Is it possible to send a screenshot by phone? How to take a screenshot using Photoshop. Working with images in Lightshot

Good morning! In this short article I want to give several ways on how you can send a screenshot to other users using image hosting. And, of course, I will highlight the most interesting hosting sites for exchanging pictures.

Personally, I use both options described in the article, but more often the second option. Usually necessary screenshots lie on the disk for weeks, and I send them only when someone asks, or I post a small note somewhere, for example, like this article.

1. How to quickly take a screenshot + send it to the Internet

I recommend that you definitely try a program for creating screenshots ( Screen Capture, you will find a link to the program just above in the article, in the note) and simultaneously sending them to the Internet. You don’t even have to do anything: just click the button to create a screenshot (set in the program settings), and then you will receive a link to the downloaded image on the Internet!

Where to save the file: on the Internet?

In addition, the program is completely in Russian, is free, and works in all the most popular Windows operating systems.

2. “Manual” method of creating and sending a screenshot

1) Take a screenshot

We will assume that necessary pictures and you have already taken screenshots. The easiest way to make them is to click on the “Preent Screen” button and then open the “Paint” program and insert your picture there.

It is also desirable that the screenshot is not very large and weighs as little as possible. Therefore, convert (or better yet, immediately save) it into JPG format or GIF. BMP - can weigh a lot if you send a lot of screenshots, the one who has slow Internet- will wait a long time to view them.

2) Upload images to some hosting

Let's take for example such a popular image hosting as Radikal. By the way, I would especially like to note that the pictures here are stored indefinitely! Therefore, your screenshot uploaded and sent to the Internet will be able to be viewed in a year or two... as long as this hosting continues to exist.


To upload the picture(s), do the following:

1) Go to the hosting website and first of all click the “review“ button.

2) Next, you need to select the image file you want to upload. By the way, you can upload dozens of images at once. By the way, note that Radical allows you to choose various settings and filters (for example, you can make the picture smaller). When you have configured everything you want to do with your images, click the “ load ".

3) All you have to do is select a suitable link (in this regard, by the way, “Radical” is more than convenient: there is a direct link, a preview, a picture in the text, etc., see the example below) and send it to your friends in: ICQ , Skype and other chats.

Note. By the way, for different sites (blogs, forums, message boards) you should choose different variants links. Fortunately, there are more than enough of them on Radical (on other services, there are usually no fewer options either).

3. Which image hosting services should I use?

In principle, any. The only thing is that some hosting sites delete images very quickly. Therefore, it would be more appropriate to use the following...

1. Radical

Excellent service for storing and transmitting pictures. You can quickly publish any pictures for your forum or blog. Notable advantages: no need to register, files are stored indefinitely, maximum size screenshot up to 10MB (more than enough), the service is free!

2. Imageshack

A good service for sending screenshots. Perhaps the fact that if the picture has not been accessed for a year may be alarming, it will be deleted. Overall, not a bad service.

3. Imgur

Hello, dear blog readers website! Many users of a computer, laptop or tablet at some point are faced with the fact that they need a screenshot or, as it is more often called, a “screenshot”. For example, I started taking screenshots when I started paying public utilities through Sberbank Online, I was interested in checks. Now, I take 10-20 screenshots a day, usually this is some kind of comment on social media. network, element graphic instructions for a blog, video fragments, etc. It also happens that sites are not displayed correctly in all browsers; to indicate a layout error, use a screenshot and send it to the layout designer to fix it, naturally indicating the name of the browser and its version.

There are many services that allow you to take screenshots and send a link to them. I’ll give you a couple of examples, but I’ll tell you in more detail about one that I use myself.

Screenshot (screenshot) using Yandex Disk.

If you are already using Clip2Net to take screenshots and are already used to it, then you don’t have to use Yandex Disk. Clip2Net not bad service either.

Installing Yandex Disk.

Now in order:

How to take a screenshot.

At installed by Yandex You can take a screenshot of a disk in several ways.

First way. In the lower right corner, right-click on the Yandex Disk icon, a dialog box will open;
It will take a screenshot of the entire screen or ask you to select the field you want to capture. Let's say you've selected an area, after which the screenshot editor will open;

Second way a little simpler. We are looking for the “” button on the keyboard Print Screen " or " PrtScn" and select the area, then the editor opens. On a laptop, you may need to click " Fn+ PrtScn«.

All files stored on Yandex Disk can be found by opening “My Computer”;

With screenshots of computers and laptops, everything should be clear.

Let's move on to screenshots on smartphones and tablets (information verified and used from the page).

Screenshot in MacOS.

To take a screenshot in Mac OS, press the keyboard shortcut ⌘ Cmd + Shift + 3 . A file with a snapshot of the entire screen will appear on your desktop.

If you want to take a screenshot of a specific part of the screen, press the keyboard shortcut ⌘ Cmd + Shift + 4 and select the desired area of ​​the screen with the cursor.

To take a screenshot only active window, press the keyboard shortcut ⌘ Cmd + Shift + 4 and then click Space.

Screenshot in iOS.

Platform iOS allows you to take a screenshot standard means starting from version 2.x. To take a screenshot, press and hold the button for a couple of seconds Sleep/Wake Mode And Home. The resulting images are saved in standard application Photo.

Screenshot for Android.

Take a screenshot on mobile device governed by Android Can different ways- depending on the device manufacturer and platform version. The resulting images are saved in the standard application Gallery.

  • Android 4.x Decrease volume And Nutrition;
  • Android 3.2 and higher - Press and hold the button for a while Recent Programs;
  • Android 1.x and 2.x— Platform Android versions 2.x and below does not support taking screenshots using standard means. Nessesary to use third party applications installed from Google Play;
  • Samsung— Press and hold the button for a couple of seconds Home And Nutrition or Back And Home(depending on the device);
  • HTC— Press and hold the button for a couple of seconds Home And Nutrition.

Screenshot for Windows Phone.

  • Windows Phone 8.1 Nutrition And Increase volume(on the right side panel of the phone);
  • Windows Phone 8— To take a screenshot, press the buttons simultaneously Nutrition(on the right side of the phone) and the button Win(bottom of screen).

Screenshot for Symbian.

Platform Symbian does not support taking screenshots using standard means. Third party applications must be used. For example, Best Screen Snap.

Screenshot for Bada.

To take a screenshot, press and hold the button for a couple of seconds Menu And Lock. The photo will be saved in the built-in memory in the folder My files Images .

All the best to you and see you see you soon on the blog pages website!

Greetings friends!

Many people are confused by the question of how to send a screenshot via the Internet - this is very important, since screenshots may be needed anywhere and anytime. For example, you need to show a friend some cool photo, or insert a picture into a message on the forum.

There are also times when you urgently need to send scanned documents, etc. by email. We'll look at sending screenshots for all occasions; you won't have any more questions about this.

If you suddenly don’t know how to take screenshots, then this article will help you: Is this the first time you hear these words? Let's read and get enlightened!

And yet, it often slows down the computer, to fix this you need to configure it, update the flash player, how to protect yourself from this error is written in the article.

How to upload a screenshot to the Internet and show it to others?

Now we’ll find out how to store and share screenshots in this service, go to the project website, and select the desired pictures with the “Select files” button (up to 20 pieces), then click the upload button.

After this, we get direct links to the picture, copy it (keys Ctrl+A - selection, Ctrl+C - copy and Ctrl+V - paste) and paste it anywhere, for example, on social networks, or you can try pasting the picture in your comment.

I’ll say right away that for VKontakte, or Email, there are built-in functions for this purpose, And they are much more convenient to use. How to do it? Now we will find out too.

How to quickly send a photo in a VKontakte message?

In the message form there is a special icon (photo camera) for sending screenshots and photos, and if you click the “Attach” button, you can add more different files: video recording, audio recording, document, etc.

How to send a screenshot via the Yandex.Mail service?

When replying to a message, click on the paperclip icon, select the desired photo, after loading it will appear to the right of the message form.

It’s about the same here, click on the icon that looks like a paperclip, a list of icons will open, select “Add photo”, and that’s it, the picture is ready to be sent.

This is where I end the article, good luck with your screenshots and photos!

The vast majority of screenshots are sent over the Internet. Therefore, methods for such a popular action must already be invented. And they are!

How to take a screenshot and send it?

  • taking a screenshot of a full window
  • take a screenshot of the selected area
  • create a screenshot of the active window
  • built-in editor to immediately add some inscription, for example
  • create animation or video

    Well, there are other possibilities that you can read about on the official websites. Speaking of websites and programs. Here they are:

    There are also sites where you can do everything at once by going to them. necessary actions. Principle: press the button " Print Screen", go to the site, insert the screenshot directly there, edit it as necessary and give the link to others. Cool? Yeah...
    Here is such a bourgeois site and its Russian-language analogue -

    Whether or not to use programs for taking screenshots and then posting them on the Internet is up to you. On the one hand it is a little faster, but on the other in the usual way somehow safer, although... it depends on you.

  • Instructions

    Place the screenshot on the clipboard operating system- click Print key Screen.

    If you need to insert a screenshot in Text Document, and you have the option to use the application Microsoft Office Word, the procedure will be very simple. By launching the program and loading required document, position the input cursor at the location where the screenshot will be placed. Then use the insert operation: select this item in context menu or press the key combination Ctrl + V. After inserting, the screenshot can be adjusted to the size of the document using the tools of the additional tab “Working with Pictures: Format”.

    If you need to insert a screenshot into messages on web forums, blogs, social networking sites or any other Internet resources, you will have to save it to a file. Word won't help with this because the document format it saves won't appear as an image on the web page. Use, for example, standard graphics editor from Windows OS - MS Paint. Find a link to launch it in the main OS menu and open the application. This will automatically create blank document. Press the Ctrl + V keys and the screenshot contained in memory will be inserted into the document.

    Using the “hot key” Ctrl + S, open the file saving dialog and select jpeg, gif or png in the “File type” field. In the “File name” field, be sure to replace the name “Untitled” with some other name made up of Latin letters. This must be done, since many web scripts cannot work with Cyrillic names files.

    Attach a screenshot file to your message. Procedure for different web resources may be the same or different depending on what scripts are used on these sites. For example, in social network On VKontakte, to insert a screenshot, click on the “Attach” link under the right edge of the message entry field. In the drop-down list, select “Photo”, and in the separate window that opens, click the “Browse” button. A standard file search dialog on your computer will open. Find the screenshot you created, select it, and click Open. After this, a small preview image will appear under the message you are typing, and you can send it.

    Screenshot(from the English screen - screen, shot - snapshot) - an image obtained by a computer as a result of pressing certain keys, displaying what the user sees on the monitor in this moment time.


    There are many programs for taking and saving a screenshot, but the easiest and fastest way to do this is with built-in ones using Windows. To do this, you just need to press the Print Screen key; on the keyboard its name is PrtSc SycRq. Usually it is in the very top row, next to the F12 key.

    After pressing the PrtSc SycRq key, the screenshot is saved to the clipboard. To save a picture from it you need to open some kind of graphic editor. It is more convenient to use the built-in Windows program– MS Paint. Click "Start" - "All Programs" - "Accessories" - MS Paint. Program address on drive C: WINDOWSsystem32mspaint.exe.

    Select the menu “File” - “Save As”. The Save As dialog box opens. By default Paint suggests saving the file to the “My Pictures” folder in “My Documents”. You can choose any convenient folder to save. Decide on the format in which to save the image.