Review of the HashTab program. Hashtab: what is this program and what is it for?

Pay attention to the HashTab program. It is designed to calculate hash sums of any files on your computer.

Hash sums are used to determine the integrity of data downloaded from the Internet or obtained by other means. For example, you downloaded big program using a torrent client. How can I check if it has downloaded completely? You need to calculate the amount of what appeared on your hard drive and then compare it with the information on the giveaway page. If they match, then the download process was completed correctly and no errors should occur.

If they do not match, this may mean that a failure occurred and not all packets reached the destination. This may negatively affect the performance of the program. In this case, you need to download the torrent.

Knowing the hash will protect you from many problems. And the Russian version of HashTab will help in this matter. She supports great amount hashing algorithms. Among them are the most popular:

  • CRC32;
  • SHA-1;
  • and others.

Peculiarity this application is that it is integrated into the right-click properties menu. An additional tab appears there, where all the information is displayed.

There you need to click the “Calculate” button and after a while all the values ​​will be in front of you. Perform the comparison visually or specify the path to the file being compared. This feature is also useful if you yourself upload downloaded content to the network. At the same time, post the hash so that users can check the integrity of the data.

Video review of HashTab

System requirements Hash Tab

OS: Windows 7 / 8 / 10 / XP
Type: various
Release date: 2016
Developer: Implbits Software
Platform: PC
Publication type: final
Interface language: Russian
Medicine: not required
Size: 959 Kb

Installing HashTab on your computer

  1. Launch installation file
  2. Install the program
  3. View hash values ​​of files.

This page provides information about HashTab. What kind of program this is, its purpose and capabilities will be discussed within the framework of this article.

About the program

The main task of HashTab is to search for damaged or infected files. It checks their integrity on the storage medium by quickly calculating and hashing the sum (the result of converting an array of input data of arbitrary length into a fixed length output string, performed by a deterministic algorithm). This means that the program allows you to identify unique identificator file, regardless of what name the user gave it.

Hash Algorithms

HashTab supports and works with many hashing algorithms to calculate checksums. Namely:

MD5, MD4, MD2 SHA-1
Adler-32 SHA-2 (SHA-256, 384, 512)
BTIH (BitTorrent Info Hash) SHA-3 (SHA3-224, 256, 384, 512)
CRC32 TTH (Tiger Tree Hash)
eDonkey2000 Tiger
GOST (GOST R 34.11-94) Whirlpool
RIPEMD-128,256 and 320


The program supports Windows OS starting from XP. Optimized for Windows 10. HashTab is also available for Mac. After installation on a PC, the utility expands standard features Windows Explorer. An additional tab “File hashes” appears in the properties of each file. This window displays all the hashes it has. The display of the desired hash value can be enabled in “Settings”.

Version (the latest at the time of writing) allows you to work with files downloaded via Utorrent. It also allows you to compare the hash sums of two files with the same names.

The disadvantage of the program is the lack of a function for calculating hash values ​​for several files at the same time.

How to work with it?

What is Hashtab? Hashtab- this is quite useful for advanced users free utility, which extends the capabilities of the standard Windows Browser by calculating a checksum. A function is added to verify the authenticity and integrity of files by calculating a checksum. Hashtab has many caching algorithms (see the full list below).

The developers claim that more fast way I can't find the files to check for authenticity and integrity. And, in general, this seems to be true.

After all, you just need to hover the cursor and click left-right, and it will immediately be clear whether there are large file altered or damaged small.

The Hashtab program is essentially - Windows extension Explorer or, if you have an Apple computer, a plugin for Mac Finder. On Linux program not working yet.

This Hashtab program is very convenient due to its integration into Explorer. There is no need to launch it every time, it will always be available with just one click right key mice.

Perhaps, those users who often download information from unofficial sources. Any downloads from dubious sites or large archives will be easily checked for missing components or viruses.

How and where to download Hashtab?

Using a search, this question is easy to answer. You can, for example, use the main website - There you will also find thanks to the program developers and many other useful data.

But apart from this, this Hashtab program is available with screenshots and installation instructions on large quantities good and trusted sites, for example, follow the link

How to use Hashtab

Working with Hashtab is not difficult at all!

Let, for example, we want to check the checksum of a Windows 7 distribution.

To do this, click on this file right click mouse, then select the last submenu in the “Properties” list that opens. Next, we select the tab with hash checksums for files. The hashtab program will produce automatic start checks.

After clicking on any one of the checksums (File Hashes), we have the following options:

  • Copy all amounts;
  • Copy one specific amount using a specific algorithm.

In the settings of this Hashtab program it is easy to specify by which exact algorithms we want to “learn” the checksum. Here is a complete list of them, although the main ones are SHA1 and MD5:

  • CRC-32;
  • Adler32;
  • RIPEMD-320;
  • RIPEMD-256;
  • RIPEMD-128;
  • SHA-3;
  • SHA-2;
  • SHA-1;
  • Whirlpool;
  • Tiger.

To test the checksum and determine whether it matches the one specified in the distribution, it is enough to drag the file to the special one. panel or use the “Compare file…” function Required file will be found by searching. If there is a match, a green check mark will appear.


If, after reading above, you understand most of the information, most likely Hashtab can be quite useful to you. If you are not advanced enough to learn checksums files and prefer, if necessary, to entrust this to a professional, then it is quite possible to do without the Hashtab utility (at least, using it independently).

Have a nice work!