How to load new fonts in word. Instructions for creating a Russian handwritten font, download ready-made fonts

Today we'll talk about how to add a font in Word. If standard solutions this type is no longer enough; you can diversify their list by adding to the application additional elements. All activities can be completed in a matter of minutes.


To resolve the issue of how to add new font in Word, first of all, we need a set of special elements that should be loaded into a text editor. All required additions can be obtained from open sources, if they have not been prepared in advance. Unpack the fonts in separate folder. Most often they are distributed in archives.


Let's move directly to the solution to the question of how to add a font to Word 2010 and other versions of the text editor. First of all, we need to load the fonts into the program. To do this, open the Start menu. Let's go to the "Control Panel". Switch to displaying content by category. Select the “Design” section. In it we pay attention, first of all, to left side window. Next, in the field called “See also,” click on the “Fonts” link. A special catalog will open in front of us. It is into this that you need to transfer previously prepared additional fonts. If during copying the system reports that specific element already exists, we cancel its replacement. We are waiting for the copying to complete. We close the window.

Next, to resolve the issue of how to add a font to Word, we need to open the specified text editor. Go to the “Home” tab. It is displayed at the top of the main program window. Click on the field that displays the current font. Next, from the list that appears, select the appropriate option from the previously installed ones, since they have already been added to standard list. To make the process easier, we recommend that you remember the name of the font you plan to use. This approach allows you to find the desired element in the list much faster.


There is another noteworthy option for solving the question of how to add a font to Word. To use it, first of all, close everything active applications, including the text editor itself and email clients. Go to the “Control Panel”. Open the “Design” section. Launch the "File" menu. Select “Install font”. A list of computer disks will appear in front of us. We indicate the one on which the additions are located. Next, select from the list the folder containing the prepared fonts. Let's move on to the next stage.

In the group called “Font List”, select the desired element to add to the text editor. Finally, click the “OK” button. The process is complete.

Now that we have figured out how to add a font to Word, all that remains is to say a few words about the classification of these solutions. It can be called historical. The fact is that with all the diversity modern fonts most often they vary or copy the decisions of the past. Famous graphic artists and artists were involved in their development, including Claude Garamon, Albrecht Durer, Luca Pacioli, Leonardo Da Vinci, Aldus Manutius.

Most applications (such as Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint) include fonts that are automatically installed during installation software. For example, applications designed for document development, such as Microsoft Publisher, often come with big amount additional fonts, which can be used in any other program on the computer.

However, sometimes you may need to install custom fonts that you have created, purchased, or downloaded. In this article we will talk about how to install these fonts for use in Microsoft Office.

Note: About embedding fonts in Microsoft documents Office Word and PowerPoint presentations, see Font Embedding on the PPTools website.

Finding fonts on the Internet

In addition to fonts installed with other applications, you can use fonts downloaded from the Internet. Some of them are sold, some are distributed as shareware free programs, and some are available for free. This Microsoft site provides links to companies and designers who develop and distribute fonts.

Once you have found the font you want to use in Office application, you can download and install it using operating system computer. Because fonts operate at the operating system level, they are not downloaded directly into Office. You need to install the font in the folder Fonts on the panel Windows management, after which it will be supported automatically in Office. On Mac computer you need to add the font through the tool Fonts and then copy it to Windows folder Office Compatible.

Many third party companies package fonts into ZIP files to reduce their size and speed up downloading. If you downloaded a font saved as a ZIP file, you can open it by double-clicking its icon.

Installing a downloaded font

The downloaded font must be installed on the operating system. Microsoft Office will then be able to recognize and use it. For getting detailed instructions Select your operating system from the drop-down list below.

    Locate the font file you downloaded (most likely it has a TTF or OTF extension and is located in your Downloads folder). Double click it.

    Note: If the file has ZIP extension, you need to open it and extract the font file.

    The font will open in the font viewer. Click the button Install font. A window will open Fonts.

    Close book font. The font should now be available for Microsoft Office.

Note: If you're using Office 2011 for Mac, you may need to drag and drop fonts into Windows Office compatible collection Book font to make it available to Microsoft Office.

Sharing files containing custom fonts

When installing custom fonts they will only work on the computer on which they are installed. Fonts installed on your computer may appear differently on another computer. Text formatted in a font that is not installed on your computer will be displayed using Times New Roman or a standard font.

Therefore, if you plan to provide Microsoft files Office Word, Excel or PowerPoint other users, then you should know what fonts are included Office versions, which is used by the recipient. If the fonts are not included in this version, you may need to embed them or provide the fonts along with Word file, PowerPoint presentation or spreadsheet Excel. additional information see article

The other day, our group was faced with a serious problem - for missing pairs, we had to submit handwritten essays. For two passes - 1 abstract of 15 sheets! Yes, I haven’t messed up that much paper all semester, thank the eggs. Therefore, we had to resort to tricks, namely: find normal ones (Cyrillic) and put them into Microsoft Word, and print out our abstracts.

Here is a selection of 80 Russian handwritten fonts. In the archive you will find the following (and other) copies:

Make your own Russian handwritten font

But after downloading these fonts, it became clear that no one would believe that we write like Pushkin, Boyarsky or Mozart. So we had to make the handwritten font ourselves. But how can you make your own font exactly like your regular handwriting?

First, install Font Creator 6.
Next, on clean slate(lined and squared will not fit) we write all the letters of the Russian (English, and others if necessary) alphabet, as well as numbers and special letters. symbols.
Let's scan the resulting creation. Next, we cut the scanned image into separate letters and numbers (Photoshop or plain paint will do), and name it accordingly.

Next step in Font Creator:
- Click file - new (New)
- We give a name to our handwritten font (for example Moy_shrift), put a check mark on Unicode, on Regular and on Don’t include outlines (for a blank silhouette form), in short, everything is by default.
- A panel with silhouettes of punctuation marks and English letters appears in front of you. You need to insert Cyrillic into it. We proceed as follows:
1. Click Insert in the top line, select Characters, YES.
2. A table of symbols of the first font in your database appears in front of you. Then we flip through the pages of the table with the Block→ button.
3. Find Russian letters.
5. Look at the index of the first letter A (I have $0410) in the Selected Character field.
6. Look at the index of the letter I (I have $044F)
7. In the Add these character... field, enter these numbers (as $0410-$044F).
8. Click Ok.
9. Your template has been updated with the corresponding Cyrillic silhouettes.

10. You can also separately insert the characters you are interested in (Ё, ё, etc.)
Now click on the silhouette of the letter you want to create right click mice.
Then select Import image.
In the Import image section, you click on the Load button.
In the next window, you open the folder in which you saved the written letters and symbols.
An image of this letter will appear in the window; click on the Generate button.
So your letter appeared.
Double-click on the square with your letter (the square in which the silhouette of this letter used to be).
A lined window opens in front of you. Don't be scared large quantity red dotted stripes, all of them will be useful to you.
For convenience, expand the window to full screen.

If your letter is too large or small, then delete the one already loaded, load a new one and, without clicking generate, click on the Glyph tab. Here we select the appropriate multiplier (this is done at random) and click “use as default”.

Next, let's look at the two main lines (this is in the lined window) - left and right - they determine how the letters of your letter will touch handwritten font between themselves. If you want the letters to touch (as in a manuscript), move the right line over the letter (so that it extends slightly beyond the line).
The lowest line (Win Descent) is the maximum limit for letters with a tail (ts, u, shch, z, r, d). If necessary, you can omit it:
The second line from the bottom (Baseline) is the support line of each letter. If your letters stand differently on this line, then everything will dance in Word.
Third line from bottom (x-Height) – maximum height small letters.
Fourth (CapHeight) – maximum height capital letters, numbers, as well as the letters “c”, and maybe for someone “d” and “b”.
And the fifth line from the bottom is the edge line top line. (in my opinion =)

The fonts that Microsoft includes by default in the list of available ones for work do not always satisfy our needs. Especially when it comes to non-standard design Word document, or what is done on its basis. At such moments, we need a special font that can complement the design of the document with unusual lines - and we will need to download and install it ourselves. There is a simple and affordable way expand the list of available in Word fonts, having at his disposal an alphabet of a completely new design.

Let's look at this method step by step.

The task is divided into two stages: finding the required font and installing it.

Stage one: finding the right font.
Before installing the font, you will need to find it on the Internet and download it to your computer. It will be much easier if you know the name of the desired font in advance - in this case, you can immediately search for it. But most often it turns out differently: there is an understanding of what it should look like desired font, what style is required of him. In this case, solving the problem may take a little longer.
After the font download is successful, go to the file download folder on your computer, find it and proceed to the second stage - installation.

Stage two - installing the font
In Windows there is no option to install a font just for Microsoft Word. Instead, you need to unpack the downloaded font into a folder Windows fonts, after which any text-based application you want to use can access it. Just remember that text written in a unique font will only be readable by computers that also have this font installed. If the operating system database does not contain information about the font, then it will not be able to recognize the text written by it.
The font is installed - all that remains is to launch Microsoft Word and select its name in the list of fonts. If the font is not in the list, or it is not displayed in the document, then carefully check whether everything has been done step by step. Some users make a mistake - instead of copying the contents of the received archive into the Fonts folder, they copy the entire archive into the folder. This should not be done - the system does not read the fonts in the archive, it needs the document itself.

We found out where all the fonts that are used in various programs, and now we will look at how to download and how to install fonts in Windows 7. There is nothing complicated about this, and in the end you will learn how to beautifully format the typed text.

By the way, if you are interested in how to install a new font in Windows XP or Vista, then this lesson is also suitable, there are no fundamental differences here, just read carefully.

First let's remember where to install fonts. Open Control Panel using the Start menu.

Now open the Fonts folder.

A window like this will appear, showing all the fonts that are on the computer.

If they are displayed differently for you, then for convenience you can change the view to the list; to do this, click on the triangle, as shown in the figure above. In the window that appears, click List.

Basically, you can try other points and see which look you like best.

These fonts are used in all programs in which you can print, for example, in text editors, like , or in graphics editing programs like Photoshop. But it happens that, for example, you want to print an inscription on a picture or the title of an article beautiful font, but the options available in the program do not suit you. Let's return to our sheep. So, how to install a font on a computer?

First you need to download it from the Internet. Personally, I advise you to download fonts from the site

This is a site about Photoshop, but the fonts are displayed the same in all programs, so you can download them from here. Moreover, the site is reliable and convenient.
We scroll through the site and on the left we find the inscription Fonts. Click to open a list various types fonts. Let's choose, for example, Decorative Russian fonts.

So, this page opens.

As you can see, there are also font categories at the top, and below are the fonts of the category that we chose. Let's choose, for example, the Chokogirl font.
A page with the font will open, here the picture shows what the font itself looks like, and just below we click “Download font”.

Save it to your desktop for convenience.

The fonts weigh little, so they download quickly. We find the archive with the font on the desktop. Now let's look at how to extract it from the archive and how to add a font in Windows 7 so that it can be used.

How to add a font to Word and more?

Right-click on the archive, click Open with, then select WinRAR. If you don’t know how to unpack archives, then read my two articles on this topic:

Here in the archive is a picture of the font and the font itself. Now, without closing the archive, open the Fonts folder in the Control Panel. Hold down the file with the font with the left mouse button and, without releasing it, drag it into the Fonts folder and release the mouse button.

It should now appear in the Fonts folder.

If it hasn’t appeared yet, right-click on empty space in the folder and click Update.

Now, to check, let's open . Select the text and open the list of fonts.

Scroll through the list and find our font. Let's choose it.

As you can see, even the English text has changed, but this is not always the case.

We do the same thing in Photoshop - everything works.

So we found out how to install font in word and to other programs. Don't be afraid to experiment and find new fonts. Surprise your friends interesting design text. After all, not only the content is important, but also the form. It is enough to understand once how to add a font , and new possibilities for text design will open up for you.

If you still have questions, watch the video tutorial in which I explain everything in detail.