Popular Yandex queries by region. Browser plugins for ease of working with Yandex Wordstat. What are they looking for on the Internet now?

One of the most popular search engines In Russia today, Yandex remains. Its pages are viewed more than 3 billion times monthly, i.e. Every day the search engine processes more than 100 million queries. It is worth noting that more than half of all search engine users come from 10 large cities in Russia (Moscow, St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, Voronezh, Rostov-on-Don, Nizhny Novgorod, Samara, Omsk, Novosibirsk and Khabarovsk). The average number of requests per user is 6-7 times per session of using the search engine until the desired result is selected.

The most popular queries are the same in wording and have the same spelling. Most of all, people are looking for information related to social networks (for example, VKontakte or Odnoklassniki). The list of the most “Yandex” includes the phrases “download”, “watch online”, “”, “”, “download songs”, “download music”.

Geographic queries are also popular, for example, “St. Petersburg”, “Map of Moscow”, “Moscow”. Navigation queries to search for sites with a specific address or category (for example, mail.ru or “online store”) are gaining great popularity. Sometimes users are looking for a job (“job search”), and background information(“salad recipes”).

Similar statistics for the Russian Internet have Google search engine, which, however, is more popular abroad.

Detailed statistics search queries can be obtained from popular search engine websites.

Foreign Internet

One of the most popular searches in the world for 2013 relates to the personality of Nelson Mandela. Second place in the ranking was taken by a request for a biography of Paul Walker. People often searched for information about the iPhone 5s and Samsung Galaxy S4.

The type of search queries, despite the general trend, may vary depending on the region and current events that are happening in the world at the moment.

Most popular Google request associated with cinematography became " iron Man" and "Man of Steel". Among the videos, people most often searched for Harlem Shake; was also large percentage those wishing to receive information about the tragic events in Boston. Navigation queries continue to be popular - for example, Facebook, Youtube, Outlook, Google, etc. People often enter the word free in search engines, which indicates a desire to get something for free. Google also often processes information for the queries “Channel One”, “Sochi Olympics” and “State Traffic Safety Inspectorate” (accident reports).

Search query analysis is used by every competent optimizer. Statistics show what people most often search for on the Internet using search engines.

Its main purpose is to compile. If you don’t have one (most often we are talking about blogs), search query statistics are used when writing articles, “tailoring” them to a specific keyword.

The main tool for selection keywords most webmasters think Yandex query statistics.

Wordstat.yandex.ru (Wordstat) - Yandex query statistics

Yandex Wordstat (wordstat.yandex.ru) combines all kinds of word forms, most often without taking into account prepositions and interrogative forms. If you simply write in Yandex Wordstat what you are interested in, the service will show you the total number of impressions of this word, word forms and phrases in which it was found.
For example, let's write:

request statistics
(Views: 31535. Words included: Yandex query statistics, search query statistics etc.).

In order to achieve specification for a specific word form in Yandex Wordstat, you need to use special operators.

The most common is to enclose the desired search query in quotation marks (“”). In this case, a specific keyword in any word form will be taken into account.

"query statistics"
(Already 4764 impressions. Included: request statistics, request statistics etc.).

Operator Exclamation point! allows you to take into account only exact values

"!statistics!of requests"

(There are already 4,707 impressions. Now we have found out the exact number of impressions of the query we are interested in. Please note that the operator ! appears before each of the words).

Using the - (minus) operator, it becomes possible to exclude specific words from display.

Using the plus operator + you can force Yandex statistics to take into account conjunctions and prepositions. You will receive data on word forms with these parts of speech.

The bracket () operators are grouping and | different ways to significantly reduce statistical analysis data collection time.

Yandex search query statistics lists not only derivatives of entered words, but also associative queries that users used together with your queries. This opportunity contributes to a significant expansion semantic core(tab on the right - “What else were people looking for when looking for...”).

The first tab of wordstat.yandex.ru “According to words” contains total number impressions of specific search queries. Using the region tab, you can determine the frequency of the same keyword in a particular search region.

The “On the Map” tab displays the frequency of queries used on the world map. To track the frequency of this request for a certain period, you can use the tabs “by month”, “by week”. This is especially true for seasonal requests.

  • Firstly, Yandex statistics does not provide data on the number of people who searched for specific queries, it only gives the number of results shown search results containing this request.
  • Secondly, Yandex Wordstat by default shows data for last month. It should be taken into account that some requests may be seasonal, and there are also requests that are so-called “surges of interest.”
  • Thirdly, the number that appears on top of the query includes all keywords containing the query itself and its word forms. Special operators should be used.

Taking into account all the possibilities that wordstat.yandex.ru provides and the proper use of all tools, this service becomes the most important component that most webmasters use when promoting modern resources.

Google search statistics

Google has two services that can be used as statistics on key queries. Google statistics for keyword selection are often used as additional tool to expand the semantic core. This service usually independently determines the language and region for search; the optimizer’s task is to compile starter kit words As a result, the system will offer you similar requests, indicating the frequency of their displays and competitiveness.

Google search statistics are more about comparing the popularity of multiple search queries. In addition, it is proposed visual representation changes in the dynamics of query popularity in the form of graphs.

Rambler request statistics

Rambler query statistics are not so popular because search system Rambler is not so actively used by Internet users. The main difference from Yandex statistics is that there is no combination of results for different word forms. In other words, you can get accurate statistics on the frequency of a query in the desired number and case without using additional operators.

Rambler search query statistics would be a convenient addition to Yandex if this search engine were more authoritative on the RuNet. It is worth noting that Rambler statistics allow you to determine the number of views of both the first and any other pages regarding a specific set of words.

Search queries - frequency and competition

What else should a novice optimizer know about targeted queries? It is usually customary to divide all search queries into high-frequency (HF), mid-frequency (MF) and low-frequency (LF). And also into highly competitive (HC), moderately competitive (SC) and low competitive (LC).

Of course the best option there will be a high-frequency and at the same time low- or medium-competitive request. But these are rare. It happens that low frequency request is highly competitive. Typically, high-frequency queries are highly competitive, mid-frequency queries are moderately competitive, etc.

It must be borne in mind that these terms do not carry any specific quantitative meanings, since these figures will vary for each topic. It is worth understanding that the promotion of a particular site will be determined not only by its topic, but also by the specific situation on the market.

It is necessary to take into account that the competent use of search engine query statistics is one of the components of the optimization process. Visitors who come for certain search queries should receive the information they expected, only in this case they will want to return to your resource.

Greetings, dear reader. In this article we will look at the topic of what products are sold on the Internet, what people are interested in this moment time, and learn how to do express analysis of various goods and services.

Why might this be useful to us, you may ask? Good question, let's look at all this with live examples.

A certain Artem, an aspiring entrepreneur who had previously worked as a sales manager in a small company, wondered about his own business. Artem decided to sell new technology, starting his business by selling Google Glass ( smart glasses, recognizing voice commands).

First of all, he concluded an agreement with the supplier, purchased the first batch, launched a website and an advertising campaign. Artem was sure that such a cool new product would definitely be popular and would bring good money from sales.

As some have already guessed, Artem forgot to analyze the market. The demand for these glasses began to dry up, at least in Russia. The majority already bought these glasses immediately after the release + due to the sharp rise in the dollar at the moment (02/23/15), the glasses began to cost more than 100 thousand rubles, which further reduced the likelihood of their purchase.

What tool can you use to learn how to analyze demand?

How to find out the current demand for a product or service

The Keyword Statistics service on Yandex will help us with this; we will focus on this service, because the Yandex search engine occupied approximately the same place in 2015 in 2014 - 58.4% of all search queries in Russian Internet, which means it contains maximum information.

Let's take the same example with Artem and the new Google Glass.

To determine the current demand for glasses, enter the phrase “ google glass" (without quotes) into the service search window.

8910 impressions per month were recorded by Yandex for a request containing the words google glass; in the screenshot you can see the most frequently clogged phrases. The data is for the previous month.

Please pay attention to this indicator: SHOWINGS. Many people mistakenly believe that impressions are based on the number of people, but this is not true.

P impressions are not the number of people, since 1 person can score 2, and 3, and large quantity times google glass +[ additional word], as a result, the search engine summarizes all impressions.

I will give an example for easier understanding:

When searching for a supplier of his goods, Artem entered the following phrases:

  • Google Glass;
  • Google glass price;
  • google glass buy in Russia.

As a result, Wordstat will display 3 positions:

1. Google glass - 3 impressions;

2. google glass price - 1 display;

3. google glass buy in Russia -1 show.

The essence, I think, is clear, if it is not clear, ask in the comments.

Earlier I said that in 2014, 58.4% of users used Yandex, respectively, to calculate a more accurate number of impressions in all search engines, the number follows 8910 impressions / 58.4% * 100% = approximately 15257 impressions were registered in all search engines.

This calculation is very rough, but allows for maximum short term assess the current demand for a product.

For a more accurate calculation, you can use keyword statistics from other major search engines.

As a result, we can conclude that people are interested in this product. For more accurate conclusions, you should pay attention to commercial words, such as: buy, price, cost and so on.

To consolidate the material, indicate in the comments which topics you checked.

How to find out what people buy online in winter, summer or holidays.

Still, the Yandex Keyword Statistics Service can help us in this matter.

To analyze seasonal goods, I propose to consider the situation using the example of a tire store.

In order to see when people are looking for tires, just enter the request “buy tires” into the search bar and switch the checkbox to the “Request History” tab (see screenshot, indicated by an arrow).

Looking at the graph above, we can conclude that people are actively starting to look for tires in certain periods. March, April ( summer tires= when the snow melts) and October-November (winter tires = when the snow starts to fall).

By analogy, you can analyze queries and understand what they buy in winter, what they buy in summer, as well as what goods they buy on New Year, with the exception of the Christmas tree and New Year's toys.

We use this method to determine seasonality.

How to identify future demand and analyze demand for the previous period

For analysis in this issue 2 tools will help us:

From Yandex. We are already familiar with Wordstat, I’ll show you with an example how best to carry out the analysis.

Suppose we want to find out the demand for the service “breast enlargement” and take the second request “breast plastic surgery” for a better understanding of the situation. We enter both phrases one by one into the Wordstat search bar, check the “Query history” checkbox, and finally look at the statistics for the previous 2 years.

We see that the demand for the service " plastic surgery chest" falls. My guess is that artificial breasts are no longer in fashion. Let's check the request for breast augmentation to more accurately confirm our guess.

The same thing, demand is falling, although the graph shows that there is a certain seasonality at the end of the year, due to New Year holidays. Apparently someone wants to give themselves a gift. =)

Let’s go to the Google Trends service, the interface is not complicated, enter the request “breast enlargement”, select a comparison by Countries and Regions - I select Russia.

The output is a graph with results for the previous few years. The graph clearly shows a gradual decline in interest in this service. One can draw a superficial conclusion that this direction is not very interesting in the future.

But for example, the request “fitness”, on the contrary, is only becoming more popular every year.

The graph clearly shows how its popularity is growing. Also in Google Trend, there is a “Forecast” checkbox; when activated, Google completes the chart for the year ahead; this happens on the basis of previous data if there is enough of it for analysis.

A quick question: do you think the demand for the service is growing? plastic windows» based on the data in the graph below? Give reasons for your answer.

Write your answers and arguments in the comments, after 10 answers, I will give my comment.

To help, additional information and a hint for you - pay attention to the growth of the Internet audience over previous years and correlate the data with the history of requests.

What do they buy in the online store in my region?

In order to find out, we will need to open our favorite Wordstat service.

We can look this information 2 ways:

1. by turning on the checkbox - “by region”

2. specifying the search region

Let's consider both options using the example of our hero Artem. Artem realized that it was most likely not profitable to sell glasses from Google, because... The market is very limited by high price and low demand. So he decided to start working on smart watches.

Let's analyze this request.

Method 1

Step 1 - Turn on 1 checkbox “By region”;

Step 2-Select the “Cities” tab.

Now we see that the greatest demand is for this product occur in Moscow, then St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, etc.

Method 2

Step 1 - Click on the choice of region, the default is Russia;

Step 2 - Select the desired region, in my case it is Moscow and the region;

Step 3 - Click the Select button.

As a result, we see all the statistics on the number of requests and key phrases. We can also look at statistics on request history, etc.


While reading this article and completing the tasks, we know and can give answers to the following questions:

1. What they look for on the Internet. How, based on this, with the help of commercial words you can understand what people want to buy.

2. What phrases do people use to search for our services?

3. How to find out the seasonality of a product.

4. We know how to identify future demand for a product and how to analyze the future period.

5. How to find out the exact situation for each region.

Bonus for pinning

Based on statistics, write down which brand of car people are most interested in at the moment in Russia, give your answer in the comments:

1. Lada (Vaz);

2. Toyota;

3. Nissan;

6. Mercedes.

In which region is this brand most often searched for?

Analyze the future demand for Lada (VAZ) for the coming year.

It is difficult to say unequivocally how many webmasters from the CIS have made life easier with the Yandex Wordstat resource. With its help, you can get statistics on popular queries from users to understand trending niches for business, create information and entertainment resources, commercial projects, etc. We will look at the most popular queries in Yandex in 2018 for novice webmasters and ordinary users who are interested in knowing what other people write most often in the search engine.

To begin with, I would like to talk about how to get exact information regarding the frequency of words and phrases:

    For getting reliable information quotation marks should be used regarding the frequency of use of a phrase or word. Example: “Query rating in Yandex” - 44 impressions per month;

    To obtain accurate data on the frequency of a phrase in a certain declension, it is necessary to use an exclamation mark;

    To obtain data for a group of similar words, you must additionally use brackets and the | sign. Example: “(word stat | word stat | wordstat).”

We will not use well-known operators to collect statistics, since we are interested in the most popular words per month.

List of the best queries in Yandex in 2018


The word “VKontakte” opens the TOP 10 popular queries of 2018 in the Yandex search engine. It's about O social network, which was created in 2006. Even then the resource was transferred to 90 different languages peace. Despite the development of competitors, the development of Pavel Durov, who is no longer the owner of the site, is still very popular in the CIS. You can find it on the Internet great amount information resources For individual applications social network. Currently Durov is the owner Telegram messenger, which gains users almost as quickly as VKontakte did in its time.

With the advent of bloggers and large television programs, not many people continued to spend their time searching for news using Yandex. Nevertheless, this thicket exists and remains quite popular in general. This can be explained by the fact that it is easier for many to perceive text information. At the same time, some publishing houses have earned such a powerful reputation that even alternative methods, more pleasant and interesting to perceive, cannot compete with online news publications. Whether this is good or bad is up to you to judge! But if you decide to create news portal, make sure you are doing it for the right audience of users.

No, no, we are not talking about a movie, but about a social network that has become twice as popular as VKontakte. This is surprising, but rather not the merit of the developers of the Odnoklassniki website, but rather the mistake of the new management of competitors. However, this is another popular request of 2018 in Yandex, which deserves the attention of every person intending to make money from a group or their own resource dedicated to the social network.

The portal ranks 27th among the most popular sites on the planet. This is a phenomenal success, in my opinion.

Do you love games? If so, you're probably on the list of 65 million people who used this - a very popular query on Yandex in 2018. Actually, there is nothing to be surprised about. Most users download or run online flash games for children. It's surprising that the figure is so insignificant.

As for the prospect of creating a resource dedicated to this topic, it exists. There is a lot of traffic, the network is huge, but there is also a minus - monetization leaves much to be desired. For obvious reasons, it is necessary to try to find partners so that the labor and financial costs are recouped.

It is unlikely that fans of multimedia content will be surprised to learn that the word “Video” is one of the most popular Yandex queries this year. Naturally, among the entire stream of keywords, the greatest demand is for phrases that suggest viewing content for an adult audience. In addition, relevant mid-frequency key query is the word Video plus:


This suggests that every day video hosting takes up everything more space in the open spaces world wide web among resources for watching videos.

Judging by popular queries in Yandex there are more music lovers among Slavs than movie lovers. But in reality everything is somewhat different. In fact, about 20-30 million users are searching for music. The rest of the queries are repeated, that is, you can enter the phrase more than once. In addition, the search engine displays a query such as “Songs of Songs” in the report. It's about the work. This is a book. Here are some funny moments you can discover using Wordstat. To be honest, it is difficult to imagine that the Book of the Wisdom of Solomon could enjoy such fame. There may have been a mistake.

Review information can set the vector for a more in-depth analysis of a particular topic, in order to then plan an advertising campaign (or even an entire business). We analyzed what they want to buy in the regions and talked about it specifically for VC.ru.

To collect data we used the Wordstat.Yandex.ru service. It predicts the number of views based on statistics for the last 30 days before the update date. Therefore, the results of the study are relevant specifically for the summer season of 2017.

Methodology for collecting statistics

We analyzed the popularity of the ten most frequent queries with the word “buy” in different cities of Russia and compared the data according to two indicators: the number of impressions per month and regional popularity.

Regional popularity is calculated using the following formula: share of impressions by this word in region n / share of impressions of all search results in region n. For example, the popularity of a word equal to 120% means that in the region under study there is now increased interest in this word; if it is less than 100%, it means decreased interest.

First, let's look at the all-Russian top 10 queries with the word “buy”. We have cleared the data from general inquiries and took only the most frequent ones for specific categories of goods/services.

What Internet users are willing to pay money for

The leader in the number of queries was real estate: the queries “buy an apartment” and “buy a house” are the most popular. Interestingly, the request “buy a book” made it into the top 10. According to statistics, Russia is still one of the most reading countries in the world, which was recently confirmed GfK research. There were also some seasonal wishes: “bicycle” and “plane ticket” took their places in the top ten.

In seventh place is the request “buy an iPhone”: despite the jumping exchange rate and the abundance of Android gadgets, the Apple product remains one of the main “wants” of the Russian population. The hit parade is closed by a popular toy called a spinner: the trend for it has not bypassed any region of our country.

Now let's see how the number of requests and the share of interest in each of them changes in different regions.

The absolute leaders in terms of the number of impressions were Moscow and St. Petersburg, so we will not consider this indicator for the capitals in the comments to the graphs. However, the indicator of regional interest in Moscow and St. Petersburg for some requests turned out to be significantly lower. And it’s already interesting to compare it with other cities, which is what we did.

The request “buy a car” is generated more in Nizhny Novgorod and Yekaterinburg. At the same time, regional interest is higher in Krasnoyarsk, Voronezh and Krasnodar:

The situation with more accessible transport is completely different: Yekaterinburg leads both in the number of requests for “buy a bicycle” and in terms of the popularity of the request.

Interest in cycling here is 70% higher than in Moscow (the graph did not show the regional popularity of Moscow - 97%, since the number of impressions overtook this indicator). We assume that this is partly due to the weather, which this year does not allow Muscovites to fully appreciate the convenience of traveling on two wheels, and partly due to the presence in the capital of a successfully functioning city bicycle rental system.

Interest in purchasing real estate varies curiously across regions. “Buy a dacha” is wanted most of all by users from Novosibirsk, “buy an apartment” - from Nizhny Novgorod, and “buy a house” - from Yekaterinburg. There is increased regional interest in dachas among residents of Krasnoyarsk, in apartments in Krasnoyarsk and Voronezh, and in houses in Voronezh and Krasnodar. It is noteworthy that in terms of regional interest in dachas, Krasnoyarsk was ahead of both capitals: the figure was as much as 161%.

“Buy a plane ticket” is most wanted by users from Yekaterinburg and Krasnodar (not counting residents of both capitals). At the same time, there is increased regional interest in tickets - in Tyumen:

Yekaterinburg was recognized as the most reading city - both the number of requests to “buy a book” and the corresponding regional interest are in the lead. We decided to check whether people read more in the “cultural capital”. It turned out that the Moscow interest rate is still higher - 173% versus 155%.

Yekaterinburg is eager to buy dresses: both the number of requests and the interest rate are higher than in other regions. But Muscovites are the most interested in dresses: of all the topics considered, this particular request showed the highest coefficient of local regional interest - 206%.

Also, residents of Novosibirsk really want to “buy an iPhone” - the regional popularity of this request here is in third place after the capitals. The greatest interest in Apple's smartphone is shown in St. Petersburg - there the level of regional popularity of the iPhone reached 159% versus 140% in Moscow.

And finally, let's see which region was most influenced by fashion. Apart from users from Moscow and St. Petersburg, people in Nizhny Novgorod and Novosibirsk want to “buy a spinner” more. We couldn’t find any obvious reasons for this, so we’ll assume that it’s all about the two letters “n” in the name of the toy.


So, we have seen that the indicator of regional interest changes unpredictably in each case under consideration. How can you use this information?

1. Evaluate not only the number of requests, but also regional interest. If you decide to start selling a product because it seems to you that it will sell out like hotcakes in Chelyabinsk, and your budget does not yet allow you to spend money on marketing research, the Wordstat tab with statistics by region will help you compare your expectations with reality.

On it you will find out not only the level of probable demand today, but also the expected prospects. Perhaps precisely where the percentage of regional interest is minimal, there is no competition. Cards in hand: Generate interest with inclusive display advertising and reap the rewards of increased demand.

2. Work with each region, taking into account its level of interest in other topics. For example, regions with increased interest in purchasing real estate are more likely to be interested in the services of an interior designer or new flooring products entering the market.

3. Use Regional Interest Score to Predict Performance advertising campaign. Analysis of demand in the context of individual regions will allow us to draw up a media plan that is as close to reality as possible. It is worth taking this coefficient into account both before launching an advertising campaign and at the stage of making a forecast for each subsequent period (month, quarter): the situation can vary greatly depending on the season, weather, political and other external factors.

The article was prepared forVC.ru.

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