The complete guide to getting started in Sketch (with free cheat sheet). Sketch with material design

Application Adobe Photoshop Sketch can be downloaded for free on both iPhone and Android smartphones.

My favorite way to use this program is to paint on photographs as if using lipstick or gouache. It turns out very impressive, in this way you can add zest to any photo.

So, let's begin.

1. Open the application and see next page:

Here you can already see the projects that I created earlier. To create a new project, click on the plus sign at the bottom of the screen.

2. Choose a canvas option for our future project:

Here we focus on the photo that we want to decorate with a drawing. I usually choose "square".

3. We see in front of us Blank sheet for our future masterpiece:

In order to add a photo for a drawing, click the plus sign, which is located on the right side of the screen.

Select the "Image Layer" option.

Select “on iPhone” if the photo is already in the gallery and insert it, or take a new photo.

We stretch it up and down a little to make it more convenient to work.

Don't worry about white stripes on the sides. After the photo is processed, these frames can be cropped in any photo editor you are familiar with without loss of quality.

5. Choose a brush that we like.

In my case, I want to make "fondant" strokes, or gouache strokes. So I select the third brush from the top.

If you click on the plus sign, it will open to you full list brushes. There you can find anything to suit your taste 😊

As you can see, my brush has three characteristics: size, transparency and color. We can change the color to any other.

I chose soft pink.

6. Well, now, let’s actually draw whatever your heart desires. I drew this heart.

IN Lately The question of tools for UI/UX specialists is very pressing: what software should I use to develop interfaces? We in our company also hotly discuss this issue. And the discussions are often very heated. What to choose for work? Which editor is more functional for a particular designer’s task? The list of our tasks is quite wide, starting with the creation corporate identity and ending with the full cycle of development of complex digital products. For example, mobile applications for systems management smart home, full-featured e-commerce systems.
I will not be the first to raise these questions, but I will try to give succinct answers to them. Perhaps my article will be of interest to beginning designers who have not yet finally decided on the direction of their activity, or to designers who want to retrain from one specialty to another.

For the last twenty years, Adobe Photoshop has remained the most popular graphic editor for designers. However, recently the company's championship Adobe in the market of tools for digital designers was shaken, in 2012 the company Bohemian Coding released Sketch. Sketch– this is a professional vector graphics editor, sharpened directly for the creation graphical interfaces: web, mobile applications, desktop programs and others. On this moment current version is Sketch 3. Over these 3.5 years, Bohemian Coding has done great job to improve its product, fixed many bugs, increased functionality and actually grew a serious competitor to Photoshop. I want to make an important note right away: I do not consider Sketch as a direct competitor Photoshop. Clearly, the purpose of these programs is initially different; accordingly, what will be an advantage for one may be a serious disadvantage for another. Therefore, it would be correct not to comparative review, as many do, but to highlight the main advantages and properties of each of the editors for a specific case.


That is why I think it is correct to show the purpose of each program as the first point.
Photoshop mainly works with raster images , however has some vector tools. It is indispensable for photo retouching and image processing. But the functionality intended for working with vector graphics is quite conditional. Many Adobe fans will object to me, but then a logical question arises: why does Adobe have a separate vector editor Illustrator, if Photoshop can do everything? It is the presence of two interfaces that complicates the work and requires additional time when solving problems with vector graphics.
Sketch was originally designed to work with vectors, since interface development involves the creation of prototypes, frameworks, icons, UI elements, and often these elements must be vector.
Thus, in order to choose which editor to use, you need to understand what tasks will have to be solved using this toolkit.


The second most important, but not the most important, parameter for choosing a particular editor is the cost and method of payment for this software. You can purchase Photoshop exclusively by subscription! The cost of monthly use of the editor is 20$ , and for different regions this figure is subject to change. But the essence remains the same. Unlike Adobe, Bohemian Coding took the opposite route: Sketch sells for 99$ , this is a one-time payment and the user receives all updates for free. Perhaps in the future the company's financial strategy will change, but for now they are conquering the market in this way. It is this factor that will certainly play a role on the scale of the company. Although for freelancers, financial planning of their resources is also important.


Another significant argument in choosing tools for designers will be the platform on which this or that software runs. In our company, designers work exclusively on Mac devices and the majority front-end developers Same. Therefore the fact that Sketch is exclusive to OS X, did not become a problem for us. But for designers who have at their disposal Windows devices, this is clearly not a solvable issue. Of course, you can get confused and install an OS X emulator on Windows, but nothing good can come of it; at most you will load your processor and operating system processing unnecessary processes. Unlike Sketch, Photoshop has separate versions for Windows and OS X. Therefore, in the issue of multiplatform, Adobe Photoshop remains the constant leader. But, again, what at first glance seems like a disadvantage is a strong advantage in specific conditions. Since Sketch exists only for Mac, all created content is rendered using the Mac axis, using Apple's standard graphics engine. This is how the developers achieved maximum productivity and speed of work.

Speed ​​and size of the download file

Being a native Cocoa application, Sketch uses non-standard interface elements to a minimum, so it is small in size. Boot file weighs only about 22 MB. It is quite well optimized, unlike Photoshop, the volume installation file which is about 1 GB.


An important point for any toolkit is its ability to integrate with other software. For example, after the website layout is fully developed and ready for transfer to the department front-end development, it becomes a question of directly transferring the source code for further development of the project. Today, both Sketch and Photoshop have serious integration tools. Both editors can export materials in software for communication between developers and designers, such as Avocode, Zeplin and others. If we consider this case for a company, then this decision is extremely important, it helps to save money on additional copies graphic editors for front-end developers.


If you decide to master Photoshop or expand your knowledge about this graphic editor, then at your disposal a lot of educational sources. There are training resources, both paid and free. The quality of materials also varies greatly: from primitive articles by non-authoritative authors to perfectly structured sequential video lessons from qualified professional trainers. Due to the fact that Sketch is a relatively young software, it the number of training resources is incomparably smaller than Photoshop. And, as a rule, this paid materials. For example, on the famous educational resource Udemi has less than 40 Sketch courses. However, there are already reviews from Sketch practitioners. I hope that over time the number of training materials on the network will increase in proportion to the growing popularity of the Sketch graphic editor.

Competition is the engine of progress

There are a lot of other parameters and characteristics of Photoshop and Sketch, it’s quite difficult to cover them all, but the conclusion is clear: each of the graphic editors I reviewed is good for solving specific task. If we consider the development of interfaces, then at our company we made a clear choice in favor of Sketch. This was facilitated by a complex of factors listed in this article. Photoshop is still the leader in working with raster graphics, but we cannot ignore the fact that the emergence of Sketch gave a strong impetus to the development of Photoshop. The most striking proof of this is the appearance of many art boards and the ability to display previews on a mobile device. Indeed: competition is the engine of progress.

It doesn't matter if you're a complete beginner, a designer in training, or a seasoned pro switching to New Product, - this article is for you.

Firstly, we will get to know Sketch a little - what it is, how it gained its popularity, how to get a free trial version and install the application on Mac. Secondly, let's explore the Sketch interface, I'll explain the basics and show some tricks and tricks. Third, we will touch on more advanced functions of the application (Bézier curves and blending are especially impressive).

And finally, I'll share quality Sketch resources, including a free 99-point cheat sheet that's great for learning how to use the app. Sounds good?

1. Why Sketch?

For some time after its release in 2010, Sketch was regarded as lightweight tool for editing graphics, with which UI and UX designers could quickly prototype application designs.

But for last years Sketch has evolved significantly, and its capabilities now extend far beyond creating screen mockups. As a young product created specifically for the needs today, it doesn't have all this unnecessary garbage as in the set Adobe products Creative Cloud.

  • Resizing shapes using hotkeys
  • Duplicating elements
  • Smart highlighting
  • Grouping and ungrouping elements
  • Direct selection in groups
  • 100% zoom setting
  • Show all artboards
  • Bringing objects to the foreground or background
  • Renaming
  • Measuring the distance between elements
  • Setting opacity using the numeric keypad
  • Changing the radius of each corner separately
  • Setting up custom hotkeys
  • Using math operations inside input fields
  • Composite figures
  • Rotate Copy Command
  • Slices
  • Exportable elements and artboards
  • Exporting sources for retina screens
  • Positioning objects “outside”
  • Combining light and shadow to create depth
  • Imitation of folded surface
  • Creating Sharp Shadows
  • Distance between an object and its shadow
  • Multiple light sources
  • Skyline
  • Object Overlay

And finally... work through these Sketch lessons. They are in Russian

A series of lessons from Marc Andrew

Creating Mobile Apps in Sketch by Marc Andrew

If you're looking for more tutorials and tips on getting started in Sketch, you'll find them in the “ Additional Resources” at the end of this post.

3. More advanced techniques for working in Sketch

Once you've mastered the basics, it's time to move on to the more advanced features available to Sketch users!

Mastering Bezier curves

As I mentioned earlier, Sketch is a vector graphics editor, which means that all objects in Sketch are made up of points and curves. To experience the full value of Sketch, you need to learn how to manipulate those points and curves. This will allow you to draw complex shapes, such as ornate letters, from scratch.

Creating symbols

Sketch allows you to create your own “symbols”. This means you can save a layer or group of layers as a symbol, and then insert it into your document as if it were a simple shape.

What makes symbols special is that you can double-click on a symbol’s “entity,” edit the “master” symbol, and all of that symbol’s entities in the document will be automatically updated. In this GIF, I create a leaf-shaped symbol, insert two more of its entities, and then change the opacity of the parent symbol. See how the rest are changing:

Advanced resize options

When working with grouped objects, you may want the objects in the group to behave differently when resized. For each object within the group, Sketch allows you to choose your own resize method.

Here are the possible options:

  • Stretch(stretch): the object will be resized proportionally overall dimensions groups. This is the default method, usually this is the effect you expect from a resize.
  • Pin to corner(attach to corner): The size of the object will be changed, but its position will not change (relative to the nearest corner)
  • Resize object(object resize): The object will be resized to the same pixel value that the group is resized to. If the group becomes 50px wider, then the object will become 50px wider.
  • Float in place: the object will not be resized when the group is resized, but it will change its position in proportion to the overall dimensions of the group.

Last year, Google company, where I work, introduced Sketch into widespread use, graphic tool, which has gained some popularity. Of course we have much more great tools, that's why I'd like to explain why Sketch works best with material design.

Tools expand our capabilities, so they need to be versatile, fast and intuitive. Much has changed between the eras of offset printing and cross-platform screens. Developers have tried to adapt our tools, but Sketch is perhaps the most successful application in its field - its creators removed a huge amount of code, started over, and introduced a small, fit-for-purpose set of functions. What may seem like a superficial, simple drawing tool actually represents the core digital design technologies needed.

Sketch 3.2 comes with a ready-made set of material design stickers, making it easy to start your new project.
The latest version of Sketch (3.2) has something special for those interested in new visual language design from Google: a set of material design stickers. In this tutorial we will create trial application using Sketch and this set of stickers.

Let's make a notes app!

In this article, together we will make a very simple application - Notes. Luckily for us, everyone necessary components available in the latest Sketch. Here are the screens we will create:

You can also download the Sketch (ZIP) files that were used to prototype this application; this may help you during this tutorial.


In our template - File → New from Template → Material Design - you will see a wide range of elements, icons and layouts. The page itself was designed by the Material Design team at Google and was carefully customized by Amar Sagoo and myself. Groups and objects are named, styled, and organized specifically for Sketch.

It all starts with artboard

With your new document open - File → New (or Ctrl + N) - press the A key ( hotkey for artboard tool). You can draw the artboard as if you wanted to draw any shape or any other object. This is done because Sketch has a simple set of objects that work in a similar way (more on this later). When the artboard tool is selected, you will see a list on the right possible sizes, including, as you might have guessed, all sizes specifically for material design. Click on the “Portrait Orientation for Mobile” size and you will see a white square area.

Sketch 3.2 has a set of dimensions for creating material designs that can be used using the artboard tool.

Awesome Sketch Feature #1: Scale-Invariant Export Capability

Note: Material design is defined using density-independent pixels. How it is explained on the website Android developers, an object consisting of density-independent pixels (DP) corresponds to physical size pixels at 160 dpi. But, in this tutorial, we'll be using pixel objects because you can scale them up or down. Although we'll be using pixel blocks (PBs) in this Sketch tutorial, these are truly density-independent pixels because you can scale them up or down. down when exporting.

IN modern world, you can't depend on the same pixel density, so DP objects allow us to speak the same language when we interact with various devices. Sometimes you may need to double or even triple the pixel size in order for it to fit your device - you should not use this method.

Work in 1x pixels and then simply export to the required scales. Sketch makes this easy with simple drag and drop. You will see a panel in the lower left corner that will show you the segmented sizes for export, what's more, you can even add your own value indexes for the file names. When you set the operation to Export All (Ctrl + Shift + E), you will see this artboard, and Sketch in turn will export all versions of the bitmap.

Always work at 1×pixels. You can easily scale up or down in the Export panel.

Now, refer to the template from the sticker pack and select the “common mobile elements” artboard. There are only important things to choose from here, so just click on this artboard, copy-paste into your document. You now have a basic material design layout for your mobile app. As you can see in the Layers panel, you have a group called “Screen”. You will only need the contents of it, so next action choose ungroup (Ctrl + Shift + G). You will now see four layers:

IN this sticker, you'll find several pre-made artboards that you can copy and paste directly into your Sketch file.

  • navigation bar
  • This is a symbol (symbols in the Layers panel are marked purple), which means it will be the same everywhere, and if you change the contents of the symbol, it will change everywhere in the file.
  • status bar
  • This top panel on the screen with information about Wi-Fi, time, etc.
  • application panel
  • This is your main navigation header that reflects the title current page, as well as the up button or the open button.
  • screen background color
  • It's the background color, but it's also the mask. You can remove it since your artboard will act as a mask for your screen.

Masks in Sketch work... from above!

In Sketch, masks work on top, meaning that layers above the masking object are clipped to that object. IN Adobe Illustrator for example, you need to place an object on top of other layers to create a wrap mask; This confused me at first. To learn more about masks, read Bohemian Coding's documentation.

If you move these layers inside the artboard, you will see that they are masked by it. This is the only case where an object that is located at the top of the Layers panel masks an object located below. Artboards always mask their contents and also hide coordinate space; So, a value of 0 on X and a value of 0 on Y will mean the upper left corner.

Maps are a standard pattern and work well with heterogeneous information.

Let's get back to the sticker pack. Select card components that are half the width and insert them into our composition. The suggested margins for these cards are 8 pixels, so you'll have to stretch them.

Awesome Sketch Feature #2: Hover Guide

One of the most useful functions Sketch deals with spacing: Select an object by holding Alt key, and then move your mouse around it to see the distances from your selected object to all the others. And holding Ctrl + Alt and hovering the mouse next to an object will show the size of the objects, depending on their size ratio with other objects contained in the group.

The float enable button is a unique material design component
Finally, let's select the floating action button from our selection and add it. It should be 16 pixels from navigation bar and 16 pixels from the right side. Great! So, we have a composition for our first application created according to material design. This is a scrolling page view map.

The navigation panel allows you to create navigation for primary sections in the application and global functions, such as switching accounts and the ability to change settings

To navigate through the different sections of our application, we will use the Navigation Bar Creator tool. Let's copy our first artboard: Click on the artboard in the Layers panel list, or on the name of the artboard on the page, and then press Ctrl + D. This will copy the artboard and move it 100 pixels to the right. You can continue by simply copying and changing, which is exactly what we'll do now.

Select the navigation bar on the mobile artboard - the layer is called “side nav.” Paste it into your new artboard. You can change the categories in the navigation, but still, the top area is reserved for switching user accounts by default.

Material Design Forms

Shapes in material design are morphic. Depending on their state, the alt text becomes labels

What happens if you click on the big plus button? It is obvious that in in this case, you will create a new note. Let's take some form elements from the list of stickers and make a new artboard for them. Here we can add the ability to use the keyboard; we can place an icon for this action. We will choose a dark color icon so that it matches color scheme our application.

Reusing Artboards

Of course, once you've created a note, you should see it added to the list. Let's copy the first screen and add our new note to it. Just click on the artboard's name directly above it. Now that the artboard is selected, press Ctrl + D. This will copy the artboard and move it 100 pixels to the right, this is ideal for laying out your work.

You can copy artboards and they will move to the right side.

Awesome Sketch Feature #3: Color Picker

Sketch has an amazing color picker. Just press Ctrl + C to select a color anywhere on the screen. Combining this with Ctrl + clicking on any element, you can easily recolor any object in seconds.

The color picker tool is fast and accurate and can be applied to any element on the screen

Adding Tabs

Tabs allow you to present the same types of content in different ways.

When copying elements from the list of stickers, you can select any level of elements. This means that you can select the entire screen, or just individual components, or even just the icons themselves. Tabs, like other elements, are created with transparent background. Browse the "application bar" group and you can copy the "tabs" group and paste onto any existing background. The benefit of transparency is that you will have the necessary spacing around the element, you can also quickly place it on top of an already existing background or on the toolbar.

Creating a list

You will use lists frequently. They represent a fundamental component of any application, and material design gives us several options. We'll make our “public notes” tab look like a list.
Copy the “three-line” list from the sticker pack and paste it into a new artboard. Ungroup the list and then simply Alt-click + drag an object to create a set of items or a group. Repeat this until you have a page made entirely of lines.

Lists are a common way to display data.

Additional actions - hot keys

You will notice an input field in right side list. This field represents an optional action. Clicking anywhere to the right of this action will open the list item; but for quick action(for example, calling a contact or opening document information) you can use additional actions. We will replace this data entry field with a heart icon so that the user can quickly save notes.
In the sticker pack, you will find a small set of icons in the top left corner under “typography.” Select the heart icon and paste it where the gray box is located. The icon should be in a group containing the heart icon and a 24×24 transparent box. The latter will allow you to use a justification, so make sure to select the entire group.

Symbols allow us to operate quickly various applications the same icons, elements, etc.

Select each of the groups of lines located on the artboard and, once again, click on the area that says “No Symbol”. You will see that the row symbol is available to you, select it. Now you have a large number of rows, with row icons, and if you change one of them, they will all change. This way you have an interconnected set of elements.

Using this function, let's replace the heart with a selection icon. It consists of three vertical dots and means that more than one action is available. All you need to do is copy the “choice icon” group (along with the padding) from the sticker pack and paste it next to the heart icon. Align it with the heart icon and then delete it. Once you do this, you will see that the other series have automatically updated. Hooray for characters!

For symbols in Sketch, there is no editing mode. Symbols behave the same as groups and are updated immediately, which is why they are so easy to change. However, be careful: when you edit a symbol in one place, it will change throughout the document.

Symbols allows you to quickly disable icons or even entire compositions. But be careful: a change in one place will happen everywhere, even on other pages.

In material design, bottom panels display a set of actions without overlaying the screen. These panels slide out from the bottom of the screen and can also be moved back.

In material design, the bottom panels represent great way for the user to perform an action without leaving the current context. They slide out from the bottom of the screen and display a set possible actions. In our application, the bottom bar will appear when the user clicks on the forward icon on the right top corner. Let's choose bottom panel from the list of stickers and paste it into a new artboard. In addition, select a mask ( translucent background) from the previous artboard's navigation bar and paste it under the bottom panel.

Dialog box when you need it

Dialog boxes can be used to stop actions, but use them wisely as they can be unnecessary obstacles to repetitive actions.

As a final step, we will add in dialog boxes. They will be called when the user selects a delete operation from the bottom bar. We do this to make sure that the user actually wants to delete the note. And finally, speaking of uninstallation, I encourage you to start this application over again using your own design. Sketch- fast program, and material design provides great amount features specifically designed to pleasantly surprise the users of your application. Happy sketching!

Get started quickly with Sketch resources

Here's a list of material design resources created for use in Sketch to give you an idea of ​​how they work:

  • Material design stickers set. This is the last set of stickers. Good set elements and styles that are easy to copy and paste into your new compositions.
  • Material Design Icons Set
  • This icon set is from the Material Design repository on GitHub.
  • Material Design Frames
  • This set of colors and icons is also a Material Design repository on GitHub.

Conclusion: Keep ideas in your head and tools in your hands

Thanks for taking me through material design in Sketch and creating an awesome note-taking app. We not only learned and tried new tool, but also took the first steps towards understanding new system design.

One final word of caution: If we focus on off-the-shelf components, we may miss opportunities to innovatively meet our users' needs. You can always benchmark your design against the basic principles of material design:

The word "material" is a metaphor
Material images represent a unifying theory of rationally used space and movement systems. Material design is based on tactile reality, inspired by the use of paper and ink, still cutting-edge, open to the imagination.

Bold, graphic, intentional
The fundamental elements of design—typography, grids, space, scale, color, and use of imagery—create the visual experience. They are not just pleasing to the eye, but represent something much more. These elements create hierarchy, meaning, and focus of attention.

Movement creates meaning
The movement provides the user with the opportunity to become an actor. Its basic actions initiate movement, thus transforming the entire design.

Remember, no matter how good something looks, the focus should be on the user rather than the pixels. If you have the right vision, everything else will follow.

How to create your own brush based on a photo taken on an iPhone, iPad, or device Android based, and use it in Adobe Photoshop CC, Illustrator CC and Photoshop Sketch. Simply and easily! For this there is now Adobe Capture.

For Adobe, this year turned out to be quite rich in all sorts of releases. The corporation has released quite a few different additional applications For mobile platforms and in addition announced a number of even cooler innovations, such as Project Comet, Project Faces, a secret application with Monument Mode, and also promised to add many useful features to Adobe Stock this and next year. This time our hero small review will be a program for mobile devices called Adobe Capture.

Principle of operation

The application allows you to quickly, one might even say “on the go,” make elements of landscapes that interest you, which you can then use in your digital works.

So, what opportunities will you get working with Adobe Capture:

  • Create high-quality brushes in any style- photorealistic, natural, graphic or painting brushes. Any captured object can be turned into a brush.
  • The source of inspiration is always nearby - Create your own brushes anywhere, anytime, using photos from your camera, snapshot catalog, or Adobe Creative Cloud.
  • Interactive View see what the brush will look like right in the process of creating it. Ask for her Extra options(pressure, speed and texture).
  • Freedom of creativity achieve the desired look of the image using scaling, cropping and masks. Brush strokes can be continuous or intermittent.
  • Creative Cloud Libraries you can save brushes to Creative Cloud Libraries and then use them in Photoshop applications, Illustrator and Sketch. Plus, you can share your Libraries content with your colleagues right from the app you're working in.
  • Easily create professional projects create brushes by freely setting parameters or using controls fine tuning, and then use them in Photoshop and Illustrator.
  • iPad digital pen support Create in Brush with using Adobe Ink. See the effect of pressure sensitivity and speed settings right as you create the brush.
  • Creative Cloud Market supportfor iPadand iPhone Create brushes based on templates and images imported from the Creative Cloud Market.
  • Native brushes on mobile or desktop bring your ideas to life by creating professional quality brushes and use them in your desktop versions of Photoshop and Illustrator. Or import brushes into Photoshop Sketch, Adobe application to draw on your iPad or Android device and create projects wherever you are.
  • Tight integration with Creative Cloud You can organize and save brushes in Creative Cloud Libraries, then use them in Photoshop, Illustrator, Sketch, and share them with your colleagues.

Creative Cloud includes design apps for desktop computers and mobile devices that meet world-class quality, as well as advanced tools for sharing resources and collaborating on creative projects.


Question: Is the program available in Russian?
Answer: Yes, in addition to Russian, the program also supports 17 of the most common languages.

Question: How and where can I download Adobe Capture?
Answer: Adobe Capture CC is available for free download in the App Store and Google Play.

Question: Do I need a Creative Cloud account to use Adobe Capture?
Answer: Yes, you need to be a registered Adobe CC user with paid subscription or without it.

Question: How to create, edit or delete color scheme in Adobe Capture?
Answer: Open the application and click on the + icon at the bottom of the screen. The application will automatically select 5 colors from the frame, after which you can change them.

Question: How to create, edit or delete Shapes in Adobe Capture?
Answer: Open the application and click on Shapes, then on + at the bottom of the screen. Use the guides to select the area of ​​the frame you are interested in. Take a photo. Click Keep in Shape or Remove from Shape to manage the area. Click (->) in the top right corner, then enter a suitable title and save it to your library.

Question: How to create, edit or delete a custom brush in Adobe Capture?
Answer: Open the application and click on Brushes, then on the + at the bottom of the screen. Take a photo or select a suitable photo from the gallery mobile device, then follow the instructions to crop the photo to the area you want to make the brush from. After the manipulations, enter the name of the brush and save it to your library.

Question: Will everything I do in Adobe Capture be available for use in all Adobe programs?
Answer: No. Here is the compatibility table:

Question: How do I use content created with Adobe Capture?
Answer: You can insert all the content you create from Creative Cloud Libraries.

Question: How can I change application settings?
Answer: To do this, on the main screen of the application, you need to click on the hamburger menu and go to the Settings tab.

Question: Where can I give feedback on using the product?
Answer: Launch the application and click on the Capture icon, then on Give Us Feedback.