How to change the name of several files. Batch renaming files in Windows

We can say with 100% confidence that every user has encountered a situation where he needed to rename several files at the same time. Changing the name of each file individually is not the most interesting thing and certainly not the fastest. In such cases, it becomes necessary to find out how to rename multiple files at once and do it as quickly and efficiently as possible. This instruction will tell you how to do this using several methods. She describes it as built-in system methods, as well as applications from third-party developers.

How to rename multiple files at once in Explorer

Let's start with the simplest and most obvious method. This is done through Explorer and will prove effective for the vast majority of users.

Clue: After selecting several files, you can quickly rename them manually (if we're talking about only about a few objects). Click F2 , and after that use Tab to move to the next file.

How to rename multiple files at once via Command Line

The following method will be executed via Command Prompt and the appropriate command ren. Click Win+ R and enter cmd. Click Enter. After opening command line enter the path to the folder with the files you need. For example, to go to the Photos folder on drive D, you need to enter the following command:


To rename a single file you can use this command:

ren “file (1).txt” “new file.txt”

note: If a file contains spaces in its name, its name must be placed in quotes. If not, you don't need to use quotes.

It is best to use the Command Line to quickly change the extension of a large number of files. For example, you have a list of txt files that need to be converted into html. To do this, use the command:


The asterisk in this case serves as an indication that the file with any name should be renamed.

In addition, you can use the sign ? for other instructions. Team ren*html *.??? will remove the last letter of the extension from all HTML files. This will turn HTML files into HTM files. This principle can be used not only for extensions, but also for file names. Use it as you wish.

How to Rename Multiple Files at Once Using PowerShell

Compared to the Command Prompt, PowerShell provides much more flexibility when renaming a large number of files. Open the folder containing your files, hold down the button Shift and select Open PowerShell window here.

First, let's look at the process of renaming one file using the following example:

rename-item“file.extension” “new name.extension”

Easy enough, but renaming one file through PowerShell is a very strange thing, so let's move on to group renaming. Let's look at this command as an example:

dir | rename-item -NewName ($ -replace “ ”,”_”)

Team dir collects all the files in the folder and “attaches” them to overall team renaming rename-item. Further $_. name indicates that you need to change the name for each file in the directory. - replace indicates to the system that one part of the name should be changed to another. The text in the first quotes is what needs to be removed, and what you put in the second quotes will appear in place of the deleted text.

This particular command removes spaces from file names and replaces them with underscores. Having learned how this command works, you can easily change file names in batches, without having to play with each file separately. Of course, you can add additional arguments that will complicate the renaming and make it more specific, but for this you will need to study in more detail the list of existing commands in PowerShell. If you know them, then most likely there is nothing for you to do in this instruction.

How to rename multiple files at once using third-party programs

PowerShell is not for everyone, because not everyone has the desire to learn commands and how they are structured. In this case, they rush to help third party utilities which offer to rename multiple files at once using graphical clear interfaces. Let's look at the Bulk Rename Utility as an example.

How to use Bulk Rename Utility

We must admit that an unprepared user can be intimidated appearance this application, which is more reminiscent of the console of complex equipment rather than a utility for changing the name of several files at the same time. However, the Bulk Rename Utility literally offers tons of different options that can only be used in PowerShell if you have well-pumped skills text commands Windows console.

At first glance, it seems that you can’t go without half a liter here. But in reality, everything is not so scary.

Yes, the interface of this utility is very complex, but its beauty is that all the changes you make are immediately displayed in the column preview. Thanks to this, you can literally study the application at random and see how this or that parameter affects file names. It must also be said that to learn basic principles You can use this application and its interface in just a few minutes.

To get started, go to the official website of the application (it is completely free), download it and install it. If you don't want to install it, you can use the "portable version", but in this case you will not be able to integrate the application into the context menu, nor use BRU file associations. Choose what is more convenient and preferable for you.

In the screenshot above you can see what needs to be renamed a large number of text files, in the names of which there are many words “-copy”. First you need to specify which text should be deleted. To do this, go to the section Replace (3) enter the required text. IN in this case *space* - copy. Field with remains empty. This way all files get a name New text document.txt.

Some files were left with brackets and numbers. To remove them, activate the panel Remove (5) and put a mark Digits. She is responsible for removing numbers from the name. To remove brackets, check Sym. It will remove any characters in the name, be it dashes, brackets, periods, and so on. You can also specify the deletion of individual characters or words. This is useful if you only need to remove certain signs, numbers, letters or words They must be entered in the fields Chars And Words. By the way, using this same section you can remove the words “copy” from the names.

Now all that remains is to add ordinal suffixes, since files of the same name and extension cannot be located in the same folder. Place a mark next to Numbering (10) and indicate Mode– Suffix. After this, each file will receive its own neatly decorated number.

Ultimately, the application window looks like this:

All you have to do is click on big button Rename, after which the chaotic set of files will be put in order. The application will warn you to check all files before applying changes, since you will not be able to rollback changes made. The only option is to use file history. Although when renaming files standard means system, the user has the opportunity to cancel the renaming; using the Bulk Rename Utility does not provide for rolling back the changes made.

Much better.

To get the most out of the app, you'll need to spend some time exploring it and exploring options that we didn't cover in this article. Yes, it will take both time and effort, but it is definitely worth it, especially if you often have to perform such tasks. If you don't like this app, you can also use the services Advanced programs Renamer or Total Commander. Yes, the last one is such a hello from the 2000s, but the composition of this file manager enters enough powerful tools for mass renaming, so Total Commander can be useful in modern realities.

To quickly find files and quickly navigate through them, it is not enough to put everything in the correct folders. It is equally important to give files names that are easy to read and meaningful. Fiddling with each of them separately is counterproductive. Therefore, there are methods for group renaming.

To work with a group of files, it is better to copy them to separate folder. This will greatly simplify the process.

Using standard Windows tools

Changing file names

Let's consider the simplest case: we have the nth number of images with meaningless names.

Let's bring the names of these files to a visual form Picture (n), Where Picture will be the name, and n- serial number. This can be easily done directly in Explorer.

Select all the pictures that we want to rename. To do this quickly, use the combination Ctrl keys+ A. Then just press F2 or click right click mouse on the first file and select “Rename”. Enter the word as the name for the selected image Picture and press Enter.

Windows will automatically assign the same name to all subsequent files and assign all serial numbers.

If necessary, you can cancel mass renaming with the Ctrl + Z key combination.

If you want to rename a group of folders in Explorer, you can do it in the same way.

Changing file extensions

Let's say we have several text documents, which after double clicking open with a notepad. But we need them to be opened by the browser by default. To do this, you will have to change their extension from .txt to .html. These types of operations can be quickly performed using the command line.

Click Windows keys+ R, enter in the field that appears cmd and click OK - we see the command line window. Now we insert into it the path to the folder in which our files are located, immediately after the command CD: cd C:\Users\Max Volotsky\Desktop\Docs , and press Enter. Then we use special team, which will change their extensions: rename *.txt *.html, and press Enter again.

The original extension is indicated first in the command, the new one is indicated second. After entering the command, the system instantly makes changes.

To return everything as it was, you need to use the rename command again, swapping the extensions.

Using third party utilities

No built-in tools can match the functionality of special programs, designed specifically for batch renaming. You can find many of these on the Internet. free utilities, just enter bulk file rename in the search.

We will look at renaming using the example of the Bulk Rename Utility program. With its help it is very convenient to change the names of folders and files, as well as the extensions of the latter.

When you first launch it, it may seem that the utility’s interface came straight from hell, and perhaps there is some truth in this. But the user does not need to navigate through numerous tabs and menus: he gets access to all functions from one window.

So, let's say we have a group of audio files that we want to make look pleasing to the eye. In this case, the numbers and the lack of artist name are annoying.

We launch the application and use the built-in file manager to go to the folder we need. Next, use the already familiar Ctrl + A key combination to select all files. We need to remove the first 3 characters at the beginning of each file name and add the artist name at the very beginning. To do this we indicate required parameters in the Remove and Add panels, then click Rename.

Now we’ll make sure that all extensions consist of lowercase characters: in the Extension panel, select the Lower option and click Rename.

As you can see, other panels are available in the program window. For example, Numbering allows you to number documents different ways, and with Case you can change the case of characters in file names. Thanks to the New Name column in the built-in explorer, which shows the result of the rename before it is applied, you can easily understand the rest of the Bulk Rename Utility.

The last operation with files and folders performed in the program can be easily undone using the Ctrl + Z key combination.

As you master computer literacy You may be faced with the question of renaming a file with the extension. It would seem that what is so difficult about this?

The file name is, for example, prim.doc, that is, first the file name (prim), and after the dot the file name extension (.doc) follows. Windows considers only the last 3-4 characters after the file name to be an extension.

How to change a file name in Windows

To fix this problem, you need to return the file to its “old” extension. But be careful and don't get confused. If you give the extension “.exe” to a file that is not a program, the consequences can be dire. One of these consequences is the operating system freezing.

How to enable viewing file name extensions in Windows XP

By Windows default hides file extensions.

This mode is not always convenient. But there are also advantages - you won’t accidentally change file extensions.

To enable viewing file name extensions in Windows XP, go to the My Computer window.

At the top of the window menu, find “Tools” – “Folder Options” – “View” and uncheck “Hide extensions for registered file types” (I’m giving the settings for Windows XP). After the checkbox is unchecked, click on “OK”. After this, file extensions will become visible.

View extensions in Windows 7

In Windows 7, to see extensions for registered files, you need to go to “Start” - “Control Panel” - “Folder Options”:

Windows 7: How to see file extensions on your PC

Open the “View” tab, uncheck the “Hide extensions for known file types” option and click “OK”. After this, file extensions in Windows 7 will no longer be a “closed secret” for you.

Many people often have to rename many files and this is a time-consuming process, especially if there are really a lot of files or folders. Therefore, it is worth using the ability to batch rename files in Windows, which perhaps not everyone knows about.

In this article we will look at how to rename many files at once. Namely, group renaming of files in Windows both using the operating system itself and with using Total Commander or Bulk Rename Utility. Bulk renaming of files will simplify your life and save time.

Using the Windows operating system, you can easily rename many files at once. This method appeared in the first operating rooms Windows systems and works without problems on Windows 10.

WITH Total program Commander I think everyone is familiar. But not everyone knows that Total Commander allows you to rename a group of files at once.

In the bulk renaming window files Total Commander Not only can you simply rename files, but you can immediately see the name you want to set. And here you can change the extension of the group of files that is currently selected. To do this, in the same window, enter required extension files.

Bulk Rename Utility is a utility that is specially created to perform bulk file renaming. First, you will need to download it, since I think you have not encountered it before. When you first launch the program, it may seem that the interface is complicated, but believe me, using the Bulk Rename Utility program is much easier than carrying out bulk renaming using the command line.

The advantage of this program is that it has many options for group renaming files and the ability to use portable version programs. Of the minuses is English language interface, and the complex interface itself.


In this article, we looked at how to rename many files at once and simultaneously. Although we did group renaming of files in Windows 10, this method will work without problems in Windows 7. The most effective, in our opinion, is group renaming of files using Total Commander, since you can change both the name and extension there without any problems.

If these methods do not suit you, then you can use special programs for mass renaming files, for example, like Bulk Rename Utility.

Renaming multiple files is not a problem. But what to do if there are hundreds of these files. For example, you collected all the photos after a summer trip. They are all numbered in order, but differently for each camera model. Or you had to split a huge folder with data into many small parts by the archiver to send via the Internet by mail and you need to change the name in all the files, but the source has already been deleted.

WITH multi-volume archive everything seems simpler. Even if the source is deleted, you can unpack the existing archive and pack it by specifying the required name.

Files are a little more complicated. It is better, of course, to use for these purposes any program that can bulk rename files.
IN Windows 7 I have an opportunity rename a group of files, but it is very limited in settings. When you right-click on a file in Explorer, you can find the item in the menu that appears "Rename" allowing rename file.

If you select a group of files, then when you right-click on any of them in the menu that appears, we will see the same item "Rename", with which you can also rename many files. Windows 7 allows rename all files in a folder and it looks like this. You specify the file name and after clicking on "Enter" each file is assigned specified name and the serial number in brackets separated by a space. If you don't like the result, you can cancel last action pressing the combination "Ctrl+Z".

Many users use a file manager Total Commander which opens up to them ample opportunities in renaming files. It allows quickly rename files and what is most important is very simple. This is done as follows. You need to select the files and select from the menu « Bulk renaming» , configure the auto replacement mask and click "Enter".

You can select files using the key "space" or right-click, depending on how it is configured Total Commander. To select all files at once, you can press the key combination "Ctrl+A", press the key "Num+" or through the file manager menu. After selecting the group of files we need, go to the menu "Files" and choose "Group renaming..." or press the key combination "Ctrl+M".

By default in the column "File name mask" worth icon [N], indicating the current file name. Immediately in the window below the result of renaming the file is shown. From the available replacement options, you can assemble a mask of any complexity to automatically replace file names.

Let's look at an example. Let's say we leave the icon [N], indicating the current file name, and we want to add the date. Between the masks, which we now call icons, you can write various letters or signs. And so, we needed to add a dash to the file name «-» The file creation date was added. The mask in this case will look like this [N]-. We immediately see the result in the window.

Let's add part of the initial file name to the file name. This is done using the button "Range", which allows you to select the range of characters to insert into the main name.

Between the selected range and the file name, put two spaces in the mask and get the following combination [N]-.

Through the sign «+» add the time of its creation to the file name [N]- +.

Add to the file name using a combination of symbols « & » counter in increments of 10 and starting from 10. As a result, we get a mask [N]-+&[C]. The counter parameters will need to be configured in the same window.

There is also a button in the mask settings "Plugin", which significantly expands the possibilities of adding values ​​to the file name.

The same manipulations can be carried out on file extensions by specifying any mask.

In addition to creating a mask for the future file name, you can also search and replace characters in file names.

The resulting file name change template can be saved for future use. After pressing the button "Run" all selected files will be renamed according to the mask we specified.