Why is the slider the most unnecessary design element? This WordPress slider is interesting to everyone

Manicure is a must-have item on the list of every woman who wants to look well-groomed from head to toe. Representatives of the fair sex go to great lengths to ensure that their nails have a neat and original look that is at the same time suitable for different outfits. To achieve this effect, you can do a modest classic manicure that fits into any look, or constantly repaint your nails in different colors, wasting time and nerves. If you are not satisfied with either one or the other, you can try such a new product in the field of nail art as a slider design for nails.

What is this?

Slider design (from the English slider - “slide”, “sliding”) are special stickers for manicure. The production of slider designs for nails occurs mainly by hand. This approach to development leads to high quality this type of nail decor and its natural appearance - the drawing is so well executed that it is not always possible to distinguish it from the painted one in the usual way, that is, using varnish.

Slider design, due to its many features, will be of interest not only to young girls who love sophisticated and ornate images on their nails, but also to older women who prefer a modest manicure.


It is a mistake to believe that slider nail designs are just a certain type of sticker that is placed on top of the base coat. There are a few more types of this decor, there are three in total:

  • Thick stickers.
  • Full nail coloring.
  • Transparent stickers.
  • Each type has its own characteristics and differences. Let's take a closer look at them.

    Thick stickers

    The patterns of this type are dense, often with rich colors. They can be placed on nails of completely different shades: these stickers will look equally good on both a laconic jacket and plain coatings.

    Pictures can either contrast with the general background or unobtrusively complement it. There are a lot of options, so before using stickers, it is recommended to spend a little time and figure out several different compositions.

    Full nail coloring

    This option completely imitates the tinting of the nail plate. Moreover, the sticker can be either the same color or with a pattern. Before using this type of slider design, try the paper on your nail and cut out a piece of appropriate size. If it is slightly larger or smaller than the plate itself, it doesn’t matter: after gluing, the excess can be carefully trimmed, and the resulting gaps can be decorated.

    After the “pattern” is ready, a base is applied to the nail, then the slide coating itself is glued. The result is secured with transparent varnish. Wait until it dries completely and your manicure is ready!

    Transparent stickers

    Transparent paper for slider nail designs with a pattern is especially suitable for any light-colored finish. Such stickers can be safely placed even on an unpainted nail. This type of slide decor is the richest in drawings, logos and ornaments.

    On which nails can you do a slider design?

    Not all representatives of the fair sex have naturally strong and smooth nails. In this regard, they were developed various ways extension of nail plates to give them a neat look appearance. It is known that such coatings are quite capricious in relation to foreign decor, however, the slider design is universal in this regard - it is suitable for almost all types of artificial nails:

    Slider design for gel polish. First, the nail is covered with base. After it dries, the design is glued onto the plate. The final stage is coating the nail with gel. Nothing complicated, but maximum effect.

    Base and fixing varnishes;

    Basic tone;

    Nail polish remover;

    Cotton pads.

    Slider design for nails: instructions

    As a rule, each pack of stickers comes with an instruction manual. However, it also happens that it is missing. So that this doesn't take you by surprise, it's a good idea to know a few general rules on using sliders:

    If you use a full nail plate coloring using a slider design, you are guaranteed a long-lasting manicure for a couple of weeks. In other cases, the result depends entirely on the quality of the varnish used.

    There are several little secrets and recommendations that will help you avoid some possible troubles during the coating procedure:

    Prepare everything in advance necessary tools and materials, so that with a wet manicure you don’t have to look for what you need in drawers and bags.

    Warm water helps the stickers peel off from the base faster.

    Carefully level the drawing.

    If the slider is glued crookedly, it is under no circumstances recommended to move it. Leave everything as it is - it’s easier to disguise flaws with other decor (other stickers, rhinestones, varnish, glitter). If the error is too obvious, start the whole procedure again.

    Allow enough time for your manicure, which will allow you to take your time and avoid stress.

    Experiment with the placement of sliders on your nail.

    Sticker Manufacturers

    Today, many nail art masters and studios are engaged in slider design for nails. The raw materials required for stickers are readily available, as is printing. There are several companies that to a large extent have established themselves as manufacturers of quality products for nail design. As a rule, these are American and Korean brands, but in Lately Russian nail art companies also keep up with them in terms of quality. In terms of price, products from domestic manufacturers are much more attractive than foreign ones.

    Thus, the MILV slider design for nails is one of the most famous products from the company of the same name. MILV is located in St. Petersburg, but at the same time has its own online store, from which goods are delivered all over the world.

    Another company - Salon Professional - offers products for nail art masters. Despite this, the slider stickers presented on their website can be purchased by anyone.

    IRISK Professional also sells stickers and decorative films. Products of this trademark can be found at many exhibitions and from most manicurists.

    Pros of slider design

    Slider design for nails has many advantages over regular manicure:

    With its help, nails are decorated in a matter of minutes;

    Can be used to design any type of nails;

    Easily applied to the surface and distributed evenly over it;

    Any woman without professional training can decorate her nails effectively;

    Stickers are practically no different from hand-painted ones;

    The nail plate does not deteriorate and does not turn yellow over time;

    Different ones can be used both for the same and for completely different manicures;

    The collections of sliders are obscenely rich (particularly picky women can even order images to suit their taste, even printing photographs);

    Allows you to significantly save time;

    The slider design does not weigh down the nails or make them lumpy;

    Inspires to experiment;

    Each manicure option will be one of a kind, created by you personally.

    Despite this great amount Despite its undoubted advantages, slider design for nails, reviews of which are positive, has one drawback. It lies in the fact that sometimes among the extensive assortment it is impossible to choose just one collection. However, this problem can be completely solved - just buy everything you like!

    Such is that you need to try to rationally combine the information component and minimalist design. After all, now surfing the Internet comes down to fast scrolling and diagonal viewing of sites, from which it is difficult to grab all the information that the site owners wanted to present. Therefore, to really interest the user, you need to be original.

    One of the most interesting solutions This is where the use of sliders in web design came into play. It is with their help that you can clearly, briefly and clearly show the most important information that the user will receive on the site. To some, sliders seem like an unnecessary decoration and a means of “weighting down” the site, but with proper development they will be a huge plus.

    What is a slider?

    A slider is a special web design element, which is a block of a certain width, most often in the header of a web page. Its main feature is elements that change manually or automatically - pictures, texts and links.

    Sliders gained popularity with the spread of javascript frameworks. It is with their help that various kinds of animation effects and other “goodies” are created on sliders. Now there are quite a lot ready-made solutions that do not require programming, for example RoyalSlider, SlideDeck, NivoSlider, Supersized and others. They are in public access and are absolutely free, but sometimes they have various restrictions- work only with images, paid basis and so on.

    For popular systems For site management, various plugins have been developed to implement sliders with many effects. For example, for WordPress this is the Con Slider, Slideshow Gallery, Content Slide plugin. In most cases, sliders are created using resources from the JQuery library, but your own slider can be developed using HTML 5 and CSS 3 with virtually no scripts required!

    Slider device

    A standard slider for a website consists of 3-5 pictures that replace each other after a certain time interval or when you manually press the switches. In general, the following components of any slider can be distinguished:

    • Screen
    • Navigation Aids
    • Markers with total number of slides and current state

    Changing pictures on the screen are called slides. They can be either just images or accompanied by additional text blocks with information, links or tables. In general, you can even insert video and false animation into the slider.

    Some slides include additional features:

  • Thumbnails of other slides
  • Timer with time until slide change
  • Pause when hovering over a slide
  • However, it is better not to overload this element and choose functions that are actually worth using.

    Why do you need a slider on a website?

    One of the most important reasons why sliders are used on a website is behavior. modern users: now almost everyone prefers graphic view text information. Internet users want to get the most useful content in a minimum of time. If the site cannot provide this, then there is a high probability that the visitor will go to another resource.

    However, it is impossible without text at all. After all, the scope of activity of some companies cannot simply be described in 2-3 words. And anyone will tell you that the main page must contain at least a small piece of text with occurrences keywords. Therefore, a conflict of interest often arises. Ideally, the home page of the site should:

    • Contain the most important information about the company and its activities;
    • Satisfy the balance between graphics and SEO optimization rules;
    • Satisfy the wishes of the customer and visitors.

    Examples of sites developed in our studio containing sliders:

    Website design with a slider is exclusive - not a template. Details about the development of such a site can be found at

    If the surface of the resource is sorely lacking, but there is something to show users, then you need to dig deeper. Or just scroll this surface. In such a situation, you will need a slider for the site:

    What is a slider

    The slider represents specific area page design, on which images change automatically, manually or in mixed mode. Text or media content can also serve as the content of sliders for a website.

    A regular slider contains 5-7 alternating pictures. Most often the change graphic objects initiated by user action. There are hybrid samples that combine manual and auto mode switching

    Sliders can have different structures user interface. Buttons, links or checkboxes can be used as switches. Changing pictures may be accompanied by slow fading of transparency, partial overlap of images and other visual effects:

    Sliders have become especially widespread on online sales resources.

    From a psychological point of view, visual representation of a product from several angles increases the likelihood of a purchase many times:

    Some specialized website builders provide users with several versions of sliders to choose from. created templates. One of the most popular services Runet is ucoz. Depending on the purpose of the resource, the designer template is equipped with a specific type of slider.

    Several sliders popular on the web:

    • Tilted Content Slideshow is a cool slider that displays all images in random order with a 3D animation effect:

    • Anything Slider - allows you to display in your window not only pictures, but also videos broadcast through the player:

    • Morphing Devices – a slider with an image morphing effect. In this case, one drawing slowly flows (transforms) into another. The last two displayed images can be rotated:

    What are sliders written on?

    According to the architecture of its construction, the slider is located closest to the web application, the work of which is carried out on client machine. The slider script is loaded by the browser along with the main page code. The style can be set within the code. But most often, appearance characteristics are set using Cascading Style Sheets (CSS).

    The internal mechanism of the slider is built in one of the programming languages. The most commonly used is javascript. To better understand the process of creating a slider, let's look at an example of its implementation:

    var locations = new Array("img/1.jpg","img/2.jpg","img/3.jpg","img/4.jpg","img/5.jpg"); var currentImage = 0; function nextImage() ( currentImage++; if (currentImage == locations.length) currentImage = 0; document.images["picture"].src = locations; return false; )
    Next image

    The mechanism for changing the image in the code of this simple example is specified with using javascript. At first Array method() a new array is created. Array elements (images) are specified in parentheses. After it comes the initialization of the global variable currentImage.

    The entire mechanism for changing images inside the slider is contained in the function nextImage() . Inside its body, the value of the currentImage variable is added 1 each time the function is called. Then its value is compared with the length of the array (locations.length). If the length of the array is equal to the variable, then displaying images starts from the first element.

    The script line document.images[“picture”].src = locations via object model document, the source of the drawing is accessed. The value of currentImage sets which image will be displayed. The slider is flipped by clicking on the link using the onclick event.

    More wide possibilities has jquery library. It includes classes that make the development process easier and increase the functionality of the slider.

    Here is an example of a carousel based on it. The pictures change automatically:

    #carousel( width:500px; height:300px; overflow-x:hidden; border: 4px double #33CCFF; ) #track( width:2500px; position:relative; ) #track div( width:500px; height:300px; float :left; position:relative; ) div.red( background-image:url(img/1.jpg); ) div.blue( background-image:url(img/2.jpg); ) div.yellow( background- image:url(img/3.jpg); ) div.green( background-image:url(img/4.jpg); ) div.white( background-image:url(img/5.jpg); ) $( function())( var width = $("#track div").width(); function carousel())( $("#track").delay(1000).animate((right: "+=" + width) ,1000, function())( var first = $("#track div:first-child"); first.remove(); $(this).append(first); $(this).css((right: " -=" + width)); carousel(); )); ) carousel(); ));

    An image carousel is a type of slider in which images change automatically. Additionally, the carousel can have manual mode flipping. Most often, after loading the page, one cycle of scrolling the carousel occurs automatically, and then switches to manual mode.

    In world wide web It’s easy to find many resources from which you can download ready-made code for an advanced carousel.

    Solution of the problem

    Before making a slider on your website, objectively evaluate your capabilities. If practical skills in web programming are clearly not enough, then it is better to take the path of least resistance. That is, use a ready-made solution.

    In web design terminology, the term slider is used for a slideshow added to a web page. There are many available WordPress plugins for sliders that allow you to create your custom sliders and add them to your home page, landing pages, posts, or anywhere you want.

    Sliders can be used on all types of websites, but they are most often used for business websites or professional portfolio websites. One clear benefit of using a slider is that website owners can place all of their important content in a visually appealing and interactive slideshow at the top of the page, before their main content. This allows users to quickly see key points and take action.

    Sliders can start a slideshow automatically without user input by moving the slides at a predefined time interval. Sliders can also respond to user actions (clicks to view the next or previous slide. Additionally, sliders can also have buttons or icons that the user can click to view a specific slide in the slider.

    When using a slider on a WordPress site, there are a number of things that the user must consider.

    First of all, sliders tend to load the image and content in the slides, this can slow down your site a bit. Also, slider plugins can use JavaScript, in particular jQuery, which is loaded separately as scripts. This also leaves an impact on page loading speed.

    Another challenge when using a slider in WordPress is mobile readiness. If your WordPress site has a responsive theme, then the slider may not respond and will break the site layout different devices and sizes. Some slider plugins will try to minimize these drawbacks by optimizing the slider loading speed and using adaptive design for the slider.

    A responsive slider is capable of adjusting the container slider and content (e.g. images, videos, text) to fit any screen or device size, which is discussed next.

    One of the most common design flaws in B2B websites and online stores is the use of sliders at the top. home page. Sliders are not enough effective method conversion target audience. Moreover, their use seriously harms SEO promotion and usability of your resource.

    At a recent conversion conference in Chicago, about 25% of marketers condemned the use of sliders as a trendy element of web design. Over the past three months, a large-scale study has been conducted that has proven that page header sliders are bad choice. Now let's take a closer look at why this is so.

    Marketer Harrison Jones appreciated random sample out of 30 B2B sites, 18 of which contained sliders of one format or another. After carefully evaluating these 18 resources, Jones identified their top SEO and usability problems.

    SEO Problems

    During the research, the following SEO problems were discovered: multiple h1 headings, using Flash, low loading speed and “empty” content on the page.

    Changing header

    Most sliders are created via JQuery, AJAX or HTML5. As a rule, headings are highlighted with an h1 tag and, based on basic practice, search engine optimization, it can be argued that there should only be one h1 tag on a page, and it should be above any other tag.

    The main problem with using this tag in a slider is that when the slider changes, the content of the tag changes. A slider with five different offers will have five h1 tags, and this significantly reduces the relevance of the page for adequate ranking in the search engine.

    Using Flash

    How to bypass Flash when creating design elements, and why Flash is harmful to the site, has been discussed a thousand times on all possible resources. But apparently, some designers and marketers still think it's cool.

    Flash objects must be definitely destroyed, along with all sorts of tags and other floating content. Why? OK, one last time: Flash objects are not available for search engines. So, for God's sake, don't use them.

    Poor performance

    Obviously than more elements on a page, the longer it takes to load. Sometimes it's just a disaster. I don’t even want to talk about the loading speed of these pages. Every second affects both the user's conversion and search results. Seriously, not too long ago Matt Cutts (CEO of Google) announced that... low speed downloads of the company’s website will pay with positions in the search.

    Content problems

    As noted above, sliders are an ineffective method of targeting your target audience. Moreover, placing a slider on a page implies that there is little or no regular text content, which is what search engines focus on.

    We are not specialists in search engine promotion, so let's return to matter, which is well known to us.

    Usability issues

    Of course, not only B2B resources use the image carousel, but also online stores and, of course, landing pages ( landing page). Any design solution, placing the slider at the top of the page is a mistake.

    Nobody clicks on the sliders

    The graph above is a selection of three websites from different business segments, the sliders of which tracked user activity. The first site uses the slider only for branding. The second one promotes webinars and business documents. The third one uses a slider to promote products/offers.

    And now - attention: the table shows how high the percentage of users who clicked, CTR, in one word. You can't say anything, it's an impressive figure.

    Scrolling and real content below the fold line

    When, when visiting a site, a user sees one graphic and has to scroll down the page in search of real content, this is, to put it mildly, rude to him. And ineffective. Texts, not just pictures, sell your product. Unfortunately, on resources that use sliders, this happens all the time. Encouraging the user to scroll the page − important question usability. And this only works if the page generates interest and seems relevant at first glance.

    Megaphone effect

    Perhaps the most a big problem in the usability of sliders - the so-called “Megaphone effect”. The user lands on the site, and his attention is attracted by the slider, since it has many bright, dynamic elements. But is it effective? It’s as if you grabbed a megaphone and shouted into the user’s ear “Look at the pictures!”, without in any way directing him to the content located under the slider (even though that’s what he’s looking for).

    Imagine - you and your other half are choosing what to watch on TV, and you disagree. Your companion (companion) snatches the remote control from your hands and begins to quickly change channels. You try to listen, look closely at the picture on the screen - but it changes. And again. And again.

    Annoying, right?

    Please note that the main activity of this resource occurs in the navigation bars and menus. Below, random pockets of attention appear, but it is still clearly visible on the heat map - most users do not read the content below the slider. But that’s where it’s located important information about business and several elements for conversion.