What is account brute force? Types of accounts: fake, brute, retrieval and others like them... Accounts that are not brut live long, others

We are often asked, “Explain in detail which VKontakte accounts are called a fek and which are a retreat. And what other ones are there? And which ones live longer?”

Of course, to increase the lifespan of an account, you can display accounts on the social network only with a unique proxy, change their types of activities (like a real person) and set longer delays between actions, but the method of obtaining accounts is also important. Let's take it in order.

What kind of VK accounts are there?

Let's first understand the sellers' terminology.

  • Assets— means that the account was activated by phone.
  • Inactive— an abandoned account that the owner has not logged into for a long time.
  • Binding by phone— the account is linked to the phone. For accounts without a phone link, a captcha accompanies almost every action.
  • Retreat— accounts are most often obtained by restoring access to them from the email to which they were registered.
  • Without owners- this is a retrieval asset (analogous to autoreg, only users themselves registered their accounts and used them)
  • From a fake— accounts that are accessed by deception using fake pages.
  • Laying down— time since the password was changed (i.e. when you change the password, the user loses access to the account; the more time has passed since the password was changed, the less likely it is that the account will be restored back. In other words, the account has been abandoned)

Now let's look at the pros and cons of each type of account.

Retrieving VKontakte accounts

Retriv (retrieve) VK.COM accounts - literally translated as restored accounts. There are many millions of accounts registered on VKontakte and people often lose access to their accounts. Retrieved accounts are most often obtained by restoring access to them from the email to which they were registered. Retreats are divided into 2 types:

Simple retreat— when only the password for accessing the account is restored, without changing the data, and the owner has a chance to get his account back.

Difficult— when the account is relinked to another mail and phone.

That is, in fact, when you purchase such an account, you receive real profiles with a good behavioral history, registered from unique IP and MAS addresses. Such accounts have real friends and subscribers. Often you come across accounts of group or public administrators.

From fake VK

Fake (fake) - literally translated as “fake”. “Fake” accounts are obtained by creating fake copies of the VKontakte login page or simply a service (where they allegedly distribute free stickers, gifts and VKontakte votes), where you need to provide your VKontakte login/password. Trusting users leave their data, and scammers collect their logins and passwords. Those. By purchasing such an account, you will get access to the profile of a living person, but at the same time, he himself can surf the network and you will not be able to get full access to the profile. Sometimes such accounts are divided into active and inactive. The lifetime of active accounts is minimal, since the user, noticing suspicious activity, simply changes the password.

Accounts from Brutus

These are accounts that were accessed by guessing a password. According to statistics on the world Internet, 1000 password combinations are suitable for 80% of accounts. Therefore, if your password is “qwerty” or “ytsuken”, then be prepared for the fact that at one point you will not be able to log into your profile or it will be blocked for spam or cheating. In terms of quality, this is the same account from the fake, because... the owner can restore access to it quite quickly. We do not recommend using such accounts.

Autoreg VK accounts

Auto mathematically for reg Registered accounts are pages created through mass registration. As a rule, they are registered with special devices into which you can insert 50-100 SIM cards and register up to a thousand accounts. Sometimes all of their accounts become friends with each other and they are assigned avatars so that when they are sold they look more like real people. Autoregisters do not have any unique history of behavior as a retriever. In addition, they register with suspicious social networks. IP networks. Therefore, such accounts have been in a special place with the social network since birth. The lifespan of such accounts is minimal. We do not recommend using such accounts.

Which accounts live the longest?

Let's sum it up briefly and make a shortlist based on the lifespan of different VK accounts.

  1. Retrieving asset - without owners
  2. The retreat is simple
  3. Inactive
  4. Active, from Brute
  5. Autoreg

Since we do not have access to the accounts of our Bro Bots, we cannot compile real life time statistics, depending on the types of accounts. Perhaps our theoretical calculations are lame somewhere.

Where to buy accounts for VK - you can see a list of all stores.

We would be grateful if you could advise your colleagues about the most durable VK accounts and where to buy them.

Current issues:

  • What is better to buy in your login - mail or phone?
  • Is it important whether the phone is linked or not?

Recently, the market has a huge variety of account categories chaotically named by sellers. The essence of the division is different for everyone, but there are some common signs and criteria. This post is intended to bring a little clarity to the heads of novice bots about what types of accounts exist and what is their difference.

It's actually simple. Classification of accounts according to any criteria is always conditional. So let's divide them based on some conditions.

1. By age, accounts are divided into:

  • Svezhereg / novoreg- a completely new account that has just been created, on which no significant actions have been performed. Maximum - filling. These are the most vulnerable accounts.
  • Account with delay— an account from which no actions were performed for a certain period of time. Sleeping = a pause in the interaction of an account with the resource to which it belongs.
  • Account with history— an account that has performed any set of interactions with a resource. The more interactions and the more varied they are, the richer the story.

IMPORTANT:a laid-back freshly registered / newreg account, but without history, remains a freshly registered / newregized account, but with a laid-back account.

2. According to the completeness of filling, accounts are divided into:

  • Assets(short for “Activated”) - an account to which a phone number is linked, i.e. the account has gone through the activation procedure via SMS.
  • Inactive(short for “Unactivated”) - an account without an associated phone number.

3. According to the method of receiving accounts, they are divided into:

  • Autoreg— an account (any age and completeness of filling), registered automatically with special software.
  • Samoreg— an account (any age and completeness), registered manually.
  • Brutus- a weakly protected account (as a rule, with a history, but any kind of completeness), access to which was obtained by selecting a login and password using special software in automatic mode.
  • From a fake- an account (usually with a history, but any in terms of completeness), access to which was obtained by deceiving the owner using fake pages.
  • Retreat / Without hosts- a dormant account, obtained through brute force or from a fake and which was “sold” by its owner during the dormant period, and the longer the dormant period, the better the quality of the account, the less likely it is that its former owner will need it. These are the most stable accounts, as a rule, with a history, but any in terms of completeness of filling.

IMPORTANT:The disadvantage of accounts from brute and from fake is that active owners, when suspicious actions are detected from their account, change the password and such account becomes inaccessible. The plus is that they are very cheap. The retreat covers this minus as much as possible. That is, part of the retrieval (about 10−15%) will still be restored, as a result of which access to the account will be lost, and part (5−10%) will have their phone number unlinked, causing it to become inactive, but you can continue to use it, including linking your own phone number (via gateway or your SIM card) and turn it into an asset. Moreover, the lower the percentage of retriever attrition after purchase, the better the quality of the retriever and, accordingly, the more expensive it is. That is why it is impossible to say exactly how much a quality retreat should cost. If we are talking purely about costs without taking into account history and bellies (friends, groups, posts on the wall, etc.), then the minimum is 15-20 rubles. Maximum - no restrictions.

Well, of course, accounts can be divided according to many other less significant characteristics: by gender (M and F), by the presence of an avatar (yes or not), by the number of friends (0−50, 51−100, 101−200, etc.) . etc.), by the number of posts on the wall, by the presence of audio and video, etc.

These are very pressing issues. Many users do not understand the differences between these accounts. First, let's figure out what the significant differences are, and then we'll look at the advantages of each type (or even subtype).

Fake accounts- they are brute accounts, they are fake, they are accounts of living people. Below we will answer all your questions, read on!

Each of these accounts has pros and cons. It all depends on the task at hand and the way to solve it.

The stability and use of different types of accounts differ so much that we will consider each separately, and the conclusion, as usual, will be made by the user himself

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Autoreg accounts: features of use and characteristics

Firstly, these accounts are much more stable in operation, we will describe the remaining characteristics like this:

  1. They are registered by the program (this is a plus), they are all usually the same by eye and do not differ from each other with super filled profile fields (for example, profile settings, avatar, profile)
  2. They can be activated via SMS or not. They can also only be activated by mail. Those activated via SMS are considered reliable
  3. The completeness of the profile greatly affects the final price of the account, which is why they are usually empty
  4. These accounts are used in the future by only one person - who will buy them (if the seller does not sell them to several hands)
  5. They live long enough if you know how to use them correctly and maintain anonymity on the Internet (log in from different IPs, browsers, etc.)
In general, these accounts are suitable for online promotion (for example, various activities). The stability of accounts gives you the right to work with them for a long time, this increases their efficiency. However, like all types of accounts, they may be blocked sooner or later.

All accounts activated via SMS are usually created using online activation services via SMS, so there is no physical access to a specific phone number.

This means that any account verification will end in error. After all, there is no number.

Activation services do not store these numbers; they disappear just as they appear. Those. even if you want to activate your number or receive a code to confirm some action, it will be impossible!!!

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Fake accounts (brut): features of use and characteristics

Guys, you won't believe this. But every 5th question is what is “brut”. Let's finally answer. Brute is a method of brute force passwords for a specific login. Usually the method itself is called brute force (or “brute force”, “head-on attack”).

Those. a hacker, who is also an account getter, begins to select certain passwords to access a certain type of account; if the password is correct, then access is obtained.

In practice, hacking of any specific account is not used; a database of many thousands is taken and they are all “brutalized”, i.e. a password is selected for them. Passwords are selected from the most common ones, such as 1234, qwerty and others.

From thousands of attempts, successful matches are found, and the accounts go on sale. It is these “brought together” accounts (i.e., mined using the brute program) that are called brute accounts!

The second name for accounts is fakes, or fake accounts. The method of mining such accounts is slightly different. Here the user himself enters data on someone else’s website, thereby providing the password.

Typically, passwords are entered on very similar social networking sites. Those. the user logs on to some resource, outwardly it looks like VKontakte, but in fact it is a third-party site.

After entering the username and password, they are sent to a stranger, and the user himself is sent to the real site. Such accounts are called fake!

We combined these two types of accounts into one because they are essentially hacked accounts of strangers. Here are their characteristics

  1. The first and most important thing is that they are “dying like flies,” i.e. they live for a maximum of 1 week
  2. The cause of death is always the same - the owner notices that he is not the only one using his account
  3. There is usually no guarantee for such accounts, only at the time of purchase
  4. Usually very well filled, because... this is the account of a living person
  5. Difficult to use correctly for the average person (otherwise they die quickly)
In general, these accounts are suitable for spamming, sending messages, and making various kinds of profit. After all, these are accounts of living people.

Perhaps it was from one of these accounts that you once received a letter on the social network VKontakte with the text Hey, can you lend me some money for a phone?... Roughly speaking, this type of account is used to obtain benefits through deception.

These accounts are called garbage because... After using them once, they can be deleted; most likely, 90% of them will already be blocked.

The reasons may be different: the owner changed the password, the service noticed the hacking of the account and changed the user’s password, you gave yourself away and blocked the account.

The words “die” and “die” mean that the real owner changed the password!

The site administration does not hack accounts to order, and does not promote it. We just bring together sellers and buyers, nothing more! Buy now Find out how to place an order correctly on our website!

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In games, social networks, etc., which were obtained illegally, that is, hacked or stolen. Of course, what a brute is and how it works is quite difficult to understand, but we will try to do it. But first, let's figure out how to avoid becoming the next victim of attackers.

What is brute force and how to protect yourself from it

So, there is special software that allows you to find the correct passwords for existing logins, emails, etc. by selecting combinations of numbers and letters. Of course, there are a number of features in the operation of such programs. For example, the longer and more complex the password, the longer it will take to crack it, and things can get to the point where the brute force will fail. As for time, a lot depends on the computing power of the equipment and Internet connection. So, the process can last from several minutes and drag on up to a day or more.

You probably already understand what account brute force is. As for security, as noted above, it is advisable to set a password that is difficult to remember yourself. For example, RKGJH4hKn2. It's safe to say that hacking it will be quite problematic. In addition, you need to remember that, for example, many identical letters do not give any effect, just like numbers. Everything should be confused and mixed, it is advisable to alternate uppercase and lowercase letters.

What is a Brute base?

Of course, the program will not work if there is no data. So, if she has nothing to guess passwords from, then she will not do this. A database is a set of passwords and logins. The more extensive this list, the greater the chance that the account will be hacked. Much depends on what combinations are present in it, that is, the more competently it is composed, the better. It is also worth noting that the database includes not only passwords, but also logins, since brute force, which means “brute force” in English, can simultaneously select both.

It is worth noting that the file itself in which all the records are stored is quite large. The minimum length of the combination is 3 letters and numbers, the maximum is 8-16, depending on the program and its version. The selection begins with the letter “A” and ends with the last letter of the English or Russian alphabets. This is essentially all the information on the databases that may be useful to you.

Who needs this and why?

It is difficult to answer this question unambiguously. People try to hack accounts for many reasons. It could be just for fun, a desire to read other people's letters, send invalid messages, etc. The thing is that this is illegal. In addition, it can be considered a real theft, and you need to answer for it. It is strongly not recommended to do such things, especially since sometimes it is a waste of time.

Even if your account is hacked, it can be restored quickly and easily. This is especially easy to do if you provided real data when registering. As for accounts created hastily, getting them back will be much more difficult. But, as practice shows, such accounts are not valued by hackers. There is no point in taking away someone's account or mail that has nothing useful, and there is no need to talk about it again.

Who does brute force?

It would not be superfluous to say that this is done by so-called hackers. This applies to large-scale hacks. By and large, such people earn their living from this and do it very skillfully. And the scheme works as follows. Using brute force, logins and passwords (a certain number) are selected, and then the whole thing is sold wholesale to customers. That is, the hackers themselves practically do not use what they obtained illegally, but simply sell it. But who is the buyer, you ask?

It could be anyone. The only thing that can be said is that they are engaged in purchasing a large number of accounts. These accounts are then sold to ordinary users, who are then surprised that they have returned to their original owner. The same applies to personal data of payment systems (Webmoney, Qiwi). In addition to the fact that there is a possibility of getting a certain amount of funds, such an account can be sold, this is especially true in cases where there are expensive certificates confirming the competence of the owner.

A little about proxy servers for brute force

Any self-respecting hacker first of all thinks about how to protect himself. And since what he is doing is completely illegal, special attention needs to be paid to this. We already know what a brute force is, and now I would like to tell you how a proxy server works. It will allow you to remain undetected during account hacking. In simple words, the IP address remains unknown. This is the main protection for people who hack other people's accounts.

But that's not all. After the account has been hacked, you need to log into it. But even with the correct username and password, sometimes this is not easy to do. For example, changing the IP address entails sending a security code to your email or phone; such a system is successfully used by Valve, in particular to protect their product called Steam. Of course, it has already become clear for Brutus. Therefore, we can log into any account and not arouse any suspicion at all, which makes the crime perfect.

There is no need to repeat once again that the password should be long and complex. It is also not recommended to use your account in crowded places or at work, where anyone can use a computer or laptop. Firstly, a special spy program can be used that remembers which keys were pressed; as you understand, figuring out the password will not be difficult.

But that's not all you need to know. It is advisable not to remember the password in the browser, as it can be intercepted. There are accounts where, upon logging in, you immediately receive an SMS with a confirmation code on your mobile phone. Therefore, if it arrives, and you have nothing to do with it, then change the password, and it is advisable to act as quickly as possible.

What is the difference between a brute and a checker?

So, let's now figure out what the difference is between these two concepts. So, we have already decided that brute force allows you to select a login and password by simply searching from the dictionary (base). Let's look at an example of hacking an email service. For example, we have gained access, but what to do next? As a rule, we are interested in information about accounts on social networks, online games, payment systems, etc. So, the checker checks the email password that we already have for matches.

In simple words, if it matches, for example, the one installed on VKontakte, then we will recognize it immediately. We can conclude that this will deprive us of unnecessary headaches. Consequently, the process is more automated and practically does not require our participation. Now you know what brute and checker are and how these programs work.


Based on the foregoing, certain conclusions can be drawn. The account should only be used on a personal computer, when access by unauthorized people is excluded. The same applies to connections to free Wi-Fi, as there is a possibility of interception of the data stream and subsequent theft of your account. Since you already know, Brute, it will be much easier for you to defend yourself. As they say, the one who is aware is forearmed. Remember that how well your account is protected depends only on you. If you did everything correctly, then you don’t need to worry again, and it’s unlikely that you will need to know what account brute force is and the nuances of how the program works.