The phone received a blank message with a dot. How to make an empty message on VKontakte

Nowadays, very often there are glitches on social networks, due to which users receive various “strange” messages. Without words. Ghosts. That's when the question arises of how to send an empty message. VK has such an opportunity. Let's talk to you about how this is done and why send dummy messages.

"Look at me"

So, before we get into our question today, let's look at why we need to send empty messages. After all, if something can be done, then there must be meaning in the action.

Indeed, such messages are the most successful way to remind friends about yourself without using annoying phrases like “how are you?” So, if you are wondering how to send an empty message to VK as a “beacon”, then you can be sure that you will definitely cope with the task. True, very often other users may consider such “antics” to be simply a system glitch and not pay any attention to you.

In fact, the ability to send empty letters is nothing more than a very common bug social network. True, it is not “covered” yet. Most likely, no one will fix this “opportunity”, because there is no harm from these messages. Unless empty “phrases” begin to irritate. Let's see how to send an empty message to VK.


In fact, if you try to send an empty message on the VKontakte social network on your own without any loopholes, you will not be able to do it. The computer simply “will not allow” the letter into dialogue with the interlocutor. Why is this happening?

The thing is that in order for you to send a particular message, the social network system has to process it and pass it through a special filter. It is this filtering that is responsible for the impossibility of sending an empty letter.

Try typing, for example, just a space and sending it to a friend. Did not work out? "VKontakte" issued a message about the impossibility of sending an empty letter? This means that now you should think more seriously about how sending a “ghost” on a social network occurs. Now we will talk to you about how to send empty messages to VKontakte.

Not a dummy

So, how can you apply a bug that will help you send messages without words/emoticons/punctuation marks? In fact, when you start “writing” the text, you will realize that in reality you are trying to send not nothing, but a certain combination of numbers and letters.

So, if you are thinking about how to send an empty message to VK, then be prepared for the fact that you will still have to write something before the sending occurs. What needs to be done?

First, remember that you will have to write one of several required “phrases”. Only after this will you be able to get an answer to the question of how to send an empty message to VK. Let's see what might actually be hidden in it.

So, if you are wondering how to send an empty VK message, then open a dialogue with the user with whom you want to chat (or joke). After this, insert one of the following combination phrases into the message field (remove all spaces):

  • & #4448;
  • & #13;
  • & #12288;
  • & #12;
  • & #8195.

You can send them all together if you see fit. True, it’s better not to do this. After you have entered the selected combination, simply click on send message. A few seconds - and you're done! Now you know how to send empty messages to VKontakte.

Is that really necessary?

True, sometimes the question arises about why send empty, useless messages that can annoyingly blink and make noise in the Internet browser. Is this really necessary?

Probably for modern man this kind of bug is real good way attract the attention of a friend who has forgotten about you. True, you can always write a normal message and send it. If you don't know what to write, ask how the person is doing. Just be specific about the question. For example, how are things at home or in your career. Then the question of how to send an empty message to VK will not arise.

Nowadays, bugs in social networks are common, as a result of which users can receive a “ghost” message in which there is not a single word. And after this, some wonder if it is possible to send an empty message yourself, and, if this is possible, then how? Users of the social network VKontakte are no exception. And it is on VK that anyone can send such messages.

Before you figure out how to send an empty message to VK, it’s worth deciding what purpose this bug can be used to achieve. And this is precisely the VKontakte bug, which, in principle, doesn't cause any harm, unless such messages will irritate with their emptiness. Most likely, it is for this reason that it has not been removed until now, and one can assume that this will not happen for a very long time.

Joke or reminder?

In general, there are not many possibilities for application. These are the options:

  • joke with a friend;
  • leave a blank comment;
  • remind yourself.

One option is to make fun of one of your friends (or any social network user) by simply sending him one or more empty messages. You can also try to joke in some group on VKontakte in this way, for example, leaving empty comments. But, most likely, the group moderator will quickly delete such a comment and send the “joker” to a ban.

Another, more sensible option is to send a blank letter to a friend, in case you don’t know what to write, but want to resume or start a conversation. But there is no guarantee that they will pay attention to it, instead of deleting it, mistaking it for another failure, or even deciding that you have been hacked. But if there is such an opportunity, then why not try?

The impossible is possible

So, How can you still send an empty message to VK? Some may assume that this is as simple as sending one or more space characters in the message. But those who try to achieve the desired result in this way will fail, no matter how hard they try. The social network simply will not send these “ghosts”. And all because all messages are processed special system, which processes each letter and filters out empty ones. Therefore, it is necessary to take a more serious approach to the question of how to do this.

Not a dummy

How can one still use this social network error, thanks to which it is possible to send empty letters on the VK social network? In fact, sent messages still contain text that is visible before the letter is sent, but becomes invisible after sending. Knowledgeable people you probably already understood that we are not talking about a simple set of characters, but about a certain combination, which is special code, which is detected by the system that scans the message as plain text, but in the message itself this combination is converted to a space character. But what is this combination?

The answer to this question is extremely simple. Each key, like each color, has its own character code. And that's exactly what we're talking about symbolic code spacebar keys. Thus, those who tried to make the message empty by sending space characters, although they were wrong, were close to the truth.


So, now that you understand what blank messages are and what you can use them for, you can move on to how to use the space bar code to get a blank message. To do this, select that user (it can be a friend or any other user of the VKontakte social network, on whom it was decided to joke), open a dialogue with this user and in the message window write any of the following combinations without spaces:

You can write one combination or all together. If you want to send more than one line, then simply write again With new line selected combination. You can also send all combinations together. There is no need to write anything else. Next, click on “Send message” and after a few seconds everything is ready - a ghost letter appears in the dialogue with a friend. The characters written in the message may be visible to the sender, but the recipient will definitely not see them, and even after sending they will disappear within a few seconds.

So, the secret of how to send an empty letter or comment on the VKontakte social network has been revealed. In conclusion, it is worth mentioning that such letters without words do not carry meaning and can only irritate with their blinking in the browser or on open page In contact with. So, before sending an empty message, it is worth considering whether it is necessary to do so. Although this is a good way to remind a friend of a social network user about yourself, it is still better for this purpose to ask the person something, for example, how he is doing, or, if you haven’t communicated for a long time, what new things happened to him during this time time.

Sending a clean message on social media is a challenge for many. Many people are probably asking the question of how to send an empty message to VK. But before you find out how to do this, you first need to understand why you need to acquire such a seemingly useless skill.

Why are empty messages needed?

  • Pampering is a unique way of entertainment among users aged 13 to 16 years.
  • A reminder is a way to remind your interlocutor of your existence, especially when he read the message and did not respond.
  • Emergency notification. IN Lately The crime rate has increased markedly. And many parents have come up with ideas for their young children who attend primary school, a kind of distress signal - an empty message on a social network.

Now the question of how to send an empty message to VK no longer looks so ridiculous. If you find him correct application, you can easily save a significant amount of time.

What are the suggested ways to send an empty message?

"VKontakte" sending messages is automatically regulated for the presence extra spaces or "enters". The so-called emptiness check. Therefore, if you simply put a space, the message will not be sent. How to send an empty message on VK? Users report that they can attach a file (audio or photo) to a message, send it, and then delete it. Theoretically, this method can work, but only in in this case the loss and effort cannot be justified.

How can I send an empty message to VK?

No matter how good the check for empty messages is, it can be bypassed. Essentially, the system does not send messages that contain only spaces or line breaks. But if you use a code rather than a simple keystroke, you can see real miracles. So, how to send an empty message on VK?

First way: . It is necessary to type with a period and a comma, and in this case this is not just a punctuation mark, but a message that the function is closed.

The second way is . It should also be typed together with a period and a comma. In fact, this is the same method. The first method is simplified and is very often used when working on a PC. If the question arises about how to send an empty VK message from your phone, then you should use the second one, full method. Very often, outdated phone models cannot recognize the simplified version of the code, and therefore you have to use its full-format form.

It’s easy to send a clean message, but it’s up to the user whether this “letter” becomes an ordinary indulgence or turns into an indispensable way of communication. Someone may wonder why send blank messages if you can write everything briefly, and someone is already calculating how much time they can save when coordinating their actions with friends and acquaintances.

The social network VKontakte has many hidden functions And useful tricks for the user, however, not everyone knows about them. So, you can send a space, that is, emptiness, in messages. You can put this emptiness in the names of videos, audios and even groups. This will give you a completely untitled entry, which is fun and may be useful. The space has two codes in total, you will recognize both of them.

How to send an empty message on VKontakte: the first method

Go to messages and send the code “ & # 13 ; ” without quotes or any spaces. This is one of the space codes; the thing is that the developers removed the ability to send the space character itself, but not its code. Now any user can use this trick and make empty titles for audio recordings, videos and other things. You can even post a space in comments and on the wall, which will confuse other users.

Just press Enter to see the result.

How to send an empty message on VKontakte: the second method

There is another code for the site - “& # 8206;”, which should also be sent without quotes and spaces.

If the code is not sent, then you need to refresh the page by pressing F5 or clicking on a special icon in the browser. You will see a blank message immediately after the update.

Alternative methods

In addition to the two main methods, there are a number of codes that can successfully work on VKontakte. If you write them all in a row, you will get more empty window. This way you can vary the size of your blank message.

The capabilities of VKontakte, in particular the message block, do not provide for sending letters that contain nothing, but this can still be done. It's about about a software bug that the social network administration is in no hurry to combat. If only because there is nothing problematic here. So how to send an empty message on VK?

Why is this necessary?

When it comes to writing an empty message, you immediately think that this is more of a humorous activity than a serious one. With the help of such a letter you can make fun of your friend or surprise a loved one.

An empty comment left in a group is a good way to draw attention to your account. For example, for promotion purposes. It's much easier than studying special services, for example, and . True, such a comment may get banned. And together with its author.

Sending a blank message is an easy way to remind someone you exist. For example, when you don’t know what exactly to write to a person. It is enough to send him such a letter and it is guaranteed to interest him, thanks to which he will write first.

Step-by-step instruction

A common mistake is that people think that they can send such a message by entering several or even one space. In reality, it will not be possible to create an empty letter in this way - the system simply will not allow you to send it.

Each key has specific code, which the program reads and inserts in its place the corresponding letter that is visible to the user. If you put together the right combination of symbols, you can send an invisible message.

The most common code option is . Let's look at the solution to the problem using his example. For this:

  • go to the “Messages” tab;
  • select the person to whom you want to send the letter;
  • enter this combination of characters into the field;
  • send it, see the result.

We will see the text as it is. But the recipient will see something completely different, or rather, nothing at all. The ghost message looks like this:

There are many such codes. We recommend using only this one, especially since there is no difference between them. If you are on your phone, you need to do the same thing and paste specified characters. You send, and your interlocutor will not see anything again.

Possible problems and solutions

This process is simple, but some difficulties may still arise when performing it. For example:

You can send a ghost letter on VKontakte using just one code set of characters.