Beautiful banners for the channel. Add a header to your personal channel. Creating a header for a YouTube channel in FS

Every user who has his own channel on Youtube strives to gain subscribers. You can complete the task with the help of a well-made banner. The channel header is the first object that catches the eye of future subscribers. That's why it's so important to make her beautiful. Today's article talks about how to make a banner for YouTube.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that a channel with a header looks better than without it. When searching for interesting videos, you can see many pages with gray background instead of an image. In most cases, users simply close the window and continue scrolling through the list of search results. The fact is that such channels cannot attract the attention of viewers and intrigue them. People are looking for something interesting and colorful.

The main purpose of creating a channel on Youtube is the desire to communicate something to subscribers. But what to do if they are not interested in receiving this information? To increase the number of views, you need to upload a bright banner, an impressive trailer and unique videos to your channel. The listed components are the main shell, as well as the main elements of channel advertising. Usually they influence the number of subscribers.

Creating a header for the top of the page

How to make a banner for YouTube? First you need to decide on a color. All elements of the channel must be harmoniously combined with each other. Complex designs are not recommended. A simple channel header looks neat.

The banner should contain information about the user's activities. There is no need to indicate “direct” references. Associations should be used. At the same time, the general concept must be preserved. It is necessary to make the channel header as informative as possible.

A visitor who sees a banner should immediately guess what it’s about we're talking about. Don't overload the channel header unnecessary information and a motley background. These elements distract viewers and prevent them from conveying the main idea.

Adding text

How to make a banner for YouTube with a message? To do this, you need to come up with a short text and paste it into a picture in Photoshop. You must not forget about the message size. Large text in the picture may cause irritation among subscribers. The small message is invisible to the viewer.

It is necessary to try to adhere to the golden mean in this matter. It will be very difficult at first. After some time, the user will learn to determine the text size by eye. The message may contain a veiled call to action.

Font selection

How to make a banner for YouTube with eye-catching text? To do this, the user needs to select beautiful font. Legibility of text is no less important than the content and size of the message. If the user chooses a font that blends into the background, then no one will be able to read it. Labels should be as legible as possible.

Adding Animation

Regular Nice picture will not attract the attention of viewers. If you wish, you can make the YouTube channel banner animated. The picture should not look too intrusive or dazzle your eyes. Must choose high quality image. If the user does not know how to add animation, then he should leave a static picture.

How to make a banner for YouTube without overloading the channel? To do this, you need to select a medium-sized image. The smaller the banner, the faster the video loading speed. If the picture is too large, it will be negatively reflected in the statistics.

Where to make a banner for YouTube

You can create a channel header in any image editor. Many users would like to know how to make a banner for YouTube in Photoshop. To do this, you need to select a large image and crop it in the editor. In this case, you should focus on the image dimensions of 2560x1440 pixels. If the image is smaller, the site will not accept it.

The size of the “safe zone” is 1546x423 pixels. This area displays in all browsers, regardless of established resolution screen. It is advisable to save the finished image in .jpg format. The image file size must be less than 4 MB.

Setting the channel header

If the user uploads a picture for the first time, he must click on the blue “add banner” button. A window will appear in which you must select an image. If the user wants to change the installed banner, he must hover the cursor over the picture and click on the pencil icon at the top. A downloader will appear in which you should select an image.

If desired, the user can check how the channel header will be displayed on devices. To edit a picture, click on the “crop” button. Next you should check the result. The site will show what the banner looks like on PC, TV and mobile device screens.

Hello everyone, dear subscribers and first-time visitors, I would like to interest you with this article not only in the topic of how to create a header for a channel on Youtube, but also to tell you why you need to be special and stand out among your opponents on Youtube. Due to difficult competition and high popularity in 2015, as well as video blogging and simply. The topic of channel design, so to speak, creating a header for Youtube, does not lose position in search engines and is very, very relevant in 2016.

YouTube channel header design

A long time ago, back in 2014, I recorded the first few videos on this topic (screenshots below), and over the years (I’m not afraid of this expression) competitors with a similar topic have increased significantly. And after a while, I got the idea to write down updates for 2016. Those. What has changed, what services have appeared for creating headers for the channel and generally recording new videos, so to speak, a new updated video playlist for creating headers for the Channel!!! Although I create headers in Photoshop and it never ceases to amaze me with its capabilities. By the way, who hasn’t downloaded it yet, please? And there are also instructions

But let's get back to our main topic and I will show you a list of services that exist as of January 2016, for creating a channel header on Youtube. I warn you, the list is large and there are a lot of ways, all you have to do is watch the video tutorials and create your own miracle creation.

[ONLINE SERVICES] How to make a Youtube header

And now I’ll tell you a little about each and show you one screenshot. There will be a separate video lesson about each in more detail, so let's go...

Firstly, this service is foreign, and secondly, it uses CSS3 and HTML5, which indicates good and correct navigation and intuitive work with the service, even despite the language barrier. In addition to the fact that the service allows you to create creative hats for YouTube, you can also create images for posts in Twitter, Facebook, Tumbler, Instagram. And also hats for various social networks and even @mail letters, which made me very happy. In general, the service has a lot of different goodies, but I also want to note that half of its functionality is paid (prices are relatively cheap, 1-2 $ per channel header). This service will be of interest to people who, in addition to YouTube, also use social networks to promote goods/services, or even a website/blog. Rating 8 out of 10

Perhaps I will single out this service from all the others; it, like the previous one, is also bourgeois and also made wisely. In general, the service specializes in creating any kind of banners. Let it be an advertising banner for Adwords(indicating required sizes) or a banner for your website, not to mention banners for social networks. The creation of which, ikomee also offers. BUT what I liked most about this service is the ability to create Infographics. Of course, the service is aimed at a solvent audience, so it is partially paid, but you can make up your own header, you can even upload your photo and put text and other photos on top. In general, study. Rating 10 out of 10

What I liked most about this service is that it is in Russian, i.e. there is no need to intuitively understand, just read and do. Just like almost everyone online services, which I discussed in this article, to create a header on YouTube have the ability to create various banners and posters for social networks, namely:

carpet for facebook;

post for instagram;

post for facebook;

header for youtube;

header for twitter;

header for google+;

photo collages.

What else did I like about the service? Because you can upload your pictures and edit them, you can also use the large gallery of icons on different topic. The service does not offer a large number of already ready-made templates channel headers, but I would create my own something interesting and unusual. Of course, the service is not free, it makes money by selling additional features (images, fonts, icons, etc.) But main task on creating a header for the channel - completes 100%. Save the created header to your computer and then install it on your YouTube channel. In general, I recommend studying it. Rating 9 out of 10.

When I first visited this service, I thought that it was for photographers who create photo collages for weddings, holidays and any celebrations. It is created in the style wedding. But, having rummaged through it, I saw that it had additional opportunity, on creating a header for the channel on Youtube.

This service differs from others in that it will be of interest specifically to girls. It's definitely not suitable for gaming themes. The fact is that, as I said above, its main focus is weddings, birthdays, travel, magazines, etc., so here it is has a large number of templates for the channel, which are creative and very interesting. The service also allows you to upload your pictures and edit them, and then ready-made hat save youtube to computer. The service has good functionality in the free version, but there is no Russian language. I give it 8 out of 10.

This service is perfect for creating a header for gaming channels, For example minecraft. That's the whole point. that the service is very good online editor, it doesn’t have templates and doesn’t really have pictures, but it’s easy to edit text, photos, and other objects. As they say than the easier it is better.

To start creating a header for your channel, follow the link and click on Make a Youtube Banner, and then select one of the formats for YouTube 2560 x 1440. Insert photos, pictures and edit, save and publish on your channel. My rating is 7 out of 10

This service is not entirely suitable for creating headers. So, friends, this service is for photo collages. But if you enter some parameters for the size of the desired banner, you can also create a header. See the picture above, I showed where to point. I don’t particularly remember this service as anything special; besides, its functionality is mostly paid, so my rating is 6 out of 10.

This service deserves special attention. In short, this is COOL SERVICE. Firstly, it is exclusively for creating headers for the channel Youtube. Secondly, it's easy online Photoshop, you can do anything in it. There is of course a minus for those who don’t know English language, but in the photo of what he does these are little things. Of course, it is conditionally paid, but there is also free version. As I understand it, this is a product of the site I'm sure the video instructions will be very interesting and you will really enjoy them this service. My rating is 10 out of 10


I learned about this service for creating headers online a couple of years ago and wrote it down video instructions how to use it. Of course, the service, unlike all the previous ones I reviewed, is inferior in all respects, both in site design and functionality, but nevertheless, my video was useful to many viewers, as evidenced by the comments under the video. This service is intended for the gaming theme of creating a header for the channel, so whoever needs it, use it. And my rating for the service is 5 out of 10. About the author Many probably don’t understand why I named my blog Social elevator from darkness to sun, then I’ll tell you the story and explain. For me, the Internet is an elevator into which I plunge to the level of skills, skills, and earnings I need; but social, because it is for people, for society, for those who want it, for those who are very similar to my vision. Dark- this is an ass, or in other words, the bottom of ordinary life in which I was, in which many now, yes, probably half of the people in our country are in this ass, who think that this is a seagull, but no... Sun- this is what gives life to absolutely every living thing on the planet, including you and me. If there were no sun, there would be no life. Sun- this is the energy for life. And if we summarize everything, InternetLIFT- this is an opportunity ordinary users Internet workers who work for their uncle are in financial trouble, I dream of getting rich, but they don’t know where to start. Internet Lift is a platform that will help those who wish to become slightly or significantly savvy in the intricacies and schemes of earning money. They will be able to find out where to start, where to go, and how to become their own boss. I hope my advice and articles will help you and me as well. Because one day you will understand why I blog, if you know something, it is only valuable if you remember it. And when you record and share, it will be forever, including in your memory!!!

On the Internet you can find dozens and even hundreds of publications devoted to the design of a YouTube channel.

It would seem that all the delicious tricks on this issue have already been revealed, but specifically We have prepared a lot of goodies for you dedicated to this issue .

So below we will look at how to do beautiful banner for the YouTube channel, where to find high-quality graphics, software and much more

An unforgettable image is the key to success

Among the main ones on YouTube are playlists, avatar, logo and background.

Each element has an important role on the target audience.

→ For example, a logo increases the number of subscribers, and playlists improve usability. But the banner should rightfully be considered the face of the project.

This top part of your project, which contains original graphics, inscriptions, links, etc..

When you create personal account the system offers to choose one of standard options headers, but in this case the background is not unique.

To introduce yourself to the audience and prove that your channel claims to be the best, it is advisable to make a high-quality banner. Please note that it's not so much the graphics and effects that matter, but original style hats.

For example, take a look at the PewDiePie channel header or Russian blogger Ivangay ↓↓↓

Why do we need him?

In fact, many bloggers don’t bother asking themselves how to create an interesting account background. The question arises: is it worth working on this design element at all? ???

This must be done for the following reasons:

  1. Uniqueness. With the help of an original background, you can stand out among millions of bloggers and attract attention.
  2. Promotion. Your banner is a brand that viewers will soon recognize.
  3. . Using the background, you can tell users about the specifics of the project.

All methods for creating an original header design

It’s very easy to highlight the originality of your project with a header.

For these purposes you can use the following methods:

  1. YouTube Gallery. The system offers you to choose one of the standard options background image. This method is considered the simplest, but it deprives the channel of its uniqueness.
  2. Search engines. Go to the “Pictures” section and enter the desired query (for example, Minecraft game). Now, using the tools, select the resolution 2560x1440 px.
  3. Ready-made backgrounds. There are dozens of groups, forums and channels where you can find ready-made PSD sources that you can use at your discretion (for example,,, etc.).
  4. Order. On the Internet you can find private performers who can create any banner for a YouTube channel (for example, performers can be found on the website
  5. Make. If you have basic skills in working with photo editors, then you can make a banner for your YouTube channel yourself.

Development Tools

Surprise your subscribers and make a unique banner for your YouTube channel. This is available to everyone, even if you do not have relevant experience.

For these purposes you will need any graphics editor(desktop or online version).

The following programs are optimal: ↓↓↓

You can also use various online software to work with graphics.

In particular, services such as,,, etc. are suitable.

What background is suitable for the channel?YouTube: Main settings

It is very important to use such a background for the banner and such an arrangement of elements so that viewers can see all the details.

  • The banner size on YouTube should be 2560x1440 px;
  • The weight of the image is no more than 4 MB.

This is not all, because you need to consider how the background will look on various devices.

For this purpose, there is the concept of “visibility zone,” that is, part of the image that will be viewed on a particular device.

For example, on a TV, the view of a banner on YouTube is 2560x1440 px, and if we are talking about mobile devices, then this zone is 1855x423 pixels.

To make things easier for you, you need to find a channel banner template that has the appropriate layout.

Add a header to personal channel

So, you have already downloaded or created a banner for your YouTube channel and now it’s time to find out how to add it to your project.

For this case, we have prepared several instructions.

Add a banner to the header from your computer:

  • log into your account and go to the “My Channel” section;
  • hover the cursor over the “pencil” and click “Change channel design”;
  • add an image;
  • use the crop function to determine the correct position;
  • save.

Add background to header from mobile:

  • log into your account and go to the channel;
  • click on the project icon;
  • you need to click on the “camera” icon and “Load channel background”;
  • save.

Thus, you can easily create a high-quality banner without extra costs and add it to the channel if you strictly follow the recommendations.

In this article we will figure out why you need a header for YouTube and what the image template for it should be. What is the meaning of the image on it and how does it help promote your channel. The header is one of the main design details of the channel. With its help, the channel becomes of higher quality and attracts the attention of viewers (especially new ones who can join the ranks of subscribers). It improves appearance, and the channel itself looks like a full-fledged project that the author is constantly working on.

The header (banner, background) gives the user Additional information about the channel and serves visual definition topics of the videos posted. If the author of a YouTube channel is interested in computer games or cars, then the banner should reflect this with specific images and names. If the author runs a channel about cosmetics, then the header should contain the name of the company and corresponding pictures.

In the header of your personal channel, it would be most effective to place your photo, which serves as a brand, thanks to which viewers will quickly remember the author and recognize him in the future. If the channel does not have a specific author, and it acts as a project for target audience, then you can beautifully design the name or logo in the header so that they are bright and memorable. This will correspond to the header template for the YouTube profile design.

Auto RU YouTube channel you should start by creating a header, and change it, update and improve it from time to time. The updated header will attract increased attention from subscribers, who will immediately notice changes in the usual design, which will result in an increase in the number of views.

You should avoid excesses and not make the header too unusual - just create a laconic, bright banner that accurately conveys the theme of the channel according to the template.

When creating a background, you need to follow a few simple requirements:

  • Minimal details and good readable text. Users should not have their eyes dazzled by a lot of little things.
  • The image should be moderately bright. Loud colors are annoying.
  • Concise text and short name. This is enough to reflect the essence of the project without overloading users with unnecessary information.

Knowing these simple rules, it is quite possible to independently create a unique and interesting template caps for YouTube.

What size should a hat be based on the YouTube template?

In addition to aesthetic details, when creating a header you need to know some technical subtleties of the template. For normal viewing of the banner from any YouTube devices recommends uploading images with a size of 2560*1440 pixels and no more than 4 MB.

In this case, the header looks beautiful, has no cut-off fragments and attracts the attention of users. Such big sizes are needed to ensure that the background is displayed correctly on modern high-definition TVs, since many users now access the Internet from their TV. Small images cannot be loaded because minimum size should be 2048*1152 pixels.

How to upload a template image to the channel header

Need to change the image on your banner? Click on the pencil icon that appears when you hover over the header and follow the above steps again. If you miss a bit and the image doesn't look the way you want it to, you can go back to the edit menu and select the display area more precisely.

How to make a 2560x1440 header template

In any graphic editor, for example, Photoshop, create a file that is 2560 pixels wide and 1440 pixels high. A blank white page will open in front of you. Knowing about the “visibility zone” on different devices, you need to find the area that will be visible from all gadgets. This is an area measuring 1546*423 pixels in the center of the screen. This is where you should place text information so that it can be seen from all devices. You can also download a picture of this size online.

After the file download is complete:

  • open it in Photoshop;
  • place on top of your blank white page;
  • Set the transparency level to between 40-50%.

In the center you will see the very zone in which the hat is made. After completing all the steps, remove the template to make the banner look beautiful.

About how to do beautiful hat, you can watch the video on YouTube:

Where to get pictures for the header

On Yandex Disk, you can download a selection of ready-made header templates on YouTube by reposting the article using one of your social media accounts. You can also independently search for information among thematic blogs. For example, on the website a collection of clipart for designing a header in an original style is available for download. When creating a template, use different effects, textures, backgrounds and highlights to ensure your banner gets noticed as much as possible. large quantity users and visited the channel.

To download images, use the options search engines. Only when working with Google or Yandex, do not forget to specify the desired size 2560*1440 in the settings in order to immediately receive images in high resolution. If you download the photos Low quality and then you stretch them, the image on the banner will become blurry. In addition, many photo stocks, such as,, and others, offer users their own photo banks.

Of course, to create a header template, you can contact paid help to specialists, but with some time investment, creating an original YouTube channel background is within the capabilities of every channel owner.

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