I touch the screen with my ear during a conversation. Calibrating the proximity sensor on xiaomi redmi, note, mi devices

The proximity sensor in a smartphone, including the iPhone, performs a function such as turning off the screen during a call. The function is activated the moment it comes into contact with something opaque. When a person makes or answers a call, that something is the ear. Today we will talk about why the screen does not go off when talking on the phone and what you can do in this case yourself, without the help of a specialist, including how to check the proximity sensor.

Most often, the proximity sensor in a smartphone loses its functionality after replacing the touchscreen. In order to solve this problem, just stick a small piece of tape in this place and paint over it with a dark marker, preferably black. This method has been tried many times and has always been effective.

Instead of tape, you can use a rubber band. Cut a piece about 5mm long and place it between the light and distance mechanisms. This method, as experts note and ordinary people, also helps solve the problem when the function of turning off the display on the iPhone does not work as expected when you approach a non-transparent object.

Of course, in order for the distance sensor to be accessible for repair, the device will have to be disassembled, at least removing the display module. Instructions on how to do this for owners iPhones of different There are plenty of models on the Internet. First, familiarize yourself with it so as not to make any mistakes or spoil a valuable spare part. Screens are very fragile and, if removed incorrectly, turn into a pile of glass shards.

As a rule, the distance sensor does not work after replacing the display if the procedure was carried out by people who are not familiar with all the intricacies of opening and iPhone repair 5 and other products from Apple. Therefore, to replace the display on an iPhone, it is best to contact real professionals in their field, specialists in whom you are 100% confident, preferably an official service center.

In addition, only there you will receive a guarantee for work and spare parts that lasts several months, unlike private service providers who limit warranty obligations 2-3 weeks.

Transparent protective film or glass

In addition to replacing the touchscreen, a situation when the sensor does not work iPhone proximity, may be caused protective film or glass. To be more precise, its dark shade. Due to shading, the distance sensor, although fully functional, will not respond. The solution to this problem is to remove the protective film or glass and replace it with another, transparent one, which is quite logical.

Currently available on the market great amount similar accessories, so there should be no problems with choosing the right one. The main thing to remember is to take only transparent protective glass!

It should be noted that if you have put a protective film or dark-colored glass on your iPhone for a long time and before similar problems If it didn’t, then most likely the sensor on the phone failed for another reason. IN in this case It is strongly recommended to contact a specialist.

Phone recovery

If it is not a matter of replacing the touchscreen and dark protective film or glass, then the sensor may not work due to failures in the operating system. Therefore, before going to the official service center to repair the iPhone 5 or any other gadget from Apple, we try to reboot. This is very easy to do - look at the picture and press the marked buttons.

In order to reset all errors to software you need to format your phone. This can be done with iTunes help. Read and see how exactly the procedure is performed in this article.

Repairing the cable

A situation where the screen does not go dark, in addition to everything that was mentioned above, can be caused by the breakdown of a cheap spare part called a “cable”. Fixing this is not particularly difficult, but skill and experience are required. This process can be divided into the following stages:

  1. Disassemble the iPhone, remove or disconnect the battery.
  2. Pull out the speaker and the connector that is used to secure the headset.
  3. Take apart the key called “Home” by unscrewing the screws one by one.
  4. If there are traces of corrosion on the parts that come into contact with the cable, then carefully clean this area. A cotton swab dipped in an alcohol solution is suitable for this.
  5. Reinstall the parts.
  6. Turn on the iPhone and check the proximity sensor – whether it works or not.

Remember that the cable is very fragile and can be damaged with literally one careless movement. Therefore, if you decide to repair it yourself, then do it carefully, without using sharp or cutting objects.

Removing contaminants

The cause of the problem we are considering may also be the notorious dust, which penetrates inside the device when the seal is broken. In order to wipe the phone from the inside, you will need to disassemble the case and carefully, without pressing, wipe the circuits and case from visible particles of debris.

Disabling a module

If, on the contrary, you are wondering: “How to disable the proximity sensor on an iPhone,” then you can use one of the following methods:

  1. Download Smart app Screen Off. The program allows you to calibrate and adjust the moments of switching on and off.
  2. Dial the combination “* # * # 0588 # * # *” - a software shutdown method hardwired into the bowels of engineers operating system iOS.
  3. Disassembling the smartphone and removing the proximity sensor is perhaps the most radical way.


Now you know what to do if the screen does not go off when iPhone conversation 5S. The warranty on an iPhone, regardless of the model, is not 1, as many people think, but 2 years. Therefore, if this time has not yet expired, then it is best not to engage in amateur activities, but to seek help from an official service center. They will fix the problem quickly and free of charge. If the module has not failed as a result of drowning or falling of the device.

And finally. You should not buy an iPhone secondhand, since in this case, the cell phone may be a Chinese product assembled from used parts, even if there is documentation confirming the quality. Be careful and careful how to check iphone authenticity, read the next article. That's all, see you again on the pages of the site!

Video instruction

Phones evolve from year to year, becoming more and more complex devices, having a dozen different sensors on board. Each of them is responsible for certain functions. For example, a proximity sensor is responsible for regulating the auto-brightness of the screen and turning it off during a conversation; it is also called a light or ambient light sensor. Proximity sensor calibration xiaomi redmi or note devices will help correct incorrect operation of the sensor, which can cause a lot of problems for the smartphone owner, for example, accidental taps on the screen during a conversation. There may be several reasons for malfunction. If a banal reboot of the device does not help you, then let's look at the reasons according to their degree of complexity.

Turn on the light sensor

Your sensor may simply be turned off. To enable it you need to take several steps, consider example xiaomi redmi 3s.
Open the “phone” application (dialer in common parlance)
Long press on menu
In the list that opens, select “incoming calls”
Then we find “proximity sensor” in the list and turn it on if it is disabled

At part xiaomi models there may not be such an option or this function will differ in location in the menu. Unfortunately, it is impossible to give a universal menu path due to the wide variety of models and firmware.

Disabling "harmful" functions

The most common reason for a sensor not working correctly is the enabled “pocket lock” function, the purpose of which is to prevent the screen from turning on when the smartphone is in your pocket. Because of this option, the light sensor often does not work correctly.

This problem is relevant for everyone xiaomi firmware, for some reason, engineers do not want to fix this problem or believe that everything works as it should, however, for some users, this function does not cause problems. To turn off pocket lock, you need to go to settings, then to “calls” and then to “incoming calls”, there you can find a slider that turns off this feature.

What can interfere with the sensor?

One of the reasons for a proximity sensor not working correctly is physical interference in its operation, namely protective film or glass. For example, our employee’s xiaomi redmi note 3 pro does not have this proximity sensor working for this exact reason. If you do not have holes for the light sensor, then you need to either change the film/glass or make this hole yourself. This sensor usually located above the screen, next to front camera And conversational speaker. This problem is usually caused by low-quality or universal films. Therefore, before purchasing protective coating, be sure to check that all holes are present.

Testing and calibrating the light sensor

Checking the light sensor

A fairly popular solution is to calibrate the sensor. xiaomi approaching devices. First, you need to check the functionality of the sensor on your phone, to do this, dial the following numbers *#*#6484#*#* (you do not need to press the call button), thanks to this combination you will be taken to engineering menu, tested on xiaomi mi4 and xiaomi redmi 3 pro, other ways to get there are described in our article about the engineering menu.
You will see 5 buttons on a black background.

Click on the top right, it should say “Single Item Test”.

In the list of components you need to find and select “Proximity Sensor”; it is usually located almost at the very bottom.

In the test itself, the inscription “far” or “close” will be displayed on the screen; closing and opening the light sensor (for example, with your finger), the inscription should change. If this does not happen, it means this module faulty
After this text, you can try calibration.

Light Sensor Calibration

Let's look at calibration using an example xiaomi smartphone redmi 3s.

Turn off your smartphone completely.

Press and hold the volume+ button (volume up), and without releasing it, press the power button. Your device should vibrate, after which the buttons can be released.

A menu will open in front of you, in 95% of cases it will be on Chinese(including xiaomi redmi 3s). You need to click on the “中文” button, it is located on the bottom line to the right of the “download模式” button. After this, the menu language will change to English.

Click on the “PCBA test” button in top line and the engineering menu opens in front of us.

If the touchscreen does not work, then use the “UP” and “DOWN” buttons to move to the “Proximity sensor” item and go into it.

You need to place the phone horizontally on a flat surface.

The light sensor should not be covered with anything (it is better to wipe it with a cloth).

Make sure your phone is not exposed to bright light.

Click on the “Calibration” button, the sensor will begin to calibrate.

Afterwards the message “Successfully” should appear, it means that the calibration was successfully completed.

Now you need to check the operation of this module, cover the light sensor with an opaque object, on the screen 1 should change to 0 and vice versa.

After this, you may need to press the “Pass” button, you will be taken back to the engineering menu, there we press “Finish”, then “Power Off”, the phone should turn off.

Turn on the phone and check the operation of the sensor. When you make a call, the screen should only go dark when you bring the phone to your ear.
On our personal experience correct work The xiaomi redmi 3 proximity sensor was completely restored using this method.

Incorrect device firmware

If calibration does not help, then the reason for the incorrect operation of the smartphone may be incorrect flashing; this applies not only to the light sensor. The problem is that new firmware incorrectly places on the smartphone, receiving the remaining garbage from old firmware. This problem concerns the update method through standard recovery (bootloader). The transition to new versions should be done via fastboot or with resetting all settings and user data (full wipe). Of the minuses this method It is worth noting that all your data and applications will be deleted, but all garbage will be deleted along with them.

Other reasons

If previous methods did not have the desired effect, then the reason may be replacing the screen with a low-quality one. Unfortunately, screen modules for xiaomi phones supplied with a light sensor. If you have already had your screen replaced at a service center, then it is quite possible that, contrary to all the technician’s beliefs, you were simply given a low-quality screen with a bad sensor. If your smartphone does not work correctly from the very beginning of the purchase, then the reason may be a simple defect. We advise you to contact the seller for further instructions.

We hope these tips helped you, be sure to write in the comments whether this article helped you and what advice helped you.

If the screen on Android does not turn on after a conversation or does not go off during a call when you put it to your ear, then you should look for the cause of the problem in the work. If it breaks down, the device cannot correctly determine its position in space, so the screen does not light up, but the phone works.

This article is suitable for all brands that produce phones on Android 9/8/7/6: Samsung, HTC, Lenovo, LG, Sony, ZTE, Huawei, Meizu, Fly, Alcatel, Xiaomi, Nokia and others. We are not responsible for your actions.

Problems with the screen when making calls on Android

The main function of the proximity sensor is automatic switching on and turning off the backlight during a call. This allows you to save battery power and prevent accidental pressing of your ear or cheek touch screen your gadget.

If your Android device does not turn off during a call, or the screen does not turn on after the call ends, then you should look for the problem in the operation of the sensor. The reasons may be as follows:

  • Poor visibility (covered/covered with protective film or cover).
  • Lack of RAM.
  • Problems with the firmware.
  • Moisture ingress.
  • Mechanical impact and damage to the cable or other components.

Before you start programmatically To resolve the problem, wipe the screen thoroughly. Special attention Pay attention to the top part, where the proximity sensor is located. If film or glass is glued to the display, then over time they may lose transparency and also interfere with the sensor.

Then check the call settings - perhaps the parameters are set incorrectly and the sensor is simply turned off. This option Not available on all phones, but worth checking.

  1. Open Settings and go to “My Devices” or “Options”.
  2. On the Calls tab, make sure there is a checkmark next to Proximity Sensor.

Also, make sure that the system has enough RAM to run the sensor. Open the list of applications in settings and on the “Running” tab look at how much RAM your phone is using. If you find a shortage, shut down unnecessary applications.

If everything is set correctly in the settings, but the sensor does not work, do backup copy important data and reset Android to factory settings. If the problem persists after a hard reset, you will have to reflash the phone. If none software methods, including flashing, did not eliminate the problem, it is recommended to contact a service center to diagnose hardware faults.

Problems with the screen on Android after sleep mode

Another problem that may arise with the screen is that it does not turn on after sleep mode. It may or may not be black, but the phone works. If you are faced with such a situation, then know that the reasons can also be software or hardware in nature:

  • Lack of RAM.
  • Problems with the firmware.
  • Incorrect work power buttons.
  • Mechanical impact (impact, fall).
  • Moisture getting inside the case.

If the phone does not turn on but vibrates when incoming call or performing other actions, there is a high probability that the problem can be fixed without contacting a service center. Clear RAM from unnecessary processes, completing unnecessary work in this moment applications. If this does not help, make a backup of your important data and reset the system settings to the factory state.


If a hard reset also does not fix the problem, you will have to flash the device. It is important not to forget to make a backup copy before each serious operation to interfere with Android.