Overclocking a video card using RivaTuner. What is this RivaTuner Statistics Server program and how to use it

RivaTuner can work in two modes and customize your graphics subsystem at the display driver (video card) level or in low-level access mode. At the display driver (video card) level, RivaTuner changes settings through the registry and directly calls driver functions if it is necessary to perform certain operations (requesting and setting chip and memory frequencies, updating the overlay context, changing color scheme and so on.). In this mode, RivaTuner can read some settings values ​​(eg AGP settings) directly from graphics card, but it doesn't use low-level hardware access to change anything. In low-level access mode, RivaTuner works directly with your video card. When you make any changes in this mode, RivaTuner usually does not use the Windows API or display driver, and directly programs your video card.

How does RivaTuner work? Is this a regular registry tweaker?

Yes, at first it was a registry tweaking utility. Now RivaTuner can work in two modes and configure your graphics subsystem at the display driver (video card) level or in low-level access mode.
At the display driver (video card) level, RivaTuner changes settings through the registry and directly calls driver functions if it is necessary to perform certain operations (requesting and setting chip and memory frequencies, updating the overlay context, changing the color scheme, etc.). In this mode, RivaTuner can read some settings values ​​(eg AGP settings) directly from the graphics card, but it does not use low-level hardware access to change anything.
In low-level access mode, RivaTuner works directly with your video card. When you make any changes in this mode, RivaTuner usually does not use the Windows API or display driver, and directly programs your video card.

Can I close RivaTuner after changing driver settings? Will the changes remain in effect in this case?

Yes, sure. All driver settings are saved in the registry, and you can safely close RivaTuner or even remove it from the hard drive - the settings will still work. It is not necessary to download RivaTuner when Windows startup to apply your settings. There is only one option that requires RivaTuner to be present in memory - “Restore clock frequencies after suspended mode”. Advanced users can also keep RivaTuner resident to use the sensor monitoring module, built-in registry editor and low-level diagnostic module for status monitoring.

How about Low Level Overclocking Module? Will it work if RivaTuner doesn't load when Windows boots?

Yes, it will. RivaTuner simply adds itself with the command key "/S" to the autorun section of the registry when you enable any of the low-level settings (AGP settings, overclocking or color correction) when Windows starts. In this case, RivaTuner loads when Windows starts, using the startup daemon (a procedure that configures the system at boot depending on the settings you have made) and immediately unloads itself from memory.

How can I completely remove RivaTuner from my system?

Just run the uninstaller from the Start menu or Add or Remove Programs in Control Panel. This will remove RivaTuner from your hard drive and will remove all specific RivaTuner settings from your registry.

What about the specific driver settings I made using RivaTuner? Will they remain after uninstalling RivaTuner?

Yes, they will. RivaTuner does not make any changes to driver settings when uninstalling. If you want to restore the driver settings to default, use the RivaTuner function: “Set all driver settings to default” before uninstalling the program. You can also save the driver settings in a preset, and then simply restore the settings from this preset before uninstalling RivaTuner.
To take a snapshot of the “pre-RivaTuner” driver settings, do the following:

    Open the “Launcher” tab and click the “Add new menu item” button, then select “Regular menu item type” and click OK. The menu item editor will appear.

    Enter a name for the new item. For example, “Restore point “pre-RivaTuner”

    Check the Associated preset option, then click the Create button to create a preset containing current settings drivers.

Appeared new item menu. You can now rollback to this restore point from context menu(right click on the RivaTuner tray icon to open it)

I noticed that the RivaTunerEx.sys service is running even after RivaTuner is unloaded. Is this a program error?

No, this strategy for using the driver was implemented specifically, starting with version RC12, for RivaTuner compatibility with fast switching users in Windows XP. Starting from this version, RivaTuner uses the driver operation strategy “install - start - load - unload” instead of “install - start-loading— unloading — stop — deleting.” However, the previous mode of operation (install-start-load-unload-stop-uninstall) can also be enabled by the IODriverUninstallBehaviour registry setting.

Where do you get information about all these settings? Do you work for NVIDIA?

No, I don't work for NVIDIA. I am only dissatisfied owner NVIDIA video cards and I wanted to get everything from the video card that it and the drivers were capable of. I'm a professional programmer and reverse engineering is my hobby, so I just extract information from the driver using SoftICE, IDA and some other utilities. I've owned almost every NVIDIA video card since the Riva128, but I've never been satisfied with the driver settings panel interface. It's a little strange that NVIDIA programmers don't allow us to change everything possible settings through the driver settings panel. That's why I started writing my own utility.

What is an RTD database and how can I use it?

The RTD database is just a list of registry keys that you can view and edit in the built-in registry editor. RivaTuner uses *.RTD files to store information about driver settings. Different versions drivers store their settings in registry keys located in different registry branches, so information for each driver version is located in separate databases data. The database for each driver version contains a list of registry keys used by that driver. The database also includes default values ​​and a description for each registry key. You don't make any changes to your registry when you open the database in RivaTuner, you only load a list of registry keys that can be changed through the built-in registry editor.

Do I need to download a new *.RTD database after installing new drivers?

Don't worry about databases until you are ready to edit the registry using the PowerUser tab. Forget about databases unless you are an advanced user and don't use this tab. The remaining capabilities of RivaTuner are absolutely independent of the loaded currently database, this tab is additional means For experienced users, which does not directly affect any RivaTuner module. So you can safely use the program, even if an outdated database is loaded on the “PowerUser” tab. RivaTuner will correctly detect any supported driver and allow you to change all supported options.

*.RTP preset is a script that can add or remove entries in your registry. It is similar to a REG file, but has several advantages:

    Windows 9x and Windows 2000, Windows XP store settings in system-dependent registry keys. Therefore your *. REG files may not work correctly on another computer or on yours after reinstalling the drivers. RivaTuner uses macro names to export and import presets, so they always work correctly.

    *.REG files cannot delete registry keys. Presets can.

    Preset files may contain registry keys that depend on the driver version and hardware.

You can use pre-created presets (located in the Presets folder) or create your own using the built-in registry editor. These presets are integrated into the Explorer shell, so you can run some *.RTP file to import it. You can also launch a preset using RivaTuner. Follow these steps:

    Open the “Launcher” tab and click on the “Add new item” button. The Menu Editor dialog box appears.

    Enter a name for the new menu. For example, “Apply quality optimized settings”.

    Click on the “Associated preset” option, select your preset and close the menu editor dialog box.

A new menu item has appeared. You can now launch the preset associated with this menu, double click mice. When RivaTuner is minimized to the system tray, you can launch the program from the context menu (right-click on the RivaTuner icon in the system tray to open it).

I need a preset for Quake III. Where can I download it?

You don't need presets for all games. I added presets only for games that cannot work properly without special settings drivers (for example, all games in the NFS series require enabling “table fog emulation” and non-standard scheme texel alignment; games based on the Unreal engine look much better with negative LOD bias and real W-buffer format in 16-bit modes, etc.). For other games you can use the “High quality” presets ( High quality) and "High performance" ( High performance).

Some settings (for example, automatic mipmapping) are blocked in RivaTuner. How can I enable locked settings?

RivaTuner blocks some settings in the following three cases:

    Settings are blocked if the hardware does not support them. For example, TNT/TNT2 chips do not support anisotropic texture filtering. GeForce/GeForce2/GeForce3 chips do not support automatic mipmapping, fast trilinear filtering, etc.

    Settings are locked if drivers do not support them. For example, the “Enable S3TC quality trick” option is only supported by Detonator 6.47 and higher.

    Settings are locked if the operating system does not support them. For example, “Use busmastering mode for video” is only supported by Windows 9x.

The best way to determine why a setting is blocked ( gray) - click on the “?” button, and then click on the option you are interested in. Context-sensitive help appears with a description of this option and hints as to why this setting is disabled.

I noticed that RivaTuner is causing problems with 3DMark2001 on my system. It crashes with the error message "P_D3D::DRV_allocateMap - device does not support bump normal maps". Is this a bug in RivaTuner? Can you fix it?

No, this is not a mistake. This problem is caused by an incompatibility between established formats textures in RivaTuner 2.0 RC9 and Detonator 27.xx. NVIDIA has added a new capability bit to the D3D_52971801 (encrypted SurfaceFormatsDX7) and D3D_52971801 (encrypted SurfaceFormatsDX8) registry keys in the 27.xx drivers. This bit allows the Direct3D driver to export the D3DFMT_Q8W8V8U8 pixel format, and it should not be set on pre-27.xx drivers, but it should be set on new drivers. Unfortunately, there is no way to make pixel format settings directly compatible because the driver does not allow unused bits to be set and resets these registry keys to default values ​​when at least one additional bit is set. So the only way to solve this problem is to wait for the updated RivaTuner. RivaTuner 2.0 RC10 is fully compatible with 27.xx, but this problem may appear again in the future if NVIDIA adds new bits of texture format capabilities.

AGP settings in RivaTuner are not working correctly on my system. What is the problem?

Unfortunately, the AGP settings in the driver do not work on some platforms (especially non-Intel ones). Most built on Intel chipsets On computers, these settings work fine, but on some chipsets they may be ignored or lead to an operating system error. For example, on systems based on the VIA Apollo 133A chipset, AGP bus baud rate settings are ignored, and enabling AGP FastWrites causes the computer to freeze. To change the AGP bus parameters on such computers, use your choice: BIOS settings motherboard, AGP controller driver settings, RivaTuner low-level AGP settings module or utilities that directly program registers PCI devices(PowerStrip, WPCREDIT, ZTAGPTool).

I'm sure that my video card supports AGP Fast-Writes or Sideband addressing, but these settings are not available in RivaTuner. How to activate them?

First of all, you need at least a GeForce256 and driver version 5.32 or higher to control FastWrites, and driver 6.34 to control SBA. Secondly, read the previous question. These settings can cause the system to freeze or crash, so they are disabled by default in RivaTuner. If you have an idea of ​​what operating system SAFE MODE is and " blue screen", you can enable these RivaTuner settings by editing the registry:

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The Rivatuner utility has long become known among gamers, which allows you to fine-tune the core frequencies and memory of the video card hardware. In addition, the utility monitors the frequencies of almost all parameters.

Using Rivatuner, the user can configure the operation of the cooler and monitor at their own request.
It is distributed absolutely free of charge and is suitable for overclocking, AMD.
Rivatuner supports absolutely all video adapters, from the Riva TNT family to GeForce, as well as a wide range Nvidia drivers: from the very first Detonator 2.08 to the latest member of the driver family - ForseWare. There is also support for video adapters that are based on the ATI GPU.

How to use Rivatuner

Any interference with the operation of the video card may result in its failure or incorrect operation, so don’t go too far when working with Rivatuner.

First, you should download the utility to your computer and install it.

Let's launch installed utility Rivatuner.

Now let's go to the video card settings. To do this, click on the triangle, which is located under the name of the video card on the right.

Click on the button with a magnifying glass from the panel that has fallen out. This is necessary in order to view the overall performance of the video card.

We look at the graphs of temperature and frequency indicators of the video card parameters.

After that, click, again, on the triangle, which is located in the “ForceWaare detected” line, and select the first button from the dropped-out panel. It shows a small video card.

After this, a window with the system settings of the video card will open. Go to the “Fan” tab.

After that on the right top corner set the value to “Direct control”, which means “Overclocking at the driver level”, and click the button at the bottom of the “Apply” window.

After that, click on the button with the image of a floppy disk to create this setting and save in the “Custom fan profile” line. You need to create about four such core frequency settings with values ​​of 40%, 60%, 80%, 100%.

After that, set the first value to 40% and press the “OK” button. Go to the “Launcher” tab.

Click on the green plus, select “Regular item” and click the “Ok” button.

After this, a window will appear where you need to set the video card acceleration parameters. To do this, write in the “Name” line - 40%.

Below we look for the “Associated fan profile” parameter, set the value to 40%, and also set “Driver-level” and click “Ok”. In the same way we set the values ​​for 60%, 80% and 100%.

Let's go to next tab"Scheduler"

Here we set 40% in the “Name” field. Click the line “Run task...” and select “On hardware monitoring range event”.

Will fall out additional settings mode. Here we set the "Core temperature" and choose a color for the graph. It is red by default, but we changed it to green.

Since 40% is minimum value, then in the “Range min” field we set “0”, the maximum value should not exceed the next value of 60%, which means we set the “Range max” field to 55. The next two indicators indicate the periodicity of the graph. Optimal performance to display it will be “15000” and “0”.

Greetings, dear friends, acquaintances, readers and other individuals. As I promised back at the time of the article "", today we will talk about, for starters, how to change the fan speed to (over time there will be an article about cards AMD).

The fact is that sometimes the cooler on the video card rotates excessively (the minimum permissible speed is usually set by the manufacturer in 40% , and then it can change, by default only by increasing, i.e. increasing speed), creating unnecessary noise and, which is not always pleasant for everyone. The problem is especially relevant for those who have powerful system cooling on the card (see the article at the link above), which effectively copes with the work at low speeds, however, let’s say, the low-level setting does not allow it to do this.

In particular, someone just wants silence, which is hampered by noise from the video card, which is often caused by the cooling system of the video card. As part of this article, I want to tell you how to change the minimum permissible rotation speed of the fans on the card, as well as adjust the dependence of the rotation speed on temperature in order to maintain the adequacy of the cooling system (i.e., not just reduce the percentage threshold, but make an adequate response cooler on the temperature, so that when necessary, it accelerates, and when the system is idle, on the contrary, it quiets down).

The installation process is quite simple and I will not dwell on it, except for this moment:

Actually, ideally, leave everything as in the screenshot, however, if you are sure that you do not play games that use PunkBuster, then you can uncheck the second box. The installation will be completed on the SIM, although you will have to wait a bit for the database to be generated:

When you launch it for the first time, you will most likely encounter a notification about an unsupported driver:

Feel free to ignore it by checking the " Hide until new unsupported driver is installed"(this is not critical and is caused by a long-standing update of the program driver database), after which you will see the main program window (or you can call it double click mouse over the program icon in the tray, i.e. near the clock).

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First, we need to go to the tab where to set in the branch " RivaTuner\Fan"parameter" AutoFanSpeedControl" parameter " 3 " (by double-clicking on the field next to it to enable keyboard input). This action will allow us to configure the fan cycle through low-level system settings.

Next you need to exit RivaTuner, which can be done by left-clicking the “ OK" Just in case, check for the presence of the program icon (the icon looks like a gear), if it is not there, then you have really exited the program, and if there is, then right-click on it and select “ Exit».

Being on the "tab" home"First, click on the triangle and then on the image of the video card to open the low-level cooler settings we need.

A small “question” window may appear. There are a lot of different buzzwords that boil down to one thing - if you don’t have it running third party utilities to control the fan speed, you can press the button "Define", which is what you need to do. Actually, next, here we need to check the box " Enable low-level cooler control"(if she's not standing) and a circle" Auto"Then the fun begins.

In the window you see a number of parameters, from " Minimum operating cycle" before " T limit, maximum"and we need to configure them correctly. Let me explain what each of them means, partially taking the text of the description and recommendations from the authors of the program:

  • « Minimum operating cycle" is the minimum fan speed, indicated as a percentage. They will be maintained at any temperature below the minimum. According to the developers, it is worth leaving here 40% , because the cooler is supposedly inaudible at these temperatures, but I would recommend relying on personal feelings, in any case, at one time, the video card fan was the loudest part of the system, while coping with its load at lower speeds. in general, if if in the room or inside system unit it is very hot, and at these speeds the temperature of the card processor exceeds 55 -60 degrees, that is, it makes sense not to underestimate this parameter too much. If your idle temperature, like mine, stays around 40-45 degrees, then I would recommend indicating here somewhere 20% - V 2D mode everything will be quiet and without much overheating.
  • « Operating cycle, maximum" - this is the maximum fan speed, in percentage. They will be maintained at any temperature above the maximum. Essentially, this is the speed at the peak, when the temperature, according to the settings you specified further, has approached critical. Useful to leave 100 %, so that if the card heats up significantly, the cooling system forgets about silence and works at full capacity.
  • « T.minimum" - this is the minimum temperature below which the video card will be considered “cold”, i.e. it is this parameter that the “ Minimum operating cycle" If it stands here, let's say 40 degrees, then at them there will be the percentage of revolutions that you set in “ Minimum operating cycle" In general, here you can specify at what temperature the cooler will operate at the minimum speed you set. I believe that 45 This is quite an appropriate figure.
  • « T.range" - it must be selected from a series of numbers: 2, 2.5, 3.33, 4, 5, 6.67, 8, 10, 13.33, 16, 20, 26.67, 32, 40, 53.33, 80 . You can, of course, enter any other number, but after clicking on the " Apply" it will still be reduced to the nearest of this series. The range is calculated as Maximum temperature minus the minimum (specified in " T. Minimum"). The maximum is the temperature, upon reaching which the fan will “thresh” with speed, specified by the parameter « Operating cycle, maximum" (see below). I don’t recommend setting it too high: the higher the average operating temperature video card, the less it lasts. Also, do not forget that in addition to GPU The video card contains both memory and a power circuit - and all of this heats up and requires cooling. Higher 85 degrees there is no point in setting it (from 90-95 degrees the standard operating algorithm, hardwired into BIOS video cards).
  • « T.working», « T.maximum, minimum», « T.maximum" are parameters for automatic regulation of the parameters described above. Operating is optimal temperature under load, i.e. cooler, with full-time work and load in 3D, will try to keep this temperature as something average and will try to keep it as optimal. My recommended setting is 55 , approximately, degrees. The minimum and maximum temperature limits determine the boundaries critical temperature, in which the cooling system tries to put all its efforts into cooling the video card and bringing it to at least a working version.

In a nutshell, something like this. I sincerely hope that you are not confused. As a last resort, firstly, I’ll give you a screenshot of my settings (keep in mind that it’s on my card

Everyone dreams of powerful computer, who is able to solve a large number of tasks, and, moreover, do it quickly. Unfortunately, not everyone can afford such cars, but overclocking programs have been invented that compensate for the difference in hardware. Today we will talk about the RivaTuner program: how to use it and why it is needed in general.

So, the RivaTuner program is special utility, which will help to fine-tune the frequencies of the processor cores and video card memory, which will allow you to distribute computer resources as efficiently as possible. At the same time, it is easy to use - even an inexperienced user can figure it out.
Given software feels great not only on full-fledged PCs, but also on portable laptops, which is a serious advantage due to the fact that many laptops cannot boast of outstanding characteristics.

Principle of operation

What does RivaTuner do and how to use it correctly so as not to harm your computer? The operating principle of the program is based on control of all important parameters video card and processor. Its functionality includes a full database of settings for drivers, a registry editor, and a utility GPU overclocking and several other components.
Since RivaTuner is a program for a video card, it would not be out of place to raise the issue of compatibility. The utility is perfect for working with such popular video cards as AMD and NVidia, and supports almost the entire family: from Riva TNT to GeForce. In addition, there is support for adapters designed based on GPU ATI.

The video card overclocking program is compatible with all operating systems, so if you decide to use RivaTuner for Windows 7 or newer versions, then there should be no problems.

Preparing for overclocking

Attention! Perform all subsequent actions with extreme caution, since incorrect operation of the program can lead to damage to the video card.

The first step is to select the target adapter - this is the video card that you plan to overclock. This is easy to do: in the “Home” tab, select the required one from the drop-down menu. Now let's open a window to track the temperature and frequency of the cores. To do this, click on the small triangle to the right of the name of the target adapter and select “Monitoring”.

Overclocking the video card

So, we have the RivaTuner program ready for overclocking - how to use it to get maximum results?
In the “Driver Settings” section, select “ System Settings" In the new window that opens, check the box next to “Enable overclocking at the driver level,” and then click “Definition” in the pop-up window.

Now let's proceed directly to overclocking the video card. This process is done gradually so as not to harm the operation of the adapter.
Next to the item “Enable overclocking at the driver level”, select the value 3D from the drop-down menu. Now we increase by dragging the slider to a frequency of 50-75 MHz and click “Apply”. After a couple of seconds, the kernel will return to the operating mode that you set for it. Now let's check how well it copes. First of all, you should look at the “Monitoring” tab: the temperature should increase slightly, otherwise you need to return the parameters to the previous values.

Thus, we are gradually achieving optimal performance systems. After overclocking the core frequency, other parameters such as “Shader domain frequency” and “Memory frequency” are adjusted in the same way. In the startup settings, check the box next to “Load settings from Windows” - this will save the settings when you restart the system.

A little trick. System performance does not always increase with increasing core frequency. Sometimes it's worth reducing it a little. In a word, experiment!

Squeezing all the juice out of the video card

When you need to not only optimize system performance, but also maximize performance, you need to accurately guess the potential of the video card. This can be done using the ATITool program. It allows you to install certain frequency kernel and test it on it. To carry out this operation with your video card, you must:

  1. Launch ATITool;
  2. Choose required adapter in the “Profile” section;
  3. Change the frequency “Core” and press “ Scan for Artifacts";
  4. If a window appears in which a cube is depicted, you can turn “Core” further, and if artifacts appear, then you should turn it down.

After such a test, you can safely spin up the core to the value that will ultimately be in the “Core” window.
Now you know what RivaTuner is and how to use this program. Happy overclocking!

Novice gamers have repeatedly noticed technical information in the corner of the screen in game reviews. It includes information about system load, frame refresh rate, etc. This function is implemented by one very interesting application— RivaTuner Statistics Server. What kind of program is this and how to configure it, let's find out in this article.

About the application

RivaTuner Statistics Server is an application supplied with MSI Afterburner. It performs display functions technical information about the equipment (load of video memory, RAM, processor, etc.), fine tuning graphics and overclocking a computer's video card. As you know, separate module it will not be possible to install it. Therefore, let's consider detailed algorithm unpacking and setting up the utility.

How to install and configure?

There's nothing complicated about it. You just need to follow the steps from our instructions exactly:

  1. Download MSI Afterburner from this link.
  2. Install the application and launch it.

  3. In the new window, click Settings at the bottom of the screen.

  4. Go to the “Monitoring” tab and in the “Active monitoring schedules” subcategory, select the information you want to see during gameplay. In my case it is “Loading video core”.
  5. To display the selected values ​​on the screen, check the box next to “Show in Overlay Screen Display”.
  6. You can also rename the names of each indicator to your liking. You just need to activate certain fields and enter the text of interest.