How to open recently opened documents. How to view viewed files. Looking through “Recent Documents”

Home » windows 7 » How to find recent documents in windows 7

Today we will answer a question that has probably arisen in many owners of previous versions of the Windows operating system. In general, many users are still asking this question, since not everyone has updated their devices to “ten”, remaining on their good old version - be it Windows 7 or 8.1. So, today we will talk about the “Recent Documents” folder, we will tell you what this folder is, and also where the “Recent Documents” folder is located in Windows 7.

What is the Recent Documents folder?

It is curious that not everyone knows the answer to this question. Actually, the essence of the “Recent Documents” section is fully reflected in the name itself. When you quickly save something, the material ends up here. The same applies to text documents. It happens that at an early stage of creating a document, a user does not pay attention to the choice of a place for its further storage and the slightest glitch will lead to the file disappearing from the screen and finding it will not be so easy.

“Folder” saves all the actions that the user performs on the device. Rather, links to material that was recently viewed/edited are stored here.

In general, you can give enough examples, but the essence does not change - you need to know where the “fresh” files will be located on your device.

Some users work on a PC for a long period of time (5-10 years), and not everyone knows about the existence of the wonderful “Recent” folder. In simple words, it is called “Recent Documents”.

The folder path is as follows: C:(D:)\Documents and Settings\Account Name\Recent). But the fact is that this folder is in hidden mode and you won’t be able to simply go to it by following the given path.

In turn, it is necessary to make changes in the settings to make the element “visible”, and such a procedure for novice users can be difficult and changes may not bring the desired result, but only aggravate the situation. Still, it’s not for nothing that the hidden elements are in such a state so that they won’t be “disturbed” again. Fortunately, there are completely safe alternative options for finding the “Recent Documents” folder. Let's talk about them further.

Find the folder using the “Taskbar”

This short method is suitable for any PC owner with a level of PC handling. This method will allow you to add the treasured folder to the Start menu. Thus, you can enter it literally in two clicks, whenever you want. The method itself is also carried out in a few clicks. To begin, right-click on the “Taskbar” and select the last item “Properties” from the context menu. In the window that appears, go to the “Start Menu” tab and click on the “Customize” button (located in the upper right corner). It is also worth checking for the checkboxes opposite the two items that are located in the “Confidentiality” section. In the new window you can customize the appearance and list of links in the main OS menu. Therefore, to display the “Recent Documents” folder, find it in the list and check the box, then click on the OK button.

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Now the link to the folder is available in Start. Accordingly, using the same method, the link is removed from the “tens” main menu. It is worth noting that when you uncheck the checkbox in the list of options in the “Customize the Start Menu” window, documents that were open before the option was disabled are also eliminated.

Clear the “Recent Documents” folder and make the folder accessible

In general, this question is as relevant and frequently asked as the question about the location of the “folder”. There are two most common methods.

1 way

The first method is quite simple and can be done in just a few clicks. As soon as you add the folder to the Start list, click on the system main menu icon and find the link of the same name, then right-click to open the context menu. In the options, activate the line “Clear list of recent documents”. After completing the procedure, remove all contents from the Trash.

2 way

The second method is more complicated, but if the first does not work, then there is nowhere to go. So, you need to determine where the folder is located on the system. To display it, go to “Start”, click “Control Panel” and in the dialog box that appears, select the “Folder Options” option.

In the new window, go to the “View” tab and select the “Show hidden files and folders” option, then click on the OK button to activate the settings.

This way, the folder will no longer be hidden and you will be able to access it at any time.

So, after the above steps, go to the following path: C:\Users\User\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\windows\Recent Documents.

In certain cases, this address may look slightly different, namely: C:\User\Users\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\windows\Recent Documents.

Having reached the desired folder, you can empty it completely or delete specific files, not forgetting to subsequently empty the contents of the “Trash”.

In general, you don’t have to spend a lot of time to find the “Recent Documents” folder, especially since by changing certain settings you can access the folder in literally two clicks using the main menu of the system. This way, you can often use the folder for your own purposes, and saved files and documents will no longer be lost and the user will not have to review the contents of all existing folders. How can I find out which DirectX is installed? If you still have questions on the topic “Where is the “Recent Documents” folder in Windows 7?”, you can ask them in the comments

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Recent documents in the Windows 7 operating system

Many users use their personal computer to work with documents. To provide you with the best possible experience, Microsoft creates many different tools and useful utilities. One of these functions is the “Recent Documents” directory, which was in Windows XP, but disappeared somewhere in version 7. This article describes how to return it.

"Recently Used Documents" is a section in the Start menu. It displays all the files with a .doc extension that you have recently opened. The most recent item is at the very top of the list. In Windows 7, this element was removed from the menu, but it can be enabled optionally in the settings.

Operating system settings

In order to add a directory with recently saved texts, you need to call the taskbar configurations. To do this you need to do the following:

Now, when you call up the menu, you can see a section containing a list of all recently viewed objects with the doc and docx extension.

List built into Word

However, you don't necessarily need to implement this feature using standard Windows tools. Similar tools are available in Microsoft Word.

First, if you have a Word icon in your list of frequently used programs, you can hover over it to see a list of the most recent text files you've worked with.

Secondly, you can launch the Microsoft Word application and view the necessary information “from within” the program. To do this, click on the “File” button and click “Open”. The application will prompt you to indicate the location of the desired objects or select them from the list of those that you worked with last time.

How to view "Recent Documents" in Windows 7

“Recent Documents” are necessary to save all the steps that a Windows 7 user has taken. They serve as a repository of links to data that was viewed or edited most recently.

Looking through “Recent Documents”

There are different ways to open and view the contents of the “Recent” folder. Let's look at them below.

Method 1: Taskbar and Start Menu Properties

This option is suitable for a novice Windows 7 user. The method has the ability to add the desired folder to the Start menu. You will be able to view recent documents and files with just a couple of clicks.

Method 2: Hidden files and folders

This method is somewhat more complicated than the first. We perform the following steps.

In general, viewing recent documents and files is not difficult. This feature greatly simplifies working in Windows 7.

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What are recent documents in windows 7 and how to use them correctly

I am glad to welcome you again, dear readers.

Properly structured data on a computer not only allows you to interact with the necessary elements faster. This also improves system performance. But what if there are already a lot of folders and files on the device? It can take a lot of time to find what you want. To prevent this from happening every time, there is a useful tool - recent windows 7 documents. Here you can see files that were previously opened on the computer.

What is it and how to use it? (to contents)

In fact, this tool is a folder that contains shortcuts to various previously used data. To make it more clear, you can imagine the text editor Word. When you click on the "Open" button, it offers "Recently Used Documents".

Here is exactly the same system, only in addition to textual information, tables, pictures and much more are offered. One can only imagine how much faster the work on the device will be when you don’t have to constantly go through long paths through the directory tree, not to mention the lengthy search for a particular document.

Where is the tool located? It's simple - in the Start menu. The directory will be located right here, and when you hover over it, the necessary files will be displayed.

But there are times when the required folder is not in the menu. This often happens after reinstalling Windows. In addition, sometimes the menu we need disappears as a result of installing some kind of “optimizing” program. The fact is that this tool in most cases is not considered the most popular. And to avoid filling up space in Start, it is hidden by default. How can I view the files I need?


There is no need to worry again, because the folder can be restored.

How to enable?(to contents)

Many people do not know how to find “Recent Documents” on their computer. To do this you need:

Cleaning(to contents)

It is important to understand that all data about recently opened documents is saved in a special folder. Over time, if nothing is done, the volume of the directory will grow, which clogs the system. As a result, problems with Windows may appear. Therefore, it is better to clean it at least from time to time.

In addition, this may be necessary if several people work under one user. After all, probably no one wants anyone else to see which files were changed.

In any case, this procedure is provided by the system. It is simple and does not require special skills:

In addition, there are a lot of programs that allow you to do this. Among users they are called “cleaners”. Such applications help speed up system performance. Usually, in addition to cleaning this item, it is also suggested to delete a lot of temporary information, restore the registry, and so on. I myself use a similar application once a month. In this article I described the two best programs that can be used for just such purposes.

Personal experience (to contents)

Personally, I myself have often turned to this tool before, since it really is convenient. Just imagine, you need to open the same set of files every day. Moreover, each of them is located in a different folder along a long path. Doing all this in total takes a lot of time.

Of course, you can make a shortcut to any type of data, and then simply save it on your desktop or in a separate folder. But by doing this you are simply creating additional files on the system. Not to mention that there may already be a lot of documents on the main monitor. All this leads to unused files and registry links appearing, which loads the operating system. As a result, errors and some speed problems begin to appear in Windows.

Personally, I like order, and therefore I try to keep only the essentials on my desk. I have short paths to others. In addition, all the others are located in the folder corresponding to their focus. That’s why I don’t need this tool, although many people still like it.

Important! In no case should this system be confused with “Recent Places”. This shows the folders and drives where users visit more often than others. In fact, this is the same thing, only it is aimed at catalogs. Initially, the item is located on the left side of the window. But you can easily drag it to “Start”, where the corresponding entry will appear. Now you can open it, like “Recent Documents”.

Well, if you desperately need a separate menu that will store all the recently opened documents, this tool is just for you.

I hope this article will clarify the situation for many about the performance of this component of the system. Subscribe and invite friends.

Folder "Recent Documents" (Recent). windows XP

Home » Lessons » “Where did it go?” Recent folder. windows XP

Today we will talk to you about the situation that any user who works at a computer finds himself in. And not just beginners. I think that you have already encountered this and will encounter it more than once.

And the situation is as follows.

Let's say you took a lot of photos and, without delay, want to send them to your friends.

We quickly created a folder. We quickly came up with a name for the folder. We downloaded the photos from the camera to the computer and started browsing to select photos to send.

Suddenly someone or something distracts you. You put off this interesting activity for 10 minutes, for an hour, for a day, for a week... Circumstances vary.

After a while you return to the computer. Sit down, turn it on, load it. And suddenly you realize that you don’t remember at all on what drive you created the folder or subfolder and what you named this folder.

A frantic search for photographs begins, which does not always lead to a positive result.

Or another very common example. You edit a document all day. By evening you were already tired and don’t even remember in what place and under what name it was created. Suddenly some kind of computer glitch occurs and the document disappears from the screen.

And where to look for him now?

The condition is not pleasant. I found myself in similar situations more than once during the first 10 years of working on a computer, until I learned about the Recent folder.

This is the folder in which ALL our ACTIONS are stored on the computer. More precisely, all the links to the documents that we opened. Be it photos, documents, videos or folders.

And although the path to this folder looks like C:(D:)\Documents and Settings\Your Account Name\Recent, we will not search for this folder using this path for two reasons.

Firstly, the names of the folders in English and Russian do not match, which can be confusing for many.

Secondly, the “Recent” folder is “hidden” (invisible). Those. You just won't see this folder. To do this, you need to change the attributes of folders and subfolders so that “hidden” files and folders are visible. And it is not advisable for novice users to do this, since they can cause some harm to the computer (that’s why they are hidden).

Therefore, we will do it easier. We will simply find this folder using the search procedure built into the operating system and “drag it” to the desktop so that it is always “at hand”.

The word “Recent” translated into Russian means “recent”. And the corresponding folder in Russian is called “Recent Documents”. This is what we will be looking for.

As an example, I will open several different files to show you how they will then be “reflected” in the “Recent” folder.

I opened sequentially two text files that are located directly on the desktop, an image file and a Microsoft Word file that are located in the “Tmp” folder on the desktop.

Place the mouse pointer over the “Start” button and click on it with the left mouse button.

In the menu that appears, move the mouse pointer to the “Search” menu item and left-click on it.

A search window will appear. In this window, move the mouse pointer over the “Files and Folders” menu item and left-click on it.

A window will open in which you can specify various search parameters. That's what we'll do.

In the field “Part of the file name or the entire file name:” write Recent documents.

Then we move the mouse pointer over the button located opposite the “Advanced options” menu item and click on it with the left mouse button.

Add another “tick” to the “square” (checkbox) opposite the “Search in hidden files and folders” option.

Then move the mouse pointer over the “Find” button and click on it with the left mouse button.

After some time, the “Recent Documents” folder will appear in the search results window.

>Hover your mouse pointer over this folder and right-click on it.

Then we move the mouse pointer sequentially and left-click on the menu items “Send” and “Desktop (create shortcut)”.

A shortcut to the hidden Recent Documents folder will appear on your desktop.

Now right-click on this folder. In the menu that appears, hover the mouse pointer over the “Open” menu item and click on it with the left mouse button.

In the “Recent Documents” viewing window we will see all our files that we opened. As you can see, at the very top of the “list” are the files and folders that I opened last.

This could be the end of the story about the “Recent” folder, if not for one “But...”.

All this is good and beautiful, since I already have the appearance of folders and files and sorting options configured. Your picture above may differ from mine.

Therefore, in this lesson, let’s additionally look at how “View of folders and files” and “Sorting options” are configured. Let's find out why this is needed and sort the folders and files to your liking.

As I already said, the “Recent” folder stores links to ALL your documents that you have ever opened. There can be dozens, hundreds, thousands of these links.

So, if there are thousands of such links, and they are “mixed” (unsorted), then searching for the “lost” file can also take quite a lot of time.

I will give you an example of a simple setting that pays off in almost 99% of cases.

The first thing you need to do (if not already done) is to bring the files and folders you are viewing to the “Table” view.

To do this, move the mouse pointer over the “View” icon and click on it with the left mouse button.

Then move the mouse pointer over the “Table” menu item and left-click on it.

Now our folders and files are presented in the form of a table, the column headings of which are called “Name”, “Size”, “Type” and “Changed”.

As a rule, to quickly find the desired file or folder, two columns are enough - “Name” and “Changed”. Therefore, we remove the “Size” and “Type” columns.

To do this, move the mouse pointer over the “View” menu item and click on it with the left mouse button.

Then, in the drop-down menu, move the mouse pointer to the menu item “Select columns in the table...” and click on it with the left mouse button.

Uncheck the “Size” and “Type” checkboxes by left-clicking on them. Leave the “Name” and “Changed” checkboxes ticked. Then move the mouse pointer over the “OK” button and click on it with the left mouse button.

We are left with two fairly informative columns with a list of links to folders and files that we opened on this computer.

In this case, my list is sorted by last modified date. Those. At the top of the list is a link to the file I last viewed. In second place on the list is the file that I viewed second to last, etc.

In the "Name" column I see the name of the file, and in the "Changed" column the date and time when I opened (viewed, edited) it.

And, if you now hover your mouse over the “Changed” column header and left-click on it, then at the very top of the list there will be a link to the file that I opened very first on this computer.

If I click on the column header again, the sorting will again be reversed, and at the very beginning of the list I will see links to the files that I opened last.

The same goes for the “Name” column. If you hover your mouse over the “Name” column header and left-click on it, the list will be sorted alphabetically. Those. the first place will be a link to a file whose name begins with the letter “a”, and the last in the list will be a link to a file whose name begins with the letter “z”.

If you click on the "Name" heading again, the list will be sorted in reverse order. Those. in the first place there will be a link to a file whose name begins with the letter “i”, and in the last place with the letter “a”.

Thus, knowing the approximate time when you opened the file or at least the first letter of the file name, it will take you no more than a minute to find the document or photo you need.

Well, for users of WIndows 7 and Windows 8, the “Recent Documents” folders and files look a little different. Therefore, I will talk about them in the following lessons.

That's all for today. Good luck and creative success to everyone. 🙂

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With respect to all my readers and subscribers

Oleg Ivashinenko

How to return “Recent Documents” to Windows XP Start settings?

So, the problem is of the following nature: a new Windows XP operating system was installed on the computer. You start working on it... working a lot, and this makes you forget the location of the last open document, which you desperately need. You begin to remember that there are Recent Documents in Start. But they are not there!!! As a rule, you start surfing the Internet and ask how to enable Recent Documents in Windows XP, and they answer you en masse: right-click on Start => Properties => Setting up the Start menu => Additionally, check the box next to Display a list of recently used documents . If the above actions helped, then further reading of the article is purely educational.

This material is about if the Start settings do not display the on/off display of Recent Documents. You are confused, either everyone lives on another planet, or your operating system assembly is unique or stripped down, but your computer does not have this fad.

We took a deep breath and exhaled smoothly. Everything is fine. If you are here on this site, then the problem will most likely be solved! Thus, clicks “Start” => Run.

We enter such a magical combination of English letters as gpedit.msc and press the Enter button. The gpedit.msc command causes the Group Policy settings of the personal computer.

Select User Configuration, Administrative Templates, Taskbar and Start Menu. Next, look for Remove the “Documents” menu from the main menu.

We have already resolved the issue by 80 percent. Just a little more. In the properties of Remove the “Documents” menu from the main menu, set it to Disable.

Close this window and go to Start. But surprisingly, the Recent Documents did not appear. I'll tell you a secret, this is how it should be. Click Start Menu Settings => Advanced. The Recent Documents setting appears at the bottom of the window.

Without further delay, check the box and click OK. We look at Start and are surprised: Recent documents are there! If they do not appear, then you should double-check the correctness of the operations performed and reboot. Let's use it!

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The article helped, remember the site!

How to see viewed files

In order not to search through numerous folders on your computer for a file that you recently viewed or created, the operating system developers created a special section. This section contains links to all files that have recently been used on your computer. Although there are cases when it is easier to find the desired file using the search system.

How can I view the history of viewed files?


  • Select the "Start" menu;
  • In the left column, find the program you are interested in and click on the triangle next to the name of this program.
  • An additional window will open on the right side, which will contain a list of all used files.

5. It is worth remembering that this feature is provided only for those programs that are most often used on your computer. For other programs, this option is not available through the Start menu. In some applications, this option is provided in the main menu of the program.

Video: How to find out which folders a person has accessed on a computer

The Windows XP Start menu contains a list of recently used files. As you know in Windows XP, the Start menu can have two designs: Start Menu And Classic Start Menu. The list of recently used files in them is displayed differently, called differently and needs to be worked with differently.

Start menu.

6. In the "Recent Documents" section, check the "Display a list of recently used documents" checkbox;
7. Click "OK" button;

Opening the "Recent Documents" folder.
1. Click the "Start" button;
2. Select the "Recent Documents" folder;

Clearing the contents of the Recent Documents folder.
1. Right-click on the "Start" button;
2. Select the "Properties" menu item;
3. Go to the "Start Menu" tab;

4. Click the "Configure" button.
5. Go to the "Advanced" tab;
6. In the "Recent Documents" section, click on the "Clear List" button;
7. Click "OK" button;

Classic Start Menu.
Displays the Recent Documents folder.
Always displayed and called "Documents";

Opening the Documents folder.
1. Click the "Start" button;
2. Select the "Documents" folder;
3. Now you can select the file you want to open;

4. Click the "Configure" button.
5. In the "Start Menu Composition" section, click on the "Clear" button;
6. Click "OK" button;

Many users use their personal computer to work with documents. To provide you with the best possible experience, Microsoft creates many different tools and useful utilities. One of these features is the “Recent Documents” directory, which was in Windows XP, but disappeared somewhere in version 7. This article describes how to return it.

"Recently Used Documents" is a section in the Start menu. It displays all the files with a .doc extension that you have recently opened. The most recent item is at the very top of the list. In Windows 7, this element was removed from the menu, but it can be enabled optionally in the settings.

Operating system settings

In order to add a directory with recently saved texts, you need to call the taskbar configurations. To do this you need to do the following:

Now, when you call up the menu, you can see a section containing a list of all recently viewed objects with the doc and docx extension.

List built into Word

However, you don't necessarily need to implement this functionality using standard Windows tools. Similar tools are available in Microsoft Word.

First, if you have a Word icon in your list of frequently used programs, you can hover over it to see a list of the most recent text files you've worked with.

Secondly, you can launch the Microsoft Word application and view the necessary information “from within” the program. To do this, click on the “File” button and click “Open”. The application will prompt you to indicate the location of the desired objects or select them from the list of those that you worked with last time.


Upload the file to Word Recovery Toolbox, and then go to the list of quick access to documents that will appear in the program. Find the required file in this list and left-click on it. Start the scanning process by pressing the appropriate key.

Please be patient - depending on the size, scanning may take some time. After the scanning is completed, you will be able to recover the document and understand what percentage of the information was recovered, and whether some of the information was lost during the scanning process.

In addition, you can try saving the damaged file as plain text by selecting the Save as Plane text option in the program menu. Give the new text document any name and save it to your hard drive. If necessary, read the document recovery report that Word Recovery Toolbox will provide you with.

Using this program, you can restore a document after any damage, be it a system error or a virus infection during e-mail transmission. The recovery program works on all Windows operating systems, including Vista, and supports all versions of Microsoft Word.

Video on the topic

Sometimes files on your local disk end up missing, and you don’t know where they went or don’t remember where you put them. In any case, you can try to solve this problem. To do this, follow these instructions.


Determine where the files should have been that are not there at the moment, make sure you haven't moved them to another location. To do this, use the built-in search system in Windows. Open the Start menu and select Search. The Search Results window opens with customizable options in the left sidebar of the window.

In the Search for file and folder names field, enter the full name or partial name of the file you want to find. Also in the line below “Search for test” you can enter a fragment of the file’s contents, that is, if you are looking for a text document and don’t remember the name of the file itself, you can enter the title of the article or any other part of its contents.

If the search did not give any positive results, then it is likely that the files were deleted. To recover files that have disappeared from your computer, install a special file recovery program. One such program is UndeleteMyFiles, which is distributed based on freeware, that is, .

Launch the program and select the “Deleted File Search” function in the main menu. At the top of the window that opens, click on the “Search” button. Next, in the new “Search options” window that appears, on the “Locations” tab, select the section on which to search for missing files. If you want to search in a specific directory on the disk, then click on the “Add location” button and select the desired directory to search. The Files, Size, and Attributes tabs allow you to configure search options such as file extensions, file size, and attributes, respectively.

Situations often arise that prevent you from saving the required document in Microsoft Office in a timely manner. They may be caused by power outages, a malfunction of the operating system, or user forgetfulness. To ensure that your efforts are not in vain, it is necessary to restore the document.

You will need

  • - computer;
  • - version of Microsoft Office in which the file was created.


Install the “ ” feature in Microsoft Office in advance. It is provided by the program and allows you to return the desired file through backup. Program regularly after a certain period of time. This means you have the opportunity to run any of the automatically saved versions, which for one reason or another were not saved manually by you.

Set the “autosave” to a certain time, after which the file will be saved itself. In addition, enable the option “Keep the last autosaved version if the file was closed without saving” in the settings. After connecting and activating these functions, if you inadvertently close an unsaved file, you will have the opportunity to restore the document (that is, its latest version), which the program remembers automatically.

Open the Microsoft Office program in which you were unable to save a specific file. For example, Microsoft Office 2010 may offer to use a variant of the document immediately upon opening. The options will be displayed on the left side of the open program. This applies to Microsoft Word, Microsoft Power Point, Microsoft Excel, as well as other applications.

If for some reason a document cannot be recovered using standard methods, resort to auxiliary programs such as Smart Data Recovery, R-STUDIO NE, etc. For example, Smart Data Recovery after installation will allow you to recover in the future not only document files, but and audio and video recordings, clips, archive files.


When setting “autosave”, set the shortest period of time so that you can subsequently restore the file with the least loss.

Information on the user's computer is contained in the form of files. To find a file name, determine the directory in which it is saved, open a file for viewing or editing, or delete it, you need to have at least a general understanding of how the system accesses resources stored on local and removable drives.


The name of any file is an immutable structure: first comes the file name that was assigned to it by the user or the application in which the file was created. At the end, the file extension is written, indicating what type it is and, accordingly, with which program it can be opened.

If you see only the first part of the file name, then you have the appropriate settings. To display the entire name, open any folder, select “Tools” in the top menu bar, and select “Folder Options” from the drop-down menu. In the dialog box that opens, go to the “View” tab and remove the checkbox from the “Hide extensions for registered files and folders” field. Click on the "Apply" button and close the window.

As long as you remember the file name and the directory in which you saved it, you won't have any problems finding it. But just because you don't remember the file name doesn't mean it's lost forever. Through the Start menu, call the Search command. This is where knowledge about file types can come in handy. Enter the desired extension in the search field. For example, .jpg or .doc. Click on the “Find” button - the search tool will find all files with the extension .jpg or .doc saved on the computer. Among the sorted files, it will be easier to find the one you need than to look through each folder on your computer yourself.

If you created a text document but forgot its name, specify additional parameters in the search box. In addition to the file type (.doc, .docx, .txt, and so on), specify the word or phrase contained in the text, click the “Find” button. The search tool will sort the information on your computer according to the specified parameters. If you remember when the file was created, enter the approximate date in the appropriate fields - this will make the search even easier.

Another situation is typical for beginners: you are working with a file in the program and decided to save it, but for some reason you did not enter your own file name and did not look in which directory the program saved the file. In the program menu, select the “Save As” command - a dialog box will open in which you can see where the application saves its files by default (or which directory was selected to save the last file). The file name will be indicated in the corresponding field. When the user does not enter a file name, programs use their name. For example, the Microsoft Office Word application names its “files” Doc.docx.

Restoring closed files without saving documents Word can be done in several ways. All of them use the built-in mechanisms of the system and do not require additional software.

You will need

  • - Microsoft Word 2003 or 2007


Try to find the original document. To do this, call the main system menu by clicking the “Start” button and activate the search assistant utility by clicking the “Use Assistant” button. Select “All files and folders” in the dialog box that opens and type the name of the document to be restored in the corresponding field. Select the “My Computer” option in the “Where to Look” directory and confirm the selected action by clicking the “Find” button.

Enter the .doc extension, typical for Word documents, in the line “Part of the file name or the entire file name”, and click the “Find” button again if you do not remember the file name.

Expand the “Trash” desktop element by double-clicking the mouse and expand the “View” menu in the top service panel. Select the “Table” item and use the “Arrange Icons” command. Select the “Date of deletion” sub-item and try to find the document you need.

Type the extension *.wbk in the line “Part of the file name...” to search for a saved backup copy of the file and click the “Find” button (with the “Always back up” option enabled).

When using the AutoSave document feature, expand the Microsoft Office menu and expand the “File” menu in the top service bar of the application window. Specify the “Open” command and the “Word Document” sub-item. Click the arrow button in the new dialog box and use the Open and Restore option to try to force restore a document that was closed without saving.

Also use the *.asd and *.tmp values ​​in the “Part of the file name...” line to search for a possible location to save the document and temporary copies.

Expand the “File” menu in the top service bar of the Word application window to make another attempt to forcefully restore the document and select the “Open” command. Use the All Files option in the Files of Type directory and find the file you need in the dialog box that opens. Click the down arrow button and select Open and Repair.

I am glad to welcome you again, dear readers.

Properly structured data on a computer not only allows you to interact with the necessary elements faster. This also improves system performance. But what if there are already a lot of folders and files on the device? It can take a lot of time to find what you want. To prevent this from happening every time, there is a useful tool - Windows 7 Recent Documents. Here you can see files that were previously opened on your computer.

In fact, this tool is a folder that contains shortcuts to various previously used data. To make it more clear, you can imagine the text editor Word. When you press the button " Open", he offers " Recently used documents».

Here is exactly the same system, only in addition to textual information, tables, pictures and much more are offered. One can only imagine how much faster the work on the device will be when you don’t have to constantly go through long paths through the directory tree, not to mention the lengthy search for a particular document.

Where is the tool located? Everything is simple - in the "" menu. The directory will be located right here, and when you hover over it, the necessary files will be displayed.

But there are times when the required folder is not in the menu. This often happens after reinstalling Windows. In addition, sometimes the menu we need disappears as a result of installing some kind of “optimizing” program. The fact is that this tool in most cases is not considered the most popular. And in order not to fill the space in "", it is hidden by default. How can I view the files I need?


There is no need to worry again, because the folder can be restored.

How to turn it on?( )

Many people don’t know how to find “” on their computer. To do this you need:

Cleaning( )

It is important to understand that all data about recently opened documents is saved in a special folder. Over time, if nothing is done, the volume of the directory will grow, which clogs the system. As a result, problems with Windows may occur. Therefore, it is better to clean it at least from time to time.

In addition, this may be necessary if several people work under one user. After all, probably no one wants anyone else to see which files were changed.

In any case, this procedure is provided by the system. It is simple and does not require special skills:

In addition, there are a lot of programs that allow you to do this. Among users they are called “cleaners”. Such applications help speed up system performance. Usually, in addition to cleaning this item, it is also suggested to delete a lot of temporary information, restore the registry, and so on. I myself use a similar application once a month.
In I described the two best programs that can be used for just such purposes.

Personal experience( )

Personally, I myself have often turned to this tool before, since it really is convenient. Just imagine, you need to open the same set of files every day. Moreover, each of them is located in a different folder along a long path. Doing all this in total takes a lot of time.

Of course, you can make a shortcut to any type of data, and then simply save it on your desktop or in a separate folder. But by doing this you are simply creating additional files on the system. Not to mention that there may already be a lot of documents on the main monitor. All this leads to unused files and registry links appearing, which loads the operating system. As a result, Windows starts showing errors and some speed issues.

Personally, I like order, and therefore I try to keep only the essentials on my desk. I have short paths to others. In addition, all the others are located in the folder corresponding to their focus. That’s why I don’t need this tool, although many people still like it.