How to clear history in Skype. Complete clearing of Skype (calls, correspondence, cache, cookies). How to delete history on Skype? The easiest ways

The reasons may be different:

  • from trying to clean up my page
  • to the desire to prevent personal or business correspondence from reaching strangers.

Security is one of the main reasons for clearing history.

Rarely does anyone leave their VKontakte account, and a smartphone, tablet or computer may end up in the wrong hands. And sometimes the password can be picked up or stolen.

Few people like it when they read his message history, even if it does not contain secrets and secrets. The solution is simple - messages must be deleted. Delete All of them indiscriminately, or selectively leaving those that you want to keep is up to each user.

There are built-in tools for this purpose. In contact with and third-party utilities and scripts that facilitate the process, let’s consider everything in order.

The dialogue can be deleted by simply clicking the mouse button on the cross with the pop-up inscription “Delete dialogue” (the cross is located on the right in the message itself, look at the screenshot below):

Afterwards, confirm deletion in a pop-up warning window:

Restoring correspondence deleted in this way is impossible, which is clear from the warning.

If you need to delete only some messages in the dialogue, then you should select them by clicking on the left side of the message and marking them with “checkmarks”. Then click on the “Delete” button (at the top of the message window, example below in the screenshot).

Messages will be deleted without confirmation.

In place of the deleted messages, the window will contain the words “message deleted” and a “restore” hyperlink, by clicking on which you can return the deleted messages back to the dialogue.

As a browser version, the Android client allows you to delete individual messages and entire conversations. For this you must log in to the client and open the “Messages” item.

The dialog can be easily deleted:

  • You need to hold your finger on the dialog until the menu appears.
  • then select “Clear message history”:

and confirm your choice:

If you enter into dialogue, you can delete messages selectively. To do this, long press on an open message, highlight those that need to be deleted and press the delete button (reminiscent of a trash can). Then confirm choice in the pop-up menu.

Deleting messages using scripts and programs

When dozens and hundreds of dialogues have accumulated in the correspondence history and they all require deletion, you can essentially automate the process.

There are special programs and scripts for this task.

  • For the program to work usually require entering VKontakte credentials (which is not good, because you indicate your data to a third-party program, which can be used for “bad purposes”).
  • How they will be used depends only on the honesty of the program author... If you are worried about the security of your account, it is better don't be lazy And clear history manually(as I wrote above) without resorting to programs.
  • Another danger of programs is that for using them there is a non-zero probability of getting blocking your account administration of VKontakte.

Using scripts seems safer. They do not require separate authorization, and with their help you can easily and quickly delete all messages from your VKontakte history.

They either add additional buttons to the message window or are launched from the address bar.

  • In the first case, pressing the button launches the script and it automatically erases the user's message database.
  • In the second case, for this purpose, a script from the developer’s website is launched from the address bar.

However, The risk of falling for scammers is quite high.

If you are not good at programming, you will not be able to analyze third-party scripts for malicious code. And it is better to refrain from using third-party scripts.

Manual removal, even if it takes some time, protects against hacking and possible loss of account.

For a specialist, if necessary, it will be safer and more reliable to write his own script, rather than use and check someone else’s. And it’s not so often that you have to delete a large number of dialogs.

So, friends, I think the choice of deleting VKontakte messages is obvious.

Deleting sent VKontakte messages on the recipient's side

By entering a query into a search engine, you can see links to programs (supposedly!!!) capable of deleting sent messages from the recipient’s account. Install similar programs on your computer and, especially, enter your account login and password into them absolutely not possible.

Otherwise, at best, scammers will steal your data. Only the recipient himself (or anyone who knows his password) can delete his messages from the recipient’s computer.

Otherwise, you can either pretend that your account has been hacked, or try to have the system delete the messages as spam.

Do "as if" it's not difficult - just send the message (without changes) to many other recipients. If you're lucky, VKontakte will perceive the mass mailing as spam and delete the messages.

The method is extremely unreliable and can create more problems than the message itself.

Therefore, the best advice to those who have sent an unwanted message to another recipient is “it’s better to just apologize.”

That's it, friends, I have all the information on this article. If you have doubts, questions or your own versions of deletion, then be sure to write in the comments.

You can also watch all the above information in the video:

All contacts can be deleted from the settings of the program itself or by deleting the main.db file from the user profile. It is not yet possible to delete the history of correspondence with one contact using Skype. You can try cleaning it with third-party utilities. For example Skype chat helper or SkHistory. The Skype chat helper utility refused to work for me. I’ll tell you about SkHistory in this article.

We make a backup copy of Skype history and clear it - main.db

Before deleting or cleaning anything, it is advisable to make a backup or backup copy. To make a backup copy of your Skype conversations, you can copy the entire profile or just the main.db file to a safe place.

Or you can go inside the profile and copy only main.db. This file contains our message history in Skype

It is advisable to close Skype before copying files. And not just close it, but get out of it. So that there is no icon in the notification area (usually the notification area is at the bottom right near the clock).

Once the main.db file has been copied to a safe place, you can delete it from your profile and launch Skype. The first time contacts may not load

You need to restart Skype and your contacts will be back in place, and your correspondence history will be cleared.

To restore history (for example, on another computer), you need to close Skype and replace the main.db file in your profile with the one that we copied to a safe place.

Clearing history in Skype settings

Open the menu Tools and choose Settings…

Go to the Security section and open additional settings

Click " Clear the history»

In the window that appears, click “Delete” and the entire history will be cleared.

If you do not have a backup copy of the profile or main.db file, this action is irreversible.

Clearing the history of correspondence with one user - SkHistory

We will use SkHistory. There is a risk here since I couldn’t find the official website for this program, and you can only use a utility you downloaded from somewhere unknown only in the most critical situations. So there will be no download link today.

The program requires Adobe AIR to run. You can see how to download and install it.

Let's launch SkHistory.air and click Install

Here we see that the program is for Skype 5 and we are warned that use we will have her at one's own risk. Click Continue

When starting the program, we are offered to download a more recent version. Click Download now

Installing a new version of SkHistory. Click Install now

After installation, the program will launch immediately. From the only menu Language choose Russian language

Select an account from the drop-down list and click Select account. If your account is not in this drop-down list, then go to the section above (Path to local Skype profile) and indicate the folder where your profile is located.

I strongly advise against using the SkHistory program to create backup copies. And even more so to recover from it. This killed Skype for me and I had to delete my profile and restore it from a backup.

In the next step, select the contact whose message history we want to delete and click Use selected contact

You can delete individual messages. To delete all correspondence, click delete everything

A pop-up window asks us if we are sure we want to delete all messages from the selected user. Click OK

A window appears indicating that the messages have been deleted. Click OK

Let's launch Skype and watch. Not all my messages have been deleted.

And it was also noticed that if you called a contact, the program will delete practically nothing. But if the correspondence was only text, then everything was deleted from me.


In this article we figured out how to clear history in Skype. I have never mocked my Skype like this before. It’s good that I had a copy of the entire profile at hand. If necessary, I will use clearing all Skype history from the program settings. After publishing this article (5 minutes later), I delete SkHistory and Adobe AIR. Think 10 times when using programs you downloaded from unknown sources.

You already know how to delete history, it's time to remove advertising from Skype.

It’s difficult to say in advance why a user might need to clear correspondence and made calls on Skype - maybe he’s just tired of seeing a pile of lists in the window, or maybe he had a fight and wants to do it on the principle of “out of sight, out of mind” or for the purpose of conspiracy - in any case, a person may one day think about how to delete history on Skype

Features of deleting history in Skype

If in many other communication programs the entire history is stored on the computer’s hard drive, then with Skype it’s not so simple. And that's why:

  • it is stored on a remote server;
  • it can be cleaned if you know where and what is located in the settings points;
  • You can quickly remove it for ALL contacts at once, but here’s how delete history on Skype for ONE contact - with this question everything is far from obvious.

How to clear Skype history for all contacts

So, do you have it? This can be done quickly from the program itself. To do this, select “ Tools» — « Settings»,

and in the dialog box that opens - “ Chats and SMS» — « Additional settings».

Here, in the drop-down menu, you can configure the settings for saving correspondence.

For example, make sure that history is not recorded at all. Then you won't have to clean anything.

Or select the screen button "Clear the history". Now all text messages, calls, etc. will be cleared from the server.

How to clean for one person

Let's say there is story on Skype. How to delete her, but not completely, but only for one contact?

In an “official” way – no way.

And this is an obvious drawback of the program. It is difficult to say why the developers did not provide this function. However, there are special utilities that, according to those who wrote them, will help clear correspondence with one contact. But you can use them only at your own peril and risk. In addition, not all of them cope with their task, but the risk of introducing an “infection” onto a computer under the guise of such utilities is great. Moreover, Skype programmers categorically do not recommend using them.

However, here are some of them:

  1. Skype History Cleaner;
  2. Skype Chat Helper;
  3. SkHistory.

Based on everything that was said above, we can conclude that the best and most reliable method will be the very first one - the official one. At least it's guaranteed to clear the history. At least the whole thing.

Sometimes, when you use the messenger for a long time, so many messages accumulate that it becomes necessary to clear them. How to delete history on Skype, if the need for this arose for the reason described above or for any other - communication in this messenger involves different situations.
The question of how to delete chat history on Skype has become especially relevant after the release of the latest update. The program has changed dramatically and many users, wandering around the new interface, have already despaired of finding the familiar “Clear message history” button in the settings. Don't waste your time - the new version of the application does not provide such a function. But it is still possible to clear history, and we’ll tell you how now.

By the way, speaking of the innovations of the latest version, we have already found out and are ready to tell you.

Erase one message

Removing one message from correspondence with any person is as easy as shelling pears.

  • Select the message you want to erase

  • Right click on it
  • In the menu that opens, select “Delete”
  • If the messenger is open on your smartphone, hold the desired letter with a long tap

  • Actually, that’s all – unnecessary information will be deleted
  • In addition, you can use the same method to erase your message sent to another user - but only your own, and if it was sent recently

Useful information about that awaits you in our next article.

Erase the chat

Deleting Skype history from one contact is also quite simple.

  • All your chats are displayed on the left side of the screen
  • Select an unnecessary chat, right-click on it and click “Delete”

  • Long tap – in the case of a smartphone

  • Confirm your actions again
  • The chat will be deleted

Erase calls

How to delete call history on Skype? The instructions will be identical to the previous one. Calls are also displayed on the left side of the screen. Right-click on the ones you want to erase and select the desired menu item.

We erase the correspondence completely

How to completely delete message history on Skype? There are two options, and both, in comparison with simply clicking on the “Clear” button, which was before, are quite labor-intensive.

Option one

You can erase sequentially all chats and calls that are displayed on the left side of your screen - until there are none left

Option two

Or you can erase everything at once by removing the folder in which the correspondence is saved from the computer. Here's how to do it:

  • Completely close the program - click “Exit Skype” and end the process in the task manager (Ctrl+Alt+Delete)

  • Press the Win+R keys simultaneously. A command prompt will open.
  • Enter the command %appdata%\skype here and confirm your actions with the “Ok” button

  • Find the folder with your login name here and open it
  • Here is a file in which all your correspondence is stored. It's called main.db

  • Delete it
  • For the changes to take effect, restart your computer
  • Launch the messenger again. All correspondence should be deleted completely, but sometimes some chats remain untouched. If this happens, delete these chats manually
  • In a similar way, you can delete history in Skype on a computer for both the desktop version and the built-in one on Windows 10

In order to delete Skype history on an Android phone, first erase the correspondence on your PC and wait until synchronization occurs.

If you change your mind and decide, read about how to do this in our other article.