How to enter the control panel in windows 10. How to enable the control panel. Via system parameters

Control Panel- a traditional instrument used for all kinds of adjustments operating system Windows. It first appeared in the “seven” and won the love of users around the world, then it migrated to version 8, and then to the “ten”. There is a Control Panel in Windows 10 to this day, but apparently Microsoft plans to gradually part with it. If in the first releases of the “tens” it was available by clicking right mouse on the Start menu, then after upgrading to Windows 10 RedStone 2 in early 2017, it disappeared from there. In this article we will figure out how to find the Control Panel and pin it in a convenient and visible place for opportunity quick launch- for example, on the taskbar (this is dark stripe with shortcuts, usually located at the bottom of the screen), in the legendary Start menu or directly on the desktop.

So, let's start with how and where we can find a tool called Control Panel in Windows 10. It is not difficult at all. The easiest and fastest way is to use the system search. To do this, to the right of the Start menu button, click on the magnifying glass image and type the word “panel” at the bottom. The tool you're looking for, Control Panel (Classic app), will appear at the top. To launch it, just click on it once.

How to Pin the Control Panel in Windows 10 to the Start Menu or Taskbar

Already launched The Control Panel can be pinned to the Taskbar. To do this, at the bottom of the Taskbar, you need to RIGHT-click on the corresponding tab and select “Pin to Taskbar”.

Also Control Panel (that's what it's called in the original English language) Can pin to start menu(other name: home screen). To do this, you need to return to the search through the magnifying glass, type the word Panel again, and on the Control Panel that appears at the top, right-click and select “Pin to home screen».

Launching the Control Panel through Windows 10 Explorer and creating a shortcut to it on the desktop

For the vast majority of users, the steps described above are the simplest, most understandable and fastest. However, if suddenly for some reason search on your computer does not work (for example, the disk content indexing service is disabled or some kind of failure has occurred), then The control panel can be found through Explorer. You can open it by clicking on the folder icon in the taskbar. To find a shortcut to launch the Taskbar, you need to paste the following path into the address bar of Explorer: “ C:\Users\jeanz\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\System Tools"(of course, without quotes). After this you need to press Enter(input). The "Service" folder will open. And here you can double-click on the desired shortcut and the Control Panel will launch.

From here the Control Panel shortcut can be copied to the desktop. To do this, click on the shortcut in the folder right key mouse and select “Copy”, on the desktop in the same way, using the right mouse button, click “Paste”.

Let me remind you that by running Control Panel, you can also pin it to the Taskbar by right-clicking on its icon and selecting “ Pin to taskbar».

So we have dealt with the question of where and how to find the Control Panel in the Windows 10 operating system and how to make it easier to launch in the future, pinned to the Start menu, taskbar, or directly on the desktop. Do you agree that there is nothing complicated about this? Let's hope that in the next "dozens" updates this handy tool will persist and not disappear completely. Of course, a new application Options(launched by clicking on the gear icon in the Start menu and notification center) is also very convenient, and it looks more modern, but some of the functions are still not implemented in it. For example, to remove many programs, as before, the good old Control Panel opens. However, for the future it’s worth understanding the new tool Options.

Microsoft is slowly moving away from the Control Panel. I suggest using the new Settings window instead, the link to which is in the Start menu. But, the Control Panel is still in the system and can be used. In this material we will tell you where the Control Panel is and the easiest way to open it.

Start button context menu.

The easiest way is to use the context menu of the Start button. Click right click Click the “Start” button and select “Control Panel” from the menu that opens.

Search in the Start menu.

You can also open Control Panel by searching in the Start menu. To do this, simply open the Start menu and enter the phrase “Control Panel.” After that, all you have to do is open Control Panel from the search results.

Another option for opening the Control Panel is the control command. This command can be done using the Run menu. To do this, click Windows + R
and in the window that appears, enter control command. If necessary, the same command can be executed using the command line.

Shortcut on the desktop.

You can also create a shortcut to open Control Panel. To do this, right-click on the desktop and select “Personalization”. After this, a window with desktop settings will appear on the screen. Here you need to go to the “Themes” section.

And then, open “Desktop Icon Settings”.

After this, a window with desktop icon settings will open. Here you need to check the box next to the “Control Panel” item and click on the “Ok” button.

As a result, a Control Panel shortcut will appear on the desktop. With its help, you can quickly open the Control Panel without unnecessary manipulations.

Good day to all! In many of my notes, I often have to explain how to open the Control Panel in Windows 10. No matter how Microsoft tries to drag all system settings into the Settings window, many users (especially for those who are already accustomed to standard arrangement elements) you just need to access the classic Control Panel. And many settings have not yet migrated to “Options”.

There are several ways to open the control panel - I will try to list the most convenient ones (which beginners will certainly appreciate)

Today we will look at a lot different ways to access the control panel - this is through Explorer and we will use command line(as is the case with ).

Option 1: Start Menu

Open the Start menu and type “Control Panel” in the search bar. Click on the desired item in the search results - that's all!

Many users underestimate this innovation in Windows 10 - the search is implemented very conveniently, be sure to try using it... it really helps when you have a lot of installed applications.

Option 2. Shortcut to Control Panel on the desktop

In one of the previous posts I wrote about, so who is stopping us from creating one for the Control Panel? You just need to know what exactly to specify when creating a shortcut.

Explorer shell:ControlPanelFolder

For the lazy ones there is special programs, from sets of the most popular shortcuts that can be created in one click - if interested, write in the comments. We'll definitely consider it.

Option 3. Explorer

Another easy way to quickly open the Control Panel in Windows 10 is to use File Explorer (as is the case with). Open Windows Explorer and look for the down arrow to the left of “This PC.”

In the drop-down menu you can select “Control Panel” (and many other useful shortcuts)

Option 4. Parameters

From the Start menu, open Settings and type Control Panel in the search bar.

You will see the element you need. Just click on it to open Control Panel.

Option 5: Command line

Run command Windows string and dial control and press Enter. The command line will open...

This command also works in the Run window, which is accessible by pressing WIN + R (Perhaps this method is more justified than the command line)

Bottom line

After reading, you learned how to open the Control Panel in Windows 10. As you can see, there are several more ways than you expected to see. In fact, you can still drag the shortcut onto the desktop in another way and there are many more different options. If you know some very convenient and unknown to me way to access the control panel, write in the comments, we will definitely add it to the note.

Useful computer tips» Tips » How to open Control Panel in Windows 10?

Many users who switched to a new operating system from Microsoft, may have already noticed (and felt) some changes in the interface. Therefore, you can often see questions on forums or in the search bar about the location of certain controls and OS settings. Today, let’s talk to you about the Toolbar, or more precisely, about how to open the Toolbar in Windows 10. Let’s look at several options for solving this seemingly simple task.

Start screen and taskbar

Open the main menu. In it, find “All applications”, and then go to the “Service-Windows” section. In this section you will find the “Control Panel”, which you need to right-click on. Select one of the first two options to pin Control Panel to the Start screen or taskbar.


A feature familiar to many even in Windows 7. It is precisely necessary in order to search for applications whose location you do not know. To open search in Windows 10, you need to press the key combination “Win ​​+ S”. Or you can use the search bar in the taskbar. Enter the search term you are looking for in the search bar. In our case, you need to find out “Control Panel” - therefore, we enter “Control Panel”. In general, it is enough to simply enter the word “panel”.

Start context menu

It couldn't be easier here. To open the “Control Panel” in Windows 10 through the Start menu, you need to call the context menu in the latter (by right-clicking the mouse). Then look for the “Control Panel” item and click on it. Using this method, you can also add other system utilities that you can’t find or want to have quick access to.

How to open Control Panel in Windows 10

The Windows 10 operating system has various options settings: settings, control panel, settings within applications and search. The control panel is somewhat hidden, or so it seems at first glance. This article will show you various ways Opening the Control Panel in Windows 10, and changing its display.

You can change most of the parameters Windows settings such as changing the screen resolution, personalizing the lock screen, changing the date and time, adding user accounts, adding and removing devices, etc. The control panel includes some Extra options, which change less frequently.

Method 1: Open Windows 10 Control Panel

Right-click on the Start menu (or press the Win+X keys) and select Control Panel from the menu that opens.

Method two: Open the Windows 10 Control Panel

Press Win+R keys

In the window that opens, enter control and click OK.

Method Three: Open Windows 10 Control Panel

Open File Explorer => between the icon and the words “This PC”, click on the arrow and select “Control Panel” from the list that opens.

Method Four: Open the Windows 10 Control Panel

Opening Explorer in address bar write control and press Enter.

Fifth method: open the Windows 10 control panel

To be able to open the control panel in Explorer on the left panel, you need to go to empty space right-click and select "Show all folders"

Now in the left pane of Explorer you can open the Control Panel, Recycle Bin, etc.

Sixth method: open the Windows 10 control panel

In the search bar, write control or control panel and select it from the results found.

Method seven: open the Windows 10 control panel

Go to the "Start" menu => open "System" => and select "Control Panel" from the list

You can also use Explorer to find the file C:\Windows\System32\control.exe and open it.

After opening the control panel, you can change the display: category.

Large icons.

Crayons icons.

These ways to get to the control panel in Windows 10 should be enough for you, if there are additions - write comments! Good luck to you :)

How to Open Control Panel in Windows 10: Quick Method

In the old Windows Start menu, you can add Control Panel as a menu or drop-down list. In Windows 8 or Windows 10, you can pin Control Panel to the Start screen and taskbar, but you need to know where it is first.

One of the main complaints about Windows 8 (or any new version operating room Microsoft systems) is “where did such and such things or functions go?” In Windows 8, when MS removed the Start button and menu, it "forced" a lot of people to stay on previous version. Because the Start menu was like an old friend; One of those places that hasn't changed much over the years has been a fairly reliable place to find stuff, be it the Documents folder, Devices, Printers, the ability to search for programs and files, and of course, the Control Panel.

In this article, we will tell you how to open the Control Panel in Windows 10. To do this, we have found several very convenient ways. Which we will tell you about.

Finding Control Panel using Windows 10

If you're using Windows 10, you can simply search for Control Panel in your Start menu and it will appear right in the list. You can click to open it, or right-click and "Snap" to " Start screen" or "Pin to taskbar" for easier access next time.

If you select "Link to Start" you will see it on the right side of the Start menu.

1. for Windows 8: search for it

We learned how to open the Control Panel in Windows 10, now let's move on to previous version systems from Microsoft.

If you're using Windows 8, it introduces a "Charms" bar, accessible from the top or bottom right hot corner. Simply drag your mouse pointer to any corner until five Charms appear along the right edge of the screen. Drag your mouse pointer and click "Find" (you can access "Search" using the shortcut Windows keys+ Q).

A search bar will open and from there you can type “Control Panel” and select it from the results on the left. Alternatively, you can simply start typing on the Start screen.

Windows 8 - Method 2: Ribbon like Windows Explorer

On Windows 7 you can open Windows Explorer, click Computer and then Open Control Panel in the toolbar.

In Windows 8 or 10, you can also click Open Control Panel, but the Toolbar has been replaced by the Ribbon found in Office 2010.

Windows 8 - Method 3: Additional Method - Settings

Enter the Charms panel again. Drag your mouse pointer and click Settings. The Settings panel will open, after which you can select Control Panel.

Note. Only the Charms setting on the desktop can be applied to this setting.

Method 4: Easiest Method - Right Click the Start Button

The last and perhaps easiest way is to right-click on what used to be called the Start button in the bottom left corner (now a hot corner), which allows you to switch between the desktop and the Start screen. Right-clicking brings up a context menu with a wide range of options. The Control Panel is located next to "Task Manager" and "File Explorer" in the list.

And there you have four reliable ways to access Control Panel in Windows Preview Release. Of course, some of these may change before they are released to manufacturers. We will be sure to notify you of any of these changes if they occur.

Do you have another way to open the Windows 8 Control Panel? What is your preferred method? Let us know about it in the comments.

Also, if you still have any questions on the topic “How to open the control panel in Windows 10?”, then write to us about them also in the comment form on the site.

Windows 10 Control Panel - details

Where can I find the Control Panel in Windows 10?

This is the first question that arises for a person who has just “sat down” Windows 10. In fact, everything turned out to be simple. Let's consider several methods:

He's the fastest. There is such a thing - hot keys, when pressed, certain programmed events occur. To open the control panel, just press the Win+X button combination (a menu will open on the left, in which there is a control panel item, there is information in the figure below).

You need to move the mouse cursor 🙂 over the Start icon and press RMB (right mouse button). A context menu will open. Select the line you are interested in. That is, when performing the second action, a menu will also appear, just like the picture above.

The first two methods provide access to many sections of the system.

The Control Panel in Windows 10 can be found through the built-in search that is present in every OS. The only thing that has changed is accessibility.

Now just click the magnifying glass icon to the right of the Start button (or just press the Win+S key combination). A window will open - enter the query “Control Panel”, the following menu will appear:

Place the icon on your desktop. So, required panel will always be “at hand”. To do this, on an unoccupied area of ​​the desktop, click the right mouse button.

In the list that opens, find the “Personalization” item. Then click on “Options”, go to “Themes”, where we will need the “Desktop Icon Settings” section.

In the window that appears, put a checkmark next to the words “Control Panel”. Click “Ok”, as in the picture below (you can also put the icon on Computer so that it appears on the desktop, more details in this article - the my computer icon on the desktop):

This is all. A button has appeared on your desktop.

Easy access to the PU will ensure the presence of a corresponding icon on the taskbar and home screen. To do this, you need to go to the Start menu, then go to All Apps.

There you will need the “Service - Windows” folder. Place the cursor over the “Control Panel” application and right-click on the mouse. Now all that remains is to choose the place where the icon will be located.

What does the control panel contain?

The Control Panel in Windows 10 is practically no different from that in Window 7 or Windows 10. There are standard sections:

  1. System and security - the ability to check the status of the computer, archive data, access settings standard firewallfirewall, created to protect the system from outside intrusion.
  2. Network and Internet – access to communication settings between computers, or World Wide Web.
  3. Equipment and sound – adding devices, settings sound card.
  4. Removing programs.
  5. Accounts– create new ones, edit old ones, set passwords, select the administration level.
  6. Design and personalization - choosing a Windows theme (skin) and resolution.
  7. Clock, language, region.
  8. Special abilities– recommended settings, image optimization.

As you can see, a person familiar with older versions of the Microsoft OS will not have any difficulty using the control panel in a modern operating system.

All the same functions and capabilities. So, to summarize, we can come to the conclusion that the main problem- This is the location of the control panel.

The presented methods for finding it will help you get used to the new “OS” while saving your nerves a large number users.

There is a tendency according to which, when the market is replenished with another “OS”, all programs, applications and games are produced focusing on this innovation. Therefore, switching to using a new generation OS will be the right decision.

Main question- getting used to a different interface, banal ignorance of where important Windows partitions. I hope you were able to figure this issue out. Sincerely, Vladislav Nikitin.

How to make quick shortcuts to the Taskbar and Start menu settings on the desktop in Windows 10.

As you know, Microsoft has added taskbar and start menu settings to new panel Windows 10 management latest builds for insiders. From now on, all taskbar options can be accessed through the Settings app, optimized for users with touch screen. If you want to open new option customize the taskbar and start menu with one click, that is, using a shortcut on the desktop, you can do these simple settings For quick access.

All options related to the taskbar are fully duplicated in the Settings\System\Taskbar settings. In the new settings you can also - Pin, change the location of the taskbar, configure grouping, etc.

It looks like this:

New page settings contains all the options previously available for the taskbar in classic panel management.

Almost every Settings page has its own URI (Uniform Resource Identifier). This allows you to open any settings page directly special team, which starts with ms-settings:. We've covered them previously here: How to quick shortcuts settings on the desktop in Windows 10.

To open the page Settings - Properties taskbar and start menu, the command is quite simple:


You can check it out in action like this:

Press Win + R.

Enter or copy the command into the Run line: ms-settings:taskbar

The taskbar settings page will open:

Using the command entered above, you can create the corresponding shortcut.

How to Create a Taskbar Settings Shortcut with a Keyboard Shortcut quick call in Windows 10.

This is done as follows:

Right-click on an empty area of ​​the desktop and select New - Shortcut from the context menu.

Enter next command with target context

explorer.exe ms-settings:taskbar

Name this shortcut "Customize Taskbar" and complete the wizard.

You can change the icon for the shortcut. The corresponding icon can be found in the following file: C:\Windows\explorer.exe

More icons can be found in the file


Select the icon you like and then click OK to close the shortcut properties window.

Once you create a shortcut, you can pin it to the Start menu or taskbar for quick access to taskbar properties in Windows 10:

To pin it, right-click on the shortcut and select the desired command from the context menu:

Select Pin to Start to pin your shortcut to the Start menu.

Select Pin to taskbar to pin your shortcut to the taskbar.

You can also assign hotkey for quick access so you can access it from any window and any application. See how you can do this here: How to create Keyboard shortcuts for quick opening apps on Windows 10

"Control Panel"- one of the most important components of the operating room Windows systems, and its name speaks for itself. By using of this product directly manages, configures, launches and uses many system tools and functions, as well as troubleshooting various problems. In our article today we will tell you what launch methods exist "Panels" in the latest, tenth version of the Microsoft OS.

Run window
The launch option described above "Panels" can be easily shortened by one step by eliminating "Command line" from the action algorithm.

Method 2: Search Function

One of the distinctive Windows features 10, if you compare this version The OS with its predecessors has become a smarter and more thoughtful search system, equipped, moreover, with a number of convenient filters. For start "Control Panels" can be used as general search throughout the system, as well as its variations in individual system elements.

Search by system
By default on the panel Windows tasks 10 is already displayed search string or search icon. If necessary, you can hide it or, conversely, activate the display if it was previously disabled. A hotkey combination is also provided to quickly call the function.

System "Parameters"
If you often access the section "Options", available in Windows 10, you probably know that there is also an option quick search. According to the number of steps performed, this opening option "Control Panels" practically no different from the previous one. Moreover, it is likely that over time "Panel" will move to this particular section of the system, or even be replaced by it.

Start Menu
Absolutely all applications, both initially integrated into the operating system and those that were installed later, can be found in the menu "Start". The truth that interests us "Control Panel" hidden in one of the system directories.

Add a Control Panel icon for quick access

If you quite often encounter the need to open "Control Panels", it would obviously be useful to secure it “at hand”. There are several ways to do this, and decide for yourself which one to choose.

Explorer and Desktop
One of the simplest, easiest-to-use options for solving this problem is adding an application shortcut to the Desktop, especially since after that you can launch it through the system "Conductor".

  1. Go to the Desktop and right-click in its empty area.
  2. In the context menu that appears, go through the items one by one "Create""Label".
  3. In line “Specify the location of the object” enter the command “control” that is already familiar to us, but only without quotes, then press "Further".
  4. Come up with the shortcut being created Name. The best and most understandable option would be "Control Panel". Click "Ready" for confirmation.
  5. Label "Control Panels" will be added to Work Windows table 10, from where you can always run it double click LMB.
  6. For any shortcut that is on the Desktop Windows desktop, you can assign your own key combination for quick access. Added by us "Control Panel" is no exception to this simple rule.

Start Menu
As we have already indicated, find and open "Control Panel" possible through the menu "Start" by referring to the list of service Windows applications. Directly from there you can create a so-called tile of this tool for quick access.

  1. Open menu "Start", by clicking on its image on the taskbar or using the corresponding key.
  2. Find the folder "Service - Windows" and expand it by clicking LMB.
  3. Now right-click on the shortcut "Control Panels".
  4. In the context menu that opens, select "Pin to Start".
  5. Tile "Control Panels" will be created in the menu "Start".
  6. If you wish, you can move it to any convenient place or change the size (the screenshot shows medium, small is additionally available.

Task bar
Open "Control Panel" most in a fast way, with a minimum of effort, you can if you first pin its shortcut to the taskbar.

This is how you can simply ensure the fastest and most convenient opening possible "Control Panels". If you really have to access this section of the operating system often, we recommend choosing the appropriate option for creating a shortcut from those described above.


Now you know about all the available and easy-to-implement methods of opening "Control Panels" in the Windows 10 OS environment, as well as how to ensure the fastest and most convenient launch of it by pinning or creating a shortcut. We hope this material was useful to you and helped you find a comprehensive answer to your question.