How to delete an account on Facebook. Deleting a Facebook account: step-by-step instructions

Many users of the social network Facebook sooner or later face the problem of completely deleting pages. Today there are several available ways to solve it: you can permanently deactivate them using a browser on your computer or using an application on your cell phone.

Ways to delete a Facebook page

There are two main methods of deletion: selectively through settings or when deactivating your account. When you select the second option, along with the user profile, all pages that are linked to it will be automatically deleted.

Through the menu in settings

  1. Go to your FB profile.
  2. Go to the page you want to deactivate.
  3. In the top menu, select “Settings”.
  4. You will be redirected to the “General” tab, scroll down, the penultimate item will be “Delete page”.
  5. Click on it, the line will open and show the corresponding link.
  6. Click on it. After this, you will be able to restore the page within 14 days from the date of deactivation.

Close account by deleting pages

In order to deactivate the page permanently, there is an alternative method, which involves deleting your Facebook account. This method will allow you to completely erase your profile with all records and personal data. Step-by-step instructions for deactivation:

  1. In the upper right corner of your social media dashboard, click the gear button.
  2. Then select “Settings”.
  3. In the column on the left, click on the line “Your Facebook Information.”
  4. Then click “Delete account and information,” and then select “Delete my account.”
  5. If you decide to permanently delete your profile, you will be asked to confirm your decision by entering the password specified during registration and the code from the image.
  6. Confirm the operation, after which a window will appear with information that it is possible to restore your account within 14 days.

The functionality of social networks should have an option to delete a profile. Otherwise, there would be so many of them that user IDs would take up dozens of characters, and there would be a huge number of full namesakes. It also sometimes happens that simply changing the information in your old profile is not enough; you just need to register again. Therefore, I feel it is my duty to tell everything about deleting a Facebook account.

Is it possible to delete a Facebook account?

As I wrote above, deleting a Facebook account is a necessity for the social network. Without it, the ordered directory of FB users would turn into a garbage heap. Another thing is that there are some nuances, and you can get rid of your profile in different ways. This is not VKontakte with its one “delete page” button, after which there is time for recovery.

If I delete my account, can it be restored?

  1. Temporary.
  2. Constant.

In the first case, you can easily return your profile at any time. And in the second, naturally, it will be lost forever. I’ll tell you a little bit below about how to implement both of these options and how to restore the page.

Step-by-step instructions on how to delete your Facebook account

First, let's talk about temporarily deactivating the page. Why do you need it - decide for yourself. Personally, if I delete a profile for a short time, it’s only to attract someone’s attention. I can’t think of any other use for this, I’m so petty. Let's consider both options: temporary deactivation and permanent deletion of the page.

Deactivating a page

To temporarily deactivate your page, do the following:

  • In the upper right corner we find a triangle next to the question icon. Then click on the “Settings” item.

  • Find the “Account Management” item and click on “Edit”.
  • Then you need to click “Deactivate account”. After this, the social network may require you to enter your password again. Naturally, we introduce it.

Deleting a page

This method involves completely erasing user data from the servers. Therefore, be careful, but do not rush to download all the data in advance.

Why? I'll explain below:

  • Click “View” next to the “Delete account and information” item.

Ways to recover a deleted profile

If you deleted the page using the second instruction, you won’t be able to get anything back. This removal method is irreversible. But if you simply deactivated the page, to restore it you will only need to go online.

So, deleting a page is a necessary function of any social network. And Facebook allows you to either temporarily disable your profile or completely erase all your data from their servers. How much better or worse this system is than those to which we are more accustomed, I will not speculate, because there is convenience in both.

Any user of social networks will confirm that they tend to be addictive. First you go to Facebook to check new messages, then you follow the News Feed, and then you find an interesting game that is extremely difficult to tear yourself away from. Registering online takes 5 minutes. What to do if you decide to overcome your addiction to social networks and part with your account? Or do you want to start your virtual life from scratch and create a new page?

Don't worry: deleting a Facebook page is almost as easy as creating one. The service developers took this issue very seriously and offered two options:

  • Temporary deactivation.

In this article, you will learn how to delete a Facebook page using both methods.

Account deactivation

This procedure is a salvation, first of all, for those who like to “effectively” remove themselves from the network and students trying to prepare for the session. It allows you to temporarily “disable” your profile, while retaining all existing information, incl. photos and list of friends on Facebook servers. This means that you can restore your account at any time and make it searchable and viewable again.

It is very simple to implement your plans. You need to go to “Account Settings” and select “Security” in the window that appears.

Below you will see the magic phrase “Deactivate account”, which is your guide to the real world. By clicking on it, you are taken to a page where Facebook asks you to indicate the reason for deactivation and finally confirm your decision.

By clicking on the “Confirm” button, you will have to enter your account password in the window that appears and click the “Disconnect Now” button. In addition, you will need to go through a “Security check” and enter two code words so that the system is confident in your decision. After this, the account will be blocked and disappear from the search. However, you can launch it at any time by entering your email and password.

Permanent account deletion

If you decide to leave Facebook once and for all, you can do this using a special form.

Please remember that all your data will be completely deleted. If necessary, save the necessary information in advance.

To completely block your account, you need to follow the link:

Click on the “Delete my account” button. In the window that appears, enter your password and security words. The system will inform you that the profile will be completely deleted within 14 days. During this period, you can still restore your account. Thus, this method will also test your willpower. If you can endure 14 days without accessing Facebook, you may be able to completely recover from Internet addiction.

How to delete a page in a particular social network. networks, a question very often encountered in RuNet. And, of course, any social. The network shares little information on how to do this.

But if the user decides to finally leave the site or social network. network he has every right to do this. And here we will tell you how to do it, simply and quickly. As with many social networks. networks and on Facebook there are options, i.e. complete removal or deactivation.

Deactivation is when someone will not be able to see your page and the information on it, but if you want to restore it (within any time) and all the information on it, you will have this opportunity, unless of course you forget the password.

How to deactivate your Facebook profile account

1. Log in to your Facebook page using your details.

2.In the upper right corner, click account settings.

3.Click the security tab.

5.Indicate the reason for deactivation and check the box to unsubscribe from receiving emails.

6. Confirm our actions.

Congratulations, the page has been deactivated.

How to remove yourself from Facebook

But if you decide to finally and irrevocably leave Facebook, deleting all information without the possibility of recovery, then go ahead.

The main thing after deletion is not to log in immediately or for 14 days (do not log in again) using your login and password, otherwise the account deletion operation with all its contents will be automatically canceled. The page will be restored.

Log in to the page using your username and password, and return to this page to follow the link DIRECT LINK TO DELETE FACEBOOK ACCOUNT

If your account is permanently deleted, you will not be asked questions about the reason for the deletion.

A new window of your browser will open, click on “Delete account”, enter your current account password, the symbol in the picture and click “OK”. Do you think that’s all? Alas, no, for 14 days all information from your account, contacts, photos, comments, etc. will be stored there, in a closed form, for site users.

You will be required to have patience and endurance and not to log in for 6 weeks, and all information and the account itself will be deleted permanently. Of course, technically it’s all simple; in general, it’s difficult to leave such sites for socio-psychological reasons; it holds you much stronger.

But this is a completely different story, maybe we will somehow talk about this topic in another article.

P.s After deleting or deactivating your Facebook account, you will be sent letters of various types by email. But the main thing is to have patience and simply ignore all letters and bypass services associated with the Facebook name.