How to open a file in notepad. How to open the Notepad text editor in Windows. What it is

In order to create simple files and make corrections to them, you can use the simplest text editor Notepad or Notepad, which is available in any version of the Windows operating system. This editor allows you not only to create files and change their contents, but also contains a text search function. It also allows you to do the simplest replacement the selected piece of text to another piece.

There are several ways to open Notepad in Windows. Let's look at how you can open Notepad through the Start button.

To use the Start button you do not need any special knowledge or skills. It is enough to know what is written In this article .

Search for the text editor Notepad in the Start menu using a keyword

So, open the Windows search in the Start menu and enter our keyword Notebook. Once the matching program is found, it will appear in the list of found programs in the Start menu. In order to launch Notepad, all you have to do is click on the link in the list of found programs:

For those who for some reason are accustomed to naming programs in the language of their developers, you can enter the keyword in the search bar Notepad. The result will be the same exactly as described above with keyword Notebook:

Selecting the text editor Notepad from the Start menu from the list of programs

For those who are used to working with structured representation in Windows Notepad can be selected from a list of programs. To do this, in the “Start” menu you need to use the link “ All programs", located at the bottom left of the menu:

Opening the Notepad text editor

Whichever option is chosen, they will all lead to the fact that a window will open text editor Notepad (Notepad) which we initially intended to work with:

The Notepad program is a simple text editor that is designed for creating and editing text files(Text Files). There are many text editors. Notepad differs from them in that it does not have a toolbar, a formatting bar, or a full-fledged status bar.

There is virtually no text formatting in Notepad, and there is also no way to insert pictures and tables. But the Notepad program is quickly mastered. Let's start by asking where the notepad is.

Notepad can be found

  • 1st method: in the Programs (Applications) section – Standard – Notepad,
  • 2nd method: through Search.

Let's see where Notepad is located, specifically for the Windows 10, 8, 7 and XP operating systems.

Where is Notepad in Windows 10

As noted above, Notepad can be searched:

  1. using Search,
  2. in Standard programs.

Search is in the Panel Windows tasks 10, it is hidden under the magnifying glass icon.

Rice. 1. Find Notepad through Search in Windows 10

1 in Fig. 1 – open Search,
2 – in the search bar, type on the keyboard: notepad, press Enter,
3 in Fig. 1 – click on the found Notepad.

The second option to find Notepad is to open Accessories.

Rice. 2. Find Notepad in Standard Windows programs 10

1 in Fig. 2 – click Start,
2 – scroll to the end of the opened programs, click “Standard – WIndows”,
3 in Fig. 2 – in Standard we look for Notepad.

In the video you can see where to find Notepad in Windows 10:

Notepad in Windows 8

1st method through Programs

Open to display all applications. Among them we find the section “Standard - Windows” (number 2 in Fig. 3), in which we select Notepad (number 3 in Fig. 3).

Rice. 3. Find Notepad for Windows 8 in Applications – Standard Windows

2nd method via Search

To open the panel containing Search in Windows 8:

  • at touch control– quickly swipe your finger from the right edge of the screen,
  • and when controlling the mouse, in the top right corner we move the mouse from right to left. After this, a small panel will appear, on which the “Search” button will be the very first one at the top.

In the Search line (number 2 in Fig. 4) we type the word Notepad, after which the Notepad program icon will appear on the left (number 3 in Fig. 4):

Rice. 4. Find the Notepad application in Windows 8 via Search

To open it, click on the Notepad icon (number 3 in Fig. 4) and work in Notepad.

Notepad for Windows 7

1st method through Programs

Click on the button. At the end of the list that opens, find the “All programs” link (number 1 in Fig. 5) and click on it.

Rice. 5. Looking for Notepad for Windows 7 via Start – All Programs

Appears big list programs. Using the scroll bar on the right (number 1 in Fig. 5), scroll through this list until the “Standard” folder appears (number 2 in Fig. 6). Click to open this folder.

Rice. 6. Find Standard Programs for Windows 7

The folder will open, after which all that remains is to click on the Notepad link (Fig. 7) and start working with a text editor.

Rice. 7. Looking for Notepad in Standard Programs of Windows 7

2nd method via Search

For Windows 7, the Search option is the simplest, from my point of view.

Click the Start button.

In the Search line (number 2 in Fig. 5) enter the word Notepad, as shown in Fig. 8, number 1. The Notepad program instantly appears at the top (number 2 in Fig. 8), all you have to do is click on it and you can work with the text.

Rice. 8. Looking for Notepad for Windows 7 via Start – Search

Notepad in Windows XP

1st method through Programs

I think this method is the most convenient for. Click the Start button. In the menu that opens, click on the Programs option, then click on Standard, last click– using the Notepad option (Fig. 9).

Rice. 9. Where is Notepad in Windows XP

2nd method via Search

By clicking on the Start button, a menu will appear as in Fig. 7.

Click on the magnifying glass icon that says “Find”, then on “Files and Folders”.

In the “Search Results” window, click on the “Files and Folders” option again.

The field “Part of the file name or the entire file name” will appear, in which we enter the word Notepad and click on the “Find” button.

A search will start, as a result of which a shortcut to the Notepad program should appear, after which you can click on the “Stop” search button. And then click on the found shortcut to the Notepad program.

Two reasons power users love Notepad

Despite the simplicity of Notepad, this editor is often used experienced users, for example, when working with a modem. This is due to the fact that in Notepad you can create, or open and edit files with the following (extensions, formats):

  • .txt
  • .bat,
  • .ini
  • .sys,
  • .wri,
  • .dat.

Another reason why confident users like to use Notepad is that the file created and saved in this program will be “clean”. In other words, such a file will not be loaded with additional code, unlike a file passed through the MS Word text editor.

Many beginners face this problem when creating their first website. They prepare articles for the site in the Word editor, and then copy them directly to their site, along with a bunch of unnecessary stuff, additional code from Word. Therefore, it is better to insert articles onto the site from Notepad, then there will be no unnecessary code.

How to open Windows Accessories

In the operating systems Windows XP, 7, 8 there are standard programs; in Windows 8 they are called “ standard applications" They are built into operating system Windows are just like pockets are sewn to a dress, that is, they are always there, you just need to find them, open them and use them!

How to find standard programs for Windows is described in detail in this article using Notepad as an example.

In Windows 7, the standard programs are:

  • graphic paint editor for creating and editing drawings,
  • text Word editor Pad for text files with complex formatting,
  • Notepad for text files with simple formatting,
  • Run to open a program, folder, document, or website
  • Notes for creating short notes,
  • Sound Recorder to record sound on your PC,
  • for calculations as on a hand calculator,
  • to take screenshots,
  • Command line for executing keyboard commands
  • Math Input Panel,
  • Explorer – displays files and folders on the PC,
  • Utilities folder
  • and etc.

Simple text editor Notepad is used for viewing and editing electronic documents TXT format on Windows operating systems. This article discusses working in the Notepad program: how to open, create, save and print documents, highlight, copy, find and delete text, and also change the file encoding.

in order to change standard font Notepad, go to the menu section “Format” - “Font”. In the window that opens, select the font you like. In the style column, indicate the required option: bold, italic. In the size column you can select the font size.

Until Two Thousand, the Notepad had only basic functions and many of them were accessible from the program menu. The current version of the text editor supports hot keys on the computer keyboard, contextual replacement and Unicode.

You can open Notepad in Windows Seven using a shortcut on your computer desktop. If you can’t find it this way, you need to open the Start menu - All Programs - Accessories, where the Notepad text editor is located.

How to use the text editor Notepad

By default, Notepad opens files with TXT extension, but it can also work with other text documents and html website pages. To edit code, it is still better to use Notepad++ - it has syntax highlighting.

  • Changing the encoding

  • If you want to insert time and date into right side work area Notepad, press and hold Spacebar. When the cursor moves to the desired location, follow the steps described above.

  • How to create, open and save a file

  • How to Print Notepad Pages

  • How to Find, Select, Copy, Cut, Paste and Delete in Notepad

  • Undo last action

  • Let's say you deleted, inserted or cut something out of the text. To cancel last action go to “Edit” - “Undo” or press Ctrl+Z.

      Notepad Help contains basic information on working with the program. If you have any questions about any of the points described, you can always clarify the details there.

    1. By placing the cursor in the desired place and holding down Shift key, press the left/right button, depending on which direction from the cursor you want to select the text.

    2. To select all text in a document, press Ctrl+A.

  • Notepad Help

  • The “Create” command is used when you have already opened a document and want to create a new one.

    • Copy - Ctrl+C

    • Cut - Ctrl+X

    • In the window that opens, enter the search phrase, set the search direction: up/down, and click the “Find Next” button.

    • Delete - Delete button

    The same actions can be performed through the “Edit” menu or by right-clicking and selecting from context menu the required command.

    Undo last action

  • Setting the time and date

  • Keep in mind that the Notepad text editor can only undo the last action. Therefore, something done by mistake 2, Three or more steps back cannot be returned back.

  • How to change Notepad's default font

  • If none of the proposed font options suits you, click the “Show additional fonts" and in the window that opens, select another one.

    Time and date in Notepad

    To display the time and date in Notepad, place the cursor in the place you need, then go to “Edit” - “Time and Date” or press F5.

  • How to open Notepad on a computer
  • How to change encoding


  • Place the cursor at the beginning of the text and drag computer mouse with the left button pressed to the desired area.

  • To go to Help, select the appropriate menu and open the “View Help” item. Also, open reference materials the text editor we reviewed, you can use the F1 key.

    The excellent Windows operating system has provided everything for the user's work. It has everything you need. Let's take a closer look at one of the built-in programs, an insignificant, but very interesting and useful one, called “ Text pad" It would seem, what is such a seemingly useless program for? A “text notepad” on a computer is just what you need to write down your thoughts or small theses and stories, and the notepad can also be used to copy links or change code various programs. It is simply indispensable for writing down, for example, a phone number or a note, especially when there is neither pen nor paper at hand, and the matter is urgent.


    What is "Text Notepad"? "Notepad" or "Notepad" (his official name) is the most common text editor that is included in the package of Windows operating systems (from the very first Windows 1.0 and NT to Windows 8). In earlier operating systems, it was possible to write (work) in this program only up to 64 kilobytes, and therefore more advanced programs were constantly being developed, whose capabilities were less limited. Now these restrictions have been removed, and this editor has become more convenient and practical to use. Also in this program you can comprehend the code HTML language, which allows you to create websites for the Internet and much more.


    What does the program consist of? What can she do? The menu bar includes five main items: “File”, “Edit”, “Format”, “View”, “Help”. Each item performs its own function.

    1. The “File” item includes several subsections:

    • "Create" (CTRL+N) - this function opens up a completely new empty file. This function is very important, especially if previous file is damaged or you want to start working in the editor again.
    • "Open" (CTRL+O) - the most natural way to open required file on the computer. By clicking on this sub-item, select the location of the file and click “Open”.
    • “Save” (CTRL+S) - everything is clear here. When clicked, the button will save the result of the work in a text editor.
    • “Save as” - here you can select the file name and path to save by selecting a folder and clicking “Save”. You can also change the file encoding to ANSI and Unicode when saving.
    • “Page settings” - this sub-item contains parameters for printing - paper sizes, margins, etc.
    • “Print” (CTRL+P) - when you click this button, a window will open in which various options will be indicated - number of copies, page range. After clicking “Print” the document will be printed on the printer.
    • "Exit" - closes the program. Also carried out using a cross in the right top corner. Don't worry about accidentally pressing the "Exit" button by writing great amount information, the program will automatically ask whether to save this file, if this has not been done previously.

    2. “Edit” contains the following:

    • “Undo” (CTRL+Z) - this function cancels the last action and returns the document to the state before this action was performed.
    • "Cut" (CTRL+X) - the item cuts out a piece of text, placing it in
    • “Copy” (CTRL+C) - and this item copies the selected part of the text, which is also placed on the clipboard.
    • “Paste” (CTRL+V) - the function is designed to place a piece of text from the clipboard to the part where the cursor is located.
    • "Delete" (Del) - deletes the selected part of the text. If you want to return a fragment, just click “Cancel”, provided that no other actions were performed in the editor other than deleting the text.
    • “Find” (CTRL+F) - using this function you can find the required place in the text by phrase or word, and also select the search direction (from the cursor to the top or bottom of the text). By clicking the “Find” button, the searched text will be highlighted.
    • "Replace" (CTRL+H) - this function replaces the words you are looking for in the text. When clicked, a window opens. By entering in the “What:” paragraph the right word, in the “With:” section we write what word to replace with. If a word is repeated constantly in the text, just click the “Replace All” button.
    • “Go” (CTRL+G) - this subsection moves the cursor to the required line of the document.
    • “Select All” (CTRL+A) - this combination makes it possible to select text in the entire document.
    • "Time and date" (F5) - inserts the present date at the cursor location.

    3. “Format” includes only two functions:

    • "Word wrapping" - this operation allows you to wrap words from lines automatically, the length of the line becomes limited to the visible part of the screen. This function is made for convenience - now you do not need to constantly scroll the worksheet horizontally while trying to read the text.
    • “Font” - by selecting this sub-item, you can set its style and appearance. If you are not satisfied with the proposed fonts, then you can select the “Show additional fonts” section and find a new, more interesting and attractive one. By clicking the “Ok” button, the font will be changed to the one you selected.

    4. “View” includes only one function - “Status Bar”.

    5. The Help menu will show you the version of the editor and also answer frequently asked questions.

    Where to find and how to open

    How to open Text Notepad? In fact, there is nothing complicated about this, but there are two options. Which one is simpler - decide for yourself; as they say, the markers are different depending on the taste and color. This task is not difficult, and even those who are just starting to get acquainted with a computer and have not yet learned all the basics in this matter can cope with it.

    Option 1

    For the first option, you need to know where the "Text Pad" is located. Click the “Start” button, which is located in the lower left corner, then select “All programs”, after which the list will expand different folders and frequently used computer programs. IN this list you need to find the “Standard” folder. It is in it that Notepad is located - a text editor.

    Option 2

    Is there some more easier way, completely different from the first one. To get started, click on empty space on the desktop with the right mouse button, after which a small menu will open, select “Create” from the list, and another small list will open, in it select the line “ Text Document" and set a name for the new document. That's it, you can work in notepad. Now you are probably asking: “How can I open this file using Text Notepad?” It couldn't be easier! Just click on it right key mouse and in the list that appears, find the line “Open with Notepad (or notepad).”


    The main difference between the first option and the second is that in the first case we first write down the entire necessary information, and then we create a file and save it there, and in the second case, on the contrary, it is first created blank document, which is then replenished with our records.


    Notepad++ - very interesting program, but its true purpose is to work with HTML code. Unlike the classic Windows editor, Notepad++ can deal with several files at once, and at the same time. It does not conflict with the file encoding, and in case of any error, it highlights it in red.


    NFOPad - another one great program. It independently determines Internet links and addresses emails, something the standard “Text Notepad” built into the operating system cannot do. This program also supports the NFO format.


    At first glance, this editor is no different from the standard one, but this is not so, it has a preview function of the file being opened. And the most important advantage of this program is that in the absence desired function You can simply write it yourself and paste it into the editor, which a regular “Text Notepad” naturally cannot do. This feature is very useful for those who are familiar with the basics of programming

    One of the most common factors contributing to the purchase of a computer is the need to work with texts. This function is necessary both in offices and at home. For this purpose there are big choice all kinds of varying complexity. But many users who do not know how to use a computer have no idea how to download and install such an editor. This is not necessary, because the Notepad program is already built into the operating system.

    What it is?

    It’s worth starting with why you need the Notepad program, which is included in the list of standard user programs in any Windows system. Designed for quick entries, this tool does not have any special, tasty lotions, like, for example, Word. The interface is ridiculously easy and is perfect for both non-professional users and professionals in case of urgent need. There are cases of unintentional uninstallation of this program. Or a beginner wants to figure out what’s really going on here, but doesn’t know where to start looking. So where is Notepad in Windows 7?

    Opening methods

    There are several ways to discover this program and start working with it.

    One of these options is quite simple and does not require special computer skills. The first thing you need to do is go to the Start menu. You can perform a similar action using hover and left click. Next is the “All Programs” tab. It is located immediately above the search bar. We click on this tab and scroll through the list of numerous programs, after which we find the “Standard” tab. Next we see the program we are looking for. This is the first way we found out where Notepad is located in Windows 7.

    The next method is also quite simple, and it will require much less time than the previous one. Taking hold of the computer mouse again, move the cursor straight to the “Start” button. Where is Notepad located in Windows 7, this one will help us find out search string, located in the lower left corner of the list that opens. We move the cursor over the line, left-click and start typing the word “notepad”. After typing the search word, press the Enter button. Then it turns on search system, and after a few short seconds a window opens before our eyes on the screen in which we will see a shortcut to the Notepad program. This is another way by which you can find out where Notepad is located in Windows 7. Quite simple, isn’t it? And most importantly, it always works.

    Creating a program shortcut

    To prevent questions about where Notepad is located in Windows 7, it is recommended that you place a shortcut to this wonderful program on your desktop. How can this be done?

    Based on the first method, after finding Notepad in the list standard programs Using Start, you need to drag the shortcut to the desktop. You can do this by left-clicking, then holding down the button on the shortcut itself and dragging it to the area that suits you.

    It is also quite possible to carry out search fee data in order to simply know the location of the Notepad program. To do this, apply any of the listed methods detection and after searching, hovering the cursor again over the desired program, right-click on it. In the window that appears, find the line “Properties” and click left button mice. In “Properties” in the “General” tab there is an exact address where you can find out where Notepad is located in Windows 7.


    Thus, all the answers to the question of where Notepad is located in Windows 7 were considered. The maximum information content of the above instructions will help even the most inexperienced user find a text editor and get to work. After mastering Notepad, you can move on to more complex and professional ones. software processing text information.