interaction with law enforcement agencies of the region in this area of ​​activity,

Organization and maintenance of regional customs statistics,

Organization of financing and control over the rational use of material and monetary resources for the maintenance and development of customs authorities.

The priority areas are the introduction of advanced customs clearance technologies, i.e. electronic declaration.

Thanks to the activities of the Department, a modern multifunctional customs service is an integral part of the economic life of the region, contributing to the establishment and development of trade and economic relations, business, industrial and scientific circles of the Ural Federal District with their foreign partners.

The geographical position of the Ural region is advantageous primarily because the region is located at the intersection of railway, road and air routes from Siberia to Central Russia, the Far East and Southeast Asia to Europe, as well as from the oil and gas-rich North to the South, which means that its geopolitical position in the implementation of economic and foreign trade relations, the movement of cargo flows and the development of transport and logistics services will increase.

Further improvement of information technology, work based on risk management, widespread use of electronic telecommunications - all this allows Ural customs officers to work at the level of international standards required of the customs services of developed countries. The activities of the customs service are factors of economic, social and political stability. Customs authorities provide the state with the real money that is so necessary today for the implementation of state social programs, payment of pensions, benefits, and salaries to public sector employees. It is the Russian customs authorities that provide more than 50% of the state budget revenues. The management team also makes its worthy contribution to the activities of the all-Russian customs system.

2.2 Prerequisites for implementing a video conferencing system

Design work was carried out to create a video conferencing system (hereinafter referred to as SVCS) for the Department. SVCS is designed to provide two-way and multi-way video and audio communication sessions between the customs authorities of the Federal Customs Service of Russia and was created as a fragment of the SVCS of the Federal Customs Service of Russia.

The technical solutions of this project comply with the requirements of environmental, sanitary-hygienic, fire-fighting and other standards in force in the Russian Federation, and ensure safety for the life of customs officers, operation of the system in compliance with the prescribed measures and regulated operating rules.

The object of application of the SVCS is the production premises of the Administration and Customs of the Ural District. In order to implement and manage the project, a concept for building a video conferencing system for the Ural District “Cisco” has been developed and involves identifying four main classes of ordered and used equipment and software, these include the following devices.

Subscriber terminals are devices and software (hereinafter referred to as software) that provides end users with access to network services. The project provides for the use of various types of subscriber equipment: H.323 terminals, SCCP terminals, as well as IP telephones and analog telephones in “audio only” mode.

Intelligent network infrastructure - devices and software that provide a unified policy for connecting subscriber devices to the network and guaranteeing the quality provided by the service. As part of the adjustment of the departmental integrated telecommunications network (hereinafter referred to as VITS) of the Directorate, a regional-scale network was created. VITS equipment ensures processing and transmission of data streams in accordance with the required quality of service parameters. Duplication of functions of backbone devices and the presence of backup traffic transmission routes between nodes ensure a high degree of reliability of the core network and uninterrupted provision of overlay services.

Connection management system - devices and software that ensures the organization of interaction between SVKS subscriber devices. As part of the adjustment of the VITS Directorate, a multimedia services management core was created. At the initial stage of operation of a multiservice network, CallManager is used to integrate voice services, such as in IP telephony.

Service level - devices and software directly responsible for providing services. The project provides for the installation of Cisco devices that perform the functions of organizing multipoint video conferences and the Radvision video conference scheduling server. This approach allows us to consider the SVCS as part of the Department’s IP videotelephony.

Requirements for the organization of work under operating conditions of a videoconferencing system.

To ensure operation of the SVCS, the following must be available:

Operation services, including technical personnel, technical software tools for monitoring or managing equipment, as well as means for ensuring operation;

Spare equipment, accessories and tools to provide maintenance and repair of equipment.

Planning of technical operation is carried out by service officials in accordance with their functional responsibilities.

The basic principles of organization and operation are:

Rational distribution of responsibilities between services and divisions of the organization;

Continuous monitoring of equipment operation;

Organization of processes for collecting, recording, processing and summarizing information about the condition of SVKS equipment, the quality of its functioning.

Unification of basic services:

A telephone connected to a private telephony network can be used to participate in conferences in audio-only mode;

The video terminal can be used as a regular telephone for calls over a private network;

Within the IP videotelephony network, the connection organization scheme is maintained by dialing a telephone number, regardless of the type of connections being established;

Subscriber video terminals for individual use (IP video phones) can simultaneously perform the functions of a video terminal, departmental telephone, landline telephone and intercom device;

Existing telephone network services can be transformed into SVCS services, for example, conference calls can be converted into video sessions;

At the same time, analogue telephones at users' workplaces are replaced by video telephones while preserving the numbers used.

Description of the structure of building a video conferencing system, which repeats the organizational structure of divisions and the structure of the VITS Directorate. Within the framework of SVCS, subscriber terminals located on one node form a logical group - a zone. Each zone has its own identifier - a prefix (***499) used when routing calls between devices. The SVCS access level device serves subscriber terminals - they ensure their logical connection to the SVCS, delivery of calls between terminals within the same zone and interaction with equipment during a call.

SVKS Control equipment performs routing of signaling messages coming from access equipment. The equipment has information about all zones existing in the SVCS, but not in all subscriber terminals. Call routing is carried out by the equipment based on prefixes transmitted by the access level equipment in signaling messages; it is also responsible for the integration of the SVCS Management into the general SVCS system of the Federal Customs Service of Russia.

In order to make the most efficient use of resources, taking into account functional features, the Department's video conferencing system includes two interconnected subsystems.

H.323 subsystem - optimized for large-scale video conferencing. To organize interaction between subscriber terminals within this subsystem, the H.323 protocol is used, which guarantees the ability of SVCS Management subscribers to interact with subscribers of external systems.

This subsystem includes the following devices:

Specialized video terminals for group use;

Gatekeepers of H.323 zones (gatekeepers of the access level);

H.323 - core level gatekeepers;

Multipoint video conferencing servers;

Servers for collective work with data;

SCCP subsystem is optimized for local video conferencing in order to organize interaction between subscriber terminals of internal systems.

The SCCP subsystem equipment includes the following devices:

Video terminals for personal use (IP video phones);

Legacy analogue telephony systems and voice gateways;

Legacy servers;

Multipoint video conferencing servers;

Integration of subsystems into a single system is ensured through the use of the H.323 protocol and interaction between terminal equipment belonging to different subsystems.

Within the framework of SVKS, a video conference management system is used. The composition of the system is optimized taking into account the allocation of two functional subsystems of the videoconferencing system and consists of two components - a video conference planning system and a user terminal management system.

The Radvision-based scheduling system provides a convenient graphical interface for scheduling and monitoring video conferences. Control is carried out via a web interface, so there is no need to install any additional software at the operator’s location. At the same time, the operator at any time has complete information about conferences taking place in controlled systems. At any time, you can connect or remove a terminal from the conference, change the arrangement of participants’ pictures on the screens, and also enable or disable the sound of participants. The server's Web interface also allows you to monitor the use of server resources and manage the format of media streams. Radvision is a conference and resource scheduling system with very broad functionality. In particular, the scheduling system estimates the amount of resources required for conferences and makes reservations for MCU resources. In addition, Radvision allows you to create recurring and complex video conference schedules with automatic notification of participants about the date, time, topic and composition of participants. The most important service function of the scheduling system is to gather conference participants at the start of the conference. This function is implemented by automatically calling the terminals participating in the conference directly from the MCU server. Another important feature of the system is the ability to automatically check the availability of the called terminal in advance, which guarantees the functionality of the terminal by the time the conference starts. Using Radvisioni allows you to fully automate the process of organizing a video conference and reduce the participation of the system administrator to monitoring and prompt response to emergency situations.

The ease of implementation of the listed functions allows you to use the video conference system more often and more efficiently compared to conventional H.323 solutions that do not have such wide functionality.

The subscriber terminal management system consists of two subsystems corresponding to the functional subsystems of the SVKS Management, where personal video terminals belonging to the SCCP subsystem are controlled via a web interface. This approach inherits all the mechanisms and capabilities associated with managing voice IP phones, such as software updates, monitoring the presence of a subscriber on the network, assignment, number change, etc. Therefore, since personal video terminals are optimized for participation in on-demand conferences, managing terminals using CallManager allows for the most precise configuration to suit the specifics of on-demand conferences.

Network Manager is used to manage group subscriber terminals belonging to the H.323 subsystem. Network Manager allows you to automatically monitor the status of subscriber terminals, log and diagnose errors that occur during video conferencing. Group video terminals are optimized for use in scheduled conferences that involve the use of a video conference scheduling system. In this regard, the use of Network Manager allows you to create a system for planning and managing multipoint video conferences with a maximum range of functions, with a single access interface and without the need for duplication of service information. Solutions for organizing interaction must have access to SVCS services using subscriber terminals registered in the system on various access level devices.

SCCP - video terminals are registered on the server. When turned on, the terminal requests configuration information from the CallManager server, according to which various terminal parameters are configured. Upon completion of configuration, the terminal periodically exchanges service messages with CallManager confirming the terminal’s readiness for operation. Thus, CallManager always has a complete list of SCCP video terminals connected to the SVCS. This information may be required by the system administrator when troubleshooting problems in the operation of the SVCS.

IP phones, depending on their location, are registered either on the CallManager cluster servers or on the CallManager Express servers installed in the regional customs offices of the Customs Union. The registration and configuration procedure in both cases is similar to the procedure for registering SCCP video terminals.

H.323 - terminals are registered and are part of the routers software. Configuration of H.323 terminals is not related to the registration procedure and is performed independently. Registration of terminals is carried out in order to ensure control of access to SVCS services, to ensure the uniformity of the number plan used and to simplify the administration of SVCS.

This project provides for various scenarios for using a video conferencing system, differing in the number of participants in a video communication session, types of subscriber terminals and procedures for organizing conferences.

Point-to-point video conferences, where a video connection is established between two subscriber terminals. When conducting point-to-point conferences, the resources of the MCU and DCS servers are not used. Exceptions may be cases when a video conference is held between two terminals with completely incompatible sets of audio and video codecs. This point-to-point conference is a common case of a scheduled multipoint conference that may add additional participants along the way. A point-to-point conference is also the initial stage of an on-demand conference, during which the connection of additional subscribers is carried out at the initiative of the conference participants, subject to the availability of technical capabilities at the subscriber terminals.

Multipoint video conferencing, which involves simultaneous participation in the conference by several subscribers using terminal devices with potentially different characteristics. To conduct multipoint video conferencing, the computing resources of SVKS server equipment are always used.

Scheduled conferences, where preliminary agreement on the time and composition of conference participants is expected. In accordance with the classification, large-scale conferences are planned, the holding of which is one of the main tasks of the SVKS. In this regard, planned conferences at UTU SVKS are held using H.323 - MCU services under the control of H.323 - kernel level gatekeepers. Reservation and control of the use of MCU resources during a scheduled conference is performed by the conference scheduling server.

Concepts on request arise upon request during a point-to-point conference at the initiative of one of the parties wishing to involve a third party in the dialogue. Most conferences in this format are held with the participation of three to four personal video conferencing systems (local concepts). On-demand concepts in the Control SVCS are carried out using the SCCP services of the MCU. The possibility of holding a conference on request, the number of participants in such a conference, and the quality of service for subscribers are determined by the availability of free (unreserved) resources on the SVCS server equipment, the parameters of subscriber terminals and the rights of the parties to hold conferences.

The videoconferencing system project presents a scheme for conducting multipoint videoconferencing, where interaction between the components of the videoconferencing system is organized during the planned conference.

Before a scheduled video conference, a portion of the computing resources corresponding to the needs of the scheduled conference is reserved on the MCU server using the conference scheduling system. The resources reserved for the conference are combined into a group called the MCU service. Gathering subscribers into a conference can be done in two ways:

At the specified time, the conference management system automatically calls all subscribers from the MCU.

The use of the video conferencing system is intended for:

Conducting large-scale video conferences with the participation of a large number of subscribers (FTS of Russia);

Conducting working video conferences with departments of the Department.

SVKS Management Requirements:

Possibility of integration into the SVKS of the Federal Customs Service of Russia;

Using an IP telephony system with departmental telephone communication;

Using equipment resources as efficiently as possible;

Interchangeability of equipment;

The installed equipment must have a unified control system.

Taking into account all the requirements, the project provides for the use of the following models of equipment and software:

Subscriber video terminals;

Audiovisual display systems;

Visual display system;

Conference scheduling system.

2.3 Description of the conference system

To date, continuous improvement of the SVCS has been taking place. Thus, from June 1, 2011 to December 31, 2011, a conference system was integrated for the existing SVKS UTU FCS of Russia. The installed conference system is integrated into the existing SVCS equipment. The logical diagram is shown in Fig. 1.

Rice. 1 Logical diagram for connecting the conference system

Microphones are connected in a daisy chain to the central unit. The Realtronix system has a multi-module setup and control system that allows you to control equipment in the room.

The Realtronix integrated conference system consists of a central unit, 12 delegate consoles and 1 chairman console, which will later be installed at the workplaces of conference participants. All remote controls are connected by a common cable and connected to the central unit. The conference system is controlled using a workstation, as well as automatically according to specified parameters in the central unit.

The microphone console of the system is the workplace of each meeting participant. The Realtronix conference system includes desktop and built-in microphone consoles. Tabletop microphone consoles are equipped with:

Gooseneck microphone with status indicator;


Headphone jacks with volume control.

The Realtronix conference system supports simultaneous operation of from 1 to 1024 microphone consoles, which allows you to install the system in any room. The central unit is the “heart” of the conference system and provides power to microphone consoles, processing and real-time data exchange between various devices. Also, the system does not require preliminary settings for setting the address for each microphone console, which happens in other conference systems, i.e. The address is set automatically when the central unit is turned on.

The central unit of the Realtronix system has additional functions:

Echo cancellation system interface;

Programmable ports for controlling external devices (cameras, DVD receiver, control modules for projection screens and curtains), both our own and other manufacturers’;

The lighting of the room matches the style of a particular meeting.

The central unit monitors the system and makes it possible to manage it using a workstation. In the event of a workstation failure, the central unit automatically switches to offline mode, thereby not disrupting the video conference session.

The autonomous operation functions of the central unit are carried out:

In number limit mode: in this mode, the maximum allowed number of microphones that can be turned on at the same time is set. Consequently, each delegate can turn on their microphone at any time, thereby placing the speaking delegate in the queue to speak;

In interrupt mode: each delegate during a video conference turns on his microphone, thereby turning off the previous one;

In chairman mode: in this mode, only the chairman microphone can be turned on;

In free mode: without any restrictions for delegates.

The delegate microphone console allows the conference participant to speak and listen to the speeches of other participants through the built-in loudspeaker. To prevent feedback, the speaker is turned off when the microphone is turned on. In addition to the loudspeaker, the microphone remote housing has a built-in button to turn the microphone on or off, backlit voting buttons, a remote control status indicator, and a volume control for connecting external headphones.

The Chairman's microphone has the same functions as the delegate's microphone, except for the additional priority button, which provides the ability to mute any delegate microphones that were activated during a video conference. Holding this button will prevent delegates from unmuting their microphones. The operation of the SVKS depends on commissioning work at the level of installation and configuration of the conference system, which was carried out after the customer confirmed the readiness of the existing equipment and premises, as well as agreed upon the placement of equipment in the premises. Installation includes unpacking all components, mounting the centerpiece into the process rack, and connecting to power. Equipment management software is installed on a workstation, which is connected to the central unit of the conference system via a COM port.


For making any management decision, information, collection and processing are of great importance, the quality of which determines the final solution to the issues. All this indicates the importance of information support for management. Over the course of 20 years of its development, the Main Scientific Information Computing Center of the Federal Customs Service of Russia has provided information and technical support for the activities of customs authorities. In the context of the entry into force of the laws and regulations of the Customs Union, it becomes particularly important to ensure clear interaction between divisions of customs services, the development of modern computer programs, new technological systems and the introduction of advanced forms of information technology.

In light of these decisions, a video conferencing system has been introduced in the customs authorities, therefore this topic of project management is explored in this work.

Scientific and practical results of the work: the goal, objectives of the project, the object, the subject of the project research were explored, the theoretical and practical essence of the project was revealed, the characteristics and structure of the Ural Customs Administration were given, the prerequisites for the emergence of the project were indicated, the charter of the project was indicated, a list and analysis of literature sources was determined. The main part of the work, structured in chapters, presents the topic material and solves problems in project management. Problems that arise during the operation of a video conferencing system are identified, recommendations are given for improving and developing project management of a video conferencing system, and a method for solving the problem is indicated.

The practical significance of the work lies in the fact that its results can be used by the Ural Customs Department of the Federal Customs Service of Russia when managing the project in the department itself and in other customs authorities of the Ural District in order to improve their activities and the video conferencing system.

Structure and scope of the project: a work of 46 pages, consists of an introduction, 3 chapters, combining 8 paragraphs, which include 5 tables and 2 figures, a conclusion, a list of sources and literature used.

List of sources and literature used:

1. Balybin V.M., Lunev V.S., Muromtsev D.Yu., Orlova L.P. Making design decisions. Textbook Part 1 / Tambov: Tamb Publishing House. state tech. Univ., 2003. 80 p.

2. Lysakov A.V., Novikov D.A. Contractual relations in project management. M.: IPU RAS, 2004. - 100 p.

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