Transfer files over the network. How to transfer a large file over the Internet: the best methods - instructions. Opening documents and running exe files

Let me note right away: it doesn’t matter whether you want to transfer large files from PC to PC, from laptop to laptop, from PC to laptop, or vice versa. And it doesn’t matter - via the Internet or via Wi-Fi (it’s the same thing). To you Any will do from the options described below. Therefore, choose the one that is most convenient.

Transferring files from laptop to laptop or from PC to PC is no problem. But throw it over big file– this is already a problem. Why?

  1. Postal services can only send small documents. For example, using you can send files up to 25 MB in size by mail. Anything more will be transferred via a link (which is valid for a month).
  2. Skype, ICQ and other instant messengers are also not an option. Even a 1.4 GB movie will take forever to transfer. And then you may see the message “Oops, download interrupted. Sorry, we're not in business."
  3. Various file hosting services have long been outdated. And the speed of 30 Kb/s is just ridiculous. You will download the picture for half an hour.

Today there are much better options. Let's start, perhaps, with the simplest and most popular.

How to quickly transfer a large file via µTorrent?

If you are an active Internet user and regularly download movies, games, music and anything else, then you know 100% what µTorrent is. Most likely, you even have it installed.

You must also have this program enabled, otherwise your friend will not be able to download anything.

The speed in µTorrent is limited only by your tariff, so if you have 100 Mbps, then large torrent file downloads very quickly.

How to use Yandex Disk for transfer

This is a cloud service: simple, convenient and free. Plus you don't have to install anything. All you need is to have your own mail in Yandex.

If you don’t have it, then you have 2 options to choose from: register it or choose another method of transferring a large file over the Internet.

Instructions in in this case also very simple:

Ready. Now your friend can download a large document at any time. You don't have to be online at all.

There is one caveat here. In this way, you can transfer files up to 2 GB in size to Yandex. If they weigh more, then use special program for Windows. You can download it from the link provided by the service. The program is very easy to use, so understanding it will not be difficult.

Large sizes are not a problem Google Drive

Google also has a similar cloud service (how could we live without it, right?). But he is many times better. Judge for yourself:

  • you can upload files of any size (for Yandex – up to 2 GB);
  • 15 GB of free space (Yandex has 10 GB);
  • You can share the folder with any number of users.

Thus, Google Drive– an excellent option for transfer large files up to 15 GB via the Internet. The download speed is amazing, you won’t have to wait long.

By the way, here you can create a folder and share it with any number of friends. To do this, you just need to select it, right-click and select “Sharing”.

Enable access via link (and send it to all people) or add them e-mail address and in the box below. As a result, all documents uploaded to this folder will always be visible to them. They themselves can go to Google Drive at any time and download them.

Huge files can be sent from Cloud

Another way is to use the service of our domestic developer.

Everything is done exactly the same here:

  1. Go to (you must have your own mail at
  2. Move a large document to the Cloud.
  3. Select it, right-click and select “Get link”.
  4. Copy it and send it to your friends.

A big plus of the service is 100 GB of free space. But there is a limit on the size of documents - no more than 2 GB (like Yandex).

Transfer files via P2P

AND last method quickly transfer large files over the Internet – via P2P networks. This is the only option where there are no restrictions on document size, transfer speed and free space. The only thing you need is to install popular program. It is through it that the transfer of Internet files will be carried out.

Of course, you must be online at the same time.

And one more great service for transferring large files – Dropmefiles (thanks Vladimir for advice).

Main advantages:

  • transfer files up to 50 GB;
  • shelf life – up to 14 days;
  • fast download speed;
  • absolutely free.

Using this service is very simple:

  1. Upload any file.
  2. Specify the storage period (1 download, 7 or 14 days).
  3. If necessary, you can set a password.

You wait for the file to be processed, then copy the link and send it to your friends. You can enter their e-mail address here, in this service.

That's all. Good luck, and cosmic speed racing!

People often joke that you need to eat less and everything will be fine with your weight. Do you know that the “appetite” for data is much higher than for food!

Well, at least... can you imagine the picture: a guy just sitting at home and just eating chips and cola? Most likely, he is watching a movie at this time, and this is already data, information.

But today we are not talking about the need to consume less information, although this would also be nice, 🙂 but about how to competently transmit it without spending extra “calories” on it :).

I would like to discuss, as an example, 3 possible situations when you need to transfer files and discuss 5 possible solutions. Also, at the end, we will summarize and think about which method is best to apply for each case.

These situations were taken from my experiences over the past few weeks and from the lives of close friends.

When do you need to transfer files from computer to computer?

  • Send photos to friends after a joint holiday;
  • Send files for a project that another person will continue to work on;
  • Send a friend a set of some programs. (Small file).

Ways to transfer a file from computer to computer

These methods are most often used by people.


In contact with

People spend a lot of time on the social network, so it’s convenient to transfer a file “without leaving the checkout.”
You can easily see the history of file sharing with a specific person.

You can send a file no larger than 30 MB.


This is the most common way to exchange small files.
IN address book There are addresses of many acquaintances and partners.
You can see the history of sending files and download any file again.

You can send a file no larger than 25 MB. (For larger volumes you will have to use Google Drive, but this is already separate method in our conversation).


This is a program for remote control computer. It also allows you to share files using " Norton Commander" That is, with two panels. You can simply drag and drop a file from your computer to the remote one. (I described how to use TeamViewer in a series of articles.).

Large volume of transferred data.
High upload and download speeds.

If you need to send several files, you will have to either upload them separately or archive them first.
This method requires downloading in "two stages". That is, if I want to upload a large file, I first upload it to the server and wait for it, and then I generate and send the link to another person.
The storage period for files is limited to 14 days.

Cloud storage

A whole arsenal of functions for working with files.
Ability to access files via a web interface from any computer.
Relative free. (Limited volume is given free of charge).
Opportunity quick exchange data with partners simple copying file/folder to a special folder.
The ability to share files with people who do not have an account in this service.
Back up important data on your computer.
Two-level authentication system in some services.

For larger volumes you will have to pay a subscription fee.
Not all storage facilities are fast and stable.

I probably won’t be discovering America if I say that any method has its pros and cons :). Even more, usually, it’s rarely possible to get by with just one tool.

Means Maximum file transfer size Price The need for the second user to be registered Operation speed
Skype Is not limited For free Yes Average
VKontkte 30 MB For free Yes good
Gmail 25 MB For free Yes Excellent
TeamViewer Is not limited For free Yes Average 50 GB For free No Excellent
Dropbox Free from 2 to 20 GB Relatively free Not necessary Excellent

And yet let's return to our 3 situations.

How to transfer photos from computer to computer

I usually use . By the way, we use this same service to work with files in the team.

When the Dropbox client is installed on a computer, in the “Dropbox” folder there is a “Photos” folder; if you put another one in this folder, for example, “Vacation, spring 2016”, it will be an album with photos to which you can give a link to other people.

In turn, other users will be able to upload either one photo if desired, or an entire album in the form zip archive. By the way, downloading is quite fast.

How to transfer project files from computer to computer

In practice, I transfer large files (10GB+) very rarely, but when necessary I used If you are not in a hurry to download, it is very convenient to use.

Transferring small files

To transfer small files from a computer I always use Dropbox on my computer for partners and friends - those with whom I regularly exchange files. And through Skype, it’s usually possible to transfer small files when you need to send something to a person once. By the way, you can also use Dropbox for these purposes. Eat special folder"Public" You can copy a link to any file that is in this folder and send it to another person, even without account Dropbox. I don't really like this method. It turns out that you copy the file to Dropbox, while it is being uploaded to the server, you copy the link, but it cannot be sent to the person until the file is uploaded to the server. Otherwise, he will receive a message that the link is incorrect. You have to wait for it to load, and this is not very convenient (At least morally). And in Skype I just dragged the file and forgot, it just gets copied by itself.

Sooner or later, when working with a local network, users need to transfer files from computer to computer. Special problems with sending files via local network, as a rule, does not arise: you can use standard tools in the Windows/Linux operating system or use additional software.

How to transfer files over a local network between 2 computers?

To send files over a local network using operating system the so-called . To do this, you need to open the folder properties (where the required file) and in the “Access” section allow you to use the computer on the network, view the folder and/or change and copy files.

This is not exactly transferring files from computer to computer, but the principle is similar: you will give the user access to the necessary files, and he will be able to open or copy the document he needs.

In addition, to share files over a local network, you can create one or all network computers“shared folder” into which the user will upload files through the “Network Neighborhood”/“Network” section, etc. (depending on the operating system used).

And anyone using a computer on the local network, if necessary, will be able to copy the necessary files to/from this folder.

A program for sharing files over a local network

For more advanced “users” (who do not want to use standard means OS or wants to receive additional features when transferring files over a local network) third-party software has been developed.

For example, the wonderful HTTP File Server program, which does not require installation, is suitable for exchanging files on a local network.

The main task of this program is the creation (or better said, imitation), which acts as a file hosting service.

After launching the program (it will be minimized to tray) the following will be presented:

Information about the “local IP address” - it will be indicated in address bar and it is also the server address;

  • - menu with available functionality;
  • - number of the listening port.

The program is only available on English language, but the interface is quite simple and understanding it will not be difficult.

So, to transfer a file from computer to computer via a local network, you need to:

In the "Virtual" window File System» right-click and select “Add File” or “Add folder from disk” (to select one file or a folder as a whole);

  • - by these actions you placed files on the server and opened them for downloading to other users;
  • - now to download this file from another computer you need to go to the address indicated at the top of the address bar (in the example it is “”), select the desired file and download it.

The file hosting service is ready: local network users can add their files and folders through the program menu.

In addition, you can add accounts to restrict access to the file hosting service for third-party users (in this case, you will need to provide a login and password to download the file) or create local groups(so as not to “mix” all the files into one pile, but to structure them as needed).

How can I transfer a file? big size through the Internet different ways? WITH similar problem Many users have encountered this because there are no problems with transferring small files.

The main problem when transferring a large file is its size. In most cases, services and applications limit the file size to a certain size, which cannot be exceeded.

A small file can be attached to a message Email, send the file via a message in the messenger. In these cases, there are restrictions on file size. With files small size everything is clear, but how to transfer a large file?

When transferring files of 1 GB or more, difficulties arise due to the large file size. It is no longer possible to attach such a file to a message in the traditional way; to transfer it you need a direct link and support of the service or application.

There are several simple ways send a large file over the Internet, which I will mention in this article. There are quite a few ways to transfer large files, I will tell you about the simplest and most convenient ways for the average user.

When sending large files, keep in mind that the following factors affect file transfer speed:

  • the larger the file, the longer the time it will take to transfer it
  • Internet connection speed
  • workload remote servers at the time of file transfer, when using a third-party service

You can transfer large files over the Internet between computers using the following methods:

  • cloud storage
  • file sharing services
  • file hosting services
  • using synchronization
  • transferring a file via torrent

Traditional file sharing services (TurboBit, DepositFiles, etc.) are not suitable for exchanging files between users due to the fact that when free use On such services, the download speed is very limited. Therefore, it will take days to download a large file from there for free.

Synchronization tools allow you to transfer a file to another computer directly, but, unfortunately, free solutions Hardly ever.

Previously, it was possible to send large files via Skype until restrictions were introduced.

How to transfer a large file via Yandex Disk

To use the Yandex.Disk service, you must have a Yandex mail account. Using the Yandex service, you can transfer a large file in two ways: directly through Yandex Disk, or send a large file by attaching the file to an email message.

When sending a file via email, click on the "Attach files from Drive" icon and then send the message to the recipient.

You can attach a file up to 10 GB in size to an email message (provided the Yandex Disk client program is installed on your computer). The recipient can save a file larger than 2 GB on his Yandex.Disk, and a file up to 2 GB can be downloaded to a computer or saved to Disk.

Please note that Yandex Disk allows you to upload files up to 10 GB in size (via the Yandex.Disk application, or by), and when uploading via the web interface, the file size cannot exceed 2 GB.

The second way to transfer a large file via Yandex: copy the link to the file directly from Yandex Drive, and then send it to the recipient. The link can be sent to one person, several recipients, or posted publicly.

Follow these steps:

In the cloud storage, the file will be available for download continuously until it is deleted from the storage, or public access to this link is closed.

In a similar way, you can use the services of another cloud storage, for example Google Drive, Cloud Mail.Ru, Dropbox, etc. Cloud storages have different size provided to the user, some of its features.

How to send a large file to Mega - cloud storage providing 50 GB free of charge disk space. Feature of this repository is the encryption of files placed in the cloud. Files are encrypted on the user's side.

Login cloud Mega storage, right-click on the file, in context menu select "Get Link".

In the Export Links and Decryption Keys window that opens, select the option you want to send a link to the file, and then copy the link.

Mega uses the following link export options:

  • Link without a key - link to a file without a decryption key
  • Decryption key - the key to decrypt the link
  • Link with key - link with decryption key

Another user can easily download the file to his computer by receiving a link to the file with the decryption key. When transmitting a link without a key, the recipient will have the opportunity to download the file only after receiving the decryption key.

To transfer large files, it makes sense to use the MEGASync application. For the recipient of a large file, it is advisable to have a Mega account in order to download the file without problems due to restrictions. After receiving a link to a file larger than 5 GB, the recipient must save the file on their Mega storage (this happens instantly), and then download the file to their computer from their storage.

How to transfer a large file to uTorrent

Using the program - torrent client uTorrent (or other similar application) you can transfer a large file directly between computers without using an intermediary: a torrent tracker.

Through technology powered by BitTorrent protocol, a file from one computer is sent to another computer, without intermediaries.

Prerequisites for sending a file using this method:

  • both computers must have a torrenting program installed
  • file transfer occurs only when the computer sending the file is turned on and connected to the Internet

The file transfer process takes place in several stages:

  1. Creating a torrent file with the extension “.torrent”.
  2. Creating a distribution.
  3. Transferring a torrent file or magnet link to the recipient in any convenient way.
  4. Uploading a large file on another computer.

Read a detailed article about this method of sending large files to another computer.

Conclusions of the article

A user can transfer a large file to another user via the Internet, using cloud storage, file sharing services, or torrent.

Sending a large file via instant messengers, social media or postal services associated with various restrictions. Usually they are set by the services themselves - the size of the transferred data should not exceed several megabytes. Also, transferring large files using these methods does not provide stability and good speed transfers. In these situations, you need to look for other solutions.

Possible transfer methods

You can transfer large files using cloud storage or special exchangers. Working with them will be discussed in the article.

Method 1: Yandex Disk

A virtual disk that allows users to store multiple files and share them with each other on free of charge. Initially, you will have access to 15 gigabytes for personal needs, but you can expand it to several terabytes, although you will have to purchase a paid subscription.

The process of transferring files between users in this service is as follows:

After clicking on it, users can select the “Download file to computer” option. He can also save it on his Yandex Disk. The recipient does not have to be registered in Yandex and have his own Disk there.

Method 2: Google Drive

In many ways this method similar to the previous one, but has some features:

Method 3: Dropbox

This is also a fairly popular cloud service that offers users the opportunity to share files. large sizes. To use the service you will have to go through the registration procedure. It does not take much time; ideally, you can log in through other services, for example, Google, Facebook, etc., using the appropriate buttons.

Instructions for use are as follows:

This service is a file hosting service. Users can upload a file up to 50 gigabytes in size and share it with others. The exchange also occurs through links or a special letter to Mailbox recipient. The main advantage is that you do not need to register your account to use the service. However, the files that you add to the service will be stored on it for no more than a few days and then deleted. The situation is similar with links that you send to other users.

Instructions for using the service:

Method 5: BitTorrent

Large files can be transferred via Torrent without using intermediaries such as torrent clients. Direct file transfer between computers has no serious restrictions and is completely free. In order for it to become possible, certain conditions must be met:

  • A torrent client must be installed on both computers. In this case it is BitTorrent. You can use any other, but in this case the instructions will be different;
  • The sending and receiving computers must be connected to the Internet.

The transfer instructions are as follows:

Actions on the recipient side will look like this:

This article described the main ways to transfer large files over the Internet. There are other ways, but they involve the use of others cloud services and look similar to the first three.