Reset network card settings cmd. Resetting tcp ip protocol settings in windows xp. Resetting network settings

sfc /scannow


There is a special program to reset TCP/IP in Windows NT (2000/XP/Seven) operating systems netsh.exe.



Some examples:

To reset Winsock:

About DNS cache problems:

ipconfig /flushdns If it doesn’t help, use it - it’s guaranteed to help and reset everything related to network connections.

Sometimes, it happens that the Internet connection settings go wrong or simply does not want to connect to the network (does not receive an IP address via DHCP). Similar problems can arise as a result of the operation of some malware(viruses). You can torture those for a long time. support from your provider or call a specialist at home. You can try to fix the problem yourself.
To reset TCP/IP in Windows NT (2000/XP/Seven) operating systems, there is special program netsh.exe.

netsh.exe- (Network Shell) allows configuration network parameters.

Some nasty viruses get into WinSock and cause mischief.

  • The speed of downloading files via TCP is very low (while downloading via UDP can be fast);
  • When you turn on the computer for a while, a couple of minutes, the Internet works fine, but then it disappears completely (the speed drops to 0);
  • The Internet works and the download speed is normal, but the downloaded file turns out to be broken because it is not downloaded completely (most likely the virus intercepts some of the packets during transmission, but sends a notification to the source that all packages have been successfully received).

In addition to viruses, you can also “break” your Internet connection yourself (or it “got wrong”)

Some examples:

  • The computer does not receive an IP address automatically (via DHCP);
  • IP addresses are pinged but not names;
  • The computer receives an IP address of the following type: 169.254.*.*;

If you have cleared yourself of viruses, you can begin recovery. ATTENTION! The following procedures will reset your network settings. I strongly recommend rewriting the settings.
To reset Winsock:

If the first command did not help solve the problem, you can reset the TCP/IP stack to factory settings:
There in the command line, enter the command:

netsh int ip reset c:\resetlog.txt

In this case, the reset log will be saved in the root of the C:\ drive; if you omit the c:\ prefix, the log will be saved in the current directory. After this, you should restart your computer.

After using this command, the following registry branches will be reset to factory settings:


You can use these commands together one after the other. By the way, they also reset the DNS cache.
About DNS cache problems: For example, the site moved to another hosting, as a result its IP address changed. And since you have some not quite fresh data in your cache, when you enter the site name, you will be taken to the old IP address, where the site no longer exists.

To avoid resetting all settings, try the command ipconfig /flushdns If it doesn't help, use netsh int ip reset resetlog.txt- this is guaranteed to help and reset everything related to network connections. 😉

Reset the TCP/IP and Winsock protocol stack.

One of the components of connecting to the Internet on a computer is a built-in set of instructions called TCP/IP. Sometimes TCP/IP is damaged (consequences of some viruses, installation incorrect drivers network card and so on.). If you can't connect to the Internet and have tried everything to solve the problem, it is possible that the problem is the TCP/IP protocol.

Since TCP/IP is a component Windows kernels, it cannot be deleted. However, you can reset TCP/IP to initial settings using the NetShell tool ( netsh).

a) I can’t connect to the Internet or local network, although everything is configured correctly.

b) The connection is established, but the connection status does not display: IP address, default gateway, etc.


The consequences of some viruses, installation of incorrect network card drivers, etc., it is difficult to name the exact cause, you need to analyze the event log, log antivirus programs, latest actions user, etc.

This method can help solve huge amount errors. Among them: an error, when, or an error appears in Windows 10. Only if the problem is with your computer, and not with the Internet provider, or with the Wi-Fi router.

Moreover, resetting network settings can be useful for problems that users face during the process. Wi-Fi distribution in Windows 10. I recommended this method in the article. Only there I showed how to reset TCP/IP parameters via command line.

Important point! As I already wrote above, this procedure Completely remove all Internet connection parameters and network settings. If you have some kind of Internet connection configured, you will need to configure it again. If you can’t do it yourself, then see the article: . In any case, you need to be prepared for the fact that after the reset the problem will remain, or even get worse.

How to reset Internet settings and network settings in Windows 10?

Everything is very simple here. Open "Start" and go to "Settings".

Go to the "Network and Internet" section.

On the "Status" tab, click on "Network reset".

Click on the "Reset now" button.

Confirm the reset by clicking “Yes”.

The computer will restart.

All network settings will be reset to factory settings. If you had problems connecting to the Wi-Fi network, then try connecting again. If the Internet is connected directly to the computer and you need to configure a connection (PPPoE), then create it. Or try starting the access point if you had problems with this.

There are a lot of problems with the Internet in Windows 10. What can you find in the comments to various articles on our website. I have already written many instructions for the solution different problems which are most often encountered Windows users 10. And if almost every problem or error occurs, I would advise resetting the network settings. This very frequency procedure is a solution to many different, and sometimes even incomprehensible, problems.

In Windows 10, you can reset network settings through the settings. This opportunity appeared after installing update 1607. Previously, it was possible to reset the DNS cache, TCP/IP protocol settings, etc. only through the command line, using special teams. In principle, this can be done now by executing the necessary commands, but you can make everything much simpler by clicking on one button in the settings.

Resetting the network (Internet) settings itself will completely clear all network settings and reinstall network adapters. Wireless adapter(if it exists), and a network card. In other words, after the reset network settings and reboot, everything related to the network and Internet connection will be cleared to factory settings. To the state that was immediately after Windows installations 10.

This method can help solve a huge number of errors. Among which:, error, when, or an error appears in Windows 10. Only if the problem is with your computer, and not with the Internet provider, or with the Wi-Fi router.

Moreover, resetting network settings can be useful for problems that users encounter when distributing Wi-Fi in Windows 10. I recommended this method in the article. Only there I showed how to reset TCP/IP parameters via the command line.

Important point! As I wrote above, this procedure will completely remove all Internet connection parameters and network settings. If you have some kind of Internet connection configured, you will need to configure it again. If you can’t do it yourself, then see the article: . In any case, you need to be prepared for the fact that after the reset the problem will remain, or even get worse.

How to reset Internet settings and network settings in Windows 10?

Everything is very simple here. Open "Start" and go to "Settings".

Go to the "Network and Internet" section.

On the "Status" tab, click on "Network reset".

Click on the "Reset now" button.

Confirm the reset by clicking “Yes”.

The computer will restart.

All network settings will be reset to factory settings. If you have problems connecting to Wi-Fi networks, then try to connect again. If the Internet is connected directly to the computer and you need to configure a connection (PPPoE), then create it. Or try starting the access point if you had problems with this.


Close all applications, including IE if it is running. If your computer is running Windows XP, click “Start” and “Run” in sequence. Type inetcpl.cpl into the command window. If you are using Windows Vista, enter this command in the “Start Search” window.

In the “Property: Internet” window, go to the “Advanced” tab. Under Settings, click Reset. The Reset IE Settings window will open. Confirm your decision by clicking Reset. This command restores browser, add-on management, and history settings to default. Once the process is complete, click Close on the dialog box and launch IE.

To restore TCP/IP protocol settings to default, open an input window from the Start menu and type cmd command.

In the console window write next line:

netsh int ip reset c:\resetlog.txt.

Reboot. The reset command will change the registry keys that are used by the TCP/IP protocol and write the changes to the resetlog.txt file that you created for this purpose:



To restore default settings Opera browser, run it and enter in address bar text opera:config. In the “Settings Editor” window that opens, select the “Show all” checkbox. Click the “Default” button next to the settings you want to restore to default. This method will require a lot of time and patience from you.

To restore all settings to default, select the Search option from the Start menu. Click on the "Files and Folders" command. In the search box, enter the file name operaprefs.ini - it contains Opera current parameters settings. In the "Search in" window, select " Local disk WITH:". Then check " Extra options" and check the boxes next to the items "Search in system folders", "Search files and folders" and "Browse subfolders". Click Find. Once the search is complete, click on the file name right key mouse and select the “Delete” option from the drop-down menu. The next time you launch the browser, it will create a new settings file.

Return to standard settings operating system is not such a labor-intensive process. This is often required in cases where it is impossible to find out which changes negatively affected the operation of the system.


Save everything you need for further work files that were used in applications. Save also required parameters accounts, for example, logins and passwords from browsers, addresses of pages you frequently visit, links to interesting resources, because rolling back the system to its original settings will destroy the changes made by the user up to the current moment.

Finish working on the documents, saving all changes first. Open the Start menu, select Programs. Go further to the standard directory, and then utilities. Select "System Restore".

In the window that appears on the screen in front of you, select the item on the right “Recover more early state computer." Click "Next. In a new window, you will see a calendar of previously created system restore points. Some of them were created by you, and some of them automatic mode, for example, before installing any programs that could affect the operation of the system. You can also select any other date for restoration, however, to return to the original settings, it is best to return to the very first position.

Use the arrows to scroll through the calendar for creating restore points to the earliest date. If two checkpoints were created that day, select the one that was made at the very beginning.


Be careful, system rollback means complete removal all programs installed by you during the period of using the system.

Helpful advice

Create more often control point, including when installing the operating system.


  • how to restore windows settings

If any problems occur while working with the Opera Internet browser, most IT specialists recommend resetting settings V the initial state(default). Older versions of the browser did not have a reset option, but this operation can be done manually.

You will need

  • Opera Internet browser.


This browser is designed in such a way that files settings can be restored automatically if they are overwritten by others or deleted. Therefore, you only need to delete the configuration files to reset settings. First of all, check all settings categories, because... after deleting files, previous ones settings will be almost impossible.

Launch your browser and refer to the Help section in top line menu. If the menu is , click the Opera button in the upper left corner and select the Help section. In the menu that opens, select “About the program”.

In the page that opens, find the “Paths” section manually or using internal search (press the combination Ctrl keys+ F). The first line in the section will indicate the saving path configuration files browser, as a rule, this is C:Documents and SettingsUserApplication DataOperaOperaoperaprefs.ini. Copy this path by pressing the keyboard shortcuts Ctrl + C or Ctrl + V and close the browser.

Open any file manager, for example, "Explorer" or Total Commander. Paste the copied path into the address bar, place the cursor at the end of the line and press Backspace to delete operaprefs.ini, then press Enter. In the folder that opens, find the operaprefs.ini file and make it backup copy, i.e. copy to another directory, for example, on your desktop.

Then delete the file from your browser folder. After deleting the configuration file, the program will automatically create a new one with default settings. To do this, just launch it by double-clicking on the shortcut on the desktop. If for some reason the browser does not, use a recently saved copy of the file, replacing it with old version.

Return to mobile phone original settings possible at any time. Only in this case it is necessary to take into account that in this case the user will lose all previously set parameters - from calls to changes in the call log and a number of other settings.

Are you having problems connecting to the Internet on your computer or smartphone? Often the situation can be simply resolved by resetting the network settings. We will tell you how to do this on popular platforms - versions of Windows and Android - later in the material.

Why do you need a reset?

Why, in fact, reset network settings? This manipulation is vital for situations when network settings are incorrectly changed, as a result of which accessing the Internet from a computer or smartphone becomes impossible. What is the reason? Settings may change malicious applications and viruses, as well as the user himself.

In this case, problems with IP or DNS appear. Consequence: the Internet is slow, some sites do not open at all, a connection to the router or provider cannot be established, and Wi-Fi cannot be distributed from the device.

Even experienced users They believe that resetting network settings can, in most cases, cope with many Internet problems. The essence of the procedure is that it will reset the settings to factory settings, and also clear all parameters that were changed by the system, programs or the user himself.

Nuances of the procedure

Resetting network settings - quite simple manipulation, which can even be handled inexperienced user. But before we get started, let us introduce the reader to two important nuances:

Now let's look at it specific instructions for different versions of popular operating systems.

Windows Vista: reset options

Reset network adapter here it is available in two variations. Let's look at them.

The first option is to use a special Microsoft utilities Fix it. The program will help the user reset TCP/IP settings to factory settings. You can download it on the official Microsoft website. None complex actions no need to do it: just run the utility on your computer, the program will handle the problem itself. Once the task is completed, be sure to restart your PC for the solutions to take effect.

The second option is to manually change the settings. Let's look at this procedure step by step:

  1. Click on the "Start" menu.
  2. In the search bar you need to enter the text cmd. Click on "Enter".
  3. "Command Prompt" will appear in front of you.
  4. Right-click on the inscription.
  5. Select "Run as administrator" from the context menu list.
  6. Write (or copy from the article) the following into the line: netsh int ip reset logfile.txt.
  7. Execute the command (press "Enter"). As a result, the TCP/IP settings will be reset to factory settings, and the changes made will be written to the log file of the current directory from where it was launched.
  8. For the settings changes to take effect, all you have to do is restart your PC. That's all!

"Windows 7": via command line

First of all, let's look at resetting network settings using the command line. We begin the procedure as follows:

  1. Run a command prompt on your computer as its administrator.
  2. The easiest way: go to the "Start" section, then enter cmd in the search bar.
  3. You will see "Command Prompt" in the results. Click on the inscription with the right mouse button.
  4. Select in context menu"Run as administrator."
  5. Run this command: netsh winsock reset. You can type it yourself or copy and paste from the text of this article.
  6. To execute the command, do not forget to press the "Enter" button.
  7. After the command is executed by the system, restart your computer.
  8. Check your internet access. As a rule, in most cases these simple steps are enough to completely solve the problem.

"Windows 7": if the command line didn't help...

However, sometimes resetting network settings via the command line does not work. What to do in this case? Go back to the command line:

  1. Repeat steps 1-4 from the previous instructions.
  2. Ask your computer new team: "netsh int ip reset c:\resetlog.txt". It can be reprinted or also copied from this text.
  3. Run the command and restart your computer. The problem should disappear after these steps.

Some experts advise, to be sure, to execute the commands from the previous and this subheading one after another, and then also reboot your device. As a result of these manipulations, the network settings on your computer will be reset to factory settings.

"Windows 7": DNS cache reset

You now know how to do it on Windows 7 (manipulation, by the way, is also suitable for more later versions OS) reset network settings via command line. However, you may encounter a similar, but slightly different problem: “The DNS server is not responding,” “The DNS server address cannot be found.”

What to do in this case? All you need to do is reset the DNS. In this case, we turn to the command line again:

  1. From the Start menu, go to the command line.
  2. Type or copy from text next command: ipconfig /flushdns.
  3. Check your internet connection.
  4. If the problem is not solved, we recommend that you refer to the two previous instructions.

"Windows 7": using the Microsoft Easy Fix utility

Network reset Windows settings also possible through special utility. Program under named Microsoft Easy Fix You can download it for free on the official Microsoft website.

How to use it? We propose an algorithm simple actions:

  1. Launch the utility on your computer.
  2. Once the window opens, click on "Next".
  3. Then the program will automatically enter necessary changes in the system network settings.
  4. When finished, the utility will prompt you to restart your computer.
  5. To do this, close the program and select reboot the system from the PC menu.

After this, the problem should disappear, and you will have access to the Internet on your computer again. And we will further analyze how to cope with it in the later tenth version.

"Windows 10": reset option

If you yourself have been “too clever” with the network settings or your device for no apparent reason stubbornly refuses to connect to the Internet, then we also suggest that you turn to a reset. On Windows 10 OS it is produced using a slightly different algorithm:

  1. Go to the settings menu. It can be found either through “Start” or by using the hotkey combination: Win + I.
  2. Go to the "Network and Internet" section.
  3. At this point you need a subsection called “Status”.
  4. Now scroll down to the bottom of the page. There you will see what you need - “Network reset”.
  5. Click on the inscription. You will see a system warning: performing the action will remove and reinstall all existing network drivers, and will also restore the factory (original, original) network parameters. Note that you may have to reinstall your network software afterwards. Eg, VPN client.
  6. Click on "Reset Now". That's the whole procedure for resetting network settings in Windows 10.

As a result of these actions, the network settings will return to their original settings. The solution is quite drastic, so it is worth turning to it in cases where other methods of coping with the problem have proven powerless. Perhaps the situation can be saved by contacting a specialist.

Before resetting your settings, you should make sure that the problem is specific to your computer. Try connecting another device to the network. If there is also a lack of Internet access on it, then the problem is most likely with the provider or router.

Performing a reset on a smartphone

In conclusion, let's imagine resetting network settings on Android. Your smartphone may also experience problems with the Internet, which can only be solved in such a drastic way. We suggest you follow the instructions:

  1. Go to "Settings".
  2. Scroll through the menu, find the "Reset and Activation" item.
  3. Find the "Reset network settings" section.
  4. Here you just need to tap on the “Reset settings” button. In some smartphone models, the selected action must be confirmed.

If this manipulation does not help, then the solution is radical: completely reset the device to factory settings. But before that, you should copy important data from your smartphone.

Now you know how to reset network settings on different versions Windows, phones on the Android platform. This solution allows you to cope with the situation when it is impossible to access the Internet from your device, when you accidentally changed the settings to incorrect ones. Available both through the settings menu, the command line, and through a special utility.