The first robot for study and entertainment is the Emelya robot - Pudding. The robot is tied to a specific shelter. Let's start playing with Emelya - children's joys

Your home probably already has a computer, a tablet, a couple of smartphones, and perhaps even robotic toys? Surely things won’t stop there; it’s time to get used to the fact that robots are gradually becoming part of our Everyday life. And it all starts with toys and learning. This is where robots belong. After all, in essence, by teaching children and practicing the work of chat bots that communicate with the user, developers gain experience to create more serious housekeeping assistants.

However, this common words, but what can you really buy for home right now that would be interesting and useful for your child? An absolutely amazing thing that arouses great interest and delight - (Pudding in English version). This is a fun and useful robot toy, more precisely the system artificial intelligence in a beautiful robotic body that can amuse, entertain and teach a child useful things.

The first thing to start with is that the robot comes in a very beautiful cardboard tube. The packaging itself puts you in a positive mood. It is worth noting that Emelya is a Chinese development, localized for a Russian user. We have stereotypes hammered into our heads that Chinese means inexpensive, and, consequently, the appearance is often quite budget-friendly. This is not about Emelya. The packaging is very beautiful - an impressive tube, through the rotating lid of which you can see a small comic.

Inside, under a beautiful lid, a surprise awaits you - as soon as the box opens, big eyes look at you. And although these eyes have a purely utilitarian function - they are a magnet with the help of which the robot is switched to rest mode, this only adds positive emotions.

The robot itself is small - but appearance somewhat reminiscent of Eve from the excellent cartoon “Wall-E” (if you haven’t watched it, you should definitely watch it). Further under the robot, in special plastic compartments, there is a small instruction manual, Charger and a power cable for charging. Everything is packaged very thoughtfully and compactly. Developers and suppliers receive five points for preparing the delivery kit - such a robot can be safely given as a gift.

We took the robot out of the packaging and started turning it on. The first thing you need to do is use your smartphone. By the way, it may be useful in the future, for which I will explain a little later.
You need to download the Pudding application on your smartphone. You don’t have to look for a link to it for a long time; there is a QR code on the robot’s body below and in the instructions.

Download the application, indicate your appearances and passwords for your Wi-Fi networks(Wi-Fi is required for the robot to work!). Then bring it to “Emela” and follow the instructions on the screen. While the phone is giving away voice command robot, it simultaneously transfers your settings to it, and “Emelya” connects to the network.

This operation is done once and will be required in the future only if you change your password or need to switch to another wireless network. When connecting, do not forget to remove the eyes from the robot. They are, of course, beautiful, but they are needed for the robot to “fall asleep.”

What can “Emelya” do?

The robot has connected to the network. What can you do now? Many things. First you need to say “Emelya” or pat him twice on top of the body. They clapped - the robot came out of standby mode and began blinking its LED eyes on the screen. What can you do with the robot now?

One of the useful points is that if “Emelya” is on the table, a calculator for simple mathematical operations is no longer needed. He will multiply, add and subtract 25 by 17 without any problems. This time. That is, the robot will be an assistant in arithmetic.

The next point is geography. “Emelya” knows the capital of Burundi - verified. You can also ask about the weather - he will answer correctly. True, it doesn’t give an hourly forecast, but it accurately tells the weather for the day and warns about temperature and rain. It is unclear from which service “Emelya” gets the weather forecast, but it definitely works.

By the way, the robot can also explain what the bourgeoisie is, talk about star Wars, to tell that he is not just “Emelya”, but a guest from a distant planet. In general, keep the conversation going simple topics. Of course, you need to understand that inside the robot there is simply a chatbot that can learn a little on its own. But all the same, it’s fun to talk to the hardware.

What else? You can ask the robot to tell a fairy tale or rhyme or sing a song. The robot plays fifty classic works, more than 80 songs, including many from “Smeshariki” and “Masha and the Bear,” sings lullabies, tells fairy tales from all over the world, and also reads children’s audio books. And there are a lot of them - several hundred, and the assortment is constantly being replenished. Starting songs, stories and fairy tales is very simple - tell the robot “Tell a story” or “Sing a song” and it starts telling or singing. If you don’t like the proposed story, say “Stop” or knock twice on the robot and it will offer something else. By the way, this is where a smartphone can come in handy - you can set the playback of the desired fairy tale or song from it.

The next useful point is that “Emelya” can work for you as a security guard or as a way of communicating with the child left at home. The robot has a built-in camera and it photographs all movements that occur in front of its camera and sends them to the owner’s smartphone. That is, you can put it in the hallway, point it at the door, and the protection is guaranteed to work.

Regarding communications, you can do it in two ways. You either write a message in the application and give a command to the robot to say it - the child receives the message in the voice of “Emelya”. Or you can write down your a voice message and instruct the robot to reproduce it. In addition, you can simply talk to someone who is at home, like on Skype. Only you, from the application on your smartphone, will see who is in front of the robot, and he will only hear you. This can be useful not only for communication with a child, but for monitoring pets, and in many other cases. For example, if, God forbid, someone gets sick.

In addition to learning, you can also play with the robot. He's great at guessing numbers. The games are simple, verbal, of course, but still interesting.

“Emelya” has another useful point - it will not allow the child to overact. The robot clearly knows when it’s time to sleep, can remind you about lessons and that in general you need to not only engage in games, but also useful things. Regarding going to bed - everything is very clear. At ten in the evening the robot begins to urgently remind you that it’s time for a treat. Smart hardware. Here is a short video with my experiments with the robot:

Is it worth buying? Definitely worth it. For a birthday or New Year such a robot would be a great gift. It is especially interesting for children 6-8 years old, but older children are also delighted with it, especially with the speed of multiplication, addition and subtraction. Tested on sons aged 7 and 12 - both found it interesting.

Just twenty years ago we could easily do without mobile communications, and stationary telephone sets Not everyone had them. And now we live in an age of new technologies, which are improved every day and offer us something new, practically straight out of the pages of science fiction novels. And the new generation can no longer imagine studying, working and leisure without smartphones, tablets, laptops and other gadgets. And for the advanced and fashionable, a home robot assistant was invented.

What it is?

A home robot assistant is a device whose purpose is to help a person in everyday life. Unlike the usual household appliances, he is endowed artificial intelligence, albeit not yet completely perfect, but work in this direction does not stop.

There are different units with specific functionality: glass cleaners, lawn mowers, pool cleaners. But most popular in Lately use robotic vacuum cleaners. Read about them below.


This is a unit with artificial intelligence, the purpose of which is to automatically clean rooms. Modern device often has the shape of a disk with a diameter of about 30 and a height of 10 cm. The front of the robot is equipped with a large contact sensor (bumper), which helps it avoid collisions with obstacles. This assistant runs on internal batteries and is recharged from a base (special module), which it finds and connects after cleaning. It charges from two to five hours depending on the type of battery used.

During the cleaning process, the home robot moves autonomously along the surface, collecting garbage along the way. By using special algorithms he decides how to overcome the obstacle he encounters. Thanks to its low height, this smart vacuum cleaner can easily fit under beds or other furniture. If he still gets stuck and cannot move, then sound signals will notify the owner about this.

Organization of the cleaning process

A home robot vacuum cleaner, depending on its functionality, is included in one of the following groups:

  • Cleaning only by suction power (the most economical and small models). Debris is drawn into the dust collector through a narrow slot. It is located on the bottom of the device. Due to the weak suction power in relation to ordinary vacuum cleaners such an assistant will only cope with collecting light debris, dust and wool from a smooth surface.
  • Powered by suction power and a turbo brush. At the bottom of such vacuum cleaners there is a rapidly rotating brush that sweeps debris into the dust collector. At the same time, air is drawn in through the slot for the turbo brush, due to which the dust cloud it creates is collected.
  • Similar previous models, but with a double turbo brush. At the bottom of such machines there are two densely spaced brushes that rotate in the opposite direction. One of them sweeps debris into the dust collector, and the second one lifts the pile of carpets. The block with brushes moves vertically under its own weight, providing more effective cleaning of carpets.
  • Wet polisher - equipped with a microfiber cloth that is constantly moistened from a vessel with water (through a capillary system). The use of such a module should be preceded by dry cleaning to avoid dirt stains. It is usually produced not as a stand-alone device, but in the form of a replacement unit for units that suck up dry waste.
  • A dry floor polisher, sometimes also called a robot mop due to the lack of a suction system. Use the same microfiber cloth to wipe the floor. Depending on the model, the vacuum cleaner can move debris both in front of itself and from the center of the room to the corners (with the exception of the part that settles on the cloth).
  • Washing robot - characterized by the function of moistening the surface from a container of water and further collecting the resulting dirt into a special tank. This category is represented on the market by only a few models due to the rather labor-intensive maintenance of such an “assistant”.

How to make a home robot?

Devices with good functionality usually aren't cheap. But what to do if you don’t have the required amount, and the desire to comply with fashionable technological trends is great? The answer is simple - do it yourself. No matter how surprising it may sound, a robot created with your own hands is possible if you have the necessary information.


To complete the technical part, you should arm yourself with a soldering iron, solder, rosin and elements that will be used in the circuits. From theory, it would be nice to know what needs to be combined with what to get desired result. What kind of robot can you get at home, you ask? Let's consider a couple of options.

Robot vacuum cleaner (home version)

Capable of gradually but thoroughly cleaning a room, this vibration robot is designed around a simple brush. The constituent elements will be a vibration motor, standard battery and a switch. Assembly is carried out as follows: connect the motor to the battery, and connect the switch to it.

We attach the resulting structure to the brush and turn it on - the home robot vibrates and thus cleans the surface.

Robot glass cleaner

Here the mechanism is more complicated. It is necessary to force the machine to move vertically. Microcontrollers will help manage the entire process. To make the device less bulky, you can connect it to the power supply and not use the battery. The cleaning mechanism will be a small motor that constantly moves the cleaning element in a circle or in opposite directions. It is convenient to attach the structure using small suction cups.


Life in the world of new technologies surprises us with its developments every day. And the types of robot assistants considered are not all that the market offers to the modern buyer. The latest developments present us with robots, practically family members, who can make video calls and control components “ smart home", entertain the child and so on.

But don’t underestimate your ability to create home helpers. After all, a robot created with your own hands is an exclusive model, a source of pride, and generally costs more than any money. Moreover, there are a lot of options in this area. You can turn the iron into a robot that can move along the board itself. Or make it in the form of a hand attached to the ironing board and moving it. It all depends on your imagination and desire.

"Lyambirsky District House of Children's Creativity"

Lyambirsky municipal district

Republic of Mordovia

Robot assistant

Municipal educational institution "Aksenovskaya secondary comprehensive school»

Lyambirsky municipal district of the Republic of Mordovia

Yusupov Adel Yunirovich

Additional education teacher

Mangutov Ildar Ryasimovich

Aksenovo 2016

Introduction……………………………………………………… 3

Main part …………………………………………………. 5


List of sources used………………………….12


Every year, huge forest areas are destroyed in our country as a result of forest fires. These disasters are accompanied by mass death of animals, large economic losses, the disappearance of vegetation that produces oxygen and protects the soil from erosion, and emissions into the atmosphere. large quantity fine particles of soot and carbon dioxide, oxygen absorption. Forest fires contribute to the spread of harmful insects and wood-destroying fungi and worsen soil conditions.
One of the factors leading to massive forest loss and disturbances environment, are forest fires. Due to forest fires, many animals die, others move from the burned areas to other places in search of food.

The forest fires raging in Russia this summer are not only consuming entire villages, causing harm to the country's population, but also damaging or destroying valuable trees in forests, adversely affecting the regeneration of environmental resources.
Absence technical capabilities, the low level of security organization complicates the fire problem.

Mastery of knowledge will allow specialists to correctly solve the problems of preventing and extinguishing forest fires, protecting against them unfavorable factors settlements adjacent to forests, people and equipment, prevent loss of life, reduce the amount of damage caused by forest fires, prevent and extinguish fires in forests.

The most difficult and time-consuming part is localizing a fire. As a rule, localization of a forest fire is carried out in two stages. At the first stage, the spread of the fire is stopped by directly influencing its burning edge. At the second stage, barrier strips and ditches are laid, and peripheral areas of the fire are processed in order to exclude the possibility of its resumption of spread.
In this regard, the study of tactical and technological methods of extinguishing forest, steppe and peat fires, as well as technical means necessary for this purpose. Such knowledge is necessary for:
- competent protection of forests from fires;
- the ability to organize the rescue of villages located in forests and peat bogs from the adverse factors of fire;
- knowledge of safety precautions when extinguishing forest, steppe and peat fires.

Since when a fire is localized, the air is very smoky, and there is a high probability that firefighters will be poisoned by carbon monoxide, although they work in masks, I decided to assemble a robot - an assistant, which, without the direct presence of people, laid barrier strips and ditches.

Objective of the project: create a robot assistant that serves to localize a fire without the direct presence of people, laying protective strips and ditches.

Project objectives:

    construct a model of a robot that performs the functions of a firefighter’s assistant to localize fires.

    create a program for the robot that would allow it to move in a certain direction, control the scraper and moldboard plow.

Basic creation methods – modeling, design and programming of our model using the constructorLEGOMINDSTORMSEV3 and additional sensors.

Main part

Having thought through all the structural elements, I began constructing the model.

To create a model of a robot assistant, I used:



The table shows the main blocks and their use in the project.



What is it used for?

EV3 module

Serves as a control center and

energy station for the robot

mid motor

The middle motor also has a built-in rotation sensor

(with 1 degree resolution), but it is smaller and lighter than the big one


Big motor


program the exact and

powerful robot actions

I started assembling the robot with the chassis, which I decided to assemble on tracks, because a robot on tracks has greater maneuverability than a robot on wheels.

I came up with this model of a robot assistant.


I presented to your attention a working model of a robot I created - an assistant, which serves to localize a fire without the direct presence of people, laying barrier strips and ditches.

When creating a model of a robot assistant using Lego constructors, I used different kinds gears, repeated previously known ones, and studied new laws of physics, repeated the design features of all-terrain vehicle robots. Successfully solved programming problems. The model I created allows you to work out various algorithms transfer of information, workcexchange of data in programming, practically testing theoretical information.

Summing up the results of my work, I hope that Russian robotics scientists will pay attention to the model I created and turn my idea into reality.

List of sources used

    Babich A.V., Baranov A.G., Kalabin I.V. and others. Industrial robotics: Edited by Shifrin Ya.A. – M.: Mechanical Engineering, 2012.

    Fu K., Gansales F., Lik K. Robotics: Translation from English. – M. Mir, 2010.

    Shahinpur M. Robotics course: Trans. from English – M.; World, 2010.

    F. Zhimarshi Assembly and programming of mobile robots at home - M., NT Press, 2008.

    D. Williams Programmable robots - M., NT Press, 2006

    http RoboClub. Practical robotics.

A child cannot live without attachments. You and your wife have allowed this room, this house, to take your place in their hearts. The children's room became a mother and father for them; it turned out to be much more important in their lives than their real parents.
Ray Bradbury

Very soon, our children will begin to ask for not pets, but robots made in the form of dogs, cats, birds, or even in the guise of ordinary robots. This moment is not far off, as well as the fact that we will begin to understand children less, and they will begin to be taught not by their families, but by robots programmed by someone else, and sometimes not by the good wizard that we imagine. So far there are almost no such devices, they are just taking their first steps, but every day there will be more and more of them. Unlike the usual market, when you can take a speaker, a phone case or something similar and bring it from China to other countries, with similar devices The problem of localization comes to the fore; it is impossible not to put fairy tales, stories, nursery rhymes, and something else that is typical for your country into the robot. And this is in addition to the fact that he still needs to be taught to speak your language tolerably and understand what the child is telling him.

One of the first signs was “Emelya”, this is an adaptation of the Chinese voice assistant, which is called a robot, but it is not one. It is possible that " smart speaker“doesn’t sound so good, and it’s not just a speaker, since the “robot” has one eye and can maintain video communication with the room in which it is installed. Let's decide what it is voice assistant, aimed at children, Just AI, which is part of the iFree group, says that the target audience– these are children from 5 to 11 years old. This is a long-term project with an eye to the long term, and not immediate benefits, since we will need the technologies invested in Emelya in a bunch of other devices with voice control. These could be kitchen appliances, security systems, or anything from technology that will receive voice interfaces. Comparing this system with Alexa from Amazon or Google Home is not entirely fair; it is simpler and made for a narrower segment of the market. Someone will consider “Emelya” a toy for children, and, perhaps, this will be the most accurate definition. A high-tech toy that, oddly enough, is available to children, but has no analogues for adults, at least in Russia (in the USA, of course, the analogue is Alexa and Google Home).

What does adaptation mean for Russian market? Just AI didn't just take Pudding from Roobo and bring it to Russia. In this device, the mentality was completely replaced, he ceased to be Chinese and suddenly became Russian. Voice engine from Nuance (yes, the same one, a little stuttering and not entirely human). Added popular content, there are Russian folk tales and books, as well as “Smeshariki”, “Masha and the Bear”, songs from cartoons. It seems that there is a lot of content, but very quickly you end up with the fact that the children have listened to everything or they are not entirely interested in the monotonous content and want something different. Here the built-in radio or the ability to save your audio files, be it music or something else, to a memory card can come to the rescue (this feature should appear with a firmware update; it is not in the first version).

To correct the robot's speech defects, they came up with a legend - he flew from another planet and is studying our world, getting to know your child. Not the worst legend, it explains the flaws well voice engine. I was afraid that children would begin to adopt the robot’s speech, but this did not happen, they understand that he speaks incorrectly, and even try to teach him how to pronounce certain words correctly. Perhaps this is why it is worth giving this robot to older children, otherwise there is a chance that they will begin to distort words or put accents incorrectly. On the other hand, all recorded content is professionally dictated; there are no complaints about the language. Let's figure out together how to work with Emelya.

Connecting the robot - Wi-Fi and Android/iOS app

Emelya comes with false eyes in the box, but they are not needed in everyday life, so we remove them.

The robot is small, fits in your hand, it has a face with an inscribed LED indicator, which can show different emotions or icons. Emelya can and should be placed on a flat surface, connected to the network alternating current(5V/2A charger included). It is best to place the robot permanently, in a place where the child can communicate with it. At the same time, the built-in battery supports operation for up to 6 hours, so you can carry the robot with you around the apartment; children sometimes do this. The problem is that the robot needs to be charged, as a rule, does not happen - especially if children are immersed in communication, they do it themselves.

You can choose the application for both iOS and Android, there is no difference in capabilities. When you first connect, you need to enter your data, bind the robot and, most importantly, connect to the Wi-Fi network; without a connection to the Just AI server, it simply will not work and will be limited to a small number of commands. All dialogues and communication with the robot proceed with using Wi-Fi- connections, this should be constantly remembered. For example, my children dragged the robot into Vacation home, where there was no normal network, and then they said that Emelya had become stupid before our eyes, he could not cope with the tasks that were up to him. /p>

The process of connecting the robot to Wi-Fi is funny - you enter the password in the application, and then hold the smartphone to the “ears” so that the phone sings the code and Emelya remembers it. You are not expected to wear Emelya all the time, so doing this procedure once is not difficult.

On the case you can see a microUSB connector and a card slot microSD memory, as well as the power button. The gray part is the base of the body; everything above can rotate, as well as the camera to view the outside world. The camera resolution is 1.3 megapixels, the picture quality is mediocre, everything here is very budget-friendly. To activate the robot, you need to knock on its head twice and give a command or ask a question or say “Emelya” and then say what you want.

Let's start playing with Emelya - children's joys

Surprisingly, Emelya has some kind of facial recognition. I have three children, and each one looked into Emelya’s eyes, and he recognized each one. Another one interesting opportunity: you can use the robot as security system, it detects movement in the frame and sends the photo to a tethered smartphone, meaning you can see what's happening.

But the most important thing is the ability to communicate with your child remotely. You can activate the camera and see exactly what your child is doing. And then turn to him in your normal voice or talk on behalf of Emelya (then in the “Dialogues” section you need to enter text or select one of the prepared phrases).

It turns out that you are masquerading as Emelya, and in the educational process this is not so bad.

The child’s communication with Emelya begins with the phrase “Emelya,” and then you can ask questions. The dialogues are uncomplicated, typical situations are handled normally. For example, it is convenient to set an alarm clock: “Emelya, wake me up at 8 am.” It is also convenient to ask to listen to a fairy tale or turn on the radio. In the video you can see how Emelya copes with commands.

I repeat that the selection of fairy tales is not very large; children get bored with them within a month. There is classical music, books - there is enough content here for a longer period. Interestingly, the dialogues contain taboo words or situations, such as suicide. Emelya knows how to process search queries, but does not always answer exactly what is asked of him. Just AI is constantly adding dialogues and expanding the robot's capabilities.

Emelya has several games in her memory, for example, children love to play cities, and here this game is implemented perfectly. There are also several games that kids will love: “Find the odd one out.”

The robot is frankly stupid and floats in some topics, this is something that was not included in it, and could not be included, since real world much more than the several hundred situations that are programmed. But this is the first, trial balloon, and they promise that the intelligence of the system will increase year by year, I am sure that more interesting use cases await us further.

My children got enough of playing with the robot very quickly. But before the age of ten, Emelya can become excellent assistant and a toy, children fall in love with him and forgive him all his sins, they communicate with him. I'm not sure if this is good or right, but nevertheless it happens. The cost of Emelya is 9,990 rubles, which cannot be said to be low. But in the absence of alternatives, the price does not look exorbitant; there is nothing like it on the market. Just AI is researching the market and brought only 2,000 of these toys to Russia. Nobody is trying to make this market mass from the very first steps, which is not bad. And I only have one question left - when will parents hand over their parent function and justify themselves by saying that they earn money and have no time at all. Today, children are still given tablets with cartoons and games so that they are silent and do not distract adults from their important matters. But then everything will be much more complicated. What do you think will happen to our world when such Emelyas become widespread? Will there be a generation raised by Emelya or his grandchildren?

IN modern world we are surrounded by machines and mechanisms everywhere various types, however, robots are still quite rare guests among them. And this is not surprising, because the main difference between these units and others is intelligence, which is still not fully understood by the creators themselves. Let it go modern robots We are still far from artificial humanoids from science fiction novels and films, but every year they become more and more advanced.

Routine work that does not require creative approach, is an ideal place for intelligent machines.

The fight against routine is, of course, a current direction of development, but much more important are areas of activity associated with an immediate danger to life, which is why space flights became one of the first areas of application of robots. It was here that remotely controlled robotic stations were first fully used, and the further man sent mechanical explorers, the more important the ability of autonomous decision-making by the machine became. After all, let’s say, even to the Moon the signal from the Earth comes with a significant delay, let alone Mars or other planets.

If we look deeper, the main purpose of robots is, of course, primarily to help humans, and therefore they are finding more and more applications in our daily lives.

Ten years ago it seemed fantastic that you could go to the nearest store consumer electronics and buy a robot cleaner there, and now robotic vacuum cleaners crawling around the apartment have already become familiar even to pets, who happily use them as attractions.

Moreover, today robotic waiters, robotic cooks in restaurants, robotic butlers, etc. are already in use - we will tell you about the most interesting models.

1. More than a toy

In 2008 French company Aldebaran Robotics released miniature robot Nao. This almost toy-like 57-centimeter device turned out to be so successful that it was sold all over the world and became the main platform for the annual RoboCup competition.

In addition to the ability to move freely and communicate with the owner using speech commands, Nao has an interface interactive programming. By using special program the robot can be taught to perform the necessary operations depending on given conditions, for example, to bring an object.

2. Fun space

Oddly enough, the use of robots in space is not limited to utilitarian functions. So, the Japanese space agency launched to the ISS robot Kirobo, created for the sole purpose of entertaining people with communication.

Tomotaka Takahashi, a designer from a division of the Toyota automaker, created Kirobo based on the anime character Astro Boy, familiar to every Japanese boy. This robotic companion kept Japanese astronaut Koichi Wakata busy during his flight that ended last spring.

Since then, the mechanical Astro Boy himself has been in orbit in splendid isolation. They plan to return the robonaut to Earth in 2015.

3. Robotic restaurant

A restaurant in the city of Kunshan in China boasts not only delicious food, but also very original staff: instead of the usual waiters robots deliver food to visitors. In addition, some dishes are also prepared by robot chefs.

Restaurant owner Song Yugang says he started developing robots at the request of his daughter, who asked him to make a robot helper around the house. According to him, the cost of each robot is about 40,000 yuan, which is not more than the annual salary of an ordinary employee. At the same time, robots great way attracting visitors to the restaurant.

4. Robot butlers

At the Aloft Hotel in Cupertino, the staff took on some of the responsibilities robots A.L.O., developed by Savioke. So, if you need an extra towel or a tube of toothpaste, a very nice electronic butler will deliver it to you. This robot interacts with computer system hotel using Wi-Fi and 4G, which allows him to remotely call elevators and find the right rooms.