What does authentication error mean? Video “Wi-Fi authentication problem in Android.” Possible causes of failure

Various users of gadgets on the Android platform periodically encounter the problem of wireless network authentication. Let us immediately inform you that the problem is not critical and there are several ways out of the situation, depending on the cause of its occurrence. In today's article we will figure out what it is aboutAuthentication error when connecting to WiFi on Android, what to do, if it arose and why it periodically reminds itself. So, first things first.

When an Android smartphone or tablet tries to connect to a WiFi hotspot, one of the steps in the process is called authentication. This is where problems most often arise.

Authentication is the verification of a security key. In other words, the network checks the new user for the ability to use this connection. Such a solution is necessary to ensure the security of the network and prevent intruders from connecting to it.

Everyone knows that WiFi has a fairly wide signal coverage area, which makes it possible to connect remotely. Data encryption technology prevents unauthorized connection attempts and data interception, but this requires authentication.

Reasons for the error

So, it arose authentication error when connecting to WiFi on Android, what to doWe'll look into it in the next section. Now let's find out the reasons for this error.

Much less often, the cause of such an alert may be a malfunction or instability of the router. Therefore, the first thing experienced users recommend doing is rebooting the router itself to eliminate this option. Typically, such situations are typical for budget router models. Problems on the provider’s line, instability of the power supply, and load with a large number of users also affect the operation of the device. If the problem does not go away, then read on for solutions.

Authentication error when connecting to WiFi on Android, what should I do?

And now we move on to the main part of our article.Authentication error when connecting to WiFi on Android, what to do? as already described above, the problem can be of a different nature, and accordingly, its solution should be approached from different angles. We will figure out how to fix the error in the Android system, and also find out what to do if you need to change the router settings.

Solving the problem on the Android side

First, let's find out what to do if the connection key simply does not match. In this case, the problem is solved through Android and does not require special skills from the user.

If you followed the algorithm step by step, but it did not bring the desired result, the password is definitely correct, and the authentication error still occurs, then the problem is different.

If all the previous manipulations did not give the desired result, then the problem needs to be looked for in the router settings. More precisely, in the discrepancy between the type of encryption of the router and Android.

In order to do so, you need to organize a connection. This can also be done via WiFi, but it is more reliable if a special cable is used for this. You can connect to make adjustments from a computer or laptop. In order to get to the web interface, just open the browser and enter the IP address of the desired access point. You can check the latter on the router itself, the router box, or the control panel for available networks.

To find out the IP for access through the “Network Management” section, click on the “Network Control Center” button in the taskbar. In the connection type section, find the wireless connection and, opening the window, find the “Details” section. In the item “Default gateway IPv4” the required address will be specified.

So, we enter the data in the address bar and find ourselves on the login page. If you have not changed the data, then enter admin, admin in the login and password fields. The internal interface of the web service differs depending on the router model, but the general essence remains identical.

Go to the advanced settings of the router and in the WiFi section, open the security settings. The “Network Authentication” section specifies the current type of authentication or encryption, which Android may not support. If your router supports a mixed encryption system (marked mixed), then this would be an ideal choice. If there is no such parameter, then you should experimentally select the type of encryption that your device understands. To do this, select one of the options, save the changes, reboot the router and try to connect. You may need to repeat this step several times to resolve the initial problem.

Hi all!

I analyzed a little of the comments that visitors leave on the site, checked the queries and realized that there is a very common problem with connecting to Wi-Fi, which I have not written about yet. But many comments were left on the site asking for help to solve this problem. I advised something there, but I don’t know if my advice helped you (rarely does anyone write about the results 🙁).

And yesterday, Roman (Thank you kind man :) I left a comment on the article in which I shared information about how he solved the problem “Saved, WPA\WPA2 protection”. This comment helped me understand the problem a little, and I decided to collect all the tips for solving this error in one article.

The essence of the problem

When connecting a phone or tablet (most likely on Android), to your home network, or somewhere in a cafe, an inscription appears next to the name of the network “Saved, WPA\WPA2 protection”. And nothing else happens. If you click on this network and select To plug, then nothing will happen. You can see what this error looks like in the screenshot above.

I specifically provoked this problem on my Asus RT-N13U Wi-Fi router and tried to connect an HTC One V (Android 4.0) phone. So I got this message “Saved, WPA\WPA2 protection”. Moreover, everything worked out the first time. How? Yes, very simple. In my router settings, “Wireless network mode” was set to Auto mode, and I set it to n Only. I saved the settings, disconnected the phone from Wi-Fi, but it was no longer possible to connect :)

The main causes of the error “Saved, WPA\WPA2 protection”

Friends, I cannot say exactly everything and give advice that will be one hundred percent working, I hope you understand. All devices are different, everyone has different settings and many other nuances.

But I will try to collect the reasons known to me and ways to solve them, through which such a problem with connecting to a wireless network may arise.

If, when connecting to a wireless network, you see the message “Saved, WPA\WPA2 protected” on your phone (maybe a little different), then it’s worth checking these settings (I recommend checking in the same order):

To get started, simply reboot your router.

I have already noticed this problem several times: the Internet on the phone simply stops working, but there is a connection and the network is good. I turn Wi-Fi off and on on my phone, but it no longer connects to the network, it says “Saved, WPA2 protection.” Only rebooting the router helps.

  1. Set the correct region in the router settings
  2. Check whether the password for the Wi-Fi network is correct
  3. Check (change) the wireless network operating mode in the router settings
  4. Check (change) the encryption type and security type, change the password in the router settings
  5. Experiment with changing the channel on which your wireless network operates.
  6. Try changing the channel width.

And now in more detail on all points

Set the correct region in the router settings

Very often, this error occurs precisely because the Wi-Fi settings are set to the wrong region.

Using Tp-Link as an example, I will show you how to change the region. If you have a router from another company, then these settings are most likely changed on the same page where you set the name and other settings of the wireless network.

In Control Panel, go to the tab Wireless (Wireless mode) and opposite the point Region indicate the country you are in.

Save the settings by clicking the button Save(Save) .

Check your password and connect again

You may have simply entered your password incorrectly (however, then most likely there will be a constant connection, in a circle. But you need to check), and before getting into the router settings, I advise you to check this.

You may ask, how can I enter the password again, because the password request does not appear. You need to delete the connection. Just click on your network and select Delete.

Now, click on your network again and enter your Wi-Fi password. Just make sure it's correct. If you forgot, look at the password in the router settings, or on the connected computer (if there are any). Read more in the article.

Checking the wireless network operating mode

It seems to me that this is the main reason. Just your device (phone, tablet) may not support the operating mode in which the router operates.

The operating mode is those incomprehensible letters b/g/n, which you probably already noticed in the router settings. Try experimenting with changing modes. Don’t forget to reboot your router after each change and turn off/on Wi-Fi on your phone (tablet).

So I installed n Only instead of Auto and an error popped up. What if, for example, you already have n Only in your settings? Here are your problems.

Changing the encryption/security type, password

It may be that your device simply does not like the type of security or encryption that the router uses. Or you don't like the password.

I advise you to set the following values:

WPA/WPA2 - Personal (Recommended)

Version: WPA-PSK

Encryption: AES

PSK Password (key) – at least eight characters and numbers only.

We save, reboot the router, delete the connection on the phone, and connect by entering a new password.

Attention! After changing the password or other security settings, problems may arise with connecting other devices that were already connected to this network (computers, laptops, TVs).

Experimenting with the channel on which the Wi-Fi network operates

It's unlikely, of course, but it could be. I wrote about what a wireless network channel is, how to change it and why in the article -.

Try experimenting and see if it helps.

Channel width

There is such an item in setting up a Wi-Fi router as Channel width. If you have, for example, TP-Link and the menu is in English, then it is called Channel Width.

There you can select several options: Auto, 20MHz and 40MHz - depending on the router. Try installing first Auto(or in Asus 20MHz/40MHz), if that doesn’t help, then separately.

Where can I change the channel width?

Go to the router settings ( address, or, enter login/password - look at the bottom of the router).


Go to the tab Wireless network and change the value opposite Channel width.


Tab WirelessWireless Settings, paragraph Channel Width.

Don't forget to save the settings and reboot the router.


I seem to have written everything I wanted. I really hope that my advice will help you. You will get rid of this problem and connect your phone or tablet with a Wi-Fi router :)

Perhaps you know other solutions to this problem, share them in the comments - I will be grateful!

Best wishes!

Also on the site:

The phone (tablet) does not connect to Wi-Fi, it says “Saved, WPA\WPA2 protected” updated: February 7, 2018 by: admin

WiFi authentication failure on Android is a fairly common error. Unfortunately, not every user understands what it means and how to fix it. However, in order to solve it you need to know why it occurs. Therefore, first we should answer the question of what WiFi authentication is.

Now press on it and hold your finger until an additional menu appears in which you need to select “Forget network”. Don't worry, it won't disappear. Only the data about her will be deleted.

Now start searching for available connections again. Try connecting to your router. Only this time, when entering your password, check the “Show password” box.

This will allow you to see the characters you type. Carefully check the correctness of the key. If the password is entered correctly, but the WiFi network authentication error still appears on Android devices, then you should go into the router settings and check the encryption type.

Setting the encryption type in the router settings

In order to enter the router settings, you need to connect to it. This can be done using a laptop or desktop computer, either via WiFi or via cable. After connecting, open the browser and enter the IP access point in the address bar. As a rule, the device address is indicated on the case, in the instructions or in the box. In addition, you can view it in the network control panel.

To view connection information, right-click on the tray icon (desktop area in the lower right corner). Select “Network and Sharing Center”.

In the central part of the window that opens, find “Connection type” and click on “Wireless network connection” (or “Wireless network” in Windows 8). In the window that opens, click the “Details” button. Find the line "Default Gateway IPv4". This is the address that needs to be entered in the browser.

Press enter and you will be taken to the login page. Here you need to specify your login and password. Enter admin, admin, respectively. Press enter. Now we are in the access point parameters. It is worth noting that the interface design may differ depending on the router model. However, the essence is the same for everyone.

When trying to connect to Wi-Fi from a mobile device, an authentication error may occur. It is available on both Android and IOS devices.

What does the error mean?

The first time you try to connect to a password-protected network, your phone or tablet will ask you for a password. Entering it will result in network access or an authentication error. An error will occur if the password does not match the one set in the router settings.

An authentication error may appear when connecting to the network.

There are cases when the error occurs not on the first connection, but on the second one. That is, the first time everything is fine, the network connects, but after a while an error notification appears. This happens due to the fact that the password was changed in the router settings or due to some failure in the device itself.

In rare cases, it is possible that the device does not allow you to connect to the network because it uses an invalid type of encryption.

So, the main reason for the error is an incorrectly entered password, a system failure, or an incorrect encryption type.


Consistently follow all the instructions below until you get rid of the problem. First, we present a solution for the most common type of error. But first, don’t forget to reboot the router and the device itself; perhaps this will help fix the error and there will be no need for further action.

Reentering your password (Android)

Video: What to do if an authentication error occurs

Re-enter your password (IOS)

Password reset

If you are unsure that you know the correct password, you should reset it. To do this, turn the router back and use the small Reset button for 10–15 seconds. As soon as the router goes into reboot, you can release it - the reset is completed. Now there is no password on the network, access to it is open.

Press the Reset button for 10–15 seconds

Setting a new password

By resetting your password, you have opened up access to the network to everyone, this is not good, you need to set a password. To do this, connect to Wi-Fi from your computer and open your browser:

Encryption type changes

It is possible that your router by default uses an outdated type of encryption that is prohibited on the connected device. On this moment Both Android and iOS devices support AES encryption as it is the most secure. To install it on the router, you need to enter the management interface (how to do this is described in the previous paragraph), go to the password and security settings section and set the value to WPA2-PSK, and set the Encryption line to AES.

Set the type WPA2-PSK

Reset iOS settings

If all the steps described above did not help get rid of the problem on your iOS device, then you should try resetting the network settings. All data, applications and phone settings will not be affected, only network settings will be reset to factory settings.

What to do if the router is broken

If the error occurs on all devices trying to connect, and resetting and reconfiguring did not help, then the failure lies in the physical component of the router. In this case, you should take it to a service center so that specialists can sort it out.

If an authentication error occurs on an Android or IOS device, reboot the device, forget the network, reset the router and reconfigure it. On iOS devices, resetting network settings sometimes helps.