Russian program xiaomi mi home. Understanding the Mi Home application

After the application has been installed on your mobile device, you will be asked to enter your account information or create new account by following the link Sign Up. To do this, click on the tab Create Mi account, fill in registration form or simply register by phone number by clicking the tab just below.

Once registration is complete, enter your registration information to access the application. In the window that opens, go to the tab Settings.

In chapter Select Locale choose Mainland China.

Attention! Without selecting this setting, the camera or other devices will not be able to synchronize with your mobile device and perform their functions correctly. When changing this setting, the application will ask us to log in again.

To add a camera to the list of accessories controlled from a smartphone, you need to go to the right top corner menu, press the “+” key, and in the submenu that opens, select “Scan” to search for the device we need.

The application will ask you to select Wi-Fi network to connect and enter a password to authorize in this network. In the future, a QR code will be generated, which the camera should read from the screen of the mobile device.

After reading the code and accepting the data, the camera will notify you about this sound notification. Next you need to click the button Heard “Scanned successfully” and wait for the camera to appear in the menu.

To continue, click the " Done" The camera now appears in the list of added devices and is ready for use.

Download the Mi Home app

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In 2017 year Xiaomi took first place in the number of gadgets in the “smart” home segment among all manufacturers. The key to this massive ecosystem is the smartphone with installed application Mi Home. In today's instructions we will analyze the main functions and features of the program (version 5.0.19 for Android).

Mi Home is universal application, which allows you to quickly and conveniently manage smart home devices. The program can be downloaded for free to a device with an operating system Android system, starting from version 4.4.4 or iOS 9.0 and higher.

When you turn it on for the first time, the application will immediately ask you to select the appropriate region (one of ten). Several aspects depend on this choice:

  • language;
  • available devices for connection;
  • authorization methods.

If you select the European region, then a little less than a dozen devices will be available for connection; if you choose China, you will see the widest list of available devices, most of which will be on Chinese. We recommend using the Taiwan or USA region: there are enough devices there, and you can often find English localization.

In order to distribute connected devices throughout the apartment:

  • click on the gear;
  • we distribute devices among rooms;

You can also monitor the status of the microclimate in your home so that your devices are within range operating temperature(to do this, click on the temperature button).

When purchasing new smart home devices, you can add them to the application using the “+” button, which is located in the upper right corner.

Automation is second Workspace, which is responsible for creating and setting up scenarios for the interaction of devices and a smart home with each other.

To create a profile:

  • click on “+” in the upper right corner;
  • select the necessary parameters:

All indicators can be configured and grouped together, or filtered by devices or their location.

Thanks to scenarios, you can adjust the inclusion of lights, sound signal and another. Everything is limited only by the user’s imagination and the varieties of available gadgets.

Nearby is the “Records” section, which allows you to store all available scripts without introducing them into the system.

The “Profiles” item is necessary to manage your account: you can change your avatar/nickname, add information about yourself and create additional accounts.

It is possible to view the devices to which you have access (these can be either your devices or devices provided by other users).

Next tab- forum. It doesn’t have any special functionality, but it allows you to communicate with users from other countries and even developers. But do not forget that the forum will be in the language that corresponds to the selected region.

Item “Help and Feedback” makes it possible to communicate directly with technical support. It is designed to answer user questions and collect information.

“Settings” will help you configure the following parameters:

The “Messages” item helps you keep track of incoming emails. To open this tab:

  • Click on the “Letters” section, which is located in the upper right corner of the “Profile” section.

The functionality and capabilities of the application depend on the available sensors, the selected region and operating system your smartphone (the iOS version supports a slightly smaller number of devices smart home).

Manage your home with Histore!

Modern trends are increasingly pushing us to automate everyday processes. It is difficult to talk about the reasons for this phenomenon; some will decide that this is simply saving precious time, while others adhere to the status of respectability when you manage an entire apartment from the screen of a smartphone.

Combining devices into a smart home ecosystem is not an innovative phenomenon; there are many large manufacturers promote similar services. But the difference is not only in price. A number of manufacturers create only a shell for connecting into a group, without producing the devices themselves. There is also the opposite approach - own production all components and combining them into a system. Xiaomi has resorted to the latter method. We won’t talk about the pros and cons; suffice it to say that the price reflects this in favor of consumers.

Mi Home- this is official software designed to combine gadgets into one system to control them from your smartphone. The service in Russian became available relatively recently. It is worth noting that the localization is not complete: many parts of the program still contain hieroglyphs.

Smart Home is available for both Android and iPhone. Until recently, iOS version represented exact copy applications for Android. Only by updating to version 4.0 we got an excellent design, somewhat similar to Apple's HomeKit.

It is not possible to set up a Xiaomi smart home for Windows or Mac OS, since official software it simply doesn't exist for these platforms. You can use emulators available on the Internet, but the relationship between the quality of the result and the need remains questionable.

Mi Home how to set up and use

In this article we will not talk about specific products or sets from the Xiaomi ecosystem. It's about getting to know the application as a whole.

How to download MI Home in Russian for free

The program is available for download both in the Play Market and in the AppStore at absolutely free of charge. Just enter the name of the software in the store's search engine and you can proceed to installation. The process is similar for both platforms and detailed description does not require.

Which region and server to choose

When you first log in, you will be asked to select a region. This is quite an important point. The best option there will be a choice of “Mainland China”. This will pay off if you need to connect a device that was intended to be distributed only domestic market China. Next you will need to log in to the program. Enter your details account If this is missing, read our article on how to create a Mi account, register and move on to the next step.

How to change the Mi Home interface language

It may happen that the default will be Chinese. Whether this is related to the choice of region or something else is unclear and not so important. Go to “Profile” - “Settings” - “Languages” - select Russian and save the result.

How to add a device

Connecting everyone specific device may contain a number of features, which is why we will not be able to consider all possible ones. However, there is overall plan, effective in most cases.

Let's look at how to add a Xiaomi robot vacuum cleaner. We turn on the device in detection mode. Open the application:

  1. Click on “+”
  2. Choose from categories necessary gadget
  3. We check that the device is ready for synchronization (the program gives hints)
  4. Select an access point and enter a password
  5. The connection is established, all that remains is to select the location of the device in your home (kitchen, living room, corridor)

We looked at the connection using mi robot vacuum cleaner as an example, all other devices compatible with smart home Xiaomi, connected according to the same scheme.

First, you need to register a Mi account, if suddenly you don’t have one yet, then go ahead and register it. We believe that you already have it.
My personal opinion is that it is better to install the original version from . When installing the application NECESSARILY select region - mainland China, language - English.

If you still want to have a localized version, then I can recommend the application translated by the project, current version you can download - . Region - you also need to select China, language - by default.

Once the Mi Home application is installed, you can connect devices from the Xiaomi ecosystem. All devices can be divided into 2 types - those that work independently, and those that need a Xiaomi Gateway - these devices work using a special Zigbee protocol. About connection various devices I already talked about them in their reviews, here I will pay more attention general issues working with the Mi Home application.
A little earlier I mentioned that I recommend betting official application And English language. It's time to tell why. The fact is that in a localized application, the Russian language is installed instead of Chinese - if in the main windows and settings everything is beautiful and clear, then it’s worth digging a little deeper - for example, in a scenario without which the operation of a smart home is impossible, and we come across Chinese. And you still have to switch to English. As an example, here are screenshots from the Xiaomi gateway script window - on the left is the localized application, in the center is the official one. By the way official plugins- also for the most part - English, so far the only plugin I have discovered that has not been translated is - wifi socket- on right.

By default, the device window of the Mi Home application looks like a list, which displays all connected devices. By clicking on a device, its plugin or control window is launched - since not all devices in the system have separate plugins. If the plugin is not installed, it is automatically downloaded. By clicking the button in the upper left corner and selecting the display type in the menu that opens - Grid - we switch the application to smart home remote control mode. All devices are displayed in the form of separate “cells” in which their readings or status are displayed. For example, temperature/humidity sensors have two cells - with temperature and humidity, and the gateway has three cells, control of radio, backlight and alarm. You can line up these cells by simply pressing and moving your finger without lowering them.

Now for the plugins. Even if you have installed official version applications - this is not an obstacle to the Russification of device plugins. The most difficult thing you need for this is root rights on your smartphone/tablet. Yes, we're talking about Android - I'm not touching iOS yet, since there's nothing to experiment with. There are ways of Russification without root - for example. But it seems to me that getting root is easier, faster and more useful.
All device plugins are separate files, With apk extension- in fact, each of them separate application, but controlled by the main Mi Home application. All plugins are added to special folder, the full path to it is /data/data/com.xiaomi.smarthome/files/plugin/install/mpk - then there is a list of folders with names from a three-digit number. For example, a smart extension cord is 150, a gateway is 108, etc. On your device there will only be folders of those devices that you have.
To Russify them, you just need to replace them. I use plugins, everything is conveniently written and up to date.
In order to get into the folder with plugins, we need root rights, since this is a system area. In addition, you need an application - I use it with the help of which files are overwritten. The application has two independent tabs - in the example, this is the folder with mpk plugins and the second is the Download folder, where plugins are downloaded.

Now let's talk about the Profile tab (My Account) of the Mi Home application. There are several important and useful buttons, which can be very useful to you -
Automation - This is a list of ALL your smart scripts, and also the status of their activity on this moment- switch on the right. Using this switch you can activate or deactivate any scenario.
Share - in this menu you can give access to any of your devices to another person - to another mi account. In this case, you also need to install Mi Home on another device and register a mi account. From the list of devices (you can see which ones you already have access to and which you don’t) - click on the one you want and enter the ID of another account. The owner of the other account receives a notification that they have been granted access to the device, accepts it, and can manage it.
There is also a Family function - by adding a family member’s mi account there, you will provide him with access to all smart home devices at once.
LIMITATION- shared devices can be managed, but scripts cannot be created. This is only possible from the main device.
CAN one mi account to use simultaneously on different devices. At the time of writing this review, I have two on hand with my account. Absolutely identical controls, even the order of the buttons has changed - the same as I configured.

Scenarios can be divided into two types.
1. The first one - let's call it manual, they are created by clicking in the main window of the mi home application at the top right button- add scene - add a script. A list of such scenarios can be seen by clicking on the All Scenes button in the Mi Home application when it is in list view mode. We find ourselves in a window divided into two parts - in the upper script, which will be displayed in the main application window, for their quick launch, at the bottom - everything in general. Clicking on the bottom right side icons of any scenario and holding our finger a little - we activate the editing mode - in which we can move, add / delete scenarios. It should be remembered that in the remote control mode - grids - they will still all be visible.
4 scenarios - leaving home, returning, sleeping and waking up - have their own icons. To edit the script, you need to click in the area of ​​the lower right part of the icon - a small triangle.
In this mode, you can set the name of the scenario at the top of the screen and create a list of actions. It is also possible to add pauses between them. If you need to move or remove an action, there is an Edit button on the right side of the screen, slightly hidden by the Perform the following... inscription. After clicking it, it is possible to delete or change the order of actions. In the upper right part of the window there is a button that brings up a menu. In it you can enable/disable the notification about the execution of the script, display the script icon on the desktop, or delete it.

2. Type - let's call it automated scripts. In addition to a list of actions, they also have a trigger condition. The conditions can be: a timer (by time and day of the week) - receipt of a call or message, pressing a button, turning a cube, triggering a motion or opening sensor. Actions can include device control - turn on the socket, light bulb, activate the alarm mode, you can also add ready script- for example, by pressing a button, you can activate the “leaving home” scenario, as well as disable and enable ready-made existing scenarios.

A couple of scenario examples. Manual scenario - leaving home - first turning off the lights, activating the alarm mode - it is set to a 15 second delay, and after the same 15 seconds - turning off the lights in the hallway. Having set the execution of this script to a button discreetly installed near the door, we calmly leave the house. First, the lights will go out everywhere except the hallway, and after 15 seconds there too, and the alarm will turn on.
Automatic script - which controls the humidifier. The socket into which the humidifier is plugged in turns on when the humidity drops below 40%. A similar scenario - turns it off when the humidity is more than 50%.
But we don’t need to humidify when the room is ventilated - therefore, when the window opening sensor is triggered, the socket is also turned off and the scenarios for turning it on are deactivated. When you close the window, everything turns back on.

That's all for now, examples of scenarios also exist and will appear in my reviews of smart home devices.

Who finds it easier to perceive information audiovisually - video version of this review:

All my reviews Xiaomi devices in chronological order -

Mi Home- This mobile client, with which you can control various Smart devices. We draw your attention to the fact that MiHome can configure and manage smart devices released only by Xiaomi. This application is not suitable for monitoring actions performed by equipment from other manufacturers.

With MiHome you can manage all your equipment installed in your home. Of course, in this case we don’t mean absolutely any technology, like grandma’s old TV, but only “smart” devices. The list of gadgets controlled by this software includes sockets, tees, air purifiers, air conditioners, vacuum cleaners, cameras (internal, installed in the house and external, placed at the entrance or in the garage), televisions, etc.

The application shows the number of connected devices, allows you to configure notifications and extensions, and also provides convenient system sorting equipment according to the "Rooms" lists. In the special tab "Automation" you can view all running processes(scripts) and manage them. The user can also “share” access rights to other family members. It is worth remembering that there are restrictions when assigning control rights - in this case you cannot create your own scripts, but you can only use ready-made ones.

To use the application, you must create a Mi account. Very important part The application settings are to select the region and language. By the way, the program has been translated into Russian, not by the developer himself, but by third-party users. Unfortunately, using the Russian language will prevent you from creating your own scripts and managing SMART devices voice.


  • management of “smart” equipment from Xiaomi;
  • creating your own scripts;
  • distribution of control rights to other users;
  • convenient sorting of all devices available for management;
  • the need to start personal account Mi;
  • compatible exclusively with new versions of Android;
  • presence of Russian localization.

Who can't log into Mi Home

  • 1. Set "VPN Master"
  • 2. Turn off Wi-fi, start VPN Master, choose Hong Kong
  • 3. Launch Mi Home, log in (after selecting Mainland China in the settings)
  • 4. That's it, you can use Mi Home. Turn on Wi-fi, turn off VPN Master (you can delete it). Even after rebooting the phone everything works.

Download the Mi Home app for Android you can follow the link below.