Make windows xp login automatically. Automatic login in Windows XP

Warning: Using Registry Editor incorrectly may cause serious problems that may require you to reinstall operating system. Microsoft is not responsible for the incorrect use of Registry Editor. Microsoft is not responsible for the results of a user's work with Registry Editor. After setting up automatic login, everyone who has physical access to this computer, can access it and all its resources, including all networks to which the computer is connected. In addition, in this case the password is stored in the registry in unencrypted form. The registry section in which the password is stored is available in remote mode users who are members of the Authenticated Group. Thus, the use of automatic login is justified only if the physical security of the system is ensured and access to the registry is prohibited to users who do not have special permissions. Attention!Automatic login does the system using Windows XP is more convenient. On the other hand, this leads to a decrease in the degree of security of the system.
Use Registry Editor to add credentials to the registry. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Click the button Start, select a command Execute, enter in command line regedit and press the button OK.
  2. Locate the following registry value: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\WindowsNT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon
  3. Double-click the option DefaultUserName, enter your username and click the button OK
  4. Double-click the option DefaultPassword, enter in the field " Meaning» your password and click the button OK
    • If the parameter DefaultPassword
      a. On the menu Edit Create, and then String parameter.
      DefaultPassword and press the key ENTER.
      c. Double click cos this parameter and in the Value field enter the password.
      If the value DefaultPassword not specified, the system automatically changes the value of the registry key AutoAdminLogon With 1 (true) on 0 (false), thereby disabling automatic login.
  5. Double-click the option AutoAdminLogon, enter in the field Meaning number 1 and press the button OK.
    • If the parameter AutoAdminLogon is missing, create it. To do this, follow these steps:
      a. On the menu Edit registry editor, select Create, and then String parameter.
      b. Specify as parameter name AutoAdminLogon and press the key ENTER.
      c. Double-click the created parameter and in the field Meaning enter the number 1
  6. Close Registry Editor
  7. Click the button Start and restart your computer

After you restart your computer, you are automatically logged in.
To bypass the automatic login process or log in as a different user, hold down the SHIFT after logging out or restarting Windows XP. This only changes the first login procedure. To apply the modified procedure in the future, the administrator must configure the following registry value: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\WindowsNT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon

  • Parameter:ForceAutoLogon
    Type: REG_SZ
    Data: 1

IN Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition and Microsoft Windows XP Professional on a computer that is not part of a domain, automatic logon can also be disabled without editing the registry. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Click the button Start and select Execute
  2. In field Open enter the command control userpasswords2 and press the button OK
    • Note When you try to display Help in the User Accounts window in Windows XP Home Edition, Help does not appear. Additionally, you receive the following error message. The help file drive:\Windows\System32\users.hlp cannot be found. Check for the file on your disk and reinstall it if necessary.
  3. Uncheck " Require username and password" and then press the button Apply
  4. In the window, enter the password in the fields Password And Confirmation.
  5. Click the button OK to close the window Automatic login, and then click the button OK again to close the window Accounts users.

As in Windows Vista , which has user interface for settings automatic login to skip passwords and download directly desktop, in Windows XP there is also one convenient feature, which works for a computer not connected to a domain, and can be used for automation of the login process into the system so that the system can start and execute login automatically.

Typically Windows XP will automatically log you into the desktop if there is only one user on specific system. But, sometimes, a user may need to create multiple accounts to various applications eg FTP,. NET Framework, web server, VMWare 2.0 web console, etc., and with the availability of additional accounts, Windows XP will display a welcome screen or dialog box pressing Ctrl-Alt-Del to allow the user to select a user account to log in to. . Setting up the automatic login feature will start the computer and use the configured auto login settings.

For installation in Windows XP automatic logon, follow the descriptions below. Please note that once the computer is configured for automatic by entering your Login, anyone who can have physical access to the computer can also gain access to everything that is on the computer, including number of networks, k which the computer is connected to. In addition, the login password is stored in text format in a registry that is readable by everyone who can access the console, and remotely by authenticated user groups. So the function automatic login convenient, but not entirely safe.

  1. Click the button Start, and then click the button Execute.
  2. Enter userpasswords2 and press the button OK .
  3. Uncheck the boxes for users must enter a username and password to use this computer, and then click the button Apply .
  1. In the "Automatic login" window, in the dialog box, enter the password for the administrator in the field password, and then re-enter the password in the window Password confirmation.

As a rule, the default field Username will automatically be filled in “Administrator” using the user account in Windows XP, which does not come with any password (and is usually used as a backdoor for workers to access the system Windows XP). If you want, you can change the username to another user account.

  1. Click OK to close the Auto Login window, and then click OK to close the User Accounts window.

Note: this manual also works in Windows Vista, to do this you need to open the Advanced User Accounts Control Panel.

You need to configure automatic login Windows system XP. This is done for various reasons:

  • Mainly when one person uses the computer. By setting up automatic login, you no longer have to enter a password every time your operating system boots.
  • In my case, an old laptop acts as small server. And at startup you need to run some programs on this laptop.
There are three ways to do this.

Method 1: Using Autologon from Windows Sysinternals (Recommended)

There is an excellent Autologon program from the legendary Windows kit Sysinternals. Autologon is very easy to use.

You just need to launch it, fill out the fields in the dialog box and click the Enable button. To disable automatic login, click Disable. You can pass the username, domain, and password as command line parameters:
autologon.exe user domain password If the computer is not in a domain, then instead of the domain you should specify the computer name.

The main advantage of this method. What the password is not stored explicitly in the registry.

Method 2: using the wizard

On Windows XP systems, on a computer that is not part of a domain, you can also enable automatic logon without editing the registry. To do this, you need to perform the following steps.

Step 1: Click the Start button and select Run.
In the "Open" field, enter the command "control userpasswords2" and click OK.

Step 2: Uncheck the "Require username and password" checkbox, and then click the "Apply" button.

Step 3. In the Automatic Login window, enter the username (filled in automatically by the selected user from the User Accounts window on previous step) and password:

Click OK to close the Automatic Logon window, and then click OK again to close the User Accounts window.

You can get overwhelmed and contemplate the results of your actions.

Method 3: Editing the Registry

This method requires manual editing of the registry.

Step 1. Click the "Start" button, select "Run," type "regedit" into the command line and click "OK."

Step 2: Locate the following registry key:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon
Step 3: Double-click the "DefaultUserName" option, enter your username, and click "OK."

Step 4: Double-click the DefaultPassword option, enter your password in the Value field, and click OK.

If the DefaultPassword parameter is missing, create it. To do this, follow these steps:
4a. From the Registry Editor's Edit menu, select New and then String Value.
Specify the parameter name as DefaultPassword and press ENTER.
4b. Double-click the created parameter and enter the password in the Value field.

Note. If the DefaultPassword registry entry does not exist, Windows XP will automatically change the value of the AutoAdminLogon registry key from 1 (true) to 0 (false). This will disable the AutoAdminLogon feature after you restart your computer.

Step 5: Double-click AutoAdminLogon, enter 1 in the Value field, and click OK.

If the AutoAdminLogon parameter is missing, create it. To do this, follow these steps:
5a. From the Registry Editor's Edit menu, select New and then String Value.
Set the parameter name to AutoAdminLogon and press ENTER.
5b. Double-click the created parameter and enter the number 1 in the Value field.

Step 6: Close Registry Editor and restart your computer.

After you restart your computer, you are automatically logged in.


To bypass the automatic login process or log in as someone else, hold SHIFT key at Windows startup XP. This only changes the first login procedure.

To apply the modified procedure in the future, the administrator must configure the following registry setting:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon Parameter:ForceAutoLogon Type: REG_SZ Data: 1

This article will discuss how to set up autologin (automatic login without entering a password) on Windows operating systems. This can be useful when there is no need to restrict access to a computer/laptop so as not to waste time entering a password every time you turn it on.

One of the easiest ways, using standard Windows tools- command usage control userpasswords2. This is done as follows:

Click Start - Run (or Win+R keys), and in the window that appears, enter control userpasswords2 , then click OK.

In the window that appears, uncheck the “Require username and password” checkbox and click OK.

In the window that appears, you will be required to enter your username and password.

After entering, you can click OK. Now, when you turn on your computer, you will automatically log in as the user you need.

Using Autologon

To others simple method to set up automatic login to the system is to use third party program Autologon, by Mark Russinovich. You can download it from the Microsoft website.

Using the program is as simple as possible - you need to run the downloaded program (no installation required, but upon first launch you will have to accept the terms of use), and enter all the data you need.

In field Username should write the username if the user belongs to the domain Active Directory, then you should indicate his name in the field Domain. And finally in the field Password you must enter your password. After that, to turn it on, you just need to press the " Enable", and after that auto login will be configured.

The utility saves the password to the registry in encrypted form, so you won’t be able to view it in the registry after installing autologin.

Setting up via the registry

There is also a way to configure automatic login through the registry.

To enable autologin in the registry, you need to open the Start menu and select Run (or press the Win+R key combination). In the window that appears, type regedit and click OK.

Hint: in order to change the value of any parameter, just double-click on it, or press right click mouse and select " Change".

AutoAdminLogon - We set it to one, otherwise the automatic login will not work.
ForceAutoLogon - If we want the user to be “forcibly” logged back into the system, then we set it to one.
DefaultUserName - The username under which we want to automatically log in.
DefaultPassword - Password of the user under which we want to automatically log in. Most likely, this parameter will not be available, and therefore you will have to create it yourself. To do this, click on empty space right-click and select New - String parameter and give it a name DefaultPassword.

DefaultDomainName - The domain of the user under which we want to automatically log in. If the domain is not used, leave it empty.

Now you can close the registry editor and try to restart your computer. If you did everything correctly, then immediately after loading the operating system, you will automatically log in under the desired user.

Passwords exist to limit access to information unwanted users. But, probably, many have found themselves in a situation where you set a seemingly simple password (for example, to restrict access to files for children), and then forget it. Accordingly, it is impossible to log into the system without a password. The first thing that arises is the idea of ​​urgently reinstalling the operating system. But there are other options. If you have Windows XP, use in the following ways.

You will need

  • Computer running Windows XP operating system, screwdriver.


  • The first way you can try to log into the system. In the name entry window, simply enter “Administrator”, and in the password entry line, press Enter. The fact is that after installing the operating system, most users create their own user profile, but the administrator profile remains. Moreover, this profile is not visible either on the welcome screen or in the list of profiles in the operating system itself.
  • The second way is to log in without a password. Turn on your computer. Wait until the password entry window appears, and then press the “Ctrl+Alt+Del+Reset” button combination. Reset button located on the computer case. After this, the PC will reboot, all passwords will be reset, and the system will boot into normal mode without a password dialog box.
  • There is another way to log in without a password. It is related to resetting the BIOS settings. Unplug your computer. Unscrew the cover fixing screws system unit and remove it. Now look for motherboard battery (a regular round battery installed in the motherboard) and remove it from the connector. Wait about five minutes, then put the battery back into the connector. This way the BIOS settings will be reset. Close the system unit cover.
  • Turn on your computer and wait for the operating system to load. It should boot normally. If the dialog box asking you to select a username and password appears again, simply leave the password line blank and click “Login.”