Which is the best launcher to download for Android. The best free launchers for Android in Russian

Fast, smooth and customizable, Nova Launcher is one of the best modern launchers on Android. Nova offers an advanced look with multi-functional settings with minimal impact performance, allowing you to enjoy an updated home screen without worrying about the performance of your mobile device. There are a ton of customizations, from color schemes and icon packs to customizing folders, drop-down menus, and much more.

Apex Launcher

Apex Launcher lives up to its name and is another great Android launcher with a good balance of functionality and performance. Key features include the ability to customize desktop grid sizes, nine screens, and a scroll box of up to five pages. Infinite scrolling, animated transitions, many folder styles and several styles for application boxes, and these are not all the launcher’s features. The paid version opens up even more features, for example, more boxes, support for additional gestures and others.

Buzz Launcher v. (downloads: 2425)

Like many other Android launchers, Buzz Launcher comes with a huge range of features, offering a unique, personalized Android experience. Distinctive feature Buzz Launcher is made easier by the fact that the launcher not only easily creates home screens, but also offers to share them on the network, where you can see the work of other users and apply some solutions on your device. Hardcore personalization fans will be able to customize icons, wallpapers, folders, boxes, and home screens, while less experienced users can find redesigned interfaces online and simply download what suits their tastes.

Smart Launcher

Smart Launcher provides users with a minimalist desktop with a radial menu where you can place your most frequently used applications like mail, games, navigator and others. Moreover, Smart Launcher also includes a smart app box that automatically sorts custom applications into convenient categories, for example: Games, Internet, Multimedia applications(not excluding manual settings, Certainly). The only drawback of Smart Launcher is the support for widgets, which is only available in the Pro version.

Launcher Pro
Version 0.8.6 RUS (downloads: 4280)

Version 0.8.6 Plus RUS: (downloads: 3802)
Key for PLUS (downloads: 1749)

Once a cutting-edge launcher that has since lost ground, Launcher Pro is still worth mentioning as it remains one of the launchers that supports older versions of Android Gingerbread or Eclair. Launcher Pro includes the ability to create up to seven home screens, with scrollable shortcuts and animated transitions accessible even to older devices. Unfortunately, showing the age of the launcher, it is worth noting that Last update he saw in 2011. It's a relic of the past, but if your smartphone is in the same age category, then Launcher Pro is still worth a try.

ADW Launcher

ADW Launcher is an interesting case: a launcher app that can work equally well whether you're using an ancient Android smartphone or one of the advanced devices market. ADW Launcher supports Android 1.6 (Donut) onwards, it offers Holo-like features even on older devices without hogging the system. ADW Launcher includes numerous skins, shortcut boxes, gesture support and many others functional features and settings. The paid version of ADW Launcher EX includes additional options, including a set of animated transitions, application box settings and many others.

GO Launcher EX

An old favorite that takes on new-fangled upstarts, GO Launcher EX offers a huge ecosystem of customizations, including thousands of themes, dozens of animated navigation transitions, gesture support, and more. Users of older mobile devices will be pleasantly surprised, GO Launcher EX is compatible with numerous versions, starting with 2.0, which guarantees support for devices released after 2009.

Action Launcher Pro ($3.99)
version: 3.7.3 Plus (downloads: 1295)

Action Launcher Pro offers its own version of custom Android interface. The drop-down app box gives users quick access to their library of apps and widgets (with convenient alphabetical sorting), as well as a specialized set of gestures that can be executed at the top of the folder icon to launch a variety of apps and shortcuts without having to search for them. Additionally, Action Launcher Pro includes all the traditional launcher features, including search string and settings dock, icon scaling and hidden applications box.

Launcher 8 Google play
Version 3.2.6 (downloads: 3065)

Tired of the standard Android interface? Launcher 8 works directly with your Android device's home screen, offering the look and functionality of Windows 8, with flat, colorful and uncompromising tiles Windows Phone 8 Modern user interface. The launcher comes with a suite of apps and a tiled gallery, with the ability to change or add some interface elements, customize colors, backgrounds, and even simulate LiveTiles with your own widgets.

Hi Launcher
version: 1.9.1 (downloads: 10373)

Perhaps we should call Hi Launcher "iLauncher". Hi Launcher simulates iOS on your Android device, right down to the screen iOS locks(complete with configuration features), glass icon dock, and iOS-style folder icons. The launcher also offers a search box on the home screen with a variety of themes, wallpapers and other settings. Hi Launcher supports Android 2.2, allowing users who like iOS view and devices on Android based, use the launcher with Gingerbread, Ice Cream Sandwich or Jelly Bean.

Hello to all dear and inexpensive users of the best mobile portal called Treshbox.ru. It so happened that suddenly they gave me new topic for editorial material and I sat down to actively write another cool article. Since we are actively replenishing the tops best apps different categories for the Android operating system, why not touch on the topic of third-party shells or so-called launchers - I think this topic will be of interest to many. That is why today I will tell you about the seven best launchers according to the editors.
Once again, I will note that I will not put numbers next to the names and thereby will not evaluate any of the selected ones in any way. I just want to provide you with a list of creations of various eminent and no enthusiasts, with the help of which you can every day transform the desktop of your smartphone or tablet beyond recognition. By the way, user interface the Android operating system has passed for several years difficult path, but still continuing to walk, he turned from, frankly speaking, an ugly duckling into a completely usable bird.

Of course, many users, among whom there are beginners or those switching to a green robot from completely different mobile platforms, I like it and have enough of what stock has to offer Android launcher, but there are also individuals who choose third party applications from the most different developers. I can say with confidence that most of these shells repeat the tech giant Google's vision of the desktop, offering only individual improvements and some additional functions. But there are, on the contrary, others who are trying to capture a person’s attention with a completely new, different approach to organizing the workspace.

Thus, with such a good start, I announce the seven best and most popular launchers for Android. Let's get started, I guess.

Nova Launcher

Nova Launcher deservedly tops today's top best launchers for Android. The developers of this shell simply took the stock launcher of the now Android 4.4 KitKat version and tried to bring the functionality to incredible levels, and this is really so. The shell boasts many things that you may not find in other launchers: an unlimited number of desktops, complete customization of the appearance of icons and folders, vertical and horizontal organization of the desktop and application directory, a variety of transition animations, the ability to change the font and icon size and much more. First things first.

Externally, the launcher is no different from that in the Android operating system version 4.4 KitKat. The same transparent navigation and status bars, the same block of main icons in a row, the same search bar at the top of the screen, which, by the way, can be modified or completely removed from the desktop, which cannot be done in the launcher Google Start. The application menu is slightly different from the chocolate version, because here the appearance is more reminiscent of the version of the green robot numbered 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich, where the “Applications” and “Widgets” tabs were also shown, thereby making them “in different corners”. For some, this may seem even more convenient, but for those who do not like such excesses, they can simply remove this panel.

The launcher settings are simply pleasing to the eye - various fans of tinkering with different things will be to their taste, because the settings of this particular shell are incredibly rich and there really is room to roam around. There you can customize the desktop, the application menu, the dock bar (by the way, you can make not 5 icons in a row, but 3 or more than five), and the appearance of the folders, and the full design of the launcher, where functions like color scheme, icon themes, icon size, font style or scroll speed, and overall animation.

I'm glad that you can install gestures. Thanks to them, you can simply swipe your finger to open a menu, application, status bar, or much more that you can choose yourself in the settings. It’s also nice to see that there are extensions for the shell, only they already work in the Prime version and this time I didn’t download the pirated version in order to demonstrate all the delights of this creation of the developers. All I can say is that the extensions will allow you to set icons for the dock bar, applications, icons, and folders. This is just convenient, as you will see the number of unread messages, missed calls or unviewed messages on any social network.

Overall, Nova Launcher is truly multifunctional and it rightfully starts today's top. I believe that even for the free version, the number of functions in it is only pleasing and simply cannot disappoint, but we should not forget about those for whom this will not be enough. If we talk about such functionality, you can pay attention to its competitors - Apex Launcher and Holo Launcher, but you are unlikely to notice any difference. In any case, discussions can begin on this topic, but I don’t want that, so let’s move on.

Google Start

Previously, it is worth noting that Google did not have a separate launcher application as such, but after some time it decided to freely distribute proprietary software, offering users applications from services such as Hangouts, Gmail, YouTube, Maps, Quickoffice and many others, including The list now also includes a branded launcher, which will be discussed further - or rather, already now.

Speaking from the point of view of a user who uses this launcher every day, I will say: its functionality is enough for me and I don’t need more. But from the point of view of the wild punisher of operating systems or common man who wanted something new - Google Start, I’ll say right away, is never an option. Google's stock shell contains only settings for wallpapers, widgets and system settings, the icon of which you can find in special menu, tapping for a long time on the free space of the desktop.

On the other hand, it’s worth mentioning such an interesting thing as the multifunctional assistant service Google Now, which is built into this launcher as a standard. Again, I will say from my point of view: such a separate desktop, showing the user daily only the information he needs, is necessary and useful. Not all shells can boast of this. HTC BlinkFeed has similar functionality, but there is a separate desktop as a personal news aggregator, showing only news and updates social networks, but nothing more, unfortunately.

You probably know the application menu of the Google Start launcher - a simple grid of application icons measuring 4x5 (on the LG Nexus 5 smartphone) and nothing else. As the previous two times, I will say: I don’t need more, but some others will probably not like this idea. It also happens that the user simply needs to separate application icons and widgets - they just need them to be separate and that’s it. Others may create their own separate "Downloads" tabs to make navigating the menu environment more intuitive.

Google Start, on the one hand, will seem like a kind of golden mean to many, but others will sorely miss such a small functionality. The launcher is visually beautiful, and its performance is absolutely fabulous - everything runs like clockwork. Let's continue and move on to the next hero of the occasion.


It is no coincidence that Aviate is here today. This shell has an interesting and long history, which I will briefly tell you.

So, this launcher was originally released by people from Google - this happened in mid-October last year. The main ideology of the new shell is an intelligent desktop. Its intelligence lies in the automatic categorization of all your applications and further restructuring of the desktop throughout the day, making information and applications dynamic at a certain period of time. For example, you are at work and having unlocked your smartphone, the launcher will already provide you with the corresponding desktop with necessary applications and needs - it's really convenient. The launcher is based on your location and the apps you frequently use.

It is worth noting that the shell is based on the Google Now service, the functionality of which, as you know, is wide and incredibly broad. In the morning, for example, when you just wake up, the launcher will provide you with information about the weather, activities planned for today, and applications that you would open only when you get out of bed - it’s just amazing, isn’t it? The user practically does not need to do anything, because the shell itself knows everything in advance. The Aviate has a card-style design similar to Google Now, but it's not ugly or inconvenient by any stretch of the imagination.

Now, on the one hand, about the sad, but on the other hand, about the good (depending on whom): in January 2014, Yahoo, a company probably known to you, officially announced the purchase of the Aviate launcher, which has become popular, as part of the International Consumer Electronics Show. The head of Yahoo, Marissa Mayer, named the reason - tracking mobile trends. As she noted, Yahoo services are used by more than 400 million people a month, and the most popular is its proprietary weather application. So, following mobile trends, the most popular of which at that time was the Aviate launcher, that’s why the company acquired it. And here it’s up to you to decide whether it’s bad or not. I will only say that the shell confidently showed itself with best side.

Action Launcher

This user interface for the Android operating system made it to my top today for a reason. Action Launcher in a fairly short period of time since its appearance in the store Google applications Play has established itself as an excellent, beautiful and convenient launcher with some interesting functions at first glance, which I will discuss in more detail below. To be honest, I liked the design of the launcher from head to toe and overall it deservedly receives positive ratings. Well, let's get down to detailed consideration.

Having launched the Action Launcher, we see the following before our eyes: at the bottom of the screen there are ordinary application icons, the number of which does not exceed 4, and at the top there is a very convenient location of such important functions as search, Google Play (for example, I view it almost every day due to the fact that Google applications are constantly updated), settings and application menu. At first glance, nothing special, but that's only at first glance. By clicking on the “Menu” button, you will see a sliding panel, which includes both applications and widgets - you will agree, a convenient solution. The same is done with widgets, which can be placed in a separate pull-out menu on the right. This way, you don’t have to place anything on the desktop - you simply don’t have to do it.

Of course, if you want to organize your desktop space as usual, you can place your main and favorite widgets on the desktop. I would also like to draw attention to the search and Google Play app store buttons at the top of the screen - I find this arrangement more convenient for everyday use than if the icon is located on the desktop. Here you will save space and convenience to a higher level. At least, this is my opinion and it may not coincide with yours - this is what happens. The performance of the shell is at a high level: icons are sent to the desktop without delay, desktops are scrolled through perfectly and you will not see animation in “frames”.

In terms of settings, I won’t tell you anything special, but there is still a piece worth telling about. So, by clicking on the button called “Settings” (the launcher interface language is mostly English), we get to the settings. There you can find tabs such as “Display”, “Quickdrawer and Quickpage”, “1-Swipe (Pro)”, “Shortcuts”, “ Backup and import" and "Labs". In the first you can find options for selecting icons (in the Pro version), displaying active panel(which is located at the top of the screen), show (in Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich or Android 4.4 KitKat styles) or completely disable the dock bar, set the grid size, icon size and number of desktops.

In the second tab, basically the functions will become available for use only in the Pro version. There you will find features such as choosing the style of backgrounds (Tinted, Black, Holo Dark and Holo Light in beta). Let me remind you that the functions will only be available in the full version of the application, so let’s move on. Third tab, guess with three times- available in full version. The fourth is responsible for gestures. There you will find functions for selecting gestures for opening the status bar, the open application manager, and also what the search in the active panel will be responsible for (only voice search, Google Now and quick search), enabling toggle and notifications. The tab called “Backup and import”, I think you know what it does, and if not, then I’ll say - for backup (backup) and import (restore) of data from any other launcher you used previously.

To summarize, I can say that Action Launcher is praised by users for good reason - it is fast, convenient, has quite a lot of settings and looks quite appetizing. Last but not least, I will say about the latter: the launcher is able to open application widgets by simply clicking on their icon - +100 to usability. Icons, by the way, capable of opening widgets without going to the corresponding menu, are displayed with special character(judging by the Android operating system, we can say that this is a setting symbol (three stripes, dots or something else). So, icons with such symbols will display widgets in a pop-up window for you as soon as you click on them. I believe this plus, you won’t find similar functionality anywhere except Action Launcher.I think that’s enough about it, so let’s move on.

To the huge community of operating system users Android given the shell may seem somewhat heavy and even overloaded. This opinion stems from the fact that the project developers intend to create their own entire ecosystem based on Android. If you don’t know, the GO Dev Team has in its arsenal a proprietary lock screen, browser, calendar, weather application, task manager, special widgets and many others various applications. And if you like at least one solution from the previously named team, if you accept this ecosystem, then GO Launcher EX will serve as its natural foundation. By the way, it is worth noting that the GO Dev Team is one of the leaders in the Google Play app store both in terms of the number of downloads and the amount of money earned. Largely thanks to its proprietary shell.

GO Launcher EX perfectly combines the most the most important factors when choosing a shell for the Android operating system: smooth and stable operating speed, pleasant appearance, wide flexibility of settings and ease of use. It’s unlikely that anyone will be able to tell about everything, even me, but I will try to focus my writing talents only on the most basic and important things, so I’ll tell you about the main features.

So, the launcher has an excellent catalog of installed applications (there you will also find a search bar if necessary and several display methods (by alphabet, novelty and frequency of use)). There is also a tab of open programs, which allows you to switch to what you want, close it, or all at once, which, by the way, is very convenient. Now the second thing: the dock bar, which can contain up to 15 of the most frequently used applications by scrolling. In addition, I would like to note the support for gestures. It can play a role both for system actions and for launching certain applications.

Continuing the theme of the launcher’s rich functionality, I’ll tell you about a few more features. The desktop is very convenient and its customization is incredibly simple, you want to scroll through desktops again and again - it is very smooth, it is possible to combine application icons into folders (if you put a folder in a folder, they will merge and all nested applications will be located in one folder, and not in a folder that is in a folder) and widgets, many of which are personalized specifically for this launcher. As I explained earlier, flipping through desktops is very smooth, plus you can install one of the many different transition effects - I won’t name the exact number.

Latest features include excellent Russification, as well as great amount options, settings and design themes, with which the user can change the design of all elements with one swipe of a finger. These include: dock bar, icons, wallpapers, widgets, application menu and much more. If you like to get wild with customization, then for such users in the Google Play app store there is simply an incredible number of launcher design options, most of which are free - this is simply a paradise for a lover of customization. To everything else, I’ll add optimization that helps the launcher work quickly even on old devices (devices based on the Android 2.0 Eclair operating system and higher are supported). Bottom line: if you want to freshen up your smartphone, start with GO Launcher EX. It is possible, by the way, that your experiments may end there.


Surely you know such a popular site called MyColorScreen. There, users mainly of the Android operating system, but not only it, publish their created user interfaces, which they use via a smartphone or tablet. Very, very often you can find interfaces there that are incredibly beautiful, and sometimes you’re simply amazed that Google’s brainchild is capable of this. Naturally, making a beautiful, minimalistic or vice versa interface with your own hands is not so easy. Considering that the authors of unique desktops publish not only screenshots, but also the means by which they achieved this, setup can sometimes take even several hours for an untrained user. As you know, few people will spend so much time setting up a desktop that you are unlikely to use every day, because they are simply too lazy to do it. That's why the developers of MyColorScreen released the Themer application - with it you can create incredible desktops every minute.

Make your own working space drop dead cool and beautiful using this application is very simple. In the gallery, after installing Themer, you will be provided with a huge number of different user interfaces - from iOS design 7 to the Terminator operating system. To change your desktop beyond recognition, the user needs to do just a few steps and it will take about a minute - just select the interface you like, download and install it, and then enjoy using it. True, the settings are there for a reason, so it will still be necessary to change or change something. For example, in any case you will have to establish a correspondence between icons and applications. So you choose standard applications to use certain functions.

As for the application menu, here you will not see the “garbage dump” that is in the Android operating system in its naked form. Themer breaks your apps into categories (similar to the Aviate launcher), which many will find much more convenient than standard solution from the box. Unfortunately, this is where all the advantages of this launcher end and the critical disadvantages begin, which I will discuss further.

With Themer, the interface works noticeably slower, especially when it comes to opening and closing a variety of applications, from lightweight to simple ones. As I understand it, this disadvantage is due to the fact that the theme works from under the application and after minimizing other applications, Themer is first launched and then loaded installed theme. Anyway, I could be wrong, but the interface does run significantly slower.

Also, from time to time Themer crashes and you are faced with the standard user interface of the Android operating system - the way Google sees it. Departures occur with noticeable frequency and in the first half hour of operation this happened 2 times. In addition, it is worth mentioning that the Themer shell is capable of working with icon packs from various developers, which is good, but you cannot completely remove the pre-installed ones, which is bad. Of course, for some this may not be a minus at all, so this is a moot point.

Well, the results are as follows: it is likely that all the disadvantages I have listed are the costs of the fact that the application currently has the status of open beta testing, in which, by the way, it has already been quite a long period time. By the way, Themer - free application, which you can install right now through the Google Play application store and by installing you will not incur any material losses. The last thing I would like to say is that the choice of interfaces is really wide, so you will probably be able to find what you may have been looking for for so long.

Buzz Launcher

Buzz Launcher in its functionality is a direct competitor and analogue of Themer, which I talked about earlier. It is suitable for those who love customization and endless novelty, but at the same time do not want to delve into a bunch of settings and functions, spending long hours in vain. With this launcher you can view the coolest and most beautiful desktops and immediately install them on your mobile device literally in one tap. Everything you need, including widgets, utilities, icons, wallpapers and more, is downloaded and installed automatically and you don’t need to do anything.

When you launch it for the first time, the launcher prompts you to restore data from another launcher set as standard. Of course, if you don’t want to, you can create an original desktop yourself, or even more than one. For example, you can do separate interfaces for games, morning reading with a cup of aromatic coffee, car, home and much more. Again, if you don't want to do it yourself, you can install a ready-made user interface, apply it and use it without any problems. A total of up to 9 desktops can coexist.

The launcher application menu looks exactly the same as the stock version in the Android operating system starting with version 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich. You won't see anything new, but the features are the same: viewing frequently used and recently installed applications. In addition to the myriad various settings The developers have also added support for gestures. Among the advantages of the application, I can note an extensive library of themes, independent desktop settings and a custom application for creating unique widgets. On the downside: the launcher interface can cause some difficulties for inexperienced users; to access downloaded design options, you need to connect to world wide web and the application menu does not look original in any way. I think that by looking at the pros and cons of this creation, you will be able to decide whether this solution is right for you or not. The choice is yours.

On this pleasant note, I would like to end my long story about the best launchers for the Android operating system. Today, of course, not all solutions from various popular developers were presented to you, but, as you can see from the title, the editors of the best mobile portal selected the best. I hope that you were able to find for yourself what you may have been looking for for a long time. Absolutely every launcher has its own right to life and, accordingly, can boast of wider functionality and settings, or vice versa. The choice will obviously be difficult and I just told you about those that really deserve more attention than the rest. Good luck guys and don't forget to share your opinions.

Today, many people get tired of the standard interface on their phone or tablet, and they search the Internet for launchers for Android. These are applications that completely change the design of all elements, including panels, buttons and, of course, the splash screen on all screens.

Rice. No. 1. Unusual theme on a smartphone

Each user can have their own background, screensaver and other individual elements on their Android device. As for which is the best launcher, it is definitely impossible to answer this question, because everyone has their own preferences and someone may really like what an application offers, while others will consider it absolutely nondescript and uninteresting .

Therefore, the only objective criterion in this case is the rating of the program on Google Play. Based on this criterion, 5 launchers were selected. And which one is the best, decide for yourself - perhaps you will like one of them the most.

1. Nova Launcher Prime

Interestingly, there is simply Nova Launcher on Google Play, which is also popular. But the Prime version has the highest rating among all launchers - 4.8. In fact, it is estimated to be the best launcher for Android. But Nova Launcher Prime is paid and costs about $10.

Rice. No. 2. Key Features of Nova Launcher Prime

This launcher has a very unusual design and many non-standard elements that are sure to attract the attention of the average user. In addition, this application is constantly updated and literally every month the developers add something new to it.

Features of Nova Launcher Prime:

  • Unread messages and other notifications are displayed on the screen using the TeslaUnread plugin. It all looks very impressive and beautiful.
  • The user can group applications depending on their purpose. On the Home screen, each group will appear as one shortcut.
  • Rarely used applications will not be displayed on the main screen. Interestingly, the launcher itself decides which applications are used and which are not. Some applications gradually become less used.
  • You can scale the screen as you like, change the design, screensavers, sizes and do many other operations that help make this or that device truly yours, special and unique.
  • Much attention is paid to security - with this launcher, attackers will have very little chance of getting to your personal information.

As for how to delete a theme, all this is done very simply - you can install a new one in the settings or completely remove the launcher from the device’s memory and then it will return to the standard theme. These instructions on how to remove a theme are relevant for all launchers.

2. ZenUI Launcher

This is already a completely free application and its rating is 4.7. It turns out that ZenUI Launcher is the best free launcher on Google Play, based on user ratings. It also allows you to customize the interface and all screens on your phone or tablet. There are a variety of styles and fonts for this - much more than in any standard launcher.

Rice. No. 4. Interface features in ZenUI Launcher

Deserves special attention main screen. The user can easily organize applications (for this there are so-called single-layer and double-layer modes), group applications the way he wants, block them and make them invisible to strangers.

Other features of ZenUI Launcher are:

  • All settings are available after scrolling up the screen.
  • There is a function quick search, which lets you find popular apps, themes, and other content in seconds.
  • The standard collection of the launcher has a huge number of wallpapers, screensavers and styles - you don’t have to download anything additional. Perhaps this is also the best launcher for Android in terms of richness of styles.
  • The support service works very well - just write to This address Email protected from spam bots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view it. and already in next update The developers use all your recommendations and wishes.

3.CM Launcher 3D

Just by the name you can understand what makes this launcher different - it has very bright and impressive 3D screensavers and HD wallpapers. The rating of this application is 4.6. There is a huge collection of 3D clocks, effects, wallpapers, widgets and other interface elements. Moreover, this collection is updated literally every day.

At the very least, you can definitely download new wallpapers, widgets and themes every week. Particular attention is paid to widgets - there are a huge number of them. They relate to weather, device resource usage, news and other information that may be of interest to the user. Navigation and screen settings are also very convenient.

Other features of CM Launcher 3D:

  • It has its own acceleration system that works without consumption system memory– everything works on internal resources. This is useful, first of all, because all other applications and even pages on the Internet will open many times faster.
  • All themes in the standard set are free. Moreover, there is a so-called DIY mode in which each user can apply their design skills and create their own theme.
  • In addition to animation, each 3D effect also has sound accompaniment. It all looks very cool!
  • This launcher saves up to 30% battery power every day. And this despite the fact that it itself uses a lot of the device’s graphic resources.
  • It has its own protection system, which also performs very well.

4. Evie Launcher

In the description, the developers write that their product allows you to radically change the appearance of the device. This is very close to the truth. This app is rated by Google users Play is 4.6. This launcher is distinguished by elegance, simplicity of details and sophistication.

Rice. No. 8. Evie Launcher Interface

You won't find any flashy themes or screensavers here. All this does not prevent users around the world from customizing their device. By the way, Evie Launcher has its own community where everyone can find a new theme or suggest their own.

Features of Evie Launcher:

  • It also has its own mode in which you can create your own unique themes. This way, the user can take their images, customize the size and appearance of the icons on the screen, and make a theme out of it all.
  • This launcher allows you to change the contents of the main screen. You can display any element on it, up to writing it in phone book. This is done by long pressing on one or another element.
  • With each update, developers change many functions, and Evie Launcher becomes more convenient and practical.
  • Evie Launcher also has a quick search feature for applications, recordings, files, and even supporting information. For example, a music file has additional information about the artist, which is displayed in the player. Using Evie Launcher you can search in it too.

5. Solo Launcher

This is a very popular launcher that became so a few years ago. Its rating is not too high, 4.5, but among other similar programs with the same rating, Solo Launcher can rightfully be considered the best. The developers themselves write that they used the so-called “ material design", which is now version 2.0.

Rice. No. 9. Features of Solo Launcher

Although the name doesn't sound very impressive, the design looks really good. In addition, Solo Launcher has a large number of additional functions like clearing cache, speeding up device, clearing memory. All this is done automatically and much faster than in other launchers.

Other features of Solo Launcher:

  • There are more than a thousand in the collection various topics, widgets and wallpapers.
  • With the help of special plugins, a high degree of security is achieved - attackers have no chance of stealing your personal data.
  • Solo Launcher also has a search engine for all possible files and programs. It works very well.
  • There is also a DIY mode here, which, among other things, allows you to install photos instead of standard icons.
  • There is a mode customization gestures and actions towards them.

An overview of Solo Launcher can be seen below.

Launchers for Android are incredibly popular, because every advanced user of this operating system wants to customize their smartphone as much as possible for themselves. If you're still deciding which launcher to install on your Android device, take a look at our selection of the 15 best launcher apps to try in 2017.

Everyone knows Nova Launcher, it is one of the very first Android applications in its class. Galagram without a doubt calls Nova the best launcher for smartphones and tablets and here's why. Over more than 3 years of existence, it has not lost its relevance, and the developers have extensive experience working on the project. Therefore, there are practically no errors in this application, and if they appear, quick updates quickly cover the vulnerabilities.

Nova Launcher allows you to customize almost everything on your phone: from gestures to the appearance of application shortcuts. But the main feature of this launcher is the ability Reserve copy layout. This means that when you buy a new smartphone, you don't have to set everything up from scratch. You just need to restore the application from a backup and get all your settings from your old phone on your new device.

Arrow Launcher is a Microsoft product and one of the best launchers for Android smartphone. It is perfect for those who use the Microsoft ecosystem and Windows OS, but at the same time have a smartphone with Google OS. This application allows you to create one main home screen and additional ones with personalized lists, such as: popular applications, contacts, widgets and more. One of the most convenient features of Arrow Launcher is the ability to synchronize with some software products from Microsoft.

Apex is one of the very first and oldest launchers for Android. The app aims to give your smartphone's home screen the same look and feel as stock Android. Apart from this, Apex Launcher has several useful settings, with which you can change the animation of flipping screens and so on. This launcher is best for beginners and those who like stock Android.

Asus also has its own launcher, which is installed out of the box on their smartphones. It's called ZenUI and offers the same user experience as the brand's phones. The customization settings here are very wide, you can change the following: font style and size, icons, theme inside the launcher and animation of transitions between working screens. In addition, the ZenUI application has a built-in system search and automatic grouping applications according to specified categories. This launcher is not the most powerful in our rating, but it has all the basic functions.

Solo is a beautiful launcher for Android that offers a lot of customization and implementation options. The app itself follows the philosophy Material Design from Google, the user has themes, wallpapers, gestures and more at his disposal. Among the disadvantages of this solution are several almost useful functions, like clearing cache, clearing memory and speeding up the system. In practice, this doesn’t work, but if you pay attention to these menu items, Solo Launcher looks quite nice.

Many Android fans know Action Launcher 3 - this is the application that will make your smartphone look exactly like a Nexus. This launcher has a built-in Quicktheme feature that allows you to choose the UI color according to the wallpaper you are using on your phone. The program also has its own appearance for folders on the desktop, and frequent system updates instantly fix old errors and add new features to Action Launcher 3. And these are not all of its functions, be sure to try it.

This is the second launcher from the developers who released ADW Launcher. Among the innovations is an updated interface that looks like on Google smartphones, as well as custom icons for applications and many additions. Among unique features This launcher has a lot of different customizable widgets. So if you are a fan of widgets on Android, be sure to check out ADW Launcher 2. The application is available for download from Google Play for free with limited features and a premium version without restrictions for $3.49.

Atom Launcher is new to the Google Play app store and has only recently arrived on Android. The creators of this program are moving in the right direction, there are many different themes available for this launcher in the store. In addition, Atom offers many convenient control gestures, a retractable curtain with all installed applications, a whole set of icons for program shortcuts, and many other settings. The application is now available for download on free of charge. Those who want to support the project can purchase the version for $1.99.

Many people remember that EverythingMe Launcher left Google Play in 2015, but in 2017 it was relaunched and returned to the Android app store. And that's good news, because it's great Android platform, which can change the usual appearance of a smartphone beyond recognition. Among EverythingMe's top useful features are smart folders that automatically organize your apps. This launcher also has excellent and function panel with notifications, missed calls and calendar events. It works stably even on weak hardware and is available for installation for free.

Evie Launcher is one of the best apps of 2017 for your Android smartphone. This launcher offers the same look and UI as on Google phones Pixel. There is one like this here bottom curtain with applications and shortcuts as with native Pixel smartphone. You can change the size of the application grid, and missed events will be shown directly on the shortcuts of the corresponding programs. Try Evie Launcher while the app is gaining users, it is offered completely free of charge and without monetization.

Launcher 8 made our best list because it doesn't look like Android at all. This is perhaps the only launcher that offers the same desktop design for your smartphone as on Windows Phone. The application allows you to recreate “live tiles” from a tiled Windows interface, and also get a comparable usage experience. The downside is that it's a very resource-intensive app, but if you're a Windows fan, it's definitely worth a try.

Lightning Launcher is both a lightweight and functional launcher for Android. If you don't have the most powerful smartphone and want to customize its work slot, try this one. At the same time, the application allows you to customize almost everything on your desktop, even making several home screens for different occasions. In addition, the launcher supports Javascript, so its possibilities are almost limitless. Lightning Launcher addons include various language versions and useful plugins. True, this application is not free; its price starts at $1.99 on Google Play.

This is a launcher from the GO Dev team, which was once released by Go Launcher. This application will appeal to those who love 3D animation and 3D transitions between desktops. There's a scroll bar at the bottom of the display that lets you quickly move to the screen you want. The Pemium version of Next Launcher 3D Shell costs about $17 and is one of the most expensive launchers for Android. Fortunately, there is a free version that you can try by installing the application from Google Play.

Another one of the oldest applications on Android, which will appeal to those who do not like to put up with standard program shortcuts. Smart Launcher 3 allows you to install a wide variety of icons for your applications, as well as select a grid for displaying the list of programs on the desktop. It has system search, notifications right on the desktop, and even locks individual applications with a password. The application is free and available for download from the Android store.

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What is MRLauncher?

MRLauncher is a free launcher from the site team. Our monitoring is integrated into this launcher with the ability to log into the server in one click. The parameters by which servers are displayed in the launcher were selected based on popularity. You now no longer need to download each version of Minecraft separately. Through our launcher you can download and play on any version of Minecraft in one click.

All services purchased for servers on our monitoring also work in MRLauncher. So, as a server owner, you can now attract even more players. In addition, it will help you to get maximum online on the server unique opportunity– the “play through MRLauncher” button, which appeared near each server on the site. Thanks to it, players will be able to access your server from our monitoring in one click!

Launcher advantages

Launch the game directly from the site

A button “play via MRLauncher” has appeared near the servers.
Now players can access servers from our monitoring in one click

Built-in monitoringList of servers from the site

Our monitoring is integrated into MRLauncher. Color highlighting and promo points purchased on the site also work in the launcher

25,000 players online daily

We are promoting the launcher on the most popular Minecraft sites on the RuNet. The number of MRLauncher users is growing daily

All versions of Minecraft

Through MRLauncher you can play on any version of Minecraft, including the newest one. Forge and Optifine are also installed via the launcher

User-friendly interface

The launcher is very easy to use. You can easily create accounts, use settings and access servers in one click

Quick start and installation of versions

MRLauncher does not need to be installed, you just need to launch it. After launch, you can immediately play like single player game, and on servers

What's new

Version 1.1

1. Added skin system
2. Starting the launcher has become faster
3. Launcher performance on weak computers has been accelerated
4. Added search by servers
5. Now you can bookmark your favorite servers
6. Fixed many functional and design bugs

Version 1.0

First release stable version launcher

Frequently asked questions

MRLauncher does not require installation, you just need to run it. To get started, download the launcher from one of the links at the top of the site, and then launch it.

If the launcher does not start, it means you do not have the latest version of Java installed. You can download it from this link - http://java.com/ru/download. After installing the latest Java versions, launch MRLauncher again. If this does not help, then write to our support team.

MRLauncher includes absolutely all versions of Minecraft, including alpha, beta versions, snapshots and old versions. As soon as a new one comes out Minecraft version, she immediately appears with us. In addition, using our launcher you can automatically install Forge and Optifine.

to install the required version, click on the version next to the “start playing” button. Then select Version Control. Here you can install, reinstall and uninstall versions of Minecraft.

If you do not want snapshots or alpha versions to be displayed here, go to “Settings”, uncheck the corresponding boxes and click “Save”.

To start playing, download and launch MRLauncher. At the top of the launcher you can view your account. Initially, each user has an account with a nickname like MRLauncher_11111. You can change your account by clicking on your nickname and then on “change account”.

Once you have created an account or left a standard one, you can start playing single player or on servers.

How to start playing on servers?

To start playing on servers, select any server you like from the list. You can search for servers by Minecraft version, as well as by the parameter or mini-game you are interested in.

When you have selected a server, click on the “play” button. After this, the download of the Minecraft version that is installed on the playground will begin, and then you will immediately find yourself on the server.

How to start playing a single player game?

If you want to play a single player game, then click on the “start playing” button to the right of your nickname.

If you need to select a different version, click on it, and then click “manage versions”. In this section you can install, reinstall and uninstall versions of Minecraft.

If your server is in MRLauncher, but our standard logo is displayed next to it, then your server does not have an icon.

To install an icon on your Minecraft server, you need to do the following:

1. Create a picture of 64x64 pixels. You can do it using Photoshop programs or find a ready-made one on the Internet;

3. Rename the image to server-icon.png;

4. Upload the picture to root folder servers;

5. Restart the server;

6. The icon is installed. Click the “update server list” button in the launcher and an icon will appear next to your server.

You've logged into the server and can't move. The chat window asks you to register.

To do this, open the chat using the "/" key and enter:

/register “your password” “repeat password”

You come up with the password yourself! The most important thing is to remember it, because when you return to the server, you will need to enter it again, only in a different way:

/login “your password specified during registration”

MRLauncher does not include servers that cannot be launched through our launcher for technical reasons. These include licensed servers, servers Minecraft Pocket Edition , as well as servers with their own launchers. In addition, the launcher does not include servers of Minecraft versions 1.5.2 and below, since the ability to auto-connect appeared only in version 1.6.

If your server has version 1.5.2 and lower, but you can access it with more new version, then you can select it for monitoring. Then your server will be included in MRLauncher.