Unpacking rar files. WinZip is one of the most famous and oldest archivers. How to unpack a multi-volume archive

Good day, dear readers! In this article I will tell you how to unzip rar file, zip, 7z, tar, bz2 or any other archive. Why do I say “any other”? Because there are many archiver programs, but they all have one thing in common: general purpose. To ensure that files take up less space, they are placed in an archive.

Something like a folder into which you can add both files and other folders. Therefore, you may find that you do not know how to do this procedure after, for example, downloading a movie or program from the Internet that has a lot of weight. After reading my detailed instructions this question will no longer worry you, because this procedure is very simple!

I'll look at a few of the easiest to use programs.

WinRAR archiver

Most famous program WinRAR is used to extract files from an archive. You won't believe it, but it is the most popular program after operating system or browser, because most files on the Internet are stored in archives! This is convenient not only for website authors, like me, but also for users who download many files in one archive.

Since there are a lot of different archives on the Internet, users who do not have any archiver installed do not know how to unpack the file!

WinRAR's popularity is also due to the fact that it is a more intuitive archive program for novice users. Although in one of my tests I was convinced that clear interface does not mean that this program can be considered the best to use.

So let's get started. Download the program from and install. In the window that appears, select “Install”, then “OK” and finally click “Finish”.

Now let's move on to the process of extracting the necessary files from the archive. There are several ways to do this. To begin, double-click with the left mouse button on the archive, which now has an icon of a stack of multi-colored books. The easiest way is to just drag and drop necessary files from the window that opens with the mouse, for example, to the “Desktop” or to the folder that you have prepared for this information.

But this is not always convenient, so I will tell you how to unzip zip file, rar any other archive into a separate folder. To do this, you need to click the “Extract...” button, which will open a window in which you can select the desired folder into which you would like to unpack the files.

When you select a folder, click OK. Now all the files from the archive are in the folder you selected.


But I must say that WinRAR is not the only program that can answer the question of how to unpack a file. Another similar program is 7-zip, which is distributed free of charge. You can download it.

We launch the newly downloaded file to install, click on the “Install” button, after which it will appear in the menu of your computer new icon with the name "7-zip File Manager" If you click on it, a window will open in which you will need to specify the archive. (If the archive is on the “Desktop”, then you will need to go to the “Users” folder, then to the folder with the name of your user, and then to the “Desktop” folder).

Now you can double-click on the archive with the left mouse button and it will open. Now you can copy the files by dragging and dropping or clicking “Extract”. In the window that opens, click on the button with an ellipsis and select the folder in which you want to save your files from the list that appears and click “OK”.

Now click the “OK” button again and the files from the archive will be in the desired folder.

By the way, the easiest way to extract files from an archive (so I think) is to click on the archive right click mouse, select the desired archiver and click: “Extract to …” or for 7-Zip “Extract to …”. After this, a folder with the name of the archive will be created in the folder where the archive was located. Or select “Extract” or “Unpack” and specify the path to the folder where you want to place the files from the archive.

ZIP archives

Just above you learned how to unpack a rar or zip file using two different programs, and finally I want to talk about the built-in Windows tools. To work with ZIP archives no need to install archivers, since Windows already has everything necessary utilities to work with these archives.

To place a folder or file in ZIP format, you need to right-click on the object, select “Send” - “ Compressed ZIP folder".

To extract data from this file, just right-click and select “Extract all...”. Next, a window will appear in which you specify the directory where you want to unpack the data. Just below you can check the “Show extracted files” checkbox. Thus, after extraction, a folder will open in which the files from this archive will be located. Yes, to start extracting files, click "Extract".

That's all you need to know so that there are no problems with archives such as rar, zip or any other, and now you can extra effort get the files you need from them!

In this article I will teach you how to unpack archives. It's very simple.

The archive is one file with a set of others to reduce the space they occupy.

They are very effective to use if access to information is needed very rarely and the space it occupies is large.

They usually have extensions:

Well, others. There are a lot of extensions. These are the most popular.

The archive can be compressed and this seriously saves free place. They are also often used to transmit large quantity information. This is especially useful if you need to transmit it over the Internet, and the traffic limit is limited.

Also, if you put a password on the archive, this will ensure reliable protection information. And for this you just need skills to work with them.

Additionally, I want to say that it is not necessary to completely extract all files. You can only get what you need. This is very convenient than digging through a whole bunch of information.

To unpack the ZIP, you can use Windows tools. In other cases you will have to use an archiver.

Archiver is a program for working with archives.

In the example, I will use the 2 most popular and universal ones:

  1. WinRar is shareware.
  2. 7zip is completely free.

It is worth noting that unpacking creates a copy of the files in open form and therefore you can safely delete the unpacked archive ( not always like this). Now I will show you how to do this.

You can watch these instructions both in the article and in the video. Everything is laid out in great detail.

Extract ZIP using Windows Explorer

Windows Explorer allows you to unpack archives from ZIP extension. To do this, right-click on it. In the context menu that appears, select “Extract all...” as in the picture below.

Then a window will appear. In it, indicate the path where to unpack and proceed to extraction.

This method only works with the ZIP format. For other formats, you must use a third-party archiver.

Unpack using 7-zip

Download free program 7-zip. For 32-bit or 64-bit. It allows you to quickly and easily unpack various formats archives. Check the bit depth in your computer's specifications.

Once installed, a 7-zip tab will appear in your context menu. Go into it and select “Unpack” as in the image below.

In the window, specify the extraction path ( its default location).

The files will appear in the location you specified.

Unpack using Winrar

Winrar is a very convenient program and works with all extensions. It's paid, but it's free test period 40 days. Then you will be constantly shown a window about purchasing a license. In general, it is free to use.

Download it from the official website and install.

Unpacking in it occurs in the same way as in 7-zip. They differ in convenience and additional features.

As you can see on the left there are several additional functions simplifying work. Confirm extraction and navigate to the unzipped files.

Unpacking a damaged archive

When unpacking, the error “The archive is damaged” appears and to extract the files, you will need to use Winrar capabilities. This error can occur even if 1 kilobyte of information is damaged, and therefore it makes sense to extract and see which files remain working.

When extracting, check the box next to “Do not delete files extracted with errors” and it will be unpacked. Look, it's on the left in the image above.

Please note that in this case, not all files will be functional.

Unpacking an archive consisting of several volumes

To do this, just collect all the volumes into one folder and unpack the first volume. Others in the chain will unpack after him.

Please note that all volumes must be present and should be extracted using the same archiver program that created them. Then everything will go well.

See the example in the picture below.

They look something like this, with an extension with a serial number added at the end. Otherwise, they are no different from ordinary ones.

I hope you were able to extract the files you needed and you can easily do this in the future. If you have questions, ask in the comments.

How do you unpack archives?

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Hello to all readers of my blog, in touch with you as always Yuri Vatsenko and today I will have a post for beginners, namely, how to unzip a rar file. It just seems like it simple task, but believe me, there are many subtleties and nuances here.

Agree that we are constantly faced with regular archives, in which files are usually packed so that they weigh little. Such files are very easy to transfer, so if you are interested in how to make an archive or how to unzip such an archive, then read this post, I am sure you will like it.

Well, since you are reading these lines, then this topic is probably very interesting to you, but it is not very surprising, because every person who plans to conduct their activities on the Internet must have basic knowledge.

In their early posts I told you about how you can clear the cache on your computer, but today the topic will be a little different, but still useful. Of course, many bloggers and webmasters will say that this topic too simple, but I'm sure a lot of people read me, some of whom are complete newbies.

Well, I hope you won’t be picky, so let’s figure out why we need archives and why we need them at all. Look, files that have the extension: Rar And Zip these are archives that have one simple function, namely to reduce the weight of the file.

For example, you need to transfer a file that takes up 2.5 Gigabytes. How to write it to a flash drive when its capacity is only 2 Gigabytes? Very simple, it can be compressed in Rar or Zip format. This is one example, the second is that if you need to send photos to your friend by email and in order not to add them one by one, you can add them to a folder. Then, make this folder an archive and only then, in one file, send everything.

First of all, let's figure out how to make such an archive, although this is done very simply. We take any file, for example, I will take the Word document of this post and place it in special folder, which I’ll call “ blogger».

Go ahead, click on the folder with my file, right-click and select: “ win rar" – « add to archive".

After this, a new window opens and there we just need to confirm by clicking on the “OK” button.

Now, let's figure out how to do the opposite when we have an archive and how to open it correctly. Everything is, in fact, as simple as shelling pears, but you still need to make an effort.
Take our archive, right-click on it with your mouse, then Win rarextract filesextract into current folder . Look at the picture below and everything will become clear to you.

If there are a lot of files in the archive, then this will take some time, but since I only have one document, everything happens in seconds. As you can see, everything is very simple, understandable and accessible, but what a surprise I was that some of my friends don’t know this. But now they will definitely know, and I am pleased that they will read my post, into which I tried to put my little knowledge.
True, there is another method of unzipping, which I will also tell you. Look, for example, a friend sent you an archive with important documents by mail. As an example, I will show everything on my archive, but everything will be extremely clear to you.
Double click on this archive to open it, and we see the following window.

Next, at the top we see a button: extract files, click on it and see the following window.

In this window we can unzip files to any location, to any folder on our computer.

But, I want to tell you right away so that you don’t make a big mistake. If you have a lot of files in your archive, then before you unzip it, you will need to place this archive in the desired folder. Why is that? Look, for example, you (like me now) have an archive on your desktop. Now, if you unzip a file that contains 30-100 photos, what will happen? It’s simple, it won’t be clear what’s on your desktop, so I’m telling you to unzip files only in those folders that are intended for this.
Well, friends, is this knowledge useful? I think they are useful, because all of us moneymakers are busy people and we constantly need to send something, edit, correct, and so on.

IN this post, we have considered interesting topic How to unzip a rar file on your computer. If you have any thoughts on this matter or I missed something, then please write it in the comments, I will be very pleased. For now, that’s all I have, I hope I could help you in some way, we’ll see you soon.
And don’t forget about the competition, which will be announced at the end of the month, namely on the 30th. There I will write a post about how much I was able to earn, what I managed to do, and so on, and I will also announce the names of the winners of the competition for the best commentators.

Sincerely, Yuri Vatsenko!

Or unpack it, you will need - . The two most popular programs who know how to unpack compressed files, are called WinRAR and 7z.
After WinRAR installations or 7z, packed archive files will change the label. Right-click on , and you will see “Extract” or “Extract” in the context menu, as well as “Extract to current folder”. IN English version The unpacking of these programs is called “Extract” and “Extract to”.
If you click “Extract to current folder”, the archive will be unpacked directly into the folder where it is located. Thus, all files and folders that the archive contains will be located in the folder where the archive was recorded. In some WinRAR versions called "Save to current folder".
If you click “Extract”, the program will give you a choice of the path where you need it. You can create an empty one and unpack the archive there so as not to lose files or mix them with other similar files that are already recorded on the .
There is another way to extract files. This method is convenient because if you need to unpack not the entire archive, but only part of it, it is better to use this technique. You simply open the archive like any other file, and drag the necessary files into any folder convenient for you, as you drag regular files from folder to folder on your computer.


If the archive cannot be unpacked, it is most likely damaged from the inside.

Helpful advice

There are SFX archives. They are unpacked only to a specific path and do not have an “Extract to current folder” button.

Zipped files not only take up less space, but also make it easy to send via e-mail any number of files in one click. When you receive such an archive of files by mail, it is not always clear what to do with it next.


So, you have a file in a format unknown to you, but they assure you that it is an archive and you need to unpack it to get to the contents. To unpack such a file you need to download it to your computer and install special program, which can handle files. Such programs are called “archivers”. They are different, but perform the same tasks, so you can choose any of them: WinZip, WinRar, 7Zip.

Every day spent at the computer gives the teapot an opportunity to enrich their knowledge by downloading more and more new programs. When downloading, most often, any user faces the problem of unzipping the file. As you understand, today we will tell you how to unzip a rar file. But before moving on to the practical part, it is necessary to understand what an archive is and why it is needed at all.

It's called an archive compressed documents, file, folder. An archive is essentially the same folder or file, just in a different format and has smaller size, compared to the original. Most often, files are archived for 2 reasons: well, firstly, of course, to slightly reduce the file size and, secondly, for convenience, that is, for example, if you have about 100 small files, then it would be more convenient It would be better to save them in 1 archive and put them on a medium rather than copy each one. Also this method storing information significantly increases the transfer speed to various removable media.

How to unpack a rar file?

To unzip a file, first, you need to download the necessary software. In fact, for unzipping files there is more quantity programs, but we will show using the example of the most famous one, such as “WinRaR”. The process of unzipping a file takes about 1 minute, depending on how much the archive weighs. “WinRaR” is a program for unpacking archives. You can download this unpacker from the official website. After which you will need to install it on system disk. Next, you need to right-click on the archive with one click, then click on the “Open with...” item. After this, a window with programs will appear in front of you, but it may not appear in this list. the desired program, then we do next steps: “My computer” – “Disk C” – “ Program Files” – “WinRaR”. Next, with one click, select the file called “WinRaR” and click on the “Open” button.

After that this program will appear in your main list, then just with one click click on this file and then the “OK” button. After this, a window will appear in front of you, in which you will need to click on the button in the main panel “Extract...”. After this, you need to specify the path, that is, the place where all the information in the archive will be extracted and click “OK”. After the unzipping process is completed, you just need to turn off the program and find the place where you unzipped it. One more nuance, all unzipped information will be in separate folder, and the name will correspond to the name of the archive.