How to take a screenshot on a Windows Mac. How to take a screenshot on MAC? — Complete guide. Methods for Taking Screenshots on MacBook

It’s easy to make a print screen: the combination Shift+Command+3. This will be a regular screenshot - the picture will display the entire screen. But Apple's standard tools don't stop there.

You can only capture a selected part of the monitor.

  1. We use another combination - Shift+Command+4.
  2. The cursor changes. We select the area where we want to make a print screen.
  3. Release the mouse button and the picture is automatically saved.

In order to take a screenshot of only the desired window, there is also a tool. It is called by the same keys, but after everything you need to press “Space”: the icon will change to a small camera. Click on the window that you want to remove. In a similar way, you can capture any menu: just point the cursor in the form of a camera and press the right button of the mouse or trackpad. Not all programs will allow themselves to be screened. In this case, you should use a simple selection.

Screenshot of the Touch Bar

The new MacBooks are equipped with a small touch display above the keyboard - the Touch Bar. You can take a screenshot of its contents using the combination Shift+Command+6. You can add an icon to the Touch Bar panel itself so you can screenshot it using it. All this is done through the settings.

Special widget

The built-in tools for printscreen provide the user with quite comprehensive functions. However, you can install a widget, with which it will be even easier to print screen. It's called Screenshot Plus. It allows:

  • edit and preview the photo before saving;
  • make a print screen of the widget, as well as a screen with a delay.

Many users, when working with a computer, may encounter a certain error, ignorance of the next step in a certain program, etc. If you know how to take a screenshot on MacBook, you can send a snapshot to a specialist who will help resolve a particular problem, deal with an error that has arisen, and in the same way send a similar snapshot with a solved problem. And although this issue is discussed in detail in Windows OS of any version, users with equipment from Apple may have difficulties, because it runs on the MacOS operating system, and for this platform it is difficult to find similar material on the Internet.

The operation in question can be performed either by pressing a certain key combination, or by using the built-in tools of the operating system or third-party software. Let's take a closer look at all of the existing methods.

Take a screenshot on MacBook using a combination of buttons

In order to save a snapshot of the entire screen as a picture, you need to press the Command+Shift+3 keys simultaneously, after which the MacBook will make a sound that is characteristic of the camera shutter being released. The created file will be placed on the desktop, the name of which will say “Screenshot”, as well as the date and time of its creation.

If you need to save the image with only part of the desktop (for example, to not show which programs are still running at the moment), hold down the Command+Shift+4 buttons. After this, the mouse cursor will turn into a crosshair. By holding down the LMB, the user can only select the desired fragment of the screen, and then release the button; the screenshot will be taken and saved on the desktop with the same name as in the first case.

In order to more accurately select the required area of ​​the desktop, while selecting, also hold down the Option button, as a result of which the centering point will be used. If the selection was unsuccessful (extra fragments were placed in it or, on the contrary, something was missing), press ESC to cancel.

If you need to create a screenshot of a specific open program window, you need to click Command+Shift+4, then press Spacebar. After this, the mouse cursor will turn into a mini camera, which must be moved to the desired window and left-click on it. The created image will also appear on the desktop with the same name.

It should be noted that by choosing one of the three methods described above, files will be created with a .png extension. To change it you will need one of the text editors.

Saving a screenshot to the clipboard

Sometimes the user needs to place a snapshot on the clipboard rather than immediately create a file. Most often, this method is used when it is necessary to be able to place the created image into a new document, which will be created using one of the many text editors, where it will be possible to edit it, save it with the required name, extension, etc.

This method is completely identical to the one described above. The only difference is that the keyboard shortcut also includes a Control button. For example, to place a full screenshot to the clipboard, you need to hold down Control+ Command+Shift+3, after which the operation will be completed.

Using Terminal to Take a Screenshot on MacBook

In fact, this tool is analogous to the command line in Windows and to call it you need to follow the path: “Applications” - “Utilities” - “Terminal”. In order to take a picture, enter the following commands one by one in the window that appears, after which you need to press the Enter button:

$ defaults write type jpg

$ killall SystemUIServer

As a result, we will create a file with a desktop image, but not in png format, as is provided by default when applying the first algorithm, but in jpg. If this format does not suit you, you can install any other one, for example, bmp, tiff, pdf, etc.

Many will immediately say why such difficulties, because the methods described above are much simpler than calling a terminal and typing service commands. In fact, this is true, but here it is possible to use various effects, which certainly cannot be done in the previous methods, and none of the text editors are needed. For example, to remove shadows along the entire contour, you need to enter the command (the extension in this case will be png by default, but the script can be supplemented with a fragment from the previous command type jpg):

$ defaults write disable-shadow -bool true

$ killall SystemUIServer

If the result is disappointing, the shadows can be returned by entering another script:

$ defaults delete disable-shadow

$ killall SystemUIServer

Thus, absolutely all manipulations with can be performed using ordinary commands and without the use of any text editor.

Using Grab Utility to Take a Screenshot

In addition to hotkeys and Terminal, MacOS has a standard tool for saving a screenshot to a file. To open it, follow the path “Programs” - “Utilities”, and then select Grab Utility.

In order to select the most suitable option, in the menu bar, click on the “Snapshot” item, where several positions with possible variations of the screenshot will be placed. Select one of them, take a photo and check the result and image quality. If you don’t like something, you can repeat the procedure by setting other parameters.

Thus, thanks to simple steps, the user can easily take a screenshot of the screen, save it and, if necessary, send it to anyone. Of course, the first method is quite sufficient to perform this operation, however, if the user needs a specific picture, this will not be possible without the other described methods.

Users who have had a MacBook for several months now probably know how to take a photo of the screen, using various methods. But if you are not one of them, then this article is just for you. You can take a screenshot using different methods, but the simplest is hotkey combinations.


To confirm the words, let’s take a closer look at the question of how to create a screenshot using this method. Hotkeys help you take a screen (print screen):

  • Command + Shift + 3 – create a full screen photo on a MacBook (the screenshot is saved to the “Desktop”);
  • Command + Shift + 4 – with this combination you can take a photo of the screen in a certain area previously selected by you;
  • Command + Shift + 4, followed by Space – makes it possible to take a photo of a specific window (the screen is still saved on the “Desktop”).
    If you do these combinations while holding “Ctrl”, then the print screenshot will appear on the clipboard.

Screenshots of the display on a MacBook can be made even easier. Consider the case for Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard). By holding down the “Option” button, the area from which you will take a screenshot will be able to increase/decrease in accordance with the center point. Shift will help you change a certain size of the area of ​​the screen that you are going to photograph. But the spacebar helps to fix the manually specified screen size. This method of taking a screenshot on a MacBook is the simplest and only requires memorizing combinations.

Screenshot Plus

Taking a screenshot is very easy, given the ability to instantly capture the screen. However, remembering all the keyboard shortcuts is difficult and not always necessary. The screen can also be photographed using various widgets. For example, “Screenshot Plus”. What is the advantage of this application?

Users have the opportunity to take a full-length screenshot with one finger movement. It is also possible to take a screenshot with a delay, which, of course, is not necessary for everyone, but is a convenient addition. You can capture not only the entire screen, but also individual program windows. These images are automatically cropped from the background, and the rounded top corners of the programs also remain so.

You can also create a snapshot of the selected part of the display, as can be done using hot keys. The program allows you to take pictures of widgets and other things that please the user. It is universal and will make your work easier.

Bottom line

The ability to remove the screen or part of it is simply necessary, because screenshots are needed in various parts of the Internet. You may need to take a screenshot on a MacBook to restore a page on the social network VKontakte, etc. And the ability to do this is useful for any user.

Improving the skills and abilities to use a gadget is an important part of the development of a modern person. After all, the modern world is filled with new technologies. You need to know such banal skills simply for intellectual development. By the way, this will not take much energy or peace from you.

It is worth recalling that such an application is not unique, and there are many similar ones. On the Internet you can find widgets that are responsible for certain processes and are aimed at the functions you need. Take the time to browse around and find the perfect app for you, or better yet, try several.

Many people get confused and don’t know how to take a screenshot on a MacBook because there is no classic Print Screen button. Although in reality everything is very simple.

There are several ways to do this, no matter what you are using: Mac Pro, MacBook or iMac. The main thing is that the device has an original Apple keyboard.

How to take a screenshot of the entire screen on a MacBook?

Before taking a screenshot on a MacBook , you need to find the “Command” key, since all manipulations will go through it. Now hold down the command key, and with it Shift and the number 3.

A characteristic sound signal will sound, after which the screen will be saved on the desktop.

Only one active desktop is recorded.

How to take a screenshot of part of the screen on a MacBook?

You can take a picture of not the entire screen, but only part of it. See how to take a screenshot of a separate part of the screen on a MacBook. To do this, you need to hold down the “Command” key, simultaneously with Shift and the number 4. At this moment, instead of the cursor, a cross and coordinates will appear.

Now, using the touchpad or mouse, you need to mark the area that needs to be photographed.

As soon as the mouse button is released, the image will be saved on the desktop.

Screenshot of a specific window

You can take a snapshot of a specific window without necessarily selecting it. To find out how to make a print screen on a MacBook of a specific window, you need to hold down the same key combination as in the previous method, but then press “Space”.

An image of the camera will appear, after which you just need to select the required window and press the left mouse button.

Among other things, you can send a picture not just to the desktop, but to the “Clipboard”; to do this, you need to add the “Control” key to all of the above combinations. This is suitable for both a screenshot of the entire screen and a specific part.

In addition to the methods of how to take a screenshot on a MacBook using the built-in function, this can be done using the Grab Utility program.

In order to take a screenshot, you need to select the “Snapshot” menu, and then click on the required item based on what kind of snapshot you need. After the screen is taken, you will receive a notification, after which you can open it, view it and save it to the desired location.

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The lack of a “PrintScreen” button on “Macs,” as MacBook users call them, often confuses beginners who are just starting to master these creations from Apple. Taking a screenshot on a MacBook is actually quite easy, and there are two ways to do it.

The first way to take a screenshot from the screen of such a laptop is using hotkeys. So, if you need to take a screenshot of the entire screen and upload it to a file on your desktop, then the following key combination will be useful to you: “Command” + “Shift” + “3”. If you do not need the entire screen, but only a selected area, then you will need another combination: “Command” + “Shift” + “4”. The same combination, adding a space at the end, will move the selected program window to a file. To save the resulting screenshot to the clipboard, add the “Ctrl” key to the combinations. Information about which combinations perform this function on your MacBook can be found in Settings. To do this, you need to find the “SystemPreferences” section, in it – “Keyboard & Mouse”, and then – “KeyboardShortcuts”.

The second way to take a screenshot on a Mac is using special programs. The most convenient option is a special utility from Apple “Grab”, which can be found in the “Applications/Utilities” folder. Launch the widget, select “Snapshot” in its menu, and in it select the action you need. This mini-program can also “capture” both the entire screen (including with a delay) and part of it. Moreover, after “shooting”, he will definitely ask you using a window what to do with this picture: delete, try again or save, and if saved, where.

As you can see, taking a screenshot of a MacBook laptop is quite easy - you just need to choose the most convenient method for yourself.