Recovering information from flash. Recovering deleted files from a flash drive

The value of information nowadays is increasing every day. Any sphere of human activity cannot do without the accumulation of a certain amount of data that needs to be stored somewhere. Various options for information media come to the rescue. USB flash-

drives, which are popularly called simply flash drives. They are valued for their small size and ease of use. The user saves important information to the flash drive. And what a shame it can be if for some reason this information is lost! When you try to access the information on a flash drive, a message appears stating that the device is not formatted. This indicates that Windows cannot detect data about the file system of the flash drive. Therefore, the RAW system, standard in such cases, is used. But there is no need to despair. Most often, it is still possible to recover data from a flash drive. First you need to understand the reasons for what happened. They can be very diverse: from unplanned formatting of the media to violation

Possible reasons

Let's look at the most basic of them:

  1. There was a failure in the operating system. In this case, the problem can be solved very simply. Enough and Windows will restore normal operation.
  2. There is a problem with the USB connector. You can check this by connecting the USB flash drive to another computer.
  3. Mechanical damage to the media has occurred. You need to check the connection between the USB board and the plug. The reason may also be a burnt-out controller. In this case, to restore data from the flash drive, you will have to contact a service center.
  4. Sectors containing service information are damaged. For this reason, the operating system cannot view files on removable media. To recover data from a flash drive, you need to use special software. Let's look at a specific example.

Using special programs

An example of a program that will help you recover data from a flash drive is R-studio. If during its use it is possible to recover at least part of the lost information, then the first three reasons for damage to a USB device will disappear by themselves. The program performs a scan, as a result of which it tries to determine the nature and number of lost files. After completing this procedure, select “Restore all files” from the menu. Then we specify the save path and start the operation.

data after formatting the flash drive?

If, after formatting, the flash drive was no longer used for recording information, you can try to recover lost files. To do this, select our USB device in the R-studio menu, start scanning and enable the recovery function. In this case, incomplete recovery of information is possible. Then it’s worth clarifying the type of files required and the time they were created. This will help restore data deleted from the flash drive in full.

One fine moment something terrible happened: my The flash drive stopped opening! What to do now?

How to recover (save) files on it? Or maybe it opens, but there is no information on it. It was simply accidentally deleted or the USB flash drive was simply formatted.

Or maybe the child accidentally pressed the camera buttons and accidentally pressed the button to delete all pictures (or worse, format the memory card), but the photos have not yet been transferred to the computer.

We will try to recover information without any interference with the data on the storage device, i.e. if this method does not help, you can use another - all the information on the card will remain intact - it will simply be copied, and then you can do whatever you want with the flash drive...

Let's look at everything point by point.

Recovering information from a USB flash drive (USB drive)

Of course, this method is suitable if there is no physical damage to the flash card, if, for example, it was hit by a car, then any software is unlikely to help.

For the most part, information (files) disappears due to logical errors in data, so it can be restored. Basically, the file allocation table (FAT, NTFS) is destroyed, while the files themselves are quietly stored where they should be.

Therefore, let's try to restore the information ourselves without the help of specialists; of course, for this we will need a special data-servicing program (utility). It’s scary - there’s nothing complicated here. I will try to go through all the stages of data recovery in detail.

Yes, here’s something else I’d like to add: just in case, check the flash drive for viruses before restoring it. Of course, if you are absolutely sure of their absence, then this is not at all necessary. For example, if you erased the photos themselves and then realized it, then this is one thing, but if suddenly something incomprehensible, something strange happened on the flash drive: files or folders disappeared somewhere, then in this case there is not enough confidence, that there are no viruses on the flash drive. Suddenly, recovery is not required, but the files have simply become hidden - the result of malware (viruses). If you want to check, you can use, for example, utility for treating an infected computer Kaspersky Virus Removal Tool. Next we assume that there are no viruses on the flash drive.

Firstly: You should not write any information onto a flash drive., from which the files will be restored: it may happen that new files being written will replace the previous ones and then the old files will be restored almost impossible.

If the flash drive opens and there is nothing on it, then your situation is much better than the one we chose - a USB flash card that does not even open.

A flash drive was taken to restore files Transcend JF V30 8 Gb (Gigabyte) capacity.

We will use a free utility (program) PhotoRec which you can download on our website.

Its size is small, about 1.5 MB, but it works great.

So we connect the flash drive to the computer, try to open it and see the following message: “The disk in device I is not formatted. Should I format it? (see picture)

Select " No", naturally.

As you can see, the file system has become RAW instead of FAT, and the capacity is also zero.

Next, create some folder (in our example this is the folder “ 666 » on disk D:), download the free software package " TestDisk and PhotoRec 6.11.3 for Windows"(this is one zip archive) and unpack it into the folder we created. As a result of these actions, in the folder “666” we created, another subfolder “ testdisk-6.11.3", go into it and then into another subfolder " win" (i.e. the full path is like this : « D:\666\testdisk-6.11.3\win» ). Next, run the file “ photorec_win.exe"with the image of an eye (see figure)

A DOS application window opens with a list of all connected devices, among them, using the cursor arrows, select the disk we need (in our case, it is a Transcend JF V30 8 Gb flash drive) (see figure)

Press the key " Enter"(i.e. continue).

Next, a window opens with a choice of disk partitions (in our case it’s a flash drive), select “ Whole disk", which means " On the entire disk", in all sections and " Enter» (continue) (see figure)

Next, you need to select a directory (folder) to save the recovered found files. By default (without any choice) this directory with the program photorec_win.exe(in our case « D:\666\testdisk-6.11.3\win» ), we are satisfied with everything, we confirm by simply pressing the letters “ Y"(Yes) (see picture).

That's it, after this the file search process starts, all that remains is to wait for it to finish.

While searching for files, the window shows the number of files found and their types (see figure)

After the search is completed, the total number of files found and their types is shown (see figure)

That's it, the data recovery process is complete. You can simply close the Dos application window, or click on the “ Enter» (continue) to exit to the previous menu.

Well, you can look at the results. During the file recovery process, the program created directories with names recup_dir.X, where instead of the letter " X", there are numbers (in our case there are 7). Those. in our case, we recovered 7 directories with a total of 3244 files. (see picture)

Which of them are needed and which are not is entirely up to you. In our case, we restored 2570 photographs, of which about 300 were needed.

Go for it! All in your hands. Do not give up.

No one is safe from accidental formatting of a flash drive. Inattention sometimes leads to accidental deletion of important documents from the disk.

It may seem that information lost in this way cannot be recovered.

But everything is not so sad. A number of special programs have been developed for data recovery.

How does restoring a formatted flash drive become possible? The fact is that data from a formatted flash drive does not disappear. In fact, only their labels change.

So, on a formatted disk, all files are marked as non-existent and new ones are written over them.

Thus, if you have the appropriate software, you can completely restore all files that have ever been on the disk. But this will require skills in working with special programs.

To restore recently formatted data, fairly simple options are suitable that even untrained users can handle.

Important: The chances of successful data recovery will increase by an order of magnitude if no new files were written to the removable disk in the period of time between formatting and recovery.

The network is overflowing with data recovery programs. Of all the available software, there are five programs that are most suitable for quick data recovery.

Active@ File Recovery for Windows

This is an easy-to-use yet powerful utility for recovering lost data. To restore, you will need to select the media from the list on the left side of the program window, and then click the QuickScan button.

The media structure will appear in the navigator on the right. Deleted files will be indicated with white icons.

Then just select the required documents and click the Restore button. In the dialog box, specify the directory to save the recovered files and approve the recovery. Once the process is complete, the recovered files will be ready for use.


Ability to work with a large number of media (up to hard disk);

Easy to learn and friendly interface;

Availability of a free version.


Lack of Russian localization;

The free version has a limit on the size of recovered files.


The free utility not only works with flash media, but also provides data recovery from the disk. After launch, the program prompts you to select the media, then the file type.

The “Enable in-depth analysis” option will increase the chances of detecting lost data.

On the left side of the program window there will be a list of files found on the media. Just check the box next to the required ones and click “Restore”. Then you will need to specify the directory to save the data and approve the process.

Upon completion, the files will be ready for use.


Completely free distribution;

Large set of functions;

Possibility of complete removal of files.


In some cases it does not restore the contents of the file.

Easy Recovery

The intuitive interface of the program allows you to quickly recover lost files. To recover lost data, simply select the media type. Select a specific media from the resulting list.

Then you need to choose whether the data was deleted or formatted. After scanning, the file structure of the media will appear on the left side of the window.

Folders highlighted in blue are existing; in green, folders are erased or unmarked. To restore, you will need to select the necessary files and select “Save As” in the right-click menu.

After specifying the location to save, the files will be available for use.


High recovery rate;

Intuitive interface;

Ability to work with multiple media types.


High cost of the paid version;

The trial version allows you to extract only one file at a time.

Auslogic File Recovery

The program allows you to effectively recover lost data from both flash drives and hard drives. On the left side of the window there is a navigator in which you will need to select the media for the recovery procedure. The options on the right will be presented.

You can restore a specific type of file, or you can scan for all types.

Upon completion of the search, there will be a list of files in the central part of the window. In it, just select the ones you are interested in and click “Recover selected”. After saving to the specified directory, you can work freely with the files.


Precise search mode saves time;

Ability to work in simple and complex operating modes, depending on the user’s level of training;

Function for completely deleting confidential files.


Trial version for 15 days;

Unoptimized interface.


Detailed instructions accompanying each data recovery step will help even users with minimal knowledge cope with the program.

The first step will require you to select a media. On the left side of the screen there will be a list of available ones. In the second step, you will need to select the file system type. The standard file system for flash drives is FAT32, but options are also possible.

In the third step, the program window will display an expanded navigator for the scanned media. All files will be marked according to the legend at the bottom of the window. Now all that remains is to copy the necessary ones.


Extremely simple interface;

Advanced functionality is available for experienced users;

High recovery rate.


For NTFS and FAT you will have to use different versions of the program;

The demo version does not allow you to save recovered files.

The functionality and work with each of the mentioned utilities are different. However, each of them is an excellent tool for “resurrecting” lost data.

How to recover information from a formatted flash drive.

Recovering a formatted flash drive: how to get back deleted files?

Greetings, dear readers. In this article we will talk about how to recover data from a flash drive yourself and absolutely free!

As a rule, it is not uncommon for users to lose very important information that was either on a flash drive or hard drive! Mostly this can happen due to improper use or virus infection.

Important: Always remove your USB device by safely removing it - this measure is necessary for the correct operation of your media!

In addition, there are often cases when a flash drive works for a long time and then a window suddenly pops up, which requires you to format it before you start using it; it is highly not recommended to do this, since there is a risk that the files will not be restored.

If you suddenly formatted your storage device, it is advisable not to save files on it, this is due to the fact that you risk losing important information, since when we delete a file, we do not delete the file itself, but only delete a record about it from the file system, so if you copy a new file, it will overwrite the old one!

I think that’s enough for you to write about theory, let’s move directly to practice, namely to a review of a program that recovers data from a flash drive. The program is called GetDataBack for FAT, you can download it by following this link

Installing the GetDataBack for FAT program

After you have downloaded the installation file to your computer, run it and in the installation wizard click “ Further»

In the next window you will be required to specify the path where the program will be installed, I recommend leaving it as default and clicking “ Further»

Select a location to save shortcuts on your computer after installation and click “ Install»

After all the necessary components have been installed, click " Further»

Well, to complete the installation, click “ Ready»

Recovering Deleted Files

After the first launch, the program will require you to make initial settings; in the welcome window, leave everything unchanged and click “ Further»

After scanning the disks, a working interface will appear in front of you, in which you will need to specify the item to be restored. As an example, I will use a simple USB flash drive on which the pictures will initially be located, and accordingly, to make sure the result, I will first delete the photos that are on are stored in it!

Now my flash drive is clean and there are no photos on it:

We return to the recently installed program and make the necessary settings for successful recovery as follows:

In the top menu select “ Settings" and check the boxes as shown in the figure and click " OK»

In the left menu, select the recovery sector, in my example it is better to select sector 2 since it uses a larger number of clusters, I advise you to focus on this setting.

After the sector is selected, click “ Further»

Hello friends. current problem and now we will talk in detail about this topic. In previous issues, we learned about the structure of a computer, part one - and part two -.

Today I will tell you in detail and show you about data recovery from a flash drive. To do this, I will use the R-studio program. There are many other useful programs for data recovery, but in this article we will look at R-studio. At the end of the post I made a short video on how to use the program and recover data from various USB devices.

Recovering information

I have been using this program for a long time and it has helped me out more than once in difficult situations.

Every computer user now probably has USB devices, flash drives, hard drives and similar equipment. Sometimes it crashes or asks to be formatted, although there may be valuable information there.

Most people go to a service center to solve the problem of recovering deleted data from flash drives and similar devices. But you can solve it at home yourself, but this is only if the flash drive is detected by the computer or at least a small indicator next to the time lights up - a USB device.

Let me give you an example from myself. In my work, I often use flash drives with certain information. One fine day, at work, I needed to use a flash drive. I inserted it into the front USB of the computer, I was shocked (static) and after that moment, my flash drive stopped functioning, it was not even detected as a device on the computer. There were many useful programs that I use in my work.

Everything that was there remained there, but I couldn’t get this data out of there. I tried everything, but the flash drive remained a dead weight. I didn’t make backup copies then, so I had to restore everything from disks and upload it online. After this incident, I regularly, at least once a month, make backup copies of the flash drive on my computer if the data is updated there. If they are not updated (you can save it once), then I know that even if the flash drive breaks, I have this information in another place, that is, on the computer.

R-studio program

In order to start recovering data from a flash drive, you need to install a special program. I'll use R-studio, you can use any other.

If you don’t trust me, you can find it yourself on the Internet.

Once the program has been downloaded and installed on your computer, you can begin the data recovery process. By the way, if Windows does not boot for you, you can read the information. If the device is detected, then everything is in order and you can start.

If the device is not detected, you can insert it into another USB connector, or try it on another computer. If the situation has not changed, then this program will not help you. You can use another one or contact a service center for help.

Launch the program

The R-studio program is Russified and you should easily understand it. We go into the program through the shortcut or the start menu, all programs.

Select the desired device or disk.

Click the scan tab and wait, the scanning time will depend on the capacity of your device.

Then scan options appear, you need to click Scan.

The right window displays information about the scan.

After scanning is completed, we go to our flash drive.

Expand the device section, which displays all found files.

Select the necessary folders, go into them and restore files, find the required space on your hard drive and click Yes.

Well, that’s basically the whole simple process of recovering your lost data. A short video instruction on how to use the R-studio program, I recommend watching it in full screen mode. If the video slows down, press pause and wait a bit.


Today we discussed in detail the topic of data recovery from flash drives and other media. I hope everything worked out for you. If something remains unclear to you, don’t hesitate to ask, I don’t bite :).

Perhaps you have or have questions about how to recover data from a flash drive. You can ask them below in the comments to this article, and also use the form with me.

Thank you for reading me on