Full name on Aliexpress. How to find out what your name means Your name name is not specified

When registering for Aliexpress, you must provide personal information (last name, first name, patronymic). It is not uncommon for incomprehensible moments to arise in such a simple question. Let's try to figure it all out in this article.

Recently, the post offices of some countries do not accept parcels unless the middle name is indicated.

If your package has been sent, but your middle name is not written on it, there is no need to be alarmed.

On the Aliexpress website, you can communicate with sellers by specifying only your first and last name; your middle name is not necessary. When ordering a product, indicate your middle name.

Full name on aliexpress

When entering your personal data (full name), do not be too lazy to double-check the spelling. This determines whether the parcel will arrive at your address.

It is important to indicate your names in such a way that in the future they will have the correct automatic linking. You cannot make mistakes in transcription.

We do everything step by step:

We return to the very beginning, but now we can see the new “my aliexpress” menu. Let's go in.

This way we get into the “personal account”. Find the delivery address (on the left side). Click:

The menu appears on the screen. In the first column we write down our name. It should be written in English letters (Latin alphabet).

Example: PetrovPetrPetrovich

There are cases when the user cannot enter his data in this way. Don't panic!

In the Translate.ru application, write the data in Russian and press the “translate” button.

On a note! Translate.ru is a regular translator. Therefore, make sure that your name is written in English letters or translated into English.

Once you decide to change or change something, don't forget to save the work you've done.

If you forgot to indicate your middle name in your address information, this is not catastrophic. At the post office they will give you a package, and they may just quarrel a little.

There are times when a mistake is made in your name, but the package is already on its way. If the data is perceived by ear as if it were on a passport, then there will be no problems. A serious mistake may affect your receipt. In this case, it is not always possible to reach an agreement with the postal employees.

Aliexpress address

Just like your name, it is important to indicate the correct delivery address. Information on entering or changing an address is useful to know for both beginners and regular users. Situations often arise when you need to enter a new addressee or phone number.

Aliexpress is an international trading platform. All data must be filled out in English. Post offices in Russian-speaking countries are not required to speak English, but everyone can read Russian words in English letters. Therefore, this is how the address data is filled in.

To make the work easier, use a special conversion application. It's quite simple to use.

The column with the address is filled in:

  • Street – ul.
  • Prospect – prosp, etc.

If the place of residence is an urban-type settlement, a village, then:

Each column must be filled out completely, without abbreviations:

  • Surname.
  • Surname.
  • A country.
  • Locations (registration, residence).
  • City.
  • Region.
  • Index.
  • Phone number.

Rules for registration, entering your address and name, video.

Correct phone number entry

Sometimes problems arise with filling out the phone number line. A mandatory rule is to write:

  • Code of the country.
  • Area code.

If it is a mobile connection - the code of the mobile operator, landline - the city code, for example:

  • Belarus – 375.
  • Ukraine – 380.
  • Kazakhstan (Russia) – 7.

When entering your mobile phone you need to write:

  • Code of the country.
  • Area code.
  • The number itself.

Other numbers and signs are not indicated. One number is enough, the second is not required.

How to add a new address

When an Aliexpress user changes his place of residence, he must change the data in his profile. You can also add any address if you want, for example, the package to come to your friend as a gift.

To add, use 2 methods:

  • Go to the “Delivery address settings” section.
  • Click on the ADD button - add new.
  • Click the edit button and correct the current one.

If there are 2 recipients in the delivery address settings, then you need to select one by default. Using the edit button on the required address, click confirmation. The edited address becomes the main one (by default).

You can edit or clarify the delivery address after clicking the “Buy” button.

Address entered incorrectly

It is not uncommon for a buyer to make a mistake when entering address information. If the order was not sent in time, there are several ways out of the situation:

  • Contact the seller and explain the mistake. This can be done by writing a personal SMS to the seller through the website or program.
  • Cancel the order.

If the parcel has already been sent, the situation becomes more complicated, but not catastrophic. As you know, the path of the parcel can be tracked by number. Keep track of your package when it arrives at its destination. Go to the department with your passport and mobile phone, try to explain the situation. Everywhere I work there are ordinary people.

If the error is only in the house number, there will be no problems at all. More global errors (street, zip code, city) will simply increase delivery time.

Package tracking

In case of incorrect writing of data, when there is no possibility to change or change something, tracking plays an important role.

In order to find out where the parcel is located, they will find out the track code. If you don't have the information:

  • Log in to your account on the website.
  • Open the sent item tab.
  • Reviews the code.

When the code is discovered, it is copied. Go to the mail site. The tracking code of the parcel is entered in the “mail identifier” column. The code from the picture is rewritten and the search button is pressed. At the end of the search, the page will show the result and the location of your parcel. This way you can quickly find it, go to the post office, and solve problems with an erroneous address or other data.

How to register for Aliexpress?

  1. How to do it quickly?
  2. How to go through the full registration procedure?
  3. How do I provide the correct information for parcel delivery?

Ali is today one of the most dynamically developing online stores in the world.

In this post I made instructions on how to register on Aliexpress.

Everything is simple and step by step.

You can watch the video, and there are also photos below - tips.

First you need to go to the hypermarket of Chinese goods itself.

We look carefully, as a rule, the login/registration button is changed quite often, its location is changed, now this button is in the upper right corner. And it looks like this:

By the way, you can click on the picture and go to the registration window on Aliexpress.

Immediately we will see this inscription on a blue background.

Registration via Facebook.

You can register quickly if you have a Facebook account.

Click on this button, then ok - registration was successful.

All that remains is to confirm your email.

Registration in the standard way via email address.

For complete convenience, look at the picture below. CAREFULLY COMPLETE ALL DATA IN LATIN (ENGLISH) LETTERS. For example Vasiliy Petrov.

Let's carefully fill in the data we need:

  1. Fill in the field - a valid email address.
  2. Let's enter a name.
  3. Let's enter the last name.
  4. The next field is a password of at least 6 characters, the password must consist of letters and numbers.
  5. Confirm the entered password.
  6. We enter the code from the picture, this is the most inconvenient thing, looking at the captcha, but if something is not visible, feel free to click on update the picture.
  7. Now click on the big yellow “Create your profile” button.

We see such beauty:

Done, all you have to do is confirm your email.

We go to your mailbox specified during registration. open the letter from aliexpress and click on the link indicated there.

There are only small nuances left and registration on Aliexpress will be completely completed.

Now go to your personal account.

(Above, on the right, click on the word “login”)

Enter the email address that we indicated during registration.

Now we need to specify the default delivery address.

It is this data that needs to be filled out carefully and without errors, so that our parcel does not go to the village to grandpa.

We need to enter the delivery address.

To do this, select the “Operations” tab, “Delivery Address”.

And fill in the address to which parcels will be sent to us.

Z.Y if you don’t know how your first and last name (or other words) will sound correctly in English, we use this site. http://translate.meta.ua/translit/

This is a Transliteration service.

Enter your first and last name in Russian, click on the red “transliteration” and look at the ready-made answer.

Let's go back to our Chinese hypermarket and .


  1. Fill in the column Contact name. Indicating in it the Last Name, First Name and Patronymic of the recipient of the parcel (for Russia it is necessary to indicate the Patronymic name without fail, but only in Russia and the CIS countries there is a patronymic name
  2. Select the country from the drop-down list. (if you are in Russia, you can press the R key several times to quickly find the desired country).
  3. Street of residence, house, apartment.
  4. Leave it blank.
  5. Your city.
  6. Filling the area.
  7. Postcode. If you don’t know your postal code, look for it in the catalog http://ruspostindex.ru/ or find out at your post office.
  8. In that field we write a phone number like 7 914 999999 and below in the longest field we insert a cell phone number like 89148888888
  9. Click confirm.


Did you know that buying on Aliexpress is safe, because every purchase has the opportunity to return 100% of the amount you spent, if the product arrived of poor quality, the wrong product arrived, or the product arrived broken. The creators of Aliexpress have made a really convenient shopping platform. Here you can chat with the seller, take advantage of a discount and get a quality product for purely symbolic money.

You have registered on Aliexpress. Perhaps the most interesting site for Chinese goods.

A huge amount of useful goods, everything is there (you just may not know how to look for it all).

The most inconvenient thing is probably buying clothes. Of course it arrives, but it’s not always of high quality, it’s not always the same as in the picture, and the size is wow, one can only guess.

And the same thing with shoes. We all know that Chinese boots are small, and very small. And it’s worth buying them if you find a review on the Internet that the shoes are true to size, as indicated on the seller’s website.

But buying all kinds of cheap consumer goods is generally fun, the main purchases on Aliexpress are about 300 rubles, this is the amount that you wouldn’t mind spending on buying some wonderful nonsense.

Master this procedure.

This is really interesting.

Your name may appear in the description of the video. This setting is optional.

How to allow your name to be shown

When you add, approve or reject subtitles, simply check the box Tag me as subtitle author. This setting is only available to those who have a YouTube channel.

Once the version of the subtitles you worked on is published, your name and channel link will appear in the video description. The translation language will also be indicated there.

Your name does not appear in the list of subtitle authors

If your name isn't listed in the video description, it means you haven't worked hard enough on the subtitles you've posted, or the version you've added hasn't been approved yet.

How to prevent your name from being displayed

This feature is not yet available in the new Creative Studio. To go to the classic interface, click Classic version in the menu on the left.

You can remove your name from the list of subtitle authors at any time. Here's how to do it:

  1. Sign in to your YouTube account.
  2. Click on the channel icon in the top right corner and go to Creative studio.
  3. In the left panel, select a section Community > Adding Subtitles.
  4. Open the tab Publications.
  5. Uncheck Indication in the list of authors next to the video whose description you want to remove your name from.

WikiHow works like a wiki, which means that many of our articles are written by multiple authors. During the creation of this article, 20 people, including anonymously, worked to edit and improve it.

As adults, many have no idea what their name means. Moreover, even if someone has ever told you the meaning of your name, such as your parents, family members or friends, changes or additions may have occurred over time that you are not even aware of. Our names are an important and integral part of ourselves, since very often they combine not only social and cultural traits, but can also reflect our personal values, which are characteristic of us and we live with them throughout our lives. The science that studies the interpretation of names is called onomastics. Here are some guidelines for learning more about the meaning of your name.


    Look up your name in the library. Although the Internet is a great way to search, books remain the most reliable source for learning more about the meaning of your name. Your local library should have at least a few books on this topic. Look for them in several sections, for example in the section of reference books and books dedicated to choosing a name for a child. Similar books can be found in the history section. If you are unsure, ask a librarian to help you search.

    Look for the interpretation of names on thematic sites on the Internet. Go to the search site and enter your name. The search results will show you several useful links, and you can expand your search by entering the following search values:

    • Names
    • Meaning of the name
    • Baby names
    • What to name your child
  1. Ask your parents. Don't worry about the fact that your parents never explained the meaning of your name to you before. You can ask them about it now. There may have been several reasons why they called you exactly what they call you now, but did not consider it worth discussing with you in the future. Even if you are not impressed with the answer, do not be discouraged, because this is just a starting point and in the future, based on the results of your own research, you will be able to expand or complement the meaning of your name.

    Look up multiple meanings for your name in different cultures. Your name may have multiple translations in different languages, and contain a whole connected history of meanings in those cultures. This can be a huge resource for learning about the meaning of your name.

  2. Determine the meaning of your last name. You don't need to limit yourself to finding the meaning of your name; you can also find out the meaning of your last name. In the library, as well as on the Internet, there are special dictionaries or reference books with the interpretation of surnames.

    • If you don't like your name, you can come up with a second name (nickname). Perhaps over time you will outgrow and be quite happy with your first name. Otherwise, your other name will work just fine to replace it.
    • Understanding the meaning behind your name can be a complete revelation for you; you can feel how your behavior, external features or state of mind corresponds to the described characteristics. Sometimes this may be because there was an event at some point in history where the name was given to a person for a specific reason, such as hair color or having a certain skill. However, even if you don't find any specific similarities at the moment, you may find that the meanings of your name can give you new moral principles to live by, and you can be much better than you are now .
    • There are many games involving the use of names; starting from the sound of the name and ending with the number of letters in it, that is, whether your first and last name contains an even or odd number of letters, etc. For fun, explore various non-scientific theories, but don't take them too seriously. You are who you are and your character is defined by everything you did, felt and thought, and not because someone gave you a name.
    • Accept your name for what it is, no matter what it means. It's a part of you, and if you like the way it sounds, looks and feels, it should mean a lot to you.

The answer comes: “Unfortunately, your application to change your name has been rejected. We ask users to use their real names in full form, written in Russian letters."

This means that you are required to indicate your real name in full form (that is, not Tanechka and not Tanya, A Tatiana) and real name. Both, as indicated on your ID. Fictitious names, surnames, and pseudonyms are not accepted in VK.

What to do? Written: “You can try again using your real first and last name.” This means that you can either leave your first and last name as is, or try to change them again. The application will be approved only if this is your real name and surname in Russian. If they don't approve of your real last name or first name, you'll have to show your document support service. Read about it below.

Also, the application may be rejected if you have recently changed your first or last name - then you will have to wait.

VK does not accept real first or last names. Solution

A file with a photo of the document is attached using the button "Document", which looks like this:

When everything has been filled out and attached, the application is sent using the button "Send". After this you will have to wait, usually from one to several days.

What document should I attach?

Passport, birth certificate, student or student ID card, marriage certificate, driver's license - anything that certifies that you have exactly that last name. You can erase the series and number of the document on the photo, they are not needed.

How to take a photo of a document to confirm your first or last name?

Open it at the place where your real name and surname are written. There will be a spread in front of you, that is, two pages. Make sure it is well lit. Take a photo so that the entire spread is in the frame and the text is clearly readable. You need to photograph at an angle, as in this example:

If you're shooting with a phone, you can usually adjust the focus by pressing your finger on the screen in the place where the text should be clear.

Why can’t I change my first and last name?

Possible reasons why you cannot change your first and last name:

  • Your new last name or first name seems strange to the administrators, and they reject the application because they believe that your full name is fictitious. For example, if you married a person with an unusual surname. In this case, you will have to contact support and attach a document, as we just described
  • You've already changed your first or last name recently - normal people don't change them that often, so you'll have to wait
  • You thought that your first or last name would change immediately, but in reality you have to wait until they check (maybe quickly, or maybe a few days)
  • You entered a new first or last name, but did not click "Save"(see the beginning of this manual!)
  • You entered a false, fictitious or distorted name (for example, Kristino4ka), and the administrators rejected it
  • You entered your middle name instead of your last name. Where it says “last name”, you only need to indicate the last name.
  • You entered the name in English, but it should have been in Russian (these are the rules, read below!)
  • You decorated your first or last name with some extraneous symbols
  • You indicated two surnames - current and maiden (VK asks you last name but not surnames)
  • You entered a double name, for example, Alexander-and-Anastasia- it is forbidden

What to do if VK displays “You are trying to change your name too often”?

These are the rules: in VK you must indicate your real first and last name. But people don’t change their full name often, so in VK there is a limit on how often this can be done. Usually VK shows what date you can change your first or last name. This means that you really have to be patient.

Most often, girls change their last name. They give themselves the last name of their boyfriend. When the relationship ends, they want to change their last name back (or change it to the next guy's last name). But VK doesn’t allow me to do this. Too little time has passed!

How can we be here? Just get married. No, it’s not marital status to put in VK. This means going to the registry office, getting married and taking your husband’s last name. Receive a document about changing your last name and show it to VK support service, as described above. If you get divorced, you will return your old last name and change it in VK in the same way.

If your page got to the attackers, they changed your first and last name and now it’s too long to wait until they can be changed again, contact the VK support service, but you will also have to wait for an answer there.

Why did they change my friend’s last name to a fictitious one, but they didn’t change mine?

Because it's not that simple. After all, some people change their last name on their page for the first time, but others don’t. Some names immediately arouse suspicion, while others are skipped by the system. It is useless to demand that you put a surname that you made up, because VK has its own rules. You will have to either comply with them or leave.

Why can’t I make a double name on VKontakte?

You and your wife or husband are sitting on the same page and want to give yourself a double name, for example, Alexander-and-Anastasia. This is prohibited by the rules. On the VKontakte website, everyone registers personally, indicates their real first and last name and uses their own page. One. One person - one page. We have no doubt that you and your wife (and husband) have two different passports, and not one for both of you. Also, consider that 50% of marriages end in divorce - if this happens, what will you do with one common page for two? Asking to “share” it? Nobody will mess with you.

Why does someone have a double name, but you can’t? Because they gave themselves such a name a long time ago, when politics was softer, and since then they have simply not been touched.

Why can't the double name error be corrected? Because double names are already prohibited. You can only change, for example, Alexander-and-Anastasia on Alexander or Anastasia.