Why don't I receive messages via email? Problems receiving emails

To the question “Why don’t emails arrive after subscribing to the newsletter?” Briefly you can give the following answers:

  • Needed correct algorithm for a newsletter or course.
  • A non-activated subscriber is one who forgot to activate the subscription or did not find an email to confirm the subscription.
  • There are 3 reasons to become a non-existent subscriber.
  • Mail server failure can also happen.

Let's take a closer look at the above points.

  • Find the subscription form.
  • We enter your e-mail, often you also need to enter your name (any name).
  • Click the “Subscribe” or “I want to receive!” button.

That's all?! As a result, it turns out that it takes 15-30 seconds to subscribe, depending on the complexity of entering the e-mail. By the way, in the last the latest forms subscriptions are already asking you to enter only an e-mail; you no longer need to enter a name. You can call this phenomenon “time inflation”, everything is somehow simplified...

If you adhere to the subscription algorithm shown above, then you are missing one important point - confirming your subscription. So,

Correct subscription algorithm

  1. Enter your email address into the subscription form CORRECTLY. If necessary, enter your name as well.
  2. Click on the button labeled “Subscribe”
  3. We go to our mailbox and find a letter there to confirm our subscription.
  4. In this letter, click on the link to confirm.

That's all! What depended on us has been done.

By the way, here is my “old” video using the FeedBurner email program as an example. This program works on many blogs to subscribe to receive new articles (they are called blog or site updates). The video explains how to subscribe to blog (site) updates and how to unsubscribe from the site if the newsletter is boring or has ceased to be interesting:

However, in practice there are nuances from which, in fact, a complete picture is formed in the head.

What is a non-activated subscriber and how can a subscriber become non-existent?

A non-activated subscriber is one who forgot to activate the subscription

The screenshot shows that there are subscribers who subscribed but forgot to activate the subscription. As a rule, they don’t even remember about it. Me too, if I don’t immediately activate my subscription, I easily forget about it.

The hourglass icon next to non-activated subscribers indicates that after a few days such subscribers will be deleted.

A non-activated subscriber is one who did not find a subscription confirmation email

To the question “Why is there no email to confirm the subscription after subscribing?” The answer is known to many - the letter with the confirmation link ended up in spam. This means you just need to open the “Spam” or “Spam” folder in your mail. Spam" There are then 2 options:

1) If you consider it necessary, you can select this letter with a tick and click on the “This is not spam” button. I wrote about this in detail.

2) You can move a letter from the Spam folder to the Inbox. Then links to activate your subscription will become available. You need to click on this link to activate the subscription, and the subscription will be completed.

3 reasons to become a non-existent subscriber

There may be at least three reasons why an email program classifies a subscriber as non-existent:

  1. the subscriber entered his email incorrectly
  2. the mailbox with the entered e-mail is full, so there is physically no room for new letters

I want to say something separately about non-existent subscribers, because I sympathize with them. The person wanted to subscribe, perhaps he was even looking for a letter to confirm his subscription, looked in the Spam folder, but did not find the letter there either. The problem with non-existent subscribers, like in the above screenshot, is often incorrect input your email. If you make a mistake in one character when entering your e-mail, your e-mail automatically becomes non-existent. Therefore, the big, bold cross in the screenshot opposite Non-existent subscribers indicates that such subscribers will not be able to receive letters from the course or mailing list.

Unfortunately, many subscribers or something else on the Internet and sometimes do not receive them due to incorrect specified e-mail when placing an order. These issues, of course, can be resolved through the technical support of those authors from whom the courses are purchased. But all this time, a spoiled mood, which you have to pay for an error when entering an e-mail.

If the mailbox with the same e-mail that was specified when subscribing is full, then no mail program will be able to deliver letters there.

Some subscribers specifically create mailboxes with temporary email. Such mailboxes do not last long (sometimes for 10 minutes), so subscribers with such e-mail become non-existent for mail programs.

Mail server failure

There are different mailers or mail servers. Nevertheless, they also have failures, rarely, but still they happen. Therefore, during a failure, the letter may not be delivered.

If I haven’t written about some reason why emails don’t arrive after subscribing to the newsletter, please write in the comments - I’ll add them to the article to complete the picture.

P.S. I looked and decided that to complete the picture I should add:

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Hello, friends!

In this article I will tell you my experience of how I got rid of spam on mail.ru. This problem can affect everyone now, and has already affected many. This is especially true for those who are engaged in information business, attract subscribers and then send letters to them (). That is why I am publishing this article.

For about 2 weeks I could not send a single letter to mail.ru mailboxes. Moreover, from 3 mailboxes. I understand if my letters ended up in spam, but the letters did not even reach the mailbox, and only sometimes I received an error message from mail.ru:

Please note that I sent a letter to my mail.ru mailbox.

Moreover, such a message came to me only when I sent letters from mail to Gmail [email protected].. And I was absolutely sure that my letters would reach the readers. But, as it turned out later, for about 2 weeks readers with mailboxes on mail.ru simply did not receive my letters. Moreover, both informational and paid courses, after purchase.

Imagine you made a purchase on the Internet, but received nothing in response (although the letters were sent). You write to technical support for the first time - you don’t receive anything in response (although the letter has been sent to you).

You write again, this time an angry letter, another response is sent to you, but you again do not receive it. Because mail.ru simply decided that you should not receive this letter. He neither delivered the letter to you nor informed me that the letter had not been delivered.

As a result, the buyer became nervous and dissatisfied with the seller, and the seller’s reputation suffered a little.

By the way, during these 2 weeks I found out that I have more than 50% of my readers who have mailboxes on mail.ru. And this surprised me quite a bit. I recommend Gmail inboxes to everyone. Better and more convenient has not yet been invented. .

Use mail from Yandex. It’s also a very convenient and competent postal service that is constantly evolving.

So, after I finally realized that not a single letter of mine was getting through to mail.ru boxes, I became seriously worried. First, I realized that letters sent from the mailbox were not going through [email protected]. But then I had no idea that letters from the SA@site mailbox, and, moreover, from my personal mailbox, where I send letters only to my family and friends, were not getting through.

And I, naturally, wrote to mail.ru. Below I give full correspondence with mail.ru employees (the correspondence is slightly compressed in height, but nothing was cut from the text).

What surprised me about mail.ru technical support is that 3 people talked to me(and this despite the fact that only 4 letters were sent to me). And, besides, the correspondence was simply interrupted at the request of mail.ru employees. Further, they simply did not want to answer.

BUT, approximately after a week the problem was solved, but not completely. Now the letters are going through normally.

And most importantly, I figured out what was going on myself, having spent a lot of time and sifted through a lot of information on the Internet.

It turns out that in February 2013, mail.ru introduced some new mail filtering algorithms. And these algorithms did not miss links to unverified sites.

A mail.ru employees, of course, could not tell me this. It was necessary to have some crazy options with zip archives and rar tell me. Imagine that I send you a letter stating:

  1. Download the attached file to your computer this letter
  2. Unzip this file
  3. Open file
  4. Follow the link

P.S. If you do not have an archiver installed, then you need to find it on the Internet, download, install, and understand it.

On the Internet, everything goes, on the contrary, towards simplification, towards ensuring that everything is done in as few clicks as possible, and, if possible, in one click. But mail.ru seems to have its own view on this situation.

Mail.ru still needs to say THANK YOU..ru finally started to let us through. Thank you very much for this.

I really hope that Elena S., or Pavel K., or Yulia S. helped fix this problem, and simply forgot to write back to me. Otherwise, it’s generally unclear why they are sitting there if they could neither tell me what the problem was nor solve it.

And THANK YOU, my readers. I sure that this problem It was resolved thanks to you.

And if you need subscribers, we will help. We'll do as much as we need. How we attract subscribers is described in great detail.

The letter may not reach the addressee by various reasons. The first is the incorrect spelling of the recipient's address. In case of incorrect spelling of the index, a letter to best case scenario wandered from one post office to another, and did not always reach the addressee, or was simply returned to the sender. If there was no index at all, then the postal workers either added it themselves, or the letter could be sent further with only the address. But now modern electronic sorting technology simply will not let through letters with an incorrectly written index or without it, and the correspondence will be sent back to the sender.

In the case of an incorrect spelling of the address, everything is clear - the address was not indicated, the letter did not arrive. Moreover, this will happen even if you forgot to indicate only the apartment number. The postman will not search the entire house for Vasya Ivanov, who lives in one of a couple of hundred apartments! In this case, the letter will be returned to you. . Write the address in detail, legibly and correctly. First write the street, apartment house number, below - the city, below - the region, region or republic. And if in regular letters they don’t pay too much attention to the incorrect order of lines, then they simply won’t let you send a registered letter with an incorrectly filled in address.

Postmen are also living people and sometimes they make mistakes, for example they can confuse the house 22/12 with the house 12/22. Or address 15-25, which usually means house 15, apartment 25, is regarded as 15/25, and the letter addressed to you will end up in another house, and there is no guarantee that the people who received it will bring the letter to you.

After all, our mailboxes aren't perfect either. It's good if you have your own home. But residents of high-rise buildings are often faced with broken, old boxes that anyone can climb into. There is a solution - create a PO Box in post office, or ask friends to send ordered letter instead of the usual one. It will not reach your mailbox, you will receive it in person at the post office.

But with registered letters, not everything is so smooth. The notice is brought to the addressee, but is not given personally, but thrown into the mailbox, so it may get lost. And if you do not pick up your registered letter within a month, it will be returned due to the expiration of the storage period.

If a letter is delayed, you can control its delivery using the official website of Russian Post www.russianpost.ru. Refer to the sections: “Tracking postal items", "quality control and search for postal items."

Many job seekers often forget to pay due attention to the proper writing of a letter to the employer. This is a common mistake when searching for a job. The employer pays attention primarily to the content of the letter itself, and not to the resume attached to it. If the letter fails to attract his attention, then he may not get around to viewing the resume.


If there is no information about the employer (name, position), you should call and check with the company. If for some reason this was not possible, then you can use the following addresses, for example: “Dear employer.”

It is advisable to try to endure uniform style letters and resumes. If possible, the scale and font should also match. You are trying to convey to the employer that you are the person who deserves this position. The letter, in turn, testifies to you, so it’s worth sharpening Special attention on all the little things.

Don't overuse "I". This can lead to monotony and discourage interest for further reading. Combinations such as “I am capable, I did, I can” should be replaced. better: “I have the ability”, etc. This will make the text more rich.

The letter should duplicate your resume and describe the most significant skills and abilities. Don't lose sight of your personal

From time to time I receive questions about why emails sent from the site (usually using PHP, by the mail() command, via sendmail), do not arrive at mailboxes registered at @mail.ru. At the same time, letters from the site arrive at the mailboxes of other mail services instantly without any delays or problems. The reasons for this may be the following...

There may also be similar problems with other postal services.

1. Emails sent from the site are detected by @mail.ru as spam and placed in the appropriate folder in the mailbox. (A common problem, but most likely not our case)

2. The hosting IP address is blacklisted at @mail.ru, which is why incoming letters from this IP address are simply blocked, and no response notifications are sent. The hosting IP address could have been blacklisted earlier due to an unscrupulous hosting user who sent spam (this is an option). In this case, you need to write to hosting support with relevant questions and requests to sort it out, or change the IP.

3. Inconsistency of letter headers with the requirements of the @mail.ru postal service. Mail.ru is one of the few mail services that is very strict about letter headers, in particular this applies to headers from And evolution-from- they must be the same, i.e. contain the same email. If the first header indicates the return address (also known as the sender's address, also known as your email address), then the evelope-from header may indicate the hosting email, the email that you specified when registering your hosting account, or another service email of the hosting (your account). In this case, letters are blocked by mail.ru.
To solve this problem, you should also write to hosting support and ask relevant questions.

4. Non-compliance with the rules for formatting letters; in particular, in each letter it is recommended to indicate the name of the recipient: “Hello, Vasya, etc.”, as well as a link to how this user may unsubscribe from receiving this newsletter. But this point is the reason for blocking incoming letters rarely.

Problems are observed on hostings reg.ru, nic.ru.
No problems were observed on firstvds.ru hostings

What other reasons could there be why emails are not sent?
1. The PHP Mail() command is disabled on the hosting
2. sedmail is not configured on the hosting

Hello, Dear readers of the blog www.mlminvestor.ru!

Today, I would like to tell you how I solved the problem with delivering letters to subscribers of my mailing list, and most importantly, explain the reason for this problem, it may affect you too.

In more detail, it all started with the fact that once again I logged into my account of the Smartresponder mailing service and, having studied the statistics for the last 24 hours, I was horrified, about 50% of the letters did not reach their recipients...

Having studied in more detail, I saw that all subscribers had email accounts registered in the mail.ru, inbox.ru, list.ru system.

But everything was fine before, what happened? I started to find out why letters do not reach mail.ru?

I wrote to the service technical support and received detailed instructions and the answer to my question, how to fix this problem and why such confusion occurs with mail.ru and its similar derivatives...

In general, these email services are configured in such a way that letters containing open links do not arrive to the recipients, they do not arrive at all! They don't even end up in spam.

I immediately started checking this point and was completely convinced of it. I tried to send an email with open link from one of my mailboxes to the mail.ru mailbox and received nothing, and a letter was sent to the address from which I sent it with a message that the delivery was unsuccessful, since my message was regarded by the system as spam, but it didn’t end up in spam either ...

Then I wrote a message to the mail.ru service and asked why the letter was not being delivered? And I received something like this answer, unfortunately I deleted the original, so I’ll put it in my own words:

Your message contains a link, therefore it is blocked, this does not apply specifically to your account, only to this letter, if you need to send this kind of message, create archive file With zip extension or rar and attach to the letter.

At least they sent it to spam, but no, not at all: cry:.

Now I understand why, when registering in some Internet services and projects, it is not recommended to indicate your email to mail.ru. Personally, I thought that they were the best and have been using their mailbox for a long time, but the constant tightening of forwarding conditions is not at all pleasing and forces me to give up my usual mailboxes. big amount saved contacts and make new ones electronic mailboxes on other mailers.

Although, everyone who actively uses the Internet is simply obliged to have several email boxes on yandex.ru, and on rambler.ru and, of course, on gmail.com, on this moment with these services similar problems did not arise.

I haven’t changed the settings for a long time - but suddenly letters about orders stopped coming to my email mail.ru. In the settings I specified a different address on yandex.ru - everything comes! I contacted the hoster Jino.ru and this is what he replied: On the side postal service"Mail.Ru" announced a new security policy, according to which mandatory security was activated from May 18, 2016 data sheet DMARC for checking incoming messages mail messages. Details available at official documentation"Mail.Ru" company or on the postal service blog.

>>> Now any incoming mail whose sender field is specified as non-existent or inappropriate mailbox value will deviate. <<< Для того, чтобы соблюдать требования новой политики принимающего сервера, нужно убедиться, что название почтового ящика в настройках программного обеспечения или значения поля «frоm» в скриптах, которые совершают отправку писем, соответствует действительному значению или отсутствуют.
I make the necessary changes to the work of mail. You need to contact your programmers or web-time
workers, or make changes yourself according to the reference manual of the software you are using.

The policy was initiated by the Mail.Ru service and is aimed at preventing email traffic with phishing content. There are no restrictions on our part. What to do? There are a lot of clever words - zero specifics - the smart guys could give a simple example, I couldn’t find anything on the internet. Customers complain that they do not receive emails with the contents of their order. The only hope is for you!!! Thanks in advance for your answer! Good luck!!!

From time to time (but on an ongoing basis) I am asked questions related to receiving e-mail letters, or rather, NOT receiving them. People write that they stopped receiving letters (usually from a certain address), although they were sure that these letters should have reached them.

One example is my letters. It happens that my subscribers received one or two letters, and then there was silence, although they did not unsubscribe from the mailing list.

In this lesson, I will talk about the main reason why letters do not reach the recipient, and I will show how you can solve this problem in just a couple of minutes.

First of all, let's talk about why emails aren't being delivered. So…

Each of us has a certain one, and therefore uses some kind of email service - for example, Mail.ru, Gmail, etc. (usually the name of the service is indicated in the address after the @ icon). And every self-respecting email service tries with all its might to fight spam, i.e. Using special programs (spam filters), it tries to block unwanted mail (usually advertising).

Spam filters are different (soft and hard, smart and not so smart), and therefore sometimes they make mistakes and can classify a “normal” letter as spam. For this reason, such a letter may, for example, be moved to a separate folder, marked as SPAM, or even deleted.

Meanwhile, an unsuspecting novice user looks for letters among incoming correspondence (usually the “Inbox” folder) and naturally does not find the expected letters there.

What to do in such a situation?

Everything is very simple!

First of all, go to your mailbox (mail service) and check all the folders that we have, and pay special attention to the folder Spam, which is among other folders in almost every email service (in the photo this is the Gmail service):

There is a high probability that the expected letters are located in this folder (unless, of course, they have already been deleted). Let's go to this folder and check.

If our letter is here, then you just need to select (1) the desired letter (or several letters) and then click the button Not spam (2):

Perhaps in the email service you use, it will look different, but the actions will be approximately the same and the meaning will not change - a letter from a folder Spam will be moved to the folder Inbox.

In addition, if a training spam filter is installed in the mail service (there are more and more of them lately), then it will remember your choice and the next time the letter from this sender will not be placed in spam. Although it is possible that the spam filter will need to be trained several times in this way.

Often, such simple actions are enough to prevent important mail from going to spam, but sometimes this does not help, and useful messages continue to be sent to spam.

In this case, you need to act even more decisively and simply create your own filters for incoming mail. In other words, you need to give the postal service specific instructions regarding specific letters.

I will show how this can be done using the example of settings in the Gmail service (mail from Google) and in the service from Yandex. I think that these two examples will be enough to understand the principle of operation, so if you use another service, you can certainly do the same at your place.

Let's start with Gmail.

We go to the mail and in the upper right corner we look for the gear icon, which is responsible for the settings. Click it and select the item in the menu that appears Settings:

After that, create the desired filter.

If we want all mail to pass through normally from a certain address, then we just need to indicate the desired address in the field From ( those. indicate “From” the letters should come).

In the next window, we need to indicate what exactly needs to be done with letters coming from the previously specified address. As you can see, there are several options here and among them is the one we need - Never send to spam:

Check the box and click Create filter, after which we see that the filter has been created and its description is present in the list of created filters:

If necessary, we can create other filters in the same way by clicking the link Create a new filter.

As you can see, nothing complicated! Filters are created in approximately the same way in other services.

Let's look at an example with Yandex mail.

The beginning is the same! We look for an entrance to the service settings using the menu item of the same name (also in the upper right corner):

In this section, you can configure the service so that incoming letters are placed in the required folders, forwarded to another address, or simply deleted. In addition, here you can set up an autoresponder or manually create a black and white list.

All mail from blacklisted addresses will not be sent to our mailbox, and mail from whitelisted addresses will not be placed in SPAM.

This is exactly what we need! Specify the desired address in the section White list and press the button Add:

After this, we see that the new address has appeared in the white list.

If any of the addresses in the list need to be deleted, then simply put a tick next to this address and press the button Remove from list:

That's it for spam filters!

I hope that you understand everything on this issue, and now you can set up your email address in such a way that all important letters reach you. Well, if you wish, then using settings and creating filters you can also sort incoming mail, filter out obvious advertising, etc.

In addition, I would like to draw your attention to such a seemingly banal thing as overflowing mailbox. This is also one of the reasons why you may not receive the letter you need!

Check your mailbox - maybe the letters simply no longer fit in it, and if this is the case, then simply delete all old and unnecessary messages.