Where are Steam screenshots saved? Where are screenshots stored on Steam? What are screenshots for?

Many Steam users use their games and programs directly from the client. It's very convenient and fast. I think most users will agree with this. But it is also worth noting special situations where you need to find some program files and here a logical question arises: where are the screenshots and games in the steam folder?

But it’s worth saying right away that finding these files is very easy. In this instruction we will tell you how to do this.

Where are the screenshots and games in the Steam folder?

We'll start with screenshots. In order to find out where the screenshots and games are located in the Steam folder, you need to open “Explorer” and go to the following directory:

  • C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\userdata\*AccountID*\760\remote

AccountID - This is your Steam ID. The folder will store all saved screenshots using the F12 key when starting the game.

If you have saved several screenshots using the F12 function and uploaded several to the Steam cloud, but cannot find them to download, then now we will tell you what and how to do to find the screenshots in the Steam folder.

Now let's move on to where are the games located in the steam folder.

  • D:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common

In this folder, you can find the main files that are used when launching the game on your device. Also, it is worth noting that it will be important to indicate the correct path, namely the drive on which you installed the program. So that Explorer can correctly and quickly open this folder in a new window.


As you may have already noticed, the files are very easy to find. The main thing is to correctly follow the instructions on our website. And you will be able to find both screenshots and files of the games you installed on your system.

Perhaps you still have some questions about where the screenshots and games are located in the Steam folder? If anything, be sure to write to us about it in the comment form on our website.

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Hi all. We all use Steam and many want to make their profile more colorful, and an integral part of a beautiful profile is screenshots. In this article, you will learn a lot more about screenshots than you already knew. In short, we will look at several tricks with which you can design your profile, which will certainly please not only you, but will also appeal to those who visit your profile for the first time.

How to take a screenshot of something that isn't there

I’ll show you everything using the example of the game Counter-Strike: Global Offensive. You can use this method for any purpose, the main thing here is your imagination.

Let's imagine a situation: You boasted to your friend or acquaintance that you once had a knife, but you sold it. Your interlocutor will probably ask for proof. I don't think anyone wants to look like a liar. If you're going to lie, then lie to the end. A screenshot of the knife on Steam, it seems to me, is decent proof. Now I will tell you how to do all this.

1) Find a screenshot of any other person’s knife on the Internet (or better yet, several screenshots of the same one).
2) Go into the game and take any screenshot.
3) Exit the game and see this window:

4) Click "Show on disk". Don't close the window.
5) A folder with screenshots opens. We find our unnecessary screenshot, which we took based on the second point and copy its name.

6) Rename our downloaded screen with a knife.
7) Copy our left screenshot to this replacement folder.

8) In the window, this screen looks the same as before. We simply select it and click "Download".

Here's what we got:

We put it on the display case as proof that we once had a knife.



P.S. Like I said, you can use it however you want. You can also upload absolutely any pictures that are not related to games using this method.

How to upload your screenshots to Steam

This trick will help us grab what we supposedly have. In fact, this is a lie. In this example, we will look at GTA V. Why can’t we do everything as in method No. 1?
This is because if we upload screenshots from GTA 5 through CS:GO, then when people open screenshots, it will be clear that they are from KS. So here everything is a little different:

1) We are looking for screenshots from the game we want, which we want to show off. For us it will be GTA V.
2) Now we need some absolutely any third-party game. Any pirate toy can work here. I picked up the game Stranded 2.
3) Rename the .exe of our game to Grand Theft Auto 5 (in my case).

4) Add it to the Steam library.

We are looking for our Grand Theft Auto.exe

5) Then we go into this game via Steam, take screenshots and then everything is as in method No. 1.

We have to figure out where the screenshots are in Steam. This question interests many users. Especially if you plan to post pictures on third-party sites. And in general, it’s interesting to see what you came up with during the game. Let's try to understand Steam, and also try to find them on our computer.

In a programme

The first option is to view saved pictures directly in the application. As a rule, this moment does not cause any particular difficulties for users. Don't know where the screenshots are in Steam? Then it’s time to look into the community center of this or that toy. This is where you can see other people's screenshots.

Just go to the community, and then select the “Screenshots” option there. That's all. A few minutes of waiting - you can admire other people’s pictures and post your own there. To make it easier to search for specific images, you can use special filters. They help you configure image display options. Just what you need if you are looking for something specific.

On the computer

But often the question of where the screenshots are located in Steam implies your own pictures. Finding them is much more difficult than those made and posted by other users. Why?

The whole problem is that all screenshots will be “added” in Steam to the game library. You can find it if you remember the installation path of the toy. Go through it and then select Screenshots from the folder. This is where all the pictures of a certain game that could be taken from your account will be.

True, there is another option for the development of events. It helps you figure out where the screenshots are in Steam. We are talking about using the application of the same name to view and search them.

Always have everything with you

Let's return to the Steam program. Here each user has the opportunity to view all the screenshots he has made. In addition, you have the right to post pictures in game communities. Straight from the program.

Where are the screenshots in Steam? Log in to the application, then select “View” on the control panel. You will have a long list with many lines. To see your screenshots, click on "Screenshots". Next, in the window that appears, open the “Show...” option, select the desired game there, and then view what will be offered. Important - you will not see in the list those toys in which screenshots were not taken. Don't be alarmed, this is how it should be.

New users of this program do not yet know where the Steam screenshots are located, but they are very easy to find. While in any game that was launched via Steam, you can take screenshots to later add them to communities and share with friends. To do this, press the F12 key, and the screen will be immediately saved to your personal computer.

Where are screenshots saved on Steam?

Absolutely all the pictures you take in video games are stored in a special folder, where they are sorted into separate folders in accordance with each game, but searching for them there is quite problematic, since the folders do not have names. It's better to use the simplest option:

  • First you need to purchase the desired toy.
  • Then open the game library, and then right-click on the product you need.
  • In the list that appears, select “View screenshots”.
  • Then a folder with screenshots will open, where both full-fledged large pictures and their mini copies are stored.

Steam is a convenient program used by millions of users around the world to purchase and manage their games. But often many people have questions about where the Steam folder is, how to find the games folder on Steam, and where is the folder with screenshots.

Where in the folderSteamgames and screenshots?

Knowing where game files and screenshots are located on Steam is very important, because many people sooner or later need to add third-party files to games, for example, various modifications, or there is a need to copy screenshots taken through Steam inside the game.

Where to find games inSteam

The games folder is located inside Steam, and if you don’t know exactly which section to look for, you can fiddle around for quite a long time. So, to get to the games, follow the instructions below:

Where to find screenshots inSteam

With screenshots on Steam, everything is not as simple as with the game folder. There is no separate folder where all the screenshots taken in games are stored, and the folders themselves have digital names. There are two ways to get to the Steam screenshots section.

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