Five free graphic photo editors. Programs for working with JPEG

In the section on the question How to edit text in jpg format? given by the author Marina Zykova The best answer is to translate the text from Jipeg to PDF (Save As...) in Photoshop, then convert it to Word in PDF Translator or Fine Reader - and there in the usual way.

Answer from be luxurious[guru]
In general, a JPG is an image, it is edited using Photoshop :)

Answer from Separate[guru]
1. In any graphic editor.2. Convert to normal format (because JPG is still a graphic and not text format)

Answer from chevron[guru]
This will help ABBYY FineReader 8.0 Professional Edition - professional version from the world leader in recognition systems. With its help you can quickly and accurately translate paper documents, PDF files and digital photos document

Answer from Tatiana[guru]
Open the picture. . at the bottom there is an icon: Closing the program and opening the image for editing... Click - it switches to Paint. Edit

Answer from Shambaloid[guru]
The program will translate into text - ABBYY FineReader 8.0 Professional Edition -

Answer from Ilya Vesely[guru]
transform into word. Or transform to pdf then ABBYY PDF Transformer om in word and edit

Answer from Alexander[guru]
JPG format graphics are best edited using PhotoshopUltra-compact Photoshop CS4 Russianh t t p:// (remove spaces in the browser address bar! Inside, click "withoutGoldacc"

Answer from Igor Starshinov[guru]
There is no direct way - to edit it you need to convert it to text format. In addition to Abby Fine reader, you can use CuneiForm - [link blocked by admin decision

01.08.16 15.9K

There are many different ways how to change image format. The file format determines in which program it can be opened or edited. The file extension defines this format. Most people who work with images will find themselves needing to convert those files to another format at some point, so it's worth exploring a few different ways to do this. JPEG (aka JPG) is the most commonly used image format.

Method 1: Using Image Editing Software

  1. Open an image file. When you need to convert an image to another format, the easiest solution is to use the image editing software included with your operating system. On Windows it is " Paint", and on Mac - "Preview":
  • Note that JPG and JPEG are different names for the same file extension;
  • You can also use third-party programs to open the image file. If you're not sure, try double-clicking the image to open it with the default program for that file type:

  1. Before changing the image format to jpg, select "File" in the main menu. A drop-down menu of options for the image should appear on the screen:

  1. Save or export the image file. The format change will occur simultaneously with the saving of the new version of the file. This is useful: the original file remains unchanged, and if something goes wrong, you can always return to it. On a Mac, you need to select “Save as” or “Export” to continue the process:
  • In some versions of the software you will need to first "Duplicate" the file ( that is, make a copy of it), and then “Save”. This way the file will be saved in a new format:

  1. Change the file name and extension. In the window that appears, you can change the name as well as the extension (format) of the file. In the "Format" or "Save As" drop-down menu there should be about 12 options, including " .jpeg«:
  • Before changing the image format to png, change the file name or location if necessary. For example, you can place it on your desktop for quick access;
  • If the extension you need is not in the drop-down menu, try a different image editing software ( for example Photoshop):

  1. Save the file. After you specify the desired file name, extension and location, click the "Save" button. This way you will convert the file to a new format while preserving the original:
  • Software such as Preview can batch process file conversion. To do this, select the files that need to be converted and right-click on them to see the available options.

Method 2: Using Third Party Software to Convert Images

  1. Find the software you need. Graphic editors are quite suitable for converting images into the most common formats. You can also search for suitable software on the Internet:
  • For example, for the queries “ doc to pdf" or " jpg to gif"We find several online converters at once.

  1. Upload image files. Most online image reformatting services offer their services for free and do not require downloading software to your hard drive. First of all, pay attention to services that offer instructions for downloading and converting files:

  1. Follow the instructions. Sometimes these sites will ask for an email address and then send the finished file to you at that address once the conversion is complete. In other cases, you need to wait a few seconds and then download the finished files:
  • Beware of sites that ask you to pay or provide personal information. Remember: there are many free services where you don't need to provide anything other than your email address.

Method 3: Converting Images on Mobile Devices

  1. Before you change the image format on your computer, check out the mobile apps available for installation.. Before downloading, be sure to read reviews to determine the quality of the application and ensure that the software you choose will convert the files to the formats you need.
  2. Download an image converter app. Once you have selected the appropriate application, download it. You also need to upload an image file ( if you haven't done so yet) and remember where it is. Some applications can detect images automatically, while others require you to specify the required files.
  3. Convert images. After installing the program on your mobile device, you need to open the application and follow the instructions.

Method 4: Manually change the file extension

  1. Find the file. For graphic files, you can change the extension manually by changing the file name using the keyboard. This is the correct solution if the file's current extension prevents you from accessing its contents ( I get an error message "invalid file format"):
  • The computer uses file extensions to figure out what software to open the file with. Be careful when changing extensions manually and always save a backup before doing so;
  • Before you change the image format, you need to understand that this method may result in reduced image quality. Using image editing software is usually a more suitable method.

  1. Make the file extension visible. Depending on specific settings, file extensions ( three letters after the dot in the file name) may not be visible to the standard way of viewing files. In the Windows operating system, you can configure the corresponding settings on the “View” tab in the “ Folder Options” section. It is located in the " Appearance and personalization options" On a Mac, these options are set under " Additional search settings»:

  1. Rename the file. Right-click on the image file and select “ Rename". Remove the old extension and add a new one.

For example, if the file name is " myimage.png", you can rename it to " myimage.jpg“, and from now on your computer will see it as a file in the “.jpg” format.

Questions and answers:

How to convert images from PNG to JPEG?

How to change the image format on a computer? " Paint" or " MS Paint"is a simple image viewing and editing program included with the Windows operating system. Open the PNG file in Paint and then use File>Save As save the file in JPG format. If you're on a Mac, you can use iPhoto. Open the PNG file in iPhoto, then go to File > Export and select JPG from the list.

How can I convert .avi to .jpeg?

Avi is a video format and jpeg is an image format. You first need to take a photo of a frame of the video during playback and then save the image as a jpeg.

  • The extensions .jpg and .jpeg mean the same thing and can be used interchangeably in modern operating systems. This distinction comes from the early standards of some systems, in which only a three-letter extension was allowed;
  • File extensions are not case sensitive, although common convention is to use lowercase.


Don't replace the original image - always back it up or use the "Save As" method.

This publication is a translation of the article “ How to Convert Pictures to JPEG or Other Picture File Extensions", prepared by the friendly project team

Good bad

Working at a computer every day, we deal with a lot of graphics. This seems so familiar and natural that even the simple question “what is the first graphic image that appears after turning on the computer?” many would answer that it is the Windows logo, without paying attention to the BIOS logo. A huge number of formats have been invented to display graphics on the screen. We think it would not be a mistake to say that the largest number of images are recorded in the JPEG graphic format. Every time you load pages in Internet Explorer or another browser, photographs and drawings appear on the screen, which are files with the JPEG extension. Almost all modern digital cameras save pictures in this format. The reason for the high popularity of the JPEG standard is obvious - the small size and high quality that can be achieved when saving graphics in this format. At the same time, the size/quality ratio of JPEG is almost always better than that of any other graphic format. The name of this format stands for Joint Photographic Experts Group. This is the name of a commission composed of representatives of the standardization organizations International Telecommunications Union (ITU) and the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and organized specifically to develop a method for compressing images. To create JPEG images, many people use cumbersome raster graphics editors such as Photoimpact, Photopaint, Photoshop and others. However, if your main activity is preparing images for the Internet, you can get by with a set of small utilities designed specifically for saving pictures in the JPEG format. On the one hand, this will save the cost of purchasing software; on the other hand, they are easier to learn than serious graphic editors, and often have more specialized tools.

Of course, there are no miracles in the world - if the JPEG file is small, the image quality suffers to a greater or lesser extent. The drop in quality is due to the image compression algorithm. This algorithm is based on the fact that for normal visual perception of a picture, the accuracy of the transmitted image can be partially reduced. When saving data in JPEG format, the image is converted from the RGB color model to another - YCbCr. If in the case of RGB the image is specified by three color components, then in the YCbCr system the key role is played by the channel with brightness information and two color components. This graphics representation model most closely matches the physiological characteristics of human vision, since the brightness component of the YCbCr color model is more important than the color components. You can check this statement yourself - try to correctly recognize color at dusk, and you will see that it is much more difficult than in the daytime. The image for each channel is divided into square areas of eight by eight pixels. The discrete cosine transform is applied to these regions, after which the resulting coefficients are quantized and packed using Huffman codes. It is at this stage that the most noticeable loss of picture quality occurs. Because high-frequency coefficients are subject to greater quantization than low-frequency coefficients, artifacts appear in the image and fine details are lost. The higher the compression ratio, the more strongly all coefficients are quantized. At high levels of compression, unpleasant blocks appear in the image, which are especially noticeable in those areas of the picture where there is a gradient transition. People who professionally edit raster graphics know certain techniques that can be used to “cure” an image in Photoshop or another editor, eliminating not only the “blockiness” effect, but also some artifacts in the form of spots and irregularities. The Unjpeg utility allows you to quickly and efficiently perform all of the above, and often you don’t even need to select settings for this. Just open the image in the program, and the preview window will display the already processed image or drawing, with default settings.

Unjpeg has different profiles to address varying degrees of artifacts. The program settings can be divided into two main groups: those responsible for removing sharp transitions between blocks, and filter settings for focusing. In addition, the program contains two methods for searching for artifacts in an image: a heuristic artifact detection algorithm and a standard image analysis method using information in the JPEG file header. The search for artifacts will also differ depending on the type of image - whether the file is a poorly saved drawing, or a poorly compressed photograph.

Unjpeg also has an additional filter to remove random noise. The only drawback of the program is that the rollback function only works for the anti-noise image filter. The program is distributed as shareware. The demo version can be downloaded from the official website.

Of course, eliminating artifacts in an image is good, but what if the image needs to be processed with filters, for example, to create the effect of a photo card yellowed from age or perform color correction? Don't grab it again
Adobe Photoshop, take a better look at the small JPEG Wizard utility. This is a miniature graphics editor that is focused exclusively on working with JPEG files.

This program can perform all image editing functions - crop edges, change resolution, correct color rendition, remove red-eye, rotate a photo, and even create collages based on selected pictures. The JPEG Wizard makes it very convenient to monitor the size final file, which is automatically recalculated by the program every time after one or another operation with the image has been performed. The JPEG Wizard has more than forty filters with various effects, which, in general, is not much less than in Photoshop. The program allows you to import files from digital cameras and scanners. In addition, using this utility you can take screenshots of any area of ​​the screen. In case you need to edit right away big number files, the JPEG Wizard has a module batch processing Batch Editor.

The program is distributed as shareware. The demo version can be downloaded from the official website.

Exporting images to JPEG format- this is very important stage image editing, because it depends on what compression settings are specified, graphic file it may turn out to be too large or, conversely, small, but with unsatisfactory quality. Many image processing programs do not allow fine tuning output file. The main purpose of Advanced JPEG Compressor is to compress images into the JPEG format. The program has a large number of parameters that affect final result. For example, there is a special four-band “quality equalizer”, with which you can set compression parameters separately for larger objects and small parts in the image. In addition, you can control the compression of each channel color model.

Advanced JPEG Compressor also supports lossless compression, but when working in this mode the range of capabilities is limited. In this case, the file size can only be reduced by removing EXIF ​​information, changing or removing invisible text comments. You can add watermarks to the picture, and also perform basic operations edit: manage color scheme, sharpen, rotate, change contrast, etc. Since the program supports many formats, it can be used as a graphics file converter. Advanced JPEG Compressor integrates into Windows shell and can be launched from the context menu. The program is distributed as shareware. The demo version can be downloaded from the official website.


Programs like those described above are a must-have for webmasters and those who simply like to share photos via the Internet with friends. It's often much easier to quickly open a graphic file in a small utility like this to improve its quality, add a watermark, or convert it to JPEG, than to wait for Photoshop to load with all the filters and worry about which ones to apply. And if you are not strong in Photoshop, then you risk spending a lot of time looking for the batch file processing option and thinking about how to save the file as a JPEG with the least loss. In a word, stock up on software, because apparently, thanks to its versatility, the JPEG format will exist for a very long time.