Check connected MTS Crimea services. How to view connected services on Megafon? Disable via Voice Service

The Megafon operator provides its subscribers with a variety of various services, which are aimed at improving the quality of service and are created for the convenience of the user. Some useful services are free, but most are paid.

It often happens that at first the option was free, and then they began to charge for it. The operator does not always inform its users about new value previously connected options. As a result, subscribers often face the problem of money quickly disappearing from their account.

Therefore, if you suspect that excess funds are being withdrawn from you, you need to find out what services are connected to the megaphone. Most likely, you have once taken advantage of the opportunity to connect for free interesting services from Megafon, but after some time they began to charge for them. Or the services connected to your SIM card have become more expensive and now your expenses have increased.

Ussd request

Each Megafon user can find out at any time what services his number is subscribed to. This can be done for free using the Ussd command. Simply enter short number* 505 # and press the call button. This is the simplest and quick option definitions of all the options you use.

As soon as you type the command, you will receive a response in the form of text, which will list all those informational and entertainment options that are activated on your SIM card.

The *505# team works through the website, which provides all possible services from Megafon, their description and cost. Once you are convinced that the option is no longer interesting to you, simply go to this site through the authorization form in the right top corner and disable a service that is useless to you in just one click.

SMS message

Would you like to receive a response from the company in the form of a message? Being anywhere and even outside your country, you can send free sms to number 5051 with the text Info and receive a response about all active subscriptions on your phone.

Call to operator

If you have more questions besides active subscriptions, then it is much easier to call the Megafon operator and consult with a competent specialist who will tell you not only what services are connected to your SIM card, but will also help you disable them.

The consultant will familiarize you with their costs and answer any questions regarding the quality of communication, the options provided, and possible tariffs.

Calls to the user support service are free from mobile phones to the short number 0500 and for subscribers of other operators, as well as people in roaming 8 800 550 0500.

Service guide

On the official Megafon website you can register your account. This will give you huge advantages. After all, you can do much more if you have your own personal account:

  1. Be the first to know about news and pleasant services.
  2. Connect and disconnect services directly through your personal account on the website.
  3. Find out about all subscriptions attached to your number.
  4. Perform transactions with accounts: top up phone numbers, buy tickets, pay public utilities and much more.
  5. Track your expenses and order detailed invoices and always be aware of how much you spend on communications and where you can save.
  6. Get acquainted with profitable promotions and order packages of SMS, minutes, traffic.

Through the service guide you can very quickly get useful information, but this requires an Internet connection. If this is not possible, then it is easier to find out about subscriptions by sending an SMS or requesting a short number. In case of several unresolved problems, it is advisable to contact the operator and solve them all in one fell swoop.

The package of services that is available to an MTS subscriber can be changed and customized according to the user's needs. Designed for this whole line tools that allow you to manage your individual service package. How to find out services from MTS? This can be done in the MTS Personal Account in the “Tariffs and Services” - “Service Management” section, as well as from a mobile phone using commands without having to go to the provider’s web page. Using easy methods, an MTS subscriber can connect any number available services or disable unused ones that are currently active, always spending a reasonable amount of money on communications.

How and why do unnecessary paid services accumulate?

MTS is provided as a service as follows. When connecting to the provider’s network, the user purchases a service package with a SIM card with pre-installed services; this format is used by many operators. It may include both paid and “package” demon paid services. If tariff plan satisfied, then the subscriber has the opportunity to disable paid services if he does not want to overpay for the service. Unnecessary paid and free services accumulate in the following situations; it is better to get a list of additional MTS services in your personal account:

  • when changing the tariff plan;
  • when confirming receipt of various content services, for example, Gudok services;
  • at self-activation services during preferential use or “for interest”.

Today, MTS has proposed to control its balance, in a report in tabular form Services for which payment is included in the invoice will be displayed in your Personal Account. You can find out the list of paid services using SMS, USSD command, or the “My MTS” mobile application.

The user has the opportunity to choose the most appropriate option in a particular situation. And so you can find out the services on MTS quickly and efficiently, as well as keep track of the current package of paid content.

A request to disable services can be submitted through the support service; when checking your monthly bill, always pay attention to individual items so as not to pay for unnecessary services.

How to control paid services?

There are several ways to find out connected services from MTS for free using a phone, smartphone and the Internet, which do not require much effort:

Using these methods, you can fully manage the services that are active and included in your bill.

Paid content

The main problem for users who do not want to overpay or receive unnecessary information, constitutes paid content.

It can be activated by accident or when some promotion is activated, a notification about which was sent via SMS. In some cases, the amount to be paid for content becomes significant. In this case, the “Content Ban 0” service will help, which can be activated for 0 rubles, that is, free.

The service blocks not only content, but also outgoing calls and SMS to entertainment services. Anything extra simply won’t be able to connect to your phone. The same can be done through the contact center by phone; the support service operates 24/7.

Disabling subscriptions in MTS ONLINE

Connection “Content Ban 0” (the service is free), recommended when the subscriber has checked and disabled the activated services:

Call tech. MTS support

How to use your Personal Account and the My MTS application to disable services?

In your Personal Account, you can activate the “Ban content 0” option.

List of paid services that are most often connected

Some services are activated by subscribers based on interests or within the framework of plans, and after the end of the promotion period or when switching to another tariff package remain connected in paid format. After you have found out about the connected paid services in MTS. From them you can choose the most popular ones from the provider or subscribers, which sometimes need to be disabled.

Disabling popular paid options:

  • You can turn off the BEEP using the command *111*29#;
  • The “You have been called” service is disabled by command *111*338#;
  • The “Favorite number” service is disabled with the code *111*43#;
  • You can disable forwarding using *111*41#;
  • you can disable Anti-Caller ID, which prohibits number identification, by command *111*47#;
  • You can disable the “Locator” using SMS to 6677 with the text “OFF”; if you need to pause, then enter “PACKAGE STOP”;
  • the “Child under supervision” service is deleted after sending an SMS to 7788 with the text “DELETE”;
  • the “All Russia” roaming service in Russia is disabled using *111*895#;
  • MTS Music music is turned off with the command *111*9590#;
  • The Internet assistant is deactivated using *111*24#;
  • “BIT”, “SuperBIT”, “MiniBIT”, “SuperBIT Smart” services are disabled using the commands *111*252*2#, *111*628*2#, *111*62#, *111*8650#, respectively;
  • You can disable GPRS using the combination *111*17#.

If you do not find your service in this list, go to the MTS website and check out official instructions, all connections and disconnections are free.

How can I find out the tariff and connected options?

Many options are included in the MTS tariff plan by default and are not paid additionally, so turning off due to financial burden is not advisable. What opportunities do subscribers have and how will they recognize the connected services on MTS? Again this can be done in several ways.

  1. Find out the tariff using the command: *111*59# (you may need the commands *111*1# to switch to Russian or *111*2# to transliterate characters in official messages).
  2. You can find out the tariff using your Personal Account immediately after logging in to the website

Plan details and options, available to subscribers as part of the service, you can check on the MTS website by entering the name of the tariff in the search bar or click on the link of your plan - the system will display the details of the connected plan, where, for example, the subscriber may ask what kind of service is MTS School or any other. Additional services can be viewed in the “Tariffs and Services” – “Service Management” section.

Obviously, the most simple option management of paid services and your service package remains mobile app My MTS.

Users mobile communications Often they are faced with the fact that money is spent from their accounts, while they themselves could not spend it anywhere. Help with spending paid services operators that are activated without the knowledge of the owner. To understand where the balance on Megafon goes, just find out what services are connected to the phone number.

How do subscriptions appear?

Despite the fact that, by law, a subscription can only be issued if the client has given consent, the operator has not stopped cheating. Without the user's knowledge, paid subscriptions are linked to a SIM card in the following ways:

  1. When visiting entertainment Internet resources through the Megafon network. In this case, a window pops up in front of the user in which it is necessary, for example, to confirm the intention to listen to music. But not everyone pays attention to the fact that it belongs to a third-party site and there is a mention in small print that by clicking on the inscription the client confirms the subscription.
  2. From incoming SMS from short numbers that promise winnings, access to unique content, the latest hits music world or new movies in constant access. In such messages, the client is asked to follow a link, which will be considered consent.
  3. Alerts from the provider. Fast way force the subscriber to subscribe. Information on the screen appears suddenly and quite often until the subscriber turns it off. It will not be difficult to become a victim of an accidental click on such an inscription.
  4. Voice information. This is when an automatic phone calls from an operator or content providers, and, similar to SMS, offers some interesting access, but does not inform about its cost. The subscriber is invited to connect with the press of one key and enjoy new access to the number, sometimes for a hefty daily fee.

To avoid tricks mobile operator, before clicking on a third-party link or clicking on a dubious button and inscription, you should carefully read the offer that appears.

Control methods

When money begins to disappear from the account, the first thing to do is to check the connected services and paid subscriptions from the operator and its partners connected to the user’s SIM card. It is recommended to monitor subscriptions as often as possible, or at least once a month, since they appear very quickly. To obtain information, it is suggested to use one of the methods described below.

In your personal account

Find out what's connected to cell phone If you have access to the Internet and a computer, you can visit Personal Area. Go to the “Services and subscriptions” section, where all available services from company. You can immediately turn them off if necessary.

In the mobile application

By analogy with access to your personal account, activated excess resources can be viewed directly from your phone through the mobile application for the device. To do this, you need to launch the application, log in to it and go to the menu with connected services on the SIM card.

USSD requests

WITH using USSD queries can be resolved a large number of current tasks, the main thing is to know the right commands. You can check paid services by dialing *505# and the call key. After a few seconds on mobile phone You will receive a notification indicating all active subscriptions.

SMS service

Another way to find out for free what subscriptions are on your SIM card is by sending an SMS request to the company. The subscriber sends an SMS message with the text “INFO” to the short number 5151.

With the help of Megafon employees

When there is no access to the Personal Account, and the codes for receiving information from the operator are unknown, the client is asked to independently contact an employee of the communication salon or by phone hotline 0500, and it will help you check which options have already been connected to the subscriber’s SIM card.

For business clients

For corporate clients The ability to check the list of activated services and subscriptions is limited. You will not be able to dial the code and receive an SMS response. Get necessary information legal entities is offered using your Personal Account on the company’s website or through the web resource, in the “My Subscriptions” section.

As you can see from the article, it’s not difficult to see that a caring operator managed to connect an extra person to a cell phone. To check it is suggested to use standard methods communications with the operator, with the help of which you can turn them off.

Sometimes subscribers are faced with the problem of unknown funds being debited from their phone balance, because most of the operator’s features are paid. This can happen when some additional features are connected to your number, but you do not remember when and what services you connected. In such a situation, the subscriber can check the connected services on MTS and solve the problem of additional charges. Checking is also necessary if you want to replace the service or, conversely, make sure that you have it on your phone for further use. For example, we know that this or that option is provided by MTS cellular communications automatically when the number is activated, and you wanted to check its availability on your phone.

The MTS operator has commands to check all connections, which allows easy and quick method Find out about additional options available on your phone:

Using USSD – commands for connections *152#. After entering this command and pressing the call button, you will see a menu in which you need to open the item Your paid services. In accordance with the menu, you need to click on number 2. Next, select the Options section. After the procedure, you will receive an SMS message containing all the services associated with the number.

Another method is also USSD - command *152*2#. The command is entered without spaces or quotes. Next, press the call function on the phone. Here, a menu will also automatically open in which you need to select the number 1. All connected options will be sent to you via SMS message. There is no commission charged for performing this command; the procedure is not paid, just like the previous one.

You can open the autoinformer on your phone by calling 0890, where you can make the necessary checks.

You can contact customer support at 8 800 250 08 90, a specialist will answer any questions, including the availability of additional options.

In any case, if for some reason you are unable to check all the capabilities on your phone number yourself using commands, you can contact the salon cellular communications MTS and get help from employees.

The last way to check connections is “Internet Assistant”, which can be opened in the user’s personal account on the MTS website. All the necessary information will be located in the “Services and Facilities” section.

To common among subscribers additional features, for which they are written off cash, the following options include: “Caller ID”, “Call barring”, “Call forwarding”, “I’m online”, “They called you”, “Conference call”, “ Mobile office", "Chat" and others. All of these offers are paid and there are a large number of them, so it is important to periodically check their availability yourself and disable unused services.

Client base of a large Russian operator communications already has more than 100 million subscribers, which contributes to rapid development service and implementation additional services. Availability of numerous additional offers may adversely affect the user's balance. In this material we will look at how to find out on Megafon which paid services are connected. This will allow you not only to significantly optimize costs, but also to fully customize your mobile number.

In 2019, there are many ways to fully control the condition of your personal account. You can view the list of connected services:

  • through the user control panel on the company’s official website;
  • by completing a USSD request or sending an SMS message to the service number;
  • by contacting the free 24/7 service operator support;
  • by contacting the free service center service.

Each method can be used in a specific case and requires separate consideration. Megafon’s personal account is available under the name “Service Guide”. You can access it from the main page of the operator’s official website. Modern interface has been minimized, so it won’t be difficult to understand it even inexperienced users PC. To start working with the system, you need to go through the registration process and further authorization. The subscriber's number serves as the login, and the password can be received via SMS.

Sending a USSD request *105*00# will launch the automatic user registration process of the system. Your number will be entered into the general user database, and then a password will be issued.

By entering your login information in the appropriate cells, you will be taken to home page user panel. Here you can:

  1. view the current tariff plan. In this section you will find information on how to find out what services are connected to Megafon. To do this, click on the tab with the number, the required information will be automatically displayed;
  2. find out the current balance of funds and order statistics on deposits and expenses;
  3. receive a detailed statement of calls made, SMS messages sent and Internet connection sessions launched for a certain period of time;
  4. gain access to managing a variety of additional company services, the list of which is actively developing;
  5. to know up-to-date information O latest updates and operator innovations.

An easier way to quickly get a list of services is to send an SMS message or USSD request to a special number:

  • *505# request will automatically generate a message containing up-to-date information about the company’s services used;
  • a message with the “info” test to number 5051 will produce similar actions.

If these methods did not help, and you could not find out where your funds are being spent - free help desk or the nearest service center will resolve this issue.

To receive information, formulate your request correctly, which will allow the operator to quickly find your account in the database and report active paid services. You can also deactivate them by phone.

Confirmation of account ownership may be required; to do this, provide the operator with the required personal information. Official center performs maintenance similar function. Here you can get up-to-date information about the latest updates and promotions of the company with the issuance of discount booklets. The operator not only quickly deactivates unnecessary service, but will also help you choose a cheap analogue.

Megafon: how to find out what services are connected and how to disable them

Having considered the question of how to find out the list of connected services and deactivate them, you should pay attention to the following things:

  1. carefully study the service you are studying. Detailed description can be found on the official Megafon website;
  2. Perhaps some of the services have acquired an improved analogue. You can quickly deactivate an old offer and add a new one in your personal account;
  3. some offers require additional confirmation upon deactivation. This could be an SMS message or other request;
  4. you can consult for free with an operator, who will not only help identify the cause of the extra financial costs, but also offer affordable analogues.